T THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. MAY 2- 1492 TE?~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTTTTfl~flAV iwAv ~ XAAVALO",'I-[f ITIA'I, Op IV04 0 J.Y ".1"J. 1111 JJt."tJA11 : . i11'"J:.11'. "htl . 111:'. ".1"«hi i.....1 «t«:.111'.^.JJ..1:i :"::/ 1...111"::. JJ." VtJJ.1 K 1.,." ": :!".":: '.',': ... ...... ,.,... .:v::.:1 .:.':... . . .. ........ .. ..... ... ... ..... ....."." .:.".1««. y..1. .1":. Js"A J.J ...... . . ...: i":.L J:.: . ...J.Y."J.'JJJJJ "" " :.1 11: 'Li" ... . ...1J 1 J""'"J.i"JJ.. .... ..:"}J.t..1.:t.J.1"."."."Jt..:.....:A:,....1".iY:::":1::}.111i1VJ:":{":"«::J.11"t;.",YV:'..".":;«.:"::':":: h.. t:. ,".": «.".1'. 1"i .}::':".J4:::1'::":J.ti1 tt.1 A:".i..1:.".:{:111 ..ti11Si4t" :' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .*.. ...... . . . .. . ... .. . .... .1 . ... v :: .*.:. ..... ...... .... .. ... . . .. , . .. ... .....h . .t .1 . .1 :: .1 . i "::! :'::::.' ... . : ... . ..l........ ..............;;1. "''1;..2 .....Y 1..1 .,y....t: ::::.:: "4: .}. Doctoral Examination for Dan Chapin Kinsey, Education; thesis: "Health Ac- tivities at Oberlin and Other Ohio Col- leges to 1850," Fri., May 4, 4024 UHS, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, C. A. Eggertsen. Doctoral Examination for Robert Henry Wurtz, Jr., Psychology; thesis: "Self-Stimulation and Escape Behavior in Response to Stimulation of the Rat Amygdala," Fri., May 4, 102 Radiation Lab., at 10:00 a.m.. Chairman, James Olds. Placement Summer Placement: 212 SAB Camp Missauki, Lake City: Mrs. Tur- ner will interview Thurs., May 3, for women counselors for waterfront, arch- ery. unit leaders, craft, and nature. Girls must be at least 18 years old. The camp is sponsored by King's Daughters. Camp Conestoga, Leonidas, Mich.: Coed camp is looking for male coun- selor with WSI and boy to run dish- washer. Camp Pinecliffe, Harrison, Maine: Girls camp has openings for a dance counselor and a woman bookkeeper. George A. Fuller Company, N.Y. City: Position open for Civil or Mechanical Engineer completing junior year in 1962. Must be male U.S. citizen. Burroughs Corp., Plymouth, Mich.: Position for junior or above in Me- chanical, Engineering Mechanics, Phys- ics, or Science. Design and development of business machines and computers. Come to Summer Placement for fur- ther information. Position Openings: ) Insurance Co., local area - Sales Repr. Will train for special prog. Will contact students in the professional schools. Minimum 2 yrs. college bkgd. Exper. not required. Age 25 plus-mar- ried and family preferably. Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich. - Many and various openings in the following areas: Sales, Finance, Personnel, Pur- chasing, Marketing, Engrg., Publ. Reis., Missile and Airtemp. New Installation, Ann Arbor area - Data Processing Supervisor. Exper. de- sirable in planning, scheduling and IBM unit record machines. YWCA, Cincinnati, Ohio - Woman for Metropolitan Exec. Director. fully MA in Social work. Must Hope- hhave exper. in admin. of a budget; commu- nity relationship; supervision of prof. staff. U.S. Army Ordnance Arsenal Det., Center Line, Mich. - Need individuals for accounting trng. prog. BA in Acc't. or Bus. Ad., with major in Acc't. Should have B average and an inter- est in working for Federal Govt. Warner Robins Air Materiel Area, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia - Many openings in fields of : Engrg., Mech., Aero., Elect., and Indust. Chem., Metal- lurgy, Cost Accounting, Budget Analy- sis and Statistical Analysis. Private Liberal Arts College in Wis- consin - Need an Assistant Dean of Students. Will counsel women stu- dents, advisesstudent organizations, etc. MA at least; strong bkgd in coun- seling or related ares preferred. Age 30 - 40. Exper in some phase of col- lage student personnel work. For further information, please call General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Part-time Place- ment Office, 2200 Student Activities Building, during the following hours: Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. til" 12 noon and 1:30 til 5 p.m. EmplOyers desirous of hiring students for part-time or full-time temporary worts, should call Bob Hodges at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellanenus odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 2200, daily. MALE 1 Recreational Therapist. Must be able to improvise. 10 hours per week, some evenings and weekends. 1 Architect who is from the Architec- ture andDesign Dept. or Commercial Art. Must be a Junior or better. 1 Ann Arbor resident to sell insur- ance. i-time during school, Full-time during summer and vacations. 1 to do yardwork through the sum- mer. Must have your own equipment. All day Saturday. 3 Engineering students to do apart- ment maintenance in exchange for rooms with private bath. (Quiet stu- dious boys). No cooking, drinking or parties. Must be available for two or three years, summer and winter. 1 to wash walls and paint them. Must be experienced. FEMALE Recreational Therapist. Must be able' to improvise. 10 hours per week, some evenings and weekends. Saleswomen with experience. 2 part- time and 1 full time. Muist be able to work during the summer and have transportation. ORGANIZATION NOTICES Am. Soc. for Public Admin., Social Seminar, refreshments, everyone wel- come, May 3, 8 p.m., Rackham Bldg., E. Conf. Rm. Speaker: D. C. Rowat, Prof. Political Science at Carleton Univ., Ottawa, Canada; "American and British Influences on Canadian Public Admin- istration." * * * Christian Science Org., Regular Tes- timony Meeting, May 3, 7:30 p.m., 528D SAB. * * * * Kappa Phi, cabinet meeting, May 3, 7:3(i p-M., Green Room. Sailing Club, meeting, May 3, 7:45 p.m., 325 W. Engineering. 4 f: oil :-goo'> And time for the I rF ill Vhe VIRINIM RESTAURANT WESTERNER BEEF BUFFET Serving Finest in SRoast Beef at 4 Moderate Prices 2333 EAST STADIUM BLVD. 4h 315 South State NO 3-3441 We are Ideally Located as your Dining Spot for MAY FESTIVAL-and our dinners and sandwiches excel. Lt f4 J I IMPORTED BEERS and WINES at Itetg9eI'4 GERMAN RESTAURANT 203 East Washington NO 8-9126 Open 4 P.M. 'til Midnight Closed Sundays1 *acN (11 IF 7 = = = - IF = - 7 - --. - - I z -. 7 - w = = , z " - - , , I PANCAKE HOUSE Serving Sandwiches, Salads, and Steaks In addition to a large Pancake menu. Friday and Saturday open 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. -_ a - i i i o. I ~ ( ; i ~ . i i~ ,,. i i i~ { j ,. ,,. i ,,. ,,. ,. , . , , . , , . I ,. ,. ,. ,,. , ," ,. , . - . I 341 S. Main St. NO 3-2401 International and American Cuisine in an exquisite and warm atmosphere ART DEVANEY at the Piano and THE CLARENCE BYRD TRIO COCKTAILS L L I !t r THE COTTAGE INN PIZZERIA REAL ITALIAN FOOD is our Specialty 5c HAMBURGERS s r y r CHILI DOGS Specials for, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday El RO BARk Freshly Remodeled - New Management Beer, Wine, Liquor and Cocktails 2 1 Hamburgers .. 30c Milk Shake... 20c 1 French Fries,. Reg. NOW 1Oc 60c 55c 2 Chili Dogs . .. 38c 1 Large Root Beer 20c Reg. 58c Specializing in Delicious Pizza Pie Phone NO -2-9575 12 Sandwiches .2 W. Washington NOW 50c !I i I I( 512 E. William Street FREE DELIVERY NO 3-5902 t CLARK'S TEA ROOM LOX and BAGELS SANDWICHES 217 South Observatory CONVENIENTLY LOCATED ON THE HILL EAT-MOR 3730 Washtenaw ... across from Arborland Open 11 A.M. 1435 East to 2 A.M. - Michigan Avenue, 7 days a week sYpsilanti closed Sunday HU 3-2840 DINING and COCKTAILS Seafood including Maine Live Lobsters, Steak, Broasted Chicken III 1 7111 IEL i LI 1 I I I A,N. t =SUPPERCLUB Sfeaturing B. E. FRENCH & CO. Salutes the MAY FESTIVAL a and suggests a Leisurely Dinner before the Concert a and a late Snack after it. Lt i-1 alj STAY at the Airport WILLOW RUN AIDDiDT LWTl.I "Ul 11 11 ii