Seventy-Second Year EDrTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: FRED RUSSELL KRAMER "A Bigger Boat Would Be Too Expensive" 44 AIr" Fire-Fakers Cry Wolf, Disrupt Dormitory T 2:15 A.M. Wednesday night a fire alarm rang in Mary Markley and dazed girls stumbled unbelievingly out the doors. A cry of indignation went up against the housemother who pulled the alarm and the usual gripes against the fire drill system could be heard. The alarm bell rang not because the house- mother just decided to have a drill, but be- cause some irresponsible girls pulled a false alarm. The logical assumption for the housemother to make when an alarm is pulled at that hour of the morning is that there is a fire somewhere in the building. The usual procedure after the alarm rings in the housemother's apartment is for her to pull a general alram bell and evacu-, Frh Air S ELPWEEK at the Fresh Air Camp for sorority and fraternity pledges was some- thing of a fiasco. The plan was for the pledges to help clean up the camp before it opens in the summer. There were groups leaving every afternoon this week, one at 1:15 p.m. and another at 2:15. The trip there and back takes an hour and a half, leaving only something over an hour to work, for those who leave at -2. How- ever, only half this time is planned for work; people are given a half hour of free time to socialize. And on Wednesday afternoon most of three busloads of people were sent out to rake leaves with about half enough rakes to go around. The rest were expected to pick up sticks that a rake could clean up twice as efficiently. We were slightly late so we worked (those who could get a rake) for only 20 minutes, because of course we had to have our free time. So we spent there hours of time to do 20 minutes work. The idea of help week was a good one, and there were things to be done- for example, a few people washed windows - but no one bothered to tell those left without a rake that there was anything else to do. Next year either plan it better so that there is something worthwhile to do, or call it what it is - a big pledge picnic. -E. KENYON ate the building. Then various crews of girls and housemothers look for a blaze, phone the fire department and check on the girls out- side the building. This false alarm is the third that Markley has had in the last week. The housemothers Who are practically help- less in finding the culprits are counting on so- cial pressure to stop this childish behavior. But are girls who will pull a false alarm at that hour of the morning effected by social pressure? It is possible that they will continue their stunts, just being a little more careful not to be seen, since a false alarm does carry a pos- sible jail sentence and fine under a city or- dinance: TIE PEOPLE who pulled the alarm are prob- ably not thinking about the numerous im- plications of such continuous "wolf-calling." Markley no longer has announced fire drills, because of the group of boys who live in the vicinity and manage to collect when the word gets around. The more false alarms that occur, the less willing will be girls to leave the build- ing during a drill, the more people who will be content to sit in their rooms as long as possible and finally amble out of the building to be checked in. If these false alarms continue, a housemother may be less willing to pull a gen- eral alarm, and just once it might be a real emergency. What would have happened if, dur- ing the early morning drill, the sluggish girls had panicked and thought there was a real fire. People trying to get out of the building might have been badly injured in the stampede. In a school such as the University where students are supposed to be mature individuals, such high-schoolish behavior is hard to tol- erate. It was a hot night and for the people who pulled the alarm it was probably just too hot to sleep. Yet there were some 1,000 other girls who were sleeping and found the alarm a rude awakening. ONE WONDERS how girls who wish to be treated as adults and to have all the respect and responsibility that goes with such treat- ment can stoop to such infantile behavior. If this is the picture some college girls wish to paint of themselves, it is a sad thing that the rest of the group has to suffer because of their stupidity. -BARBARA LAZARUS , p", - ":Y '-- 1 3 FREEDOM AND SECURITY: Strength from Diversity UNDERSCORE: The Military Porkbarrel ONE OF THE prime obstacles to candid dis- armament negotiations is the arms pork- barrel - the various and sundry unnecessary defense expenses designed to meet economic and political consideration. This porkbarrel, overflowing with goodies since World War II, takes three forms - lo- cation of bases, spending of money for un- necessary programs, and the maintenance of unnecessary units. The location of bases is one of the -subtle forms of political use of defense money. A base is a major economic asset in a com-, munity. Soldiers stationed there will spend millions of dollars on necessities for themselves and their dependents and on recreation. They make juicy plums for Congressmen in key armed services committee positions. GEORGIA, WHOSE Representative Carl Vin- son is chairman of the House Armed Serv- ices Committee, and whose Senator Richard Russell chairs the Senate counterpart has 19 military installations, the latest one trans- ferred last year from Nebraska. Obviously, pol- itics was not the only consideration in this military concentration, but Vinson's and Rus- sell's positions certainly helped. Military installations are also considered vehicles for tackling employment problems. Last winter the Army announced it was moving its tank arsenal command out of Detroit. A hue and cry arose protesting the action. The Detroit News editorially asked why Democrats Cavanagh and Swainson had not influenced Democrat Kennedy in Washington to keep the base in the city. Eventually, the bases stayed and in fact the Army announced it would expand the facility. REP. GILBERT BURSLEY'S idea for an Up- per Peninsula "Cape Canaveral" on the Ke- weenaw Peninsula, smacks of the same pork barrel usage of military funds. The effect of this project would be to create jobs. The allocation of defense money for various projects is much more controversial. Often Pen- tagon decisions regarding projects are motivat- ed by political considerations. Tax payers' money is needlessly wasted in pork barrel ef- forts which contribute little to the national securtiy. Most inter - service, Pentagon - Congress squabbles revolve around such projects. The RS-70 bomber in part is designed to help the depressed aircraft industry left behind in the missile exhaust. Los Angeles and Long Island are two main areas severely depressed by the demise of the airplane. When F-105 production was cancelled at the Martin Co. Long Island plant, Congressmen, STOCKPILING constitutes another military porkbarrel. After World War II the Truman Administration, noting the difficulties of estab- lishing war industries decided to create stock- piles of strategic materials in case of war emer- gency. However, such planning is unrealistic in the atomic age where nuclear wars may be short and final and the stockpiling program only served to expand the non-ferrous metals industry's production capacity out of propor- tion to its market. In 1958 the Eisenhower ad- ministration cut the stockpile back to three from the projected five years supply for stra- tegic materials. The Kennedy Administration, while investigating possible fraud and favor- itism in material procurement, plans further pruning. Thus stockpiling, considered largely unnec- essary, has cost the government billions of dol- lars which has been used to maintain sick industries. Lastly, the national guard and some reserve units have been maintained because of politi- cal opposition. The Pentagon has been trying for years to cut or eliminate the national guard and streamline the reserves. Yet political pres- sures from states which find the guard useful for traffic duty, riot and strike control and prestige, have scuttled all attempts to modern- ize the guard. However, the reaction to the mishandling of the reserves during the Berlin crisis may push reform. THUS MUCH defense money is used in a non-military way to prop up economies, enhance political prestige and reward political power. Military spending is unstable and non-utili- tarian. Technological revolution and political change may shift defense needs. Communities dependent on the military can be easily de- stroyed by changes beyond their control as the air, craft industry depression in Los An- geles clearly indicates. Other than distributing money, military spending contributes little of permanent value to the community. It provides no goods for pro- ductive use. The terrible instruments of war are always on stand-by alert, hopefully never to be used, or self-consuming. FEDERAL MONEY could be better spent to build up depressed areas by creating new industries suited to the long-range needs of the region and country or in building schools, roads, hospitals and other public facilities that are always needed. The current defense out- lays are already tying up money needed to pro- vide snial serves. (Editor's Note: This is the con- cuding article ina five-part series on the issue of individual freedom and national security. By ROBERT SELWA Daily Staff Writer THIS article is written on the premise that freedom of express- ing opinion and freedom of asso- ciation should be as nearly abso- lute as possible. This means that anyone should be permitted to advance any idea, even the overthrow of the govern- ment; that one can associate with anyone without being prosecuted by law, and that organizations like the Nazi party and the Communist party operate freely. In short, let the laws of libel and the ethics of good taste be the only limits on freedom of expres- sion. * * * THE ABOVE position may alien- ate some of those who see individ- ual freedom and national security as separate values, instead of two sides of one value. They could ad- vance the following position: "A body politic's prime value, a value even greater than that of individual liberty, is survival. Free- dom of expression and of associa- tion on a level as nearly absolute as possible will threaten and may destroy national security. "Though the Communist party, some argue, has few members, it is effective at subversion and the strength is greater than its mem- bership would indicate. "The survival of democracy is dependent on the investigation, suppression, deportation, registra- tion and imprisonment of subvers- ive elements in our body politic." * * * THE REPLY to this position is partially that whatusurvives after this investigation, suppression, de- portation, registration and im- prisonment is not democracy, but that democracy incorporates with- in its liberty motif the right of its citizens to advocate its overthrow. And if democracy cannot meet this test, if those citizens of our body politic who are peace-loving and want to retain democracy and are not numerically and mor- ally strong enough to retain it in- tact, then it may be that demo- cracy does not deserve to stand and is not meant for mankind. Acting on the assumption that democracy is a valid form of gov- ernment, we may examine it's liberty motif. * * * LIBERTY is a hazardous virtue, but its path is the rising curve of courage and emancipation, says former Congressman T. V. Smith in "The Democratic Way of Life." Liberty means not only absence of certain external restraints, but also a capacity for variation and growth. And the "virtuous ensign of growth" is toleration: "Really to be free, men must daily fraternize with freemen. . . Men have learned to guard their freedom by sharing it." And man lives with his fellows. * * * HERE, then, is one aspect of security; it depends on the good dangered even more, than before the suppression of ideas. We have examples of this. The Smith Act has driven the Commu- nists underground and made them nore militant, just as persecution by the Roman Empire drove the Christians underground and united them. The Sedition and Espionage Acts of America's first period of intolerance inspired anarchists and socialists to greater efforts. * * * IT FOLLOWS that a polariza- tion of the liberty-security issue may be a false approach; even though it is advanced in the Su- preme Court's clear and present danger test for free speech and in Justice Vinson's declaration that "the societal value of speech must, on occasion, be subordinated to other values and considerations." (The members of a community "will always have a right . . . to rid themselves of those who invade their fundamental, sacred and un- alterable law of self-preservation," according to John Locke.) * * * WE MAY reply that liberty and security are interdependent and supplementary. These values foster each other because Americans govern them- selves. Sovereignty rests in the people: It is exercised by Con- gressmen and a President on be- half of the people, and its source is a citizenry exercising the fran- chise. "When men govern themselves, it is they-and no one else-who must pass judgement upon unwis- dom and unfairness and danger," writes Alexander Meiklejohn. "And that means that unwise ideas must have a hearing as well as wise ones, unfair as well as fair, dan- gerous as well as safe, un-Ameri- can as well as American." IN ORDER to govern ourselves best, we need to know as much as possible. Individual liberty is the method by which we gain our knowledge: The freedom to think and to explore helps satisfy our curiosity and helps widen the scope of our information. "If a nation expects to be ig- norant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be, Thomas Jefferson said. "No one can be a great thinker who doesn't recognize that as a thinker it is his first dudty to fol- low his intellect to whatever con- clusions it may lead," John Stuart Mill points out. "Truth gains more even by the errors of one who through due study and prepara- tion, thinks for himself, than by the true opinions of those who only hold them because they do not suffer themselves to think." It is the ideal of a nation of citi- zens who think for themselves and who contribute original ideas so as to achieve new solutions to new and old problems that a self-gov- erning people can subscribe to and strive for. * -* * THIS APPEARS to be the way to counter what Prof. William Eber- stein of Princeton University cites as "the growing trend toward con- them, the result is the kind of malaise conducive to the emerg- ence of a tyrant. It follows from this argument that it is in divergence that a self-governing society finds its strength; Divergence stimulated by an atmosphere of complete intel- lectual liberty. * * * HOW WIDE this divergence? Wide enough for the law to in- clude in its protection those who advocate the overthrow of the government? "The greater the importance of safeguarding the community from incitements to the over- throw of our institutions by force and violence, the greater the need to preserve inviolate the constitutional rights of free speech, free press and free as- sembly in order to maintain the opportunity for free political dis- cussion, to the end that govern- ment may be responsive to the will of the people and that changes, if desired, may be ob- tained by peaceful means. Therein lies the security of the Republic, the very foundation of constitutional government." Supreme Court. Chief Justice, Charles Evans Hughes'Jwords in the De Jonge case need re-affir- mation today, for they are the key to the liberty-security issue.. IThey indciate that tolerance of all viewpoints can keep men secure' -the tolerance accentuated in the poem Thomas Jefferson sent to John Taylor: Whatconstitutes a State? Not high-raised battlements, or labor'd mound, Thick wall, or moated gate; Not cities proud, with spires and turrets crown'd; No: men, high-minded men; Men, who their duties know; But know their rights; and knowing, dare maintain. These constitute a State. LETTERS to the EDITOR Overseer ... To the Editor: IN HIS LETTER to the editor, Ralph Kaplan suggests estab- lishing an Office of Academic Af- fairs under the Office of Student Affairs. By no means do I feel that this should be done. Academic affairs should not be subordinated to non-academic af- fairs at this University. I propose that as an alternate plan an office of academic affairs be established to oversee non-academic offices such as the Office of Student Af- fairs which would be placed under it. The purpose of this new office would be to see that the offices under it acted in the interest of the academic aims of the Univer- sity, not against them. -Jerome Starr, '63 SYMPOSIUM: University Orchestra Launches Concerts EVERY FOURTH year the University School of Music is host to the annual Midwestern Student Composers Symposium. This week- end a program of five concerts was presented by students from the four participating schools which are State University of Iowa, Univer- sity of Illinois, Northwestern University and the University. Innovators in geographic, scientific, and medical discovery have had to endure ridicule from their contemporaries as have innovators in the fine arts. Mozart, Beethoven, and Franck are just a few of the many now-revered composers whose music has been labeled with such terms as noisy and dissonant by critics of their eras. a*a * * UNDER THE conducting of Josef Blatt and David Sutherland, the University Symphony Orchestra launched the concerts with perform- ances of orchestral works by composers of each of the schools. With a minimum amount of rehearsal time (a common obstacle of contempor- ary music) the orchestra gave convincing readings of pieces ranging from Robert James' easy-to-listen-to "Ballet Music From 'Land Ho!' to the more cerebral "Five Pieces For Orchestra" by Arthur Hunkins, both graduate students of this university. A "Symphony In One Movement" by Louis Coyner of Iowa opened the program. The clarity of structure and dramatic events made the conservative work rewarding to hear. Thanks are in order to members of the orchestra for spending val- uable end-of-the-semester time in rehearsing these works. One hopes that they were rewarded by sight-reading experience which is so neces- sary in professional playing. YESTERDAY each of the four schools presented chamber music by their own composers, which was followed by a panel discussion. The range of expression extended from the conservative Iowa school to the more forward-looking products of this school. Graduate composers such as David Maves, Gregory kosteck and Roger Reynolds are writing some significant music here on this campus. Scientific advance is not the only progress being made here. I predict that Roger Reynolds' music will be increasingly widely known, if we live long enough. -Donald Matthews FACULTY CONCERT: .Present Masterpieces ANN ARBOR'S entire musical community, performers, merchants and music school faculty members have collarborated to produce a free concert of masterpieces of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, "Thesauri Veteris," at 8:30 p.m. tonight in Hill Auditorium. "Thesauri Veteris," loosely translated as "time-honored master- pieces,' 'will consist of a program of the compositions of Gabrielli, Purcell, Dencke, Telemann, Pachelbel and Mozart. Leading Ann Arbor citizens have paid for the advertising, pro- grams and rental of Hill Auditorium; merchants have provided musical scores, a harpsichord and rehearsal facilities. * * * * THE CONCERT was conceived and organized by Felix A. Pap- palardi, Jr., who will conduct the orchestra and vocalists for all numbers on the program. Pappalardi is known to Ann Arbor audiences for his recent successes as conductor of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society's 1961-62 programs, "H.M.S. Pinafore" and "Patience." Under his direction, outstanding soloists and performers have been recruited to volunteer their time, energies and talents in order to make a concert of such a scope, diversity and ambition possible. The first number will feature a brass ensemble performing the first and second Canzoni of Giovanni Gabrielli. Gabrielli became famous during the Baroque era for his work at St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice. * . * * WILLIS PATTERSON, bass, will continue the program with a rendition of "Unto Thee Will I Cry" by the great English composer Henry Purcell (1659-1695). Patterson was heard. earlier this year with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. A song follows by Jeremiah Dencke, (1725-1795) an American- Moravian, "I Speak of the Things," edited by Prof. Hans T. David of the music school. This song in the folk-style features Lavetta Loyd, soprano, premiering this work in Ann Arbor. Miss Loyd was last heard in the title role of Gilbert & Sullivan's "Patience." Fourth on the program is a Cantata by Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) in the recitative-aria tradition, featuring Gary Glaze, tenor, and Walker Wyatt, baritone. * *, * * THE FIRST HALF of the concert closes with Johann Pachelbel's Cantata, "What God Ordains is Always Good" for full chorus and chamber orchestra. The German Pachelbel, who lived 1653-1706, set an important musical precedent with his harmonization of the chorale of this same title, later reset by J. S. Bach. After intermission, the brass ensemble will open with another Canzona by Gabrielli, and another anonymous work for brass com- posed circa 1684. * * * * THE CHAMBER ORCRESTRA, with soloists Prof. Louis Stout of the music school and Noel Papsdorf, will perform the first move- ment of Telemann's Concerto for Two French Horns. Prof. Stout was principal horn solist with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra for over a decade and is considered one of the foremost interpreters of horn literature. Miss Papsdorf is an outstanding student of Stout. * * * * THE CONCERT concludes with Mozart's eloquent Concerto No. 2 in E-flat Major for French Horn and Orchestra, with Prof. Stout as soloist. --Robert Paul Molay DEBUT: Kabuki Performance AT 8:30 P.M. tomorrow, Auditorium A, the Michigan Kabuki Music Study Group will give its first performance. Both the group and the music they ,perform are unique in several ways. First of all, the members of the group have not played Japanese music before coming to the University of Michigan. In addition, most of the members have never been to Japan and many of them are not music majors. The guiding principle behind this unusual organization is that one can learn best about a non-western music by actually play- ing it. With this in mind the members have taken up various instruments and gradually become aware of the musical structure and aesthetic beauty of kabuki music by the process of actual tactile contact with the tradition. * * * THE MAIN music of the popular Japanese kabuki theatre is called nagauta, literally long song. The orchestra used to play this which consists of a three-stringed plucked shamisen, two kinds of flutes, and three kinds of drums. Each instrument requires a special type of music notation and in some cases the music was learned entirely by rote methods. The instru- ments are combined in a variety of ways depending on the form and function of the piece. The specific manner in which this is done will be explained in the lecture-demonstration that is part of the program. Since one of the important functions of this music is to accompany dance, the program will end with a kabuki dance performed by Mrs. Joyce R. Malm to the accompaniment of the group. A I _;I