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April 29, 1962 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-29

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SUNDAY, APRIL. 29,1962




...................... .._ ......... .

Michigan Sweeps Doubleheader

Thinelads Win Big in Open

Special To The Daily
baseball team made its weekend
road trip a complete success yes-
terday by sweeping a doubleheader
from dangerous Minnesota, 8-3
and 3-2.
The double win left Michigan
with a 51 Big Ten record, with
the only loss coming on opening
A trio of lefties, Fritz Fisher,
John Kerr and Dennis Spalla were
the chief vehicles to victory. Fish-
er went the route in the opener
to post his second victory of the
season, against four defeats. Kerr
won his fourth straight without
defeat in the second game.
Kerr needed two innings of
sparkling relief ball from newly-
found ace, Wayne Slusher in the
Chalk Up Two
First Game

Jones, 2b
Honig, ss
!Tate, rf
l Steckley, if
Spalla, cf
Merullo, c
Campbell, lb
Chapman, 3b
Fisher, p
Carlson, of
Thiel, ss
Evans, 3b"
Southard, rf
Wally, c
Oster, If
Wally, c ,
Andresen, 2b
Davis, lb
Stephens, p
Holzemer, p

5 3 3 2
5 0 1 2
3 0 0 2
4 20
5 0 1 0
4 1 1 0
35 0 10, 6
4 0 2 0
4 0 0 0
3 1 1 0
5 0 0 0
3 1 2 1
0 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
33 3 8 2

a-Struck out for Stephens in 6th;
b--Struck out for Holzemer in 9th.
MICHIGAN 012 020 003-8
Minnesota 020 010 000-3
E-Andres n 3, Davis, Holzemer,
Evans, .Campbell. DP-Wally .and
Evans, Jones, Honig and Campbell.
LOB-Michigan 6, Minnesota 10. 2B
-Oster, Wally. 3B-Honig, Chap-
man. SB-Jones, Spalla, Andresen
2. SF-Steckley 2, Andresen.
Fisher (W, 2-4) 9 8 3 3 6 7
Stephens (L, 3-1) 6 7 5 2 1 2
Holzemer 3 3 3 1 0 1
Second Game
Jones, 2b 4 0 0 0
Honig, ss 3 0 0 0
Tate, rf 3 1 1 0
Steckley, If 3 1 1 0
Spada, cf 2 1 1 3
Merullo, e 2 0 0 0
Chapman, lb 3 0 0 0
Newman, 3b 3 0 0 0
Kerr, p 2 0 1 0
Slusher, p 1 0 0 0
Totals 26 3 ,4 3
Carlson, cf 3 1 2 0
Thiel, ss 3 1 1 1
Evans, 3b 3 0 1 0
Wally,c 20 1 1
Southard, rf 2 0 1 0
Foster, rf 1 0 0 0
Oster,lf 3 0 0 0
Andresen, 2b 3 0 0 0
Davis, lb 3 0 1 0
Buhrt, p 1 00 0
a-Raasch 10 0 0
Weckman, p 0 0 0 0
b-Halcrow 1 0 0 0
Totals 27 2 7 2
a-Grounded out for Buhrt in
5th; b-Grounded out for Weckman
in 7th.
MICHIGAN 000 300 0-3
Minnesota 001 001 0-2
E-Thiel, Merullo, Honig, Tate.
DP-Thiel, Andresen and Damis;
Jones, Honig and Chapman; New-
man, Jones and Chapman. LOB-
Michigan 3, Minnesota 4. 2B-Kerr.
HR--Spalla. SF--Wally.
Kerr (W, 4-0) 5 7 20 0 5
Rlusher 2 0 0 0 0 0
Buhrt (L, 2-1) 5 3 3 1 4
Wecknan 2 0 0 0 2 1
,PB--Merullo 2.
Con-Con Lets
Betting Stay
The Constitutional Convention
changed its mind today and re-
instated pari-mutuel betting at
Michigan race tracks.
Delegates had previously voted
to ban pari-mutuel betting at race
tracks but changed their minds
in two votes today, 80 to 48 and
95 to 26.
The convention, however, adopt-
ed the present language of the
constitution which prohibits lot-
teries and the sale of lottery
Some delegates complained that
although horse racing returns tax
money to county fairs, such pay-
ments were actually payola.
Herbert M. Turner, (R-Sagin-
aw), in p otesting the adoption of
the proposal said: "Gambling is
a disease and all gamblers are
William C. Marshall, (D-Tay-
lor), admonished the position of
the delegates He said they were
not at the convention to write the
ten commandments and suggested
that they leave the matter up to
the legislature. He suggested leav-
ing all references to gambling out
of the constitution.

nightcap, but the game's laurels
went to Spalla, the centerfielder.
Michigan got only four hits in
the seven-inning nightcap, but
one of them was a three-run
homer by Spalla. It was only his
first homer of the season. The
blast came in the fourth inning
and staked Kerr to a 3-1 lead. Ron
Tate and Dick Steckley, singled
and scored ahead of him.
Kerr weakened in the sixth,
however, and Gophers rallied to
score a run. At this point Slusher
came in with no one out and
pitched no-hit ball the rest of the
In the first game, the Wolver-
ines supported Fisher with a ten-
hit attack. Shortstop Dick Honig
did the most damage with three
hits in five trips, including his
third triple in Big Ten action. It
was his fourth for the whole sea-
Nears Triple Record
Honig is within reach of the
Big Ten record of five triples in
a season jointly held by four
Joe Jones and Spalla each con-
tributed a pair of singles to the
attack, but it was really six Go-
pher errors which decided the
game. Minnesota pitchers John
Stephens and, Glen Holzemer al-
lowed only three earned runs.
Stephens was the starter and loser.
Secondbasem rn Jon Andreasen
contributed three errors himself.
Fisher Troubled
Fisher was in almost constant
trouble, giving up eight hits and
six bases on balls. He stranded ten
Gopher runners and one double
play helped him out of another
Minnesota was never out of
reach until the ninth when Michi-
gan cemented the victory with
three runs. The Wolverines moved
out in front for the first time
in the game in the third inning
Blue Over
Purdue in
Tennis, :6-3
Special To The Daily
An inexperienced and under-
rated Purdue team went down to
defeat at the hands of a powerful
Wolverine racquet squad yester-
day afternoon, but not before
registering three hard-fought and
unexpected victories.
Several hours after the match
.had started in, windy, cloudy La-
fayette, Indiana, things looked as
expected with little inkling of the
problems to come. The ,Purdue
squad was thought so weak that
Michigan's number one man, Ray
Senkowski stayed home and each
man moved up one notch on the
ladder. Harry Fauquiet playing
first singles quickly delt with. his
opponent, Bob Powless, 6-3, 6-1,
and his team-mate, Gerry Dubie
roared over Ross Helft, 6-3, 6-4.
Purdue Rally
About this time trouble came on
the courts for Michigan. Jim Ten-
ney, playing the third spot, drop-
ped his first set 2-6 and was hot
in the midst of the second and
might well be deciding one. Wol-
verine Tom Beach was upset badly
6-2, 7-5 and his team-mate in
the fifth spot, Ron Linclau was
edged, 8-6,7-5, by an aggressive
racquet-wielder, Steve Kalacany.
Neither Kalacany nor Hanans had
figured in pre-match considera-
tion and their wins came as com-
plete surprizes.
Tenney however, managed to'
calm after the first set, and push-
ed the match to the three-set limit
by taking the next two, solidly,

6-2, 6-2.
With the Wolverines leading the
match 3-2 at this point, fill-in
Alex McCleery, playing his second
match of the season in seventh,
proceeded to put the meet on ice
in a ' tough victory over Purdu e's
Bob McNeely, in the third set.
McNeely forced McCleery into the
third after taking the second 6-2.
Net Rally Wins
SINGLES: 1. Fauquier (M) def.
Powless, 6-3, 6-1; 2. Duble (M) def.
Helft, 6-3, 6-4; 3. Tenney (M) def.
Butterfield, 3-6, 6-2, 6-2; 4. Hannas
(P) def. Beach, 6-2, 7-5; 5. Kala-
cany (P) def. Linclau, 8-6, 7-5; 6.
Mecleery (M) def. McNeely, 6-4,
2-6, 6-4.
DOUBLES: 1. Duble and Tenney
(M) def. Helft and Powless, 6-2,
-2; 2H Hannas and Kalacany (P)
def. Beach and Linclau, 6-4, 6-3;
3. Fauquier and McCleery (M) def.
Butterfield and McNeely, 6-3, 7-5.

when a two-run outburst furnished
a 3-2 lead.
Michigan counted twice more in
the fifth, but Minnesota scored
once in the bottom of the inning.
But Fisher proved equal to the
task and protected the two-run
margin until the ninth inning
splurge gave him some breathing
Errors Hurt
The second game was no breeze
as errors by Joe Merulle, Honig
and Tate, two passed balls charged
to Merullo, and seven Gopher hits
made life dangerous in the first
five innings.
The Wolverine infield, however,
came up with two more double
plays and Kerr walked none and
struck out five to ease the situa-
tion. Kerr also added the fourth
Michigan hti, a double.
Michigan's Harvey Chapman,
who had been leading the team
with a .400 average, colled off
some yesterday, collecting only
one hit in seven tries.
Michigan will take its seven-
game winning streak to Detroit
tomorrow to face the University
of Detroit Titans. The Wolverines
return to Big Ten action next
Friday with a single game at
Michigan State and a double-
header with the Spartans here on
Michigan, who dropped six out
of ten on their Spring tour, has
come back strong since then win-
ning seven out of eight. Their
only loss came in the opener

'M' Successfully Defends
Two-Mile Penn Relay Crown

-Daily-Bruce ayior
AT LAST-Michigan's star hurler Fritz Fisher is on the mound
against anohter foe. Fisher won his first ball game yesterday
against Minnesota although he allowed a scattering of hits and
walked six. Previously he lost two straight 1-0 ball games.

The sixth annual Michigan Open,
was run yesterday under threaten-
ing skies and before a sparse
crowd of less than a hundred
The Michigan track team made
a very fine showing and im-
proved its last year's record of six
first places, six second places and
six third places. This year they
took seven firsts, eight seconds
and two thirds.
Other teams competing in the
meet were the Western Michigan
Freshman (who made a strong
showing despite only two first
place finishes), Eastern Michigan,
Detroit, Michigan State, the "Un-
attacheds," and Barney Crouse, a
lad from Cranbrook.
All-Round Group
The Michigan freshmen, some
MSU thinclads and various other
trackmen competing without any
team affiliation, were lumped un-
der the general heading of un-
Two meet records fell today and
both of them to the Wolverine
squad. Well, not exactly to the
official Michigan squad, as a relay
team composed of former Michi-
gan men ran in the 440-yd. relay.
The team was made up of John
Gregg, Les Bird, Dick Cephas and
Tom Robinson-all former M'
greats. Yesterday they proved that
they haven't lost the form which
maide them great as they rushed
to a 0:42.8 meet record, breaking
the old record by seven-tenths of
a second.
Two More Marks
The other record fell to a red-
headed flash, Ted Kelly, a sopho-
more, running the 660. He easily
out-classed his opponents and
streaked to a 1:21.9 finish, to set
both a meet and a Ferry Field
record. The old meet and Ferry
NCAA Rules
On Probation
The National Collegiate Athletic
Association slapped a two-year
probation on the University of
Colorado Friday night in what one
top NCAA official called "one of
the most serious cases'' ever to
come before the group.
The action climaxed athletic
scandals involving the Big Eight
Football Champion Buffaloes and
their for:nrr coach, Everett (Son-
ny) Grandelius.
William (Bud) Davis, the uni-
versity's alumni secretary. was
hired to replace him.
The Colorado penalty stommed
from a "slush fund" operated by
football coch Everett (Sonny)
Grandelius, whom the university
fired on March 17.
NCAA executive director Wa ter
Byers sad there "is no doubt in
my :nind that the penalty for
these ctenses would have been
among the most serious ever
handed cut by the NCAA were it
not for mitigating circumstances."
Cciorado Investigates
The 'mitigating Circumstances,
Byers explained, included the un:
velsity launching an investigation
of its cwn "which was very Ef-
fective", and the sEction Coo ado
took ence the facts of the case
were unuvered.
For Complete Collision
and Body Shop Service
Ann Arbor NO 3-0507
-Free Estimates-
All Makes of Cars

tied a meet record had there not
been a wind of velocity greater
than 4.439 miles an hour, helping
him out.
Crouse, a senior from Cran-
brook, made a good showing de-
spite his youth and inexperience.
He placed fourth in the 100-yd.
dash and won his qualifying heat
in the 220-yd. dash with a time
that tied the then existing meet
record of 0:22.1.
Schmitt Wins
Michigan showed great one-two
punches in the shot put and the
discus throw. Roger Schmitt won
the shot put with a 49' 103/4" toss
and Ernie Soudek finished right
behind him.
discus throw. Soudek won with a
Their roles were reversed in the
toss of 157' 11%". Schmitt was a
close second.

Field records were set by Frank
Geist of Michigan last year, the
first year that the event was run;
the record was 1:22.3.
Abdul Amu of Michigan State
ran a 0:9.7 100-yd. dash in the
qualifying heat which would have

The Western Michigan Fresh-
men showed strength in their re-
lays; they entered two teams in
each of the relays and won the
880 and placed in several others.
Vogler showed great speed in
clearing the 120-yd. low hurdles
with a winning time of 0:15.0.
Mile Relay Victors
The final event of the day was
the mile relay won by the Michi-
gan team in 3:24.4, eight-tenths
of a second over the meet record.
The race was Michigan's all the
way. Billi Hornbeck led off and
gave his second man, Dave Ro-
main, a five yard lead. Romain
lost a little ground in the first
turn but made it up and by the
time he handed off to Ted Kelly,
the outcome of the race was al-
most certain. Kelly, however, found
himself eight yards behind Ray
Williams of Western Michigan on
the backstretch. A great kick by
Kelly in the last turn gave him
the lead. Talt Malone, anchor man,
made short work of his competi-
tors and was never seriously chal-
The meet ended and the rains
came, which proves assistant track
coach Elmer Swanson's maxim,
"It never rains for a track meet."
Running High
POLE VAULT: Jim Underly (Un-
att.), 14'; HIGH JUMP: Jack To-
ner (WMU Track Club), 64";
BROAD JUMP: Sol Akpata (MSIT),
24'11"; DISCUS: Ernie Soudek (M),
157'1111; S H 0T P;UT: Roger
Schmitt (M), 4911011"; MILE BE-
LAY: Michigan, 3:24.4; TWO-MILE:
Chris Murray (M), 9:59.9; 220-YD.
DASH: Abdul Amu (MSU), :21.7;
880-YD.: Bill Stewart (MSU), 1:58.2;
880-YD. RELAY: WMUF Team 1,
1:31.0; 120-YD. HIGH HURDLES:
Jim Vogler (WMUF), :15.0; 100-YD.
DASH: Abdul Amu (MSU), :09.8;
660-YD.: Ted Kelly (M), 1:21.9
(meet and Ferry Field record);
440-YD. DASH: Kent Bernard (Un-
att.), :49.4; MILE RUN: Angus Mac-
Dougald (M), 4:29.5; 440-YD. RE-
LAY: 'M' Grads, :42.8 (meet record);
220-YD. LOW HURDLES: Chuck
Mattson (Detroit), :24.4.

... finishes third

By The Associated Press
Michigan became a double win-
ner in the 1962 Penn Relays yes-
terday when the Wolverines -
anchored by come-from-behind
specialist Ergas Leps - won the
two-mile relay in 7:37.8.
A crowd of about 35,000 at
Pennsylvania's Franklin Field saw
Don Canham's Michigan outfit
win the four-mile relay Friday,
also with Leps handling the stock
on the final leg.
This time, Leps, a Lithuania-
born Canadian, started out even
with Fordham's Frank Tomeo on
the anchor leg.
Tomeo gradually took a five-
yard lead but coming into the
home stretch, Leps turned on the
steam and hit the tape about two
yards to the good.
Looking Ahead
"I expect great things from this
team," Canham said. "Leps is the
only senior. All the others are
Running in front of Leps were
Jay Sampson, Dave Hayes, and
Charlie Aquino.
Bennie McRae finished second
in the 120-yd. high hurdles be-
hind Russ Rogers of Maryland,
who turned the course in :14.2.
Finally Win
New York University broke a
seven-year drought and won two
major titles - the sprint medley
and the mile.
Joe Healey's Violets whipped to
a 3:25.3 victory in the sprint med-
ley, then became the first team
since 1954 to break Villanova's
stranglehold in the mile relay,
hustling to a 3:12.9 decision over
Morgan State.
Villanova scratched from the
mile because, said coach Jumbo
Pole Vaulter-
Sets Record
WALNUT, Cal. (-) - Crew-cut
Dave Tork, a rangy Marine lieu-
tenant from Camp Pendleton, Cal.,
used a fiber glass pole last night
and sailed over the bar at 16'2" to
eclipse all official and unofficial
world's records in the pole vault.
John Uelses' mark ofr16'34" is
still pending. The recognized
world standard is 15'9/" set by
Don Bragg.
We are now
NO 2-5414

{. ,

Jim Elliott, "we couldn't field a
representative team. It wouldn t
have been fair to the others for us
to start, knowing we* didn't have
a chance."
But the Wildcats from Philadel-
phia's main line, crippled by a
long list of injuries, did manage
to win the 880 Relay in 1:25.
Abilene Christian took the 440
in :41.6 and Win.ton-Salem carted
off the shuttle hurdles in :59.3.
So NYU, Villanova, and Michi-
gan all wound up double xv7nners.
The crowd saw three meet rec-
ords broken -in the javelin, 3,-
000-meter steeplechase and shot
put. Another was broken Friday
in the discus, and the 400-meterI
hurdles mark was tied.
Jerry Dyes of Abilene Christian
set the javelin record in the trials
with a toss of 243'1". This erased'
the mark of 232 set last year by
Nick Kovalakides of Maryland. In
the final, he could do no better
than 232'10/2' because of a sore

Pat Traynor of Villanova, who
was voted the most valuable col-
legian in the meet because of his
efforts on the Wildcat relay teams,
was clocked in 9:11.1 in the 3,000-
meter steeplechase. The old record
was 9:14.2 by John Lawdler of
Abilene Christian last year. Law-
ler was in the race but dropped
out with a bad knee.
Gary Gubner of New York
smashed the meet record with a
61'4%" toss in the shot put. The
old mark was 59'1%" by Ken Ban-
tum of Manhattan in 1956.
The mile turned out to be a
thriller between NYU and Morgan
State and it was decided on the
anchor leg, when Cliff Bertrand
outstepped Lawson Smart and
crossed the tape about two yards
to the good.
Abilene Christian was third,
Western Michigan fourth,,, St.
John's fifth and Oklahoma State
last. Abilene and Oklahoma State
were the big favorites on their
3:10 and 3:10.2 clockings in the
Texas Relays, but neither ever
really was in the race.

-- - --- i ++rri

I Z-e-;

(Author of "Rally Round The Flag, Boys", "The
Many Loves of Dobie Gillis", etc.)

Keeping Up with the Best

120-YD. HIGH HURDLES: 1. Russ
Rogers, Maryland; 2. Bennie Mc-
Rae, M; 3. John Betrea, Morgan
State; 4. Ken Shepherd, Winston-
Salem. :6:14.2.
100-YD. DASH: 1. Dennis Ricl~ard-
son, Abilene Christian; 2. Joel
Johnson, Western Michigan; 3.
Gerald Ashworth, Dartmouth; 4.
George Smartt, Virginia State. :09.7
HIGH JUMP: 1. Alonzo Littlejohn,
Western Michigan, James Oliphant,
W~estern Michigan, and Sam Stei-
bert, Yale (tie); 4. Wilmore Davis,
Morgan State, and Jeff Little, New
York, (tie). 6'4".
2. Oklahoma State; 3. Morgan State;
4. Vilanova. 3:25.3.
440-YD. RELAY: 1. Abilene Chris-
tian; 2. villanova; 3. Morgan State;
4. Manhattan. :41.6.
JAVELIN: 1. Henry Hallas, Yale;
2. Steve Haneroff, . Maryland; 3.

George Reynolds, Villanova; 4. Doug
Tozour, Navy; 5. Bob Marshall,
Rhode Island. 201'71%".
880-YD. RELAY: 1. Villanova; 2.
Manhattan;3. Morgan State; 4.
Western Michigan. 1:25.0.
TWO-MILE RELAY: 1. Michigan;
2. Fordham; 3. Georgetown; 4. Man-
hattan. 7:37.8.
POLE VAULT: 1. Dick Plymale,
Army; 2. Rolando Cruz, Villanova,
and John Belitza, Maryland (tie);
4. Tom Glass, Maryland; 5. Richard
Nutt, Navy, and Rod Denhart, M
(tie). 15'7%1".
SHOT PUT: 1. Gary Gubner, NYU;
2. Billy Joe, Villanova; 3. Dick Gess-
wein, Duke; 4. Ed Kohler, Fordham.
LAY: 1. Winston-Salem; 2. Yale;
3. Villanova. :59.3.
MILE RELAY: 1. NYU; 2. Morgan
State; 3. Abileine Christian; 4.
Western Michigan. 3:12.9.

Final eams will soon be upon us. This is no time for fun and
games. 'et us instead study hard, cram fiercely, prepare assidu-
In this column today let us make a quick survey of English
poetry. When we speak of English poetry, we are, of course,
speaking of Byron, Shelley, and Keats. Some say that of the
three, Keats was the most talented. It is true that he displayed
his gifts earlier than the others. While still a schoolboy at St.
Swithin's he wrbte his epic lines:
If I am good, I get an apple,
So I don't whistle in the chapel.
From this distinguished beginning, he went on to write an-
other 40,000 poems in his lifetime-which is all the more
remarkablewhen you consider that he was only five feet tall!
I mention this fact only to show that physical problems never
keep the true artist from creating. Byron, for example, was
lame. Shelley had an ingrown hair. Nonetheless, these three
titans of literature turned out a veritable torrent of romantic
Nor did they neglect their personal lives. Byron, a devil
with the ladies, was expelled from Oxford for dipping Elizabeth
Barrett's pigtails in an inkwell. He thereupon left England to
fight in the Greek war of independence. He fought bravely and
well, but women were never far from his mind, as evidenced by
this immortal poem:
How splendid it is to fight for the Greek,
But I don't enjoy it half as much as dancing cheek to cheek.
While Byron fought in Greece, Shelley remained in England,
where he became court poet to the Duke of Marlborough. (It
is interesting to note in passing that Marlborough was the ongi-
nal spelling of Marlboro Cigarettes, but the makers were unable
to get the entire word on the package. With characteristic in-
genuity they cleverly lopped off the final "gh". This, of course
left them with a "gh" lying around the factory. They looked
for some place to put it and finally decided to give it to the
Director of Sales, Mr. Vincent Van Go. This had a rather curious
result. As plain Van Go, he had been a crackerjack director of
sales, but once he became Van Gogh, he felt a 'mysterious,
irresistible urge to paint. He resigned from the Company and
became an artist. It did not work out too well. When Van Gogh
learned what a great success Marlboro Cigarettes quickly be-
came-as, of course, they had to with such a flavorful flavor,
such a filterful filter, such a flip-top box, such a soft pack-he
was so upset about leaving the firm that he cut off his ear in a
fit of chagrin.)
But I digress. Byron, I say was in Italy and Shelley in

Opens Tuesday, April 25- (loses Friday, May4
EARLY REGISTRATION PASS COMMITTEE: Active during registration week ... hears requests
from students working, in athletics, in campus organizations, and others for out of order
registration. Two one-year terms are open.
HUMAN RELATIONS BOARD: Considers cases and areas involving discrimination against
students . . . and works in a positive manner to encourage better human relations in the Uni-
versity and Ann Arbor communities. Five one-year terms open.
CINEMA GUILD: Is the board which chooses movies shown at Cinema Guild and receives
petitions from student organizations who wish to sponsor the showings. Members of the board
are guests of the sponsoring organization at any movie. Two one-year terms open.
STUDENT BOOK EXCHANGE MANAGER: Receives $100.00 per semester for running the
Student Book Exchange in the Student Activities Building. Has two assistant managers and
staff. One-semester term.
Exchange . . . receives $50. compensation per' semester. Two one-semester terms open.
ELECTIONS DIRECTOR: Runs the campus elections in November including petitioning, polls,
open houses, publicity, and Count Night . . . One-semester term.

ie r1'6i? ar/y 4c Pe
England. Meanwhile Keats went to Rome to try to grow. Who
does not remember his wistful lyric:
Although I am only five feet high,
Some day I will look in an elephant's eye.
But Keats did not grow. His friends, Shelley and Byron,
touched to the heart, rushed to Rome to stretch him. This too
failed. Then Byron, ever the ladies' man, took up with Lucretia
Borgia, Catherine of Aragon, and Annie Oakley. Shelley, a more
domestic type, stayed home with his wife Mary, and wrote his
famous poem:
I love to stay home with the missus and write,
And hug her and kiss her and give her a bite.
Mary Shelley finally got so tired of being bitten that she went
into another room and wrote Frankenstein. Upon reading the

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Telephone NO 5-9131
uiI. LI.-.. A II VI/2 . .1 f*1 J ...... ....:s....T ..

STUDENT RELATIONS BOARD: Acquaints student body with the activities of the Develop-
ment Council and the University's alumni program. Develops programs and activities on
campus designed to arouse student interest and later participation in the University's alumni
program. One two-year term is open.
INTERNATIOWAL RELATINS COMMITTEE: Airs n ndvises existinorornoms and develoos





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