THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 24,' 1962 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. MAY 24. 19112 i ii ij iliiay N iVy1y 0 FORT LAUDERDALE EDUCATION CENTER: Report Pupils Studying Harder Florida Public Schools Launch 'Bold Experiment' Eventually, the 550 -acre campus of the center will provide continu- ous education from kindergarten through the first year of univer- sity graduate work. But the excitement here centers on the six-year high school which will open in the fall of 1963, and the elementary schoci to come a year later. "It is time for total reformation, not a piecemeal patching up of existing programs," Arthur B. Wolfe, director and chief planner of the center, said, "It is time for a big leap forward, not a series of little hops." Total Reformation And this is the shape of total reformation at the South Florida Education Center: By lengthening both the school year and the school day, the cen- ter is adding the equivalent of five regular school years to the normal schedule over a 12-year period. The school year will total 220 days, 40 days longer than the na- tional average, 40 days longer than Florida law requires, and 25 days longer than any other public school in the country. Redd Refugeessest Embarrassment? sr: : "r: :::: :::>r,::;:. ::?::;::.. . By FORREST EDWARDS ::;;"{.;. ,, J:,.{i;,:..,,:::,,;";. ::Associated Press News Analyst s hHONG KONG Communist China may be aiding. the human . :::.::.:..J:.;:::} .:.:. : ........::.: > rt., sea of refugees pouring across its v'.. bordersrinto Hong Kong in an e dfort to embarrass the Westh ndo .?:?41:"4"?:. ease the strain on its own short food stocks. The flood of Chi kinges o I ~escape their Communist homeland has prompted Hong Kong police and British troops in recent days Sto round up and send back thou- sands who slipped across the bor- nder or arrived in smugglers' Junks. This crown colony no longer can handle the tide of fugitives. Hong Kong police sources have said it has become evident that Communist border guards have >fi {relaxed controls t. A nonrefugee arrival from Can- tonsaid Communist officials have ben "extremely liberal in issuing i one-way exit permits" since Hong Kong stepped up its efforts to stem the refugee flow. v4 Y.4.._<{He said the Communist action had two purposes: An attempt to place the blame on Hong Kong for stopping persons from being united with their families in the colony, and getting rid of the "nonproductives"-the aged, weak, sick and children - in an attempt to alleviate the serious food short- age in southern China. British authorities have put cap- tured refugees in a police camp near the 'border area and sent groups back to Red China in police AP Wirephoto vans and trucks. Officials refuse HARD ROAD BACK-A British soldier sourfully carries a weeping to say how many have been re- Chinese boy back across the border into Communist China as turned. Sources close to the police the youth was caught in the Itong Kong area recently. However were quoted as saying several many Hong Kong residents are trying to obstruct this return of thousand were sent back in the refugees. past week. McNamara Views Viet Nam Conflict NEW YORK ()-Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara pre- dicted last night it might take "three to five years at a minimum" to settle the situation in South Viet Nam. The school day will run from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., an hour longer than usual. On top of this, an op-1 tional extra hour will be available1 for such no-credit "non-essen- tials" as driver education, clubs,1 and instrumental music. The extra time available per- mits more flexibility. To capitalize on this, the center is discarding the time-honored two-semester plan. Instead, the school year will be divided into three equal ses- sions, called "trimesters." This plan has been adopted by a num- ber of universities, never before by a public school. But this is only.the framework. Learning Program What's going into the learning program at the center is a heavy emphasis - from kindergarten; through high school graduation- on the language arts (English and foreign languages), science, math- ematics and the social sciences. Instruction in Spanish will be- gin in kindergarten; Russian, Ger- man and French will be intro- duced in the seventh grade. The reading program will be based on a phonetic approach, rather than the so-called "look- and-say" or "word-recognition" method. One of the "new math" pro- grams will be introduced in the first grade. Second graders will tackle equations, and some 11th graders will be taking college-level algebra and calculus. Wide Range Instead of such formal levels as first grade, fourth grade, 11th grade, etc., the center will have a wide range of learning levels. Each of the levels will be only slightly advanced over the level just be- low, and the pupils can move up-- ward from one to the other on any day, week or month of the school year. Some students may graduate from high school 10 years or less after entering kindergarten. If the demands are great, the rewards are consideable.n In the Nova High School, in-; struction will be given in a variety of ways. There will be large group lec- tures of 80-200 students, middle group instruction for 30-50 stu- dents, small group instruction for 10-15 students, and independent study for individual students. Eachstudent will have at least 10-15 hours of independent study; each week. College Campus Nova High School will be laid out like a college campus, with separate buildings for science, mathematics, language arts and social science, technical science. administration and a gymnasium. All will be air-conditioned, and so designed that classrooms may be made larger or smaller. All will be wired for instructional televi- sion, although that device may not be used for a year or two. d, With the notable exceptionof the longer school year, there is little about the center'sindividual projects. that is startlingly new. Virtually everything has been tried and proved in other schools. What makes the center different is. that no school in the United States has put all these things to- gether at one time and in one place. This is the big leap forward, with intermediate hops. Traditional School "The center is going to be cheaper to operate than the tra- ditional school," Wolfe said. "We can raise the salaries and get better teachers by increasing the teacher-pupil ratio. We don't know exactly how many young- sters a teacher can teach effec- tively, but we know the number can be increased if the teacher is given the help and the tools he needs, when he needs them." "We are going to cut down our operating costs by eliminating or de-emphasizing the welfare activi- ties which the schools have taken on over the years," Wolfe said. There will be no bus service from public funds, no big and expensive cafeterias or auditorium. "Parents also may be asked to pay part of the costs ofbthe special texts, supplies and equipment we need-although we will, of course, make exception for hardship cases." Powiver Can 'Break' UN By WILLIAM N. OATIS Associated Press Staff Writer UNITED NATIONS - Acting Secretary-General U Thant has said a powerful nation could bank- rupt the United Nations by with- holding its dues out of dislike for a UN peacekeeping operation. Thant did not mention the So- viet Union's refusal to pay its one- sixth share of the cost of the peacekeeping operations in The Congo and the Middle East. Other nations, such as France also have refused to pay. He said that cost was $11.8 mil- lion a month and, up to the end of 1961, member countries had paid only 65 and 73 per cent respective- ly of what they owed toward those two operations. "The United Nations depends on three M's for the peacekeeping operations," he said, "money, men and materials. If we do not get these three M's, I think the fu- tune of the United Nations is, if I may say so, quite gloomy" Thant said the United Nations was solvent on its normal activi- ties and was running behind only on The Congo and Middle East forces. The pending $200 million UN bond issue is the most sensible means of financing legitimate UN functions, he added. Thant took issue with the no- tion-advanced by British Prime Minister Harold MacMillan and Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga)- that it is unfair for every country to have one vote in the UN general assembly, however large or small its financial contribution. "As regards representation in the context of their (the mem- bers') capacity to pay," Thant said, "I think we should look at this problem in the light of the practices prevailing in many countries." PTA Criticizes Rightist Groups PORTLAND (P)-The National Congress of Parents and Teachers, in an obvious attack on extreme right-wing groups, warned yester- day that "irresponsible and ill- informed efforts to combat Com- munism are also destructive of true democracy." By G. K. HODENFIELD Associated Press Education Writer WASHINGTON-Schoolchildren are " studying much harder today than they did five years ago, and they will have to study even hard- er in the future, the National Edu- cation Association said recently. The NEA, reporting on a sur- vey of grade school and high school principals, said higher standards for college admission was the single most powerful in-I fluence for a more rigorous pro- gram in the public schools. Other major sources of pressure cited were critics outside the teaching profession, scientific achievements of the Soviet Union, general public demand, and critics inside the teaching profession. Somewhat Surprising "The concern on'the part of the elementary school principals over admission to college is somewhat surprising," the NEA report said. "It well could be that the gen- eral anxiety over college admis- sion might have an adverse effect on noncollege students who may need a different curriculum." There was general agreement that instruction in science and mathematics left much to be de- sired in the pre-Sputnik school year of 1955-56. However, most of the principals reported that the emphasis on these subjects now is "about right," although they expect increasing stress in the years ahead. Basic Skills Much the same feeling was ex- pressed about elementary school instruction in the basic skills of reading, writing, spelling and arithmetic. Only 58 per cent of the elementary school principals said the schools gave adequate at- tention to these skills in 1955-56, but 80 per cent of them said it is satisfactory today. There was a sharp division on the critical question. of how child- ren should be taught to read. During the period from 1955- 1961, small school districts tended to increase the emphasis on phon- ics and alphabet. In large districts, the increase in emphasis was on whole-word recognition, the so- called "look-say" method. laboratories and films. Greater stress on foreign lan- An increase in the practice of guages, particularly at the ele- grouping pupils according to abil- mentary level. ity rather than by age or grade. An increase in team teaching. NEW PROBE: Did HMS Lusitania Carry Arms .After All? By DENNIS NEELD Associated Press Staff Writer LONDON - A young American skin diver who plunged 300 feet to the wreck of the Lusitania has tion of steel deck appears to have been cut away with torches. Light also photographed a heavy steel door bent like cardboard, uncovered indications the Ger- sheared from its fastening. mane may have been right in say- ing the liner carried munitions when they sank her 47 years ago. The famous British passenger ship went to the bottom of the At- lantic on May 7, 1915, 20 minutes after being struck by a German torpedo. Of the 1,950 people on board, 1,198 died. Among the drowned were nearly 200 Americans and the sinking as much as any other single event, set the mood for United States entry two years later into World War I. Carrying Munitions Later the Germans claimed they were justified in treating the Lusi- taniaas a ship of war because she was carrying munitions and may have been armed. In an attempt to clear up the mystery, John Light 'of Elmhurst, N.Y., led a team of divers to in- vestigate the wreck 10 miles off the south coast of Ireland. Light's findings led him to be- lieve the wreck of the Lusitania has been tampered with. A sec- "Everything suggests an explo- sion on the side away from the torpedo," British commentator Patrick Troughton said, The American diver also locat- ed a "flying bridge" projecting from the upturned side of the Lusitania. He found the bridge has two holes roughly driven into it and what looks like a mooring wire shackled in. Private Venture Only one other expedition- as far as is known - has ever been down to the wreck. This was a private venture in 1935. It did not use mooring wire such as found by Light. There is no dispute that the ship was designed to carry guns. The British claim, however, it was unarmed when torpedoed. Light found no gun on the foredek as shown in the ship's plans. There is more evidence that the. Lusitania was carrying' ammuni- tion. The ship's manifest showed the cargo included 4,000 cases of small arms ammunition. I pl HOW TO SUllEED IN BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY FLYING . .I ,, a f f1 t 3 : i i I I r :r d .r... . x,-,-,-,.,....,.,...:..., "J S "f f , x h 'rxJ Y " M11x. +tiJ v} 9 +a'd Ya54 Y..'r a:J ro4 rr, $ .w^J ".e, j h, t ZJ.ti yyJf }:Sf. ugan YJJ and s den]", I1 \ ' SENIORS: Don't leave Mich without your Ensian. Sale distribution now at the Stu No need to be up in the air about sartorial decisions. The proprietor has been quite down to earth in selecting cool accoutrements for you. I I