GOOF uj Sysditoan Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom :Iait See Page 4 VOL. LXXH, No. 95 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1962 Regents React 'U' President Praises 'Warmly' to OSA * * * * * * 'Excellent Philosophy' Reed Committee Document Awaits More Discussion, Possible Revision By MICHAEL OLINICK The University's top policy makers gave a general endorsement to the Office of Student Affairs Study Committee report yesterday- but left the door open for suggestions and revision. University President Harlan Hatcher praised the student-faculty group for developing "an excellent philosophy of student affairs, consistent with the educational goals of 'the University." The, general concepts discussed in the report were "warmly received" by the Regents when the University's governing board met informally with the study commit- tee Thursday night, he said. To Hold, Line' -- But the President and the Re- gents made it clear the report was still to be considered a "pre- liminary" one and that no official - action. will come before the March Regents meeting. Enro lm ent Under the chairmanship of Prof. John W. Reed of the Law School, There'll be no major decline in the committee recommended a the number of out-of-state stu- re-organization of the OSA and dents on campus, University Presi- suggested one possible administra- dent Harlan Hatcher promised. tive structure. This plan needs yesterday. "careful and thorough exploration" Reaffirming a belief in a "cos- by Vice-President for Student Af- mopolitan" student body, the rUni- fairs James A. Lewis and other versity will stand firm on main- educational authorities, President' taining the policy behind its pres- Hatcher said. ent figure of , 30 per cent non- Lewis said he would probably Michigan residents. "We will con- be able to release the report on tinue trying to make this highly Monday to Student Government complex problem clearer in our Council, University Senate Stu- own minds and to people outside dent 'Relations Committee, Alum- the University," President Hatcher ni Association and other interested said. parties. After hearing from these Rep. William Romano (D-War- groups and discussing possible re- ren) has vowed to renew efforts visions with the Reed committee, to limit out-of-state enrollment to Lewis will present his final recom- '10 per cent of the total. House mendations to the Regents. TS '-V Majority Leader Allison Green (R- Kinkston) 'has lent support to Romano, claiming that "the ratio at the University should be more reasonab'le." 'Cosmopolitan' Atmosphere' Most of the legislators and the general public want to maintain a "cosmopolitan" atmosphere at the University, President Hatcher explaiied, but see problems if "equally qualified" Michigan stu- dents must be denied admission. "The problem has been with us for at least 150 years." The issue is under "heavy dis- cussion" by the administration which is seeking to "get a better picture of the complexion of the student body," he said.; Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss saw problems arising over the definition of the term1 "out of state student." "We prob- ably have the most rigid one in the country. A student can spende ten years on campus, marry, nave children, buy a home and payy taxes on it, and maybe even vote in Ann Arbor without being con- sidered a Michigan resident by the University." Strict Allegiance1 This policy is the result of, a strict allegiance to the Michigan constitution which says that resi- dency can not be gained or lost by students or those in the military services. Pointing out some of the com-1 plications with the out-of-state student issue, President Hatcheri said that six per cent of these students are foreign students. "None of those seeking a limit on out-state enrollment want to lower this number of 'our-off country' scholars." Await Report "The Regents will await the final report with the hope that in view of our discussions Thurs- day night we may have a concise, clear and creative statement of the University's relationships to its students," President Hatcher said. "This statement is expected to serve as a guide for the future growth and development of the non-academic life of the campus." Regent Eugene B. Power said he has received visits from alumni concerned about the work of the Reed group and that "they share the same concerns as all of us to form a policy in line with the educational aims of the Univer- sity." Alumnae Meet The Alumnae Council met with the study committee during its five months of discussion and urg- ed the continuance of the Dean of Women's office. President Hatcher agreed that many people outside the Univer- sity have confused the Reed com- mittee study with the unsuccess- ful move to allow women visitors in the men's quadrangles. "We've been able to get then to distin- guish between the two questions insofar as we could discuss a non- existent report with them. Once the report is public, this difficulty should disappear."' The report which touched off the OSA study will not be included in the recommendations submitted; to the Regents, Lewis said. ' The Student Relations Com- mittee-the faculty group which, advises Lewis-presented him with a report urging major structural and personnel; changes in the OSA, last May. . Governing ig Structure Endorsed 'U' Group Backs Education Board The Regents yesterday became the first governing board to rati- fy the proposed constitution of the Michigan Coordinating Coun- cil for Public Higher Education. Meeting last Monday in East Lansing, the council submitted the constitution ratification to the member boards. (The Regents, Michigan State University's Board of Trustees, Wayne State Univer- sity's Board of Governors, the State Board of Education, and the Boards in Control of Michi- gan College of Mining and Tech- nology at Houghton, Ferris Insti- tute at Big Rapids and Grand Val- ley State College at Grand Rap- ids). Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor, temporary chairman of the council, reported that five of the boards would have to approve the constitution for It to be effected. He said that only Ferris had indi- cated it might not ratify. Basic Objectives Regent Power detailed three ba- sic objectives in forming the coun- cil: statewide coordination of higher education, the orderly de- velopment of higher education in accord with the changing needs of the state, and dissemination of information regarding higher ed- ucation to the 'people and the authorities. The proposed constitution wouldS provide for one delegate from the governing board of each four-year institution, the presidents of those institutions, the superintendent of public instruction, and two repre- sentatives of all junior colleges. The document also calls for at1 least four' meetings a year, and provides that actions taken by the council will be reported to the gov- erning boards for any action that may be required.- Effective Means Regent Power told the Regents "this is perhaps the most effec- tive means of coordination. Co-{ operation must come in one way or another. Either we do it our- selves, or theLegislature or the1 constitutional convention or both wil do it for us." Regent Donald M. D. Thurber related the Ferris objection to the Regents, recalling that "they ob-r ject to the council's assuming the planning function of programs, services and facilities of other in-x stitutions. They believe that the various members have very -vest-I ed interests," which presumably1 they would be unable to set aside. Regent Power said that Ferris" officials would be encouraged to sit in with the council, Dep'artment Profit Seen By MIKE BURNS Sports Editor Despite a decrease in total re- ceipts and a drop in football revenue, athletic department prof- its showed an increase of $22,130 for fiscal 1961 over the previous year. The annual report of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- letics, presented to the Regents yesterday, pointed out that net operating income (excluding ex- penditures for physical plant ex- pansion) rose from $38,331 in fis- cal 1960 to $60,641 in 1961. An increase of more than $45,000 in the financial aid plan was off- set by a cut in total expenditures and an increase of almost $25,000 in television revenues. The financial statement covered the period from June, 1960 to-June, 1961, thus reporting football rev- enues for the 1960 season. Receipts for 1961 were $1,267,628 compared with disbursements of $1,207,166. Fiscal 1960 figures showed receipts of $1,284,755 and expenditures of $1,246,423. "This characteristic of the Board's financial operations is a sobering influence for it must' be recognized that with an operating budget of over $1,200,000, a net return of $60,000 is a rather thin margin." The report also praised the Western Conference's actions in raising academic eligibility stan- dards and approved the new Rose Bowl contract with the Big. Five. However, the Board expressed strong disapproval with the Big Ten in dropping the need factor from the financial aid plan. -See INCREASE, Page 6 -Daily-Paul Krynickie RESHUFFLING-Former Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss (left) was trans- ferred to the new post of Executive Vice-President by the Regents yesterday. Literary College Dean Roger M. Heyns will take over Niehuss's old spot as soon as a new successor for Heyns is selected. QUESTIONING SET: WSU Speaker Incites Investigaton by Porter Wayne State University officials will face questioning Monday from Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield) concerning a speech by a Communist on the campus Nov. 16. Herbert Aptheker had addressed a meeting of the Independent Socialist Club on "The Negro in the Civil War." At that time, Porter requested that state police and agents from' the Federal Bureau of Investiga- tions attend the club's meeting. Using the, police and FBI re- port, plus a sound film of the speech, as background, Porter will journey to Detroit to confer with WSU President Clarence B. Hill- berry to discuss the matter. Porter, who is chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said he will also discuss the uni- versity's upcoming legislative bud- get allocation. S osiums To Show Films On 'Idea' of 'U' Associate Dean James H. Rob- ertson of the literary college will meet with friends, legislators and allumni in St. Joseph today. Saturday Symposiums, centered about a showing of 'The Idea of Michigan,' a documentary film on the University, produced by the television center, have been sched- uled next weekend in Port Huron. Promote Leabo to Dean, Name Department Heads The Regents yesterday approved the promotion of Prof. Dick A. Leabo of the business administration school to associate dean of that school. Prof. Leabo, in addition to his current assignment as associate professor of statistics, will assist the dean in academic and curricula matters. University Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuiss point- wed out that the position was cre- ated for Prof. Leabo at the spe- BULLETIN cial request of Dean Floyd A. Bond GEORGETOWN (JP)-Thousands of'the business administration of demonstrators unsuccessfully school. attempted a revolt against British Guiana's government. CHALLENGE KEYNOTE: Taylor Raps Bureaucratized Universities Haber Selected The Regents also approved the appointment of Prof. William Ha- ber of the economics department as chairman of that department, to succeed Prof. Gardner Ackley, who has asked to be relieved of the post. In his recommendation for pro- motion, Vice-President for Aca- demic Affairs Roger W. Heyns, dean of the literary college, com- See NAME, Page 2 ; "And presently, the university is unable to cope with the problems of educating the many," Harold Taylor, former president of Sarah Lawrence College, said last night. Keynoting the current Challenge series, "The Challenge of Higher Education," Taylor emphasized the need for more liberal methods of education in institutions of higher learning. He also criticized the pressures which force faculty members to give up educating in order to do research and publish, or to become a part of the ad- wards in the bureaucracy by carry- ing on appropriate research in academic fields. If successful, such men receive the ultimate reward of the modern university-not to teach," Taylor said. Stressing the "little room" in colleges and universities for the spiritual and moral education of the students, he noted that usually a university is divided into three "huge pieces of apparatus, none of which is designed to deal with such matters." Academic Apparatus ministrative structure, consisting of deans, department chairmen, vice-presidents, provosts,. chancel- lors and presidents who rarely see students and meet the faculty only on matters of business "like leaves of absence, housing, parking per- mits, football tickets and research budgets. Affiliate Domination "Third is the student personnel section, devoted to the rest of the students not dealt with in any other way. Under this section ing basketball games, competing for grades and jostling for social position is condoned as the normal conduct of the American student. For this he canscarcely be blamed. In the absence of genuine intellec- tual and moral leadership from his university, he accepts the values of the society around him," Taylor continued. Total Education He urged that educators con- sider the total lives of students, and that students and instructors I