PAGE TWO U.T+ ZEJ yAKuEvkU N IEl R TT PAGE TWO 'ins' lff iInTl'A l. WbAlWV ,1 ]! FhP Yd J yT - w - -. . Alumni Head Drama Season Copter Lifts Trees METHODS, TEXTS: Seeks Student Evaluation Of Courses, Instructors . By MAJORIE BRAHMS Director Robert Maitland and designer Charles Hoefler, both University graduates who, became interested in the theatre while students, have returned to Ann Arbor to head the production staff of the 27th annual Ann Arbor Drama Season. Last summer Maitland and Hoefler collaborated on designing and staging an off-Broadway re- vue "The Prickley Pair," with Marian Mercer and R. G. Brown, also University almuni who will be returning to work in the Drama Season. Hoelfer, discussing a view held by Drama Season producer Ted Heusel, said Ann Arbor audiences should be made aware of former Univei'sity students who went to Broadway and became successful. This year, along with Maitland and Hoefler, six University alumni will be returning: Marian Mercer, R. G. Brown, Howard Green, Beverly Owen, James E. Broad- head and Robert Armstrong. Studied Painting Maitland,'55A&D, studied paint- ing and sculpture while a student. Deciding to try his hand at de- signing play sets, he worked in the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre with Heusel, who was directing at that time. CHARLES E. HOEFLER ... designer i F Z 't t E t E C f "The more I designed the more I realized I wanted to direct," Maitland commented. In New York he gradually shifted to directing. His work included productions ranging from studio presentations of Williams Butler Yeats' poetic plays to productions of the musical comedies "Fanny" and "Okla- homa." "I have produced also but I have no real interest in it because of the financial problems," Mait- land noted. As a producer he pre- sented Franchot Tone in a staged reading of Luigi Pirandello's "Naked." Hoefler spent five years after his graduation at Tobins Lake Studios as assistant to Robert E. Mellencamp, designer of industrial and legitimate stage productions and for many years designer of the Drama Season. Opened Own Studio After a European trip, Hoefler went to New York and opened his own studio, where he does indus- trial and off-Broadway designing and plans to do Broadway work. At present he is designing a touring show of "The Music Man" and, as his biggest project, is re- designing "Little Mary Sunshine" for. presentation by the Drama Season this year. In the planning stages is arproject for the 1964 World's Fair. An important issue to Hoefier is the supposed conflict between the Professional Theatre Program to begin next fall and the Drama Season. "I do not feel the PTP will effect the Drama Season-if any- thing it will help it. There is no such a thing as competition in the theatre. The more there is, the more demand there will be." Hoefler believes the "decentral- ization of the theatre away from Broadway is a healthy thing for the art." Drama Season 'Unique' Both Maitland and Hoefler commented on the "unique" na- ture of the Drama Season. Mait- land said he would like to return to Ann Arbor in the future and next year would like to use more students and local talent. "This is a good opportunity for students. They;can get more val- uable experience through work- ing on professional productions than in the classrooms or on University productions. "In New York, Ann Arbor is looked upon as a magnificent experience and as prestige the- atre," Hoelfer sAid. Such stars as Helen Hayes and Katherine Cor- nell will work here for considerably less Mnoney just for the opportun- ity to perform in Ann Arbor. New Opportunities Hoefler noted that performers can do work in Ann Arbor that they could not do elsewhere. Helen Hayes, for example, did "Gentle- men, the Queen," a production consisting of scenes with charac- terization of Katherine the Great, Lady MacBeth, Mary, Queen of Scots and-Queen Victoria. The Drama Season is the ear- liest stock theatre company in the country, Maitland said. This is an advantage because actors can play Ann Arbor and then go to other jobs. "We close when fifty per cent of the other summer theatres open," he noted. The Michigan Stage Band and the Bob James Trio, recent win- ners of the Notre Dame College Jazz Festival for the second year, will present a jazz concert at 8:00 p.m. today in the Michigan Union Ballroom. Kappa Kappa Psi, band honor- ary, is sponsoring the concert to raise money to commission an original composition for the Mich- igan Symphonic Band. The Stage Band, recently formed from musicians in Music School, will play modern jazz and will be accompanied by vocalist Cora Ri- dall, '65M. Concert... The University Symphony Or- chestra and the University Choir will present a concert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Aud. Citizens Ask City Council To Ban Discrimination -Daily-Jerome Starr TREE LIFT-"Burnam Woods comes to Dunsinaine." A helicopter flew several trees from the top level of the Maynard Street parking structure to the roof-garden of the nearly completed Maynard House yesterday. Crowds gathered to watch the helicopter hoist trees bagged in burlap up the 10 stories. [-PROGRAM NOTES] ROBERT MAITLAND j ... director r r , NOW Dial 5-6290 Academv AwardWinner! s £EclusiveSpecialEngagement Bet Actorl NO RESERVED SEATS! Maximilian schell 3 PERFORMANCES DAILY! Best Screenplay! Abby Mann Speocer Tracy.Ra r acaster Richardl rrk afen Dierl ich Jade GarlandM ililiRnSchell Min eaiCli i .U GENTr Seventy-four Ann Arbor resi- dents, including Secretary 'of De- fense Robert McNamara and for- ner mayor Prof. Samuel Elders- veld of "the political science de- partment signed a letter to the Ann Arbor City Council urging en- actment of an anti-discrimination in housing ordinance. "The fact that discrimination in housing exists in Ann Arbor can no longer be denied," the letter declared. It urged legislation to "prevent discrimination by developers, real estate brokers, landlords and fi- nancial institutions in housing constructed with public assistance Slavic Poetry.. . Prof. Roman Jakobson of Har- vard University will speak on "Ear- ly Medieval Slavic Poetry and Its Further Implications" in a col- loquium at 4:10 p.m. Wednesday in the East Lecture Room of Rack-j ham Bldg. At 4:10 p.m. Thursday in Aud. A Prof. Jakobson will lecture on "The Search for Language Uni- versals." Architecture... Dr. Edward Hall, research fel- low at the Washington School of Psychiatry and visiting lecturer at Harvard, will speak on "Human Needs and Microspacial Settings" at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in the Arch- itecture Aud. Concert... Under the auspices of the School of Music for the Midwestern Stu- dent Composers' Symposium, the University Symphony Band will present a concert at 8:30 p.m. Friday in Hill Aud. Chamber Music... Chamber Music programs will be presented by four universities throughout Saturday. The Univer- sity of Iowa will present a pro- gram at 10:00 a.m. and the Uni- versity of Illinois at 1:00 p.m. in Aud. A. the University will pre- sent a program at 3:00 p.m. in Hill Aud. and Northwestern University will- present the final program at 8 :3 Aud. A. Aaron To Talk On Criticism Prof. Daniel Aaron of the Smith College department of English will discuss "On Writing about One's Contemporaries," at 4:15 p.m. to- morrow in Aud. A. Prof. Aaron will also hold a dis- cussion with interested students at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Honors Lounge of the Undergraduate Li- brary.. His talks are sponsored by the Honors Council. or financial guarantees and mul- tiple housing developments for rental or sale." Such legislation has also been endorsed by the Ann Arbor Society of Friends, the Huron Valley Chapter of the National Federa- tion of Social Workers and the lo- cal branch of the American Civil Liberties Union. The Ann Arbor Committee for Housing Legislation urged the City Council to "adopt a policy of ap- proving only such new housing de- velopments for sale or rent where the developer provides assurance that there will be no discrimina- tion." By PATRICIA O'CONNOR Eighty thousand questionnaires seeking student opinion of courses and teaching will be circulated during lectures, recitations and laboratories in the literary college next week. The four questions asked in the questionnaire include: What do you think are the ob- jectives of this courserAre they made clear? How do you evaluate the means used to realize the objectives? Students are asked to consider such things as integration of lec- tures, text, laboratory work, reci- tation, quality of required read- ings, effectiveness and fairness of examinations and level of diffi- culty. Question Course Value What is your judgment as to the value of this course in your education? Students should point out both its contributions and deficiencies. Comments upon is contribution to knowledge, its broadening and deepening of in- terest in this area its effect upon perspective or sense of values and its contribution to clarity of thought are requested. Keeping in mind that the re- turns from the questionnaire will be used by the instructor in the process of improving his teaching, students are asked to mention any other aspects of the course or its instructor not covered in previous questions, considered especially good or poor, and offer any sug- gestions for the improvement of the course. To Evaluate Instructors Consideration should be given to the instructor's regularity and adequacy of meeting class obliga- tions, evenness of assignments return of papers and clarity and thoroughness of preparation of SGC Names NSA Group At Student Government Coun- cil's meetinggWednesday, SGC ap- pointed delegates to this weekend's Regional Assembly of the United States National Student Associa- tion. Council members, Katherine Ford, '64, Assembly Association President, Mary Beth Norton, '64, Women's League President, Mar- geret Skiles, '63, and Robert Ross, '63; Committee on NSA Chairman, John M. Roberts, '64; and Frank Heselton, '63, member of the NSA Committee were appointed. According to previous Council policy SGC could onlysend mem- bers and standing committee chairmen to be delegates to NSA national and regional congresses. Council adopted a new policy motion which states: "When SGC members or standing committee chairmen do not fill the number of delegate and alternate positions available to SGC, other members of the SGC structure will be eli- gible for attendance at regional as- semblies and NSA Congresses." However, Richard Nohl, '62BAd. announced his intention to recon- sider the Ross amendment next week, which suspends action on the amendment until the next Council meeting. subject matter. His ability to arouse interest and stimulate thinking, open-mindedness and encouragement of differences of opinion, general approachability and willingness to assist students are also factors to be taken into account. The questionnaire prepared by a committee headed by Prof. Wil- liam B. Palmer of the economics department, differs from the pre- vious questionnaire circulated in the fall of 1960. Because of stu- dent complaints that the ques- tions were too broad, each question has been amplified by suggesting the nature of responses. Many of the phrases used reflect previous student responses to the questions, according to Prof. Palmer. Results Kept Private The questionnaires, circulated every third semester, are used on a departmental level only. A ma- jority of departments have voted to make the results of the ques- tionnaire available only to the instructor involved. In many de- partments, student opinion of teaching fellows, however, be- comes available to others in the department. Students do not sign their names, nor are the questionnaires avail- able to instructors until after grades have been reported. SUNDAY at 7 and 9 Faulkner's PYLON as TARNISHED ANGELS Rock Hudson, Robert Stack, Dorothy Malone Short: Subject Lesson. Award of exceptional Merit ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 50 cents SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1962 Calls Rates 'Indictment' Of Lawyers ADRIAN - Recent increases in medical malpractice insurance rates in Michigan were seriously questioned by Prof. Marcus L. Plant of the law school. He addressed a joint meeting of the Lenawee County Bar Associa- tion and Medical Society here Tuesday. Prof. Plant called the National Bureau of Casualty Underwriter's 30 per cent increase for 1962 "a vague and ominous indictment of either the courts, the legal profes- sion, the medical profession or all three." "As one who is familiar with the judicial process, interested in med- ical malpractice litigation, who seeks all the information he can find about it, this increase in rate is astounding. "I cannot help but put the ques- tion whether the medical profes- sion, and through it the general public, is not being victimized and gouged by certain segments of the professional liability insurance in- dustry," he said. "If I were a leader of the medi- cal profession in Michigan, I would give very serious consideration to asking the Insurance Commission- er to make an investigation of this increase," he added. - ---n Evenings at 5:10-8:30 Matinees 1.00 Evenings and Sunday 1.25 NUREMBERS Re e, ed thru UNITE0ARTISTS t Dial 2-6264 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Shows start at 1 :00-2:55-4:55 7:00 and 9:00 Feature starts 10 minutes later HELD OVER (through Monday) dkL 1 DIAL 8-6416 "'A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE' is the first strong American film of 1962 and may well remain one of the year's best!" -N. Y. Herald-Tribune THE BOLDEST VIEW OF LIFE YOU HAVE EVER SEEN! r The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days precedig publication. SUNDAY, MAY 13 General Notices President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold open house for students at their home Wed., May 16 from 4 to 6 p.m. Attention June Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Helath, and School of Business Administration: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in June. When such grades are abso- lutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instruc- tor to report the make-up grade not later than noon, Mon., June 11. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative June graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, for honors or high hon- ors should recommend such students by forwarding a letter (in two copies; one copy for Honors Council, one copy for the Office of Registration and Rec- ords) to the Director, Honors Council, 1210 Angell Hall, by 4:00 p.m., Fri., June 8. Teaching departments in the School of Education should forward letters di- rectly to the Office of Registration and Records, 1513 Admin. Bldg., by 8:30 a.m., Mon., June 11. Events Monday University Symphony Orchestra and Choir: The University Symphony Or- chestra and the University Choir under the direction of Josef Blatt will present Kodaly's "Te Deum" and Beethoven's "Symphony No. 9 in D minor" on Mon., May 14, 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. Soloists will be Marguerite Willauer, soprano, Elizabeth Fisher, alto, Richard Cassily, tenor, and Edward Baird, bass. Open to the public without charge. The Annual Dinner Meeting of the Women's Research Club will be held at 6:30 p m., Mon., May 14, in the Michi- gan League. Dr. Elizabeth Crosby will speak on "Some of the Functions of the Primate Contex." Social Work-Social Science Colloqui- um: Mon., May 14 at 4:15 p.m. in the 2nd floor aud., Frieze Bldg. Dr. Fritz Redl, Wayne State University, will speak on "Techniques of Ego Support in the Interview Situation and in the Group." Coffee in the fourth floor lounge at 3:30 p.m. Radio Astronomy Colloquium: Dr. Maurice Shapiro, Chief of Nucleonics Division, Naval Research Laboratory, will speak on "Super Nova as Cosmic Ray Sources and Radio Sources," May 14, Mon., 4:15 p.m., 23 Observatory Bldg. Automatic Programming and Numer- ical Analysis Seminar: "The Define Fa- cility in MAD" by David Mills at 4:00 p.m. on Mon., May 14 in Computing Center, Seminar Room. Doctoral Examination for Robert Noel Hall, Speech ;thesis: "A Rhetorical Study of Selected Speeches by Senator Lyn- don Baines Johnson on the Theme of Leadership," Mon., May 14, 2020 Frieze Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, N. E. Miller. Doctoral Examination for Norbert Lee Archbold, geology; thesis: "Late Pre- Cambrian Diabase Dikes in Eastern On- tario and Western Quebec," Mon., May 14 in 2045 Natural Science Bldg. at 2 p.m. Chairman, S. S. Turneaure. Doctoral Examination for Kenneth E. Vance, Library Science; thesis: "The Professional Status of School Librarians In Michigan Public Secondary Schools Enrolling 500 or More Students," Mon., May 14, E. Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, C. I. Hayner. Doctoral Examination for Harvey Lor- raine Gunderson, Botany; thesis: "An Eight and One-Half Year Study of the Red-Backed Vole (Clethrionomys gap- (Continued on Page 4) STARTING TODAY "SPECIAL ACCOLADE" AND A-1 RATING --NATIONAL LEGION OF DECENCY -"THE BEST FILMRVE OF THE YEAR" --NATIONAL BOARD OF REVIEW t 1Kc SI G . '. Free Admission Tuesday, May 15 Hill Auditorium 7:30 _- } CERAMICS by Harvey K. Littleton PRINTS by , A II II I