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May 27, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-27

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Resignations Stir
Rumors, at MSU
College Officials Declare Reports
Exaggerate Seriousness of Situation
Twenty-seven faculty resignations at Thursday's meeting of the
Trustees of Michigan State University have triggered reports of a
mass resignation of MSU faculty members.
However, two MSU officials said yesterday that these reports
greatly overemphasized the seriousness of the situation.
MSU Trustee Frank Merriman said, "I don't see anything alarm-
ing about it. This, season of the year, you normally have many

WTilliamrs Sees Possiability
Of UN Action in Africa
WASHINGTON (P)-Assistant Secretary of State for African Af-
fairs G. Mennen Williams said yesterday it is a very distinct possibil-
ity UN police forces may be necessary to prevent a "conflagration"
in Ruanda-Urundi if Belgian troops pull out.
Williams, former governor of Michigan, said that, with inde-
pendence, it's likely that Belgian troops will be removed.
"When the Belgians go, it's quite possible that racial antagonisms
of the past will flareout and that there'll be fighting which might
result in a conflagration,"
African Jaunt
Williams, recently returned from Africa, also reported that Pre-
mier Cyrille Adoula of the central government and President Moise

Pathet Lao

Plans Attack,

..'nothing startling'
Group, Asks
New Plan,
For Attack
Spearheaded by . Mrs. Angus
Campbell, several faculty mem-
bers are backing "a reasonable,
program for survival" in the event
of a nuclear war.
In a 10-point statement, the
group has called for planning
based on "realistic estimate of the
gravity and imminence of the
threat." It also notes that no pro-
gram will protect everyone but it
is possible to increase the number
that may survive.,
They note that "protection of
human life is our paramount
value" and that no one has the
right to decide for someone else
that life would not be worth living
after a nuclear attack.
Likelihood Remains
"The threat that all survival
programs, whatever their charac-
ter, tend to increase (or decrease)
likelihood of a nuclear war has
little supporting evidence," it is
asserted, but that the threat is
I grave enough to justify a carefully
planned and adjustable shelter
The group recommends that the
cost of the program be a part of
national defense budget, and that
the government be changed with
keeping the public fully informed
in the, matter.
Back Planning
"We support the planning of a
survival program," the statement
concludes, "not in the belief that
this will make victory . . . more
likely, but in recognition . . . that
(it) is possible and . . . it is our
moral obligation to protect our so-
Signers include the Campbells,
Professors John W. Atkinson,
Henry Bretton, Arthur Bromage,
Dorwin Cartwright, William Fran
kena, George Grassmuck, William
B. Harvey, Arnold Kaufman,
George F. Hourani, Henry J. Mey-
er, Daniel R. Miller, Theodore
~Newcomb, Louis Orlin, William
Willcox, and their wives.
Also included are Professors
John' Bowditch, Alexander Eck-
stein, Samuel Eldersveld, Roberta
Keniston, James Melsel, and Mrs.
Helen Peek.
'U' Fee Rate
Big Ten High
The new tuition schedule auth-
orized by the Regents makes the
University the most expensive of
any state-supported school in the
Big Ten for out-of-state students
to attend.
Previously the University had
been tied with Michigan State
University for the position of hav-

'resignations from the faculty
members who normally are chang-
ing for next year." He estimated
that this year's seasonal resigna-
tions were no more numerous than
last year's.
Not Startling
MSU President John A. Han-
nah said that the number of
resignations received Thursday was
"nothing very startling," but said
that, for several years, "we've been
getting more resignations than
we'd like."
Hannah attributed this loss to
MSU's faculty salary problem. He
explained that, though MSU's sal-
aries have increased, salaries of
other universities have increased
faster, so that MSU's relative po-
sition has suffered.
"Faculty members get the idea
they'd be better off at other Big
Ten schools-or even outside the
Big Ten," Hannah added.
Top Instructor's Pay
He noted ~ that, while MSU's
salaries to instructors are tops in
the Big' Ten, its salary rates to
professors rank near the bottom.
This loss of position has come
about because "Other states are
relatively more generous to their
institutions of higher education,
which has resulted in relatively
higher salaries there," Hannah
He estimated that MSU would
need a $2-$2.5 million appropria-
tions increase to remedy this prob-
lem, but added that the Legis-
lature was not expected to provide
this amount.
U 7
U' Negotates
For Papers
Of Vandenberg
The University is presently ne-
gotiating for the late Sen. Arthur
II. Vandenburg's (R-Mich.) let-
ters and papers, University Execu-
tive Vice-President Marvin L. Nie-
huss said recently.
The Senator expressed a desire
for his papers to be placed in Cle-
menta Library. Among the papers,
consisting of letters, scrapbooks,
and some historical documents, are
documents from both his public
and private life.
Arthur Vandenberg, Jr., the sen-
ator's son, has written a book
based on the papers and has
brought them together in bound
form, Niehuss commented.
The late Sen. Vandenberg, a
University Qalumnus and an editor
of the Grand Rapids Herald, was
appointed United States Senator
in 1928 and was subsequently re-
elected through 1954. He was Re-
publican floor leader for many
years and took an active lead in
fostering the international ap-
roach to world affairs which many
people felt brought about the
adoption of the United Nations
Charter, Niehuss said.

Hint Trouble
In VU'Funds
The Detroit Free Press yester-
day hinted that the recent uproar
about the appearances of suspect-
ed Communists at the University,
Wayne State and Michigan State
Universities may well have an ad-
verse effect on their respective
Senate Appropriations Commit-
tee Chairman Elmer R. Porter (R-
Blissfield) was the key to a sim-
ilar controversy in 1960, when
WSU refused to reinstate a ban
on Communist speakers. The sen-
ator at that time threatened the
WSU appropriation and $200,000
was ultimately lopped off, though
Porter denied there was any con-
Implies Cut
The Free Press implies that the
Legislature this year, through the
Appropriations Committee and its
House counterpart, the Committee
on Ways and Means, will use the
speaker issue to slice funds off the
several appropriations in question.
For example, MSU is manuever-
ing to establish a medical school,
which, according to the Free Press,
the Porter committee wants to
block. The Communist speaker
hassle many provide a good "out."
No Indication
Outwardly, there has been no
indication that this fear-a budget
cut-might materialize over the
Communist speaker issue. Speaker
of the House Don' R. Pears (R-
Buchanan) has repeatedly dis-
counted any serious attempt to
doctor t1e University's budget for
feasons such as this, but he con-
cedes that it could perhaps be
limited, in one way or another by
lack of funds.
Porter still maintains that is
the reason for the WSU budget
cut two years ago.
The Free Press articl was care-
ful not to dispute that circum-
stance, but the paper made it clear
that it might have been something1
more than coincidence.1
Paraguay Sets
Free Elections
ASUNCION, Paraguay (R)-Pres-
ident Alfredo Stroessner, often3
called the dean of Latin American
dictators, said yesterday the 1963
national elections "will be entirely7
free" to all parties.<
The 49-year-old president, who
has ruled Paraguay since 1954,
announced he will be a candidate1
to succeed himself. Opposition par-
ties, their ranks thinned by, thet
growing number of Paraguayans 1
going into exile, have not saidt
whether they will take part inc
the election.z
The general asserted in an in-t
terview he felt he had the full
support of the people and ther
elections would prove it.f
He added, however, there was;
little prospect of lifting the statec
of siege, which was extended May1
18 for another 90 days.i

Tshombe of secessionist Katanga
province "don't seem to be com-
ing together very fast" in their
Congo negotiations.
Speaking on a televised news
program with Sen. Kenneth B.
Keating (R-NY), Williams said
Tshombe "has been very slow to
renounce the sovereignty of a sep-
arate state and this has balked
Asked by Keating if they will
eventually get together, Williams
"Well, I trust they will. It will
be a sad day for the UN and for
the United States iw they don't."
June Decision
Williams said a decision will be
made in June on whether Ruanda
and Urundi will have independ-
"At that time the United States
is very hopeful .. . that there will
be a peace-keeping mechanism
there," Williams added.
He said it is quite probable the
Belgian troops will pull out July 1.
Since a UN commission got dec-
larations from both Ruanda and
Urundi saying they didn't want
Williams said it is a distinct
possibility UN forces then would
became necessary because "I think
that if the native forces are left to
themselves, they will be insuffi-
cient to cope with the problem."
To Relinquish
Law Deanship
After 6 Years
Closing out his six years as As-
sociate Dean of the Law School,
Russell Smith says he is "looking
forward to doing some teaching,
writing and research."
The Regents accepted his resig-
nation at their March meeting.
Beginning in the fall semester,
Prof. Spencer Kimball will assume
direction of legal research duties
which constituted the major area
of the associate deanship, al-
though the deanship itself will
be eliminated.
Dean Smith's position as co-
director of the Institute of Labor
and Industrial Relations, a joint
project of the University and
Wayne State University, has not
yet been filled.
Meanwhile, he will start to de-
vote more time to authoring "The
Labor Agreement," a book on the
collective bargaining process.
He will also collaborate with
Prof. Dallas Jones of the business
administration school on a study
of the impact of the legal doc-
trine on labor-management rela-
Other duties formerly handled
through Dean Smith's office have
been re-assigned as Prof. B. James
George will take a one-year leave
of absence and Prof. Alfred F. Co-
nard will devote additional efforts
to research.
Prof. Whitmore Gray will take
over from Prof. George as advisor
to foreign students in the Law
School, while Prof. Olin L. Brow-
der, Jr., will assume Prof..Conard's
responsibility of advisor to Amer-
ican and Canadian law students.

New Troops
Asian Fleet
WASHINGTON (;P)-Another 1.-
800-man Marine battalion landing
team has been put aboard 7th
Fleet ships, replacing the one land-
ed in Thailand, Pentagon sources
said yesterday.
This makes readily possible
quick reinforcement of United :
States forces in Thailand if an
emergency arises.
It is standard procedure to keep
a Marine battalion at sea with
the 7th Fleet's operating forces.
But the Navy and Marine Corps EARTHU
appeared to have moved with un-
usual speed to fill up the forward- Dave Ca
deployed elements cruising in opponent
waters off Communist-endangered Wolverin
Southeast Asia.f
Carrier Returns W o
The convertedecarrier Valley OI
Forge, now used as a helicopter
base for Marines, and accompany-
ing transports which carry heavy
weapons, supplies and ammunition
for a battalion, apparently headed
back for Okinawa immediately
upon putting the third battalion ,
of the ninth regiment ashore. KALA.
At Okinawa, the first battalion selves into
of the third regiment, reinforced seven rank
into an 1,800-man team, quickly doublehead
embarked and the ships steamed Thetd
out at onceto rejoin elements of h t
the Seventh Fleet. Michigan t
Eas Reah who had su
as ea 16 games 1
That force is presumed to be verines.
operating in the South China Sea Dave R
and along approaches to the Gulf boh wen
of Siam, within easy reach of gan and k
Thailand and South Viet Nam for bats silent
both ships and carrier-based Kerr was
planes and helicopters. the nightca
The battalion now afloat has allowed onl
the same reinforcement of men three in pi
and equipment as that now de- finish the;
ployed in Thailand at Udon, close six win-no
to the border of Laos. In the or
overcome c
To Ask Indian the game%
seven free r
ters. He set
Pakistan Talks pitch a fop
the Bronco
UNITED NATIONS (;P) - India after allow
and Pakistan may be asked to the first in
settle their dispute over Kashmir Early in
through "negotiation, mediation or seemed una
a combination of both," reliable pitching o
sources reported yesterday. Salo.
They said Chile, Ghana, Ire- 'M' catcl
land, Venezuela and the United things in h
Arab Republic have been studying ever, leadin
drafts of a resolution requesting single to le
the UN Security Council to ask the ond and,a
two nations to submit to talks. See DIA


VARD-Michigan's first baseman and sec(
mpbell (left) and Joe Jones (right) lo(
baserunner falls to the turf after a r
es swept a double header yesterday from WA
verines Sweep
Special To The Daily
MAZOO - Michigan's Wolverines virtually
an NCAA playoff birth by battering ther
ed college team, Western Michigan, 6-1
er yesterday.
win bill sweep, coupled with Friday's 9-
three straight decisions over the NCAA-
uffered only one loss in -

Troops Fail
In Saravane
Seizure Try
North Viet Nanese
Aid Guerrilla Forces
Via Laotian Outpost
VIENTIANE (P) - The rebel
Pathet Lao was reported mounting
a new attack in Southern Laos
yesterday as Souvanna Phouma,
the neutralist prince, took first
steps to renew negotiations for
a coalition government.
y-Bruce Taylor A military spokesman for Prince
and baseman, Boun Oum's pro-Western govern-
ok on as an ment said the pro-Communist
undown. The forces were threatening Saravane
MU. in southern Laos, but he denied
reports from Thailand that the
town had already fallen.
T w o He said Pathet Lao columns
liE were 36 miles northeast and 22
miles southeast of Saravane,
which is about 75 miles from Laos'
=0 southern border with Cambodia.
The town is only 50 miles from the
Thailand border and about the
same distance from South Viet
hurtled them- U.S. Post
nation's number Ubon, site of a radar observa-
and 6-0 in a tion post the United States is
building in Thailand- and likely
victory, gave camp for some units of the deter-
y rent American force building up
bound Broncos, in that country, is about 100 miles
to the southwest.
Tchepone, 80 miles north of, Sar-
eaves avane, already is being used to
channel arms and men from Com-
munist North Viet Nam to aid
f the Viet Cong guerrillas in South
Viet Nam.
F u e1 Pathet Lao occupation of Sar-
b UJ avane and its airstrip would open
a network of jungle roads for
(P)-In the busy wider infiltration into South Viet
ntry, Astronaut Nam, and also into Thailand,
rpenter made a Occupy Junction
left him short A government spokesman re-
his spacecraft's ported on May 6 that the Pathet
Lao had occupied Ban Phone, a
irpenter left on junction commanding roads from
system as he Saravane to Pakse near the Thai-
y-wire, or semi- land border and Attopeu in south-
1 system. Both eastern Laos.
uel for three or The Tailand newspaper Bangkok
Post said yesterday Saravane was
came as Car- surrounded and under heavy fire.
return to Cape This was the same newspaper
receive a bigwhich said Friday that the Thai-
to receive a big land Defense Ministry had reports
tai newssconfer-- the town had fallen.
aa newsconfer- The rebel movements in the
south were the first since the
Talks Pathet Lao broke the year-old
)r came from Ltcease-fire and overran Nam Tha
rs, a spokesman and northwestern Laos early this
Aeronautics and month. The offensive caused Thai-
ion, a day after land to invite the United States
the Hawaiian and other SEATO nations to send
ad doubts about forces to bolster that country's
ondition during threatened border. Since then the
Pathet Lao has remained quiet
ing a Thursday in the northwest.
ng the 17 track- Avtar Singh, Indian chairman
it "had the im- of the International Control Com-
was very con- mission, said Prince Souvanna has
was going on," sent a letter to King Savang Va-
upied. thana asking for an audience, and
sterday that to will convene a new summit meet-
arpenter should ing of Laos' three warring princes
two control sys- soon after the audience.
e time, he had Souvanna has been agreed upon
by both East and West as the
Gas choice for premier of a new gov-
e mistake, Car- ernment that would include the
of fuel for his Pathet Lao, neutralists and Boun
S hfu h Oum's pro-Westerners.

before facing the Wol-
ebuck and John Kerr
the distance for Michi-
ept the potent Bronco
throughout the day.
especially brilliant in
p. The Michigan senior
y four hits and walked
itching his shutout to
season with 'a perfect
loss record.
pener, Roebuck had to
ontrcl trouble early in
which saw him give up
asses and hit two bat-
tled down, however, to
ur-hitter and shut out
s the rest of the way
ing them one run in
the opener Michigan
able to cope with the
f Western's Leeland
her Joe Merullo took
and in the fifth, how-
g off the inning with a
ft. Then he stole sec-
after Salo retired the

Cooper Defines Compos

Political Controversies
Stir Wisconsin Students
New York Times News Analyst
A plaque on Bascom Hall at the University of Wisconsin reads:
"Whatever may be the limitations which trammel inquiry elsewhere,
we believe that the great State University of Wisconsin should ever
encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by,
which alone the truth can be found."
At the bottom of the hill that Bascom crowns, you may find a
Young Conservative throwing an egg at a Young Socialist, or vide
versa. In Madison, Left meets Right, but they do not shake hands.
"' The following facts may give a
Sclue to the university's vitality,
tone and freedom of expression,
observed during a coast-to-coast
tour of campuses:
J5s aMain Speaker
Last week, the main non-univer-
r Iity speaker was Gus Hall, spokes-
man for the Communist party.
This week, the big attraction was
Clarence Manion of the John
Bir chSociety.
Every year, there is a Reserve
Officers Training Corps Military
Ball. It is followed the next even-
ing by the "Anti-Mil Ball."
.Thean the student
newspaper, scrupulously airs the
views of a Left-wing and a Right-
wing columnist in turn.
Should someone. ask a Leftist
student if he is a Communist, he
is apt to snap: "Of course not. I'm
a Marxist-Leninist."
The head of the Young Repub-
lican club says it is "political sui-
cide to call yourself a moderate.

Error L
moments of re-e
Malcolm Scott Ca
human error that
of fuel to control
By accident, Ca
a manual control
switched to a fly-b
automatic, contro
were consuming fu
four minutes.
This disclosure
penter prepared to
Canaveral today b
welcome, get a dis
ice medal and hold
Word of the erro
Col. John A. Powe
for the NationalA
Space Administrat
the report that
tracking station ha
the astronaut's cc
the third orbit.
The station, dur
night critique amo
ing facilities, said
pression that he
fused about what
or at least preocc
Powers said yes
the extent that C
not have been on'
tems at the sam
Out of
As a result of t"
enter did run out
manual control s~y
had put the Auro
into the proper1
enter the earth's a
But he still had
in the automatics
able to use this sy,
automatic or hand.
to put the blunt er
craft forward.
This is the corr
re-entry, so thatt
or the blunt end
brunt of the treme
tures that are gene

i .

ora space craft
position to re-
fuel remaining
system and was
Tstem in a semi-
I-controlled way
.nd of the space
'ect position for
the heat shield
lcan take the
ndous tempera-

"I am concerned with the re-
sponsibility of the composer," Prof.
Paul Cooper of the music school
Cooper, who divides his time be-
tween teaching and composing,
continued, "This responsibility is
many-faceted: responsibility to the
art form itself, to its function in
society, to the public, and, last
but not least, to the composer's
own creative integrity."
"For instance, I feel that it is
the composer's duty, and his alone,
to make the decisions in a musical
work of art, rather than to leave
them n theI- i rnrfn,.vnar. 'dnr to4th

desire to communicate, to be un-
derstood, is basic to the creative
urge and an essential in elevating
mere self-expression to the level,
of art.
"4n the other hand, a creative
artist's integrity demands that he
choose his means of communica-
tion with absolute honesty, both
as to content and as to vocabulary.'
"This is perhaps the most con-
stant and the most vexing problem
with which a composer, or any
artist, must deal throughout his
creative life," Cooper suggested.
Chromatic Compositions

ed in 1953 by the Los Angeles Phil-
harmonic Orchestra, two sym-
phonies, two sinfonias, three string
quartets, an oratorio-"Job," many
songs and a viola sonata which
will be premiered next fall in
Ann Arbor.
Movie Music
Cooper has also written the film
score for "The Gold Seeker" which
won first prize at the International
Film Festival in 1956. At present
he is working on an opera.
"I hold strong convictions on
the matter of craft," added Coop-
er, whose teachers of composition
include Ernest Kanitz, Roger Ses-
sions and Nadia Boulanger, with

Set Support
For Reform
Of Tax Base
Republican gubernatorial hope-
ful George Romney last week took
a position backing a fiat rate state
'income tax, as a part of an over-
all system of tax reform.
Romney set four goals for a
satisfactory fiscal program.
1) A reduction of the proportion
of the total tax carried by low
income families.
2) Additional revenue for local
3) Relief on property taxes and
4) A reduction in business taxes
to help improve the state's com-
petitive position in the search for
new industry.
Romney has also announced

Seek Increase
Of $62 Million
By The Associated Press
House Democrats are asking
that the state budget be boosted
to $525 million, an increase of
$62 million over last year, tied to
tennhraLy oDcf nuisance taxe

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