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May 12, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-12

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c Alodggan Biy
Seventy-Second Year
here Opinions Are B'ree STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ' ANN ARBOR, MICH.*Phw oneN 2-3241
T ruth WillPrevail"


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

LTURDAY MAY 12, 1962


on two prin
prevents the na
gandizing in th
trol of schools'
and an unwritt
Both these1
abused -- from
to teach world
Nations, to the
sixth grader to
ability to read,
would harm hi
On the univer
sort of thing h
supported unive
school graduate
demic achievem
then waste both
a good percenta
more class.
It is also app
Americans becoi
value of a colleg
pressures to get
horrendous and
increase. It ist
someone'to prov
ter quality schoo
cept every b
it has three lar
versities and al
junior colleges,1
cepted responsib
the field of high
versities and leg

State Must Provide
Quality Edation for All
:AN educational system is based examine the role of junior colleges, the idea
nciples, local autonomy, which of more than one large state university, or
itional government from propa- the concept of not accepting the lower half
hs ah on-of the high school graduating class into the
ie schools and leaves the con- state university, because in all probability
to private or local authorities, most will only be flunked out.
p righttoeducation. hrry It is then surprising that the people of Mich-
principles have been horribly igan and their legislators should suddenly do
n the refusal of Texas schools an about face and limit out of state enroll-
history or discuss the United ment. The rationale for the move is twofold.
policy of promotion of every The out of state students are an economic drain
the seventh regardless of his on the state and the University and there are
write or spell because failure many Michigan students who do not gain ad-
s social adjustment. mittance to the University.
sity and college level this same, To blame the out of state students for the
as been happening. Most state economic woes of the State of Michigan is ab-
ersities must accept every high surd. If the people of Michigan are not willing
who applies, regardless of aca- to sacrifice some funds, to maintain a great
nent or ability. These schools university with a national reputation and if
a time and money flunking out out-of-state students cannot negotiate loans
ge of the freshman and sopho- or scholarships to cover a tuition boost, then
there is something wrong.
arent that as more and more
me more and' more affluent the ADMIT everyone whom the Legislature
ge education will increase. The believes qualified to the University would
into the "top" schools will be expand the school to the point where it can-
l those on most colleges will not present an adequate high level education.
therefore the responsibility of To create a system where every "qualified"
ide both more schools and bet- student is automatically enrolled in the Uni-
ols. versity is similar to passing every sixth grader.
Hopefully the people of Michigan and their
as a school which does not ac- legislators will not take one step backwards
high, school graduate, because through an out-of-state student limit. Instead
ge, good, state supported uni- they will move forward by creating a larger
host of technical, normal and and better junior college system and by enabl-
the State of Michigan has ac- ing, through support, its three major universi-
bilities and become a leader in ties to offer the best education possible to stu-
Aer education. Other state uni- dents regardless of geographical distribution.
islatures are just beginning to -HARRY PERLSTADT

Daily Staff Writer
INDIA is now involved in two
territorial disputes which, if not
resolved, will make Berlin seem
like a warm-up session. The pres-
ent trend of events points toward
fighting among the United States,
Red China, Pakistan and India,
with Russia making up the sides.
Now that elections are over in
India, Pakistan is renewing its
push for a Kashmir settlement.
When Pakistan and India were
given their independence in 1948,
the general principle laid down by
Britain was that people of each
state should decide whether to be-
long to India or Pakistan. How-
ever, the Maharaja of Kashmir, a
Hindu, turned the Moslem state
over to India. Moslem tribesmen
from Pakistan poured into Kash-
mir to help a revolt against the

Im minent
decision. India sent in troops to putes. There are m,
support the Maharaja. areas all along th
Since that time India has held Himalayan frontier,
the greater fertile part of Kash- contested is the Aksa
mir and Pakistan has held the in Kashmir across,
southern mountainous area. Last has built the strat
week, Indian Defense Minister, Lhasa highway.
Krishna Menon, said that the ac- Just one month a
cession of Kashmir to Ipdia was termination of the ti
"full, complete and final." Pakis- and friendship bett
tan's United Nations representa- nist China and Ind
tive Mohammad Zafrulla Khan India's Prime Minisi
war?,ed the United Nations Secur- Nehru told his Pa
ity Council that unless the ques- while India does n
tion was settled, Pakistani tribes- with China, "We ha
men and even the population in for that contingen
general might "get out of hand are growing stronge
and flow over the border." India India will have to b
now accuses Pakistan of recruit- if she has to defen
ing tribesmen for the invasion of the north from Comi
Kashmir. and in the south f
ffi * * *The dangerous th
BUT INDIA has other problems Kashmir dispute ist
with Red China over border dis- war forces are star

nany contested
he 2,200 mile
but the most
;ichin Plateau,
which Peking
tgic Sinkiang-
away from the
reaty of peace
ween Commu-
ia on June 2,
;ter Jawaharlal
rliament that
not want war
ave to prepare
cy, and, "we
er to face it."
e quite strong
d Kashmir in
Lmunist China
Tom Pakistan.
ing about the
that the cold
4rting to take

sides. Pakistan receives military
aid from the United States as a
member of CENTO. India receives
economic aid, but refuses to be
allied through receiving military
aid. If fighting breaks out be-
tween India and Pakistan, Pakis-
tan will certainly use her United
States weapons. The United States
may have to help Pakistan because
of the mutual defense pact..
.* * *
COMMUNIST China and Pakis-
tan recently agreed to negotiate
the boundary between the Chinese
Province of Sinkiang and the Pak-
istani-controlled portion of Kash-
mir. This will anger India which
considers all Kashmir to be In-
dian, but it is an effective move
for both Pakistan and China. If
the settlement is made it increases
Pakistan's claim to Kashmir and
it makes India the only southern
neighbor who hasn't settled its
borders with China.
Russia is getting into the act'
too. Last week the Soviet delegate
to the United Nations, Platon D.
Morozov, said measures for hold-
ing a plebiscite, "could only
heighten the acuteness of the
Kashmir question. Such decisions
would only ... cast doubt on the
obvious fact that Kashmir is an
integral part of India." Besides
supporting India in the UN, it is
reported that the Soviets will send
two squadrons of their latest-type

jet fighters to India, build a MIG
factory in India and train Indian
technicians and pilots in the So-
viet Union. Russia can only gain
from this crisis. It gives her an
opportunity to stop the spread
of Communist China and it dam-
ages the United States' relations
with India.
WIAR IN Kashmir is very pos-
sible and very dangerous, but no
one stands to gain from the war.
Pakistan and India are both trying
to develop a sound economy and
cannot afford war. The United
States would not support a war
against India in cooperation with
Red China. The Russian support
of India is more a slap at Red
China, than an attempt at inter-
national trouble making.
India and Pakistan are aware
of the cold war implications, but
a settlement will be difficult. The
hatred due to the clashes of Hin-
dus and Moslems at the time of
independence has been kept alive
by the Kashmir dispute. United
States support of Pakistan and
Russian Support of India makes
each position strong and hinders
If the precariousness of the sit-
uation does not force India and
Pakistan to settle the dispute be-
fore fighting breaks out, the Kash-
mir crisis will rapidly become the
greatest threat to world peace.




i'ting to take

"Where Did This Darn Stone Come From?"


s 'N

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City Survival, Suburban Reprisal:
The Horns of the State Dilemma

week vetoed the Bowman bill-a proposal
y suburban Detroit- Representative John T.
owman to forbid any city's taxing of non-resi-
ent incomes, but aimed specifically at Detroit's
ew tax-he was aware of the political chance;
e was taking. "A tough decision...," he said.
The reaction of suburbanites was certain.
erkley's vociferous Mayor George Kuhn, lead-
- of the vigilance tax committee sworn to fight
e income tax through the courts and which
is already started proceedings in Wayne Coun-
's circuit court, not only thought little of
wainson's chances for re-election next fall
it also discounted hopes for state fiscal re-
rm of any kind.
In particular, Kuhn pointed to a reaction
riong cities-a dangerous reaction accruing,
om even more petty, short-sighted, muddy
oughtlessness than even the legislators or
e con-con delegates have managed to whip
?. Several cities, though not his own, Kuhn
id, will consider retaliating with income taxes
their own solely for the satisfaction of re-
nge. He seemed to have a good idea which
ese "metropolitan centers" would be. Ham-'
imck has denied, that it is considering such
tion at all. Warren has already entertained
A, B, C...
FAVORITE ESSAY of mathematics stu-
dents is "A, B and C-The Human Element
Mathematics" by Stephen Leacock. By hav-
' the main characters grow logarithms in
eir gardens, Leacock gives human qualities
the usually impersonal participants in sim-
algebraic exercises. An "A" would forever
fast and strong, "B" merely mediocre, "C" a
iful weakling.
3ut now this essay is taking on new meanings.
e Department of Religious Liberty of the
tional Council of Churches has just released
eport which found some new and interesting
rcises in the math texts of some parochial
ools. For example, one goes -like this: "The
>k about St. Theresa costs $2.00. The book
ut St. Joseph costs $1.05. Find the differ-
e in the prices of the two books."
Another is: "It was Mother Mary's birthday.
n brought 3 flowers and Jerome brought 2
wers to put in front of Mother Mary's statue.
w many flowers in all were put in front of
kpparently, the Church has been reading its
cock. However, "A" has become a righteous,
d-fearing churchgoer; "B" goes to church
st of the time even though he doesn't walk
fast as "A." "C" hardly ever goes-and when
does, he arrives late because he has peered
> a barroom window on his way.
Editorial Staff
HAEL BURNS orts Editor
7ID ANDREWS ............Associate Sports Editor
FF MARKS .......Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff

the subject in council but has yet to act fur-
ther. Pontiac and Dearborn have remained
THE IMPLICATIONS should be obvious. The
agglomeration of small, interwoven suburbs
squeezed around Detroit enacting revenge taxes
could tangle a complicated tax system to the
point of disgust if not simply chaos. The move
would have no basis in rationality but only in
petty, sectional differences. The metropolitan
voice, clamoring for more representation would
be broken, quarreling, a laughing-stock to the,
rest of a state which has no right to laugh.
The governor can hardly be blamed for his
decision-though he would have been blamed
whatever he did. It was a matter of letting De-
troit go hungry and lose votes there or of
burdening the suburbs and losing votes there.
The city stood to lose over nine million dollars
by dropping the out-resident assessment. And
no way could the tax have been totally fair.
The pressure on the governor shoild be ap-
preciated, but he cannot be given a clean slate
in his argument for vetoing the Bowman meas-
ure. In effect he said that failure to reform
state fiscal policy has led to Detroit's critical
condition. This is at best only partly true. Even
with an increased state coffer Detroit would
probably not find its needs satisfied. The now-
dead income tax was a necessary measure eith-
er way.
THE NEW IDEA BRINGS UP an interesting
point-what if Swainson had saved a few
votes in the suburbs by letting the Bowman bill
pass? What if he had limited the city's already
questionable power to tax and left Detroit with
an ineffective, insufficient resident tax? He
would ha-ve incurred the ire of Detroiters, not
to mention that of Mayor Jerome Cavanagh
whose flowery release praised Swainson's "cour-
ageous stand," but this wrath would not equal
in fury that of the suburbanites. He could have
passed without signing, without approval, the
easier way out-but Swainson'took a stand, and
punctuated it.
Ignoring the suburbs probably will not hurt
Swainson as much as it is feared. Both Romney
and Swainson have slung the first mud and are
scooping up handfuls more-with great chance
that each might uncover something interesting
about the other. At any rate, true to the image
the state already has enblazoned in history, the
campaign will likely lose all pretense to ration-
ality fast.
The electorate does not seem to hold ration-
ality dear, or at any rate feels it deserves noth-
ing more than non-salutory neglect. Alexander
Hamilton would undoubtedly be clasping his
hands with glee, if he could only get a paper
to read about the legislative and constitutional
doings in Michigan, while Jefferson might find
it necessary to pick up and move to the city, if
that were not such a poor alternative in itself.
IF THE COURTS do not deny the cities the
power to tax-and the case which Kuhn's l
vigilantes are currently running questions the
constitutional right of the cities to tax at all
(Cavanagh noted in his congratulations to '
Swainson that over 400 cities throughout the
United States have such taxes)-and if the
state does not solve its financial problem with
an eye to the cities and modern-day problems,t
then the larger cities now that a precedent has

Integrity Marks
Stunning Per formance
"JUDGMENT AT NUREMBERG" is in all ways an impressive film.
Besides a number of stunning performances to its credit, it is also
graced with a script which is scrupulously fair and balanced. .
"Truth," a word which is frequently mentioned in the dialogue, is
the only word to properly describe what the makers of this film sought.
A dramatic presentation cannot arrive at honesty of presentation by
simply including all the facts of the case; it must also pay attention to
the development of sympathies" which evolve from the order of that
presentation. Here again, the writers have worked with great integrity.
IN THE FIRST HALF of the film the German judges on trial are
quite sympathetic. One senses their innocence far more readily than
one admits the necessity of the trial. And then the pictures of concen-
tration camp atrocities are shown. Immediately we are estranged. From
this point on until the end the dramatic focus shifts rapidly from one
point of view to the other. In the presiding judge's (Spencer Tracy)
final statement we hear an opinion which can be considered to be a
synthesis of the extreme attitudes. The men on trial were neither butch-
ers or victims of circumstance.
Rather they were individuals who, perhaps understandably, did
not realize the full extent of their responsibilities. They did not ree-
ognize the sacredness of each life; they were too willing to act ex-
* * * *
THE SOUNDNESS OF THE SCRIPT is in most cases paralleled by
excellence in acting. Maximilian Schell gives a performance which well
merited the Academy Award. He is a master of that odd, and really quite
stylized sort of acting which is termed "realistic." His timing, transi-
tions, and vocal control are electrifying.
By contrast, Burt Lancaster's attempts are a travesty. He is never
exact and consequently his performance is dull and false. Marlene
Dietrich deserves special mention for her carefully drawn portrait of a
proud aristocrat.
The sang-froid and the pride, as well as the graciousness, are
rendered precisely.
THE CAMERA-WORK is not at all as good as the script or the
acting. There are too many senseless transitions, too many "zoom shots"
in which the camera leaps from a great distance forward into a close-
up of the actor's face, and too much "circle-tracking" when the camera
revolves around the subject slowly, studying it from all angles. There
is no reason for such fancy, distracting, unnerving stunts.
* * * *
THE MESSAGE of "Judgment at Nuremberg" is that an individual
is responsible for all of his acts, and cannot absolve himself of the
evil he does by saying that he was just following the orders of his
Furthermore, one's loyalty should be to human beings and not
to any vague concept like "the state." Unquestionably,. such a message
is a timely one for a nation which has become as careless in protecting
civil liberties as ours. However, one wonders if the more effective way
of presenting this idea is by dramatizing situations of individual dignity
and intensity, and not by discoursing on it at length. At least the
drama which involves personal rather than public trials is more
-Ed White
-Sherry Levy

The Breed is Begotten

(First in a Series)
Daily Staff Writer
ABSURDITY begets absurdity,
and the breed is growing.
Men not only effectively created
the threat of their own nuclear
annihilation and have flirted with
the possibility of its realization,
but seriously contemplate commit-
ting their ultimate in crime.
And in the face of their im-
possible problem they turn to an
impossible solution, useless and-
not even a help to the situation.
Instead of abolishing the threat,
men are promoting other, inade-
quate answers. Nuclear bombs
have meant fallout shelters.
Civil defense appropriately has
been able only to reflect the sense-
lessness -with which men have
thrust themselves to within an
atom's breadth of an ignominious
end. But even aside from its im-
possible context and as a serious
measure of protection it has been
a sad mixture of politics, ignor-
ance and inaction characteristic
of so many other life-and-death-
measures in Washington.
*-* *
THE LAST radioactive ashes
hardly had drifted down over an
obliterated Hiroshima when Presi-
dent Truman decided that one day
the tables might quite possibly be
turned. He initiated something
resembling a civil defense program
with a Federal Civil Defense Ad-
ministration and a series of stu-
dies which have since called for a
series of reorganizations which
have served hardly more than to
provide a haven for wayward po-
New Republic's Asher Byrnes
and Garrett Underhill have re-
ported, "Previously civil defense
always had been headed by a
former state Governor. In each
instance the individual had been
defeated for re-election and had
received his job of director of civil

nor any other large city nor its
Ex-governor Val Peterson of
Nebraska, the frustrated CD direc-
tor who damned the evacuation
theory,decidedthe was tired of
staring into hell for three years"
and asked $30-$50 billion to pro-
mote a fallout shelter program. He
was replaced shortly by Iowa's
ex-governor Leo Hoegh, now in
Chicago as executive vice-presi-
dent of the Living Shelters div-
ision of the Wonder Building
And Louisiana Frank ("revival for
survival") Ellis, who would co-ord-
inate a shelter program with
churches throughout the nation
because it's a sin ;to commit sui-
cide, has just left the Office of
Emergency Planning.
* * *
OF THE MORE than $500 mil-
lion that has found its way into
the federal civil defense budget
over the last decade, investigation
by the General Accounting Of-
fice has shown that much of this
aid has been conveniently diverted
to other more immediate commu-
nity uses.
But of late ICBM's, Sputnik-
bombs and Khrushchev have
pressed the question for at least
more serious consideration. With
the Berlin crisis of little less than
a year ago the Administration saw
a need for action. So President
Kennedy promised a program. At
the tail end of a televised speech
increasing the draft call-up Ken-
nedy last July called for "a great-
ly accelerated civil defense effort,
including a nationwide fallout
shelter program."
"MEN BY their constitutions are
naturally divided into two

In September Rep. Chet Holi-
field's Military Operations sub-
committee which has been exam-
ining ,the problem for five years,
reported "the course of civil de-
fense has taken a dramatic new
turn within the past few months."
In December the Washington
Daily News reported further on
the progress of the program. "C is
for Confusion," it said. "D is for
' * * *
BESIDES a short-lived shelter
panic and another administrative
reorganization of the CD appar-
atus, a plan of sorts, though defi-
nitely nothing that could be called
a program, has emerged from
Kennedy's July speech. At the end
of last year, Deputy Secretary of
Defense Roswell Gilpatric an-
nounced the administration would
ask for $450 million in fiscal 1963
for incentives to non-profit insti-
tutions for construction dr modi-
fication of federally approved fall-
out shelter space.
(Earlier Kennedy had requested
room for $695 million in CD funds
in his budget while Secretary of
Defense Robert McNamara, un-
der whose wing Kennedy maneuv-
ering has moved CD responsibility,
was estimating expenditures of
over $1.8 billionto aid shelter con-
struction during the next five
years. ."Holifield has criticized the
measure meanwhile as "much too
cautions" and projects a figure
closer to $20 billion.)
Testifying for the bill before
Holifield's committee, Assistant
Secretary of Defense Stuart L.
Pittman said that the shelter sys-
tem is to be provided to sustain
as much life as possible during
and immediately after an attack
and to be provided on a com-
munity basis, where possible with
voluntary participation. The low-
est cost shelter space would be
brought into operation first, he

(Continued from Page 2)
212 SAB-
Camp Nahelu, Mich. Coed-S. Mich-
aels will interview male counselors, 19
yrs. & older, at SPS Tues., May 15.
Camp Tamarack, Mch--C. Hartman
will interview male counselors & girls
21 yrs. & older, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Tues., May 15 at SPS.
* * *
Summer Placement will be open
through Friday mornings 8:30-12 noon
for the rest of the semester.
Dept. of Navy, Bureau of Naval Weap-
ons-Many & various positions includ-
ing: Physicist; Math; Oper. ResAnalyst:
Manager of Navy Overseas Employment
Office; Micro-biol.; Librarian; Engnrs.
(Operations, General, Elect., Mech.);
Tech. Publications Writer; Clerk-Steno;
etc. various locations.
Arch']. & Industrial Designers, Detroit
area-Co. is engaged- in research prog.
relating to engrg., styling, marketing, &
production of future housing. Need 2'
young people, male or female, with in-
terest in these areas. Good grades &
able in drawing & art.
Edsel Ford Research Institute, Physics
Dept., Detroit, Mich.-Senior or recent

fice; Publications Officer; Auditor';
Map Cataloger; Position Classifier for
PersonnelrOffice; Reference Librarian &
Supervisor for Rare Book Div.;'& Ass't,
Chief of Set. & Tech. Div.
Atlas Steels Limited, Welland, Ontario,
Canada-BS .1962 grads in Bus. Ad.,
Engig.. & Met. Engrg. for Production
Depts. & Production Control Dept:.
Particularly interested in Canadian stu-
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
The following part-time jabs are
available. Applications for these lobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Building, during the following hours:
Monday thru Friday 8 a.m tit 12 noon
and 1:30 til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should call $ob Hodges at NO
3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
Jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.



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