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May 16, 1962 - Image 1

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Warm and humid weather
continuing through tomorrow.

VOL. LXXII, No. 162
House Sidetracks
Tax on Cigarettes
GOP Laeks Six Votes for Passage;
Conlin Prepares Income Tax Plan
Acting City Editor
House Republicans yesterday failed to muster the necessary votes
to pass the first in a series of nuisance taxes which would have pro-
vided some $69 million in added revenue.
The test vote, which came on the two-cent-a-pack increase in the
cigarette tax, failed 50-51, six short of the needed 56 votes for passage,
However, the GOP managed to muster enough votes for reconsidera-
tion, :so the bill will not die.
Vote Party Lines
The voting, largely followed party lines, with only Rep. George
Montgomery (D-Detroit) bolting to vote with the GOP. Montgomery
has long advocated a cigarette




QV.V -tlw


U. s

Sends Marines
Block Red Takc



over in Laos

Quad Coundi
To Regulate
Dress Rules
The East Quadrangle Council, by
a vote of 7 to 5 (with 4 absten-
tions). voted last night to return to
the dress- standards, established
earlier this year, which called for
one "dress" meal per week at
Sunday noEn.B
The council motion of last weeko
would have established a system
whereby the men would have worn
a suit. or sport jacket and any
sort of clean pants to the meal.
The motion was passed by a vote
of 8 to 3 with one abstention.
Officers from East and West
Quadrangle and Inter-Quad Coun-
cil mgt with representatives of the
SMichigan Bell Telephone Company
recently to discuss the question
of improved telephone service for
the two Quadrangles.
No Plans
No definite plans were reached.
IQC President Robert Geary, 63E,
said that the revamping- of the
present switchboards and the in-
stallation of telephones in every
room' (along the lines of the pres-
ent system in South Quadrangle)
was feasible. The question of such
a system would involve a cost of
approximately $16 per man over
and above present room and board
Another suggestion has been to
install a "Centrex' system in which
each individual room would have
a separate dial phone. This sys-
tem, could cost as much as $30
per man, the Michigan Bell rep-
resentatives estimated.
Theft of Books
In other Quadrangle action, a
student involved in the theft of
books from the cafeteria line in
East Quadrangle has been ap-
prehended and his case turned
over to Dean John Bingley and
Joint Judiciary Council for action.
Although he would not comment
further on the matter, Robert
Berger, '63, chairman of Joint
Judic, did confirm reports of the
apprehension. A report that there
were other persons involved in the
thefts is, as yet, unconfirmed.
SGC Motion
To Consider
Tuition Raise
A motion urging that the bur-
den of a tuition increase "be
borne by students on an equal dis-
tribution basis," will be discussed
atithe Student Government Coun-
cil meeting tonight.
The motion, introduced by Fred
Batlle, '64A&D, says that any
raise which would sharply discrim-
inate against out-of-state students
"can only be construed as an at-
titude which derogates the value"
of these students to the Univer-
sity. "SGC maintains that such an
attitude defeats the ideals of pub-
lic higher education and the aims
of this University."
Affiliate Requests
SGC president Steven Stock-
meyer, '63, will report to Council
on the consideration of fraternity
and sorority requests for exten-
sion of the deadline for filing ade-
quate membership statements.
Richard G'sell, '63, executive vice-
president of the Council, reported
that two fraternities have asked
for extensions.
NSA Appointments

F ou r Republicans, Taxation
Committee Chairman Rollo G
Conlin (R-Tipton), Rep. Russel
Strange (R-Clare), Speaker of th
House Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan)
and Rep. Gail Handy (R-Eau
Claire) voted against the measure
Conlin and Strange are advocates
of an income tax, and Pears and
Handy are long-standing oppon-
ents of.a cigarette tax for loca
y reasons.
Two Republicans, Rep. William
Hayward (R-Royal Oak) and Rep
i Frederick Olsen (R - Sheridan)
were absent. They had been count-
ed as supporters of the bill; Rep
Lloyd Anderson (R-Pontiac) ab-
stained. He is against all new tax-
1 es.
Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
T Arbor), a principal sponsor of the
. nuisance tax package, said that
the cigarette tax was "the one
most likely to pass," and that its
defeat meant the rest of the bills
in the package had lesser support
at this time.
Preparing Reports
Meanwhile, Conlin is preparing
to report out his income tax pro-
gram for debate on the House
floor. It is similar to the package
recently defeated in the Senate and
would provide over $100 million
in new revenue.
Legislators on both sides of the
aisle agree, that it is much too ear-
ly to tell how the income tax
package will fare on the House
floor, but they feel it would be
lost in the Senate, where Democrat
forces were recently decreased by
two votes. Sen. Philip O. Rahoi (D-
Iron Mountain) and Sen. Stanley
G. Novak (D-Detroit) have been
excused for the balance of the ses-
sion. Their votes were essential to
the Democrat-Moderate Republi-
can coalition in the Senate, which
backed the income tax.
Nuisance Taxes
Since the nuisance taxes are
pending indefinitely in the House,
Bursley noted that, should the
push for the income tax fail, they
could be revived again.
"We might find some Democrat-
ic support then," he said.
The thinking here is that sev-
eral Democrats, though bound by
unit rule to support Gov. John B.
Swainson's stand for- an income
tax package or nothing, do not
support an income tax personally.
And if the House version of the
income tax package is scuttled like
its Senate counterpart, perhaps
these Democrats would then break
ranks to vote for the nuisance tax
Also lurking in committee in the
Senate is Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings'
(R-Holland) proposal for a whole-
sale tax, which he will reportedly
send out for debate if current ef-
forts completely deadlock.

SU.S. Confers
With Russia
Over Laos
Cease Fire Question
Remains Unanswered
,WASHINGTON (P)-Soviet Am-
bassador Anatoly Dobrynin confer-
I red with Secretary of State Dean
e Rusk for 35 minutes yesterday and
indicated afterward that the So-
viet Union agreed to the need for
a political settlement of the Laos
lA terse statement made by Dob-
rynin and a similar report from a
I State Department spokesman left
unanswered the question whether
pro-Communist Pathet Lao forces
would return to the old cease fire
Put Into Effect
. Dobrynin told reporters that "it
is necessary to put into effect"
an agreement reached by President
John F. Kennedy and Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev at Vi-
enna last year for a neutral and
independent Laos.
The Vienna agreement also rec-
ognized the importance of a cease
fire while political negotiations on
formation of a new government
were underway.
Lincoln White, State Depart-
w ment press officer, said that the
problem of a cease fire was dis-
cussed at yesterday's meeting and
"both sides emphasized the neces-
sity for the maintenance of a cease
President Kennedy had said in
a statement yesterday morning
that United States policy calls for
"reestablishment of an effective
cease fire." White was unable to
explain the difference between
"maintenance" and "reestablish-
Left Unclear
He thus left unclear what exact
steps may now be taken. But he
did say that so far as the State
Department knows the fighting in
Laos was not underway yesterday.
White said also that he regard-
ed Dobrynin's presentation to Rusk
of Soviet views on the crisis as
"the first clear cut indication of
their position since the crisis
started almost two weeks ago."
Dobrynin had little to say to re,
porters beyond his statement that
it was necessary to put the
Khrushchev - Kennedy agreement
into effect.
Asked for comment on the send-
ing of United States Marines in
Thailand, neighbor of Laos, Dob-
rynin thought for a moment, then
said, "generally, sending troops
doesn't help to solve the situation."
At Vienna a year ago, President
Kennedy and Khrushchev asserted
their support for a neutral and in-
deendent Laos.
Dorynin refused to answer any
questions about the meaning of his
statement that the Kennedy-
Khrushchev accord must be put
into effect. But the comment ap-
parently put the Soviet Union on
the side of a peaceful, negotiated

/ , /
V / E T
!f 1
* (7
-AP wirephoto
LANDING PLAN - Thailand's Premier Sarit Thanarat yesterday announced to his countrymen
tomorrow's scheduled landing of 1,800 U. S. Marines at the Bangkok naval base. The Marine force
will back up 1,000 IU. S. combat troops already in Bangkok for SEATO exercises.
Marines Strengthen Thai Force

Khrushchev Agrees
On easef ire Need
Rusk, Dobrynin Reach New Accord;
Some Strategists Predict Solution
WASHINGTON (R)-President John F. Kennedy ordered 1,-
800 United States Marines into Thailand at dawn today in a
5,000-troop buildup of United States military strength there
aimed at preventing the Communists from swallowing up
neighboring Laos.
Shortly after Kennedy acted, with the statement that the
Red "threat to Thailand is of grave concern to the United
States," Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev sent word that
Russia agrees on the necessity for a cease-fire and a peaceful
political settlement in Laos.
Afternoon Session
The United States-Soviet accord was reached at an after-
noon meeting between Secretary of State Dean Rusk and So-
viet Ambassador Anatoly F. '

BANGKOK (P) - At Thailand's
request, 1,800 United States 'Ma-
rines come ashore tomorrow for
the buildup of a Southeast Asia
combat force in this key pro-
Western nation.
In the vanguard, were Marine
and Air Force jet attack planesI
sent from bases in the Philippines.
From neighboring Communist-
Voice Reveals
New Desire
To Join SDS
Voice political party voted last
night to express "its intention and
desire to affiliate with Students
for a Democratic Society . . . on
the basis of the brochure "What
is SDS", our knowledge of the ac-
tivities of Bob Ross and Sharon
Jeffrey who are officers of SDS,
and on the experience we have
had in working with the national
office, of SDS."
Voice expressed its desire to be-
come part of the national arena
of liberal student activity in order
to 'more effectively achieve its
goals of an open and democratic
The membership voted to post-
pone choosing an explicit category
of membership "until clearer Con-
stitutional definition of these
categories" is made. The choice
is expected in Fall of 1962, accord-
ing to the motion.
"Voice's interests will definitely
be represented at this summer's
SDS convention where a new Con-
stitution will be drafted defining
the membership classifications as
well as general aims and purposes
of SDS," John M. Roberts, '64,.
vice-chairman of Voice said.

infested Laos, Royal troops mean-
while continued fleeing across the
Thai border before a Red sweep.
Starting Pull-Back
But even before the announce-
ment of the impending landing of
Marines - as requested by Pre-
mier Sarit Thanarat - there were
signs that Communist rebels in
northwest Laos were starting a
pull-back from Thailand's border.
And abroad, the big powers car-
ried on top level diplomatic con-
tacts over the turn of events.
In Washington, the United
States and Russia announced
agreement on a necessity for an
effective cease-fire in Laos.
Diplomats Meet
The agreement came at a meet-
ing of Secretary of State Dean
Rusk and Soviet Ambassador Ana-
toly Dobrynin. They did not say
whether the Laotian Red forces
would return to the old cease-fire

line in effect before the Red ad-
vance into northwest Laos.
The Marine units waited just
off Thailand's shore aboard ships
of the United States 7th fleet.
They are expected to begin land-
ing by helicopter at Thailand's
naval base of Sataheep at dawn.'
Washington announcements
said a defense force ofuabout 5,000
men will be built up, including
tactical air forces, and 1,000 Army
men already here for SEATO ma-
The premier announced the
coming of the Americans in a na-
tionwide broadcast after a flight
to the southern city of Chachepng-
sao near the naval base.
He said the action was taken
under a March 6 pledge by Secre-
tary of State Rusk to protect the
national integrity of Thailand.
Rusk made the pledge under a
1954 treaty with Thailand.

This led some United States
strategists to believe that the heart
of the Laos crisis is on the way
to solution, that the big powers
wlil not be drawn more directly
into the conflict, and that Ameri-
can troops will be able to leave
Thailand eventually without en-
tering Laos or firing a shot.
But some potentially trouble-
some gaps in the United States-
Soviet accord remained.
Nationwide Rule
Both sides were unclear as to
whether a cease-fire, allowing the
rival Laotian factors to negotiate
for a nationwide government,
meant withdrawal of Red rebel
forces to the lines they held before
starting on their northwest Laos
offensive last week. The United
States had sought a withdrawal.
Dobrynin said after a 35-minute
meeting with Rusk that "it is nec-
essary to put into effect" last
last June's K e n n e d y-Khrush-
chev agreement in Vienna on the
importance of a cease-fire and
forming a neutral independent
Laos government. State Depart-
ment press officer Lincoln White
said "both sides emphasized the
necessity for the maintenance of a
Washington optimism stemmed
too from reports that the Reds
have ceased fighting in Laos and
that the feuding chiefs at last are
on their way to the negotiating
These developments highlighted
a day of feverish activity starting
with a special early morning Ken-
nedy briefing of congressional
leaders of both parties.
Kennedy outlined his orders in
a White House statement issued at
noon as Marines from the United
States 7th Fleet stood by outside
Bangkok and Premier Sarit Than-
arat announced his country has
invited American forces to land
because of the Red threat.
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara said the 1,000-man ar-
my battle group now in Thailand,
a United States ally, will be aug-
mented by three units under com-
mand of Gen. Paul D. Harkins, top
United States military adviser in
South Viet Nam.

In Primaries
WASHINGTON (I)-Democrat-
ic Gov. J. Millard Tawes headed
for renomination in Maryland last
night, while Republicans bearing
the Eisenhower stamp of approv-
al marched off to long leads in
races for gubernatorial nomina-
tions in Nebraska and Pennsyl-
Former Philadelphia M a y o r
Richardson Dilworth was well
ahead in his bid for another try
as Democratic candidate for gov-
ernor of Pennsylvania. He lost by
86.000 votes in the 1950 election.
Rep. William W. Scranton was
the front-runner for the Republi-
can nomination there. Scranton
was backed by former President
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Governor Barred
Gov.,David Lawrence, a Demo-
crat, is barred by state law from
seeking reelection.
In Nebraska, Eisenhower's in-
terior secretary, Fred Seaton, held
a top-heavy lead over two other
Republicans in the race for the
GOP spot on the November elec-
tion ballot.
Gov. Frank Morrison, only Dem-
ocrat to win a state-wide office
there in 1960, was leading two riv-
als in his bid for renomination.
Former Rep. Frank Small Jr.
was well out in front for the Re-
publican nomination for governor
of Maryland.
Lee Trails
Rep. Daniel B. Brewster led
state assembly delegate Blair Lee
in the scrap for the Democratic
United States Senate nomination.
On the Republican side, Edward
T. Miller, another former con-
gressman, led James P. Gleason in
the Senate race.
The Senate seat is being vacat-
ed by Sen. John Marshall Butler,
a conservative Republican who is

Potter Presents Views
On Expansion of NSA
The United States National Student Association has expanded its
viewpoint in the last four years and has international obligations to
continue to do so, Paul Potter, NSA national affairs vice-president, said
The association was founded on principles of academic freedom
and university autonomy, Potter said. Today these principles are
broadly defined and following them more issues are being considered
today, he continued.

Realize Role
"It is important that American students realize the role
plays in international affairs and that the organization must
a coherent policy and act


Lambda Chi Regains IFC Championship
.l. II Lambda Chi Alpha, defending
champion of Inter-Fraternity
Council Sing, won the trophy

ageously," he declared.
He pointed out that NSA can
do projects that the government
cannot. This is especially true in
South America, Potter said, where
American students can make con-
tacts with students suspicious of
the American government.
Potter said that NSA was hold-
ing the International Student
Conference, the non-Communist
dominated international student

U.S. To Take Action
In Defense of Viet Nam
Associated Press News Analyst
The Kennedy administration has now moved from a military
advisory to a combat footing in one area of Southeast Asia.
The lesson that Communist guerrilla warfare cannot be met by
sidestepping, either politically or militarily, is being driven home. An
obvious question is whether the straightforward defense posture es-

again last night in Hill Auditor- federation, together. It stands be-
ium. tween an Afro-Asian Latin Ameri-
Lambda Chi sang a medley of can bloc and a West Eurooean bloc
songs from the "Student Prince" of student unions he said.
which included "Gaudiamus Iga- "The Afro-AsianLatin American
tur," in English and Latin, and
" bloc is militant and interested in
"I'll Walk With God." non-colonialism and dictatorship.
The first place trophy for the It defines a broad interpretation
best supporting sorority went to of the 'student as a student' clause
Alpha Phi who supported the of the ISC charter," Potter ex-
Lambda Chi's both this year and plained.
last. "On the other hand the West
The second place trophy went European bloc narrowly interprets
to Sigma Alpha Mu who sang "A this clause and has little concern
Medley of Jewish Folk Songs" and for philosophical questions," he
third place to Trigon who sang a continued.
Negro spiritual "Go Where I Send As a result of tensions between

tablished in Ihailand is now to be
extended to South Viet Nam.
In Thailand the hope is that un-
yielding resistance will produce a
Communist backaway, as it did in
regard to the Berlin dispute last
In South Viet Nam a shift from
a military advisory posture would
almost certainly project American
forces into combat at once.
It would then be militarily un-
feasible to leave Laotian territory

Prepare Bills
To Break Up


WASHINGTON () - Legisla-
tion that might require the break-
up of U. S. Steel and other corpor-
a~t iant it 0~+ h1,n4 nran .rI h

X..:..1 . : .. . .-... .. . :

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