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May 17, 1962 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-17

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PAGE EIGHT TU1~a .a ~f liM!CWaiEAN 'fLAly fWWf C la'p-- u

TilURSDAY, MAY 17, 1962

Detroit .Group Uncovers
Segregation in Schools

Racial segregation and discrim-
ination in teacher placement was
found to exist in the Detroit pub-
lic school system by the Citizens'
Advisory Committee on Equal Ed-
ucational Opportunities after a
two year study of the situation.
The committee made 154 rec-
ommendations to the Board of Ed-
ucation concerning race relations,
free physical and mental-health
examinations, and expanded pro-
grams in various academic and
cultural fields.
Annual racial counts of teach-
ers and students, more liberal
transfer policies and free sum-
mer-school classes for children
who flunk are among 91 recom-
mendations already adopted by the
Davrath To Talk
At Israeli Event
Ephraim Davrath, Israeli consul
in Chicago, will speak at a pro-
gram celebrating the 14th anni-
versary of Israel at 8 p.m. today
in Rackham Amph. Also on the
program is the showing of the mo-
vie, "The Wilderness of Zin' and
program of Israeli songs.

School Superintendent Samuel
M. Brownell said that the annual
racial count would provide "fac-
tual information on which to an-
swer inquiries (about) the racial
composition of pupils and staff
(and). these inquiries are fre-
The school system has not taken
a racial count of students since
the 1920's and of its personnel
since the 1940's.
The advisory committee found
that in February, 1961, 45.6 per
cent of the students in Detroit
schools were Negroes. A census
taken by Brownell early this year
showed that 2,472 of the 10,797
teachers in the system are Negro
and indications were that the
number of Negro students had in-
creased also.
Easier To Transfer
The more liberal transferrpolicy
will make it easier for Negro stu-
dents to transfer to schools outside
their segregated neighborhood
which may offer them better in-
The free summer-school courses
will be limited to students who
failed similar courses during the
regular school year or those who
clearly need remedial work. A
long-range goal is to make all
summer-school programs free.

Sees G-29
As Possible
Medical Aid
A new anesthetic, called G-29,
may be the first in a series of
intravenous drugs that may prove
ideal for office surgery, predicted'
Dr. Guenter Corssen, anesthesiol-
ogist at the University Medical
The non-barbiturate drug has
been used on over 600 patients'
from four weeks to 96 years old.
"Surgical anesthesia is produced
in 15 to 30 seconds, lasting a pre-
dictable length of time after which1
the patient quickly awakens.
The patient has no hangover,
dizziness or nausea and has relief
from pain for a considerable per-
iod after he wakes up," Corssen
G-29 is a unique anesthetic be-
cause it stimulates breathing,
heart action, and blood pressure.
These conditions generally prove
helpful to patients being operated
upon,uhe explained.
The drawbacks to this drug are
now being studied. One of these is
an occasional irritation that arises
at the point of injection.
Corssen predicted that until
these problems are solved, "wide-
spread use of the agent cannot
safely be recommended."
Six To Serve
on Joint Judie
Six persons have been named to
serve as members of joint judiciary
council. They are Erwin Adler, '63,
Hal Frazier, '64, Joyce Knopow,
'64, Lawrence Schwartz, '63, Susan
Watson, '63, one year terms, and
Patricia Golden, '63, a one semes-
ter term.
Appointments were made by the
interviewing board of joint judic.
and are effective immediately.
Name Warwick
As YD Chairman
Mal Warwick, '63, yesterday was
elected chairman of Young Demo-
crats for next year. William Shell,
'64, was chosen vice-chairman;
Deborah Gould, '65, secretary;
Michael Miselman, '64, treasurer;
Rochelle Komer, '65, Harold Mac-
Donald, '63, state central commit-
tee delegates; and Paul Heil, '63,
Herb Schwartz, '64, alternate
state central committee delegates.

(Continued from Page 4)

May 17, at 3:00 p.m. in 247A West Engi-
Doctoral Examination for Anthony
John Gregory, Instrumentation Engi-
neering; thesis: "Time Domain Method
of Design for a Class of Nonlinear Sys-
tems," Thurs., May 17, 1300 E. Engineer-
ing Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, E. O.
Doctoral Examination for Samuel Dix-
on Miller, Music; thesis: "W.tOtto Miess-
ner and His Contributions to Music in
American Schools," Thurs., May 17, 106
Lane Hall (Dr. Britton's Office), at 4:15
p.m. Chairman, A. P. Britton.
Doctoral Examination for Ernest Har-
burg, Social Psychology; thesis: "Covert
Hostility: It's Social Origins and Rela-
tionship with Overt Compliance" on
Thurs., May 17 at 9 a.m. in 5609 Haven
Hall. Chairman, T. M. Newcomb.
Doctoral Examination for George Rog-
er Sell, Mathematics; thesis: "Stability
Theory and Lyapunov's Second Meth-
od," Thurs., May 17, 305 W. Engin. Bldg.,
at 2:00 p m.Co-Chairmen, Wilfred Kap-
lan and Lamberto Cesari.
Events Friday
Composers symposium: The Midwest-
ern Student Composers Symposium will
present public concerts on Fri., May 18,
and Sat., May 19, in Hill Aud. and Aud.
A, Angell Hall. All programs of the
School of Music are open to the gen-
eral public without charge.
On Fri., May 18, The University of
Michigan Symphony Orchestra, Josef
Blatt, conducting, with David Suther-
land, assisting, will present the first
concert at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. Works
composed by members of each of the
participating schools will be performed.
On Sat., May 19, four chamber music
programs will be presented. At 10:00
a.m. the University of Iowa will present
its student composers in Aud. A; at 1:00
p.m. the University of Illinois in Aud.
A; at 3:00 p.m. the University of Mich-
igan in Hill Aud.; at 8:30 p.m. North-
western University in Aud. A.
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof.
J. E. Littlewood, Cambridge, England,
will speak on "Celestial Mechanics on
Non-Linear differential Equations over
a Very Long Time" and "A New Dis-
covery in the van der Pol Equations
with Large K" Fri., May 18, at 4:00
p.m. in 229 West Engineering.
Refreshments in 274 West Engineering
at 3:30 p.m.
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. George
Mandler, University of Toronto, will
speak on "Structure and Response Fac-
tors in Verbal Learning" on Fri., May
18 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. B. Coffee in
3417 Mason Hall at 3:45 p.m.
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night:
Fri., May 18, 8:30 p.m., 2003 Angell
Hall. Dr. William E. Howard will speak
on "Galactic and Globular Clusters."
After the lecture the Student Observa-
tory, fifth floor of Angell Hall, will
be open for inspection and for tele-
scopic observations of the Moori, dou-
ble star and cluster. Children welcomed,
but must be accompanied by adults.
Doctoral Examination for John Rob-
ert Tillman, Geology; thesis: "Variation

Starting Monday, May 21
It's study room will be available
every night 'til .12 p.m.
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for ISA Vice-President

in Species of Mucrospirifer from Middle
Devonian Rocks of Michigan, Ontario
and Ohio" Fri., May 18, 2045hNatural
Science Bldg., at 2:30 p.m. Chairman,
E. C. Stumm.
Doctoral Examination for David Phil-
lip Kessler, Chemical Engineering;
thesis: "Multiple Emulsion Formation
as a Hydrodynamic Phenomenon Using
Cylindrical Jets," Fri., May 19, 3201 E.
Engin. Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
J. L. York.
Doctoral Examination for Olga Ber-
nice Bishop, Library Science; thesis:
"Publications of the Government of the
Province of Canada, 1841-1867," Fri.,
May 18, E.:Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. H.
Doctoral Examination for Charles
William Heffernan, Music; thesis:
"Thomas Whitney Surette: Musician
and Teacher," Fri., May 18, 106 School
of Music, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, A. P.
Doctoral Examination for Martin Gol-
nsky, Electrical Engineering; thesis:
"An Analytical Determination of the
Existence of Optimum Points in a Class
of Networks," Fri., May 18, 1203 E.
Engin. Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
L. F. Kazda.
Beginning the week of Mon., May 21,
1962 the following schools will be at
the Bureau to interview candidates for
the 1962-1963 schoolvyear.
TUES., MAY 22-
Lake Orion, Mich.-Fields not yet an-
Oxford, Mich. (Elementary School)-
Kdg.; Elem. Engl. (Grades 5-9).
WED., MAY 23-
Clawson, Mich.-Elem. (4, 5, 6, & 4/5),
Visit. Teach., Jr. HS Gen. Sc., Math,
SS; HS Art, Girl's PE, 10th grade Engi.,
Shop (Mech. Draw. Major).
Livonia, Mich.-Elem.; Emot. Dist., Jr.
HS Ment. Retard., Math/Sci., Visit.
Teach., Span.; HS Read., Elem. Vocal,
FRI., MAY 25-
Grosse Ile, Mich-Elem.; Jr. HS & HS
Span./Fre., Math, Speech/Engl., Part
time Guid. or Vocal or SS with above.
Jr. HS & HS Coach in any sport.
Marlette, Mich.-1st grade; Sp. Corr.;
Girl's PE; Jr. HS & HS Comm/Math or
Gen. Math or Engl., Engl./Speech, Com-
merce/Gen. Math with Algebra.
* * *
For additional information and ap-
pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext.
Appointments-Seniors & grad students,
please call Ext. 3544 for interview ap-
pointments with the following:
MON., MAY 21-
Harvard Univ. Grad. School of Bus.
Ad., Boston, Mass.-WOMEN to fill cur-
rent openings for Assistantships in the
first-yr. course entitled "Written Analy-
sis of Cases." Will relieve load on pro-
fessors by criticizing the prose & pick-
ing holes in logic of papers analyzing
actual business problems presented as
case studies. No specific major'required,
but must have B & preferably B plus
TUES., MAY 22-
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance
Co., Boston, Mass. (p.m. only) - Men
with college bkgd. in any field for In-
surance Sales. Exper. not necessary.
Will train. Current openings in Metro-
politan Detroit & S.E. Mich.
212 SAB-
Playbill Summer 1962-Looking for
ticket salesmen & saleswomen. This Is
a U. of M. theater group.

Danny's Restaurant & Cocktail
Lounge, St. Ignace, Mich. - Several
waitressing positions open.
Laclede Gas Co., St. Louis, Mo.-Open-
ings for engrg. students with at least
Junior standing, B average, & U.S.
The Grace Hospital, Detroit, Mich.-
Openings for medical students - in its
operating rooms.
Executive Girls, Toledo, 0.-Tempor-
ary office positions for qualified girls.
Gasoilair Equipment Co., New Haven,
Conner-Openings for student workers,
male, to work in their home towns this
summer as part of an Introductory
Marketing Prog. & Study.
Klamath Falls Camp Fire Girls, Inc.,
Oregon-Openings for Unit Frog. Coun-
selors, Unit Frog. Counselor for CIT &
high sch. girls, Counselors, Waterfront,
Dining Room Counselor, Nurse-Female
Come to Summer Placement for fur-
ther information. It will be open from
8:30 a.nm. to 12 noon & 1:30 p.m. to
4:55 p.m. from nowuntil the end of
the exam period.
Fourteenth NavalGDistrict, San Fran-
cisco, Calif--Architect for District Pub-
lic Works Office in Pearl Harbor. BA
in Architecture. File by June 2.
Pennsaitt Chemicals,Wyandotte, Mich.
-(1) Chemical Engnr. BS Chem. Engrg.
plus 0-3 yrs. exper. in production engrg.
(2) Administrative Ass't. to Manager,
Tech. Dept. BS Chem. Engrg. or Chem-
istry plus MBA. Exper. not essential.
Will consider June grads.
W. R. Grace & Co., Clarksville, Md.-
Current openings are: Inorganic or
Physical-Inorganic Chemists (PhD);
Analytical Chemists (Indust. exper.);
Physicist or Physical Chem. (exper.);
PlasticstDevelopment Engnr. (BS); In-
formation Center Head (PhD Chem. plus
exper.);. Reference Librarian (BS or MS
Chem. with interest in Chem. litera-
Mich. Training School, Ionia, Mich.-
(1) Landscape Architect. BA. No exper.
required. (2) Maintenance Supt. Prefer
Engrg. bkgd. Exper. preferred, but not
Vitramon, Inc., Bridgeport, Conn. -
Need personnel in areas of Chem. &
Physics wh can apply their basic knowl-
edge to industrial problems. Work will
be in materials research (solid state
Please call General Div., Bureau of
Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. .3544 for further
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Building, during the following hours:
Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon
and 1:30 til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should call Bob Hodges at NO
3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-Ann Arbor resident to sell insur-
ance. i-time during school, full-
time during summer vacation and
vacations during the year.
1-To do yardwork through the sum-
mer. Must have your own equip-
ment. All day Saturday.
3-Engineering students to do apart-
ment maintenance in exchange for
rooms with private bath. (Quiet-
studious boys). No cooking, drinking
or parties. Must be available for
two or three years, summer and
-Meal job openings.

why cart all those
clothes home?
* Call Greene's Cleaners today!
We'll deliver your storage box-
Fill it with your winter garments-
We'll pick it up-clean your garments-
Store them in our air conditioned vault.
Next fall-give us a call. We'll deliver-
fresh and clean--beautifully pressed.
* It's so convenient-and cheaper
than shipping. Still only $4.95 plus
regular cleaning charge. Call and reserve
your box today.
Greene's Cleaners
NO 2-3231



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Notes Economic Values
Of Voluntary Sterilization

A Before you choose
come IXI and see the...

A program of voluntary sterili-
zation in over-populated nations
would pay for itself 100 times over,
Prof. Stephen Enke of Duke Uni-
versity said Monday at a Univer-
sity conference on health econ-
Enke, who has worked with the
government of India, said that
population growth slows economic
growth, and each $3 sterilization
operation in a country like India
could save the nation $300.
"It surprises me how many men
in the United States have told me
they have had this operation, par-
ticularly professional men with
Jakobson To Give
Language Speech
Prof. Roman Jakobson of Har-
vard University will speak on "The
Search for Language Universals"
at 4:10 p.m. today in Aud. A. The
lecture is under the sponsorship of
the Department of Slavic Studies,
the Slavic Language and Area
Center and the Communications
Sciences Laboratory.

two or three children in large met-
ropolitan areas," he reported.
Dr. Rashi Fein of the President's
Council of Economic Advisors told
the conference, "Better health is
part of a higher standard of living.
"But it may also increase the
supply of productive labor and
other economic resources, partic-
ularly land-use.'
The improvement of health is
only one step in improving the
whole economy. It makes the un-
productive, sick individual more
economically productive and able
to join the labor force, he ex-
Hectorians Tap
Twelve Juniors
Hectorians, the fraternity presi-
dents' honorary, tapped twelve
new members last night. Tapped
were: William Harris, '63E, John
Meyerholz, '63BAd, David Croys-
dale, '63, Fred Reicher, '63, Max
Apple, '63, Bill Burchfield, '63,
Max Wexter, '63, Star Tranpel,
'63, Dave Rendall, '63, Wayne
Smith, '63E, John McConnell, '63E,
and Rod Johnson, '63.

Applications now being accepted for summer jobs
with major national corporation. Young men 18
years of age or over wanted to work in marketing,
sales promotion and brand identification positions
during summer. Will work with high level executive



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Those students who qualify may continue their association next
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For interview call College Director
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