AY 4,1962 THE MICHIGAN ,DAILY PACE AL 44%AAy w !ant :. Cooley Judie Sus ended After Fight By ANDREW ORLIN The Judiciary of Cooley House was suspended Monday night by the Resident Advisor, Ronald' Montaperto, after a water fight between the third and fourth floors. "We have a discipline problem," Montaperto said, "and although the Judiciary has tried to deal with it, they have not been effective," Since the. Judiciary had failed to maintain the necessary aca- demic atmosphere, he suspended it in order to put an end to the lax attitude of the house members. John Gillette, assistant resi- dent advisor of the East Quad House, said speedy action was necessary in order "to prevent a retaliatory attack by the third floor on the fourth." "Since it was suspended for this case, it was felt that it would have to be sus- pended for thle rest of the year," he added. Many of the students agreed with Montaperto that the Judi- ciary had been ineffective in keep- ing order. This was especially so on the third and fourth floors. Marvin Dees, chairman of the House Judiciary, stated that all the offenders who came up before the house organ were from either the third or fourth floors. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Home Ec., Jr. HS Sci., Comm., Latin/ French, Engi.................... Northville, Mich. - Elem., Sp. Corr., HS or Elem., Libr., Elem. and Jr. HS Art, Jr. HS Sci./Math, 'Girl's PE; HS Biol., Comm./Engl., Sci./Math, HS Couns. (woman). ' Tues-, May s: Flint, Mich. (Carmen Sch. Dist.) - Fields not announced yet. Lake Orion, Mich. - Elem., Elem. Vo- cal, Sp. Corr., Type A; HS Engl., Engl./ Journ., Phys./Chem., Voc. Home Ec. St. Joseph, Mich. Wed-, May 9: Parchment, Mich. - Elem. HS Guid., Type A, Jr. HS Ind. Arts/PE/Coach, HS Vocal Music, 7/8th grade Sci./Coach. Rochester, Mich. - Elem. Vocal, Elem. PE; Typing, Jr. HS Home Ec., Libr., Ind. Arts; HS Bus. Arith., Comm. Co-op., Home Ec./Art. Thurs., May 10: Algonac, Mich. - Elem.; Jr. HS Math/ PE (No coach); French/Engl.. Home Ec., Type A, Sp. Corr. Fri., May 11: Oak Lawn,_. 1ll. - (Hometown Pub. Schs.) - Elem., Girl's PE, Gen. Sci., Lang. Arts, SS/Lang. Arts. For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 Stu- dent Activities Bldg. 663-1511, Ext. 3547. Summer Placement: 212 SAB Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.: Stu- dents having completed Sophomore year or more in Mechanical or Electri- cal Engineering eligible for position in design and development. Information at 128-K West Engineering Bldg. Position-,Openings: Walter G. Anderson & Assoc., Minne- apolis, Minn. - Careers in Graphic Arts - Marketing, Sales, Mgmt., Ac- counting, Art, etc. for graduating sen- iors, Applications and literature avail- able at Bureau of Appts. YWCA, New York, N.Y. - Many and various position openings throughout the U.S., including: Exec. Dirs.; Ass't, Dirs.; Health, Educ. and Rec. Prog. Dirs.; Group Work Prog. Dirs. Most of these positions require womnen with at least two or three yrs. of related exper- Are some interesting opportunities for '62 grads. U.S. Civil Service, 7th Region, Chi- cago, Ill. - Posi'tions as Accountant and Auditor for Options, Acc't., Audit- ing, Indust. Cost, and Acc't. systems. Locations in Midwest. BBA plus two yrs. related exper. or MBA plus one yr. exper. (Grades GS-9 to GS-12). Also need Typists and Stenographers in Chi- cago and Washington, D.C. New Departure, Div. of General Mo- tors, Sandusky, Ohio - Project Engr. (Gas Bearings) - BS in Mech.'Engrg. Also Research Engr. (Spin Axis Bear- ings). - BS or MS Mech. or Electrical Engrg. or Physics with grade average of B or better. Engr. exper, preferred in field of precision instruments. (Mini- mum of one to two yrs.) Smithsonian Astrophysical Observa- tory - Cambridge, Mass. - Overseas positions with world wide satellite tracking system for men with bkgrd. in Astronomy, Physics, Engrg., or special trng. in Navigation, Electronics, Mech., as Observers or Station Chief. Round- trip travel for family covered under Gov't. contract. For further information,- please call General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. Part-Time Employment The following part-time lobs are available. Applications for these lobs can be made in the Part-time Plaee- ment Office, 2200 Student Activities Building, during the following hours: Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring students for part-time or full-time temporary work, should call Bob Hodges at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 2200, daily. MALE 1 Recreational Therapist. Must be able to improvise. 10 hours per week, some evenings and weekends. 1 Architect who is from the Architec- ture and Design Dept. or Commercial Art. Must be a Junior or better. 1 Ann Arbor resident to sell insur- ance. %/-time during school, Full-time during summer and vacations. 1 to do yardwork through the sum- mer. Must have your own equipment. All day Saturday. 3 Engineering students to do apart- ment maintenance in exchange fhr rooms with private bath. (Quiet stu- dious boys). No cooking, drinking or parties. Must be available for two or three 'years, summer and winter. 1 to wash walls and paint them. Must be experienced. FEMALE Recreational Therapist. Must be able to improvise 10 hours per week, some evenings and weekends. Saleswomen with experience. 2 part- time and 1 full time. Must be able to work during the summer and have transportation. For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4736 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'till 11:30 A.M. BUSINESS SERVICES A FRIEND of mine had a score of 265 at the miniature bowling alley at the SCHWABEN INN, 215 S. Ashley He also ate a great big Schwaben-Burg- er. Meet your friends here for fun. J20 Herb David GUITAR STUDIO. Instru- ments and instruction. Guitars, lutes, dulcimer, harpsichord, ude, banjo etc. Ancient & modern, hand made & commercial instruments. Repairs. 209 S. State. NO 5-8001. F6 HI-FI, PHONO TV, and radio repair. Clip this ad for free pickup and de- livery. Camous Radio and TV, 325 E. Hoover. NO 5-6644. J24 BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at the official Michigan ring. Burr-Pat- terson and Auld Co. 1209 South Uni- versity, NO 8-8887 Jil GUITAR AND BANJO INSTRUCTION Beginner and advanced. Individ- ual and small workshop groups. Classical, folk, popular. Call 663- 6942. J20 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS. GI rARS AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUIL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington NO 2-1834 COEDS: While you're having a FREE cup of coffee, why not have your HAIR DONE at the . VOGUE BEAUTY SALON 300 S. Thayer in the concourse of the Bell Tower Now featuring the Hair-do of the month- THE LADY FAIR Call NO 8-8384, also evenings by appointment - Experienced Hair Stylists J24 B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation SNASUPR CL UA UBN D May 6, Conveniently at 6:00 p.m.- between The May Festival's Matinee and Evening Concerts Outdoors on the Terrace-weather permitting WANTED TO RENT Kosher Delicatessan Open to the public 1429 Hill St. 1_ , , + ,,,,r+ .: w. ti . r: . "r It's DEEP TAN and DEEP TAN PLUS -Direct from Miami Beach for a beautiful tanl Many fait ladies who could never enjoy the sun now can stay in the sun all day ... while getting a beautiful tan without burning or drying the skin. Contains Lan. olin and Aloe. Available in 8 oz. bottles. $1.75 VOGUE Beauty Salon 300 S. Thayer, in the Bell Tower Concourse NO 8-8384 Baha'i Student Group, Discussion: "Baha'i Scriptures," May 4, 8 p.m., 418 Lawrence. * * * India Students Assoc., Film Show: OAnari," May 5, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheatre. An English synopsis will be available. " * * Newman Club, After-Lent Dance, May 4, 8:30 p.m., 331 Thompson. * * * WesleyanFoundation, Grads Dinner Meeting, May 4, 5:45 p.m., Pine Room. PLEASANT APARTMENT or small home. Furnished. At least 2 bedrooms. About June 15 to Aug. 15. Couple and 4-yr. old daughter. Have U. of M. references. Please write to William Cherniak: Chairman, Dept. of English, James- town Comunity College; Jamestown, N.Y. L14 WANTED-Apt. for two or three men. Close to campus. Contact M. Roberts, 250 Hinsdale,' E.Q., NO 2-4591, L? HELP WANTED SAILING AND TENNIS COUNSELOR positions available in well established private camp for boys. Call NO 2-4017. H5 WANTED-FEMALE HELP REGISTERED NURSE wanted for boys' summer camp in Northern Michigan. Ideal working conditions, June 16-Aug. 18. Write or call Kenneth W. Smith, Camp Charlevoix, 1922 Beaufait Road, Grosse Pointe 36, Mich. Telephone Tuxedo 1-0286. H4 SECRETARY FOR RESEARCH LIBRARY Competent, experienced girl, needed to work with administrative head of libraries. Good typing and shorthand skills essential. Excellent salary and benefits. Ideal working conditions. For further information, telephone NO 3-7585, Ext. 281. Parke, Davis & Co., 2800 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor. Mich. H3 WANTED FEMALE VOCALIST Pay-$200 per week Pepertoire-Blues, Gay 20's, Rock & Roll. Auditions-May 5-Eastern Michigan Univ. Buell Hall at 1 P.M. Joe Worzniak, manager of ELEC- TRAS, 213 Buell. H2 STUDENTS--For outside work, fall or part time,' or at vacation time, apply in person 224 South 1st. HI FOR RENT ON CAMPUS Men: Pleasant rooms available ford summer. Girls: Pleasant rooms avail- able for fall semester. NO 2-1443. C28 SUMMER-Men save money by living in Fraternity house. $60 for summer. Call NO 2-7409. C8 SUMMER-Furn'd apt. for 3 or 4 with parking. Close to campus. Call NO 2- 7409. C7 SUMMER FUND apt. for 3 or 4 with parking. Close to campus. Call NO 2- 7409. C6 SUMMER SUBLET furnished modern 3- bedroom, 2 bath apt. for 5 or 6. Air cond. S. Univ. Call 3-6325 after 5. C SUMMER-Modern apt. w/air cond. for 3 or 4. Near campus. $170/mo. NO 5- 0988. C8 21 ROOM APT., perfect for couple, or single person. Available in June. 665-0432 after 5. C27 AVAILABLE IN JUNE: One room effi- ciency furnished apartment. Close to campus. NO 3-4325. C20 SUMMER-Redecorated apt. for three. 1005 Packard. $145/mo. includes gar- age. Call NO 2-9181. CS ON CAMPUS. Now. taking applications for summer and fall furnished apart- ments and parking. Call NO 2-1443. 12 FOR RENT-attractive furn. apt, for girls or married couples. $95 to $135. 1 yr. lease beginning June or Sept. NO 3-2800. C10 701 SOUTH FOREST FURNISHED single rooms for men available June 15. Singles or doubles available for fall. Refrigerator, off street parking, weekly cleaning, two blocks from campus. Call' Mr. or Mrs. Scott, NO 2-9301, 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. C17 DO YOU REALLY believe in integrated housing? Do you want good housing at moderate cost? Do you want a beautiful new modern apartment? 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments. New reduced rents $72 00 to $92.00 per month. Call Willow Village Apartments, HU 3- 1253. C6 MODERN 4-MAN APT. available for summer. Central air conditioning, Two bedrooms, near campus. Reason- able rent, Call 5-7183. C41 FULLY AIR CONbITIONED 4-man apt. for summer. One block from campus. 665-4838. C27 2-MAN APT. FOR SUMMER-Close to campus. Ideal for hot weather. Call NO 5-5132. C26 SPACIOUS 9-room furnished apt. for summer. Sunporch, two minutes from campus. Ideal for four. Reasonable. NO 2-7604. C25 SUBLET: From June 1962 to Sept. 1963. Large seven-room house near campus and hospitals. NO 8-9060. 024 6-ROOM HOUSE for 3-6 students. Sum- mer (very low rent) or winter. NO 5-0881. C23 SHARP, modern furnished apartment for summer. Close to campus. Many extras: cool in summer, reduced rent. 662-4219. C19 SUMMER-Apt. for 3 or 4, air-condi- tioned, furnished, cheap. 1005 Packard, call NO 5-0174. C22 CAMPUS-HOSPITAL ARFA--3-4 persons furnished apartment on Walnut. NO 3-6357. C5 SUMMER-3 bedroom furnished house. Large yard, study, screen porch. NO 3-1102. C1 COEDS ONLY!-New Bldg. New nanish Mod. Furniture. Large Panelled living room, 3 Bdrms. Carpeting througnut. Near campus. June-Sept. Call 665- 7062 btwn. 5:00 and 7:30 P.M. 09 MEN AND WOMEN STUDENT APTS.- New modern, - furnished and unfur- nished 2-bedroom units now renting for summer and fall. Located 3 blocks from campus across from Intramural Bldg. 415 E. Hoover. Information 665- 3220 weekday evenings. C25 ANN ARBOR'S BEST APARTMENT- It has everything and is close to everything. Call NO 5-4351. Summer and/or fall. C39 BRAND NEW 1-bedroom furnished de- lux apartments. Air conditioned, for 2 or 3. NO 3-6357 for information. C37 TO RENT-Large modern furnished apt. for 3. Laundry facilities, disposal and parking lot. Two blocks from campus. Available June 1. NO 3-7106 after 7 p.m. C36 SUMMER-Modern apartment for 3, on campus with parking. Available June 10 2-9234. C32 LINES 2 3 4 ONE-DAY .70 .85 1.00 Figure 5 average words to a line Call Classified between 1 :00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. Phone NO 2-4786 FOR RENT WHITMORE LAKE-Large modern cot- tage. Available for rent June 1. Four bedrooms can sleep 10. Will rent by week, month, or season. Also available for 1962-63 school year at winter rates. Call HI 9-2387 or HI 9-7051. C54 EXQUISITE LUXURY two-bedroom apt. adjoining campus. Fully furnished. Sublet for summer at substantial sav- ings. 721 S. Forest, NO 2-7031. C47 SUMMER APT. New building. 2-bedroom newly furnished, fully carpeted. Gar- bage disposal and air conditioning facilities. On campus near both hos- pitals. Parking. 665-0366. C46 CONVENIENT, roomy, summer apt. for .3. Four rooms, kitchen, outdoor Bar B Q, sleeping porch, sundeck. Fully furnished. $130 mo. Call 5-0980 or come to 837 E. Univ. C48 AVAILABLE FOR SUMMER ONLY - Fully furnished apartment including utilities on two floors for 3-5 men. $130 mo. Call 665-5840. C?? NEW APARTMENTS Now renting for June 10 occupancy 2- and 3-bedroom furnished apts. at 1000 Dakland. Paneled living room, carpeted throughout, modern furni- ture from $200. Call Don Chisholm, NO 5-9114. SINGLE APT. for summer. Nea campus. NO 2-6128. C34 ONE-ROOM APARTMENT by week or month. Private beach. Herbert Poehle, Route 2, Box 218, Roscommon, Mich. Ph. Higgins Lake, Valley 1-6360. C35 SUMMER-Large 4-room furnished apt. Half block from campus. Perfect for 2 or 3. Sunporch included. NO 2-5385. C33 SUB-LEASE FOR SUMMER. Luxurious 3-bedroom, carpeted, furnished, new terrace apartment Walking distance to campus. $200 per month. 663-9831. C30 R BOR j SSOCIATES, REALTORS 1829 W. Stadium at Pauline NO 5-9114 C50 SUMMER-Very large furnished 5-room apartment. Near campus with yard, front and back porch and Bar-B-Q. Call NO 8-7561. C51 SUMMER-Apt. for two. 934 Greenwood. Call 5-7711, Ext. 6308 or 2-5553, Ext. 117 between 7-9 p.m. C53 LUXURY APARTMENT--Two bedrooms, furnished. Arbor Forest. Two blocks from campus. Available June 10. Call 5-9390. C52 JUNE AVAILABILITIES 3-bedroom house close to hospitals and campus, Good for four, five, or six students or nurses. 3 one-bedroom apartments furnished. Special Open House on these proper- ties this Saturday. Call for particulars, NO 2-7020. C40 MODERN AIR CONDITIONED for Sum- mer. Downstairs, 4-room apartment. Carport. Four male students, Upstairs 3-room apt. 3 male students. Call NO 2-3036 after 5 p.m. C42 SUMMER SUBLET - Large furnished house near campus for 4. Reasonable. Call NO 2-4591, Ext. 2060. C43 APARTMENTS FOR RENT - Limited number of efficency one- and two- bedroom apts. available in May, June, July to students and faculty. Apply at University Family Housing Office, 2364 Bishop St., North Campus. 662- 3169 or 663-1511, Ext. 3569.a 20 SUMMER APARTMENT for two. Modern, furnished. Close to campus. NO 5-0242 after 5. C21 LARGE Modern furnished apt. 2 bdrm. avail June 15. 721 Forest. 5-5942. C28 MODERN Summer Apartment for rent. Suitable for 4 people. 2 blocks from campus & hospital. NO 3-2104. 012 701 SOUTH FOREST THREE ROOM furnished apartment for men. Available June 15 for summer only. Off street parking, TV. two blocks from campus. Call Mr. or Mrs. Scott, NO 2-9301, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. C20 NEWLY FURNISHED 3-room apartment for summer. $125 plus electricity. 920 Catherine. NO 5-6242. 011 FANTASTIC SUMMER OFFER-2-man apartment, ultra modern, completely furnished, TV, disposal, balcony. $90 per month. NO 5-4391 after 7. 012 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS Newly furnished and redecorated apts. for summer or fall. Girls preferred. NO 3-7268. 018 SUMMER APT, for 2. Good location. Very reasonably priced. NO 2-1051. C28 PERSONAL TODAY is last day of Block Order Sales for Glee Club Concert May 12th. F1 WANTED - MALE planning to attend NYU law school in fall to share apt. ni N.Y. 663-7070. F28 KAREN: Don't worry about the Michi- fish you saw me with. I can't get a date with her because she's swimming in "The Sounds of Music" tonight. Tom F21 WANTED - MALE planning to attend NYU law school in fall to share apt. in N.Y. 663-7070. F27 THE PLEDGE CLASS of Alpha Epsilon Phi invites you to a philanthropic dinner, 1205 Hill St., Sunday, May 6, 5 to 7 p.m., admission 75c. F16 WANTED-Grad student to share fur- nished, luxury apartment for summer. Reasonable. Need car or bike. NO 2-0592 evenings. F7 JANICE, how about seeing "Sounds of Music" with me this weekend. I prom- ise I'll be good. Gary. F8 WANTED: 2 or 3 man apt. for summer. Call Andy or Gary at 2-5571. F17 DIAMONDS WHOLESALE--Save $100 to $500. Robert Haack Diamond Import- ers, First National Bldg., Suite 504, by appointment only. NO 3-0653. P21 WANTED-Two tickets to Russian pro- gram Saturday night. NO 3-8839: F24 ARE YOU IN POSSESSION of 4 clown costumes acquired at Michigras? Are they yours? If not, they are ours. Please call 5-8637. Reward offered. F20 1962 HOMECOMING Central Committee Petition can be obtained now at the Union and League. Petitions are due Friday, May 11. P15 WANTED - Two Office Managers for SGC. Work 5 hours per week. Call Ken Miller, 3-0553 or 2-4589 regarding sal- ary, etc. ' F26 PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINIC. Ad- vice of physician on birth control. Professional counsel on marriage problems. Clinic hours Tues., and Thurs. 7:30-9. 201 E. Liberty. Vall NO 2-9282. Additional medical clinic Mon. eve. 4:30-9. Thru April & May. F20 FOR SALE ONE ACRE, desirable country home site. Textile Road. Fertile, well-drained. Strawberry patch. Many trees inkclud- ing apricots in bloom. NO 5-7115, owner. Easy terms. B20 SALE of original paintings, drawings, prints. Very low prices. NO 8-9060. B19 FOR SALE - 2 bdrm. mobile home. Fence, awning, excellent cond. Only $1500. Call GE 8-8221. B11 SENIORS AND FINISHING GRADS- LAST CHANCE AT SPECIAL STUDENT RATES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPECIAL SIX-DAY RATE 3.48 4.20 4.95 LOST AND FOUND FOUND-Student's horn-rimmed glasses at Michigan European Car. A10 LOST-Glasses in brown case between Betsy Barbour and Thompson St. 665-7539, Curtis Slaughter. A9 FOUND-Lady's gold wrist watch. Call NO 2-7514 after 5. Please notify Daily also.A LOST-Lady's gold wrist watch with black cord band Tues., April 17 on campus between Univer. Museums Building and Angell Hall. A BIKES and SCOOTERS 1960 BSA Motorcycle, 250 c.c., 4-speed, excellent condition. Call Room 321 Chicago Mouse, NO 2-4401. Z7 SCOOTER: 1958. Parilla, excellent run- ning cond. Windshield & o"Is. $200. Call after 4:00 p.m. weekdays or Sat, & Sun. all day. Z5 1958 CUSHMAN PACEMAKER, two- speed, good condition, $135.00. NO 2- 2023. Bd SENIORS or Graduate male subjects to participate in Thesis experiment. Background from Engr., Business Ad.. Psych. or Mathematics necessary. Call NO 2-0918 after 6 p.m. 1114 1961 LAMBRETTA 125 like new. Best offer takes. NO 3-1783. N3 MISCELLANEOUS THE NEW YORK TIMES delivered daily, Student Newspaper Agency, PO Box 241, Ann Arbor, Michigan. M10 TRANSPORTATION $51.00 gets you to Seattle, Wash. on June11th. Call NO 5-4024. G4 WHIT'S RENT-A-TRUCK, pickups, vans, stakes, and station wagons. Drive-ur- self and save. Special rates for long distance hauling. 59 Ecorse Road, Ypsilanti. HU 2-4434. Open evenings until 8 p.m. Sundays until noon. G FOR SALE-Full set of Leedy and Lud- wig drums. A good buy at $95. Call Jim Harrison, HU 2-3683 between 010 a.m. any day.X7 BARGAIN CORNER ATTENTION ROTC OFFICERS' SHOES Army-Navy Oxfords - $735 Socks 39c Shorts 60 Military Supplies SAM'S STOR E 122 E. WASHINGTON W CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES FRIENDLY SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS Stop in NOW for broke work r ,. },. Y .. M11 t 1 , ;;1: . I : . s, % :i t ",;. ;&: % ;: ' :s: W: .. i y' .'i . Y %;' t +.f +s . o'f 4 }r Ty ': .{ {tit' klk 4f I . , >K.;y yt ; ' f .Jf 11 al f ti a f 79} ' , f .:" ;,, :"J :;J. ; 1 {i ^ : 1 : :1 ~:"1 r1 :: ยง , f Py4 4K . ! Jersey (solid any IG HT f. i4 dbrics dill s-Rayon- >< Grey Flannels laminated, backs I checks) Cheserfild a 17.8 ~ y4, - t ABOVE is print cotton . Chesterfield at 17.98 f SOUTH UNIVERSITY & FOREST NO 8-9168 3 PASSENGERS wishing ride to vicinity of Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, will share driving and expenses. Must ar- rive afternoon of June 12. 663-1561, Ext. 1039. M5 Magazine Time Life Sports Ilustrated Newsweek Saturday Review Sat. Evening Post1 Ladies Home Journal Arch. Forum Scientific American Holiday Fortune Playboy Esquire New Yorker Atlantic Look, 40 issues $4.00, Year 2 $4.00 4.00 4.00 3.50 4.00 4.00 2.50 3.25 6.00 3.60 7.50 5.00 4.00 (8 mos.) (8 mos.) 50 issues 2-Yr. $7.50 7.00 7.50 7.00 7.00 OTHER SIZES COMPARATIVELY LOW 3.00 3.00 $5.00 MAIN & CATHERINE STS. NO 8-7717 Graduating High School Seniors are also eligible for these and other money-saving rates. Call 662-3061 or write Student Periodical Agency, Box 1161, Ann Arbor. B? JAGUAR XK 140 ROADSTER - Wire wheels, reconditioned motor, new paint, radio and heater. NO 8-6231. B23 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1560-900 miles, in good condition. Call UN 3-9508, De- troit. B22 GIRLS lightweight English bike. Good condition. NO 2-0485 after 6. B24 1958 BSA 250cc Motorcycle. May be seen at 558 S. 5th Ave. 4:30-7 p.m. B25 1954 GREAT LAKES Mobile Home, 31x8. Excellent condition. Student owned. $1495. Call after 5:30. 2-9396. 3423 Car- penter Road. B26 USED CARS '56 VW SEDAN. Radio, carrier, washers. Call NO 3-6751 after 5:30. N6 COMPACT LUXURY SEDAN-Immacu- late condition 1960 Singer Gayelle. Polished wood dash panel. $1150. 663- 9831. N5 1959 SIMCA 4-dr. sedan. Good condition. $450. Call NO 3-4747. N2 1960 ALFA ROMEO 2000 Sport Roadster convertible, like new, real sharp, 7,000 mi., bargain. NO 3-7541, Ext. 783. N1 MUST SELL ONE OF TWO: '57 Chevy 6-stick, 2-dr., R&H, $550. '57 MGA- $950. NO 3-7966. N28 WHITE CONVERTIBLE-1957 Mercury. Very sharp looking. Very good me- chanically. NO 2-1069. N19 Atlas Tires & Batteries "You expect more from Standard & you get It." SI i lltiirn&lrv rn avrI r/1 a- I II 11 UNIVERSITY:iur TR'AE C. I I Saturday, May 5th aI 0 404 h. IICZ~.2UII 'AI I