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May 25, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-25

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Despite many offerings from some of the choicest colleges and
'universities in the country to faculty members in nearly every
department and school of the University, there were a surprisingly
small number of acceptances.
Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns said that
the low number of resignations was principally because "until re-
cently, the faculty had been optimistic about next year's budget. . .
but the optimism has faded in the list 10 days."
May Harm Quality
Ie expressed confidence that the University will be able to
attract and keep a good faculty, "although the University has been
cutting back for a number of years. This can't help but mean that
some education is not of the proper quality.
"There are retirements without replacements, and although
there are 2,500 more students now than there were seven years ago,
there are actually fewer faculty members," he said.
The fears which Heyns expressed over the possibiilty of a
decline in the University because of a (numerically) inadequate

Resignations Show Support for


faculty were shared by several department heads.
They were concerned because they were unable this year to
hire as many faculty members as they feel were necessary for their
Elimination of Sections
In some instances, it has been necessary to eliminate recita-
tion sections and instead substitute large lecture sections for intro-
ductory and intermediate courses.
Heyns said he feels the University is great and has a great
tradition. "but if we continue not to get support, as we did in
the past, that tradition may not continue."
The following changes in faculty for the coming academic year
were reported by deans of University schools and colleges:
The following faculty appointments and leaves were reported
by the anthropology department:,
Prof. J. N. Spuhler, department chairman for 1962-63. Profes-
sors Lesley White and Mischa Titiev will have one-semester leaves
of absence next fall.
Prof. Ernst Goldschmidt of the University of Chicago has
received an appointment as assistant professor, teaching physical

Prof. Gunther Elste from the University of Gottingen in Ger-
many will join the staff of the Astronomy department, Prof. Orren
C. Mohler, chairman, said.
Dr. L. H. Aller will be leaving the department for a position
at UCLA.
Prof. Warren H. Wagner, Jr., will return after a year's leave
of absence.
During the first semester, Prof. Thomas M. Dunn, formerly
a lecturer at University College in London, will serve under a
joint appointment for the Institute of Science and Technology and
the literary college.
Prof. Seymour M. Blinder, a theoretical chemist from Carnegie
Institute of Technology, will be with the department during the
second semester.
Prof. Peter S. Smith is returning from a sabbatical. Prof.
Martin M. Styles plans to take a year's leave of absence, and Prof.
Robert C. Taylor will be on a sabbatical leave during the first
Prof. Bruno B. Jesjskis has accepted a position at Loyola
University near Chicago.

Prof. Harold Levinson, acting chairman of the economics de-
partment disclosed that the department will suffer severe tempor-
ary losses this year.
Only one faculty member, Assistant Prof. Ronald A. Shearer
will be leaving permanently. He has accepted a research appoint-
ment to the Toronto Commission on Money and Credit.
Prof. Gardner Ackley and Prof. Warren Smith, have been
granted leaves of absence to be with the Council of Economic
Prof. Peter Newman will be on leave the second semester. Prof.
Daniel Suits, will be in Athens doing work on the Greek economy.
Prof. William Palmer will be on sabbatical leave the first semester.
When he returns from sabbatical leave this semester Prof.
William Haber will take on the position of department chairman.
Prof. James Morgan and Prof. Shorey Peterson will also be return-
ing from sabbatical leave.
Prof. Eva Mueller will be on leave next year and Prof. Morris
Bornstein will be on leave at Harvard University.
The department has hired three new assistant professors:
Ronald Teigen, currently at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
See HEYNS, Page 2

See Page 4


Lil tt iau


Fair and cool tonight,
warmer tomorrow.

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom



* *

* * *

* * * * * *h





Small Re-Entry Angle
Causes Capsule Skid
Director Uncertain about Future
Of Three-Orbit Mercury Flights
CAPE 'CANAVERAL (/P) - Astronaut Malcolm Scott Carpenter
successfully orbited the earth three times yesterday, but overshot
his landing area by 250 miles and had to be rescued by jet helicopter.
For a fearful 35 minutes, while he was out of radio contact with
the world, it appeared the space operation might be on the verge of
a disaster, but the Navy Lieutenant Commander was soon discovered
serene and well on a life raft, his Aurora 7 space ship floating nearby.
At a post launch news conference the Project Mercury Operations
Director, Walter C. Williams, said the overshoot resulted because the
spaceship was not in a proper attitude when the braking rockets fired.
Williams said it came in at a much shallower angle than planned
and instead of being tilted at an angle of 34 degrees to the horizon
was actually inclined between 24 and 26 degrees. This, he said, caused
*it, in effect to skid along at a less
steep re-entry angle.
Project Mercury Director Rob-
ert Gilruth said it was not certain
whether another three-orbit mis-
sion will be planned like those of
John II. Glenn, Jr., and Carpenter.
He said five and seven-orbit
flights are under consideration,
but added these might be skipped
in favor of jumping to the 18 or-
bit flights, which will provide an
entire day of data on a man in
Gilruth said no definite deci-
sions can be made on the next
Mercury flight until Carpenter's
data has been reduced.
Carpenter now goes to Grand
Turk Island in the Bahamas where
he will undergo a plhysical examin-
MALCOLM S. CARPENTER ation and make a flight report
.. back from space over the next 48 hours.

Biggest Increases
For Out-of-State
Plan To Charge Juniors, Seniors
More than Freshmen, Sophomores
The Regents have unanimously approved a new tuition
schedule which will result in increased tuition fees for most
University students next fall.
Fee boosts will be greatest for out-of-state students, and
for the first time, graduates and upperclassmen will pay high-
er tuition than freshmen and sophomores. Music school fees

Tax Packet
Falls Short,
Of Passage
LANSING (R) - House Repub-
licans trimmed down their $69
million "nuisance" tax package to
$36 million yesterday, but could
only pass one bill in the six-bill
By a 56-44 vote, the minimum
needed for passage, one of two
bills needed to put a four per cent
tax on telephone and telegraph
service managed to pass. It had
support from two Democrats.
A rider on each bill, however,
nullifies them all unless all six
The telephone and telegraph tax
would produce about $8 million a
One feature of the GOP pack-
age, pieced together at a four-hour
caucus, proposes :
-A one cent increase in the
third-of-a-cent tax on a bottle of
beer, down from two cents pro-
posed previously. It would produce
$17 millioL< a year.
-A one mill increase in the four
mill corporation franchise fee,
worth $14 million.
-A penny boost in the nickel-
a-package cigarette tax, down
from the two cents proposed in
the original package. It would
yield $10 million.
-Add a four per cent excise tax
to the liquor levy, producing $7
All but one of the other bills
failed to pass by two to nine votes,
with the beer tax increase drawing
the most objections.

-Daiy-Edward Arnos
PROPOSED CHANGES-This artist's conception depicts the Union grill as it will look in Septem-
ber, according to revision plans approved last night by the Union Board of Directors. The new
booths, lighting and decor will provide greater privacy and a more agreeable atmosphere. This will
be the view through the North windows of the room.
Board Passes MUG Alterations

A number of major changes in
the appearance and atmosphere of
the Michigan Union Grill were
approved last night by the Union
Board of Directors.
Work will begin during the sum-
mer on the $33,000 project design-
ed to "break up the mass area"
of the grill and to provide "a more
intimate and private atmosphere,"
according to Union President
Robert Finke, '63.
The atmosphere sought will be
"traditionally modern," Finke said
at a press conference held yester-

Wolgamots Read Worst Poetry

day afternoon to outline the pro-
The new dining area will feature
dark wooden paneling, a softer
SGC Applauds
Hatcher Stand
On Speakers
At its meeting Wednesday night,
Student Government Council pass-
ed a motion strongly approving the
recent decision of University Pres-
ident Harlan Hatcher to permit
Carl Braden and Frank Wilkenson
to speak oncampus.
The resolution, introduced by
Howard Abrams, '63, and amended
by Robert Ross, '63, commends
the stand taken by President
Hatcher and the Board of Regents
as helping to preserve the Univer-
sity "as a community free to pur-
sue knowledge and test opinion in-
dependent of any control over
the ideas which it considers part
of the intellectual discourse neces-
sary to preserve academic free-
Council passed the motion after
Fred Batlle, '64A&D, asked for a
reconsideration of a similar mo-
tion which was defeated earlier in
the evening.
The only difference between the
+wn renlinns uwa that the de.-

lighting system, more two-person
and high-backed booths to create
an atmosphere of privacy, and an
athletic scoreboard with the re-
sults of professional and Big Ten
Work on the grill should be
completed about September 15. Ac-
tual work on the project will not
begin during the present semester.
The changes in the MUG are
the first in a series, "to occur as
quickly as possible,' that will lead
to major revisions to improve the
character of the ground floor Un-
ion facilities, Finke said.
In altering present facilities, the
Union will be guided by a concept
of "providing social and recrea-
tional settings to bridge the gap
between the non-academic and
academic segments of the Univer-
Still in the planning stage are
additional proposals which would
provide for changes in the atmos-
phere of the two cafeterias on the
ground floor, and for conversioh
of the swimming pool into either
a conference room with projection
facilities or a "bag lunch and
study room" with vending ma-
chines. Part of the present pool
might also become a television
Besides approving the proposed
changes in the grill facilities, the
board last night also:
Provided that high school stu-
dents be denied use of Union fa-
cilities except as part of approved
visits or projects.

will be adjusted to equal fees in
The new tuition schedule, fin-
alized yesterday, provides for:
-A $250 increase in out-of-
state graduate tuition, raising it
to $1,000 a year.
-A $70 boost for in-state grad-
uates, to $350.
-A $210 hike in out-of-state
upperclassmen fees, to $960.
-A $30 hike for in-state up-
perclassmen, to $310.
-A $150 increase for out-of-
state freshman and sophomore
tuition, to $900.
-No change in in-state fresh-
man-sophomore fees, which will
remain at $280.
-In the Music School, tuition
cuts of $160 to instate freshmen
and sophomores, $10 to out-of-
state freshmen and sophomores,
and $130 to in-state upperclass-
men; and a $50 fee increase to
out-of-state students.
- -Among the various profession-
al schools, increases ranging from
$220-$350 for out-of-state stu-
dents, and from $60-$130 for in-
state students.
-A $40 boost in out-of-state
nursing students' fees, to $160.
-A $10 boost for in-state'
nurses, to $80.
Add $2 Million
University President Harlan
Hatcher said that the fee hike,
which will add $2 million to the
University budget, was necessitat-
ed by the state financial deadlock,
and the Legislature's failure to
agree on a solution for it.
"Since the end of the year ap-
proaches and it now appears that
there will not be an early clarifi-
cation of the state income situa-
tion, the Regents were polled and
their authorization followed,"
President Hatcher commented.
Unclear Effect
The effect of the tuition boost
on the University's appropriation
from the Legislature is not yet
clear. The Senate Appropriations
Committee is presently consider-
ing a plan to boost the University's
appropriation if such a boost is
matched dollar-for-dollar with a
tuition hike.
Sen. Elmer R: Porter (R-Bliss-
field) predicted that the Univer-!
sity's fee hike would have some
effect on the amount of the ap-
propriation, but added, "I can't
estimate it in dollars and cents."

other undergraduate schools.
Frsh-Soph $280
Frsh-Soph (Music 280
Jr-Sr 310
Jr-Sr (Music) 310
Jr-Sr (Nursing) 80
Frsh-Soph $900
Frsh-Soph (Music) 900
Jr-Sr 960
Jr-Sr (Music) 960
Jr-Sr (Nursing) 160
Graduates: '$350
Graduates: $1000
Dentistry $750
Medicine 750
Public Health 600
Law 480
Dentistry $1500
Medicine 1500
Public Health 1400
Law 1100
New Orleans
To Jntegrate
firs t Grade
leans School Board has announced
plans to integrate on the first-
grade level this fall.
The action was taken after U.S.
District Judge Frank Ellis struck
down an order Wednesday that
New Orleans should integrate the
first through the sixth grades in
all public elementary schools next
He ruled that the school sys-
tem must start a grade-a-year
desegregation beginning with the
first grade next fall. *
Ellis changed an order issued
last month by his predecessor,
Judge J. Skelly Wright. Wright
cited his view that thq School
Board was moving too slowly with

In an hour long presentation of the "best worst poetry ever
written," members of the John Barton Wolgamot Society last night
dead-panned their way through poems which are "beyond the dis-
tinction of failures."
Prof. X. J. Kennedy of the English department and Mrs. Dorothy
Kennedy sang a poem written by unknown temperance poet Katy
V. Hall. Called "The Old Filthy Beer Pail," the poem was chanted
to the tune of "The Old Oaken Bucket" and told the story of a
child living in the anguish of a "Sodom -of sin"-Chicago.
Keith Waldrop introduced a poem by Alfred Austin, a poet
laureate of England, saying that he became poet laureate "because
no one else applied." He read two of Austin's lines: "It fell upon
his hand/ In warm, wet slop."

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