Seventy-Second Year - EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN _ UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Fre STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH.o Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. EVALUATION POLICY: What is a DNESDAY, MAY 23, 1962 ACTING NIGHT EDITOR: MALINDA BERRY Political Generalities Mean General Co nfusion LET'S SCRAP the terms "conservative" and "liberal."" They've lost their meaning. What is a "conservative?" Some cynics will say he's a person with a high income who thus has nothing to gain if policies are liberalized. Yet survgy research shows us that the most ridig conservatives on many issues are from the lower class. And the great source of more in- telligent conservatism is in the middle income group, not among the rich7. Other voices to the left of center may whisper that a conservative is a bigot, equating such groups as the\ National States' Rights Party with the whole of the right wing. (This party's platform states "We believe it better that only members of our White Folk Com- munity be allowed to take part in the affairs of government or serve in the courts." And "We approve the removal of all alien minorities dissatisfied with our American way of life .. FRIENDS OF CONSERVATISM often say it supports the integrity of the individual, through such means as a vigorous system of capitalist free enterprise, and the ideals of our democracy as they are codified in the Con- stitution. But these principles may have their limits. Many believe Communists are opposed to individual integrity, so the freedoms of individual Communists must be circumscribed. Yet others who consider themselves conserva- tives extend these freedoms based on in- dividuality even to the anti-individualists such as the Communists. Which of the two sides on the Red issue is truly conservative? Is a man no longer conservative when he qualifies free- dom where moral issues are involved?, Communist rights is one of the great divisive issues of our times, but conservatives are divided in other areas. A man who generally supports freedom of the press may qualify his opinion if his 13-year-old daughter can buy "literature" so slimy that large chunks of it could never be published in this news- paper. ANOTHER COMMON CONCEPTION of the conservative is that he's one who preserves (or conserves) the status quo (or is closed- minded, liberals might say.) But this isn't true in practice. Any system is ongoing, and a con- servative, wants to extend democracy or im- prove free enterprise. He's no more content with the present than his liberal friend. And some conservatives want to change the status quo in the opposite direction. These reactionaries. want to return to former conditions: a little less foreign aid, or a little less government welfare. THIRD DEFINITION of, conservatism could bepatriotism. (Jingoist or chauvinist, cry the liberals.) Conservative democrats in any nation are very strong for their own cultural heritage, but this support is more for prin- ciples (government by laws) than for a flag or an individual. If patriotism is merely the latter, then the snide labels of the liberals are deserved. We can't really define conservatism as pa- triotism. Don't conservatives often favor isola- tionism, or a cut in foreign aid? Don't con- servatives within the University generally op- pose Student Government Council action on off-campus issues? Pre-occupation with the here and now may typify many conservatives, but this is not the principle they usually base their beliefs on. They may consider varying degrees of isolation to be good for political reasons, not because of built-in ethnocentrism. LET'S TRY another definition. A conservative is a passive person. Now we're getting some- where. Isn't it usually the liberal who rocks the boat? Aren't fraternity men (generally conservative) content to go to parties for their four years on campus and let the dirty work- and the editorial writing-on The Daily be taken over by left-wingers? But this definition isn't adequate either. By whatever means, Young Americans for Freedom has often proved to be an active group, and every now and then a right-wing nut shows up at the Student Publications Building. Perhaps we can only define a conservative by this rule of thumb: If most of your basic beliefs are bombarded by professors during your four years at the University, you're a conser- vative. THIS CONFUSION in definition extends to the other side of the fence. Liberals are similarly embarrassed by a confusion of prin- ciples. They many say they seek the welfare of all men, but so would the conservative. Let's take a more specific problem. For example: On campus, the liberal wants to avoid central authority as much as possible. One spokesman wants to end women's hours, even if preg- nancies result which will harm the University (not to mention the individuals involved). Let's have residence halls without staff men, suggests another' liberal leader who furnished his apart- ment by "borrowing" items from quadrangle lounges. A third says the Legislature should keep hands off the University, even though it is a state school.w (This liberal stereotype is inadequate, of course. A conservative editor suddenly gets pretty liberal when he watches his newspaper's administrative board make appointments by caprice.) ON CAMPUS, anarchy is the ideal. But when we get to the national level, the bigger the government the better. Extension into business enterprise, medicine, or education will lead to the promised land. An ultimate expression of this view reads as follows: "We shall enact laws to protect every honest, working citizen from unforseeable and ruinous catastrophes of all kinds, to assure him of edu- cation and training to the top level of his, capacity . . to assure him of vital medical and hospital facilities by providing medical coupons .." This is from the platform of the American Nazi Party. MANY PEOPLE say our two major political parties are a farce, and we should re-form political lines to have Conservative and Liberal parties. But this distinction is as meaningless as that between Republican and Democrat. We don't need new parties or new labels. We need a realization that ideological stands are made issue by issue. A man may be 'conservative (in one sense of the word) on foreign aid, and a liberal on the integration question (par- ticularly if he lives in the North.) In other words, I have used an editorial crammed with over-generalizations to ask that we stop generalizing about people's ideologies. -RICHARD OSTLING Associate Editorial Director, 1961-62 BY RONALD WILTON Daily Staff Writer. DOES THE FACT that a man is full professor necessarily mean that he is a "good" teacher? Just how much research does a faculty member have, to do before he is considered for'tenure rank? Should a person be penalized if instead of doing research or teaching an ex- tra class he engages in administra- tive or committee service work? These are not easy questions to an- swer, and there are no definite answers to them. Yet the answers are very important to the Univer- sity because they determine pro- motion policy; and promotion pol- icy, along with salaries, determines whether a university has a good faculty or a mediocre one. Probably the largest question in promotion policy is the relative importance of teaching ability ver- sus research. This is typified by the familiar question asked of fac- ulty members-"Are you a teach- er or a zoologist?" The most com- mon answer would be "I'm a teach- er of zoology," and this sums up the University's official attitude towards the relative value of the two. Teaching is generally consid- ered of primary importance, being followed by research, reputation and service in that order. This is the order to which most schools pay official lip servie, but it is known that many schools give re- search a disproportional value over the other criteria. How does one evaluate teach- ing? This may seem like a simple question until .one starts to an- swers it and suddenly finds the words don't come. Is the good teacher the one .who can make his students memorize the textbook so they can spit all the information back at him on a test, or should he be one who encourages the stu- dents to do outside reading and work on their own? SHOULD HE BE a "nice guy"' and take pains not to alienate any students at the expense of getting ideas across or should he be very concerned with pointing out student mistakes and risk be- ing considered a tyrant? ; As one administrator put it "we are not terribly impressed with any of our teaching evaluation methods." Be that as it may the University does try. In a letter to chairmen of different departments asking for their recommendations for promotions the literary college notes that "An essential qualifica- tion for appointment or promotion is the ability to teach, whether at the undergraduate or the gradu- ate level. Some of the elements to be'evaluated or character, experi- ence, knowledge of subect mat- ter, skill in presentation, interest in students, ability to stimulate youthful minds, capacity for co- operation and. enthusiastic devo- tion to teaching. "The responsibility of the teach- er as a guide and friend properly extends beyond, the walls of the, classroom into other phases of the life of the student as aw member of the University community. It also involves the duty of initiating and improving educational meth- ods both within and mftside his department." THIS LIST IS admirable as it covers just about every criterion for teaching possible, but when removed from paper to policy something happens. Such things as character, experience, knowl- edge of subject matter can be measured to some degree of cer- tainty by a department chairman and a promotions committee, but how does one evaluate the others? The only real place to evaluate them is in the classroom, a place where chairmen and other teach- ers rarely go. About the only place where this does happen is where recitation section teaching fellows sit on on their classes lecture. Otherwise the students are the only ones left to tell about a teacher's "in-the-classroom" quali- fications. Every third semester the liter- ary college (and it's the only col- lege on the campus to do so) hands out forms for students to fill out evaluating courses and teachers. The forms are then collected, seal- ed and put away in the depart- ment's safe until after the semes- ter marks are in. Then one of three things is done with them. If the department takes them seri- ously: 1) They are read carefully by various people and notes are made of their suggestions. 2) They are turned over to the teachers to make whatever use of them they wish. 3) They are taken from the safe and thrown into the wastebasket still unopened. THE LATTER POLICY is ir- responsible to say the least. It is true that many students are ir- responsiple and often use only personal criteria rather than aca- demic in evaluating a teacher. However, there are many stu- dents who'are seriously concerned with the quality of the education they receive and who take pains to fill out the form as honestly and responsibly aspossible. Their voices deserve to be heard, at least every semester instead of every third, and given the consideration they deserve because there is no other way to evaluate a teacher's performance in the classroom. To depend for evaluation on the num- ber of students passed and failed by a teacher is unreliable. As defined in the latter, re- search covers a fairly wide area. It refers to quality of publication tual interests, success in ,training and other creative work, intellec- graduate and professional students in "scholarly methods," and fac- ulty membership in national pro- fessional associations and in the editing of professional journals. * * * THE UNIVERSITY'S VIEW is that one of the factors distin- guishing us from a small college should be discovery of new knowl- edge and since we have formal teaching loads light enough to permit research it should be done. The qualities that make a good teacher and those that make a good researcher are seen as sim- ilar. The University claims it is not overly impressed with a long list of publications, but several facts lead us to question this. For one thing research is much more eas- ily measured than teaching ability Good and the temptation is great to give it greater importance. Sec- ondly, on the letter sent out by the literary college it was asked that special attention be paid to a request for a "complete bibliogra- phy" limited "except in unusual circumstances, to material that is either in print or accepted for publication." Thirdly, there are the comments of various faculty members themselves who speak of "publishing an article in a journal every six months or so'and a book every three to five years" if a person expects to get anywhere here. Since the various departments make the recommendations for promotion they can vary the value they place on research and some of them place it rather high. * * * THIS IS UNFORTUNATE be- cause the ,University should be a community of scholars working to- gether in the search for and ex- change of knowledge and truth and an emphasis on research to the detriment of teaching destroys this concent. Because of the expanded scope of University activities many staff members find it necessary to en- .~ A// r:J.V.O'1".wr."r:r-."JJ:.". v:4V::::"1 ^P'T ::L"SR"JT". AVJ.".VJJ.t.:::Y.:: N'.S .. t."JJJJ::'J:."J~'JJ JJJt "r a"RrJJJJ:Jh ,.YrrJJ .,,.r ........................:.."....."."J:4.;.J....,...J:~JJJ.'V."."r'."'J::4 J J::"JJ .YJJ: JJ.".J fir...,. ::::" r 7.~....... r. ~.. 1....J. .,,..,:":r .......... ,r, v.,....." ,... ..... ...... .....................r . ;..J::: r..... ........ 1~ ....~............. ....:V :": , ....." .....,.~4"J "J"Y ..,.... ,r.. i. .,,. YJ. J"JJJ "J ::"J :":4"::L.L I:J"rJ: ~.. "".{"J.1 i"{"". ":L'J ::<":" ..... .:~..: r .... ... ....... '" ,""v ". ... e... "r ~. "4{...,.."b. . ds7 o ."":'i:::",..".v:,...{^:.i . c4."':4yS": Y:%: I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ....:::.....:..... :.r' ?,.:8dv:?::{{:: . : . .. ...... "...r.". .o "a ..:.:v'. :%^:Y .,'.... ..' nS , Medical School at MSU A PROPOSAL for the construction of a two- year medical school at Michigan State Uni- versity is presently being studied by a coordin- ating council of leading educators around the country. The school would be incorporated into an institute of Biology and Medicine pro- viding 'for an advanced degree program in the basic biological sciences, health-related areas and an integrated curriculum at the under- graduate and graduate levels allowing the stu- dent to decide as late as possible 'his profession in these related fields. , This institute would be financed in the same way as the rest of the University, through state and federal funds and private sources. The ap- propriations would be made sep'arately for it and the medical schools at the University and Wayne State University. However, the amount of money available to one school naturally has some affect on what is left over for the pthers to use. At the same time WSU wants to expand its medical center. This project would double its enrollment and create a development of five hospitals plus the Wayne College of Medicine. R IGHT NOW there is no need for the state' of Michigan to expand its medical train- ing program. The ratio of doctors 'to the rest of the population compares very favorably with that in the other states. But it takes 10-12 years to train a class of medical students and in order to maintain its needed number of doc- tdrs the state must start planning now. If MSU were to establish a two-year medical school it would have to make provisions with another university to accept its graduates so accepted in the first place, this leaves few va- cancies for anyone who would want to trans- fer. The graduates of a two-year medical school' at MSU could transfer to WSU; however it would be simpler if the latter expanded so it could take a larger freshman class and the stu- dents wouldn't have to worry about changing schools. NEITHER the University nor MSU has a bio- logical institute like the one MSU is plan- ning. However both do offer the same programs, they are just not written down on paper in the same way. Since the University hospital is a referral center for the whole state, the people who study there are able to see many unusual cases. (In fact the hospital has more open heart opera- tions than appendectomies.) The hospital used by the. medical students at WSU receives pa- tients. from the Detroit area and therefore handles many of the common diseases._ IF A MEDICAL school were constructed in Lansing, it too would have to concentrate on the common ailments because the hospital there is referral for just Ingham County. Thus this school would not be adding any new dimension to the medical program already be- ing offered in the state, and if WSU expands there will be even less need for such an insti- tute at MSU. The whole biological program at MSU would accept approximately 50 students when it first opened. Dr. Bradley Harris, chairman of the coordinating council pre'dicted that about 25 of them would be interested in the medical school and 10-20 per cent of this number would The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication., WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 General Notices; A Meeting of the senior class presi- dents and other specially appointed representatives will be held in 302 West Engineering Bldg., Thursday, May 24, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of dis- cussing the schedule and plans for Commencement. A limited number of ushers are still needed for the Ukranian Dance Co. Concert on May 30. If you are inter- ested in ushering for this event, please see Mr. Warner at the Box Office in Hill Aud. on Wed., May 23, between 5 and 6 P.M. Agenda Student Government Council, May 23. 1962. 7:30 p.m. Council Room, Constituents' Time 9 p.m. Minutes of previous meeting. Officer reports: President, Letters, Adequacy of statements, JJC appoint- ments; Executive Vice President, In- terim Action, Appointments-Summer Interim Committee; Administrative Vice President, Appointments; Treasurer. Standing Committees: Committee on Student Activities, Interdisciplinary Scholars' Council-Permanent Recogni- tion; Alpha Kappa Lambda, Permanent Recognition; American Guild of Organ- ists, Permanent Recognition; Committee on the NSA, National Student Congress & Regular Report. Ad Hoc Committees and Related Boards.-Committee on Membership Re- port. Special Business Old Business New Business, SGC Newsletter Constituents' and Members' Time Announcements Adjournment Events Wednesday University Symphony and Varsity Bands. The University and Varsity Bands with William D. Revelli, cox}- ductor, and George Cavender, assist- ant conductor, will present a concert Wed., May 23, 7:15 p.m. on the "Diag" (in case of bad weather, concert will be held in Hill Aud, 8:00 p.m.). Student soloists will be William Curtin, Donald Tison, Byron Pearson, Joan Forster, Jack Kripl. Open to the general public. Panel Discussion: "Three Approaches to Modern American Linguistics" will be discussed by Ruth Brand, George; Faust and Andreas Koutsoudas on Wed., May 23 at '7:30 p.m. In the Rackham Amphitheatre. Hopwood Lecture: Mark Schorer, bio- grapher and critic, will lecture on 'The Burdens of Biography' on Wed .,May 23, Rackham Lecture Hall at 4:15. Presen- tation of the Hopwood Awards for 1962 will follow the lecture. Doctoral Examination for Jack Ray- mond Jennings, Instrumentation En- gineering; thesis: -"An Analog Eigen- value Technique," Wed., May 23, 1203 E. Engin. Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. M. Howe. Doctoral Examination for Gordon Heath Robinson, Instrumentation En- gineering & Psychology; thesis: 'Con- tinuous Human Estimation of a Time- Varying, Sequentially Displayed, Prob- ability," Wed., May 23; 1072 E. Engin. Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Co-Chairmen, E. G. Gilbert and P. M. Fitts. Events Thu rsd( v Doctoral Recital: James Edmonds, pianist, will be heard in a recital in Aud. A, Angell Hall, on Thurs., May 24, at 8:30 p.m. presented in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Musical Arts. Mrs. Ava Case is chairman of Mr. Edmonds doc- toral committee. Edmonds will include in his prgram compositions by Bach and Chopin. Open to the public. Laboratory Playbill: Thurs., May 24 at Refreshments in 274 West Engineering at 3:30 p.m. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: Thurs., May 24, at 4 p.m. in 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. W. M. Kincaid will continue his discussion of "An Inventory Pric- ing Problem." Doctoral Examination for James Rus- sell Bower, Education; thesis: "Achieve- ment Motivation among Siblings," Thurs, May 24, 2532 University Elemen- tary School, at 10:00 a.m. poctoral Examination for Henry Wil- liam Morrison, Jr., Psychology; thesis: "Intransitivity of Paired Comparison Choices," Thurs., May 24, 7615 Haven Hall, at 10:15 a.m. Chairman, Ward Edwards, Doctoral Examination for David Les- ter Sponseller, Metallurgical Engineer- ing; tesis: "Third-Element Interactions with the System Liquid Iron - Liquid Calcium," Thurs:, May:24, 1300 East Engineering Bldg., at 3:30 p.m. Chair- man, R. A. Flinn. Doctoral Examination for Charles Ed- ward Wooldridge, Aeronautical & As- tronautical Engineering; thesis: "Mea- surements of the Correlation Between' the Fluctuating Velocities and the Fluc- tuating Wall Pressure in a Thick Tur- bulent Boundary Layer," Thurs., May 24, E Council Room Rackham Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, W. W. Will- marth. Doctoral Examination for Dietrich Otto Orlow, History; thesis: "A Study of the Nazi Sudosteurop-Gesellschaft," Thurs., May 24, 3609 Haven Hall, at 10:15 a.m. Chairman, G. L. Weinberg. Doctoral Examination for David Todd Wilkinson, Physics; thesis: "A Precis- ion Measurement of the g-Factor of the Free Electron," Thurs., May 24, 2038 Randall Lab., at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, H. R. Crane. Doctoral Examination for Robert Ed- ward Schoenberg. English Language & Literature; thesis: "The Conservatism of Samual Butler (1835-1902)", Thurs., Pacemtent SUMMER PLACEMENT: 212 SAB- Camp Maplehurst .. . Mich. coed camp has positions available for two men counselors and two women counselors as weil as a skin diver. All help must be 19 years old or over. Mr, Cohn will in- terview on Thurs., May 24, at the Summa mer Placement from 1:30 to 5...... Industrial Lamp Corporation: Elkh art Ind., has positions for Industrial Man- agement 'pr Engineering majors. Grad students or students between Junior and Seniors years preferred. Time study and general production engineering work. POSITION OPENINGS: Conn. Civil Service-(1) Probation Of- ficers (Juvenile Court). Degree with courses in sociology and psych. For high- er level positions, exper. is required. (2) Public Assistance Consultant (Wel- fare). Graduate trng. in a sch. of social work & 3 yrs. exper. Residence is waived for both positions .File by May 30. Burroughs Welcome,& Co., Tuckahoe, N. Y. - Men for Pharmaceutical Sales. Will be assigned territory as close as possible to area of your choice. BS in Pharmacy, Biologlical or Chem. Sciences preferred. Also consider Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. degree with some Bkgd in above. Military completed or military deferment. Lockheed-California Co., Burbank, Calif.-Recent or June grad to be In- dustrial Relations Staff Trainee. MA in personnel mgmt., labor relations, labor econ., mgmt. theory,"'applied psych. or related areas. No exper. required al-' though indust. exper. an asset. B or A overall average. State Farm Insurance Co., Marshall, Mich.-Several openings on Mgmt. Trng. Prog. At completion of 1-yr, trng. prog., trainee could go into supervision, un- derwriting, claims or a staff function. Excellent oppor. for advancement. Wolverine Tube Div., of Calumet & Middle East in following fields: Geol., Radio-Chem., Bio-chem., Public Health, Hospital Physics, Medical appli, of ra- dioisotopes, Engrg. (Electronics, Reac- tor, Fuel Elements, etc.), & Nuclear Physics. Contracts vary from 3 mos. to 1 yr. or More. Spanish needed for Para- guay; English acceptable for other lo- cations. County of Milwaukee, wis.-Positions for Civil Engnrs. Oppor. for grads to work with professional engnrs. in plan- ning & design of Milwaukee County Ex- pressway System. _ ' * * , For further information, please call General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. Pa rt-ime Employment The following part-time jobs are avaite Applications for these lobs ean be made in the Part-time Place- ment Of fice, 2200 Student Activities Building, during the foliowing hours: Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30, til 5 p.m. Employers desirous of biring students for part-time or fuil-time temporaivy -work. shnuld call Bob Hndges at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553' Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 2200, daily. MALE 1-Ann Arbor resident to sell Insur- ance. i!?-time during school, full- time during summer vacation and vacations during the year. 1-To do yardwork through the sum- mer. Must have your own equip- ment. All day Saturday. 3-Engineering students to do apart- ment maintenance in exchange for rooms with private bath. (Quiet studious boys). No cooking, drinking or parties. Must be available for two or three years, summer 'and winter. -Several boys for yard jobs. 1-Meat clerk. Must have experience with meats. 4 or 5 days per week, from 4 or 5 p.m.. until 9 p.m. 6-To take inventory. Min. of half