Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ions Are STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 1 Prevail"' printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TODAY AND TOMORROW: Urban A ffairs: Noise About Nothing New 9, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH BLEIER The Free Student Press: Idealists Buck 'The System' HE FUNDAMENTAL problem facing an idealist Is how he can alter a society of. ich he disapproves without being forced to pt its values in the process. For 71 years, e Michigan Daily has served as an instru- it for resolving this dilemma. MERICA at midcentury is enough to depress any idealist. Most of our lives are domi- ed by "The System," a term frequently used college-aged people to describe the college faceless bureaucrats, numbers and percen-" s, and unchallengable structures which con- ites our society. The system imposes a pat- i of growth and behavior on us, but is not bly subject to our control. The usual way oping with it is to watch out for one's own rests while facing up to "the realities of hese "realities" include the fact that most he world is controlled by narrow, ignorant, old men with whom one must therefore an accommodation; that life is a fiercely ipetitive struggle even with one's best friends neighbors (who may be potential violators he fallout shelter or rivals for that assigned k in the UGLI); that the course of one's le life will periodically depend on an array umbers known as a record. , nyone who attempts to break out of this ern is likely to be trampled. And anyone attempts to change it runs immediately the basic dilemma. For one must first have power to make changes, and it is almost im- ible to get and hold power without adopting values of the system one intends to change., ild you try politics? The saddest sight of the" r was 'Adlai Stevenson telling the UN Secur- Council that the United States might soon .me testing atomic weapons in the atmos- re. Or journalism? Most big-city publishers ild rather sell sex than reform, while the e ambitious Mr. Luce is busily engaged in chandising atomic war. Even such "liberal" itutions as "The Nation" and Herblock are strained by the editorial consideration that present administration is, after all, Demo- ic, and therefore the best that is available. t WOULD YOU rely on education? Then you must face the fact that, at this Uni- ity at least, education is aimed mainly at >aring students for graduate school or jobs idustry, not at encouraging social reformers, .e an excessive regard for legislative and lic opinion limits the range of activities per- ;ed students and faculty. i theory, any idealistic group of faculty nbers with enough money for a full-page ad he New York Times can have a direct influ- on public thinking. In reality, a fear of the equences for reputation and career causes t to avoid any contact with a controversial e. Approximately the same is true of most .ents. The most extolled of student leaders the student government and joint judiciary types, who have become responsible citizens by taking on the values of the University adminis- tration, while- the overwhelming majority of students are not interested in good citizenship at all. IN THIS generally grim picture of society, the student press shows an encouraging devia- tion from the norm. It is true that many college newspapers are dominated or censored by. the administration, that many others deal with' subjects no more profound than the Twist, and that a few are run by conservative editors; the fact remains that a number of college papers are the most unc6rrupted voice of dissent in the country. The Daily is one of these. In many respects The Daily is a self-con- tained society with a different set of values than prevails in the outside world. The highest ranked of these values is freedom. For most of its 71-year history, The Daily has maintained (sometimes precariously) its freedom from University control. Moreover, the business and editorial staffs of the paper are kept scrupu- lously separated so the whims of advertisers are never reflected on the news pages. Finally- and most crucially-The Daily editorial page is open to any point of view a staff member cares to express. This freedom of personal expression often attracts idealists. BUT IFITS CULTURE is self-contained, The, Daily's function is very much connected with the real world. It reports and analyzes the news of that world, concentrating particularly on the University. And it presses for change, often with visible effect. This is the other half of the explanation of why idealists so often come to roost at The Daily. Not only is The Daily free-it is powerful. Sometimes its impact on the community is direct and easy to see, as when a specific reform is instituted as a result of editorials in The Daily. The most valuable impact is an indirect one, however. It is the creation of a tone of controversy and discord in a University which, has powerful tendencies toward complacency. One would hope that The Daily has saved an occasional student from injustice at the hands of the administration. One would hope even more that The Daily has set the student think- ing about much broader questions of value and policy. An idealist at The Michigan Daily is able to work for change in the community without adopting tactics and values which belong to the system he seeks to change. He thus escapes, at least for a few short years, the dilemma fac- ing idealists in this country. The opinions you read in The Daily may be impractical and vi- sionary, unorthodox and even reckless-but they will be the opinions of free students, un- corrupted by vested interest or comprised in- tegrity. -JOHN ROBERTS Editor By WALTER LIPPMANN IN THE POLITICAL hullabaloo about the proposed Depart- ment of Urban Affairs and Hous- ing, it is useful to remember that the Department will possess no new Federal powers and will pos- sess no new money to spend. All the powers which are to be in the new Department have long since been voted by Congress. These powers will come from four existing agencies and all the De- partment will be able to spend is what Congress has authorized these agencies to spend. For this is a reorganization and not a new grant of power. What ground, then, is there for thinking that the new Depart- ment creates anything new? Can it do anything which cannot al- ready be done by one of the four constituent agencies? The answer is, it seems to me, that it can focus attention on the mounting problems of the cities and of the metropolitan areas. It can bring together and encourage those who know and, care about these prob- lems, and it can do much to get them a hearing. THE NEW DEPARTMENT will have no power and no money to re-plan the old cities and to plan the development of the new met- ropolitan areas. But it can pro- mote the studies which must pre- cede the replanning and the de- velopment. This will have to be done in order to make life de- cent and convient for the three- quarters of the American people who live in urban areas. Over and above the work of the old agencies which would be grouped in the new Department, it would be es- sentially a department of research and education in urban affairs. Why, it will be asked, is this a good thing to have done from Washington? The answer is that. it cannot; be done adequately, and as a matter of. fact is not being, done adequately, by the states and municipalities. There are several reasons for that. One reason is that in the state legislature the urban voters are grossly under-' represented as against the rural' voters. Another reason is that the ex- panding metropolitan areas over- lap state and county and mu- nicipal lines, and, if they are to be. governed properly, development, must be planned on a metropolitan scale. The planning and develop- ment cannot be done merel: the localities of the past w are now being swallowed up b: metropolis. AS FOR the politics which swirl about the proposal, the is that there would have little of it had the Repub: leaders not made so much about nothing. It was wrong it was foolish of them to gan with a few Southern Democrat the House Rules Committee order to refuse to let the 1 vote on the proposal. 'On " principle, constitutional, mora political, can it be argued the House of Representa should not be allowed to vot a proposal made by the Presi of the United States? This wrong was a silly one commit because the Republ leaders seem to have forgo that the President could force House to have a chance to by doing with the Departmen Urban Affairs what Presi Eisenhower did with the DeI ment of Health, Education, Welfare-to send it to Cong under the Reorganization Ac 1949. If there was any poli trap in all this, the Republ leaders laid the trap into w they have fallen. They should have forgotten the Reorganiza Act of 1949. THE GREAT CONCILIATOR: On heR oad with Swano By MICHAEL HARRAH Daily Staff Writer ANYONE WHO THINKS vaude- ville is dead hasn't been travel- ing with John B. Swainson and Co. of late. The good governor is currently barnstorming across the state with his Punch and Judy show,. sup- posedly "selling" his program for Michigan. Each show is carefully staged. First the governor's office gets in touch with a union local, say in St. Joseph. The union agrees to get one of the companies there-, abouts, to provide the hall for a "Governor's Conference on (pick one: Economic Development, Edu- cation, Mental Health. Labor, Businesf Climate, Taxation)." .* * THEN, when a well-heeled busi- ness ragrees to provide an audi- torium, the governor's office lines up a supporting, cast. First a small business man is chosen. Foster Daughterty, a small time banker from Constantine will do nicely. Constantine isn't very close to St. Joseph, so few will realize that Daugherty is a Demo- crat. Next pick a man clearly on the governor's team-Highway Commissioner John C. Mackie. Next lend an air of respectability to the group with a-man from in- dustry. Joseph M. Walsh, Lear vice-president fits the bill. Finally the piece must have a villain. Organized labor is still a good whipping boy in St. Joseph, so call in faithful old UAW man Charlie Rogers from Muskegon. Top the whole thing off with a moderator: T. A. Sanders, a Mus- kegon man who has been success- fully anonymous as president of General Telephone. NOW THE STAGE is set. The night is stormy; the audience is slightly hostile. The governor parades in fully an hour late with his omnipresent smile plastered on. Walsh, with his air of respec- tability, doesn't show. Sanders calls upon the governor, who explains his program for eco- nomic growth, tied in a package of emotion and pathos-a picture of a state desperate for its life's blood-more money. Then each member of the supporting can puts in his two cents-which echoes the governor. Villain Rogers is last, and he lambasts the Legislature in no un- certain terms. Republican legisla- tors Don R. Pears, Harry Litowich, Gail Handy and Gordon Rockwell wriggle uncomfortably in their front row seats. The governor looks slightly alarmed at Roger's strong words and hastens to reassure his audi- ence that Mr. Rogers views are not necessarily his own. After. all, didn't the governor assure one and all at the beginning of the meeting that he wasn't a tool of labor? Of course he did. AT THIS JUNCTURE moderator Sanders calls an intermission, dur- ing which everyone grumbles about villian Rogers. As the session reconvenes, Mod- erator Sanders calls on spectators for questions. If the question is favorable, the governor uses it as a springboard, elaborating further on his program. If the question is hostile, heksmiles and talks around it. If the question deals with spe- cific data, he smiles and says he doesn't trust the figures. "They just aren't square," he says. THE CLIMAX NEARS. Mr. Rogers takes a few more cuts at the Legislature. "I'd like to see a really equitable program of liabil- ity compensation enacted in Mich- igan," he needles. "But with our Honeymoont ALL THE TALK this. past year about the "first hundred days" and the "honeymoon period" has obscuredi the fact that it is not in the early months that the great Presidents of this century have made their basic commitment, but in the later years, as the forces that their early actions unleashed seemed to propel them toward a broader vision. -James MacGregor Burns Legislature, it wouldn't be pos- sible," he adds coyly. Sen. Litowich can take no more, and he ties into Villain Rogers with both barrels. "I didn't come here to be sandblasted," Ie shouts. "How long do you want us to support these people? Forever?" "I'll repeat my statement so that you can understand it, Senator," Rogers snaps. (Hisses and boos from the Litowich section.) "You don't have to be insult- ing," Litowich retorts. (Cheers and applause from 'the Litowich sec- tion). "I understood you the first time." * * * "LET'S NOT engage in politics, gentlemen," the' good governor in- tervenes. "The problems which Michigan faces are too important to be caught up in a political hassle." And with that, the Great Conciliator goes on to the next question.d h The meeting soon ends, and the business host graciously serves tea and crumpets. The governor con- tinues to smile at' everyone, the press notes how cordial he was, and everyone goes home. What was accomplished? * * * NO ONE was won over to the task of doing anything for Mich- igan.rThe citizens of St. Joseph support Swainson's program no more than they did when he open- ed the meeting, and they didn't appreciate having the popular Sen. Litowich roughed up. When they put their questions to the governor he talked around them or tried to mitigate their importance. In short, the whole show was staged for the benefit of the press, to carry the image of Swainson the dragonslayer tak- ing on the cruel Legislature. The people in Detroit may en- joy a little medicine show, but the people outstate are not as charmed. It would seem that the gover- nor, who never once revealed his program during his 1960 cam- paign, owes this state something more in the way of an explana- tion than his double-talk, and smart remarks from the support- ing cast. I DO NOT KNOW what part proposed appointment of , Weaver has played in promot the coalition of Southern Der crats and Republicans. Mr. Wea is already the head of the. Houst Administration, which will be largest component of the Deps ment, and' a refusal to prom( him when he is so pre-eminen qualified could have been expla ed only as racial discriminatic Nevertheless, he is no doubt main reason for the opposition the Southern Democrats. But cannot be the reason for opposition of the Republican lea ers who -are making all sorts gestures, no doubt sincerely, prove themselves to be friends Negro voters. I cannot help thinking that Republicans did not stop to Co sider what they were doing, a that they acted on their reflex which take it for granted that i new proposal to deal with changing world is automatici undesirable. (c) 1962, New York Herald Tribune, AT THE STATE: 1 2, 3' Equals '0' )Pen Forum or Left-Wing Pulpit? ERY SEMESTER, in the orientation week sue, the Editorial Director writes an ex- ation of the editorial page policy of this spaper. And every year, angry citizens come ping into the office waving the same mis- eptions. 'he Daily prints only liberal editorials," tell us, or "The Daily wouldn't print a fraternity editorial on a bet," or "The y doesn't print letters that criticize the r." None of these accusations have much h in them. Nobody who has read a Michael ah right-wing editorial, Malinda Berry sing sororities, or a week of Daily letter mns could believe them. ie Daily has an open editorial page. Any, ber of the Daily staff may write an edi- ,1. Any editorial on a subject of interest he campus will be considered for publica- as long as it is accurate, legal and worth ing. I editorials are signed. This means that express the opinion of the individual pr. The only way we could express the ion of The Daily would be to print an edi- 1 signed by every member of the staff.: ze nearest we ever come to an expression he opinion of the paper is the senior edi- 1, written and agreed upon by all seven >r editors. Such editorials are rare; part- give them 'more impact; partly because senior editors, accustomed to expressing idual opinions, have a hard time agreeing! ,ny joint statement. E TWO EDITORIAL DIRECTORS have heoretical, but not practical, control over edit page. Sometimes editorials are planned :s in advance, carefully written, and yzed in terms of their effect on the read- it more often, the issues that require edi- ds come up six hours before the deadline. Staff members often must get an editorial written, edited, rewritten and sent to the cast- ing room in less time than it takes to draft an English theme. The editorial directors solicit the editorials, improve arguments, eliminate internal contra- dictions, or logical fallacies, and correct spell- ing and grammar. The thought belongs to the writer, and is left alone. The editorial directors can refuse to print editorials (except ones by the Editor); in prac- tice, this rarely happens. The limits are set by the editorial directors; since we believe in the "open" edit page, we keep limits as flexible as possible.1 ODDLY ENOUGH, this lack of definite policy has led, in practice, to a fairly well defined editorial slant. The same kinds of people join The Daily, year after year. Some come with a liberal slant. Some turn liberal after constant exposure to the generally leftist atmosphere of The Daily; a handful remain doggedly con-, servative. All of them express their views in conversa- tion and in editorials. Because the staff is fairly liberal this year, the editorial page has a liberal bias. But this is an unplanned result of the open page policy, not the deliberate decision of the editorial directors (one of whom is decided- ly conservative on most issues). PROBABLY THE FUNNIEST of the many misconceptions about The Daily's editorial page is the common image of the editorial di- rectors refusing to print perfectly good copy they happen to disagree with. The Editorial Director's life is determined by two main forces: the ever-present page which must be filled, day in, day out; and the continual lack of good articles to fill, it with. An Editorial Director could not afford to turn down a pro-fraternity editorial because he hap- pens to be anti-fraternity. It would probably leave him with ten inches of white space in the middle of his page. And he can't change it to suit his own views either. because the signed editorial is the ONE, TWO, THREE is the third of what appears (so far) to be Billy Wilder trilogy, and we ,should all hope that this will be th end. The only resemblance between it and Some Like It Hot is thi both movies have men dressed as women. Don't expect anythir further. Sitting through this one is like burning yourself with cigarette to see if you can take it. A more realistic estimate of On Two, Three would retitle it One, One-and-a-half, and that's generou Starting out like a talking Mad comic, it winds up like a Miltc Berle reject. Down the street is something called- the Vaude CapadE and you may have to check the theatre on the way out to mal sure you saw the right one. An interesting feature of the film is its speed. When a sma child has something really embarrassing; to say, he says it as fak as he can so that it will either go unnoticed or will be unintelligibl Wilder does the same thing with this film and in that sense I succeeds: the movie is indeed unintelligible and with luck will g unnoticed. THE PLOT very loosely concerns big business, the Russians, an teenagers. Rather than being a satire, however, it is a travesty. Thea is one exception, however, perhaps thrown in for comic relief, ar perhaps even worth the entire price of admission: hats. off to who ever designed the Grand Hotel Potemkin and its house orchestrF an incredible touch, which is of course spoiled by dialogue immediatel after the bandleader sings "Yes We Have No Bananas" in hig German. As for the rest of the music, Andre Previn must have done on his day off. He quietly ruins some music from Die Walkure, amon others. If you like good slapstick, stay away from this movie. If yo like bad slapstick, bad jokes, bad acting and feel particularly prc fligate, you might still be better off killing time at some other movi in town. (Don't worry about hurting this particular theatre b inattendance. W. S. Butterfield gets your money any way yo spend it.) -Dick Pollinger s FEIFFER ALL t r LF PCOUt. N1AVE A MORAL. O1A'iIN. AFTERT~'HE IWAR r"tA5 Mu( DUTY TO WORK~ OttFORPgACf ,INTf' f~W A MOMAt OfSA-700) -r0 F16HT FASCISM* (7t j '-I V. TO ;. M COLJAJ1R TO ,OI N U6H ARMY d0 50 1CAWT K FOR 5OMETII4WG wCAme IT5 I'LT t pro h-,- I M LAS IF VhI U1V1~IO I