CAMPUS ILLUSTRATED'S 'ILLUSTRATIONS' See Page 4 Y S 6fr-43U1 :43 xiiy CLOUDY High-60 Low-45 Few scattered showers expected, in late afternoon. Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXII, No. 160 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES I I d- fi7 GOP Nuisance Taxes' Pass Third Reading Bill Meets Small Debate Opposition; Plan To Provide Additional Funds By MICHAEL HARRAH Acting City Editor Special To The Daily LANSING-House Republicans yesterday passed their 5-point, $69 million nuisance tax package to third reading with a surprisingly small amount of trouble and set them up for passage next Tuesday. But the legislators almost bogged down in a roaring debate on a Senate-approved resolution which would extend the current legisla- tive session indefinitely. Under the previous rules, the Legislature was scheduled to ad- journ today, but the new resolution, finally adopted by a 57-31 mar- -,. - PROF. KENNETH BOULDING ... seven steps 0Boulding Asks Wider Agenda To Cut Arms By HELENE SCHIFF The world agenda' of action to prevent a drift towards nuclear disaster must be widened, Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the econ- omics department said last night at the second Voice Symposium on the arms race. He proposed seven steps to find "the genuine road to survival." First, Prof. Boulding called for acceptance of general and com- plete disarmament and peaceful competition between the two world systems as a national goal of all countries. Accept Goal At present the United States and Russia have accepted this goal verbally and officially but not emotionally. His second step proposed uni- lateral action by the United States. "The Administration should re- assure the, Russians that it will not support any revisions of fron- tiers in Eastern Europe, and in particular, will not support any revision of the boundary between East Germany and Poland." Prof. Boulding suggested a World. Peace Research Agency un- der the United Nations as a third proposal. One of its functions would be to serve as an informa- tion center and to collect and pro- cess, scientifically, an enormous mass of information regarding the international system. A fourth step would be to ne- gotiate with the Russians for. a World Economic Development Decade. This would be like the Inter-National Geophysical : year with everyone working together on the technological aspects of e c o n o m i c development, Prof. Boulding explained. As a fifth proposal, he urged placing Civil Defense under the World Health Organization. Civil Defense at the present, serves only as a de-stabilizing factor and should be removed from the arms race, he said. Strengthen Institutions The sixth step proposes strengthening the institutions of world law by making the world court system more specialized. "The fear of an overall infringe- ment of national rights by a sys- tem of world law may be lessened in marine law, air law, boundary $gin, will allow the lawmakers to "meet until we have finished the business at hand," according to House Majority Floor Leader Alli- son Green (R-Kingston), who backed it. Small Opposition Chief pilot of the tax package, Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) said that he was encour- aged at the relatively small opposi- tion the nuisance tax package re- ceived in debate. It was, renovated and amended, according to Green's proposals an- nounced Wednesday, without too much difficulty. The GOP beat down various Democratic attempts to amend the package, including a proposal that would have slapped a 20 per cent tax on commercial advertising, of- fered by Rep. Alexander Petri (D- Ecorse). Democrats Objected Various Democrats objected to the package "as patchwork meas- ures and illegitimate stopgaps," but Bursley retorted "there's hardly anything illegitimate about this package. It's just as legitimate as any other tax." Rep. E. D. O'Brien (p-Detroit) asserted that the GOP would "never find its 56 votes for final passage, and they won't get them from us." (The various taxes passed to third reading with anywhere from 41 to 53 affirmative votes, indi- cating parts of the package have almost enough votes for passage. Green has requested all Republi- cans be ordered into attendance on Tuesday, when the House will next consider the package, and the sev- eral Republicans absent yesterday could supply the necessary win- ning votes.) Reiterates Stand Minority Floor Leader Joseph J. Kowalski (D-Detroit) reiterated the stand the Democrats took on Tuesday, that they will not sup- port any tax program except the Governor's, which has been scut- tled in the Senate. This could lead to an indefinite impasse, if the Republicans can- not muster all 56 of their mem- bers on all five taxes. Conservatives Suffer Defeat LONDON (AP) - Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's Conservatives suffered a severe setback yester- day in local elections that tradi- tionally serve as indicators of the national climate. With the count from more than 400 cities and towns in England and Wales finally in this morning, the conservatives conceded they had lost control in 36 towns with 525 of their candidates unseated. Leslie Tells Of Relation To National By BARBARA LAZARUS Assistant Dean of Women Eliz- abeth A. Leslie explained Panhel- lenic Association's dual role in re- lation to the University and the sorority nationals in dealing with membership statements last night. Speaking as a member of a Jun- ior Panhellenic Association panel, Dean Leslie said that "there is a difference in the minds of the na- tionals and the University as to whether the sorority is' a student organization." She stated that the nationals question the right of a student organization, such as Student Government Council, to have ac- cess to a sorority's constitution. Delegated Authority Dean Leslie said that the Re- gents have delegated authority to SGC to recognize and withdraw recognition from student organi- zations. She explained that "it is Pan- hel's function to be a conferring body for the benefit of sororities, and therefore it does not make decisions 'for the individual sor- orities as a whole on campus." "Every student here is both a sorority member and a University student. Therefore a girl is loyal to both her University and na- tional." Question of Authority Dean Leslie said that when there is a question of authority in the mind of the national organiza- tion, the local affiliate finds her- self in a difficult position. "Panhel stays in the middle and recognizes both relationships of belonging to the University and the national," she said. Inter-Fraternity Council went so far as to make a statement that they did not support bias, Susan Stillerman, '63A&D, last year's president of Panhellenic, said. No Public Statement Miss Stillerman said that "Pan- hel has chosen not to make a pub- lic statement, but has worked con- scientiously to effect a satisfac- tory solution to the problem." Dean Leslie explained that Pan- hel is making every effort to ex- plain the commission given to SGC by the Regents to the national or- ganization. She said that Panhel is not a place where policy is made, and it does not impose any policies on individual sororities. Careful Discussion "If a sorority should be in vio- lation of the By-law there would be careful discussion and judicious consideration by the SGC Com- mittee on Membership." Miss Stillerman said that "Pan- hellenic can represent the houses involved and can speak for them as University women, but not as a national group. The biggest aid it can give is to provide information and clarify issues." Presently members of National Panhellenic Associationnare visit- ing the campus and conferring with the administration and Pan- hel. Dean Leslie described Panhel as a liaison group between the na- tional officers and the individual sororities. Panhel can help con- vey any recommendations from national to the locals. The discussion was part of a panel which explained various as- pects of sorority living and or- ganization to members of pledge classes. 'Committee Voids Vote By EDWARD HERSTEIN The. Subcommittee on Discipline decided yesterday to change part of Joint Judiciary Council's rul- ing on the election of senior of- ficers of the literary college. The body reversed Joint Judic's invalidation of the election of Robert Walters, '63, to president and Sharon McCue, '63, to secre- tary while upholding the Council's ruling to void the election of Mark Moskowitz, '63, to vice-president and James Lipton, '63, to treasur- er. A statement issued by the sub- committee explained that their decision was based on the grounds that while there were clearly vio- lations in the election proceedings, they were not great enough to change the outcome of the elec- tion of Walters and McCue, but "the vote was so close as to indi- cate very serious doubt whether the result would have been dif- ferent if the irregularities had not occurred" in the case of Mosko- witz and Lipton. The committee pointed to sta- tistics showing that Walters had received 55 per cent more votes than his nearest competitor and McCue 77 per cent more votes than her only rival, while Mosko- witz won by only 11 per cent over his lone competitor and Lipton polled only 11 per cent of the to- tal votes cast. It also added that one of the candidates who was running for treasurer was not In several places the committee made it clear that fault for the poor administration of the elec- tion lay with Student Government Council. They said that Miss McCue's violations "were made possible by the negligence of SGC" and add- ed, "if campus elections in partic- ular and student government in general are to continue at Michi- gan, Student Government Coun- cil must immediately develop more sensible, workable procedures .. . in future elections." Student Riots Rock Madrid By The Associated Press Approximately 1,500 students demonstrated at the University of Madrid yesterday protesting the arrest and fining of other students during previous riots last weekend in support of striking miners in northern Spain. In Lisbon, police in a dawn swoop today arrested an estimated 1,000 students and members of their families in a crackdown on university demonstrators. The President, initiated into pared the sources of American AID DEVELOPING NATIONS: Hatcher Challenges Leaders Arguing that "developing" nations will need vastly more help from Eb the United States than mere money if they are to grow, a concerned but optimistic University President Harlan Hatcher last night called upon young American intellectuals to bend their growing social, politi- cal and economic knowledge to the task of building better societies around the world. President Hatcher spoke at the Phi Beta Kappa initiation ban- quet, which saw 163 University students join the honorary academic: society, almost double last year's totals. Romano Gathers Bi artisan Votes Says Schools Agree To Decrease Number of Out-of-State Students By DAVID MARCUS Special To The Daily LANSING-The University, Michigan State University and the Michigan College of Mining and Technology at Houghton have all agreed to start cutting down the proportion of out-of- state students, Rep. William D. Romano (D-Warren) and House Majority Floor Leader Allison Green (R-Kingston) said yesterday. Romano said that agreement came about through a meet- F s Phi Beta Kappa 40 years ago, com- ociety's strength to other nations' weaknesses. He recalled Ralph Waldo Emerson's Phi Beta Kappa speech of 1837, inwhich Emerson told Americans they would have to make an intellectual life of their own to develop the American ideal society. New Gauntlet Conscious of Emerson's chal- lenge, President Hatcher threw down a new gauntlet. Pointing to national success that would surprise even the op- timistic Emerson, P r e s i d e n t Hatcher said the source of United States strength have been politi- cal stability, great and devoted national leadership, and a belief in equal opportunity for all, made possible by a strong educational system. And, as Emerson knew would happen a "great body of highly intelligent, creative people" shar- ing the fruits of their scholarship, contributed mightily to the na- tional growth. Contrasts Societies On the basis of his recent trip to Venezuela and Peru, and other foreign trips, President Hatcher contrasted American society to the problem-ridden under-developed nations. In Venezuela, for instance, there is not a tradition of purposeful national leadership but of domin- ation by the military and a desire for personal profit. There is also an absence of "what we take for granted" - a corps of democratic, personally honest public administrators. Huge Gulf A third problem is the huge gulf between the educated and cultured wealthy classes and the "80-70-60 per cent" allegedly poor illiterate people, without hope for 'the future. Finally, there is an inadequate educational system. There is no provision for the "mass of youth" who are demanding learning to better their lot. And the students in the universities have little sense of public responsibility or desire to push back. their intellectual horizons, to aid their societies and to understand themselves. Broad Attack Warning against hoping for an "overnight transformation," Pres- ident Hatcher said a broad attack must be made on all the problems of the developing nations. Uni- versities are needed, for instance but this requires more high schools and grammar schools, which means economic develop- ment and social change are needed. American scholars, simply as in- tellectuals, have a role to play in this broad development. Although the United States cannot export its culture bodily, and should not need to, it can stimulate each na- tion "creativity and desire to de- velop its own culture." Among these contributions will be in the "neglected fields" of po- litical and social study, knowledge comparable to the technological skills of modern society. PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER ... Latin American trip 1962' .Asks GOP Motivation By JAMES NICHOLS Republican State Committee Chairman George Van Peursem praised the Ann Arbor and Wash- tenaw County Republican commit- tees last night, but urged an even greater effort for the 1962 elec- tions. Speaking at the Honors Dinner of the Ann Arbor Republican City Committee, Van Peursem said "you have a tremendous reason to be-proud." Washtenaw County Re- publicans, he said, are.organized "in every possible way that you can effectively organize." . He cited the importance of this year's election and sought means of motivating the party workers to greater efforts. "I would hate to predict the result of not win- ning in 1962," he said. Van Peursem suggested fear and anger as motivations. A person is, capable of more when he is afraid, and a little fear among Michigan Republicans would help to "get out of this hole that the Republican Party has been in for 14 years." If it is true that "nice guys never win," then "the Republicans of Michigan have been 'nice guys, long enough." He associated the Democratic program with Khrushchev's stat- ed intention of encouraging "little doses of socialism" in the United States, until the nation "wakes up and discovers it has Communism." He cited various welfare and trade regulation policies of the Demrocatic administration as ex- amples of "little doses of social- ism." ing between University officia Commission last March. He. added that the agreement was on an informal basis and that no institution had promised to reduce non-Michigan enroll- ment to any specified ratio. Out-of-State Figures Currently, 31.3 per cent of the University's enrollment is from out-of-state. At MSU and Tech the figures are 19.1 per cent and 27.8 per cent, respectively. The University is currently en- gaged in an intensive study of out- of-state enrollment problems. Romano last year co-sponsored, with Green, a rider to the Univer- sity's- appropriation which would have set a 15 per cent limit on out - of - state enrollment. The amendment failed by four votes. Enough Votes Romano and Green, noting that this year they have enough votes in a bi-partisan coalition to pass a jlaw limiting non-Michigan en- rollment, cited statistics showing the geographical breakdown of out-of-state enrollment at the Uni- versity. At the University, according to figures gathered by the Legisla- tive Audit Commission, there are 1,326 students from New York, 343 from New Jersey, 1,075 from Illinois and 1,039 from Ohio. "Although we have the votes to pass a law this year limiting out- of-state admissions, we feel it is best to cooperate with the univer- sities instead of having an open conflict between these institutions and the Legislature." The University, as a constitu- tional body, might well not be bound to follow a state law limit- ing enrollment. Romano continued that the ed- ucation of out-of-state students at the three institutions cost the state only $5,000 more than the total operation of Western and Central Michigan Universities. He added that he felt the Leg- 'slature would gladly appropriate extra money to state institutions of higher learning to make up for the money lost from the higher fees of non-Michigan students lost in any reduction. SGC Adopts Daily Motion By GAIL EVANS Student Government Council passed the motion concerning The .Daily in a 10 to 1 vote with 3 ab- stentions at 2:05 a.m. yesterday morning. I Also early yesterday morning Council adopted a motion estab- lishing a procedure for consider- ing requests for extensions of the sixty-day deadline requirement for sororities' and fraternities' state- ments on membership selection practices. SGC discussed the probable tui- tion hike. A motion introduced by Fred Batlle, '64A&D, proposed that Council should urge the University not to raise out-of-state tuition disproportionately so as to cut down on out-of-state enrollment. Derogates Value It suggests that a raise which sharply discriminates against out- of-state students could only be constructed as an attitude which derogates the value of these stu- dents to the University. The mo- tion urges that any raise be as- sessed proportionally equal upon all students. The Daily motion affirms the principle of editorial freedom and states that the Board 'in Control of Student Publications should not reject the senior editor's staff rec- ommendations unless the Board considers the recommended edi- tors to be "clearly incompetent to publish The Daily." Richard G'sell, '62BAd, intro- duced a motion which Council added to the main motion to in- cl.'de a statement saying that SGC takes no position as to whether "there was a violation of freedom of the press in the current contro- versy." Must Ask Extension The policy on adequacy of statements extension will be that groups whose statements are due in May, must ask for an extension by May 15 and for organizations , facing a June deadline by May 22. Requests must state substantive reasons why the extension is nec- essary and include any relevant correspondence with national and alumni groups pertaining to why the group needs more time. The president of SGC shall no- tify all fraternities and sororities whose statements he has deemed inadequate in terms of University regulations on the policy concern- ing extensions. New Law Deals With Lockouts By The Associated Press It is now a misdemeanor in Michigan to hire professional strikebreakers or to repeatedly of- fer onself as a substitute for em- ployes affected by a strike or lock- out. , The law, signed Wednesday by Governor John B. Swainson, also forbids employers from hiring any- one not aware that a strike or lockout is in existence. Empoy- ment agencies are not allowed to refer workers to an employer with- out notifying the prospective em- nove that such a condition exists. Als and the Legislative Audit I Munson Reviews Dutiest Of V oluntary Agencies By ANDREW ORLIN Business organizations spend millions of dollars to buy the type of loyality-that volunteer groups freely receive frdm their members. Prof. Fred Munson of the School of Business Administration at a leadership conference noted that the volunteer organization has a "built-in commitment" of its members and that this dedication canI only be easily destroyed by poor leadership. People join volunteer groups because they have a com- mon goal which individually they cannot achieve. The authority for leadership in these groups must come from the members. Since there is such dedication, the abuse of power by the leaders willse- verely damage the organization. THOMAS MODERATOR: SRoss, Madden Debate Issues of . By ROBERT SELWA William Madden, 64L, and Ro- bert Ross, '63, debated issues of the House Un - American Activities Committee last night. Prof. Norman C. Thomas of the political science department mod- erated the discussion. He introduced the debate by explaining that over 1000 Congres- sional investigations of various natures have been conducted since the Communist party is part of a general conspiracy directed from Moscow and that it intends to overthrow the government. Madden urged that "more intel- ligent people," especially liberals, join the Committee to provide it with a better balance of political viewpoints. "If anyone should be well equip- ped to be on the Committee, lib- erals are," he went on. "They f~iil3+ 13m -nm itni~e fr R to First Amendment freedoms. The result is an atmosphere that causes timidity. "Our University-a lovely, status quo institution-is a victim of such an atmosphere," he commented. Ross drew a line between con- spiracy of thought and conspiracy of action. He said thought should be as free as possible, but that the distinct possibility of action -as the definite ability of a con- c --in fnrt oln,, a m hnhin th Prof. Munson said. If, members are made to obey a seemingly stupid order, they will quickly lose their priceless en- thusiasm for the group. But, Prof. Munson added, if you give them valid reasons for obeying this order, you will have the person following it because he wants to. It's much better to get people working directly for you, instead of having them working for you but not for your goals. This is the hn.; _ -v.n _ m 4h _ C1H _ _ fH- massanammasswom