Seventy-Second Year DTED AD MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are ee STUDENT PUBLICATIONs BLDG. * ANN ARmoR, Micn. " Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Comments on Yoga DNtSDAY, MAY 2, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH OPPENHEIM 'Salan's Future Depends Upon Political Expedieney LAST WEEK the most decorated French military man, former General Raoul Salan, was arrested as a traitor. Salan has been the leader of the bloody Secret Army Organization in Algeria since the unsuccessful military coup in April, 1961. Salan has a death sentence hanging over him now and only President de Gaulle can grant his clemency. Certainly Salan is guilty of leading and giving support to an organization which has wantonly murdered hundreds of Moslem men, women and children. The sole purpose of the O.A.. is to prolong the Algerian crisis so that Algerian independence is impossible. This is subversion of government policy in its most violent, tragic form. The execution of Salan and all captured O.A.S. leaders may be the weapon needed to break the organization. E GAULLE'S DECISION will not be an easy one, though. The French military hirarchy has always had a strong political influence. De Gaulle came to power in 1958 through the efforts of Salan and another captured O.A.S. leader, Edmond Jouhoud. De Gaulle's policy has changed from keeping Algeria French to giving Algeria independence. The unsuccessful military coup in 1961, after which Salan re- tired into secrecy and O.A.S. control, was based 'on the same principle that brought de Gaulle to power. In a sense, Salan is a traitor to the regime and not the country of France. The O.A.S. is not out of business yet. The real political and strategic brains of the O.A.S. are a group of colonels and semi-fascist civilians. Salan, was important to the O.A.S. as a figurehead which lent respectability. His importance is still only symbolical. The Euro- Hlouse Plan'I 3;H. THE MICHIGAN HOUSING PLAN, written by the director of residence halls two decades ago, is the official administrative statement of' purpose for the University residence halls. This .report maintains that the dorms 'and quads ought to be "more than rooming and boarding houses . .. and also that the resi- dence halls "can contribute directly (though informally) to the social, recreational, in- tellectual and cultural development of their residents." The word "can" is skillfully used here because there is -no guarantee that the residences will accomplish these lofty aims. But, have the women's residence halls ac- Domplished the goals set forth in the initial plan? The social and recreational opportunities which incoming freshmen may find in the Women's dorms can be very helpful. Because of the large turnover in the dorms, the per- centage of freshmen in houses are not specifi- cally designated upperclass is quite high. The dorms offer a real opportunity for freshmen o get to know people, cultivate friends aid generally ease their adjustment difficulties. There is always somebody who will listen to problems, and since everyone is going through he same process, a great deal of socialization s common among freshmen. ROWEVER, the social development of upper- class women is, if anything, hindered by he residence hall situation. Because it is onvenient to maintain friendships with those lying next door or across the hall, there is a endency to stagnate socially. Upper-class wo- nen have made it through the first difficult rear; they should be able to learn from and nix with the campus, not just a small group )f individuals which the dormitory conven- ently makes available. In another situation, vomen might feel the necessity of participat- ng in extra-curricular activities because of nterest and in order to meet people. But he dorm offers a convenient sort of escape nd many upper-class women socially vegitate here. The mixers and dances the dorms periodi- ally give have notoriously poor attendance amiong upper-class women. This is the great lomain of freshman boys and girls, and sopho- nore and junior women usually stay away. A great many freshman and sophomore omen openly admit that one of the major 'easons they are pledging sororities is because he dorm has done virtually nothing for their ocial development. It seems apparent that the residence halls o serve an almost uniformly necessary social unction for freshman women. However, for ipperclass women the dorms, have failed niserably in their "social development" goal. F WE ARE considering the "intellectual and cultural development" which the women's lorms offer their residents, we can take to- ether the progress achieved for both fresh- rien and upper-class women: it is nil. The )bvious fault is that informative speakers, dis- ussion formus or cultural events are seldom ,ssociated with dormitory groups. However, iere one is getting to the very root of the Business Staff CHARLES JUDOE, Business Manager AAR AD 'Arrg heiatea+Businesa sManaer peans of Algeria were depressed at his capture, but the O.A.S. was not crippled. Salan can be an important propaganda tool. DE GAULLE'S basic problem is reconciling two adamantly opposed forces. If there is to be a peaceful and independent Algeria, the Moslems and Europeans must be capable of compromise. Moslem, F.L.N. terrorists have been given leniency in order to prevent the develop- ment of further hatred. Animosity in the European camp may be decreased by leniency for Salan. But lack of political concensus is a ubiqui- tous problem in all French politics. The authoratarian rule of the Fifth French Re- public is a direct result of having an un- compromising far left and far right. France has more than liberals, it has anti-government parties. Salan is an extreme example of this. If de Gaulle soft peddles here, he may have to work hard later on to keep extremists from damaging governmental effectiveness. If de Gaulle doesn't execute Salan for an attempt at violent overthrow of the government, how harsh can he be with other uncooperative forces? DE GAULLE THEN, will have to keep two major considerations in mind: 1) To what degree can he allow anti- government forces to go unpunished? 2) What action would be more beneficial to realizing an independent Algeria? ,After being the head of the bloodiest terror group since the Nazis, Salan will live or die according to political expediency. -THOMAS DRAPER Goals Missed lack of correlation between what the Housing Plan says the dorms can do and what they are doing. The dormitories are large, efficient and necessarily regimented. Except for the small groups of close friends a women resident usually has in the dorm, she is little more than an IBM card here. Many housemothers' sincerely try to maintain an intellectually spirited atmosphere and are honestly interested in "their girls." Also, the women in smaller dorms have a better chance to escape the feeling of anonymity. Still, the resident hall is part of the "system"; it is large and formalized and concerned mainly with efficiency. Within this atmosphere, the intellect and aesthetic sensibilities rarely develop. Intel- lectual and cultural development implies a going out from oneself, an attempt to master something unknown. The dormitories function mainly as housing units, and are, in fact, the very "rooming and boarding houses" which the Housing Plan says they ought not to be. When individuals are seeking intellectual and cul- tural growth they rarely turn to units of regimentation. And, the dormitories are im- possible without regimentation. THEREFORE, residents who seek this sort of development reach out to the campus or- ganizations which will foster in them the knowledge and growth they are seeking. The residence halls, hence, by the very nature of their existence, preclude opportunities for significant intellectual and cultural develop- ment. The women students who desire this usually must travel outside the world of the dorm to obtain it. The women's dorms do not only fail to comply with the administration's stated goals for them, but also they often hinder the growth and development ideally specified for residents. IF ONE is to participate in extra-curricular activities in order to try to grow intel- lectually, she will find that the dormitory situation is annoying and not at all helpful to her in this area. Discussion groups often last through meal time, and if one is too late she simply doesn't eat or must go out to dinner, which means that she is paying double. A woman student may want to entertain people informally in her home if a particular question or discussion has not been decided during the regular meeting time. The familiar words of the apartment dwellers, "Well, why don't you all come over to my house now?" can never come from the woman in the dorm. Further, the cold dormitory room is off- limits to males, however fascinating and pla- tonic they may be. A girl is thus seldom free to entertain informally the people she may encounter in intellectually-oriented activities. Thus, women's residence halls are an active hindrance to many women's "intellectual and cultural development." What, then, can the University do in the way of housing for women students that will tend to make the lofty goals enumerated in the Michigan Housing Plan possible? A LARGE PART of the answer seems to lie in building small apartments and coopera- tive units. Here residents would encounter a minimum of regimentation. They would exercise more control over areas of their lives significant to their development. The Oxford nMA1:- a F will .arilvn mvietiP t+i knd of SPRING- OAS DOOMED: .'What Future For France? By H. NEIL BERKSON industries. Once the Algerian war Daily Staff writer is over the government intends to THE ALGERIAN turmoil, which use for welfare programs the cap- has left France in a state of ital no longer needed to fight that continual crisis ever since the war. It will be able to provide Front de Liberation Nationale more health benefits, increased (FLN) opened fire Nov. 1, 1954, housing and school construction. is not quite over. The long-awaited From an economic standpoint, cease-fire, in effect only six weeks, France will easily assimilate the has merely turned the French high number of Europeans (a army from one foe to another. conservative guess is 300,000) ex- This new enemy, the outlawed pected to return from Algeria once Secret Army Organization, leaves the settlement is final. Politically, the prospect of final peace un- they present quite another prob- certain. Yet it may well be time lem. to ponder future developments, particularly from the French point THE PIED-NOIRS, as they are of view, should such a peace en- called, have no love for the home- sue. land which they feel betrayed Even after the capture of its them. When they leave Algeria it demigod, General Salan, the OAS will be in bitterness. Once in constitutes, and will continue for France they promise to form right some time to constitute, a serious wing parties which will splinter brake on Franco-Algerian accord. the French political system even Nevertheless, it is plain now that more. The less willing they are to the OAS can only fight a de- except Algerian independence, the- fensive war. The pipedream of more dangerous they may be. "Algerie francais" rested on five * * * major premises, all of which have CERTAINLY, the pied-noirs will failed. not help de Gaulle stabilize the' 1) The OAS swore that there political system of the country. would never be a cease-fire. He has ruled as a dictator, cur- 2) The OAS promised that Ab- tailing many basic freedoms upon derrahmane Fares, interim Moslem which Frenchmen thrive. The left executive until " Algeria becomes is disenchanted with Le Grand free, would never set foot in the Charles, and as he liberalizes his country. He has now been operat- regime he will no doubt infuriate ing the government from Algeria the Right. for a month. The President would like to see 3) The OAS depended upon sev- a revival of political parties once eral French Army units joining the country is at peace, but such their cause. The army has remain- ed completely loyal. 4) The OAS counted on its ter- rorist tactics to provoke the Mos- lems into race riots against the Europeans. It figured that the French Army would be forced to: put down the Moslems, thus end- ing the cease fire. The FLN has so far been able to hold the Mos- lem community in check.. 5) The OAS planned to use mass: street demonstrations by unarmed Europeans as the spearhead of its movement. Such demonstrations ; actually toppled one French Re- public, the fourth, because the * army never put them down. But the army, sickened by OAS mur- der, fired into the crowds the very * first time they marched. They have rr" not marched again. FRANCE will have an increased role in NATO now that she can fulfill her troop commitments. De Gaulle, however, will push even harder for a Franco-British- American trimvirate to supercede all the other nations In the al- liance. The President opposes Stage II which the Common Market has now embarked upon. This is the stage which will eventually lead to political integration of Europe. Rather than a supranational struc- ture, de Gaulle wants a structure where all nations remain sov- eriegn, but France dominates. There are signs that de Gaulle plans to restore France to the position of Big Brother in the Middle East, which could certainly use a pacifier. While fighting a colonial war in Moslem Algeria, he could not hope to regain that status. Since the cease-fire; how- ever, there have been signs of a rapprochement between France and the Arab world. In an un- precedented move, Egypt recently released the French diplomats which it had jailed on charges of spying. b* * AN END to the Algerian prob- lem will unquestionably give France new impetus on the inter- national scene. This does not mean that de Gaulle has a clear road ahead of him. Any attempt on his part to exert more authority in the Western Alliance will cer- tainly be frowned upon by the United States and Britain. Neither country wants a NATO triumvir- ate. Neither wants a nuclear armed France. De Gaulle is willing to pay plenty for United States atom and missile secrets and equipment, but, so far, he has been rebuffed. It is not likely that President Ken- nedy's position on this matter will change. The other members of the Com- mon Market strongly favor even- tual political unity; it is doubtful that de Gaulle can. sway them. One serious obstacle to de Gaulle's Middle East plans is the Arab-Israel feud. France has def- inite political-military commit- ments to Israel. She cannot get deeply involved in Arab affairs un- til that source of tension eases. IN THE FINAL analysis, one question superimposes itself over any Algerian settlement, over any events which might follow that settlement. What will happen to France after Charles de Gaulle goes? He is an old man-72. His term of office expires in 1966. Is the Fifth French Republic merely synonymous with its president, or can it remain stable in the hands of his successors? If it cannot, France will remain weak. There is much to be said for a strong France. Geographically, economically, she is necessary to a strong, united Europe. Without an Algerian war, she can assume such a role. Hopefully she can assume it without de Gaulle. Principles .. "THE WORLD has known 21 civilizations, and 18 of these have already passed away because To the Editor: I WONDER, for purely linguistic reasons, whether anybody -_ monk or layman - can "abjure certain death' as Miss Roediger seems to aver in her report on my lecture at Michigan League Ap- ril 27. The fact of the matter is Just this much; the orthodox, learned monks of India feel that their way of life has little official sympathy and no official support -and the more pessimistic among them express their estimate that classical, quietistic monasticism may not survive in India. "Yogi" is a person; what he does is 'yoga'; the official attitude toward it is not that it is nonsense, as Miss Roediger writes; on the contrary, most Hindus, official and private alike, are convinced that there is much more to it than they would - officially - admit; but they want to play down its importance for themselves and for others - too much of India's attention has been deflected from practical and more important pur- suits by 'yoga', and its quetistic implications have hampered In- dia's growth alongside that of more secular countries; this is the official attitude I tried to adum- brate. 'GHEE' IS clarified butter; though some traditionalists may feel that using up a hundred or more pounds of this precious sub- stance for ritualistic purposes may be desirable, there are few who would resent the _ government's critical attitude about such waste. Orthodox resentment against the secular state is much subtler and much deeper. The canonical notion is that the person who has undergone sym- bolic cremation in the wake of tak- ing monastic orders no longer eats and drinks. But clearly, this is meant to be a hyperbolic state- ment, and I had hoped that I could, convey the metaphorical wealth of"traditional Hindu par- lance through a somewhat face- tiousdiction: without such diction, the lecture would have had to be a lecture series. It might be advisable to consult and verify with the speaker wher- ever the topic is somewhat ab- struse or esoteric; such procedure would prevent much ennui among the lecturers reported upon. - Prof A. Rharati Department of Anthropology Syracuse University Testing... To the Editor THE onset of United States atmospheric testing, a specious, if not unfamiliar, barrage of doublethink is being doled out to the people. Its theme is that, although reluctant to do so, we are being forced to test. Further- more, since the average citizen is inexpert in nuclear technology, he is advised to leave all discus- loon of testing, disarmament, etc. to an elite. of advisors. Reluctant? It is well known that Edward Teller and the Pentagon were urging United States tests long before the Russians violated the moratorium. Forced to test? That this is blatantly false is prov- en by Kennedy's assurance that we currently remain far ahead of the Russians in nuclear technol- ogy. However, Secretary of De- fense McNamara assures us that we are farahead of Russia in both conventional and missile delivery systems. No, the truth is that Russia's test series has not endan- gered our security. Rather, our decision to heighten the arms spir- al reflects the urgings of the mill- tarists, both in and out of uniform. * * * BUT PERHAPS the most im- portant question is the notion of leaving the crucial decisions to an elite. The implication is that citi- zens are to be yes-sayers, that they should serve the government rather than be served by it. Could anything be a greater perversion of democracy, which depends up- on an informed, vocal constituen- cy? The retort to this statement is that the layman cannot under-, stand the physics of the Bomb. But it is equally true that he can understand the often suppressed facts concerning the chances of accidental war, the vicious conse- quences of the arms spiral, the im- potence of bomb shelters, the hor- rors of fallout, and so on. He can also understand the physical and moral impossibility of war and of its logical antecedent, preparation for war. Do we live under a dictatorship where an elite makes the decisions of life or death, or do we live in a democracy where the government is of, by, and for the people? If the latter be true, it is the obliga- tion of each person to demand a sane and humane policy of our government. Such a policy pre- cludes United States atmospheric tests; it requires disarmament. -Barton Meyers Cleavage... To the Editor: WTHEREAS one mast acknowl- edge a cleavage between ideals and the realities of poli- tics, David Marcus' analysis in his editorial reeks of cynicism, and his conclusion advocates passivity. Essentially, his thesis calls for activists, who would not com- promise their principles, to aban- don their corner. In other words, forfeit rather than making one's pure values accessable to corrupt influences. Politics and ideals are, however, not so mutually exclusive as Mar- cus would suggest. He has, in a manner, confused content and structure. But even hypothetically accepting his dichotomy, an im- mutable stand on principle can- not possibly be anything but pas- sive. The informed student whose effectiveness is totally destroyed by a holier-than-thou attitude might better spend his time stu- dying ethical philosophy rather than reading newspapers. * *i. BEHIND the student move- ment is a profound moral sense. To manifest this deep concern for what is right in our society, some have clearly seen the need for po- litical mobilization. Even' allow- ing Marcus' assumption that the political machinery per se is amor- al, his conclusion is unjust. For certainly, the substance,' those ideals which students would see implemented, is desperately moral, and ultimately the structure can- not suffocate it. Politics for poli- tic's sake is a meaningless phrase. Disassociating from an amoral structure will avoid all comprom- ise, but it is an abdication of re- sponsibility that will see political apathy and its result, bad govern- ment, triumph. -Ron Newman, '63 Big Splash... To the Editor: WOULD like to forward my hearty congratulations to the person who cleverly proposed the sale of water pistols to implement other Michigras merriment. He certainly helped make these last few days full of fun and excite- ment. In fact it was so much so that at times I felt Michigan had become a kind of high school or grade school. Previously I had feared that' I had left all that good, clean fun behind, but I needn't have worried, for every- one was running about happily squirting other people. It really didn't matter too much if some extraneous persons got in the way because if they weren't joining in the frolics they certain- ly should have been doing so. Oh, it was great sport, and it was amusing! (Pardon my mirth.) An- other practice woefully absent from the campus for some time, that the water pistols apparently revived, was the use of water bal- loons. Suddenly all about one are gaily colored globes flying through the air. How festive can you get? All in all, I sincerely believe that the water pistols et' al. added a cer- tain aspect of abandon to the fes- tive weekend. After all, in the im- mortal thoughts of N. Bates, "Man's diversions are of greater importance 'than Man." -Robert D. Dahlin, '63 RewUs . . "ANY SYSTEM of government that offers the same rewards to the man who loafs as to the man who works is going to kill the greatest force that has made the United States the country the whole world envies." -Coronet Magazine SO THE OAS, losing men and morale, falling back daily, appears doomed. Its cause, colonialism, belongs to another century. The FLN, the French government, and the majority of French people want an end to the bloodshed which has cost $20 billion and consumed a quarter of a million lives in seven years. Leaders of both sides are cooperating to an extent once thought impossible in order to achieve this end. If, as planned, the Algerian problem is finally settled by the end of this year, France will face a future very different from her past. Whole generations will know peace for the first time. Currently in the midst of Presi- dent de Gaulle's seven year plan, the country is already facing a boom. Wages have been rising, full employment is virtually a reality, and industry and com- merce are expanding. So far, de Gaulle's economic pol- .ne lm _ ,l -- a __tn _s~2 a i _eli CHARLES DE GAULLE ... after Algeria? DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN a revival would most likely weak- en, rather than strengthen his government. It is evident even now that he is hesitant to call for new elections because of a fear that his party might do poorly. * * * INTERNATIONALLY, de Gaulle has big plans. He has never for- gotten for a moment the historical predominance of France in Eur- ope. He has never strayed for a moment from his goal of restor- ing France to her former glory. The Algerian war has consider- ably hampered de Gaulle's efforts to again make France a power of the first 'magnitude. It has tied him down economically and mili- tarily; it has embarrassed him on the diplomatic front. Without that war his ambitions will be bound- (Continued from Page 2) will be shown in the Multi-Purpose room of the UGLI at 4:05 p.m. on May 2 by the Arnold Air Society. Carillon Recitals: Percival Price, Uni- versity carillonneur, will present a ser- ies of carillon concerts beginning Thurs., May 3, 7:15 p.m., on the Charles Baird Carillon, Burton Memorial' Tow- er. These concerts will continue on suc- ceeding Thursdays, May 10, 17, 24 and 31, at the same hour. The Henry Russel Lecture will be de- livered by Herbert C. Youtie, Research Prof. 'of Papyrology, Thurs., May 3, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphithea- ter. His lecture topic is "Papyrologist: Artificer of Fact." University Lecture: "Michel Adanson and His Position in 18th Century Bot- any in France," May 3, 4:15 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Dr. Frans A. Stafleu. International Asso- ence, Carleton University, Ottawa, Can- ada, will speak on "American and Brit- ish Influences on Canadian Pubic Ad- ministration." Refreshments will be served after the meeting. Everyone is welcome. Applied rgathematics Joint Seminar: Dr. Joseph B. Keller, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, will speak on "Elastic Wave Propagation," Thurs., May 3, at 4:00 p.m. in 229 West Engineering. Coffee at 3;30 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge, 214 West Engineering. Symposium on Vitalizing Class Pre- sentation, sponsored- by the University Senate Sub-committee on Improvement of Instruction, May 3, atn4:10 p.m. in And. C, Angell Hall. Panel: H. Harlan Bloomer, Richard D. Judge, Fred L. Lemler, Edgar E. Willis. Moderator: Ar- thur M. Eastman. Faculty and students invited to attend and participate in the discussion. i