WGE TWO TUC MTCnTr A N n A lFir.V ~GE T O ~--~ - .'.- -" . Jm l ail p u r iL III A t i I W~'A~ SATURDAY, MAY 5, I962 GRADUATE POLICY: Ford Cites Qualifications For Foreign .Students Panel Cites Means To Better Lectures ~. mmommmommum" Michigan Tech c" By BARBARA PASH The same standards of admis- sion are applied to foreign stu- dents in the University graduate school as to American students who are non-residences of Michi- gan, Associate D e a n Robert S. Ford of the graduate school noted recently. Every student must have a good scholastic record in order to be eligible. "We don't have a mini- mum grade point average, as in some graduate schools. However, the probablq minimum is from B to B plus," he explained. Before a foreign student is ac- cepted by the graduate school, he must pass an English language test. This test is given by the English Language Institute in the student's home country. Cites Credentials Among the f o r e i g n students' necessary credentials are his aca- demic record, a passing grade on the English examination and an affidavit noting that he has ade- quate financial backing to, sup- port himself for a year in the United States. "After a year, fellowships may be awarded to foreign students with a strong scholastic record," he continued. One of the major problems in the graduate school is trying to determines the equivalency of in- stitutions of higher education abroad with the University's standards. "We accept foreign stu- dents when it is determined that they have the equivalent of a four year Bachelor's degree and a good academic record," he said. Most graduate degrees are ad- ministered through Rackham. Each department in a, college, however, has its own committee which determines the acceptability of the foreign applicants. Advanced Degrees "The graduate school is too big to have just one committe examin- ing every foreign applicant. We offer advanced degrees in more than 100 fields of specialization," Ford noted. He explained that there is no quota system in either the number of foreign students from each na- tion or the number of graduate students in each department. The high admission standards are enough to restrict the number of graduates. The University receives many applicants from foreign students desiring to do their graduate train- ing here. "The reputation of the Univer- sity abroad must be very good. Our alumni overseas are v e r y active." he said. Of all the completed applica- tions which the graduate school receives, roughly 30-40 per cent are accepted. The difference in educa- tional systems is usually a prob- lem to which the foreign stu- dents must adjust, and they do very rapidly, Ford commented. Foreign universities tend to have less rigid requirements and the students are more on their own. They usually have only one exam a year, have very few term papers and are not r e q u i r e d to go to classes. "But the foreign students seem to like our more rigorous system of education," Ford explained. By DENISE WACKER A four-man panel moderated by Prof. Arthur M. Eastman of the English department Thursday ex- plored m e a n s of improving in- structors' presentations of infor- mation, particularly in large lec- tures. Prof. Edgar E. Willis of the speech department opened the dis- cussion w it h an explanation of "How To Make a Good Lecture." He asserted that everyone, with or without f o r m a 1 training in speech making, knows the basics of captivating an audience, "but un- fortunately many fail to put them into good action." He said there are three quali- ties which every good lecturer must Exodus to Vaughan possess: c 1 a r i t y; delivery ("ad- dressing students on their own level is necessary"); and memora- bility. Television Uses Prof. Richard D. Judge of the medical school, cited the recent advances in instructional uses of television. He said that while this medium is restricted because of the large expense and technical difficulties, its use is quite desirable because "the versatility, magnification abi- lity, realism and privacy of tele- vision enable it to be used a a fun- nel through which educators can pour any information we have." Prof. Ford L. L e m I e r of the audio-visual center illustrated to the audience means of enabling students to participate as directly as possible to lectures. Graphs Needed To make meanings clear, re- inforcements are sometimes neces- sary. Clarity is the quality of a good teacher-words alone are not always sufficient. What re- source is then left? Graphs, charts, television, films, film strips and the like," Prof. Lemler said. Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer of the speech clinic discussed control of the voice and the importance of this control in delivering an effec- tive speech. "It is important to look at the audience when one addresses them," he commented. "Whether or not you should talk at all is a moral question and one into which I won't go. But if you are asking, you are obliged to be as good as possible to your audi- ence." Council Hears Committee's Waiver Report Jesse McCorry, grad, chairman of the Student Government Coun- cil Committee on Membership in Student Organizations, issued a statement recently saying that the Sigma Nu waiver obtained from its national does not neces- sarily indicate compliance with Council's policies of membership selection. The statement, read at Wed- nesday's Council meeting, s a y s that provisions and terms of the waiver are only some of the fac- tors the committee takes into con- sideration when studying a waiver. He noted theswaiver does not exclude the chapter from being called up for a violation on occasion. Such violations might include discrimination strictly on the local level or the beginning of subtle pressures from the na- tional. The Council passed a motion on Homecoming which jointly dele- gates the responsibility for the weekend to the Michigan League and the Michigan Union for one year. After the year has passed, the organizations may decide to relinquish or continue to accept the responsibility. The motion was introduced by Union President Robert Finke, '63. Susan B r o c k w a y, '63Ed, and Charles Mann, '64, have been selected as co-chairmen by the League and Union for next fall's Homecoming. DIAL 2-6264 1 lllip mt niulllin hI gh p ntlh 011I ill i~t11 'A Iwo (Continued from Page 1) only' 36 of the 3,000 students on the main campus at Houghton and at a branch at Sault Ste. Marie are taking mining courses. Electri- cal, civil and mechanical engin-' eering now claim a majority of the school's enrollment. While Tech students do arrive on campus toting extra jackets and overshoes, coveralls and min- ing boots no longer prevail. Name Changes That our to draft would be The misconception, however, does prevail. Tech officials are try-j ing to quell this in part by chang-j ing the name from Michigan Col- lege of Mining and Technology to Michigan College of Science and, Technology. Officials feel this; would more accurately reflect Tech's current academic and re- search programs. Van Pelt believes the misconception has adversely affected the growth of the school's{ physical facilities. Mathematics and physics courses are conducted in the campus' first building, erected in 1890. TheI school's library, a 1907 structure, possesses seating facilities for only three per cent of the students in- stead of a recommended 25-33 per cent. In addition, more than one- third of the instruction is being1 given in condemned, temporary or< obsolete buildings. While Tech's physical plant is valued at $27 million, only $9.5 million represent state funds, ac- cording to Van Pelt. Through self- liquidating bonds, apartments for married students and two men's dormitories have been built. A stu- dent union was built in 1952, also without benefit of taxpayer money. Research Programs Tech provides contributions to the state, meanwhile, through its many research programs. In the Institute of Mineral Research, new and improved uses of the state's mineral resources are being sought with the view of increasing industry -and employment. A new process offering hope to the state's sulphide copper mining industry has recently been developed there. A $12 millionCelotex plant, em- ploying 200 persons in the L'Anse area, results from research con- ducted by Tech's Forestry Pro- ducts Research Center. The cen- ter, occupying a temporary war- time barracks-type building, oper- ates under a legislative dictate to seek new products for the utiliza- tion of the Upper Peninsula's timber. The school's metallurgy depart- ment is pressing research under a $27,000 grant into the impurities of metal, while the mining depart- ment is working on a device to split rock by electric force. By means of the di-electric rock breaking, the mining industry would be provided a more efficient way of shattering ore. Humanities Courses "Some 20 per cent of the courses, however, revolve around the hu- manities," Van Pelt says. Rather than superficially s k i m m i n g courses, a few courses are studied in depth. Next fall, Tech plans to introduce a course leading to a master's degree in business ad- ministration. Registrar Thomas C. Sermon predicts an 80 per cent increase in enrollment between now and 1971, provided adequate classroom and laboratory space can be made available. Because of a lack of funds and a lack of space, the Tech board of control last sum- mer adopted a policy limiting main campus enrollment to the 1960 fall quarter level. This resulted in the highest rejection rate since the "GI bulge" immediately after World War II. Budget requests for the coming year amount to $3.82 million for the Houghton campus and $62,850 for the Sault Ste. Marie' campus. These requests comprise parts of a requested five year campus de- velopment program amounting to $21.4 million. A formal request for constitu- tional status has been presented to the education committee of the constitutional convention by Judge Joseph M. Donnelly, chairman of Tech's Board of Control. Judge Donnelly explains that constitu- tional status would provide flexi- bility in planning essential to the continued orderly growth of the school. Tech, operating on the quarter system, lists its total charges for tuition, board, room, fees and books for the fall, winter, and spring quarters at $1,047. Dance To End Frosh Games NOW! i I I I 1I ' llul. 4 ;iB 1 h I 7 11 Q ,illl'llli nlld li;l'' IIII iflID llll l lli lll or Survival Under Mutually-Constituted World Low? Write, uh huh, World Constitution if you need to know more . . . but how about your cousin, your friends, everyone able to take up arms for the right each human has to continue the race?? World Constitution 2310 No. 15th Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. DIAL 5-6290 "Disney does it again-A fast-moving riotous comedy of a timely subject, replete with witty dialogue."-Times : udgmn -Nrm ~~TECHMCOLR Soon: "Judgement at Nuremberg" DID YOU KNOW? nation has been invited to participate in a CONVENTION a WORLD CONSTITUTION?? That this CONSTITUTION offered for ratification by all nations of the world? WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO SETTLE FOR?? An End to It All by Mutual Suicide ? ? i NOW I T DIAL 8-6416 "'A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE' is the first strong American film of 1962 and may well remain one of the year's best!" -N. Y. Herald-Tribune THE BOLDEST VIEW OF LIFE YOU HAVE EVER SEEN! I - -Daily-Ed Langs GEDDES MOVE-The residents of Geddes Co-op last Sunday were moved by the University to Victor Vaughan Dormitory. Two weeks before they were informed of the move by the Dean of Women's office. It was necessary because architects working on the Oxford- Geddes Project learned last month that the construction of the new dormitories would require more time than anticipated, and that Geddes, located on the project site, had to be razed during the first week in May. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- aity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SATURDAY, MAY 5 General Notices 'I Fulbright Awards for university lec- turing and advanced research have been announced for 1963-64 in Europe, the Near East, Far East, Africa and South Asia. Those applying must be S *s U.S. citizens; for lecturing, must have a minimum of one year of college teach- ing experience; for research, a doctoral degree or recognized professional stand- ing; in certain cases, a knowledge of the language of the host country. For appli- cation forms and additional informa- tion write to: Conference Board of As- sociated Research Councils, Committee on International Exchange of Persons, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington 25, D.C. Deadline for filing an application for these countries is Aug. 1, 1962. In- i formation is also available locally at the Fellowship Office, 110 Graduate School. BAHA'I WORLD FAITH DEVOTIONAL SERVICE "'In order to find truth we must give up our prejudices ,*, . A rose is beautiful in whatsoever garden it may bloom! ... We must not allow our love for any one religion ... so to blind our eyes that they become fettered by superstition." -Baha'i Writings DEVOTIONS: Readings from the Scriptures of the Major World Religions SPEAKER: Jeanne Frankel, Baha'i pioneer in Asia and Australia SUNDAY, May 6, 1962 at 10:30 A.M. Ann Arbor Community Center 625 N. Main im- J S.G.C. TONIGHT and Sunday at 7 and 9 Robert Ruark's SOETHING OF VLUE Rock Hudson, Sidney Poitier, Dr. Harry Doukas, Program Director for National Science Foundation Grad- uate Fellowships will be available from 11 a.m. to 12 noon on Wed., May 9, in 118 Rackham Bldg., to meet any 1961-62 or 1962-63 N.S.F. Fellows who have problems they wish to discuss. Advance appointments are not necessary. Graduating Seniors place your order for caps and gowns now at Moe's Sport Shop, 711 North University. Phi Beta Kappa Initiation Ceremony will be held on Thurs., May 10 at 4:00 p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Banquet at the Michigan Union (An- derson Room), at 7:00 p.m., the same day. Reservations for banquet should be made immediately at the office of the Secretary-Treasurer, Hazel Losh, Observatory, ext. 659. Commencement Exercises-June 16 To be held at 5:30 p.m. either in the Stadium or Yost Field House, depend- ing on the weather. Exercises will con- clude about 7:30 p.m. All graduates as of June 1962 are eli- gible to participate. Tickets: For Yost Field House: Two to each prospective graduate, to be dis- tributed from Tues., June 5, to 12:00 noon on Saturday, June 16, at Cashier's Office, first floor of Administration Building. For Stadium: No tickets nec- essary. Children not admitted unless accompanied by adults. (Continued on Page 4) ORGANIZATION NOTICES Graduate Outing Club, Hike, May 6, 2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron St. en- trance. India Students Assoc., Film: "Anari," May 5, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphithea- tre. English synopsis will be available. ;.mHOPLANTEDThEBAmrE-FuAo ABOVEIwo JIMA..,AND PLANTED A MIGHTY LEGEND IN THE HEARTS OFTHE WORLDI ''I Feature starts at 1:10-3:10-5:10 & 9:10 ........._..... r aaar.r ue-r nra r rs . .. r a a. r. "Tareyton's Dual Filter in duas partes divisa est!" ACTIVATED CHARCOAL.. says veteran coach Romulus (Uncle) Remus. "We have a INNER FICTER saying over at the Coliseum-'Tareyton separates the gladia- _x:....: