T 20, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE ..WA Y 20, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE I --n U.S. Sets. On Asian No Air Republicans Back'Action By Kennedy Will Blast Formation Of Mixed Ruling Bloc WASHINGTON (R) - Congres- sional Republican leaders are sup- porting President John F. Kenne- dy in the immediate Southeast Asia crisis but are reserving the right tt criticize his diplomatic course in Laos. And, if a coalition government eventually is formed to rule that unhappy country, Kennedy can expect to hear in the fall cam- paign that his "mistakes" have made it certain that the Commu- nists will control Laos. Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper of Iowa, chairman of the Senate Re- publican Policy Committee, made It clear in an interview that GOP members have no criticism of the President's sending United States troops to Thailand. "We are agreed," Hickenlooper said, "that a display of military strength was necessary. But we do not agree with the policies that brought about this crisis., "In our view the policy of fcrc- ing Western elements in Laos into a coalition with the Communists and the neutralists is wrong. If there is a coalition government, eventually the Communists will own Laos." Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel of Cal- ifornia, the assistant Senate Re- publican leader, said in a separate interview it is fair to say that the Republicans are going along with the President now but reserving the right to criticize him later. Kuchel was critical at a White House briefing of members of both parties last week on the failure of United States allies to "send at least a platoon of troops into Thailand as a token of their sup- port of our move. Subsequently, the British made Royal Air Force units available on Thailand's request. The Republicans were not un- animous in their critical viewpoint. Sen. Clifford P. Case, of New Jer- sey, said he thinks that on the whole Kennedy has acted "wisely and rightly" in the difficult situ- ation in Laos. He said on a television program taped for New Jersey stations that because there is grave doubt the Laotians will fight against the Communists, Kennedy is being forced to "take the next best thing to a pro-Western government, a neutralist government." Case said the Eisenhower ad- ministration had been forced to adopt the same policy. PURCHASE-A Thailander makess a pair of U. S. Marines at Udorn,' on duty with a Marine unit near t EXCEEDS RECOMMENDA Railroad W Higher ayt, CLEVELAND ()) - The Brother jected a new element into the troubled terday with the announcement of den increase and a fully paid health and railroads. It was the first wage demand to< way operating unions that are deadlo Restrictions Cite Amount Of Soldiers As Flexible Buildup To Depend On Thai Government WASHINGTON (P) - No fixed i ceiling has been imposed on the eventual size of the United States military forces assigned to help Thailand guard against Commun- ist attack, it was learned yester- day. The program, which until now has been referred to officially as involving a total of about 5,000 -AP wirephoto army, marine and air force per- sale of a bunch of bananas to sonnel, actually is a flexible, "open Thailand today. The pair are end" plan under which thousands he Thai-Laos border. of additional men might be mov- ed in. How many more men might be ION: sent depends on requirements as seen by the Thai government, United States military leaders -in Thailand, Headquarters of the Pa- cific command and Washington, lb government sources explained. Senenits They cautioned against pre- dicting any specific figure for pos- sible additional strength, saying hood of Railroad Trainmen in- it could turn out to be 3,000 or d railway-labor negotiations yes- 5,000 or 10,000-or any other size. mands for a 2 5-cent hourly pay Deployment of the initial 5,000 welfare plan from the nation's men was continuing as the week- end arrived. Units of army troops come from any of the five rail- were flying out of the 25th divi- .asion in Hawaii and landing in cked with the railroads in a dis- Thailand. ate over proposed work rule The 1,800 man marine battalion Exeeseo was in position at Udon, in North- The das Re' eeedathn02 east Thailand, 40 miles from the Ts dmandurrecmedted1f.Laotian border and Red Pathet evennon-operatinu nsM Lao troops. The Army's 1,000-man by a presidential fact-finding battle group had moved up from ard. The non-operating unions a training area used during re- presenting some 450g000 em-' cent joint exercises with Southeast prgesentingasoedan 45,00em-Asian Treaty Organization units. aoyes, had asked an ncreae sm- It was in position 40 miles West A spokesman for the railroads of Khorat a rail-highway-air junc- mediately branded the BRT de- tion point from which they could and as inflationary. James E.b moved swiftly North or East olfe, who has acted as spokes- From Red China yesterday an for the nation's railroads in came a warning that the dispatch eir negotiations, said in Chica- of United States forces to South- ""evir w neg tassaidgein el east Asia could not be ignored and : "We view it as being entirely that Communist China "absolutely flationary and contrary to pub- cannot permit establishment of a Inpolicy."j bridgehead" in Southeast Asia by Wolfe previously expressed op- the United States. Wsition also to the recommenda- The declaration was carried by on of the fact-finding board, a Peiping paper, but Red Chinese tying that any increase was un- papers usually are the media for stified. expression of government views. The BRT is the largest of the TheRed Chinese warning was ve operating brotherhoods, which couched in language far stronger ver a total of about 210,000 rail- than the comparatively moderate ad employes. The BRT reported- assertions of Soviet Premier Nikita covers about half of these. Khrushchev during a visit in Bul- A spokesman for the Brother- garia Thursday. )od of Locomotive Engineers, The Russian boss said the United hich also has headquarters here, States had "ventured on a diffi- id that union had no plans at cult situation in Laos" and he pre- ie moment to follow the lead of dicted they would be forced out. .e BRT. But he added, "we all The difference in the tenor and el an increase is needed." language of the two pronounce- The spokesman noted that a 2 ments raised again the question er cent wage increase was re- of whether Russia would back up, ived in March 1961, in the second militarily, Red China if the latter ear of a contract that went into opened a shooting war against the fect July 1, 1960. United States in Asia. Americans Hit By Guerrillas In Vietnam SAIGON (P)-Three American servicemen and eight Vietnamese were injured last night by a gre- nade explosion on a street before a United States military billet in downtown Saigon. The attack fanned speculation that Communist guerrillas have launched a new Algeria-style ter- rorist campaign.- The bombing followed a similar incident Thursday when a grenade explosion at a sidewalk cafe fre- quented by United States service- men injured two Germans. The latest attack coincided with the birthday of Ho Chi Minh, leader of Communist North Viet Nam, which is supporting the Communist push against this Southeast Asian country. Ho may be 71 or 73; records as to the year of *his birth are obscure. None of yesterday's victims was believed seriously injured. Policy Causes Crises MALCOLM CARPENTER ... flight delayed "pl ch2 cei ele 3 bo re plc im m m th go in li pC ti sa ju frv co roi ly ho, wh sa th4 thf fe pe ce ye of Delays Halt Carpenter's Orbital Shot CAPE CANAVERAL (om) - The second United States man-in-orbit was postponed yesterday for at least another two days when scientists spotted new technical bugs, this time in the Atlas launching rocket. The delay was the second in three days. It came as scientists finished clearing up other troubles in the Aurora 7 space capsule's para- chute system. The news broke as Astronaut Malcom Scott Carpenter, a Navy Lieutenant Commander, was run- ning through final preparations for a launch he had expected for next Tuesday. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said the next target date is Thursday, May 24, at the earliest. The new bugs were found in a thermostat in the gyro system that helps keep the rocket on course during the powered portion of flight. Doubts about the parachute sys- tem prompted Project Mercury officials last Thursday to postpone Carpenter's takeoff from yesterday to next Tuesday, so they could have changes made in the interests of assuring Carpenter's safety. As it turned out, the weather probably would have permitted a shot today-although the fore- cast last week had indicated only a 50-50 chance. AEC Explodes Surface Blast WASHINGTON 03) - The Unit- ed States yesterday set off its 12th nuclear explosion in less than a month in the Pacific and alsodet- onated an underground blast at the Atomic Energy Commission's Nevada test site. The underground shot was the 33rd in a series that began last September. The Pacific tests began April 25 and all explosions includ- ing yesterday's - with one excep- tion-occurred in the atmosphere. A 73-word announcement from the AEC covered yesterday's twin blasts and like previous govern- ment announcements of nuclear detonations was shy of details. It said the Pacific shot was fired at about 11:30 a.m. (EDT) in the vi- cinity of Christmas Island. The device was dropped from an airplane and the detonation was in the intermediate yield range- which means it had a force less than the equivalent of one million tons of conventional explosives. By JOHN HIGHTOWER Associated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON - The sudden crisis which swept United States troops into Southeast Asia this week appears to have resulted in part from a failure of United States policy in Laos. This has caused searching but so far informal discussion among high officials of the Kennedy Ad- ministration about what went wrong, and whether similar error can be avoided in future. So far President John F. Kenne- dy's angry dissatisfaction has cen- tered on Gen. Phoumi Nosavan, strongman in the pro-Western Royal Lao government of Premier Boun Oum. The White House and State De- partment are understood to have told American representatives in the field that Phoumi's power must behcurtailed-preferably by getting him to yield his various cabinet positions and confine him- self to purely military matters. Administration informants said yesterday all United States govern- ment agencies involved in Laos have given assurances that they have loyally supported Kennedy's policy of trying to settle the dis- pute through formation of a three-way coalition government. There have been suspicions, par- ticularly in high quarters of the State Department, that some ele- ments of the United States govern- ment might have been pulling against other elements and en- couraging Phoumi to disregard the United States advice he was re- ceiving officially. Speculation Arises This speculation arose because there are divisions within official Washington over whether a neu- tral Laos with a government of neutralists, Communists and pro- Western elements has any chance Debre Declares Salan Mis led Army Followers PARIS (IP) - Former Premier Michel Debre yesterday declared that ex-general Raoul Salan had led his Secret Army followers into a dead end of terrorism that is compromising their future in Algeria. Debre was called as a defense witness in the treason trial of Salan, who is charged with participating in the abortive generals' revolt in Algiers in April 1961, and heading the Secret Army, which has used bombings and assassinations in an effort to block Algerian independence. Debre, who steppedt of withstanding an eventual Com- munist takeover. The groups principally involved in the Laos struggle, apart from the White House, have been the State and Defense Departments and the Central Intelligence Agen- cy. The basic problem with which they have been trying to work since 1954 arises from the fact that when Laos was created out of the wreck- age of French Indo-China certain pro-Communist Pathet Lao rebel forces were left unreconciled with- in the country. With the long-distance support of Russia, the more immediate en- couragement of Red China and the direct help of the neighboring Communist state of North Viet Nam, the Pathet Lao developed into the spearhead of a Red cam- paign to take over the country. Several years ago, during the Eisenhower administration, the United States rejected a neutralist solution for Laos and the Boun Oum government took over as a strongly pro-Western regime. Gen. Phoumi became the central figure in the administration, re- portedly with powerful backing from the CIA. As deputy premier, minister of defense and minister of the interior he has wide powers. A year ago, President Kennedy moved United States sea and air forces into the Southeast Asian area. Kennedy decided also to support a program to make Laos neutral under a government of National Union headed by neutralist Prince Souvannah Phoumi. Soviet Pre- mierNikita Khrushchev subscribed to this program, including a cease- fire, when Kennedy and he met at Vienna a year ago. The cease-fire has been violated from time to time, but a little more than two weeks ago it was shat- tered by a Communist assault on the Royal Lao garrison town of Nam Tha, provincial capital in northwest Laos. Extraordinary Reaction The rebel move produced an ex- traordinary reaction in Washing- ton. Instead of raising a massive outcry against the Communists, United States officials told news- men that Phoumi carried at least a large part of the responsibility. The Reds were publicly accused of breaking the cease-fire. But from Kennedy down, Administra- tion officials accused Phoumi of having (1) reinforced the Namn Tha garrison with too many troops, (2) deployed his forces on low ground instead of high ground recommended by United States military advisers, (3) ignored Unit- ed States warnings that his ac- tions would provoke the Reds, (4) permitted the retreat to develop into a complete rout with the of- ficers running away faster than the men. The debate within the Adminis- tration over what went wrong has involved such questions as wheth- er Phoumi provoked the Reds into an attack and then pulled out his forces in an effort to force the United States to intervene in Laos. In spite of his distrust of Phou- mi, Kennedy was uncertain when the Red advance started what the Communist intentions might be. With Phoumi's troops crumbling, Kennedy was faced with the possi- bility of a Red drive across the borders of Thailand, endangering all of Southeast Asia immediately. U.S. Power The President therefore felt compelled to introduce United States power into Thailand quick- ly to stabilize the situation. He felt compelled, in fact, to do what for several years United States policy had aimed at avoid- ing-that is, land combat forces to help hold the line against the expanding Communist threat. While Kennedy had found him- self unable to exert effective in- fluence over Phoumi, his appeal to Khrushchev to Join in measures to restore the cease-fire evidently found a ready response once Ken- nedy had made it clear that Unit ed States power was moving into Southeast Asia. The Pathet Lao advance, though well forward of the old cease-fire line, stopped far short of sweep- ing over all of Northwestern Laos. The fighting dropped off a week ago and the lull has been un- broken. out as Premier a month ago, heat- edly denied that he had any know- ledge of the conspiracy for the unsuccessful attack on Salan's life before a revolt in Algeria toppled in January, 1957, several months before a revolt in Algeria toppled the Fourth Republic and brought Ccharles de Gaulle to power. Defense statements have strongly hinted-without making a formal accusation-thatDebre and other political figures had seen the at- tack as a means for setting off the insurrection. Salan escaped two bazooka shells fired into his office in downtown Algiers when he stepped into another room. His aide was killed. Pascal Arrighi, a deputy from Corsica who was involved in the May, 1958, revolt that led to the Fifth Republic, said de Gaulle knew of some of the activities then and approved of them. He said Salan had been hesitant. Bentley To Seek Legislative Seat Alvin M. Bentley, former con- gressman from Owasso, has an- nounced that he will seek the state's new 19th congressional post. I; i '4 SOLID VALUE1 4 ~ t(t 1Y1 at:. (u '" What a glorious figure- styler is this extra-light l 1 i1[OU MICHIGAN SWEAT SHIRTS All colors i LONG or SHORT SLEEVES o $ 95 World esRoundup eBy The Associated Press ALGIERS--Explosions shook the Algiers area nearly every hour yesterday as Europeans crowded to the airport trying to leave the ,ountry. * * * . NEW YORK-President John F. Kennedy urged all organized la- or yesterday to help the country complete its unfinished business and create a better world in which to live. * * * * PORTLAND-Oregon Republicans handed to Sig Unander, 48, Portland, in yesterday's primary election their No. 1 job: trying to anseat Democratic Sen. Wayne L. Morse who once was one of their awn. MEXICO CITY-A severe earthquake, the second in eight days, rocked a seven-state area in Central M9exico yesterday. TOKYO-Deployment of Japan-based United States planes to rhailand threatened trouble yesterday for staunchly pro-American Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda. With upper house elections scheduled July 1, opposition Socialists are expected to deplore the shifting of an unannounced number of United States reconnaissance, transport and iir rescue craft to the Laotian crisis area from Japanese bases. * * * * WASHINGTON-Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson hailed the Administration's record in civil rights yesterday but jabbed at the Senate leadership for failing to get a literacy test bill. SOFIA-Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev told a rally of Hun- ,arians last night that President John F. Kennedy is following "close to the dangerous road of his predecessors." WASHINGTON-Rep. Melvin R. Laird (R-Wis) expressed con- fidence yestreday that Republicans will find in a meeting with Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower Monday a key to party campaign unity. BERLIN-Gen. George H. Decker said yesterday that Red China may be stirring up the trouble in Southeast Asia and warned that United States forces there, though small, are backed by formidable fire power. ILEAGUE GARDEN CAFE Refreshments available~ FRESH FR UIT POTATO CHIPS SOLID COLOGNE' regular $2.25 size available in three Dana fragrances TABU...20 CARATS...AMBUSH; "Fashioned Front" From high above the waist, it shapes you smoothly slim all 'round. No bones . .. but it has Treo's exclusive, inward-curving fashioning to make sure you show a flat-in-front profile. For a youthful-look-