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May 20, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-20

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Wolverines Collect Two Big Ten Champion


Special To The Daily
LAFAYETTE-Michigan's track-
men had to wait around all after-
noon for Rod Denhart to break
the conference pole vault record
here yesterday, but there was
nothing that could have made
them happier.
An hour and twenty minutes
before, the Wolverines had pulled
off what an ecstatic Coach Don
Canham called a fantastic upset,
polishing off indoor champion
Wisconsin and sewing up their
second straight Big Ten outdoor
track title.
Michigan, which Canham fig-
ured "didn't have a chance" to
score more than 35 points, piled up
a rousing 48% points while Michi-
See McCRAE, Page 8

Tennis First
Special To The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS - Michigan's
power prone netmen are Big Ten
champs for the seventh time in
the past eight years.
The Wolverines totaled up 66%/
points here yesterday, while tak-
ing five individual championships,
as they pulled away from North-
western in the home stretch of the
Big Ten net tournament.
The Wildcats finished with 56%/
and took the remaining four 'ti-
tles. MSU's 29 points took third
The Blue took their fourth
straight title on a cool Minnesota
day with a nippy wind that-as
Jerry Dubie put it-"only blew
when I was serving."

Baseball Second
Special To The Daily
MADISON-Wisconsin's Badg-
ers swept both ends of a double
header here yesterday, and de-
prived Michigan of its second
straight Big Ten baseball cham-
The final scores were 6-3 and
The double loss, combined with
Illinois' 6-2, 1-0 sweep of Iowa,
meant one thing for the Wolver-
ines-a second place finish, one
game behind the Illini.
Fatal Blow
Pat Richter's dramatic homerun
with two out in the last inning
of the second game sent the Wol-
verines to their second straight
See DOUBLE, Page 9

Golf Third

Special To The Daily
CHAMPAIGN - The Michigan
linksters backed by a solid team
effort moved. passed Minnesota to
finish third yesterday in the 43rd
Big Ten Golf Championships at
the Illinois golf course at Savoy.
Indiana, the leader after 36
holes on ,Friday, won the first
team title in the school's history
while Illinois senior Mike Tolius-
zio took the individual crown.
Good Balance
The Wolverines, showing excel-
lent balance, " hung on in every
round. When one golfer's game
would collapse, another would take
his place to pace Michigan. Soph-
omores Dave Cameron and Gary
Mouw took up the slack in the
See INDIANA, Page 8

-Daily-Bruce Taylor

-Daily-Bruce Taylor

See Page 4


, 43aua

:43 at 1

Thunderstorms likely today,
Fair and cooler tomorrow

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Nike Cajun Launches
'U Instrument Pack

Cajun sounding rocket soared aloft
from this Virginia launching sta-
tion yesterday, carrying a Univer-
sity instrument package up to a
height of 83 miles.
The package is designed to.
measure the amounts of atomic
and molecular oxygen and nitro-
gen in the upper atmosphere.
Research engineer Edward J.
Schaefer directed the work by
the High Altitude Engineering
Laboratory on the project. He re-
ported that "a preliminary look
Team Installs
Plastic Heart
In 'Living Dog
CLEVELAND ()-A five-man
team of medical researchers at
the Cleveland clinic foundation
has successfully replaced a living
heart on a dog with one made
of plastic and driven. by com-
pressed air.
"Our work is still in an ex-
perimental phase," Dr. William J.
Kolff explained in an interview
last night. The Dutch-born medi-
cal scientist is directing the work
of the clinic and envisions its
practical application to humans
"within a few years." .
The first plastic heart experi-
-ment with a dog was achieved in
1958, Dr. Kolff said, and could
be termed a success. The most
recent experiment, earlier this
year, permitted a dog to remain
alive for more than a day.
The dog was able to perform all
normal functions-barking, drink-
ing water and response to petting
-when the artifical heart was
The dogs all died, however, Dr.
Kolff said, "because a blood clot
formed somewhere on the artifical
heart, or on an artifical valve.
"Our major problem now has to
do with the formation of thrombus
on plastic. A member of our staff,
Dr. Velimir Mirkovitch, has been
studying why thrombosis occurs
on plastic. If we can find out why
this occurs, perhaps we can avoid

at the data indicates that it is
Sending word direct from this
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration facility, he said
"the purpose of the experiment
was to develop a mass spectro-
meter to measure the composition
of the upper atmosphere.
"The spectra we obtained closely
paralleled what we expected it to
be," he continued. "But of course
it will take time to analyze it.
The instrument used was a
"Paul Massenfilter," named after
the German scientist who in-
vented it.;
Named After Scientist
The "Massenfilter" operates on
the intrinsic mass differences be-
tween equal numbers of gas mole-
The filter itself acts to separate
different gases by the process of
removing or adding electrons. By
collecting the charged gases thus
differentiated from one another it
is possible to tell the atmosphere
composition in which the tube-
like filter had been suspended.
Radios Information
In use' on the rocket, the
amounts of collected gases were
radioed back to earth where they
were recorded graphically on an
One of the major problems in
the operation of the device Schaf-
er cited was "how to create the
ions and direct them into the field
properly" - especially in as small
a carrier as, the Nike Cajun.
Prevent Gases
In addition, in order to prevent
gases from the earth's surface
from stickin gto the filter, riding
up with it, and thus producing a
misleading measurement, the filter
must be loaded in a vacuum cham-
The University High Altitude
Engineering Group hopes even-
tually to be able to develop the,
filter to a point where it can be,
produced cheaply and simply.i
This would make it useful for sur-
vey measurements,;
First, however, they will take
readings at noon and at midnight
to see if the difference in sun-
light causes any change in the
composition of the atmosphere.

Asks Sober
Prof. Paul W. McCracken of the
School of Business Administra-
tion, commented recently, in an
address before the Sixth Annual
Economic Conference, on what he
called "the need for a little more
sober recognition of our problems."
Prof. McCracken continued that
"At the same time, this new mood
of realism must not go as far as
to obscure underlying basic devel-
opments that should strengthen
our ability to achieve a stronger
Prof. McCracken cited three
reasons as to why he felt that the
"substantial optimism" of people
regarding the so-called "Sizzling
Sixties" ought to be curbed.
The disappointing course of
economic developments, persistent
high unemployment and the re-
versal of our role in the interna-
tional economy, were cited as rea-
sons for the necessity of this
change in attitude.
Elaborating on each of these
factors, McCracken explained that
expansion in business activity has
been weak and the behavior of
"leading indicators" has been poor.
Further, "the creation ofknew job
opportunities has not kept pace
with the growth in the labor
for ce"
Finally, due to the reversal of
our role in the international econ-
omy, "the American economy and
the dollar seemed to have slipped
from grace."
Prof. McCracken said that a
healthier business climate would
make the US a "more attractive
place for investment of capital
than has been true in recent years,
reducing the heavy net outflow of
private capital."
He described a large role in the
economy for new products; espe-
cially in stemming the tide of the
dollar outflow.
"We are slowly gaining an un-
derstanding about the sources of
economic progress," Prof. Mc-
Cracken commented, "and we are
finding that more investment or
abundant natural r e s o u r c e s,
though desirable and important,
are not the key ingredients. The
mainsprings of economic progress
are more subtle matters, consider-
ations less defined and measured."



Viewpoint to Conference on




Alumni Ask Ouster
Of EMUPresident
Claiming a "gradual decline" in the quality of Eastern Michigan
University during the term of President Eugene B. Elliott, an EMU
alumni group has demanded the removal of the school's top admin-
The group of 30-35 Detroit alumni made its demands in a tele-
gram to the State Board of Education, EMU's governing body.
One of its charges, as explained by Dr. James G. Matthews,

the group's spokesman, was that
OSU Faculty
Supports Ban
On Speakers
Approximately two-thirds of the
Ohio State University faculty re-
cently voted its support to OSU
President Novice G. Fawcett'sUban
on three campus speakers.
By a vote of 1,036 to 509, the
teachers supported Fawcett's April
25 decision to prohibit the ap-
pearance of three speakers, critics
of the House Un-American Activi-
ties Committee, in a program
sponsored by the Students for Lib-
eral Action.
The stormy session had been
called by Fawcett after he receiv-
ed a petition from over 300 faculty
members asking to be heard on the
After this motion was passed,
Prof. Foster "3hea Dulles of the
OSJ history department moved
that the faculty advocate invita-
tions to any outside speakers, "free
from restraint or intervention by
the administration."
A motion to adjourn carried be-
fore Dulles' motion came to a vote.

under Elliott's guidance, EMU had
{de-emphasized athletics to the
point of neglecting all physical
But Board President Chris H.
Magnusson has refused to ac-
knowledge receipt of the alumni's
telegram, and said that he had not
seen sufficient evidence to war-
rant action against Elliott's ad-
Impartial Investigation
However, he commented that
the Board was willing to conduct
an "impartial investigation of is-
sues which have been presented."
Magnusson added that EMU's
real problems, in his opinion.
should be blamed on the Legisla-
ture's insufficient appropriations
to the school.
Elliott Comments
Elliott commented that the
exact nature of the charges
against his administration is not
clear at the moment, and added,
"We've got too much to do here
to worry about anything like this.
We're going ahead with our pro-
A faculty group and a student
delegation have also voiced pro-
tests before the State Board,
though evidently their complaints
were concerned with different sub-
jects than the alumni group's.

-Daily-Jerome Starr
ADDRESSES CONFERENCE-Rep. Carroll Newton (R-Delton)
praised the University's achievements and commented on its
financial woes in a luncheon speech to the, delegates of the Con-
ference on the University yesterday.
Crippon .Discusses Use
Of Conference on 'U'


Miesel Cites Values, Purposes of Art

The Conference on the Univer-
sity served as a useful instrument
in breaking down artificial bar-
riers and examining in depth some
of the current anl long-range
problems of the University, David
Crippen of the Phoenix Memorial
Project said in his summation re-
marks yesterday.
Over 150 administrators, faculty
members and students assembled
yesterday in the Union to discuss
in informal workshops "The Uni-
versity as an Elite Institution."
Topics of Discussion
The topics of discussion included
problems of admission, the rela-
tionship of the University with the
state, the responsibility of the
faculty, the role of the student,
research, the honors program,
buildings and physical plant, cur-
riculum and methodology, the ad-
ministration and counseling.
One of the pervasive themes in
the discussions was, the concern
for breaking down communica-
tions between faculty and students.
The general consensus of the dele-
gates was that it was the respon-
sibility of both the faculty and
students to initiate programs.
Suggest Methods
Some methods suggested for
bridging this gap were to have
organized seminars on the fresh-
man level, more tutorials, better
training and more attention paid
to the teaching fellows, more par-
ticipating in University affairs by
newer members of the faculty and
interdisciplinary seminars.
Other proposals by the delegates
included more involmement of
ter counseling with the emphasis
Rraduate students in research, bet-
of feedback from counselor to
fnii2 raif. m f s-nrl r - a e-

tions on the value of continuing
the conference next year.
The conference will close today
with a speech by Christopher
Jencks, managing editor of "The
New Republic," at 2:30 p.m. in
the Multipurpose Rm. of the UGLI,
sponsored by Challenge.
Bureau Chief:
Acting City Editor
Reporters :
FAA, Halaby
SAN ANTONIO ( P) - United
States Congressman Henry B.
Gonzalez yesterday said both Na-
jeeb E. Halaby, Chief Administra-
tor of the Federal Aviation Agen-
cy and the agency are under in-
vestigation by the General Ac-
counting Office of the United
States at Gonzalez' request.
The congressman, visiting his
home in San Antonio, said he re-
quested the investigation last week
and has been notified by the Gen-
eral Amonnntin Office thev will

Talk Centers
On Problems
Of Finances
Registers Concern
Over Other States'
Educational Policy
Acting City Editor
Highlighting the proceedings
during the Conference on the Uni-
versity yesterday, Rep. Carroll
Newton (R-Delton) praised the
University for its "world-wide rep-
utation and recognition as a lead-
er in the field of education."
But hetcalled upon the Univer-
sity to set up a revolving fund fr
research in order to receive roy-
alties on the many projects and
developments it contributes to the
world. "These funds could benefit
you later."
Speaking on the "University's
Responsibility to the State," he
said that the Legislature was well-
aware of what the University is
doing for Michigan. He noted that
its research facilities did much to
attract industry to Michigan.
Problem of Enrollment
However, in addressing himself
to the more controversial problem
of enrollment. "The p r o b e m
evolves in large part from the fact
that the appropriations have not
been as large as we all might
wish," he said. "Thus we check
into areas of expense and look for
ways to cut them down.
"Here we come to the dispute
over out-of-state students. The
Legislature does not necessarily
believe they should be barred, but
rather that they should absorb
more of their own costs."
He added that the Legislature's
concern with out-of-state stu-
dents was not universal, but rath-
er "whether we are assuming too
big a burden from certain other
Quality Education
He cited both New York and
New Jersey, which "do not offer
the quality education that Michi-
gan does," relying Instead upon'
other states to absorb their many
college age students.
He said that the Legislature has
no particular opposition to stu-
dents from other nations. In fact,
they welcome the opportunity to
"lend them a hand."
He added that recent studies in-
dicate that Michigan supports
public education to a greater de-
gree than almost any other state,
but that that fact did not necs-
sarily mean they deserve more of
the tax dollar than they presently
Rising Defeat
"There is an increasing resist-
ance to any new taxes," he noted.
"We see this in the rising defeat
of local bond issues."
Newton called upon the Univer-
sity to "keep up with the needs of
education itself." He said that the
University must constantly assist
the secondary schonl in trivino

"Art is a document of the spirit;
a philosophy of life, as well as
an arrangement of lines and
colors," Prof. Victor H. Miesel of
the history of art department says.
The public "may be reacting to
modern art in a far more direct,
honest fashion than the so-called
critic-the sophisticated lover of
art; they may really understand it
better than the critics.
Many of today's artists chal-
lenge everything we stand for. It's
not a question of beautiful form or
good composition, but rather of
the philosophy of the artists.
These men are prophets. If they
jolt us profoundly, the average
person isn't willing to listen," Prof.
Miesel explains..
Inherently Conservative

works "as objects in a museum;
much as they might study wild
animals in a cage."
In most periods the public con-
demns the advanced art of that

period, Prof. Miesel says. "Artists cated to humanity. The context
create for an'elite-a group which, and the function of a work of art
through education and sensibility, also play a role in the evolution
can be and have to be distinguish-
ed ,from the mass of people." of it," Prof. Miesel says.
Average Man "Then, too, the reaction to art
Prof. Miesel explains that in the depends on how the generation
Renaissance "few people were was brought up. For instance, in
the nineteenth century it was
'either sympathetic toward or eventh nieethctuytwa
aware of the artists and the works popular to cry, hence galleries
were sometimes filled with weep-
they produced. The average manProf. Miesel ex-
on the street went to an image of plains.
the Madonna, not because it was plains.
a work of art, but because he "Of course some pictures have
thought it worked miracles or be- great emotional impact, but this
cause he felt comfortable praying soon wears off," Prof. Miesel con-
to it." tinues.
Prof. Miesel likes art from all However one can respect art
periods, but specializes in modern intellectually. "Leonardo da Vinci's
art. He interprets modern art as 'Last Supper' is an image that has
a development from the past art; always been dead for me, although
and, hence, a creative continuity [ can appreciate the technical aims
of owth anr1 hance. and formal achievements of the,

With all art there is an un-
fortunate paradox, Prof. Miesel
says. "Our receptors become blunt-
ed by our exposure just as they
become sensitized by sensory de-
"The professional, whether look-
ing at art or listening to music,
becomes desensitized; his opinions
have validity, but he misses the
initial impact, the very thing the
artist may be working for," Prof.
Miesel explains.
The public, too, suffers. Today
there is so much exposure to
magazines, television and store
windows that the people have
become swamped by "artistic"


"Until about fifty years ago
people spent their whole lives in
the same local; hence 'new' art
1 . l

c c

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