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February 18, 1962 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-18

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Cantrell Leads Miehigan Uset

GymnasticsT eam Rolls Over H oosiers
By JOHN SCOCHIN 91.3 total was not listed in the When Larose was left out of igan led 18-12 at the end of the
imuch balance -in too many team score, the team totals Indiana's Jim event.
a brought Michigan's gym- Most of the competitors looked Woodward was awarded first with Depth Shows
~s team a one-sided 75-.35 a little ruisty on the various ap-a 76 h ovrnste Although Hynds had trouble on
y over a weak Indiana squad paratuses, but the Wolverine's con- an8..TeWleie hnthe side horse and Lascari lost
*day afternoon in the Intra- sistent low 80's and 90's brought finished two-three-four with Arno points by a poor dismount, reserve
Building home the honors. Lascari, John Buss and Jim Hynds Bob Harris took up the slack
n without the services of Larose Wins bringing in points, and won the first place laurals
of the Wolverine standouts, Whirling through a fairly tough Tom Osterland excelled in his with ani 86.3. Paul Levy was the
competed not-to-count in routine In his quick staccato, twirls and somersaults on the real winner scoring 87.3 but corn-
events, Michigan won every somersaulting manner, Gil Larose Trampoline to pace all competi- peted no tecont.c Hnsh man-e
etition except the free exer- finished with a nice dismount in tors, scoring 92.3 points. Lewis agdarsecotndpacins Lwiler
where Gil Larose's winning the free exercise for his high tally. Hyman finished second and Mich- sideorse sandu iise dFne
~>~*.' ~the list.
~ ~ . S ...: ~ ~The niighn bar was a big event
only~ ~for Coach Newt Loken's unit. La-
Is tIs the onyreason fur roeLacar andHynds plea
using lMennen SknBracer? aamur-
Skin Bra cer's ruggedl, 1ong 4astmng a rima is anob squad skirmish for the Michigan
vious atributa. Buit is. it everything? .. "'' gymnasts. Larose did everything
Afte' a1, ento[I~d 14n~raer s te S bracer right and registered a 94. Hynds
iotion that coods rather then brfls. It hep elLascari, unbeaten in this event
shv-g.5s n hae.Hlspe eblmsheals ... before the meet, kept his record
C nic s our skp pevntbimn.~ intact by coming through with a
A ren't these soundI scientif ic virtues rnore Importanlt ,94.3 for first place.
than the purely emotional effect Skin Bracer has on Larose Again
womTen?& ta case, s a bote d-aefn HENEWN' LPF S Veteran Larose came through
In tat uy bttl An~-hae fri~with an identical score on the
still rings to outpace Lascari and
Hynds, who competed not-to-
5 count. As a result Indiana's Wood-
~ ~ .... .". .... ...ward and Virgin Ecton were given
.... ~ ' ~ . .., .,... ~ ~ 4 :-.-"-.-the second and third places.
~ ~ *' ...~ .~...Despite Osterland's knee injury
on a double somersault try In his
Q1~~'~first run, which forced him to
-S .drop out, Michigan still took the
~.. first and third places. Hyman tal-
lied a 92 while Bolton followed
..~.,., *~c.'- ~ S..::.~behind Indiana's Woodward
..4..<. .. . .x Lascari was tops in vaulting with
..~. ~92.6, while Larose and H'ynds had
.. ....86.9 and 83.4 respectively. The
...'.S4s ..~~ """ ~ -.. winner of the all-round competi-
~ tion was Larose, who -registered
...~~ .~S - 549.8 points. Lascari was next
1~'~~~~ .> .. .' ~with 529A. while Hynd was third,
~ ~ ~ ndian a Tumbled
S.....FREE EXERCIsE-*Larose (M),
.....................'...... .,91.3. 7. Woodward (I), 87.6. 2. Las-
.. "'*... ~~ ''~*carl (M). 3. Buss (M)-.
~ TRAMPOLINE-i. Osterlandd (M),
93. 2. Hyman (M). 3. Woodward
.~..~ .~sIDEHORsE-*Levy (M), 87.3. 1.
~.*:' ~ Harris (M), 86.3. 2. Hynds (M). 3.
SHIG H BAR-i. Larose (M), 93.7.
2. Lascari (M). 3. Hynds (M).
4 PARALLEL BARS-i. Lascari (M),
94.3. 2. Larose (M). 3. Hynds (M).
N ~ ~RINGS - 1. Larose (M), 94. 2.
Woodward (I). 3. Ecton (I).
4 .4.,* < TUMBLIG-i Hyman (M), 92.
-...Denotes exhibition performance.

4Michian' cnages combined a
torrid shooting by Bob Cantrell to
upset Wisconsin for the second
time this -season, 84-65, before
3,400 in Yost Fieldhouse.
The Badgers' loss seriously in-
jured their chances of overtaking
league-leading Ohio State. Wis-
consin's record now stands at 7-2,
teami todefet them. Mihigan ex-
tended its own record to 3-5.
Cantrell Hits 28
Cantrell, the 5'10" sophomore
guard averaging 11 points a game,
wound up with 28, high for a Mich-
igan player this season. He ac-
point in terst haf. Mcia
left the court trailing at the inter-
mission 36-3..
Michigan, shooting 33 per cent
in the first half, stayed with Wis-
consin only because of Cantrell's
hot outside shooting. Eight of
Wisconsin's 15 first half baskets
were the result of lay-ups; the
Badgers shot 42 per cent from the
floor in the first half, while domi-
nating the backboards.
Oosterbaan Nets 15
John Oosterbaan, Michigan's
,leading scorer, drew three fouls
from Ken Siebel in the space - of
two minutes late in the first half,
and connected on 5 of 6. Ooster-
baan, who has not started a game
since the semester break, contrib-
uted 15 points to the Michigan

attack while Sleel, sav aoeragg1
picked up his fourth foul early
in the second half with 16:11 left
and wound up with 10 point. Ton
Hughbanks led Wisconsin's scorers-
wih1.Cole Rebounds 16
Tom Cole's layup with the 39-38
put the' Wolverines ahead to stay.
points, six below his average, but
the 6"7" junior pulled down 16 re-
Wisconsin started out the second
half with a zone defense but quick-
ly changed up into a man to man
when Michigan began to find the
thidvatage to 67-50 b scorin
nine consecutive points before
Wisconsin managed to hit a bas-
Cantrell was held to eight points
in the Wolverines' 49 point second
half, but the sophomore speedster
played an aggressive defensive
game, once falling off the raised
floor chasing after the ball.
Two other Wolverines were In
double figures. Center John Harris,
scoreless in the first half, con-
nected on 16 points and grabbed Y7
rebounds. Coach Dave Strack's
worry that captain Jon Hall's in-
jured leg would hamper the senior
guard was unwarranted. Hall,
whose starting status was uncer-
tain, hit the first basket of te
game~ with an outside jump shot,
and finished with 14 points.
Strong Rebounding

-Daly-Bruce Taylor
JUMPING JOHN-John Harris, Michigan center, goes up over
Wisconsin's Tom Gwyn (4G) and Tom Hughbanks (45) to score
two points. Scoreless In the first half, Harris connected for 16
pois to lead the Wolverines' second-half surge'.


Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING-On the banks
of the Red Cedar-sweet revenge:
Michigan S t a t e' s undefeated,
high-flying wrestlers are no long-
Michigan vanquished the up-
staters here yesterday afternoon,
14-11, in melodramatic style be-
fore 1,311 fans in the . sparkling
Michigan State Intramural Build-
Barden Clinches Victory
Jack Barden, Michigan's man
in the pinch, pulled a 3-2 edge
in the 177-lb. bout that iced the
meet for the Wolverines, who were
out to settle the score on the title-
defending Spartans. The "S"-boys
provided Michigan with its only
black mark on an otherwise blem-

ish-free dual meet record last
winter, 20-16, and then repeated
with a four-point edge in the Big
Ten meet at the end of the year.
The Spartans weite without a
loss this season before the Wol-
verines came to town yesterday,
having tied Ohio State and Indi-
ana. They're now 3-1-2 for con-
ference competition. The win
leaves Michigan sporting a 5-1
conference mark.
Barden stepped out onto the
mats to face Alex Valcanoff with
Michigan out in front, 11-8. The
hefty Wolverine nailed the MSU
escape artist with an early take-
down and with the score knotted
at 2-2 broke away for an escape
and the deciding match ploint in
the final period.

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Traekmen Win Over Penn State, Purdue


~WWj~ w . V

lit st Arrived


The Wolverines converted nine
first places and a great display of
depth into a substantial margin of
victory last night in their tri-
angular meet with Penn State and
The 'M' cindermen showed par-
ticularly strong in the field events,
the hurdles and the distance races
in rolling up an impressive 88%
points, to Penn State's 431/ and
Purdue's 38%.
In winning the pole vault, Rod
Denhart, continuing to jump after
the competition had ceased, stared
at the wobbling bar' which stayed
up, giving him his winning height
of 14' 4", equalling his personal
Denhat in coping second with a
jump of 13'8". George Wade bowe.,"b d
out with Purdue's Larry Ruch at
13'4". Ed Hinkson also entered
the ekvent for the Wolverines.
Welcome Back
Steve Williams made his debut
after a semester of scholastic in-
eligibility, topping the field In the
high jump with a leap of 6'4",
though still a far cry from his
usual performance of 6'7" or bet.-
ter. Al Ammerman and Talt Ma-
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lone also contributed 'M' points in
the event with jumps of 6'2" and
6'0", respectively.
Rounding out their trio of fiksts
in the field events, Doug Niles tied
Penn State's Bob Grantham with
an unimpressive leap of 21'10".
POLE VAULT: i. Denhart (M), 2.
Overton (M), 3. (tie) Ruch (P),
Wade (M). Height-4'4"-
HIGH JUMP: i. 'Williams (M), 2.
(tie) Enos (P), Ammerman (M), 4.
(tie) Casey (PS), East (P), Wett-
stone (PS), Malone (M). Height -
schmitt (M), 3. Sodc (M) 4
Herrula (M). Distance-50'4 ".
BROAD JUMP: i. (tie) Grantham
(Ps), Niles (M), 3. Thelwell (M), 4.
I LE: L. Leps (,2. Moorehead
(PS), 3. Hayes (M), 4. Norman (PS).
Time-4 :ii.8.
440-YD. RUN: 1. Mount (P), 2.
Adams (P), 3. Davis (M), 4. Burn-
65ye-YD. HIGH HRDLEs: 1. McRae
(M), 2. Thelwell (M), 3. Grantham
(PS), 4. Barnhill (Ps). Time-:08.0.
ieOO-YD. RUN: 1. Aqulno (M), 2.,
Dea d of (s ), 3. Sa mpson (M ) 4.-
Field House record of 2:14.2, and
Michigan varsity record of 2:i3.0-)
60-YD. DASH: 1. Adams (F), 2.
Johfynson (M), 3. p(P) 4.
600-YD. RUN: i. Mills (P), 2. Ml-
ler (PS), 3. Casto (M), 4. Romain
300-YD.DASH: . Johnson (M), 2.
Reese (M). 3. Williams (P), 4. Falk.-
ner (P). Tlme-:32.4.
Deardoff (PS, 3. K el M), 4. Bs
sett (Ps). Time-i :58.5.
TWO-MILE RUN: i. Norman (Ps),
2. Murray (M), 3. Bache (P), 4. Nea-
6e5-YD. LO HURDS: 1. McRae
(M), 2. ThelwelI (M), 3. Grantham
(Ps), 4. Nuttall (M). Time-:07.4'
(Ties Michigan varsity record.)
(Adams, Sneed, Mount, Mills), 2.
Penn Stte (MtrcSheedy Moor
Time-3 :22.7.

Wolverine hurdel Dick Thelwell
took third-place honors, leaping
The Wolverines, missing a sweep
in the field events, yielded the
shot honors to Penn State's Tom
Urbanik, but the locals picked up
the last three places to tally more
points in the scoring. Roger
Schmitt had a 50'%" put, seven
inches shy of the winning toss. '
IBennie RcRae took both hurdle
honors, tying the varsity record
of :07.4 in the lows. Thelwell
nailed both .seconds and Gran-
tham both thirds. Cliff Nuttall
cleared fourth in the lows to oreak
the train, however.
A Doff of the Hat
The race of the day was the
1000, t h h a C arli n Aquino
cobbed th.ast n Fil
House records by quite a margin.
Aquino ran second to Penn State's
Howie Deardoff (brother of I or-
mer Wolverine captain Earl Dear-
doff) for nearly the whole race
but came out the victor, besting
Deardoff on the last back stretch,
winning by three strides.
Other 'M' crowns went to Ergas
Leps in the mile, in the unusually
fast time (for the Field House)
of 4:11.8; Len Johnson, who, be-
sides coppinig the 300, ran second
in the 60 and handled the first
leg of the mile relay; Dave Hayes
won the 880, again at the expense
of Deardoff'.
The relay race was a battle be-
tween Purdue and Michigan all
the way into the fourth quarter
when Michigan's John Davis cut
too close in front of Purdue's Dave
Mills, causing the team to be dis-
qualified, Mills went on to win
the relay despite this, but it did
cost the Wolverines the second
place points-as if they needed

"It's the day I've been waiting
for," remarked Barden, smiling
broadly after the meet. "And
(Jimmy) Keen and (Wayne) Mil-
ler were great." .
,Barden was referring to what
proved to be the turning point of
the meet: a pair of 7-6 Michigan
wins at 147- and 157-lbs.
Keen Is Great
Keen, in one of his greatest ef--
forts of the season, took the one-
point riding time measure of
MSU's David James. Miller deci-
sioned State's Happy Fry, who
hadn't been scored on in three
previous matches, to deadlock the
meet score at 8-8.
Michigan State pleased the
home crowd with a quick jump in-
to a 6-0 lead on two lightweight
victories. Carl Rhodes couldn't
quite match the riding time of
downed Michign'sB Gary Wco,
9-2, in the 130-lb. bracket.
Ridigtie also brought Tomn
Mulder a draw with Wolverine
Fritz Kellerman in the 137-lb. de-
partment. Kellermann an Mulder
both won high school state cham-
pionships for Lansing Sexton
High and were both named as.
most valuable wrestlers--Keller-
mann in 1958, Mulder in 1960.
Don Corriere shot Michigan in-
to the lead with his ninth straight
victory of the year-this one a 2-0
conquest over John McCray.
Corriere's win set the stage for
Barden's 3-2 tally that set Michi-
gan into the lead to stay.
Remember Him?
Reember King Kong? e' a.
Heavyweight, of course. His name
is John Baum, he's undefeated in
ten matches, and as one State
Sran fus tans called on Baum to
salvage a little Michigan State
pride out of the meet by tearing
Wolverine heavyweight Guy Curtis
into as many pieces as possible
within the nine-minute limit. But
Curtis didn't tear. In fact, he gave
the MSU bruiser a run for the
points, and the Wolverine anchor
man kept Baum to a 4-1 victory.
Curtis' one point? Unnecessary
Michigan Coach Cliff Keen was
well pleased with his grapplers.
"It was really a hard fought
meet," Keen said after the vic-
tory, 'and I'm mighty proud of
the whole team."
123-George Hobbs (MS) dec. Carl
Rhodes, 5-4.
130 - Bill Gucciardo (Ms) dec.
137-Frit ,Kellermainn (M) and
Tom Mulder, drew, 3-3.
147-Jimmy Keen (M) dec. David
James, 7-6.
i57-Wayne Miller (M) dec. Happy
167-Don Corriere (M) dec. John
McCray, 2-0.
1 7 - J c k B a d e n (M > d e c . A l e x
Hw.-oh Baum (MS) dec. Guy


Bagr Bme

Michigan was much stronger on
the boards in the second half, as
they outrebounded Wisconsin 63-51
in the final statistics.
Explaining the fine de fense,
Coach Strack said, "We played a
man and a half defense. Our
guards were pulled into the middle,
Harris would pick up his man and
usually block the shot."
But Strack added, "I started to
worry when we began to run and
miss. They (Wisconsin) are a fine
running team, and we only fast
broke if we had the opportunity."
Deserved To Win
An obviously disappointed Wis-
consin Coach John Erickson said
after the game "Michigan deserved
to win. Two times in one season Is
not lucky. They are the best de-
fehnsive team we av usplayd in
shap Michiga's god reboundin
and our poor shooting were the
two most important factors in the
Michiga trael to Blooltit
tmorrow night sto tagl wth

2-14 3-5 16 27
13-22 2-2 4 4 28
5-il 4-6 8 1 14
5-1 5- 4 2 15
0-i 0-0 0 1 0
32-18 20-29 63 15 84

6-14 1-2
4-i4 1-3
2- 9 0-
4-8 1-3
3-4 1-2
1-I 0-i
0-0 0-0
0-i 0-0
i-i 0-0
28-72 9-20

7 ,2 15
10 19
9 37
51 22 65

Halftime: Wisconsin 36, MICHIGAN 35

Big Ten
Ohio State
Michigan State

W L Pat
10 0 1.000
7 2 .778
6 3 .667
3 5 .375
2 8 .200
2 8 .200







Th Shaer


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Minesota 73, Northwestern 64
Ohio St. 80, Michigan St. 72
Indiana 72, Iowa 69
Los Angeles 128, New York 121
Der ot 23 C n nti 13
St. Louis at Philadelphia (Inc.)
Montreal 6, Chicago 2
Toronto 5, New York 3
T he


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