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May 12, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-12

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Little change tomorrow,
no rain expected


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c'U' Views Non-Resident Role


University officials reiterated
yesterday that they were intensive-
ly studying all aspects of the out-
of-state student enrollment prob-
Every school and department is
studying the problem from the
point of view of number of out-of-
state students, their importance,

Kennedy Plans New Action
To Counter Laotian Threat

percentage necessary to maintain
the- standing of the department
and enrollment pressure from
qualified Michigan residents.
They referred to a. letter sent
by Executive Vice-President Mar-
vin L. Niehuss to members of the
Legislative A u d i t Commission

THE END--Partisan bickering marked the last working session
of the constitutional convention which adopted a document and'
adjourned until Aug. 1. Democrats objected to what they con-
sidered objectionable apportionment provisions of the document
and voted against it.
Con-Con Finishes Business,
As Democrats, GOP Bicker
LANSING (P) - Michigan's constitutional convention concluded
seven months of deliberation yesterday by approving a new constitu-
tion to replace the state's 54-year-old basic law document.
The constitution still must be submitted to the voters for adoption
or rejection, and there were signs it may have rough sledding ahead.
The final vote in the Republican-dominated convention was split,

which enumerated a number of
points on which the University and
the members of the commission
seemed to agree.
These included the facts that
there are distinct advantages to
the University and the state in
having out-of-state students but
that the first obligation of a state-
supported institution is to the peo-
ple of Michigan. Out-of-state stu-
dents should not be an unreason-
able financial burden on the state.
There was also agreement that
the problem is not a simple one
but varies from institution to in-
stitution and within an institution
and that the University recog-
nizes the seriousness of the prob-
lem and should assume responsi-
bility for dealing with it. The Uni-
versity is to report to the com-
mission from time to time on the
progress of its study.
Speech Cites
Profit Need
After receiving the Business
Leadershin' Award last night, Le-
land J. Kalmbach delivered a
speech warning against the
"prejudice against profits" which
in the long run will hamper econ-
omic growth.
Kalmbach, formerly chairman
of the* Development Council, is
now president of a Massachusetts
life insurance company.
He told an audience assembled
fo rthe 32nd annual Alumni Con-
ference Program, sponsored by the
business school, that the shrink-
ing corporate profits, (down from
5.3 per cent in 1950 to 3.1 in 1961),
obsolete equipment ("$95 billion
worth") and ideas that "individ-
ual saving is old-fashioned" char-
acterize a business climate which
eventually could tempt the feder-
al government into "tinkering"
with the free enterprise system.
One implication of this possi-
bilit might be a "highly danger-
ous" over-liberalization of the So-
cial Security program, "a desir-
able program if confined to proper
If welfare benefits continue to
rise, individuals may become more
dependent on the government and
will exhibit less initiative and in-
centive, Kalmbach said.
Similarly, a report that 40 per
cent of the population considers
business profits too high points
up the unfortunate lack of under-
standing by Americans of the
profit incentive as the "great mo-
tivator" of a free enterprise econ-
These factors are crucial in the
light of the United States' compe-
tition with the other major indus-
trial nations, he declared.
Management needs to spend bil-
lions to develop plant and machin-
ery. But, with inadequate profits,'
business cannot modernize or raise
capital. And without a "tremen-
dous increase in savings by indi-
viduals," financial growth will be
attained at the expense of reviv-
ing inflationary pressures.
U.S. Steel. Donates1
Fellowship Grant
The United States Steel Foun-
dation will present the University1
with a graduate fellowship grant1
and a medical education grant as
part of a $2,825 million programf
of aid to education involving 19?
colleges and universities in Michi-

99-44, with 42 Democrats and twv
Allen Views
States' Role
In Education
In the three-way structure of
United States education, the states
are in the strategic position to
adapt to education's changing
needs without endangering its
aims, James Allen Jr., commis-
sioner of education and president
of the University of the State of
New York, said yesterday.
He noted that "the problems
that beset schools are indisputably
of national concern," and that
"much of the recent growth in
education has been spurred by
federal aid."
But there is a need not only for
physical growth in education, but
for conceptual and philosophical
growth as well, he said.
Direct to States
Allen said that federal aid must
go directly to the states to be used
as they need its in order to
strengthen state education.
He added that this system of
federal aid is necessary if the
states are to be both a unifying
force and a force for the preser-
vation of diversity in education.
The traditional role of the states
has been to guide, rather than be
guided, and to serve, rather than
be served, Allen commented.
Local Responsibility
He called for state departments
of education to encourage local
responsibility as they want the
national government to respect
their own responsibility and
The challenge for states and
communities is to keep local edu-
cation good enough to justify lo-
cal control, Allen observed.
t Only in education divorced from
partisan politics is there a chance
for improvement in education, he
Allen questioned whether the
purpose of education would re-
main in the face of education's
changing methods and needs.
Challenge of Purpose
Two problems that challenge
this stability of purpose are size
and that the changing needs of
society tend to fit the individual

wo Republicans opposing the docu-
'ment. Five Democrats supported
it, and one Republican abstained
from voting.
State Democratic leaders, in-
cluding Gov. John B. Swainson,
have indicated their party will
campaign officially against the
convention's Product on the
grounds that it does not contain
the one thing they wanted most-
reapportionment of the Legisla-
ture on a pure population basis.
The state senate, in which the'
Democrats vent most of their
wrath, is controlled by the GOP,
23-10, with most of the Republi-'
cans representing rural outstate
areas and nearly all Democrats
coming from heavily-populated
Wayne County.,
The final day of convention de-
bate - like many other in recent
weeks -- exploded into bitter ac-
rimony when a Republican dele-
gate charged that a substitute
constitution offered by the Demo-
crats had been written by Michi-
gan AFL-CIO President August
Scholle, and "Solidarity House".
Detroit headquarters of the United
Auto Workers Union.
"He's a liar," shouted Robert
Hodges, a Detroit attorney.
"If he says that again, I'll either
punch him in the nose or take him
into court," declared Melvin Nord,
(D-Detroit), one of the authors of
the Democratic version.

Twelve houses are known to have
mentment indicated the presence,
of a discriminatory clause.
The newspaper quoted the
Pennsylvania Human Relations
Commission interpretation of the
two state statutes as forbidding
'official school sanction to any
social, honorary or professional
fraternity, sorority or other stu-
dent organization" which discrim-
inates "against any individual on
account of race, color, religious
creed, ancestry or national origin."
"Brown and White" Editor-in-
Chief Calvin Mankowski said last
night that the recent commission
interpretation also forbids the
imposition of "special conditions"
or discriminatory restrictions on
scholarships, loans or grants pre-
sented by the university; athletics,
intramural or extra-curricular ac-
tivities; residence in dormitories
or private housing sanctioned by
the school; any school health or
recreational facilities on or off
campus; or information given out
by the school placement office.
'NSA Session
Makes Plans
For Programs
The Michigan regional assem-
bly of the United States National
Student Association opened last
night with a plenary meeting of
the delegates at Mt. Pleasant.
In his opening statement, Re-
gional Chairman Tom Warke of
Kalamazoo College, said that the
"purpose of this spring assembly
is to establish a solid, meaning-
ful program on the regional level
which will be both stimulating and
pertient to every member of the
Both Warke and Greg Nigosian,
of Wayne State University, region-
al vice-chairman, said that, at
present, too many regional officers
have a great many responsibilities
on campus. Warke urged that the
delegates elect officers who have
as few local responsibilities as pos-
sible in tomorrow's election. The
new officers, he said, should be
able to devote a great deal of time
to the regional.
Warke also expressed his hope
that clear lines of programming
will be set at this meeting so that
the new regional officers will
know exactly what to work on in
the coming year.
Nigosian viewed what he consid-
ered to be one of the gr-atest
problems of the regional-the lack
of communication between mem-
ber schools.

State LawsMa Force
Eliminatior of Clauses
A recent interpretation of two Pennsylvania state laws may force
all social fraternities at Lehigh University to eliminate local and na-
tional bias clauses, the Lehigh student newspaper, "Brown and
White," said.
Lehigh's associate dean of students has asked all 30 fraternities
to submit statements concerning possible descrimination policies.

responded, and at least one state-
Cite College
The board of trustees at Hills-
dale College, a privately support-
ed institution,-has written a "dec-
laration of independence to reaf-
firmathe school's historic inde-
pendence and to resist subsidies
by the federal government.
At present Hillsdale does not re-
ceive any government funds, how-
ever the students may accept gov-
ernment loans on their own. The
college must raise $300 per year
per student in gifts in order to
keep running.
"We have issued this statement
because we believe in education
through diversity. There must be
both private and tax supported In-
stitutions in order to fulfill the,.
educational needs of the country,"
stated J. Donald Phillips, Hills-
dale College president.
By taking this stand Hillsdale1
is not holding anything against
the public colleges, Philips said. It
feels that"if it once opens its doors
to the flow of federal funds, there
may be no way to stop the move-
ment until independent institu-
tions were drowned.
The small independent college
is able to offer the student a clos-
er relationship with the professor
that makes for better rapport in
communication, he said. Whether
or not it operates this way. the op-'
portunity is still there, whereas
the tax supported school is more'
likely to expand its operations in
order to accommodate all the de-1
mands of its public, he added. 1
The interests of a special group
can be served only by the inde-
pendent colleges, Phillips explain-
ed. This would include thase that
are oriented toward a specific re-j
ligion or those that feel a partic-
ular curriculum should be empha-'
sized. A tax supported school;
would have to be diverse enough toi
serve the whole public, he said.
"Another thing to keep in mind
is the attitudes formed as a re-1
sult of independent and tax sup-
ported colleges existing side byI
side," Phillips said. The public in-I
stitution can point to the private1
one and say if they are free to de-
cide the best way they should
function, we have a right to do
this too. Thus a check is placedf
upon any governmental body thati
would be anxious to make all thet
decisions for the institution it isf
supporting, he declared..

-AP wirephoto
COMMUNIST OFFENSIVE--The solid arrow points to where Red
Pathet Lao troops captured Muong Sing, Nan Tha and Houei Sal,
all underlined. The shaded arrow shows where the government
fears the next Red push' will be made.
To Thailand's Border
VIENTIANE (P)-Pro-Communist battalions completed the oc-
cupation of northwest Laos yesterday in a surging advance that
carried them more than 100 miles beyond the cease-fire line to the
border of Thailand.
Battered royal Laotion troops were reported fleeing across the
Mekong River into Thailand after abandoning Houesi Sai, last
government outpost in the northwest.
The royal government expressed fear the neutralist-Pathlet
Lao rebels were ready to follow up their push to the Thai border
with a general offensive against the royal capital of Luang Prabang
in the heart of Laos and on they

administrative capital of Vientiane
in the south.
The Defense Ministry said that
three to five Russian-made Ilyush-
in transports have been unloading
men and war material daily at two
air bases in the rebels newly won
territory since the fall of Nam
Tha five days ago. A communique
also reported movement of an ar-
tillery equipped red column from
the rebel headquarters in the
Plaine Des Jarres.
In Vientiane, King Savangi
Vathana appealed to Laotian lead-
ers to try to solve the crisis peace-!
fully. He did not name the lead-
ers, but his remarks were clearly
aimed at the rebel side. In a
speech from the throne to the
National Assembly, the king laud-
ed royal army troops who, he said
are sacrificing their lives to op-
pose foreign invasion-a reference
to Communist Vietnamese and
Red Chinese units reported by the
royal government to have partici-
pated in the latest thrusts.
The rebel advance, in defiance
of a demand by neutralist Princel
Souvanna Phouma to halt the of-
fensive, seemed certain to bring
new demands by Thailand for ac-
tion by the United States or the
Southeast Asia Treaty Organiza-
tion to check the rebels.

'Trager Cites
Role of Blocs
In South Asia
"A neutral Laos is possible only
if the Sino-Soviet.bloc decides not
to -push the border south or the
Western alliance agrees to come
to the aid of Laos," Prof. Frank
N. Trager of the National War
College, said last night.
"There is not sufficient region-
al strength to prevent a Commu-
nist take-over," Trager said. "The
Russians are directly supplying
the Communist forces by air
flights to Tchepone, a city in
northern Laos."
, Trager said that we have the
ability to wage war there right
now. "It would be a guerrilla war,
not one in which you have to wor-
ry about moving in 15,000 man
divisions fully equipper for com-
3,Short Lines
American supply lines would be
shorter and over, an area where
there are good roads. The Com-
munists would have to move heavy
equipment in over mountains, he
Trager said that President John
F. Kennedy was incorrect when
he said at his Laos map press con-
ference when he said that there
are only two plans of action in
Laos. Besides maintaining a neu-
tral Laos through political coali-
tion or by direct military inter-
vention, "whatever that means,"
there is partition. Partition grant-
ing the Communists the territory
they now hold would be dangerous,'
he declared.
Double Army
"It would necessitate doubling
the Viet Nam army to prrtect Viet
Nam's western flank since the en-
tire army is now defending the
north. Though Thailand is eco-
nomically thriving, the northern
section is what would be called a
depressed area. It is a breeding
ground for infiltration and sub-
Labor Aide
Resins Post

May Send
Naval Force
To Asia Area
To Meet Officials
To Devise Solutions
For Growing Crisis
WASHINGTON (JP) - President
John F. Kennedy was reported
last night to be planning action to
strengthen United States military
power in the area of Southeast
Asia to meet the threat posed by
the new crisis in Laos.
It is understood that the plans
may result in the dispatch of
United States naval forces into
the area in the next day or so.
The President and his advisors
are concerned about the forward
thrust of Communist-supported
Pathet Lao rebels against the col-
lapsing resistance of pro-Western
government troops.
The White House announced
that the President will meet to-
day with Secretary of State Dean
Rusk, Secretary of Defense Rob-
ert S. McNamara and Gen. Lyman
L. Lemnitzer, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff. All three
men returned last night from trips
around the world, including visits
by McNamara and Lemntzer to
southeast Asia.
In a full-scale review of the
Laos situation and related prob-
lems of bolstering anti-Communist
defenses elsewhere in Southeast
Asia, Kennedy is understood to
have reopened this week the ques-
tion of possible United States mil
itary intervention in Laos.
But more urgent consideration
now is understood to have been
given to measures for reestablish-
ing the presence of substantial
United States power in the gen-
eral area.
The United States is hopeful of
restoring some stability in the
strategic Asian kingdom.
The United States position is
that it would still like to see the
restoration of a cease-fire and the
formation of a coalition neutral
government under Prince Sou-
vanna Phouma.
But the responsibility is now
being weighed that the Communist
forces would not agree to a restor-
ation of the cease-fire but would
continue their campaign to sweep
over the remaining one-third of
the country still held by the royal
The review was described as a
more or less continuous consulta-
The gloom in Washington
heightened as reports from Vien-
tiane told of the route of the royal
Lao forces after the fall of Nam
Tha last Sunday.
White recalled that Gen. Phou-
mi Nosavan, the strong man of
the royal government and Minis-
ter of Defense and Interior, has
said that despite the events in
northern Laos he is willing to con-
tinue' talks looking toward the
formation of a government of na-
tional union.
White emphasized that the-cre-
ation of such a neutral govern-
ment can be fulfilled only by re-
storing and maintaining a cease-
This view, he said, has been
clearly presented to Soviet Am-,
bassador Anatoly Dobrynin.
Other sources said the attitude
of the Soviet Union thus far has
been evasive in response to United
States and British appeals that
Moscow help restore the cease-
Take No Action
On DG Status

Delta Gamma local at Beloit
College was not put on probation
for pledging a Negro, Mrs. Robert
W. Preston, Delta Gamma nation-
al president, reported yesterday.
However, she declined to specify
the exact reasons for the proba-
tionary action. "It is often unkind
to list reasons whenever an indi-
vidual or a chapter must be disci-


Sea borg Views Education, Atom

Tes ts

"Survival depends on education and what the educated can do,"
Glenn T. Seaborg told University honor students and guests yesterday.
The chairman of the United States Atomic Energy Commission
addressing the 39th, annual Honors Convocation on "Education -
and Survival," said that the "task of achieving world peace indefi-
nitely in today's world may be the most difficult man has ever at-
Four Factors
"Strength, patience, communication and understanding" are four
factors needed to preserve peace.
Strength "depends on our progress in science and technology and
our progress in these depends on education," he continued.
Universities and colleges can make a significant contribution to
survival by encouraging better communications and understanding.
Seaborg called for "more extensive exchanges with nations of the
Soviet bloc in educational, cultural and economic fields."
He suggested the United States could work with the Soviet Union
on the peaceful uses of atomic energy, public health, the arts, and

"I sincerely hope there will be an end to the testing of nuclear
bombs," Glenn T. Seaborg, head of the Atomic Energy Commission
and guest of honor at the honors convocation, declared yesterday.
This is a necessary step for peace for nuclear weapons are spread-
ing, he said.
Seaborg noted the spread of nuclear weapons. "Red China will
probably have a small fission type bomb within the next year or two.
No one can say for sure, but with their potential and desire, it's rea-
sonable to assume that they shall soon have a nuclear bomb," he
He said that he did not know if the United States would change
its policy and provide nuclear information to Prance.
Presidential Policy
Seaborg said that the President, not the AEC, determined atomic
policy. "President Kennedy is for peace too. Only after a great deal
of soul searching did he decide that testing was the best thing to do."
The American educational plant will meet the increasing demand
for trained nuclear scientists, "but it will be the result of increasing
private, state, and federal support. We are getting into the elementary

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