THE MCHIG II~f[ l JV Q'TTV.YYA'7 MAV Ot A#~ aLaaial [i la L[i.lL 1. aUINI)AY, MAX --v, 196' Regents Grant Promotions, Transfers RECEIVE FUNDS: Regents Acknowledge $58,700 in Gifts taling $58,700 at their regular ship Corp., Evanston, for the Na- meeting Friday. tional Merit Supplemental Schol- From the Rockefeller Founda- arship Fund. tion, the Regents accepted $11,600 From Frank J. Ortman of De- for the purchase of books for the troit, the Regents accepted $3,034 American Studies program at for the Alumni Association Re- Kyoto University in Japan. serve Fund. American Cancer Society, Mich- Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical igan Division of Lansing has giv- Corp., Oakland, has given $2,890 en $6,750 for the Cancer Research for a fellowship. Institute. Fellowship Grants The Regents accepted $5,600 Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., of from the Forney W. Clement Me- Santa Monica has given $2,500 morial Foundation, Detroit, for the with $750 for an undergraduate support of activities in the Univer- fellowship and $1,750 for a gradu- sity Hospital School. The founda- ate fellowship. tion is supported by the Kiwanis Parke, Davis & Co., Ann Arbor Clubs of Michigan. has given $2,500 for allergy re- India Institute search under the direction of Dr. Educational Services, Inc., of John Sheldon of the Medical Watertown, Mass., has given School. $5,000 to establish a fund for as- The Regents accepted $1,875 sistance in the development of from the Clarence M. Burton Me- the India Institute of Technology morial Foundation, Detroit, for at Kanpur. the Clarence M. Burton Memorial The Regents accepted $3,470 Scholarship. from the National Merit Scholar- From Universal Oil Products U of M FOLKC DANCERS Presents Folk Dancing and instruction with TED BROTT Professional dance leader whose years of experience have brought pleasure to dancers in Boulder and Denver, Colorado, and Oakland, California. TUESDAY Admission Hillel Foundation 8 to 10 P.M. 50c 1429 Hill St. Co., of Des Plaines, Ill., the Re- gents accepted $1,500 to continue a scholarship for upper classmen in chemical engineering. Chinese Economy Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., New York, has given $1,000 for the support of studies on Chi- nese economy being conducted by Prof. Alexander Eckstein of the economics department. The Regents accepted $1,000 from The Chemstrand Corp., New York with $500 for a scholarship and $500 as a grant-in-aid to the chemical and metallurgical engi- neering department. Institute of Radio Engineers, Inc., New York has given $1,000 representing expenses to be in- curred by Prof. Norman R. Scott of the electrical engineering de- partment in his capacity as editor of IRE. Flint Civitan Auxiliary has given $1,000 as an addition to the prin- cipal available for loans to Flint College students. Law Scholarships The will of John W. Cooley has. recently been offered for probate in Wayne County. It provides that a large. part of the estate (esti- Imated in excess of $100,000) be given to the Regents to establish a fund to be known as the 'Carl A. Cooley Memorial Law Scholarship Fund,' the income from which is to be used for the purpose of pro- viding scholarships for worthy and needy students in the Law School. The instruments creating the James and Helen Cumming Trust Fund contain a provision reserv- RAD RAVE! RAE! RAVE IRAERAElRV -O E HERALDTRIBUNE -MIRROR -JOURNAL AMER. -NEWS --WORLDTELEGRAM - PosT "So you think you have seen all the Slavic folk dance companies you can take in one lifetime. Well, you could not be more mistaken. You will know just how mistaken this is a ROUSING, JOVIAL, UTTERLY ENGAGING hord. of young people, dancing their hearts out and their heads off." - MAaRTN, T-- "AN IRRESISTIBLE DANCE SHOW! The Ukrainian Dance Company has its own style and a marvelous array of new twists with which to sur- prise and delight an audience. The practically infal- lible Mr. Hurok has done it again --the Met is still ringing with cheers. Pavel Virsky, the company's choreographer deserves a round of bravos all for himself." -TERRY, Herald Trib. "ZESTFUL HOOFERS ...incredibly agile. Their show is lively and amusing." -CHAPMAN,News A: f - ing to Dr. Cumming the life en- joyment of th, property so long as the said property remains un- sold and, in the event is sold, the right to receive the income from the fund during his natural life. The property in Prince George's County, Md., has been sold pursuant to the Regents' authorization at the April meeting. After the sale of the acreage had been negotiated, Dr. Cum- ming decided to release his right to receive the income from the fund during his lifetime so that the income from the fund could be used immediately for scholar- ships and/or loans. Pharmacy Bequest The will of Julia E. Emanuel has recently been offered for pro- bate in Fort Wayne, Ind. Article XIII provides: "I hereby give and bequeath to the pharmacy col- lege 200 shares of the common captial stock of The Lincoln Na- tional Life Insrance Co. of Fort Wayne, to be disposed of by such college or its said governing body in such manner as they may see fit, and the proceeds thereof ex- panded by them in such manner as they may deem to be for the best interests of such college. Article XIV of the will provides a like gift of 200 shares of the common capital stock of Lincoln National Life to the Alumnae Council. Gift from School of Music sut- dents of Prof. Clifford Lillya (sub- mitted by Dean James B. Wal- lace). Prof. Clifford Lillya of the music school's students have con- tributed an amount of $161 to the school with the request that it be placed in a special fund for use at his discretion. Berrien C. Ketchum, president, and Herbert F. Poehle, secretary- treasurer, of the Class of 1925 En- gineers, have written to the Re- gents requesting the establishment of the Class of 1925 Engineers Me- morial Loan Fund with an initial contribution of $200. The fund is to be a permanent loan fund for regularly enrolled engineering stu- dents, both undergraduate and graduate. Clinical Unit Begins Study By MALINDA BERItY A new half-million dollar Clin- ical Research Unit in which "vol- unteer patients" will be treated free of charge opened Tuesday, Dean William N. Hubbard, Jr., of the medical school announced this week. The volunteer patients don't really "volunteer" but are those whose symptoms have been found to be interesting enough for re- search. The unit is one of three new pa- tient facilities at the Medical Cen- ter being completed under a $2.5 million renovation program start- ed last year. A new Burn Clinic unit has also just been completed and opened to patients, while work is contin- uing on a $1.5 million Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Unit. Medical Disorders The Clinical Research Unit, which will start receiving patients next week, contains accommoda- tions for 20 patients suffering from various surgical and medical dis- orders for which immediate re- search is considered necessary. Financed by a new federal as- sistance program for medical schools, the University will receive $357,236 this year and about $440,- 000 next year in a continuing pro- gram to support the facility. The Unit contains its own private and semi-private rooms, nursing sta- tion, kitchen, metabolic dining room, laboratories and adminis- trative offices. New Areas The new Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Unit in another wing of University Hospital will provide new medical examination areas, physical and occupational therapy and orthetics and pros- thetics services when it is com- pleted. The Regents approved the fol- lowing promotions, transfers, res- ignations and leaves of absence at their regular meeting Friday. Promoted to the rank of profes- sor were Professors William D. Schorger of the anthropology de- partment; W. Wayne Meinke of the chemistry department; John B. Lansing of the economics de- partment; Marvin Felheim and Albert K. Stevens of the English department; James I. Crump of the Chinese department; Stanley D. Dodge of the geogra- phy department; William R. Les- lie of the history department; Marvin J. Eisenberg of the history of art department; Dean C. Baker and Charles F. Cannell of the journalism department; Charles F. Brumfiel and Frederick W. Geh- ring of the mathematics depart- ment; Herbert H. Paper of the Near Eastern studies department; Professorial Appointments Peter A. Franken of the physics department; Frank Grace and George A. Peek, Jr., of the political science department; William L. Hays and Floyd C. Mann of the psychology department; Edward Glaser of the Spanish and Portu- guese department; Horace W. Dewey of the Slavic languages department; William R. Dawson, Morris Foster, Karl G. Guthe, Frederick E. Smith, Harri- son B. Tordoff, and Charles F. Walker of the zoology department. Promoted to the rank of profes- sor from the engineering college were Professors Wilbur C. Bigelow, Donald R. Mason, Chiao-Min Chu, Walter A. Hedrich, Charles B. Sharpe, Donald J. Portman, Had- ley J. Smith, Wlaton M. Hancock, Arthur G. Hansen and Robert C. Juvinall. Medical School From the medical school, Pro- fessors William J. Schull, Muriel John W. Henderson, Edward A. Carr, Jr., Edward F. Domino, C. Meyers, Martha R. Westerberg, Richard C. Schneider and Herbert E. Sloan were promoted to the rank of professor. Also designated as professors were Professors S. Glen Paulson of the architecture college; Don- ald L. MacDonald, Clayton J. Pil- cher, Walter A. Spivey and Albert K. Steigerwalk of the business ad- ministration school; Emanuel C. Hertzler of the Dearborn Center; Lowell W. Beach and Almando A. Vezzani of the education school; Alvin D. Loving and William R. Murchie of the Flint College; Joseph R. Julin and Jack R. Pearce of the Law School; Theo- dore Heger, Gustave Rosseels and Robert Warner of the music school; John Carow and Richard L. Weaver of the natural resources school; Kathryn S. Phy of the nursing school; and Charles A. Metzner of the public health school. Associate Professors Promoted to the rank of asso- ciate professor were Kamer Aga- Oglu of the anthropology depart- ment; William E. Howard III of the astronomy department; Peter B .Kaufman and Peter M. Ray of the botany department; Robert E. Ireland of the chemistry depart- ment; Morris Bornstein of the economics department James W. Downer and John Reidy of the English dartment; William C. Kelly of the geology department; Nathan T. Whitman of the history of art department; John W. Adlison, Morton Brown, Bernard :'. Galler and Hans W. Knobloch (Visiting Associate) of the mathematics department; Os- car L. Chavarria-Aguilar of the linguistics department; Arnold S. Kaufman of the philosophy de- partment; Daniel Sinclair of the physics department; John P. White of the political science department; Ben- no G. Fricke, L. Richard Hoffman, James V. McConnell and Joseph Veroff of the psychology depart- ment; Jean R. Carduner of the romance languages department; and Ladislav Matejka of the Slavic languages department. Engineering College Promoted to the rank of asso- ciate professor from the engineer- ing college were Eugene A. Glys- son, Kuei Chuang, Walter R. Deb- ler, William P. Graebel, Bertram Herzog, Herman Marte, Jr. and Finn C. Michelsen. From the Medical School, Don- ald H. Enlow, Robert L. Hunter, Raymond H. Kahn, Edward W. Lauer, Thomas M. Oelrich, Gun- ther Corssen, Harold J. Blumen- thal, Arthur G. Johnson, William H. Murphy, Jr., Armand J. Guar- ino, Richard D. Judge, Josip Mato- vinovic, William S. Wilson, John R. G. Gosling, Richard J. Allen, Donald R. Bennett, Henry H. Swain, Lester T. Rutledge, Donald J. Holmes, Andrew S. Watson, William W. Coon and John T. Hayes were promoted to the rank of associate professor. Also designated as associate pro- fessors were Lester Fader and Gerald Mast of the architecture college; Kamal Asgar of the den- tal school; Nelson G. Lehsten, Findlay C. Penix and Frank B. Womer of the education school. Flint College Robert M. Weiss of the educa- tion school at Flint College; Rob- ert J. Harris and Andrew S. Wat- son of the Law School; George Cavender, Emil Holz, James Sal- som, Frank Stillings and Louis Stout of the music school; Archi- bald B. Cowan of the natural re- sources school; Barbara .J Horn, Muriel F. Horton, Marjorie M. Murphy and Mary Reynolds of the nursing school; Donald E. Francke of the phar- macy college; George W. Greey and Gordon W. Helms of the physical education department; Herbert H. Cornish and Warren C. Eveland of the public health school; and Paul H. Glasser of the social work school. Advanced to the rank of assist- ant professor were Glenn Teske of the astronomy department; Kaniel T. Longone of the chemis- try department; Daniel W. Bernd, James T. Garbaty and Leo F. Mc- Namara of the English depart- ment; Joachim Bruhn and Harald Scholler of the Germanic lan- guages department; Zdenek V. David and Norton H. Mezvinsky of the history department; Math Department LawrenceC. Eggan, Gerald W. Hedstrom and Roger D. Low of the mathematics department; E. Harold Swayze and Norman C. Thomas of the political science department; Auke Tellegan and Donald M .Wolfe of the psychology department; Manuela M. .Cirre of the romance languages depart- ment, Paul Ilie of the Spanish de- partment; Guy R. Mermier and Ilene T. Olken of the French de- partment; and Zelma H. Weisfeld of the speech department. Wen Jei Yang was promoted to assistant professor in the engi- neering college. From the Medical School, Edith A. Maynard, Mary E. Clifford, Eugene P. Frenkel, Thomas P. Haynie III, Gerald L. Brody, Wil- liam F. Howatt, William W. Stein- berger, Arthur J. Vander, John P. Kemph, Arthur C. Kittleson, Viv- ian L. lob, Richard O. Kraft and John A. Meyer were promoted to assistant professor. Assistant Professors Also promoted to the rank of as- sistant professor were Gunnar G. Birkerts and Bruce C. Erickson of the architecture school; Mary C. Bromage of the business adminis- tration school; John F. Barrows of the engineering college at Dear- born Center; Donald E. Knapp and Franklin W. Smith of the dental school; Janice Clark and Albert Cohen of the music shcool; Marilyne R. Backlund, Judy M. Judd, M. Ar- lene Martin and Josephine M. Sana of the nursing cshool; James W. Richards of the pharmacy col- lege; and Rosemary A. Sarri of the social work school. The Regents approved the fol- lowing resignations: Prof. James F. Ross of the photography de- partment, effectivo retroactive to Feb. 4, to accept a position at the University of Pennsylvania and Prof. Emmett R. Costich of the dentistry school, effective July 31, to accept a position at the Univer- sity of Kentucky. Leaves of Absence Also approved by the Regents were the following requests for leave; Prof. Gardner Ackley of the economics department, leave without salary, covering a period of two years, beginning with com- ing semester, to serve on the Coun- cil of Economic Advisers to the President of the United States; Eleanor S. Collins of the history of art department, leave without salary from June 18 to Aug. 31, to act as first consultant to the Hon- olulu Academy of Fine Arts and to be replaced by Katherine Kauf- man of the history of art depart- ment during her absence; Prof. William Frankena of the philosophy department, 1 e a v e without salary for the coming year to serve as visiting professor at Harvard University; Prof. Jesse E. Gordon of the psychology de- partment, leave without salary for University of Hamburg as the re- the coming year to teach at the cipient of a Fulbright Award; Prof. F. Rand Morton of the romance languages department, leave with- out salary for the coming year to complete two studies in colonial Latin-American and modern Mex- ican literature; Prof. Ernest Pulgram of the ro- mance languages department, leave without salary for the com- ing year for research in historical linguistics as a recipient of a Gug- genheim fellowship; Prof. Frank E. Raymond of the mathematics for the coming year to accept a department, leave without salary visiting appointment at the Uni- versity of California at Berkeley; Temporary Appointment Prof. Robert K. Ritt of the mathematics department, leave without salary for the coming year to accept a temporary appoint- ment with the Conduction Corpor- ation of Ann Arbor; Prof. James E. Snyder of the history of art department leave without salary for the coming year to carry out work on his project in mediaeval art as the recipient of a Fulbright Research Grant; Prof. Wolfgang Stolper of the economics department extension of leave without salary to include the coming year, to write a book on the government and business in Nigeria under the auspices of the Center for International Af- fairs at Harvard; Prof. Milton Tamres, of the chemistry depart- ment, sick leave from April 9 through yesterday; and Manooch- ehr Varasteh, of the French de- partment, sick leave from March 25 to June 16. Also approved were sabbatical leave covering the second semes- ter of the coming year for Prof. Andrew J. Berger of the Medical School, to summarize 15 years of research in the field of compara- tive anatomy of the avian muscu- lar system, having been granted a Guggenheim fellowship; sabbati- cal leave covering the second se- mester of the coming year for Prof. Lila Miller of the Medical School. Off-Campus Duty Assigment to off-campus duty from July 3 through Aug. 7 for Prop. James V. Neel of the Medic- al School, to address the Brazil- ian Society of Genetics and to de- termine the feasibility of making, a study of a primitive group of Brazilian indians; extension of the leave of absence for Prof. Henry J. Gomberg, of the engen- iering college through next year; sabbatical leave for next semes- ter for Prof. Joseph E. Rowe of the engineering college to com- plete a new text on "Nonlinear Electro-dynamics of Microwave Devices;" leave without, salary from June 1 through Aug. 31 for Prof. Richard L. Meier, of the nat- ural resources school, to fulfilll a technical assistance assignment for the United Nations in Indone- sia. Sick leave from April 17 to Oct. 16 for Elva Minuse; of the public health school, assignment to off-campus duty from July 1 through Aug. 31 for Ferrell Heady of the Institute of Public Admin- istration, to participate in the In- ternational Congress of Adminis- trative Sciences in Vienna, serve as a consultant to the Ford Foun- dation in Manila and to confer in Taiwan with members of the Uni- versity Advisory Team at the Center for Public and Business Administration Education, Na- tional Chengchi University. Regental Appointments In addition, The Pegents also made the following appointments: William A. Gamson of Harvard University, assistant professor of sociology for two years beginning next fall; Curtis A. Manchester of the University of Hawaii, visit- ing professor of geography for next year; William E. Porter of the State University of Iowa pro- fessor of journalism, beginning next year; Ferruccia G. Rossi- Landi of the University of Padua, visiting professor of philosophy for the first semester next year; Andries Teeuw of the Univer- sity of Leiden, Netherlands visit- ing Professor of Far Eastern lang- uages and 'literatures, for next yea0, I 'A DAZZLING DISPLAY!" "FANTABULOUS!", -COLEMAN,M'rrr - KOLODIN, SaturdayReew x x .- M "AN EXUBERANT DEBUT! INCREDIBLE wonder the dancers had the crowd cheering." E - KASTENDIECK, Journal Ameica "INCREDIBLE! What those men do is unbeliev- able. Another great show for those who enjoyed the Moiseyev. -HERRIDG, Ero "WINGS ON THEIR FEET, FIRE IN THEIR BLOOD. Like the Moiseyev, they transmute folk dances into BUNDLES OF LIVING DYNAMITE." -WANCOLL, Wond TlegramE S.. DANCE CoMPANY PAVEL VIRSKY, Artistic Director 100 DANCERS WITH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA presented by THE UNIVERSITY MUSICAL SOCIETY WED., MAY 30, 8:30 Hill Auditorium TICKETS: $4 :00-$3.50-$3.00-$2.25-$1.50 at University Musical Society offices in Burton Tower. I i Dial 2-6264 Feature starts at 1 :00-3: 5:00-7:05a NNw ! ! 9 :20 "The big difference between people, is the difference between those who j 00 and I I .. 4- hav ecst0asy in love ant those who haven tt Metro- GoIdwyn-Moyer presents PAUL NEWMAN GERALDINE PAGE Voiee symposium To Present Kahn Herman Kahn, author of the best selling book, "On Thermonu- clear War." will speak at the fourth and final Voice symposium at 7:30 tomorrow in the Multi-purpose room of the UGLI. Provocative Adult Entertainment! Based on the fa by TENNESSEE WILLIAM S CO-STARING KIH SHIRLEY KNIGHT ED BEGLEYRIP TORN m"WA r Z. , I qndANNUAL HARMOANY I ~M~hIIUM HOLIDA "ONE OF BERGMAN'S MOST POWERFUL FILMS! Harriet Anderson is spellbinding!" -Life Magazine ACADEMY AWARD BEST FOREIGN FILM OF THE YEAR DIAL. 8-6416 Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. !!PWERFU L" --N. Y. enes TFM u~ AOL _ i . A -' I May 19, 1962 I S.G.C. TONIGHT at 7 and 9 Robert Louis Stevenson's THE BODY SNATCHER Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Henry Daniell ANN ARBOR HIGH SCHOOL AT 8:03 P.M. I AUTO TOWNERS 1st place Mich. District Champions 1961 & 1962 CURBSTONE SERENADERS 2nd place Mich. District Champions 1961 & 1962 _ . -- - 2nd Big Week! Academy A ward Winner! Exclusi-SpecialEngagem-t Best Actor! NO RESERVED SEATS! Maximilian Schell 3 PERFORMANCES DAILY! Best Screenplay! v SI EAbby Mann THE MERRI-MEN Mich. District Champions 1951 and 1952 FOR-TUNE TELLERS Champions of Comedy jspelcer 1rcY RorkUCIer IRicharfilWmoarK _ _. ea~ t. -- _- ._- I inimini nnmOuh~ I oil I U