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May 10, 1962 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-10

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Thornton Discusses Relative Conceptions
Of Colonialism, Imperialism in History

1 ! R

"Colonialism is imperialism seen
from below;, it's the view that the
controlled have of the controllers,"
Prof. A. P. Thornton- of the Uni-
versity of Toronto history depart-
ment, said in a lecture yesterday.
Noting that the word "imperial-
ism" was formed before "colonial-
ism," Prof. Thornton said that im-
perialists regarded themselves as
the trustees of civilization.
He said that while imperialism

was openly embraced by many, no
one admits to being a colonialist.
Colonialism is regarded as exploi-
tation, he added.
Empire Essence
"Throughout history the essence
of empire has been control. After
1919 the ability of 'the European
nations to control their own em-
pire diminished," Prof. Thornton
"If World War I weakened the
European nations involved in it,
World War II exhausted them. If
Europe could not longer balance
power within the continent, it
could hardly expect to do it in
other parts of the world," he said.
Prof. Thornton observed that
there still exists a myth that since
1919 British statesmen wanted
someday to dissolve their empire.
Expensive Maintenance
Britain abandoned its empire,
not because they thought it im-
moral, but because it was too ex-
pensive to maintain, he noted.
Today's nationalist leaders, hav-
ing achieved political freedom for
their countries, must still gain eco-
nomic freedom, Prof. Thornton
said. He explained that this is the
reason colonialism persists.
He characterized colonized peo-
ple as always being on a chess-
board. "Their situation is never to
initiate, always to react; never to
move, always to be moved; always
to wait to see what Washington
or Moscow is going to do."

.. . colonial exploitation

Lancashire Cites Decline
Of Confucian Standards

Prof. Thornton said that the
pressure of colonialism is what
draws together the Afro-Asian
bloc. He quoted Red Chinese Pre-
mier Mao Tse-tung's comment to
an Algerian nationalist: "The bond
that unites us is that we've both
been humiliated."
"Minds are more often colonized
than places," Prof. Thornton not-
ed. Religion works on the imper-
ialist principle, but people don't
cry "colonialism" when forced to
obey rigid rules, he said. That
word is only used to express dis-
like, he added.
Culture, fashion, and design all
have elements of colonialism, he
said. Prof. Thornton noted that
the fight for women's suffrage was
a genuine anti-colonialist policy-
against an empire of men.
Baha'i Faith
Attacks Ills
"Economic problems are mani-
festations of spiritual ill health
which members of the Baha'i faith
are attacking," Marion Finley, re-
search assistant in philosophy,
said yesterday.
Discussing the role of religious
ethics in the solution of modern
economic problems and in the for-
mulation of a just economic order,
Finley cited the two approaches to
solving such problem - improving
the organizational structure of the
economy or working through the
"The Baha'i faith advocates
seeking a solution between these
two extremes which appeals.to the
spirit of man both individually and
organizationally," he said.
Baha'i communities elect houses
of justice on a local and national
basis (there are Baha'i adminis-
trative units in 256 countries)
which lay out broad economic poli-
cies. In localities where Baha'is
are in a minority, these assemblies
have little visible effect.
However, in a true Baha'i com-
munity, the house of justice can
tax and collect revenues with one
tenth of the funds being used to
aid the needy. Extremes of wealth
and poverty are abolished.
Baha'i teachings state that eco-
nomic goals should include profit-
sharing plans in industry, the
abolishment of strikes, fixed max-
imum and minimum incomes, and
mutual responsibility of employers
and employees, Finley said.
"Baha'is today are attacking
economic problems through teach-
ing their faith and developing
their administrative structure as
a solution to man's great spiritual
illness," he concluded.

Cites Work
Of Painter
The state of foment in late nine-
teenth century Paris provided the
setting in which Degas became a
great artist, Miss Agnes Mongan,
assistant director and curator of
drawings at the Fogg Art Museum
at Harvard University, said yes-
Speaking on "Degas and. the
Tradition" in conjunction with the
current exhibit "A Generation of
Draughtsmen" at the Museum of
Art, Miss Mongan said that a re-
vealing comparison may be drawn
between the conditions of late fif-
teenth century Florence and the
Paris of Degas' most productive
Florence was characterized by
confidence, curiosity, experimneta-
tion. The same was true of the
Paris that Degas knew. Here Degas
matured in an atmosphere of tra-
dition and of vital newness that
permitted him the opportunity to
develop his great talent.
Great Artists
"Of the 53 artists of Degas' gen-
eration who are on display in the
current exhibit, 12 of them may
be considered great. Compare this
with the number of contemporary
American artists whose works will
be relished in a century, and you
will see the nature of the age in
which Degas lived," Miss Mongan
Degas had a thorough classical
education, deep interests in music
and poetry, and was well travelled.
He spent several years in Italy
with his Italian cousins and this
helped to shape the manner of
his early paintings.
In Degas' private collection the
works of Ingres and Delacroix
were predominate. His paintings
and drawings reflect the influence
that the work of these two mas-
ters had on him.
Italian Tradition
The tradition he absorbed from
his "strong Italian inheritance"
and from the masters whose art
he cherished was not lost when he
began to experiment with new
techniques. Drawings done at the
same time show that he simultan-
eously painted in his older manner.
"Degas once said, 'Drawing isn't
form but the way in which one
sees form.' This understanding is
very evident in Degas drawings.
Mot To Consider
Law Leadership
Rear Admiral William C. Mott,
Judge Advocate General of the
United States Navy, will deliver a
public address, "Operation Bar
Leadership" at 2:30 p.m. today in
Rm. 100 in Hutchins Hall at the
Law School.

(Continued from Page 4)
ing; thesis: "A Comprehensive Cycle
Analysis and Digital Computer Simula-
tion for Spark-Ignited Engines," Thurs.,
May 10, 307 West Engrg. Bldg., at 10
a.m. Chairman: C. J. Van Wylen.
Events Friday
Concert: The Men's Glee Club spring
concert will be presented Fri. and Sat.,
May 11 and 12 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill
Annual Awards Program, School of
Business Administration, Fri., May 1rat
8 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Three
awards will be made to students in the
School and the Business Leadership
Award will be presented to L. J. Kalm-
back, Chairman of the Board, Massachu-
setts Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Degree Recital: Celia Weiss, violinist,
will present a recital Fri., May 11, 8:30
p.m., Lane Hall Aud., in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree Master of Music. Compositions she
will play are by Vivaldi, Bach, Brahms,
Ross LeehFinney, and Saint-Saens. Mar-
garet Johnson, pianist, will accompany
Mrs. weiss. Also assisting will be an
ensemble composed of Nancy Grawemey-
er, Carol Jewell, Edith Perrow, Paul
Suerken, violins, Carolyn Lentz, viola,
Linda Greenwalt, cello, Daniel Levine,
double-bass, and Margaret Johnson,
continuo. Open to the general public.
Guest Lecture: Prof. Frank N. Trager,
The National War College, Washington,
D.C., lecturing on "Current Situation
in Southeast Asia," Fri., May 11, Rack-
ham, East Conference Room.
Biological Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Nor-
man Radin, Mental Health Research
Institute, will discuss "Isotopic Studies
of Brain Glycolipids by Column and Gas
Chromatography" on Fri., May 11 at 4
p.m. in M6423 Medical Science Bldg.
Coffee in M5410 at 3:30 p.m.
Psycholoby Colloquium: Dr. Frank X.
Barron, University of California, will
speak on"Studies in Creativity" on Fri.,
May 11 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. B. Coffee
at 3:45 p.m. in the Mason Hall Lounge,
Rm. 3417.
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night:
Fri., May 11, 8:30 p.m., 2003 Angell
Hall. Stephen P. Maran will speak on
"Comets Over Ann Arbor.'' After the
lecture the Student Observatory, fifth
floor, Angell Hall, will be open for in-
spection and for telescopic observations
of the Moon. Children welcomed, but
must be accompanied by adults.
Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., May
11, .4:00 p.m., The Observatory. Dr. Ar-
thur Rajaratman, Visiting Scholar from
the University of Singapore, will speak
on "Autoionization and Absorption
Spectra of Electrically Excited Gases."
Doctoral Examination for Catharine
NewBold, History; thesis: "The Anti-
slavery Background of the Principal
State Department Appointees in the
Lincoln Administration," Fri., May 11,
Union Bldg., at 12 noon. Chairman, D.
L. Dumond.
Doctoral Examination for Shin-R Lin,
Physics; thesis: "Computations of the
Scattering of Relativistic Electrons by
Screened Atomic Nuclei," Fri., May 11,
2038 Randall Lab., at 1:15 p.m. Chair-
man, Noah Sherman.
Doctoral Examination for Myles M:
Platt, Political Science; thesis: "The
Wayne County Airport: An Evolution
ian Public Policy," Fri., May 11, 4609
Haven Hall, at 2:00 p~m., Chairman, A.
W. Bromage.
Appointments-Seniors & grad students,

please call Ext. 3544 for interview ap-
pointments with the following:
TUES., MAY 15-
American Institute for Foreign Trade,
Phoenix, Ariz.-National center of post-
grad educ. for men & women grads with
degrees in any area. Offers 1 yr. prep-
aration for overseas careers in interna-
tional commerce or U.S. Foreign Serv-
ice. Several hundred grads placed in
jobs in 78 countries. Prof. Coleman will
answer questions concerning curricu-
lum, admission requirements, fees, etc.
Commission on Professional & Hospi-
tal Activities, Ann Arbor, Mich. (p.m.
only)-Men & Women interested in
building career with national medical
r e se a r c h organization. Commission
makesrstudies, compiles data, & pre-
pares reports & papers for private &
gov't. organizations. Consider persons
of all educ. bkgds. for positions in re-
search; elec. computer prog.; stat.; med.
classification; admin.; editing; mgmt.
trng.; tech. writing. Exper. helpful but
not necessary. Will train.
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. -
Unusual number of outstanding oppor.
for men & women, including positions
in these fields: Acc't & Financial Analy-
sis; Indust. Engrg.; Pharmaceutical
Sales; Lawn & Garden Product Sales;
Prod. Methods & Develop; Organic
Chem.; Quality Control Chem.
YWCA Muskegon, Mich.-(1) Teen-
Age Program Dir. to work with dept.
which has 13 clubs in Jr. & Sr. high
schools. (2) Dir. of Health, Phys. Educ.
& Rec. to organize & supervise activity
for women & girls of all ages. Both
jobs require women with exper. in
working with groups.
Universal Dye Casting Co., Saline,
Mich.-Chemist for laboratory work. BS
Chem. exper. not required. Age up to
Publisher of School Textbooks in Mich.
-Need 1 or more Staff Writers. With
help of geographical author, the select-
ed men & women will write manuscripts
for geog. & social studies textbooks.
Must have aptitude for writing & good
grades in college.
American Institute of Laundering, Jo-
liet, I1.-(u1)Trade Magazine Editor.
Degree in Journalism or Engl. & mini-
mum of 2 yrs. journalism exper, or some
college plus equiv. exper. Age range 25-
35. (2) Sales & Public Relations Man-
ager.2Degree plus combination of Sales
mgmt. & PR exper. Age 35-45.
Detroit Ordnance District, Det., Mich.
-Accountant; Acc't. major & 2 yrs.
exper. in acc't. Age range: open.
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
212 SAB-
Advance Distributors, Inc.-Several
openings within sales dept. for quali-
fied students & faculty members for
summer. Will train men as representa-
tives for publications at trade fairs,
conventions & retail outlets. Preference
given to those with past sales exper.
Will be given oppor. to continue on
part-time basis during sch. yr. Located
in various cities thruoghout U.S.

Delicious Hamburgers.. .15c
Hot Tasty French Fries..10c
Triple Thick Shakes... 206
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The Chinese Communists have
not solved the dilemma of replac-
ing the Confucian family ethic,
Douglas Lancashire, a visiting lec-
turer in Chinese Studies, said Fri-
The Chinese family had been
built around the doctrine of filial
piety. However, Western influence
has eroded this system, he con-
This doctrine, stressing the duty
of children to the family, was con-
sidered ordained in heaven, Lan-
cashire explained. It was an ethic'
that permeated all of Chinese so-
Paternal Emperor
Thus, the emperor had a pa-
ternalistic role in society and the
citizenry had a civic duty to treat
him like their father.
When the West 'entered China,
its rationalistic influence began to
change Confucian ideas. The
Western view of man against the
world conflicted with the Chinese
idea of man in harmony with na-
ture, Lancashire noted.
"The custodians of religion at-
tempted to meet this situation by
retaining Confucian essence while
assimilating Western techniques,"
he said. "However, the entrenched
forms became a convenient habit
deprived of sanctions."
Battle Cry
The battle cry against the Con-
fucian family ethic was raised sig-
nificantly in 1916 in an article by
Chen Do-Tzo in "New Youth"
magazine, Lancashire said.
The "impatient" youth of the
time rallied around the article's
attack on what they considered the
feudalistic repression of the old
family system.
Today the Communists have not
found a suitable replacement, Lan-


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cashire declared. "Modern Chinese'
morality is a picture of uncertain-
ty. Youth is asking "Where are
the norms?' "
Moral Relativism
Lancashire described the Com-
munist ethic as "moral relativism
combined with economic determin-
Moral vigilance committees in
Shanghai and other Chinese areas
are also constant denunciations in-
dicate the seriousness with which
the Communists view moral prob-
lems and the uncertainty of youth
who do not know what is proper,
he concluded.
Haas To Speak
At Music School
Karl Haas, director of Fine Arts
on Radio Station WJR, will speak
today at the Honors Assembly of
the music school on "What of Mu-
sic in the Space Age?" at 4:00 p.m.
in Rackham Lecture Hall.


Petitioning Open for
League Summer Session
Obtain petitions
from Undergraduate Office
beginning May 7






a&d open house {.Jf:
1962 program
1:00 1. NORSE IN SPACE-Doug Brown's Band
2:00 2. WELCOME, Phillip N. Yontyz, Dean of the College of
Architecture & Design
3. NEW HOUSING IN GREAT BRITAIN - illustrated lecture
by Dabid Lewis
4. OPEN DISCUSSION with David Lewis
1. FILMS by Stanley Brakhage to be announced
3. PULL MY DAISY, Robert Frank
4. MOUNTING TENSION, Rudy Burckhardt
5. IN THE STREET, Helen Levin
1:30 6. VISUAL ENVIRONMENT, illustrated lecture by John Walley
3:00 7. OPEN DISCUSSION of work on display in gallery
3:30 8. CONCEPTS IN CITY PLANNING, gallery talk by Richard
1. FILMS by Stanley Brakhage to be announced
3. SIN OF JESUS, Robert Frank
4. TWO SHORT FILMS, George Manupelli
5. THE HOUSE, George Manupelli
10. FILMS AS AN ART, panel discussion by guest film makers,
George Manupelli, Rudy Burckhardt, Stanley Brakhage.
11. "A FAIR IN THE GARDEN."-yard party music by Bob
Molay and Mike Sherker.
Refreshments and lots of surprises!



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