See Page 4
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Generally cloudy,
warmer with light showers
SGC Considers
Daily Freedom
Debate Motioni on Editorial Policy,
Capability of Student Indepenidence
At 2 a.m. this morning Student Government Council was consid-
ering the motion concerning The Daily.
The motion supports the principle that editorial freedom is essen-
tial to a student newspaper and that students are capable of pub-
lishing a paper with "maturity and responsibility."
The rationale behind allowing students control over the policies
Of State
State Funds
For Schools
McNamara Tours South Viet.
of the newspaper is to provide stude
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of nine articles tracing
the history of Michigan's state-
supported colleges.)
Schools of education, liberal arts
and sciences, business, applied arts
and sciences, and graduate stud-
ies comprise Western Michigan
University at Kalamazoo.
Founded in 1903 as Western
State Normal School, it became
known as Western Michigan Uni-
versity in 1956.
Freshmen and sophomores may
enroll in the special basic studies
honors program. Other special
programs at the university include
co-operative work-study programs
in petroleum distribution, food
distribution, retailing, secretarial
work, foundry technology, and
drafting technology.
Student Ownership
In addition to a student-owned
and operated interdorm radio sta-
tion, students participate in the
operation of an FM radio station.
The 836-acre campus is valued
at $27.3 million. Western's five-
year capital outlay requests in-
clude plans for the completion of a
natural science building, extension
of utilities, and the construction
of an engineering, technology
building, a liberal arts and class-
room building, and an auditorium-
classroom building.
Operating on a semester system,
tuition and fees at Western total
$215 for in-state students and $335
for out-of-state students. In addi-
tion to the $1.2 million expected
from these fees, Western is re-
questing a $6.8 million operating
budget from the state. The rising
cost of materials and the need
for increases in salaries and wages
necessitates the request of $1.8
million more than last year's ap-
Teaching Load
Western's fall enrollment is ex-
pected to be 10,300. According to
Western President James W. Mil-
ler, teaching loads remain among
the heaviest in the country both
in terms of faculty-student ratio
and number of instructor prepara-
tions required. .
Western is losing ground rapidly
i competition with institutions of
similar size and character, Miller
says. Higher state appropriations
for increasing salaries and lower-
ing faculty loads are cited by Pres-
ident Miller as the price which
Smust be paid to get quality in-
Thayer To Seek
State Senate Seat
Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor) yesterday announced his
candidacy for re-election as state
senator from Washtenaw County.
ents with freedom to express their
opinions so that they may develop
"a free and wide-ranging faculty
for criticism, a faculty which is
the mainspring of a democratic
Tax Package
Nam Motion To Undergo
Consideration Today
Levies on Income Appear Hopeless;
'U' Would Get $2.5 Million in Outlay
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), a' member of the
House Taxation Committee, said last night that a $69 million
"nuisance tax" package will be defeated on the floor of the
House today.
The package, which involves levies on beer, liquor, cigar-
ettes and telephones, was reported out of the taxation com-
mittee without recommendation yesterday. Once on the floor
The motion, as amended by
Howard Abrams, '63, asks that ap-
pointments to the senior editor po-
sitions be made on the basis of
"competence to publish The Daily
and not on the basis of political
or editorial viewpoints."
It further states that the Board
in Control of Student Publications
should not reject the staff recom-
mendations of the senior editors
unless the new staff is considered
to be "clearly incompetent to pub-
lish The Daily."
Asks Explanation
The motion calls upon the Board
to fully explain any staff rejec-
tion to the senior editors.
The Abrams amendment, which
deleted the rest of the substitute
motion introduced by Robert Ross,
'63, two weeks ago, and made the
substantive changes cited, was
unanamously adopted as part of
the whole motion.
Executive Vice-President Rich-
ard G'sell, '63E, proposed that a
statement saying that SGC does
not imply that there necessarily
has been a violation of freedom of
the press be included in the main
However, Ross asked why Coun-
cil should "dodge the present con-
troversy?" Abrams added that if
the present instance falls under
the motion than the motion deals
with the problem at hand.
Administrative Vice - President
Kenneth Miller, '64, said that the
motion puts the burden on the
Board, which superseded an action
by the students.
Ross introduced a substitute mo-
tion to that of G'sell's stating that
SGC cannot determine at present
whether there was a violation of
editorial freedom; "however, the
possibility of such a violation is
the cause of Council's present con-
Breaks Tie
The Ross substitution motion
failed - after President Steven
Stockmeyer, '63, broke the tie with
a "no" vote.
At the meeting Council also ap-
proved appointmnets to various
standing C~ommittees, r ela t ed
boards and to the Spring Regional
Assembly of the United States Na-
tional Student Association.
Council passed a motion intro-
duced by Richard Nohl, '62, stat-
ing that SGC takes no postion as
to whether "there was a violation
of freedom of the press in the
current controversy over the ap-
pointments to senior editor posi-
tions." This motion was a substi-
tute for the G'sell proposal.
Council passed a motion, sub-
ject to reconsideration, that when
SGC members, standing commit-
tee chairmen and regional execu-
tive committee members of NSA
do not fill their delegated posi-
tions, other members of Council
structure should be eligible for at-
LANSING (IP) - In a surprise
move yesterday the Constitutional
Convention reversed itself and
voted to earmark half of the
state's sales tax revenues for edu-
None of the convention's action
affects state colleges and universi-
The reversal came after Michi-
gan State University President
John A. Hannah, (R-East Lan-
sing), urged that since the con-
vention had approved the ear-
marking of funds for highways,
similar consideration should be
given schools.
. Highways in Law
He warned that opponents of
the the new constitution would ar-
gue that the convention had pro-
vided millions for concrete high-
ways but no money for children.
Dedicating money for education
would make the constitution much
more saleable to voters, Hannah
He admitted, however, that the
Legislature has appropriated extra
funds for schools in recent years
when dedicated sales tax revenues
failed to meet requirements.
Little Opposition
Opponents of the earmarking
argued that there had been no
public reaction against announced'
plans to drop it.
The earlier Move had come un-
der discussion when George Rom-
ney (R-Bloomfleld), probable can-
didate for governor, and D. Hale
Brake (R-Stanton), a leader of the
GOP conservative bloc, worked
out a compromise package.
It was not a basic part of the
package, however, GOP leaders
The convention, moving steadi-
ly toward a preliminary adjourn-'
ment Friday, also tackled final de-
bate on the last three articles of
the proposed new constitution.
News, Free Press
Settle Union Strike
DETROIT RP-Members of Lo-l
cal 10, Paper and Plate Handlers
Union, voted last night to return
to work at the Detroit News and
the Detroit Free Press. The actioni
apparently signaled an end to thet
series of disputes that have idled
the city's two daily newspapers for
the past 28 days.
-AP wirephoto
VIET NAM-United States Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and top United States military
chiefs prepare to take off for an aerial inspection of South Viet Nam defense points north of
Saigon. Tuesday, in Canberra, Secretary of State Dean Rusk urged the free world to help stop
the Communist war of. terror and assassination there. The ANZUS meeting Rusk attended ex-
pressed full support for the defense of South Viet Nam.
Soviets Balk at ArmsTreaty
the tax vehicle was amended1
which in conjunction with a'
similar planned suspension to-
day, will bring the package up
for an immediate test.
Back to Geerlings
The Senate, yesterday, by the
minimum votes necessary for pass-
age of a motion, sent all taxation
bills back to its taxation commit-
tee headed by Sen. Clyde H. Geer-
lings (R-Holland).
This action sounded the death-
knell for Gov. John B. Swainson's
income tax package as Geerlings
has vowed never to report an in-
come tax out of his committee.'
The failure of a "nuisance tax"
today will leave the door open for
Geerlings to report out a new se-
ries of tax proposals, Bursley said,
a- it will indicate that a majority
of representatives still favor the
income levy and will. therefore, op-
pose any House originated "nui-
souce tax."
Three PlansE
Bursley mentioned three tax
proposals now in the Senate com-
mittee, which the failure of the
"nuisance tax" package will nec-
The first is a wholesales tax
which according to predictions
made in the Republican caucus
Mould net over $100 million.
The second is a sales tax on
services. And the third is a repeal
ct the exemptions to the sales tax
on machinery and agricultural
Geeilings, who earlier in the oes-
sion refused to report out of com-
mittee any taxation bills resulting
in the discharge of his committee,
said he would now report out a tax
program with recommendations.
Commenting that he "loves the
University," he said $10 million of
this program will be earmarked for
capital outlay to institutions of
higher learning. This would mean
that the University woild be guar-
anteed at least $2.5 million a year.
Reporting out a bill with "rec-
ommerdations" requires that the
bill ultimately must be brought to
a vote.
by a suspension of the rules,
Study Shows
Fiscal Crisis
Cost Milions
"The impact of the 1957-59
fiscal crisis on the interest costs
of local government bonds" may
well represent a "disguised cost of
between 10 and 20 million dollars"
to the state's taxpayers, three
University economists have re-
ported in an article in the current
issue of National Tax Journal.
Authors of the article were Pro-
fessors Harvey E. Brazer and Dan-
iel B. Suits of the economics de-
partment and Muriel W. Converse,
research assistant at the Institute
of Public Administration.
"Interest cost of borrowing by
Michigan communities was ibout
.17 per cent higher during the
period of fiscal crisis than it was
either before or afterward," the
article said.
"In view of the amount of bor-
rowing during the crisis (almost
$300 million), this implies a cost
of about $600,000 per year in ad-
ditional interest alone. This figure
could well run over one million
dollars per year.
"There can be no doubt, on the
basis of our analysis, that tae
fiscal crisis did add substantial;
to the net interest costs incurred
by Michigan's borrowing institu-
Local units were affected be-
cause "with such large proportions
of their revenues considered to be
in jeopardy due to the state's
fiscal 'woes, it is, perhaps, not
surprising that they should find
themselves in a deteriorating po-
sition in the municipal bond mar-
ket," the article said.
To Investigate
Missile Site1
By The Associated Press
GENEVA - The Soviet Union
told the 17-nation disarmament
conference yesterday it will never
agree to a nuclear test ban treaty
unless France accepts it too.
This categoric assertion, compli-
cating negotiations that have been
limited to the Russians, British
and Americans, was presented by
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Valerian A. Zorin.
Speaking of the French under-
ground blast May 1 in the Sa-
hara, the fifth of France's series,
Zorin said:
Won't Adhere
"There is another power now
testing nuclear weapons. This pow-
er is refusing to take part in the
negotiations and has never said it
would adheretoda nuclear test ban
Western delegation officials told
newsmen the British and American
position on France's participation
remains unchanged. One said:
"We are certain that if the So-
viets signed a treaty the French
would accept it sooner or later."
Zorin also contended United
Statesdetection of the French un-
derground test proved Moscow's
argument that national systems
would offer sufficient control of a
test ban treaty and international
inspection is not needed.
Zorin's statement hardened the
Soviet position as the eight neu-
tral nations in the conference
sought a way out of the deadlock.
France has taken no part in test
ban talks and has boycotted the
general disarmament- conference
since it opened March 14.
Tuesday, Brazil took the initia-
tive for a new move to break the
Outlaw Weapons
Brazilian delegate Alfonso Arino
De Mella Franco proposed that all
nuclear weapons be outlawed in
the initial stage of a world dis-
armament treaty.
The West wants a controlled
limitation of nuclear vehicles in
the first stage while Ruusia makes
the limitation conditional upon
abolition of foreign bases.
Ambessador Arthur H. Dean said
the United States delegation would
study the idea. There was no im-
mediate comment from Zorin.
Dean said the Soviet refusal to
accept effective controls rendered
meaningless its offer to agree to
a 100 per cent verification of de-
struction of nuclear vehicles in all
the Soviet Union.
Deny Rezoning
For Alumni
Housing Area
The city planning commission
has denied its approval for a pe-
tition by Alumni Living, Inc., to
rezone two pieces of property in
the southeast part of the city for
purposes of constructing a multi-
living housing development for
The recommendation will go to
the city council for a decision.
The council exercises sole author-
ity over city zoning laws.
The commission said that a com-
pletely unrelated classification
conflicting with the existing land
usage and zoning pattern would
result from rezoning the area.
Outlines Indian Mtusi'
'U' Professors Comment
On Speaker Ban Ruling
A recent California decision upholding a ban on Communist
speakers at the Riverside branch of the Uiversity of California
has no effect on University lecture policy, Prof. Samuel D. Estep
of the Law School and chairman of the lecture committee said
"Legally. it is a precedent at a low level and will not be greatly
heeded until it reaches the appellate level," Prof. Estep said. "It is
not the final say in the matter."
Superior Court Judge John G.
Gabbert denied a petition of a
student group and the American
Civil Liberties Union Monday to
Ie H erita e allow two California Communists
to participate in a debate on the
legality of the Communist party.
music is melody, not harmony as The university successfully ar-
in Western music. We do not have gued that it, as a statutory cor-
harmony as Western music under- poration "with full powers of or-
stands it," he explained. ganization and government," could
The structure of the music can regulate the rights of "off-
be divided into two parts, the raga campus" speakers' access to uni-
and tala. The first is the scalar- versity facilities.
melody form, while the second "The court recognized the power
forms the :hythmic framework of of the university to regulate the
the music, use of its facilities. It did not
Individualism recognize the rights of outsiders,"
Although the composer sets Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the Law
down the framework himself, "a School, an expert on constitutional
great deal of liberty is always law, commented.
there for the individual artist," Courts will be slow to intervene
Ayyangar noted. "There are in- and find that universities have
numerable embellishments to dress used their regulatory power in an
un notes" he added. arbitrary way, he predicted.
All forms of music existing to-
day can be traced to South Indian
music, Rangaramanuja Ayyangar
said last night in a concert dem-
The noted Indian teacher, in the
United States for the first time,
stressed the difference between
North Indian music and South In-
dian music.
"South Indian music has an
unbroken history of progress over
3,000 years," he said. "It has
developed from stage to stage. The
most recent has lasted for a cen-
tury or more," he continued.
qd-A nii! Uktmi.]
plicity of symbolic gods and god-'
desses, each of which represent
nothing more than various aspects
of God, he continued. These gods
and goddesses naturally play an
important part in the South In-
dian hymns.
"The basis of all South Indian
Student Leadership
John Tirrell, secretary of the Alumni Association, last night called
upon fraternity and sorority presidents to provide leadership and di-
tection in student affairs.
Speaking at the Fraternity-Sorority Presidents' Banquet, Tirrell
said that "it takes leadership, courage and people of action to direct
organizations and help resolve indecision." -
Within the past few weeks students have had the opportunity to
make a better representation of the student body felt on campus. Very
few have done so, he said.
Discusses OSA Report
Commenting on the Office of Student Affairs Report, Mr. Tirrell
said that "a few people, including myself, are a bit disappointed.about
campus opinion and comments, most of them from a loud and artic-
ulate minority."
TT .. ,4- ,-1 + , P -4 .-
No Report
Geerlings said, however, that he
would not report out any of the
measures that Bursley mentioned. By MICHAEL HARRAH
Instead, Geerlings said he will Acting City Editor
most likely introduce next Monday Speaker of the House Don R.
a $40 million tax package consist- Pears (R-Buchanan) has appoint-
ing of levies on beer and cigar- ed a special committee to study
ettes. Rather than being a tem- the possibilities -of establishing a
porary set of "nuisance taxes." rocket launching site in the Ke-
they will be designed in the form weenaw Peninsula.
of a "permanent excise package," Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann
Geerlings said. Arbor) reported yesterday that the
Democrats in the House have put committee will study the possibili-
their caucus under "unit rule," ties of utilizing the facilities of
which prescribes grave conse- both the University and Michigan
quences for those who break the College of Mining and Technology
decision of the caucus, and have at Houghton in furthering the Up-
asked that each representative vote per Peninsula project.
against the "nuisance tax" pack- In addition to Bursley, the
age. If the Democrats vote as a Speaker appointed House Major-
block, it would take only one Re- ity Floor Leader Allison Green (R-
publican to defeat the package and Kingston), Representatives Henry
there are many dissenting Repub- H. Hogan, Jr. (R-Birmingham),
licans in the lower chamber. Walter Nakkula (R-Gladwin),
Changes Mind Gail Handy (R-Eau Claire), Rus-
Geerlings is reneging on his ear- sell Hellman (D-Dollar Bay) and
lier statement that if an income Joseph Mack (D-Ironwood).
tax program was defeated, he In creating the committee, the
would introduce a wholesales tax House resolved that the Keweenaw
or other compromise measure Peninsula offers "the only accept-
rather. than a set of "nuisance able geographic location in the
taxes." continental United States for
Geerlings, noted, however, that north polar orbital shots, and this
the conservatives do not have the same area would be excellent for
necessary votes to pass any meas- high altitude rocket investigations,
ures in the Senate and for the which work could be further sup-