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February 16, 1962 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-16

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Barden Strives for Success

4 1

Purdue armament are their crack
mile relay squad and 14-ft. pole
vaulter, Larry Rauch.
Penn State ...
The visitors from Pennsylvania
present a very well balanced squad
paced by outstanding distance men
Gerry Norman and Steve Moore-
head. These two should provide
fine competition for Michigan's
captain Ergas Leps who will at-
tempt his usual double in the
half-mile and mile. Mike Miller,
State's 600-yd. man, has run 1:12.5
this year and figures to be tough
to beat provided that Mills sticks
to the 440. Bob Graham, who dou-
bles as hurdler and broad Jumper,
should be close in both events, but
the favorite roles must be assumed
by Bennie McRae and Doug Niles
in these events.
Niles, a Junior, has been jump-
ing 23 feet in drills this week and
appears finally to have solved the
fouling problems that he has ex-
perienced of late.
Canham sees the broad jump as
one of the three crucial tests of
the meet, the others being the
shot put and pole vault. In the
shot, the pressure has really been
placed upon the brawny shoulders

of soph Roger Schmitt now that
58-footer George Puce has been
declared academically ineligible.
The vaulting event is anyone's
affair with Michigan's Steve Over-
ton and Rod Denhart key threats
to Purdue's Rauch. All hover
around 14 feet.
Williams Returns
The squad has definitely been
strengthened by the return of high
Jumper Steve Williams, 1960 Big
Ten champion. Soph Talt Malone
and Al Ammerman complement
Williams very nicely in this event.
All three are capable of 6'6" or
Ken Burnley figures to be Mich-
igan's top man in the sprints now
that Tom Robinson is ineligible.
Mack Hunter. who was being
primed to take over Robinson's
sprinting chores, has been switched
to the 600 following several un-
fortunate muscle pulls in the
shorter events. Just how well
Hunter will fare at the strange
distance is a moot point. Charley
Aquino in the 1000 and John Davis
in the 440 are other vital men in
the Michigan offense.
The mile relay will be the final
event of the meet and possibly the

deciding one. Coach Canham feels
his squad is capable of about 3:20
which is two seconds above the
Dave Mills' anchored quintet's
Last week Mills ran an amazing
:46.1 leg against Michigan State,
and if he is handed the baton with
some distance to make up, it
should provide an interesting con-
clusion to an interesting meet.
P aces N SN
To IM in
In intramural action last night,
some fine exhibitions of basketball
were seen as the independents
took the floor.
Former Michigan court stand-
out, John Tidwell, paced the
Medical Grad fraternity, Nu Sig
Nu over the Law Grads, Phi Del-
ta Phi, 32-26.
Tidwell was double teamed and
held to 10 points but was superb
on defense and handled the ball,
with surprising prowess. He was
guarded by a former Notre Dame
center, John Tully.
The Law Club sparked by Em-
met McCarthy's 22 point splurge
solidly rapped Phi Ro Sigma, 61-
37. The Law Club winners of last
year's tournament came to life to-
ward the end of the game.
Also in contention among the
independents are Gomberg's Older
Element. Three former Gomberg-
ites scored in double figures as
G.O.E. completely romped over
Christian Medical Society 57-8.
Dave Stawski led scoring with 14
points and right behind him in
scoring honors was Lou Kitter with
a dozen.
Lansman defeated Rockets (forfeit)
Actuaries defeated Linden-Leopards
Evans defeated AFIT (forfeit)
Delta Theta Phi defeated Eta Kappa
Nu (forfeit)
Newman 46, Alpha Rho. Chi 22
Owen 42, Tate 29
Theta Xi 53, Chi Psi "A" 9 "
Tyler Prescott 34, Sportsman 31
Psi Omega 31, Delta Sigma Delta 29
Trust 50, English Language Institute
Phi Chi 56, Delta Sigma Pi 15
Delta Kappa Epsilon "A" 31, Sigma
Phi Alpha 23
Falcons 28, Phi Alpha Kappa 25
Lawyers 42, Zips 32
Fletcher 88. Pioneers 22
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"I feel I was very fortunate in
having the opportunity to come
to Michigan and wrestle under
Coach Cliff Keen," said muscular
Jack Barden, junior Wolverine
heavyweight wrestler.
"Coach Keen knows what to do
at that right time. He is respon-
sible for the success I have had,"
the modest Barden replied.
"Also wrestling with such stand-
outs as assistant Dennis Fitz-
gerald, last year's heavyweight
Karl Fink ,and Don Corriere has
given me a great deal of help.
Fitzgerald has especially assisted
me with his experience and tech-
These men are one of the rea-
sons Barden atributed his rise
from a third place in the 177-lb.
class of Michigan high school
wrestling as a senior to one of
this year's top heavyweights.
Played Basketball
Barden first played basketball
in high school before starting
wrestling. In the tenth grade he
began his wrestling career at Port
Huron, Michigan. Explaining the
reasons for beginning wrestling, he
said: "Wrestling is a sport in
which one must work individually
and cannot depend on any one
else. Anyone can participate re-
gardless of his size. It is a con-
test between yourself and one
other man-no one else."
In recalling his introduction to
the sport, Barden said his high
scliool coach was just starting in
wrestling and let his team con-
siderably on their own initiative.
"He told us to push ourselves."
Another Reason
Coach Keen indicated another
reason for Barden's success. "Jack.
is a hard, conscientious worker.

Indiana:'G'ood Hit, No Field'
By JERRY KALISH the 1955 squad which allowed a Wilt Chamberlain, Elgin Baylor
Indiana's cagers have reversed slightly lower 79.2 points a game and the like.
an old baseball adage to finishing in a tie for sixth place. This is what the Wolverines
Good hit, no field." will be up against when they travel
The Hurryin' Hoosiers are, in tllustratlng the paradoxical con- to Bloomington to,. tangle with
fact, hurrying more and shooting trast between offense and defense Indiana this Monday night. Mich-
more this season than they have are several of the Indiana per- igan coach Dave Strack will prob-
done in the last ten years. Coach formances this season. Against ably use a man-to-man defense
Branch McCracken, not having Notre Dame earlier the Hoosiers to try to halt the runaway that
the likes of Don Schlundt, Archie shot a sizzling 56 per cent to McCracken's Hoosiers will unleash.
Dees and Walt Bellemy, sees no power a 122-95 victory, tying And Indiana? They still haven't
need for his players to set up any another record for most points heard of this strange thing caJled
definite patterns to spring his scored by the school, first set defense.
non-existent big-man free. His against Ohio State in 1959.
offense could be described as just. Running in front of McCraken's I
one constant fast break. fire-wagon is the junior sensa-
McCracken . has put his fire- tion, sophomore disappointment,jSC O R E S
wagon in high gear which has Jimmy Rayl who is pressing Terry
pace in statistics. Averaging 89.3 scoring crown. Rayl, 6'2" and 145
points a game to lead the con- lbs., is swishing the ball through Detroit 4, New York 3
ference and lodged in fifth place, 42.7 per cent of the time for a Montreal 9, Boston 1
this is the highest scoring team 31.1 average, only .6 of a point NBA
behis Dshehhes orng .'Chicago 126, Syracuse 121
in Indiana history. The 1960 Big behind Dlschinger* WCHA
Ten runner up team came closest What makes Rayl's scoring feats Denver 6, Michigan state 4
with 83.2 a game, so remarkable is the fact that he Loyola ( COLLEGE.
Looa(Chi.) 88, Marshall 80
But they also have the worst is a guard, while most other top wake Forest 97, Duke 79
defense in the circuit, their op- point producers in college and the NYU 85, west Virginia 75
ponents scoring an amazing 93.7. pros are either forwards or cen- Dayton 50, Portland 57
Utah 90, New Meico 65
This pace is far ahead of that of tern=-Jerry Lucas, Chet "Walker, Butler 63, Indiana State 61

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