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May 04, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-04

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Cite History of Controversies Between Daily, I


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of two articles describing the his-
tory of relations between The Daily and the Board in Control of Student
The recent controversy between the Board in Control of Student
Publications and The Daily over senior appointments was not the
first of its kind.
There have been four main low points in the history of rela-
tions between the Board and the staff over the past 30 years.
In 1937 the Board passed a ruling calling for the signing of
all editorials appearing in The Daily.
The Board members felt that without the signatures, the editorial
page was interpreted as representing the opinion of all the staff
Editors Disturbed
The editors were disturbed over this action and requested the
Board to reconsider'their ruling on the grounds that "it is contrary
to all newspaper practice, and because it makes the editorial page
appear as a collection of personal essays rather than the editorial
page of a leading collegiate journal."
The request was turned down by the Board.

In 1940 the Regents of the University adopted a new bylaw
which changed the membership on the Board in Control of Student
This action was not released for publication until May, 1941 and
with it came a storm of protest from both faculty and students.
Charge "Packing"
Editorials in The Daily charged the Regents with "packing"
the Board.
The new bylaw provided for six faculty members, two alumni
members and three students, all with a single vote, to sit on the
Prior to this the Board was composed of four faculty members,
each with one vote, three student members, each with one vote and
two alumni, who acted in an advisory capacity without vote.
The steps as reported in The Daily which led to the adoption
of this new bylaw began when certain members of the Regents and
some members of the faculty were disturbed by several "radical"
editorials appearing in The Daily.
Circulate Petition
A group of faculty men circulated a petition urging that some
action be taken in regard to the Board. President Alexander Grant

Ruthven took this petition before the Regents and the University
The Regents adopted the reorganization plan in October, 1940 as
part of their new bylaws which were still undergoing revision.
The Board met and voted to request a conference with the
Regents to discuss in detail the new bylaw. In' addition, President
Ruthven received a faculty petition requesting a meeting of the
University Senate to discuss the bylaw.
Oppose Addition
The Student Senate went on record as opposed to the addition
of any non-student members to the Board. They also delegated the
Student Rights Committee to circulate a petition and send letters
to alumni urging them to complain to President Ruthven.
More than 4,350 students signed the petition opposing an
increase in faculty representation on the Board on the grounds
that such a measure would render student representation virtually
The Regents saw no reason to change their position and acted
upon the report of the Committee on Public Relations in their
May, 1941 meeting.
Regent Harry Kipke was quoted in The Daily as saying that

the proposed change in membership was necessary to "improve
relations between The Daily, the University and the public."
Another controversy between the Board and The Daily did not
arise until 1943.
In January of that year the Board did not appoint to a senior
editor position a student who the junior Night Editors felt deserved
a position.
This was the spark that led to another open fight between the
Board and The Daily staff.
Front Page Editorial
When Leon Gordenker did not receive an appointment, The
Daily senior editors criticized the Board in a front page editorial
for what they called "the haphazard manner in which the Board
investigated the applicants."
They also accused the Board of not appointing Gordenker because
he was Jewish.
Prof. Hobart Coffey, a member of the Board, later denied this
in an open letter in The Daily saying that religion did not enter
into the consideration.
See DAILY, Page 2

See Page 4

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Continued mild,
slight temperature lncre


VOL. LXXII, No. 154




Report Assassin
Wounds Nasser
Egyptian Embassy Contacts Cairo,
Declares Rumors Completely False
By The Associated Press
LONDON-The Daily Telegraph reported yesterday that accord-
ing to reports circulating in the Middle East President Gamal Abdel
Nasser of the United Arab Republic has been shot by an assassin and
badly wounded.
The embassy of the United Arab Republic said early today reports
that President Nasser has been shot and wounded by an assassin are
"absolutely baseless."
A spokesman said the embassy had been in touch with officials in
Cairo and had determined the reports are not true. The Telegraph
"Cdescribed the reports as "strong."
The reported assailant, the Tele-
graph said, was Ali Mer, brother
of Field Marshal Abdel Hakim
Amer, commander - in - chief of
United Arab Republic armed

Bleak Appropri
Ensure Chances



. reported assassinated

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth
in a series of nine articles tracing
the history of Michigan's state-sup-
ported colleges.)
Michigan State University, fol-
lowing its tradition as a land
grant university, strives to make
quality education easily available
to all young people capable of do-
ing college work.
As a public university, President
John A. Hannah views the school's
role as improving the condition of
society and raising the general
level of understanding and action.
To reach this goal and to ma in-
tain quality education in a rap-
idly 'expanding university, Han-
nah cites the need for a major
recommitment of human and fi-
nancial resources, and bold new
ways of allocating personnel, phy-
sical resources, financial resources,
and moral strength.
Lansing Campus
The 910-acre campus in East
Lansing with 300 permanent build-
ings accommodates the school's
21,500 students. With the inclu-
sion of regional centers and the
newly opened branch at Rochester,.
Mich., enrollment reaches 25,000.
Experimental farms and research
installations add an additional
3,300 acres to the university in the
East Lansing area.
Undergraduates at MSU enroll
in the university college for the
first two years. During this time,
a one-year sequence is taken in
See MSU Page, 2
1T7 '17 ! t

'Serious Condition'
"The reports say President Nas-
ser is in hospital in a serious
condition," the newspaper said.
"There has been no official state-
ment, but several circumstances
appear to bear out the reports.
"One is the sudden postpone-
ment of the first meeting of the
National Congress of Popular
Forces, the day after the officially
controlled Cairo press had re-
ported that President Nasser him-
self would open the proceedings."
Signed Decree
The postponement was by a de-
cree signed by the President, and
the only explanation advanced so
far was in Al Ahram, which said
more time was necessary to draw
u a national charter.
"Since then there has been little
or no reference in the Egyptian
press to the president," the Tele-
graph said.
"The reports state that Cairo is
hoping he will recover, when the
assassination attempt may either
be completely concealed or dealt
with from the best propaganda
Strong Reports
"Israel radio on Monday quoted
strong reports of an assassination
attempt, following this with strong
reports that President Nasser had
succumbed. There has been no de-
nial by Cairo of the Israel report.
"At least one otller Arab state
has received the same - account,
with the additional detail of Ali
Mer having been the assailant,
from one of its own sources."

IQC Jud ic
Voids Levy
On Strauss
Inter-Quadrangle Council Ju-
diciary announced last night it has
suspended the fine in the Strauss
House case, although it agrees
with the "reasonableness" of the
East Quadrangle Judic decision
under appeal.
In the original case, EQJ found
the house guilty of violating an
East Quad Council resolution for-
bidding house social events on the
night of the Snowflake Ball, Dec.
The decision was appealed to
IQC Judic, which heard testimony
from witnesses in two open hear-
ings and announced its decision
at the regular IQC meeting last
In testimony before IQC Judic,
counsel for Strauss House irgued
that the resolution was unconsti-
tutional because only the Univer-
sity has the power to regulate so-
cial functions, and because the
function in question concerned
only members of the house and
was therefore beyond the Council's
constitutional power to legislate
on matters "of an inter-house na-
The decision stated: "We deem
the East Quadrangle Council an
integral part of the University by
virtue of the power vested in it by
the Board of Governors (of Resi-
dence Halls), and . . . we think it
clear . .. that the power to regu-
late inter-house activities implies
the power to regulate any intra-
house function which is potential-
ly harmful to said inter-house ac-
However, the judic concluded
that the fine of $100 was exces-
sive, since no precedent existed
and since Strauss House had no
"apparent and immediate" means
to determine the resolution's con-

Alden Dow has been selected as
the architect for the construction
of the nation's first permanent
residences for retired alumni, the
Michigan Alumni Association an-
nounced recently.
The association plans to build 18
to' 22 terrace homes to accom-
modate about 40 persons, all re-
tired alumni 55 years of age or
older, will go forward if the City
Council acts to rezone the 11/2 acre
Oxford Road property owned by
the group.
University Alumnus
Dow, himself a University alum-
nus, is best known in Ann Arbor
as the architect of the public li-
brary, new city hall, and com-
munity center.
His plans drawn for Alumni Liv-
ing, Inc., a non-profit corporation
controlled by the association, in-
clude off-street parking and a gar-
den area for each terrace home.
The cost of the entire project
has been estimated at $750,000.
Investigations as to the feasi-
bility of the undertaking began
over two years ago with a com-
Students Face
On Magazine
Two students at the University
of Florida faced a faculty dis-
ciplinary committee yesterday for
"distributing unauthorized mater-
ial on campus."
The material in question was a'
magazine published during spring
recess following the revocation of
the campus humor magazine, the
"Orange Peel," by the Board of
Student Publications.
The decision of the disciplinary
committee will be kept secret un-
til it is approved by the president
of the university. The students
claim that earlier they were
threatened with suspension from
the university.
The students published their
magazine in order to publicize a
working compromise. On the first
few pages they suggested that a
faculty committee supervise the
"Orange Peel" for a one year pro-
bationary period.
Only 100 copies were distributed
before campus police confiscated
the remaining 900 copies.
Dean of men Frank T. Adams
said he had no objections to the
content of the protest magazine
but "the timeliness was poor."
The magazine had been sus-
pended in January at the request
of the president of the university,
J. Wayne Reitz, who said that the
Orange Peel was "a source of con-
tinual embarrassment to the Uni-
versity of Florida."

Dow To Design Alum

mittee of the Alumni Assocaition
Board of Directors.
Consultants from all parts of
the country helped to prepare a
comprehensive study of financing,
site location, program, building
and possible organization.
After its formal approval by the
board, the study was entrusted to
a smaller committee, headed by
Alumni Association Treasurer Paul'
R. Kempf, to develop it into a
definite plan.
Ask Inquiry
Two professors at the State
University of Iowa are circulating
a petition asking for investigation
of racial discrimination by Delta
Chi fraternity.
The petition will eventually be
presented to SUI President Hanch-
er for appropriate action. It
charges "subversion of the Uni-
versity" by groups trying to "cir-
cumvent" its policy preventing ra-
cial discrimination.
It also cites "overt pressure,
from sources external to both the
University and the state" as a
cause for the bias.
Last Spring Andy Hankins, a
Negro varsity basketball player,
was depledged from Delta Chi. He
had been the first Negro to have
ever been pledged by any chapter
of this fraternity.

for the construction of cooperative
apartment buildings for 420 wom-
en students.
The alumni residence complex
will replace the present Tau Kappa
Epsilon fraternity house. On the
same block will be four fraterni-
ties and two sororities, each hous-
ing from 21 to 64 students.
Tirrell explained that "deposits
on the cooperative will be accepted
as soon as the rezoning is cleared.
If this process doesn't take too
long, the project should be com-
pleted by September, 1963."
A petition by 150 members of
the faculty caused President
Hancher to initiate an investiga-
tion. The State Board of Regents
asked for a report on the matter.
On June 21, 1961 the board heard
the results of the President's in-
vestigation in executive session
and declared that there was no
"conclusive evidence" of any in-

Janis Cites Qualities
Adding Beauty to Art

tion, Niehuss has said that
"necessary salary increases
alone would be in excess of $4
million if we did what we
should, and we need funds for
other things than salaries."
Only Source
He has also noted that if the
state fails to make the needed
boost, "the only source I can see
would be a tuition increase."
Porter declined to comment on
the amount the University might
receive next year. Wednesday he
had said that he felt the Legisla-
ture would insist that state-sup-
ported colleges and universities
raise tuition.
The Regents have requested a
$43.6 million dollar appropriation
as opposed to the $35.4 million
received last year.
Expresses Pessimism
Porter also expressed pessimism
about the passage of Sen. Carlton
H. Morris' (R-Kalamazoo) nuis-
ance tax package that would allow
a $150 million capital outlay bond-
ing plan for higher education, with
$25 million being spent each year.
Sen. Arthur Dehmel (R-Union-
ville), a member of the appropria-
tions committee, said. "I think m
all fairness to the taxpayers there
should be an increase in tuition
rates so long as the University re-
ceives additional funds from the
On the Morris plan, Dehmel
noted that he would not like to
see the same situation as occurred
several years ago when the Legis-
lature authorized a $65 million
bond issue for hospitals.
Waste Money
"Everybody grabbed when they
saw the money was available and
much of it was wasted."
Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings (R-Hol-
land) said that he was "reasonably
in favor of the Morris plan" but
that further study would be need-
He explained that if the Senate
goes for the Morris plan. it would
relieve the general fund of the $25
mri'lion nee,), foi capital outlay
and allow a litle extra money "all
"Don't Have Taxes"
He added, however, "It seems
silly to me to go on increasing the

of tlh
the i
of H

of Tuition Rise
orter Dismisses
ni Units Desired Fund Boost
sociation General Secretary
E. Tirrell, himself a member Niehuss Cites $4-5 Million Raise
e committee, commented, "Al-
gh As Minimum Needed for Operations
eive the idea of a complex of
g units for retired alumni, we By DAVID MARCUS
act as a catalyst in bringing
deas together and drawing up A tuition boost seems virtually certain.
plans for the actual living Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Elmer R.
. " Porter (R-Blissfield) said yesterday that he "does not think"
Walking Distance the University will receive the $4-5 million boost in appropria-
1e Oxford Road site, chosen tions that University Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Nie-
it is within walking distance huss has cited as the minimum increase needed to meet cur-
Sill Auditorium, the Medical rent and inescapable expenses.
er, and central campus, is less
half a block away from the Although University officials have said that no decision
ion selected by the University will be made until after the Legislature makes the appropria-

Name Faculty,
Deans, Others
To Conference
Seventy-four, faculty members
and administrators have thus far
been named as delegates to the
Conference on the University, the
Steering Committee reported yes-
The faculty members were re-
cruited through the deans of the
various schools, while personal in-
vitations were sent out to admin-
Additional Members
The bulk of the selection pro-
cess is now complete but about 25
additional faculty members are
being sent personal invitations to
attend the Conference, the coin-
mittee said.
In addition, most of the Uni-
versity's executive officers have
indicated that they will attend
personally or send representatives,
Secretary of the University Erich
Walter said. Several Regents have
also expressed an intention to at-
tend parts of the Conference.
Problems of 'U'
The Conference on the Univer-
sity, scheduled for May 18 and 19,
will bring together about 165 stu-
dents, faculty members and ad-
ministrators for a round of
speeches and discussions on the
problems and purposes of the Uni-
The topic of the Conference is
"The University as an Elite Insti-
tution." Scheduled speakers in-
clude Prof. Arthur Eastman of the
English department and Rep. Al-
lison Green of the Michigan House
of Representatives.
Working Papers
Working papers are in the final
stages of preparation and will be
mailed to delegates about the
middle of next wveei the Steer-
ing Committee said
The faculty members and ad-
ministrators named thus far are:
Faculty Delegates are, from the Col-
leaeof LfTiterature. Science, and the

~''Officials Explain
Rules for Transfers
The requirements and expectations of the University for transfer
students from community and junior colleges were explained to
state administrators and counselors at the annual Community
College Conference last night.
"The aim of the business administration program is to prepare
the student for the certainty of change which will occur during
his business career," explained Samuel R. Anderson, Assistant Dean
of the business administration college.
Ordinarily the successful applicant to the undergraduate program
in business administration will have a C+ average during his fresh-
man and sophomore years, Anderson explained.
Prof. Herbert W. Johe, Assistant Dean of the College of Archi-
tecture and Design outlined the three programs in his school, the
only accredited architecture degree program in the state.

"What is beautiful about art is
its changing quality and the emo-
tion in it-once you take the hu-
iman element out of art, you do not
have art," Byron Janis, piano solo-
ist at last night's all-Beethoven
May Festival program said after
the concert.
The composer does not have
only one conception when he
writes a composition, Janis said,
discussing electronic music. This
form of music means little since
science is just a part of art and
without emotion nothing is com-
Janis leaves the United States
Sunday for a May 13 concert in
Moscow, a special gala concert to
honor the Tchaikovsky competi-
tion recently completed. He will
play Rachmaninoff's "First Piano
Concerto," a work by Schumann,
and Prokofiev's "Third Piano Con-


. . art and emotion

where there is a "good musicali
public." The government in Mex-

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