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May 03, 1962 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-03

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cietey Meeting
)ING Shriver Recalls Ups and Downs o Peace Corps
your instruments)

ceived the corps as a dedicated
band of Americans who believe
that freedom depends on helping
new nations grow strong.
,Now, except for the much-
publicized postcard incident in Ni-
geria, there has been no serious
problem. Even Nigeria asked for
more volunteers.
Not Beatniks
"Members of Congress now have
met our volunteers and seen that
they are not beatniks or dead-
beats or sophomores in short pants
or whatever they were afraid they
would be," Shriver explains. "They
have talked to them and been im-
pressed with what they saw."
Shriver admits, however, that
such apparent success defies the
law of averages.'
With his fingers crossed, he is
making an effort to restrain the
youthful exuberance of his fast-
growing infant-born by Presi-
dential order March 1, 1961.
Receive No Pay
Peace Corps volunteers receive
no pay, only living expenses and
$75 monthly severance pay when
they quit. They're not even draft
mAnd Shriver's administrative
policies are enough to give a
veteran bureaucrat the willies.
He expects top executives, law-
yers and educators to take a pay
cut to work for the peace corps.
Shriver himself works for the tra-
ditional $1-a-year.
No Seniority
Age and seniority mean nothing
in the organization, and there's
no looking ahead to pensions.
Youngsters have top jobs and
older men willingly serve at lesser
Shriver expects complete dedi-
cation, long hours of work and no
"We're a volunteer outfit," he
says. "Anybody who doesn't like
it here, doesn't belong here. We
don't want them."
Requests High
The developing nations of the
world are enthusiastic. Total re-
quests from some 40 nations seek
nearly 50,000 volunteers.
The new budget calls for almost
doubling activities, but falls far
short of this demand.
"I think it would be foolish to
try to fill all requests immediate-
ly," says Shriver. "If we tried to
train too many people, too fast
we'd lose the spirit, the dedica-
tion and quality that we now have.
This is not a mass production
Growing Firm
"I tell Congress that we have to
approach this somewhat like a
businessman with a fast growing
firm. We want to expand as fast
as we can sell our product and at
the same time maintain quality."
The Peace Corps now has 698
"I've never really been aggressive,"
says Andy Williams. Yet he admits
that "almost everybody else in show
business fights and gouges." In this
week's Saturday Evening Post, you'll
learn why Andy calls himself a "corn-
ball." How he was pushed into sing-
ing at 'the age of 8. And' what his
chances are of staying on top.
ALSO: Watch the Andy Williams Spe-
cial on NBC-TV, Friday night-
The Saturday Evenint


TANGANYKA-This boy is one of many Africans who have
seen the Peace Corps in action, helping to develop natural and
educational resources of the country for the benefit of the African
population. The young are gaining from the educational advances.
volunteers overseas. They work Kennedy called on Shriver to draft
directly under supervisors appoint- plans for the Peace Corps, then
ed by the local governments, al- named him to head it when it was
though a Peace Corps representa- created by executive order. Later,
tive is in each country and the Congress formalized the agency by
United States ambassador has legislation and an appropriation.
over-all control of the volunteers. Early activitiesw ere financed
Plan To Double from executive funds.
Plans call for a total of 5,100 Top Men Helped
volunteers to be either overseas or Shriver soon had a parade of
in training by the end of August top executives, lawyers and educa-
and another 4,900 overseas or in tors marching to Washington to
training by the end of August, help start the peace corps.
1963. The planned budget for next "One thing I decided at the
year is $63.7 million, more than start has helped," he says. "That
double the current $30 million. is that no single test qualifies you
After he was elected, President to serve in the Peace Corps. The
GoaPresents Problems
aAs Recent Acquisition

training program is part of the
selection process. This way we
have three months to study these
people as human beings."
And the training program is
tough and practical.
Stayed with Indians
A group at Arizona State Col-
lege recently began its training for
community development projects
in Colombia by spending the first
week on an Apache Indian reser-
vation, sleeping, eating and living
with the Indians.
Shriver says other government
agencies now are studying Peace
Corps training methods for per-
sonnel sent to underdeveloped na-
So far, only about 15 per cent
of Peace Corps trainees have failed
to measure up. Originally, it was
expected about half would be elim-
Home Influence
In the long run, Shriver thinks,
the biggest influence of the Peace
Corps may be at home.
"In the past the average Ameri-
can hasn't been able to qualify for
a Rhodes scholarship or a Ful-
bright scholarship," he explains.
"Only a few could. This is a chance
for the average American to qual-
ify for what, in effect, is a scholar-
ship to study abroad for two
"In the years ahead the world
is going to be more international,"
he says. "It will require an inter-
national education to live in it.
Through the Peace Corps average
Americans can get this kind of
Quick Results
But the quickest results will
come in the developing nations.
"We're putting our people to
work for the foreign government,"
says Shriver. "They like that.
We're not there to tell them what
to do, to offer an American solu-
"If we're rin Bolivia, we're help-
ing Bolivans' work out, a Bolivian
solution to a Bolivian problem.
This relationship is so novel it
astounds some of the countries.
"In Ghana they still are amazed
at seeing white men willing to take
orders from a black man. But this
way the countries feel that the
Peace Corps is something of their
own," he says.
Early Volunteers
Some 19,000 volunteers turned.

. .. looks back

up even before the program was
clearly defined.
"It takes a special kind of dedi-
cation for a missionary to devote
his life to a foreign field," explains
Shriver. "We're not asking this
from our volunteers. We only ask
them to serve two hears."
The two-year limitation also will
provide a continuing life for the
Peace Corps, Shriver says, with
new enthusiasm generated con-
stantly by new people.
Veterans Recruit
And, he says, the Peace Corps
veterans will help recruit new iol-
Shriver thinks it is important
that the Peace Corps stay within
the framework of its original aims
-providing middle level manpower
to do a specific job.
The task of providing highly
trained specialists, advisers to
governments and so forth belong
to the .Agency for International
Development, he says.
"I'm happy to turn down any
project that isn't in our ball park,"
Shriver says. "This is part of our
strength among other agencies.
We're not trying to grab any more
And in Washington, land of am-
bitious bureaucrats, this, too,
makes the President's brother-in-
law a novelty.

Enjoy Life with
Miller High Life

Associated Press Staff writer
PANGIM, Goa - Four months
after India's takeover of this en-
clave from Portugal, Goans are
finding food prices lower, the econ-
omy on. a fairly even keel, and
wine and whisky still plentifull,
despite India's dry laws.
Goans are becoming better in-
formed since the Indian military
government has restored freedom
of the press. But Indian efforts to
convince Goans that their civil
rights will be scrupulously ob-
served have run into a roadblock
because of a recent government
ban on a demonstration of dock-
workers. Political meetings must
have police approval.
Private iron and shipping firms
here report evidence that India
will cooperate in setting ore prices
at reasonable levels and allow the
necessary imports of machinery.
Exports of iron and manganese
ores, which grossed about $40
million last year under Portuguese
rule, could come as a boon to In-
dia's foreign exchange shortage.
Ticklish Problems
But the New Delhi government
still had some ticklish problems to
deal with in Goa, taken over last
December by Indian armed forces.
There are Goa's long-neglected
agriculture, inflated wage struc-
tures of the Goan civil service and
a welter of Portuguese laws that
conflict with Indian statutes.
Another problem could be li-
quor. India has announced a pol-
icy that eventually will make the
entire country dry. Goans are ac-
customed to drinking Scotch, Por-
tuguese wines and a local brew
called Caju.

India has made no move, yet, to
impose prohibition here.
Harbor Facilitiesr
Another problem for the In-
dians is how much to spend and
how soon to improve Goa's harbor
facilities. The territory has a fine
deepwater harbo rat Marmagoa,
capable of handling 50 freighters
at a time. But there are only five
berths including one mechanical
ore loading berth. An 80-year-old
breakwater is regarded unsafe 4n
the monsoon season.
With good harbor facilities Goa
would be a natural industrial cen-
After the Dec. 19 surrender by
the Portuguese, the ,Indian occu-
pation forces imported food from
India and pices dropped about 25
per cent below the levels under
Portuguese rule. The Portuguese,
faced with a closed border with
India, has to import their food-
stuffs from Pakistan.
One headache for the new In-
dian rulers is about to be solved,
as 4,200 Portuguese soldiers and
officials interned in December re-
turn to Portugal. They are held
in three camps, apparently are
well treated, but have been denied
their accustomed wine ration. The
Portuguese will be shipped to
Bombay, then to Pakistan by May
2. Portuguese ships will pick them
up in the Pakistan capital of
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

ST. IGNACE (') -- Rebels irn
Michigan's Upper Peninsula have
issued an ultimatum to the rest
of the state: Either legalize gambl-
ing in Michigan's north woods or
prepare for secession.
Some residents of the economic-
ally-depressed Upper Peninsula
are all for creating their own little
empire financed by legalized
gambling instead of taxes, but not
so the UP's state legislators.
Michigan politicians from both
sides of the Straits of Mackinac-
the dividing line between the
state's two peninsulas-have lab-,.
eled such talk of secession "a joke"
and "a publicity stunt."
But the group of Upper Penin-
sula businessmen who started the
movement to achieve independece
for the area above the straits pre-
dict it will succeed.
Already, an 'Upper Peninsula
Independence Association" has
been formed to spearhead the
movement. Its chief supporter,
John D. Steel, a former Detroit
businessman who grew up in Up-
per Michigan, has launched what
he calls "Operation Bootstrap,"
working from a motel here.
"Most people up here are for the
idea," Steel argued. 'We are a.
nebulous organization now, but we
will be a powerful one before
Steel said a Detroit man has

ltilli d tttill

offered to raise $1 million to help
finance Steel's promotion. How-
ever, he expects most of the money
to come from Las Vegas and Chi-
The idea of legalizing gambl-
ing in Michigan's north woods as
a way of revitalizing the area's
sagging 'economy has been kick-
ing around the Upper Peninsula
for years.
Steel said he resurrected, the
idea because of two developments:
The draining of many tourists
from Upper Michigan by Ontario's
new highway aro'und the Lake
Superior shore, and Canada's
"Open Arms" policy toward visi-
Citing legalized gambling as the
"only possible way out of an eco-
nomic crisis caused by exhaustion
of copper and iron ore" in the
area, where mining not long ago
was the chief industry, Perlich
blamed "Lower Peninsula selfish-
ness" for the UP's desperation.
Steel, too, blasted Lower Penin-
sula charges that his secession
movement is a big joke.
"This is no joke," Steel insists.
"The UP, with only four per cent
of Michigan's population, has been
forced to depend, upon recreation
for a livelihood.
"If it must be recreation, then
let's make recreation really pay,"

Upper Penninsulia


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