THURSDAY, MAY 24,1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG .aT... FlR THURSDAY, MAY 24,1962 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY PAflhI' TI~JI~VU' rnvrl annrl iri Military Life Se Tribunal Li THREE TIMES 'ROUND: Carpenter To Try sie-Down Orbit By The Associated Press CAPE CANAVERAL-Lt. Cmdr. Malcolm Scott Carpenter, tenta- tively scheduled to make a four and three-quarter hours triple orbit around the earth today, may become the first man to orbit upside down for any length of time. His flight plan for the journey calls for him to try inverted flight for about 20 minutes-possibly near the end of his second orbit. The " idea is to get a better look at the earth and the weather pattern over the southern United States. Because of weightlessness Car- penter should not feel that he is upside down. Instead, experts said, he will have the impression that the earth is above him. Interesting He will look for "interesting weather" and will take pictures from this angle, officials of the National Aeronautics and Space -Administration said. He may remain in inverted posi- tion until shortly before he reaches the African west coast on his third orbit. Then he will "squirt" his small control jets and get back into normal, flight. Carpenter willtry also to: 1) Study the mysterious. gegen- Sscheinphenomenon - the tail of particles that moves with the earth in orbit about the sun. One theory suggests that these are dust particles in a trough or wake be- hind the earth. Lunar Clouds 2) Find and analyze two misty natural satellites of the earth. They ,are called lunar clouds - there is one on each side of the earth - and they are believed composed of dust particles. 3) Navigate - on the dark side of the earth - by stars at angles up to 40 degrees on each side of the capsule, and also use Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and the moon as ref- erence points. 4) Observe and photograph, be- tween Fiji and Hawaii, the two constant, year-around weather belts that have long been reported by airplane pilots and recently have shown up clearly in pictures! taken by Tiros weather satellites. )rders Salan Court Spares OSA Leader From Death Contrast Conviction With Jouhaud Case By HARVEY HUDSON Associated Press Staff Writer PARIS-A French special mili- tary tribunal last night convicted former Gen. Raoul Salan of trea- son and sentenced him to life im- prisonment. The court found there were ex- tenuating circumstances that mov- ed the judges to spare him from the death penalty. The tribunal sentenced Salan, once the nation's most decorated officer, for his role in the short- lived generals' putsch in Algiers last year and for his leadership of the Secret Army Organization. Three-Hour Decision The special nine-man tribunal began trying Salan last week. The verdict came after almost three hours of deliberation. The tribunal gave a death sen- tence to former Gen. Edmond Jou- haud on similar charges April 13. fJouhaud, now in a death row cell, at likewise convicted of partici- pation in the putsch and of help- ing lead the Secret Army. Different Finding The court's finding of extenuat- ing circumstances to spare Salan from execution came somewhat as a surprise in view of the tri- bunal's decision in the Jouhaud case. Since Salan was the recognized chief of the Secret Army, and Jouhaud was, in effect, a Salan subordinate, the verdict could be taken as a recommendation of clemency for Jouhaud. Passes Bill To Revamp School Aid WASHINGTON OP)-A bill that would cut off federal funds for schools that fail to desegregate was approved yesterday by the House Education and Labor Com- mittee. In another measure voted out for House action the committee scrapped most of President John F. Kennedy's proposals for im- proving the quality of United States teaching. Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D- N.Y.), chairman of the committee, said the voice vote was unanimous for the bill bearing on segregation. Maneuvering Powell said he will not even try to get that measure to the floor through the House Rules Commit- tee, where Southern opposition would be formidable, but will bring it up under a procedure that re- quires a two-thirds vote for pas- sage. The bill, an outgrowth of hear- ings on the progress of school in- tegration since the 1954 Supreme Court ruling, would amend the present program under which fed- eral grants are made to schools in areas of federal activity. About $320 million is now spent annually on such programs throughout the nation. The money goes to help pay teachers' salaries, build schools and pay operating costs. All Due Speed The bill, introduced by Rep. Charles S. Joelson (D-N.J.), would deny payment to any school that could not give the Office of Edu- cation assurance that it is either already desegregated or is making progress toward desegregation with "all deliberate speed." The only surviving part of the teacher bill would authorize $75 a week grants to teachers who at- tend short-term institutes in ad- vanced studies. Dropped from the bill were pro- visions for teacher fellowships for up to a year of study and grants to the states for projects aimed at. improving teaching practices in the schools. ri * GEN. nAOUL SALAN . . . life in jail SAMPLES: Report Milk Radioactive WASHINGTON (P) - The pub- lic Health Service reported yes- terday that increased amounts of radioactive iodine 'appeared last week in pasteurized milk samples from several states - mostly in mid-continent areas. It was stressed that there is no reason for undue concern if it turns out that the increases were of a temporary nature, as the ex- perts believe is the case. But, Dr. Lester Machta, chief of the meteorological research proj- ects branch of the weather bureau, said, "We would obviously con- clude this rise came from our own current nuclear tests in the air in the Pacific." know about. He also declined to answer when asked about his list of assets and his interest in Agri- culture, Inc. But he promised the judge that he would file a detailed statement of his assets and operations by June 15 and would be available for further questioning. In a report to the court receiv- er, Harry Moore said preliminary and unverified tabulation showed that Estes' assets totaled $20,793,- 154 and his liabilities $38,387,935. Meanwhile, at Franklin, Tex., the Robertson County grand jury -probing the gunshot death of agriculture agent Henry Marshall - subpoenaed William E lli o t t, chief of the Agriculture Depart- ment's investigative division at Temple, Tex. The grand jury may get a report today from a medical team which examined Marshall's exhumed body Tuesday to determine wheth- er Marshall committed suicide or was murdered. Congress Cuts Latin alliance WASHINGTON (A)-The House Foreign Affairs Committee voted a 20 per cent cut yesterday in President John F. Kennedy's four- year plan to finance the Alliance for Progress in Latin America. This action followed Senate Foreign Relations Committee ap- proval Tuesday of foreign aid au- thority totalling $4.662 billion, more than $216 million below the Administration's request. The Latin America aid reduc- tion sponsored by Rep. Clement J. Zablocki (D-Wis.), was support- ed by a majority of the members present, indicating that further modifications could be made be- fore the over-all foreign measure is approved. Chairman Thomas E. Morgan (D-Pa.), of the House group said' that yesterday's action would set a $600 million annual ceiling on Al- liance for Progress aid over the four-year period. The foreign aid measure, origin- ally scheduled for approval three weeks ago, remains deadlocked in the House committee. Set Refugee Admittance WASHINGTON () -- President John F. Kennedy invoked emer- gency powers yesterday authoriz- ing the admission of refugees from Communist China, and disclosed that several thousand now in or near Hong Kong have been cleared for entry. The Justice Department said the "flow would start in about two weeks." Officials disclosed that Kennedy met with Raymond F. Farrell, As- sociate Commissioner of Immigra- tion and Naturalization, to put the machinery in motion. Several Thousand Then later, at his news confer- ence, the President said "several thousand refugees in Hong Kong and surrounding areas" have been cleared for admission. Many of them, it was learned, are relatives or members of Chi- nese families already in the United States. The President, in response to questions, attributed the flood of hungry Chinese descending on Hong Kong to both a food crisis within China and a breakdown in the economy in some areas. Waive Law Emergency powers will be used to waive immigration laws which prescribe the normal annual ad- mission quota of 105 persons of Chinese descent. The Attorney General can admit them under "parole" when it ,is deemed in the national interest. Soviets Delay U.S. Convoy BERLIN (P) - Soviet forces held up a west-bound United States Army convoy nearly six hours yesterday after letting this divided city's tensions ease off ,for two months. The convoy was finally allowed to go on its way after a stiff pro- test. FEstes Takes 'Fifth' At Federal Hearing Texas Financier Refuses To Talk, Promises To File Detailed Account EL PASO (A') - Billie Sol Estes, whose persuasive eloquence built a multi-million dollar empire in fertilizer, cotton and grain storage, re- fused to testify yesterday when faced by his creditors. The 37-year-old financier invoked the Fifth Amendment six times at a federal receivership hearing into his operations. Estes is under indictment for fraud. Estes declined to give his occupation, location of his offices, and to state whether he turned over all books and accounts to the receiver or had assets the receiver did not MALCOLM SCOTT CARPENTER to go aloft Votes Record Space Budget,* Trip ing Cost WASHINGTON (o)-The House voted yesterday a recora budget for space exploration and heard a prediction that the burgeoning cost of the program eventually may include the life of an astro- naut. It sent to the Senate a bill to authorize the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to spend $3.67 billion dollars during the fiscal year starting July 1. U THANT . . let's negotiate Thant Als Arbitration UNITED NATIONS VP) - Act- ing Secretary-General U Thant appealed to Indonesia and the Netherlands last night to resume negotiations for a peaceful settle- ment of the West New Guinea crisis through the offices of United States Ambassador E 11 s w o r t h Bunker. Thant sent the appeal to Presi- dent Sukarno of Indonesia and Prime Minister Jan E. de Quay of the Netherlands after adprivate 40 minute meeting with Bunker at United Nations headquarters. Earlier in the day Thant had turned down an appeal from de- Quay that he urge Indonesia to re- frain from any aggressive action in West New Guinea, where Dutch forces have been trying to cope with an invasion of Indonesian Paratroopers. Thant said to do so would im- ply he is taking sides in the con- troversy. Bunker has not made public his proposals to the Dutch and the Indonesians. Published reports have said, however, that he has suggested that the United Nations supervise the Pacific territory over a two-year period during which the Dutch would leave and' the Indonesians would take over. This would provide time for re- solving the question of a plebiscite under which the area's Papuan population would be given the right to choose their own political future. TRAVEL LEVIES: ittate Action on I ax iievisionj or ld Nems Roundup By The Associated Press PARIS-The conservative Independent Party declared open war on President Charles de Gaulle last night, the New York Times re- ported yesterday. Following the resignations last week of five Popular Republican ministers, it demanded the resignation of its four ministers in the government, but it seems doubtful that the ministers will re- sign, due to loose discipline within the party. WASHINGTON-Higher standards and tougher examinations for entering the securities business were urged yesterday by the Na- tional Association of Securities Dealers, which lists'4,850 member firms. * * * * HERSHEY-Rep. William W. Scranton (R-Pa.), said yesterday there are Chinese Nationalist troops in northern Thailand which he said could give Communists an excuse to move into that nation now defended by United States forces. Meanwhile, the Defense Department announced that the army battle group in Thailand does not now have ammunition for its weapons, but a tremendous amount can be put into the hands of the troops immediately if needed. SAIGON-Fifty-five guerillas were killed in South Viet Nam yesterday by loyalist troops aided by United States helicopters. * * * * NEW YORK - A strong attempt at a rally got nowhere Wednes- day and the stock market was pounded down to its second severe loss in as many days. Dow-Jones average for 65 stocks was down 3.47; 15 utilities, down 2.10; 20 RRs, down 1.96; and 30 Inds., down 9.82 from yesterday. WASHINGTON ('}) - The first step was taken in Congress yes- terday to wipe out the 10 per cent passenger tax on bus and railroad tickets and to cut the levy on air' fares to five per cent beginning Jan. 1. The House Ways and Means' Committee approved tacking the' provision on a bill to continue' some $2.8 billion in other taxes- mostly imposed in World War II and the Korean War - which would expire or be cut July 1 unless Congressoacts.hThen the committee approved the bill by voice vote. This measure which Congress has passed each year to continue the taxes was introduced only to- day. House action on it was set tentatively for the week of June 4. Hold Line The bill as drafted by the com- mittee would continue at present rates the existing taxes on alco- holic beverages, cigarettes, gener- al telephone service, automobiles and their parts and accessories. It also would continue the present corporate income tax rate. Recommence Job Cut Talks WASHINGTON UP)- The gov- ernment succeeded yesterday in getting the railroads and unions representing 200,000 operating em- ployees to resume stalled negotia- tions on recommended job cuts. Chairman Leverett Edwards of the National Mediation Board an- nounced that bargaining sessions which had, been broken off last week will be resumed tomorrow in Chicago. The carriers had. quit the nego- tiations, claiming the unions were failing to come to grips with a Presidential railroad commission's recommendations calling for grad- ual elimination of about 40,000 locomotive firemen's jobs. The committee's action on the passenger fare tax is in line with President John F. Kennedy's rec- ommendations to improve the competitive position of intercity railroad and bus transportation and to clear the way for what he calls "an "equitable system of user charges for aviation." Kennedy, however, had asked that the railroad and bus taxes be repealed effective July 1 and that halving the tax on airline tickets be postponed until next Jan. 1. Interpretation The committee's move to con- tinue the surface transportation tax six months longer was under- stood to be an effort to hold down the loss to the treasury, since the committee did not act immediately on Kennedy's recommendations for compensating taxes. Action on the compensation tax proposals was put off probably un- til next year. But the treasury was reported willing to go along with the compromise. The treasury estimates that the tax loss would amount to $195 mil- lion a year - $105 million on air- line tickets and $90 million on bus and train tickets. The loss in the next fiscal year, starting July ,1 however, is estimated at $62.6 million. KEEP AHEAD OF YOUR HAIR . NO WAITING . HAIRSTYLISTS . AIR-CONDITIONED "Headquarters for Collegians" The DASCOLA BARBERS Near Michigan Theatre P u Department of Speech Laboratory Playbill RED PEPPERS" by NOEL COWARD 4:10 p.m. TODAY Trueblood Aud. Frieze Building Admission Free i I SAN LY OF BOSTON says if you really want to cool off... NEED MONEY? See "Help Wanted" Classified "ARE YOU A BALL OF FIRE?" ~R ABAT STR7V 11 .. GENERATION ON SALE Weighs-nothing Sandler-mac of the laciest st with] from bre Get skimmer... holds-all bag ... de for each other and for you, traw - "nailed down" leather to keep you all ezing away! set...get the set! skimmers $8.95 bag $4.95 plus federal tax Hey, there's a matching hat, too! $2.95 And a semi-high heel oump $12.95 the girl who thinks she has a figure problem.7-15 I F'!n m s 0 i -- -,...,-r- .