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May 13, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-13

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Yl r e

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Mostly cloudy and warmer,
occasional showers



Delegates Differ
On Con-Con End
Republican and Democratic delegates took partisan sides on the
work of the recently completed constitutional convention yesterday.
"It is a good instrument, preserving the heritage of our system.
Any document that measures up to that standard is a good docu-
ment," con-con vice-president Edward Hutchinson (R-Fennville) said.
Richard Austin (D-Detroit), one of the authors of the Democrats'
model' constitution was disappointed with the convention's work









Doctor Says

*Mental Tests
Deny Rights
TORONTO W/) - A psychiatrist
and a lawyer said recently that
current systems of assessing the
mental competence of a person to
stand trial violate the rights of
both the individual and society.
Psychiatrists and lawyers are
guilty of usurping one anther's
functions in society, delegates at
the American Psychiatric Asso-
ciation's annual meeting were told.
Dr. John H. Hess, Jr., of the
Medical School, an instcuctor in
psychiatry, presented a report on
a survey in Michigan on incompe-
tency to stand trial.
Morton Concurs
Prof. J. Desmond Morton of the
Osgood. Hall Law School at Tor-
onto, concurred with Hess.
They agreed that, despite ef-
forts to resolve the conflict, each
still disregards the other.
Hess and his team studied the
nrecords of accused persons ruled
incompetent to stand trial and
cmmitted to the Ionia State Hos-
pital, including some returned for
trial after treatment and others
placed on parole.
He concluded that the roles of
the courts, the hospitals and the
doctors often are distorted and the
Interests of the accused are not
'The Michigan practice, the same
or similar to most other jurisdic-
tions in North America, results in
"incarceration, often. for life, of
Epersons without benefit of trial,"
the report said.
Hess expressed belief that many
of those committed to Ionia were
competent to stand trial and the
majority of the rest could have
been made ready for trial through
treatment within six months.
Common law holds that the
court decides whether an accused
is competent - whether his men-
tal status permits him to plead
and be tried on a criminal charge,
understanding the proceedings
and assisting in his own defense.
Common Law
But in Michigan, and other jur-
isdictions, the statute embodying
the common law principle refers
to the sanity or insanity of the
accused, not his competence, Hess
Morton said the psychiatrist "is
not qualified to testify as a philos-
opher on the issue of moral re-
sponsibility" of whether a man is
fit to stand trial. It is fair to place
a man on trial.
"There is a tendency to assume
the role of moral experts," Mor-
ton said. He suggested the psy-
chiatrist should be prepared to
refuse to give evidence on the is-
sue of competency to stand trial
if he believes he cannot give mean-
ingful evidence."

'as the good features of the docu-
ment were outweighed by the bad.
Update Language
"The convention made many
changes in the document - up-
dating language, making the gov-
ernor's term four years and abol-
ishing spring elections - which
could have been done by constitu-
tional amendment," he said.
Fellow delegate Harold Norris
(D-Detroit) echoed the main
Democratic complaints that there
was not sufficient improvement in
the strategic areas of reapportion-
ment, finance and taxation and
the judicial branch.
Austin pointed to the judicial
article which takes judgeship ap-
pointments out of the governor's
hands and puts it in the supreme
court and to the apportionment;
article under which the Senate is
apportioned on the basis of popu-
lation and area.
Not Satisfactory
"The re-apportionment article is
not satisfactory although it gives
one or two more seats to the De-
troit area. It makes it difficult for
the courts to make a satisfactory
decision," he declared.
Healso criticized the ban on the
graduated income tax and assess-
ment provisions.
Lee Boothby (R-Niles) had a
different criticism of the appor-
tionment article. "It gives five
counties-Wayne, Macomb, Gene-
see and Kent-62 per cent of the
representation leaving the others
to shift for themselves."
Emergency Provisions
He attacked the, "health and
welf are are matters of primary
concern" section of the emergency
rovisions section, fearing that it
wuill be used to justify "unconstitu-
tional legislation."
The provisions calling for the
pportionmentn of the highway
.ommissioner by asgovernor-ap-
pointed four-man highway com-
fission makesd the fixing of re-
sponsibility difficult, he said.
He criticized the transfer of
ower provisions of the local gov-
ernment provisions which allows
ocal units to delegate powers to
other governments, including the
)ower to tax, as too sweeping.
The problem of flexibility is a
political question, Boothby said.
"People are for flexibility when
it is to their advantage and
against it when it is not," he as-
"No constitution can be as flex-
ible as the federal constitution.
[he federal document is delega-
tie and does not have to spell
out its powers while the state
document is prohibitive and must
denote limits on legislation," he

Army Flees,
Rebels Near
Capital City

Boun Oum Proclaims
State of Emergency
VIENTIANE W)P - Advancing
pro-Communist rebels sent royal
'Laotian forces fleeing into neigh-
boring Thailand yesterday and
claimed to have pushed within
striking distance of the royal cap-
ital of Luang Prabang.
In Vientiane, Prince Boun Oum's
anti-Communist regime proclaim-
ed a state of emergency, opening
the way for total mobilization of
the areas still under its control.
President John F. Kennedy's
ajert order came as the rebels
claimed their drive carried them
into the Mekong River town of
Tanoun, only 24 miles west of Lu-
ang Prabang.
Rebel Advances
The rebel advances prompted
two Kennedy conferences in Wash-
ington with cold war strategists.
Rebel broadcasts, quoted by the
Red Chinese New China News
Agency, claimed they launched
their drive because of what they
called an armed buildup by the
United States and the Boun Oum
A high United States military
source said 2,000 of the pro-West-
ern government's troops had fled
into friendly Thailand without
putting up a fight against a rebel
Military Advisory
Informants said a six-man
American military advisory team
also had moved to the Thai side
of the Mekong River.
The rebel "Voice of Laos," in a
broadcast quoted by the Chinese
Communist news agency, said roy-
al Laotian troops abandoned Ta-
noun and fled, presumably across
the Mekong River to join their
comrades in Thailand.
Tanoun lies about 60 miles south
of Houei Sai, key government
point whose fall to the Reds was
reported Friday.
Reported Capture
The reported capture of Tanoun
added to royal government fears
that the rebels are closing in for,
an all out attack on Luang Pra-
bang and on the administrative
capital of Vientiane to the south.
The defense ministry charged So-
viet-made planes were rushing
men and material to new-won ter-
ritory in an apparent buildup for
a further push.
The top official of the Southeast
Asia Treaty Organization (SEA-
TO) yesterday made a flying trip
to the Thailand-Laos border area
reached by Communist rebels in
their drive across Northwest Laos.
SEATO Secretary-General Pote
Sarasin inspected the border area
with a party led by Thai Premier
Marshal Sarit Thanarat. Pote said
the eight-nation alliance is still
under treaty obligation to protect
Laos, but he noted that "as of to-
day no move has been made to
bring SEATO into the picture."

6 46
TROOP MOVEMENT- United States forces, sent by carrier from the Ph
into Thailand if the Laotian crisis becomes more serious. Pro-Communist fo'
Laos, presently holding territory indicated by the shaded area on the map

merican Units
Southeast Asia
'May Send Carriers,
PHILIPPIN Marines to Thailand
Executive Decision Expected Soon
On Direct Intervention in Laos War
WASHINGTON (M-President John F. Kennedy yesterday
alerted land, sea and air units for possible movement into
Southeast Asia if further developments in crisis-ridden Laos
makes this necessary.
Exactly what use may be made of the United States forces
involved in the precautionary moves is still unclear and will
., depend on further decisions in the light of the developing sit-
ciation, informants said.
,Whether America troops actually will go into Laos was
described as depending upon what the Communists and the
pro-Western Laotian forces doa

-Daily-Kenneth Winter
ilippine Islands, may go
rces continue to gain in

Study Hits College Curricula

New York Times News Analyst
A major survey of college cur-
riculums has concluded that iso-
lationism remains a stronger force
in American education than in
United States foreign policy.
The three-year study of the col-
leges' teaching of an understand-
ing of international a f f a i r s
charged that "higher education in
the United States is more provin-
cial than in any comparable coun-
The Carnegie Corporation of
New York, which financed the
study, said recently in its publi-
cation Quarterly that American
history was generally taught
"from an extremely parochial
point of view, as if the United
States alone had inhabited the
planet from the time of independ-
ence until its entry into World
War I."
The study found that a mixture

of inadequate courses and student
apathy were responsible for letting
seniors graduate from college with
little more knowledge about for-
eign affairs than they had had as
freshmen. Percy W. Bidwell, for-
mer director of studies of the
Council on Foreign Relations, con-
ducted the research.
Inadequate Courses
The report found introductory
courses in economics, political sci-
ence and government often lack-
ing in the treatment of the world
scene. It said that "almost nobody
takes geography, even in these
relatively few places where it is.
The study called for complete
reorganization of the introductory
courses in American history and
the social sciences in most colleges
and universities.
Bidwell urged that all college
presidents assign a senior profes-

sor Or a senior member of the ad-
ministration to the co-ordination
of curricular and extra-curricular
activities relating to foreign af-
fairs. Instead of adding more
courses on specific foreign areas
to the undergraduate program, he
urged that these be replaced by
world history and geography.
Bidwell's findings were support-
ed by tests given as part of the
study to 2,000 seniors in thirty-six
colleges and universities. These
tests showed that the students
averaged only 55 per cent of cor-
rect answers in foreign affairs.
Men were found better informed
than women. Teachers colleges
produced the lowest percentage of
correct answers, but not by a wide
margin. The regional differences
were insignificant, with New Eng-
land, the Middle Atlantic States
and the Pacific regions slightly
Few Students
Although many colleges offer
specializedcourses on internation-
al relations, Bidwell found, few
students, except those majoring
in these fields, take advantage of
In its report on the study, the
Carnegie's Quarterly stressed that
this still left a question: what to
do about the education "of future
businessmen, engineers, teachers
and scientists."
The Quarterly called for an at-
tempt to create a greater under-
standing of foreign affairs through
courses in history, government,
economics, sociology, anthropolo-
gy, English and modern languages.
Copyright, 1962, The New York Times

in the immediate future.
Refuse to Exclude
Officials refused at this junc-
ture, however, to exclude the pos-
sibility that the United States
would intervene directly in the
little country.
The first step was taken Thurs-
day with the dispatch into South-
east Asian waters of an aircraft
carrier task force of the United
States 7th fleet, believed to be
carrying a 2,000-man reinforced
Marine battalion.
These troops could be landed in
Thailand, a United States ally un-
der the Southeast Asia Treaty Or-
ganization, by arrangement with
that country.
Battle Group Reports
An American battle group re-
ported to number about 1,000
soldiers, already deployed in Thai-
land, is said to be one of the
units involved in Kennedy's pre-
cautionary moves. The troops are
there by agreement with the Thai'
government following recent SEA-
TO military maneuvers.
Officials said this group is mov-
ing up toward the Mekong River
border between Laos and Thailand
to help serve, along with Thai
forces, against any infiltration of
Thailand by Communist or pro-
Communist troops from Laos'.
In Kennedy's strategic planning,
the Mekong River, at least so
far as it forms the border between
Laos and Thailand, constitutes a
line beyond which he does not
intend to allow Red forces to pass.
Communist Advances
Growing Communist advances in
the tiny Laotian kingdom were the
subject of two conferences Ken-
nedy held yesterday with his top
cold war strategists.
The second phase of presidential
action, it is understood, will prob-
ably result in the movement of
some units closer to Southeast
Asia in the next few days unless in
the meantime there is an im-
provement in the situation.
Both White House conferences
included Secretary of State Dean
Rusk, Secretary of Defense Robert
S. McNamara and Gen. Lyman L.
Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, as well as var-
ious intelligence experts.

'To Distribute
New 'Ensian
The Michiganensian will be
available tomorrow and can be
picked up at the Student Publica-
tions Bldg.
This year, it has 32 pages of
color pictures as well as five color
sketches of campus buildings. Last
year, the yearbook had only nine
pages of color.
The houses in the dormitories
and quadrangles in most cases
only have one group picture. In-
stead of the other group picture
they either have an activity shot
or house sketch.
The fraternities and sororities
this year have a house sketch but
no activity picture on their page.
However, at the end of the section
there is one page of activity pic-
tures for all fraternities and sor-
orities. Also, the houses wrote
their own copy.
The yearbook has no ads this
year, thus it has been cut from
503 to 496 pages.
The football section has been
changed also. There is one larger
story with pictures rather than
having an individual account of
every game.
A different type print which re-
cently has been improved was used
this year that was cheaper and al-
lowed for the large increase in
color pictures.
Kennedy Says
Action Needed
MILWAUKEE (M - President
John F. Kennedy, speaking in
Wisconsin said last night that
many tasks still are undone and
"we cannot permit this country
to stand still."
His program, Kennedy sail, 'are
things a country must do, things
that many other countries did
years ago, yet they are regarded
with concern here because hey
are considered new.

Bretton To Run
For Legislature
Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the
political science department an-
nounced yesterday that he will
seek election to the state House of
Representatives from Washtenaw
County's fourth district on the
Democratic ticket.

McCracken Claims Growth
Can End Payments Deficit
Prof. Paul McCracken of the business administration school took
a hard look at the United States' economic conditions yesterday and
then told an audience at the 32nd annual Alumni Conference Program
that the" country may not have to choose between domestic develop-
ment and squaring the balance of payments.
If internal financial improvement can be attained without
touching off another wage-price spiral, the domestic economy will
be strong enough to plug the cur-
rent outflow .cf investment capital RETAINS LEAD:
to more attractive foreign markets.

Colleges Hold Rachy-Derby'

One way to help ease the in-
dustrial expansion would be "a
major overhaul of the tax struc-
ture," Prof. McCracken said. Such
a revision should be aimed at
softening the penalties on earning
and investing additional dollars,"
even at the sacrifice of momen-
tarily increasing the budget deficit.
International Market
Another consideration involved
in expanding the domestic econ-
omy is the international market.
Prof. McCracken pointed out that
foreign economies are expanding
more rapidly than is the United
States' Hense, a more diverse and
yet more homogeneous overseas
market pattern has evolved, as trio
automobile age has arrived in
But this new competition will
also have a great effect on the
internal picture. "What captures
the domestic consumer's fancy
may be the brain child of an im-
aginative and aggressive foreign
When the American economy is
sufficiently vigorous, a boom in
international trade will come

M' Sweeps Doubleheader from OSU

A front-running baseball team came into Ferry Field Saturday
and went away an also-ran.
The powerful Ohio State Buckeyes, winners of six straight con-
ference games, were beaten in a doubleheader. They lacked the force
when they needed it in the clutch.
Michigan's Wolverines, a slim one game ahead of the Buckeyes
before yesterday's twin bill, won the first game in the last of the
tenth, 5-4, and battered the Buckeyes apart in the nightcap for a
12-2 victory.
But a Memory,
The Michigan sweep puts Ohio State out of the running for the
Big Ten title with four defeats while the Wolverines rest staunchly in
undisputed possession of first place with an 11-1 record.
The lone senior starter, gritty catcher Joe Merullo pulled the
Wolverines back from defeat in the first game. Behind by one run
in the last of the ninth, centerfielder Jim Steckley drilled a leadoff
double into centerfield.
Dennis Spalla advanced him to third with a long fly to center
and then clutch hitting Joe came up and ripped a 1-2 pitch into cen-
ter to score Steckley with the game's tying run.
The Buckeyes, however, weren't willing to settle for second and

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