See Page 4 Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom DRIZZLES Fair and cooler today; thundershowers likely VOL LXX1I, No. 156 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Presidents Consider Discrimination, NSA Bi Te Stdents LeaderCondemn By ELLEN SILVERMAN and BUEL TRAPNELL The Big Ten Student Body Presidents yesterday passed resolu- tions on discrimination in student organizations, on the United States National Student Association and agreed upon a plan to exchange information regularly on topics that are of general interest to the Sschools. They agreed to "reaffirm the principle that no student organi- zation or other student group should be allowed to restrict member- Alles Announce Accord on Pla To Share US. Atomic Unity Plans For Europe ATHENS (P)-A sharp and per- sistent split among the six Com- mon Market nations has again de- Eropean tpolitical union rofficia sources said yesterday. A six-nation experts' meeting scheduled yesterday was can- celled, and European officials' said there would be no session along- side the annual NATO Spring Conference. At best, they said, there would possibly be some talks aimed at narrowing, if possible, the differ- ences on the shape and powers of a future European political au- thority-. Issue of Great Britain This issue, and the question of whether Britain should be invited to sit on current political negotia- tions, deadlocked the foreign ministers of the six countries held last month in Paris. The ministers said then they *would take advantage of their presence in Athens to continue dis- cussions on the problem which pit- ted Belgium and Tihe Netherlands against France, West Germany, Italy, and Luxembourg. To Meet Again However, the six ministers will mneet again next week in Brussels as part of negotiations with Lon- don on Britain's possible entry into may then be able to resume ta.ks on the political issue. In negotiations thus far, France', West Germany and Italy, with support from Luxembourg, have held out for a loose confederation, short of European union. Each member would wield a veto on important Issues.Hoan hae Belgium and Hlad av sought a tighter, more federal- type structure to which member states would delegate a portion of sovereignty. This would be pat- terned after the existing steel-coal pool and the Common Market, where decisions are made by a majority vote. ADA ejects Southern Move As 'Vindictive' WASHINGTON (AP)-Americans feo Dmocratic Action yestra A and callous the sending of Negroes to the North with one-way tickets by segregationist7 groups in the The liberal organization's new national chairman, John P. Roche, chairman of the politics depart- ment at Brandeis University, is- sued a statement which said.:' "The Citizens' Councils of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Little Rock and Montgomery who are shipping --or preparing to ship-human be- ings out of the South have reached the height of vindictiveness. ADA viewg with abhorrence these ac- tions of the Councils and their eploitation of human beinngs for tions.. "The fact that these travelers may, in the long run, lead fuller and better lives because of their move does not diminish the sordid- ness of the act of the Citizens Councils. For them to use fellow humani beings as pawns in their own fight against civil rights is the most base form of callousness " Roche called for the full utli- ization of fair housing ordinances, low income housing programs and the recently enacted Federal re- training program to help in the "slto of the economic and social problems resulting from the uner. migration of Southern Ne- pship on the basis of race or color; or on the basis of religion or na- tional origin, unless such a criter- ion is judged, by an appropriate of the organiation and is coss tent with the goals of the univer- sity." Define NSA Functions The presidents, expressing con- fidence that NSA can advance the welfare of college students, also stated that they believe, "the pri- mar'y function of NSA 'is to pro- vide worthwhile service programs on the local, regional, national and iernational levies.". The resolution said, however, that NSA's service function need not detract from its vital but over- emphasized task of expressing student opinion. "It is our intention to re-evalu- ate periedlically our participation in NSA," the resolution coneluded. Discrimination Exchange The presidents also approved a plan to exchange Information on discrimination policies, student services, the student's role in pol- icy making, recognition of student organizations, student judiciaries, policies on women's hours and NSA services. Student body presidents attend- ing the conference were Michael Donovan Indiana University: Mark Schantz, State University of Iowa; 3Robert Howard, Michigan State University; Norman Uphoff, University of Minnesota; James Gross, Ohio State University; Her- bert Louk, Purdue University; and Steve Stockmeyer, '63. Two Sessions ' They met along with other dele- gates in the morning to discuss several topics of student concern. In the afternoon, they held a closed session during which the resolutions were passed, while the rest of the delegates continued discussions in another room. In the morning session, there was a consensus that, in most cases, regulation of speakers and speeches is detrimental to an aca- demic community and ought to be eliminated. Two delegates pointed out that their schools, Minnesota and SUI, have no policy limiting those who' tnay speak at the institution. Speaker Bans At OSU, Gross said, a civil lib- erties union speaker was sched- uled, but the president postponed the speech {Indefinitely. Student government is protesting this ac- tion, and the faculty has set a meeting with a vice-president to discuss the issue. Turning to another area, all of the delegates supported in theory a plan whereby a student paying in-state fees at one Big Ten insti- tution would be able to spend his junior year at another school in the Big Ten without having to pay a higher tuition. Exchange of stu- dents would be reciprocal. This would reduce the economic barrier facing students who wish to attend another school for a year to take specialized courses in in theirs field of concentration or wish to take classes from cer- tamn professors. GOV. JOHN B. SWAINSON ...attacks Republicans DETROIT (P)-Vowing to expose what he termed "the disgraceful Republican record of obstruction- ism and reaction,'' Gov. John B. Swainson declared formally last night his intention to seek re- election this year. - Swainson's decision, which had been anticipated, was announce d in a fiery Jefferson-Jackson Day speech in which he told a gather- ing of Michigan Democrats: "The record proves that the GOP (in Michigan) has been and is today a cabal of unreconstructed reactionaries, a band of economic freebooters, wvhich has throttled progress, cut into the vitals of democracy in Michigan and chok- ed every constructive effort to solve the problems facing us." Swainson said .he did not know what the product of the state's current constitutional convention will be, but added: "I would like to go on record at this time to assert that if the convention does not produce a just and fair reapportionment of our state legislative districts, I will do all in my power to see to ft that the document is rejected by the people of Michigan. "I would do this reluctantly, but I would do it in the knowledge that unless we return government to the voters, we will have avoided the crucial challenge facing us. Anticipate Vote OnFinal Draft Of Constitution LANSING -Co Co dele- gates are expected to take their final vote on the proposed com- pleted document Friday and mi- nority Democrats may object to its approval. . The convention will begins the third reading of the proposed doc- ument's 12 articies tomorrow and plan to spend three days on it. The draft will be sent Thursday to a Styles and Drafting Commit- tee for rewriting third reading changes into the document. Democrats failing to get provi- sion for separate approval of sec- tions by voters accepted by the convention may be forced to vote against the entire document Fri- day. The convention hopes to adjourn until Aug. 1 when they will re- convene for a formal session. "Delegates have done a ter- rific job," Con-con president Ste- phen Nisbet commented. "They have devoted considerable time and effort and have come up with a good constitution." Send Polaris For NATO Americanis Suggest More Ground Troops ATHENS (11P) -Five United States missile-armed Polaris sub- marines were assigned yesterday to the defenses of the. Atlantic Alliance and more will be available as they come into service, Sec- retary of Defense Robert S. Mc-. Namara announced yesterday. powred Polarisisubmarinues we placed under North Atlantic Treaty Organization command as of yesterday. The disclosure came at a secretl meeting of NATO defense andc foreign ministers. Eight in Service Eight of the submarines are inr service, including five on stationr in the eastern Atlantic. Nineteer others are under construction or See Related Story, Page 3 - -Daily-Kenneth Winter ATHENS-Like the Delian League of ancient times, the alliance of the West meets to consider its defense against the East. Instead of dealin'g in galleyships and cavajrymen, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization heard the United States offer Polaris sub- :marines and atomic secrets to its allies. (The two North American members of NATO - the United States and Canada - are not shown on the map.) under contract. Each of the Polaris submarines carries 16 missiles armed with nuclear warheads. The submarines will remain un- der operational United States com- mand at every level, while under NATO defense assignments. The United States promised to consult its allies before changing the as- sibnments. The five submarines would be- come part of the NATO Atlantic Ocean commanid, under U. S. Adm. R. L. Dennison.Ahriy Since the submarines will re- main under United States coin- mand, their assignment to NATO duties will not run afoul of the United States law which vests solely in the president authority for handling and use of nuclear weapons. The United States pledged to put its entire Atlantic fleet of Polaris submarines at the disposal ofl NATO as they are commissioned. The United States will build 41 Polaris submarines, most of them for duty in the Atlantic. The Polaris offer bolstered American appeals for the Western allies to beef up their conven- tional ground forces, which the United States considers an essen- tial part of any deterrent force. The Polaris missile is a com- plete weapons system designed to deliver a nuclear warhead to a target several thousand miles away from a submerged submarine. The possible introduction of this weapons system to the NATO bases caused much concern and demonstrations among B r i t i s h pacifists. TWA, APA Avert TraendO Stike O WASHINGTON GP) - Negotia- tors for Trans World Airlines and the Airline Pilots Association an- nounced agreement early this morning on a new contract, avert- ing a walkout. Leverett Edsards, hcairman of the national mediation board, who sat in on the final talks said it was "an excellent agreement." A state- ment will be issued today. IHOPES TO VOID:- Tax Comite Plan To File Six-Point Suit By PHILIP SUTIN SThe Vigilence Tax Committee plans to file a six-point suit in Wayne County Circuit Court next week as part of its drive to void the Detroit City income tax. The group continued its pressure campaign to force Governor John B. Swainson to sign the Bowman bill which prohibits cities from taxing non-residents. The committee, at a Garden City meeting yesterday, approved carryng the IKennedyhAdmi tion's political blessing, sn primary opposition last ni win his way into the June 2 for the Democratic nominat governor. Connally, former Secret the Navy in the Kennedy c and close political associ son rolle up dan substanti gin over five opponents. Two of these still were b it out In a nip-and-tuck fi oppose him in thes runoff. Surprising Race Don Yarborough, 36-y Houston attorney backed b ty liberals and union eade: edge over Gov. Price Daniel ing an unprecedented fourti Among three other asj dumped overboard was Mai. Gen. Edwin A. Wal John Birch Society membe campaigned as an extremi was proud of it. Partial returns from 172 counties, with 37 complete Connally 170,272, Yarb 15,557, Darniel 97,285, 58,280, State Atty. Gen. Wi son 66,950 and former State way Commissioner M a r Formby 55,978. Claim Victory On the basis of somewha ger returns, James Cox, Br ridge oil man, claimed he h~ the Republican nomination pose the man finally pick the Democrats June 2. Cox, a former Democra opposed by Roy Whit te Amarillo rancher and borge lisher, who trailed throughc returns. C 0 n n a 11l y, 45-year-oh Worth attorney who m Johnson's unsuccessful bid: 1960 Democratic presidentia ination, was jubilant at th come of his first personal 1 office. Gratifying Lead He said he was gratified "leading in the liberal cc conservative counties and ate counties -- in the big and in the small towns." Yarborough, no kin to Ralph Yarborough (D-Tex.) his surprise showing in ea southern Texas, where Dan maintained his prime p strength. Sert (To Furnish eOn Weapons Ministers Consider Confidential Estimate nnsta- OfWestern Strength aashed ATHN ('-The Western Al- ght to Ilies approved yesterday a far- runoff reaching American plan to share ion for atomic secrets, then turned to evaluating their- military strength along the frontiers of the Coin ary of munist world. abie o The foreign and defense minis- John-f ters of the 15-nation Atlantic Pact m ar accepted a United States offer to 1furnish tactical and strategic nu- attling clear information thus far stamped ght to "top secret." In principle, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization also agreed to formalize guide lines on the ear-old possible. use of tactical atomic y par- weapons in a- war. rs, ran Concerns Targets seek- IThe secret information concerns h term, such delicate matters as possib1e :irants targets, technical evaluation of the former destructive capabilities of various ker, a weapons but not data on actual ~r who bomb constructions. st who Following Western agreement Friday to support President John of 254 F. Kennedy's diplomatic probe of ,gave Soviet intentions on Berlin, the orough atomic accord completed the sec- Walker ond masjor task set for this year's 11 Wil- annual spring policy review by High- NATO. s h a II Having completed this business, the ministers went, into a. more restricted secret session to discuss t mea- evaluations of Western and Soviet 'ecken- strength. Most of their aides were ad won excluded. to op- Outline Troop Strength ~ed by An informed source, while de- -dcining to go into detail, said the t, was session ranged over an up-to-date n~burg, outline of troop strength facing 'r pub- Russia, counterespionage problems ~ut the and the continuing lag in NATO'S buildups of conventional forces. d Fort United States Defense Secretary anaged Robert S. McNamara reportedly for the made a strong plea for the build- 1 nom- up in NATO's conventional forces. ie out- These, he contends, are just as bid for vital as nuclear forces in any ef- fective deterrent. Detailed Discussions he was Informed speculation Indicated unties, the ministers went into frank de- noder- tail in discussing the West's lag cities in bolstering conventional forces. Despite the buildup since Premier Sen. INikita S. Khrushchev precipitated ,made the Berlin crisis, NATO's troop st and strength still numbers only about iel has 25 divisions instead of the aimed- olitical for 30. The secret defense meetings came at the end of the session which started here two days ago. A final communique will be issued today after a morning session to approve the final text. State West's Determination . The communique will include, informed sources said, a firm statement of .Western determina- tion to maintain the freedom of DaeWest Berlin. But it will also cx- * ael tend an 'olive branch' to en- thea curage negotiated settlements Swith the Soviet Union on a nu- clear test ban, Berlin and dis- th thw 1armament, the sources added. posses- The agreement on sharing atom- he Big ic information among the allies was contained in a report that n both was presented by NATO Secre- marksThe report was greeted with n their general acceptance save for Italy a full and France. French Foreign Minister Maur- ice Couve de Murville, reflectn Presient harle de aulleside the filing of the class-action su 'Maize~ Wins Fosh Contest The Maize Team won the tra- ditional contest of Frosh Weekend last night at the League Ballroom. The team's original skit "La Maiza Grande" depicted the love of an Indian maiden Jaundice, for a new frontiersman who stumbles into her Maizetex camp. After her tribe nearly kills her lover, the cowboys and Indians re- solve their feud, and agree to be friends, singing "Cowboys and In- dians Should Be Friends." The Blue team's skit "Sky Blue Chip's Stock" showed the love of a gangster for his chorus girl friend Daisy West. Frosh Weekend is an annual evnt esponsored by the Women's add spirit to the freshman class. It is organized at the end of the fall semester. Women petition for I the various positions including Chairman, who organizes al e- forts. Their work culminates in a dance and presentation of the skits, for which awards are given. it by 40 to 50 non-residents of 'Detroit who work in the city. The suit questions Detroit's right to pass the tax as there is a lack of enabling state legislation, as the 'tax violates the home-rule provisions- of the state constitu- tion and as there is no authority for it in the Detroit City Charter. It calls the tax unconstitutional on the basis of equal proteetion and due process sections. of the Bill of Rights. The committee resolution urging Swainson to'sign the Bowman bill was presented to Swainson by Rep. John Bowman (D-Roseville), its author, at a Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner both attended. -"If each side would pass a city income tax, it would create chaos." By JOHN SCOCHIN Behind John Kerr's three hitter in the first game and Roebuck's six hit allowance in the nightcap the Michigan b~ team downed Michigan State 4-0 and 14-1 yesterday to sweep a game series * The Wolverine victories coupled with the Illinois split wi Noirthwe stern Wildcats in their tw in bill gives Michigan sole sion of first place atop t] Ten standings. . Going into today's actio teams were tied with 6-1 but the Illini's 4-3 setback i nightcap puts Michigan game ahead. ;.-n rwk Alexander Grant Ruthven, 1929-1951 By DAVID MARCUS "A LI HAD to do was keep the University in good shape and hand it over to Presi- dent Hatcher." But things weren't as simple as that sounds for former Pres- ident Alexander Grant Ruth- yen. Now 80 and living on his farm just outside Ann Arbor, President Ruthven took office during 1929 in the midst of a faculty feud over former Pre~si- dent Clarence Cook Little's pro- posed University college. That was to be the least of his worries. A depression, a war, a post- war enrollment boom and the When President Little re- signed, the Regents had no need of committees or long -search- ing for a successor; on Oct. 4, 1929, the Regents unanimously selected Ruthven. P RE SI DE NT Ruthven handled the faculty dispute simply and diplomatically; he turned it back to the faculty for further consideration of the university college's advis- ability and administration. Looking back at the contro- versy, he notes that President Little's proposal is "largely what we have today'' minus the 04f a vv, can-A In +1,a to the Legislature but on the whole the state was very fair during my regime and the Leg- islature took care of the Uni- versity." * * * IN SPITE of President Ruth- yen's efforts and the fairness of the Legislature, revenue be- gan falling substantially in 1932-33. In those days. the Uni- versity's appropriation we ~ based upon a percentage value of real estate in the state and appropriations were made out of a real estate tax. In 1933, President PRuthven went up to Lansing and con- vinced the Legislature to give auto magnate Henry Fotd. died, Ieaving the University $4 mil- lion for the construction of a graduate school. His widow, Mary A. Rackham, also helped the University out withi sub- stantial gifts running into the millions of dollars. The federal government also began to chip mn. Health Serv- ice, for example was consiruct- ed by the Work Projects Ad- ministration. THE NEXT major phase of President Ruthven's regime was World War II. The University cooperated with the armed covvir~'g wmrn mit itir trn in - Sophomore Kerr registered his termsinatinto blesde Ghis n- fifth straight win without a de- cle0ar re, termed the repor in- feat and stymied the Spartan tellectually dishonest," according batsen y neer llowng ru- to one informed source. It Is the batmenby eve alowig arunFrench view that the atom shar- ner o rachsecod should include technical mat- A six-run cushion supplied the Iter on bomb-building, which the Wolverines in the first two innings IUnited States refuses. of the second game, gave Dave________ Roebuck all the runs he needed to N r m h L t take his second decision in two N r m h L t days. The win made the Wolverine hurler the leading winner in the1. Conference with a 6-0 mark al- D e ai ee-G though he suffered one loss in non- Big Ten play. ACCRA, Ghana () -President ' Winning Run Kwame Nkrumah said in a nation- a