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May 23, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-23

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Sir A


Chance of thundershowers
late tonight or tomorrow.

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Boar in Control Fills acancies on Senior


Daily as Force
Agrees to Decision
Publications Authority Rearranges
Three Posts in Paper's Editorships
The. Board in Control of Student Publications announced new
appointments to senior editorial positions last night.
After deliberating for six hours the Board named Michael Olin-
ick, '63, editor; Judith Oppenheim, '63, editorial director; Caroline
Dow, '63, personnel director; Judith Bleier, '63, associate city editor;
Fred Russell Kramer, '63, associate editorial director; and Cynthia
Neu, '64, and Harry Perlstadt, '63, co-magazine editors.
Michael Harrah, '64BAd, retained his position as city editor.
The new appointments will not become official until September.
Task Force
The Board's action came a month after the junior staff, with the
exception of Harrah, had refused to accept the appointments and



















Dean Assails
Red 'Fetish'
About Spies
GENEVA (R) - United States
Ambassador Arthur Dean called
on the Soviet Union yesterday to
drop an "unwarranted fetish"
about espionage in opposing effec-
tive nuclear test ban controls.
In a heated exchange at the
three-power, test ban talks, Dean
said the Soviet Union obviously
wanted to avoid what he called
any shadow of control of its ter-'
"Anything the Soviet Union says
is dominated by preoccupation
with espionage, however unfound-
ed," Dean declared. He said it is
time to give up attempts to saddle
the conference with "preoccupa-
tions such as an unwarranted fet-
ish with state security and espion-
Thorough Examination
He urged the committee to turn
to a thorough examination of a
compromise memorandum of eight
neutral nations on which east and
west have offered opposing inter-
pretations. The West argues it
provides for obligatory on-site in-
spections while the Soviets con-
tend it means only that a country,
suspected -of clandestine testing
may invite control teams.
Supporting Dean's stand, Brit-
ain's Joseph Godber said the So-
viets were still taking negotiations
on a backward course.
"They talk of compromise," he
said. "But where is the comprom-
Soviet test ban negotiator Sem-
yon K. Tsarapkin said in accept-
ing the neutrals' proposal for cre-
ation of an international organiza-
tion and agreeing to "inspection
by invitation" that the Soviets had
moved from their original position
toward a compromise.
SGC To Air
Of Deadlines
Student Government Council
will hear requests for extensions
of deadlines on membership selec-
tion practice statements at to-
night's meeting.
Delta Sigma Phi social fraternity
will ask for more time. Delta Phi
11Epsilon sorority will also ask for
special consideration for an ex-
tension, since its deadline fell in
May. Council policy states that
only organizations with June dead-
lines are eligible to request ex-
tensions at this meeting.
Council President Steven Stock-
meyer, '63, will inform SGC of
the four sororities who failed to
meet their deadlines and, are,
therefore, in violation of Council's
procedure to insure adequacy of
Those in violation are Alpha Ep-
silon Phi, Kappa Delta, Phi Mu
and Gamma Phi Beta sororities.
Stockmeyer says that he expects
b action on these violations at
this time. He announced his in-
tention to work over the summer
with legal council to plan possible
hearings to set penalties.
The committee on membership
will present a two-part report on
action during the past two years

">took over duties as a task force.
The juniors had declined their
previous appointments because
they believed the Board's shuffling
of the senior editors' recommen-
dations violated freedom of the
press by attempting to control the
paper's internal policies and in-
terpreted the action as a form of
pre-censorship of the editorial
Issues Statement
After new appointments were
announced, the Board issued this
"Today's appointments to The
Daily Senior Editorial staff differ
in some respects from those rec-
ommended by the former senior
staff. They also differ from the
previous appointments made by
the Board which were not accept-
"In other words these appoint-
ments are a response to a new
"Neither in these appointments
nor in the earlier appointments
of the Board was there any
thought of exerting an improper
influence upon The Daily editorial
policy. We find the idea of cen-
sorship as repugnant as do any
of the members of The Daily edi-
torial staff.. The Board however
in its new'appointments reaffirms
its responsibility to exercise its
independent judgment in the mak-
ing of appointments.
Prime Factor
"We also recognize that the rec-
ommendations of a senior staff
are a prime factor in forming the
official judgments of the Board."
Speaking for the new editors,
Olinick said:
"In making new appointments
to the senior staff of The Daily,
the Board has demonstrated that
it had no intention to pre-censor
the publication of editorial com-
ment in any way. This was the
main concern of the juniors and
the prime motivation behind their
protest of the Board's first set
of appointments last month.
Save Face
"The Board did not make last
night's appointments on the basis
of what was best for the publica-
tion, but to save face and reaffirm
its legal power to take such action.
-"During the coming year, the
new senior staff wil bend every
effort to the task of clarifying the
presently ambiguous situation of
the appointments process. We in-
tend to ask the Board for a new
definition of its functions and to
enunciate, once and for all, the
students' right to control The Daily
unhampered by the Board except
in highly unusual and extreme
The new appointments came
after the Board reinterviewed the
petitioners. Although petitioning
was opened to the entire campus,
only the seven junior staff mem-
bers repetitioned.
Award Prize
To Oppenheim
Judith Oppenheim, '63, editorial
director of The Michigan Daily,
received the Alice Bogdonoff Sil-
ver Editorial Award yesterday.
The award is given to any mem-
ber of The Daily editorial staff
who has most notably and consist-
ently shown qualities of courage,
.,responsibility, thoroughness, ma-
turity of interpretation and con-
cern for justice in editorials and
interpretive writing.
Con-Con Sues

Reds Talk
At Wayne
Frank Wilkinson and Carl
Braden, convicted of contempt of
Congress as a result of their ap-
pearance before the House Un-
American Activities Committee,
spoke to Wayne State University
students after the university had
barred the use of its facilities to
The two were scheduled to speak
i nthe Kresge Science Library un-
der the auspices of the Civil Lib-
erties Committee, but they spoke
at a hastily called meeting in St.,
Andrews Episcopal Church, locat-
ed two blocks from the WSU cam-
pus. The talk, attended by approx-
imately 160 students, was spon-
sored by Robert Smith, the presi-
dent of the committee, who was
acting as an individual.
If the talk had been sponsored
by the committee, Smith expla in-
ed, it would have been unauthor-
ized and the group could lose its
university recognition.
Smith said the committee had
invited Wilkinson and Braden in
an effort to gain all points of
view about the House Un-American
Activities Committee.
Council Forum
The talk had been approved by
WSU Student - Faculty Council
Forum Committee, the university
calendaring agency, but President
Clarence Hilberry overruled the
group Monday night.
"I do not find .. . sufficient evi-
dence-of their compentency to con-
tribute to scholarly inquiry or that
they will contribute to the univer-
sity's program. On the contrary,
there is much evidence that they
will use the university as a sound-
ing board for propaganda and theirj
personal interest," Hilberry said.
Right of Student
"I am as much concerned withI
the right of students to hear as I
am with the rights of the speak-
ers," Ernest Mazey, executive di-
rector of the Michigan AmericanI
Civil Liberties Union, a speaker at;
the St. Andrews Church gathering,i
He added that the ACLU's for-
um committee will meet today to+
consider this incident as well as+
the case of Donald Lobsinger, a
major organizer of last year's drive
to ban Communist speakers at
WSU, who was barred from ad-
dressing a Young Americans for
Freedom meeting in March.

WASHINGTON (/P) - Sen. John
L. McClellan, (D-Ark.), proposed
last night that Congress use its
own power to arrest and imprison
contemptuous witnesses because,
he said, it "cannot rely upon the
McClellan, in a statement, said
the Supreme Court decision Mon-
day reversing contempt of Con-
gress convictions of six men who
had been balky witnesses before
the House Committee on Un-
American Activities made this

"The action of the Supreme
Court . . . seems to make it crys-
tal clear that the Congress can-
not rely upon the courts to punish
contumacious witnesses who ap-
pearbefore its committees," the
Senator said.
These Circumstances
"Thus, it appears that in these
circumstances the only recourse
left to Congress, if it is to have
any protection at all, is for it to
exercise the inherent power of each
house to uphold its own preroga-

Legislature To0Consider
New Wholesale Goods Tax
LANSING (P)-With the income tax virtually dead for the year,
state lawmakers came up with a batch of new tax ideas yesterday.
Rapidly gaining favor among a good number of legislators is a
bill to raise upward of $100 million a year by taxing goods at the
wholesale level as they pass into the hands of retailers. Rep. Roy
Spencer (R-Attica) offered it as a substitute to a $69 million package
of "nuisance" taxes ready for a vote in the house.
Rep. Harvey Beadle (D-Detroit) proposed to raise $63 million

McClellan Asks Arrest by Congress


tives and to punish directly con-
tempt or contumacy of witnesses
appearing before it."
Congress has power to arrest
and detain witnesses for the dura-
tion of a Congress session.
McClellan said that the court
decision, if it were consistently ob-
served, would "further undo and
unnecessarily burden the processes
of criminal law enforcement,
aside from being an invitation to
witnesses to flout the authority
and jurisdiction of the Congress."
Billie Sol Estes
McClellan is chairman of the
Senate Investigations subcommit-
tee now investigating the Billie
Sol Estes case, and may get a
chance to try the direct action
approach if any of his witnesses
prove balky. He said he would de-
cide that only if the matter arose.
. McClellan said the Senate or
House then could order the person
held for contempt until he purged
himself by answering the ques-
Labor Strikes
Cause Delays
on 'u Pro.ects
Strikes have delayed work on
three University construction proj-
Building has not progressed
since May 1on the Institute of
Scienceand Technology Building
on North Campus.
This month's work on the Phys-
ics-Astronomy Building on East
University has been slowed by a
strike of the masonry and plaster-
ing trades and the reinforcing
steel crew.
A steel workers strike has held
up construction on the Thompson
Street Parking Structure, on
Thompson near Jefferson.
However, as Vice-President for
Business and Finance Wilbur K.
Pierpont told the Regents, work is
progressing satisfactorily on the
University's three other major

Uon revent
Scheduled Talks
Legislator Rebuffed in Bid To Bar
Symposium with Wilkinson, Braden
University President Harlan Hatcher has reiterated a Regental
decision to Sen. Joseph P. Smeekens (R-Coldwater), whom the Presi-
dent informed last night he would be unable to prohibit two speakers
from using University facilities.
Frank Wilkinson and Carl Braden, both convicted of contempt of
Congress for refusal to answer questions before the House Committee
on Un-American Activities, will not be deterred from speaking at
the University tonight in a symposium sponsored by Voice Political
Party and the Democratic Socialist Club.
Smeekens asked the President to prevent the two from speaking,

annually in new revenue by near
Police. Seek.
OAS Killer
PARIS (MP-Fiv; captured secret
army terrorists were charged today
with plotting to assassinate Pres-
ident Charles de Gaulle and a
manhunt spread across France
for a sixth member of the gang.
The fugitive, a Polish former
paratroop captain named Slebodia
was known to the others as "Slim,"
escaped a police net that bagged
the five. His picture was sent to
all police district stations and bor-
der posts.
Newspapers reported that all
five captured members of the gang,
including the leader Jean-Loup
Blanchy, confessed to the plot to
kill de Gaulle.
Few details of their plans have
leaked through a police wall of
secrecy. But authorities apparently
got first wind of the plot last week
and tracked the participants when
they moved into France from Al-
Documents seized by police in-
dicated that the gang was un-
decided on the plan and means
to be used in the desperate assas-
sination attempt. A first plan
seemed to have been to carry out
the attack in thencathedral at
Limoges Sunday morning when
de Gaulle visited there on a tour.

ly doubling the business activities
tax. The 734 mill rate, which now
produces $69 million, would be
raised to 15 mills.
A third tax measure put up for
consideration would help out local
governments by permitting coun-
ties to levy any tax but a property
tax. The bill, authored by Rep.
Robert E. Waldron (R-Grosse
Pointe) would leave the way open
for nuisance or income levies or
any taxes that did not hit per-
sonal or real property. '
The drive for new tax proposals
gained impetus when Gov. John
Swainson announced Friday that
he believed there was no longer
any hope for fiscal reform this
year. His stand killed off almost
the last remaining chance for en-
actment of a state income tax and
freed Democratic lawmakers to
look elsewhere for tax revenue.
With tongue in cheek, Rep. E.
D. O'Brien (D-Detroit) proposed
a package of "nuisance" taxes for
Republican farmers.

and he cited the controversy last
volving Wayne State University.
(WSU was threatened with retri-
bution by a legislator at that
Told Smeekens
The President told Smeekens
that the application to use Uni-
versity facilities had, in this case,
been properly 'requested. He said
that the symposium had to be
sponsored by a recognized student
organization, must comply with
Regent's Bylaw 8.11 (which pro-
hibits any speaker from Univer-
sity facilities if he advocates the
violent overthrow of the govern-
ment or defies the accepted moral
standards of society), and must
receive the approval of the faculty
lecture committee.
The President informed Smeek-
ens that the symposium in ques-
tion met all three requirements,
and it also had the approval of a
majority of the Regents.
Not Able To Prevent
In the light of this, President
Hatcher said, he would not be able
to prevent the appearance of Wil-
kinson and Braden on campus.
Both Wilkinson and Braden had
their convictions upheld by the
Supreme Court and served nine
months in jail.
Wayne State University Presi-
dent Clarence Hilberry barred
them from speaking on the WSU
campus last Monday.
Both of them addressed a meet-
ing of the Civil Liberties Commit-
tee here last night but the meet-
ing was not held on University
Spearheaded Drive
Ann Byerlein, a Deroit nurse
who spearheaded the drive against
the lifting of the WSU speaker
ban a year and a half ago, was
also in ann Arbor to hear Wilkin-
son and Braden and to protest.
She said that she has seen Uni-!
versity administrators and intends
to register a protest today against
the pair using University facilities.
Smeekens is also the co-author
with Rep. William Marshall (R-
Allen) of a resolution declaring
that Communist speakers using
Michigan college and university
facilities to give talks is against
state policy.
Peronists Riot
In Argentina

year over the same principle in-

Alleged Communist To Tall
To MSU Young Socialists
The Michigan State University Young Socialists club will have
alleged Communist Robert G. Thompson speak tonight, club president
Jan Garrett told The Daily early this morning.
Garrett said Thompson will speak in the back yard of Delta
Sigma Phi, a MSU fraternity that earlier this week offered to host
the speech. "Thompson is absolutely forbidden to use University
property," Garrett commented. This is a decision of the Board of
Trustees of MSU. The decision
seems to have set a precedent,"
Garrett said. "Some people have
urged us to try again this fall to
sponsor a Communist speaker on
2 iC o nw tro l campus, but I don't think that the
trustees would approve then either.
The decision appears to be hard-
Garrett said the fraternity's
back yard is large enough to ac-
commodate several hundred stu-


Cites Need for flirtI

civil liberties
Be, Abolished
Frank Wilkinson, the man whose
civil liberties case went to the Su-
preme Court 15 months ago, last
night called for the abolition of
the House Committee on Un-
American Activities.
Speaking to a group of students
and Ann Arbor citizens at the Uni-
tarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw,
Wilkinson discussed his case in de-
tail and declared:.
"It is time to work harder to
keep open the marketplace of
Long-Time Opponent
A long-time opponent of the
HUAC, he was subpoenaed by it
in July of 1958. He said last night
that he stuck to his strategy for
testing the First Amendment is-
sues involved: he gave his name
to the Committee but refused to
answer any. other questions by
Committee members, pleading the
First Amendment.
"I made use of that year by
reading more than I had ever read
before in my life," he continued
last night. "I read the Greek
philosophers, Rousseau, Payne, Jef-
ferson, Madison Thoreau, Emer-
son, Gandhi, and Nehru, among
others. And I am now indebted
to HUAC for making me a bet-
ter informed foe of it."
Wilkinson said President Clar-
ence Hilberry of Wayne State Uni-
versity has prevented him from
speaking there on the grounds that
Hilberry feels he is "not sufficient-
ly scholarly" to talk about the
First Amendment.'
Sows Suspicion
Wilkinson said HUAC sows sus-
picion and creates confusion. He
read aloud the Committee's man-
date to investigate un-American
and subversive propaganda activi-
ties and commented that "un-
American" and "subversive" are
words that have "no real mean-

"At the moment the world is
getting the equivalent of a new
United States in population growth
every four years," Prof. George
Borgstrom of the MSU Department
of Food Science said last night
in his talk on "Problems of World
Nutrition on a Global Scale."
Prof. Borgstrom went on to say
that the world needs strict popu-
lation control to hold an absolute
maximum of six billion which at
present growth rates will be
reached by the year 2000. "Even
with birth control South Amer-
ica will be the size of China by the
turn of the century."
World Nutrition
One of the problems of world
nutrition is the fact that "Russia
and the U. S. dispose of 40 per
cent of the world's resources. Now
the people in the "have not" coun-
tries want their own share.

is pushing Japan out of her fish-
ling grounds in the. North Pacific."
Prof.uBorgstrum said that in
Africa the problem of nutrition
centers around the fact that there
is more livestock than population.
In the country of Char, there is
14 times as much livestock as peo-
ple. This means that total food
consumption of human population
does not tell the whole story. The
amount of food consumed by the
livestock must also be accounted
for. This would meanthat in the
U.S., we are feeding 1.5 billion
aniuials and people.
Another Problem
Another problem of world nu-
trition is the growth of "cash
crops" in excessive amounts when
deficiencies occur in other nutri-
tionally important crops. Prof.
Borgstrum mentioned the casevof
Guatemala where there is an over-
abundance of sugar grown while
1'. i- 2- i In r.. n.a I,

M arg n losof Peronists defied the government
yesterday and dashed through
In Oklahoma teargas and streams of colored
water to reach the House of Dep-
OKLAHOMA CITY (,)-W. P. Aspolice captain said 10 made
"Bill" Atkinson held a 167 vote it inside. A crowd of thousands
lead over former Gov. Raymond witnessed . other deputies-elect
leadove fomer ov.Rayondchanting freedom songs as police
Gary in Oklahoma's. Democratic threw tear gas grenades and
primary runoff for governor-a sprayed streams of red-tinted
race that may not be final until water to drive them back and mark
the official vote is tabulated Satur- them for police recognition pur-
day. poses.
President Jose Maria Guido, who
With all but two of the state'shad ordered Congress recessed for
3,143 precincts counted, Atkinson a year, immediately meet with
had 231,587 votes, Gary hadY 231,- I secretaries of the army, navy and

. nuitrition problems


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