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April 29, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-29

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The.Daily in
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Confusing and contradictory stories have circulated
around campus during the week about the appointments made last week
to senior staff positions on The Daily and the resultant actions by student
editors. This article is an attempt to narrate the events as they actually
occurred and the issues which underly them.)
To trace the current controversy between the Board in Control of
Student Publications and the members of The Daily staff to its roots
would necessitate the presentation of the entire history of college
newspapers on The University campus, if not an exhaustive analysis
of the development of individual liberties in the society.
This article will begin with the events which immediately preceded
the resignations of the seniors early last Saturday morning and con-
clude with a view of the future, stopping along the way to describe
the important individual actions.
The Daily committee of The Board in Control convened on the
afternoon of Wednesday, April 18. The committee, chaired by Prof.

Controversy: Summary
Douglas A. Hayes of the business administration school, consists of a The recommendations, settled upon after hundreds of hours

of the


of dis-

majority of members of the full board. cussion, were unanimously agreed upon by the seven senior editors.
Board Responsibilities Seniors Recommend
(The Board in Control is responsible directly to The Regents and The outgoing seniors recommended:
has full authority and control over publications of students or student Editor-Michael Olinick, '63
organizations at The University. City Editor-Michael Harrah, '63BAd.
(The 12 member board is now composed of Professors Hayes, Olin Editorial Director-Judith Oppenheim, '63
L. Browder of the Law School [chairman], Philip A. Duey of the music Personnel Director-Cynthia Neu, '63
school, Harry A. Towsley of the medical-school, Karl F. Zeisler of the Magazine Editor-Harry Perlstadt, '63
journalism department, Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Associate City Editor-Caroline Dow, '63
Lewis, Director of University Relations Michael K. Radock, John C. Associate Editorial Director-Fred Russell Kramer, '63
Feldkamp, '64L, William C., McIntyre, Grad, and Thomas A. Witecki, At this point, a brief explanation of the duties of these positions
Grad. Alumni members are Harvey Patton, managing editor of the might be in order.
Detroit News, and K. Berkeley Smith, editor and publisher of the Positions Defined
Iosco County News.) Personnel Director-directs the freshman training program, in-
At the afternoon meeting, John C. Roberts, '62, then The Daily sures that enough personnel are on hand to publish a paper every
editor, presented his staff's recommendations for new appointments. day, calms jittery nerves, grants vacations to staff members to catch

up on academic duties, negotiates late pers for women, responsible for
The Daily banquet, general aide.
City Editor-Associate City Editor-share prime responsibility for
the news pages and The Daily's coverage of news events, channel in-
coming mail, prepare daily assignment and critic sheets, co-ordinate
beats, give editorial director suggestions for editorials. The associate
has special direction over photography and library.
Editorial Director-Associate Editorial Director-direct the edi-
torial page of The Daily, suggest topics on which staffers may write,
go over editorials with, writers to clear up poor language, point out
weak logic. Associate has special direction over reviews, letters to the



i qanC~


Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

Magazine Develops
Magazine Editor-responsible for the publication of a monthly
tabloid magazine, develops themes for magazines, encourages writers
to produce copy, edits copy, contacts non-Daily personnel to write
for magazine.
Editor-responsible for the whole paper, tries to give it direction
and co-ordination; The Daily's official contact with the rest of the
community, gives speeches to other campus groups, sits on Student
Government Council.
Roberts supplemented his list of recommendations with an hour-
long discussion of the junior petitioners, what assets and liabilities he
felt each one had for the various senior editorial positions.
Roberts Claims
Roberts claims that even after his talk, members of The Board
were confused about the names and sexes of the petitioners. "I am
certain," he saids, "that they were not absorbing a great deal of what
I was telling them about the petitioners."
After recess for dinner, the committee interviewed the eight
Juniors seeking senior positions. The interviews were scheduled for 15
minutes, though several lasted for 20 minutes and two (Olinick's and
Harrah's) took a half-hour.
Questions in the interviews covered a wide area, though the com-
mittee asked several petitioners whether or not they would have re-
printed "Lewis' Advice Device," an editorial feature by Olinick which
the Board had charged violated The Daily's Code of Ethics by attack-
ing the characters of individuals, In March, The Board had censured
the senior =editors for publishing the editorial.
Petitioners Asked
Almost all of the petitioners-including those of the sports staff-
were asked about the Codesof Ethics. The- committee wanted to know
if the petitioners agreed with the code, what aspects of it they would
like to see changed, and-if they felt they could live with the Code while
trying to make these changes.
The Code of Ethics, originally adopted in 1940, and revised several
times since, sets forth the responsibilities of The Daily to report the
news "as completely and accurately as possible" and to"have at heart
the interests of the University and refrain from such unwarranted
action as may compromise the University in the eyes of the public."
The Code calls for the editorial page to be open "to all points of
view" with "freedom of expression grounded on fact" as the editorial
policy of the newspaper.

Vote Urges,

U' To



of Wome n










More Control
Of Students
Alumnae Disagree
With OSA Report
Asserting that University rules
should be based on "such conduct
as is acceptable in adult society,"
the Alumnae Council yesterday re-
affirmed its demand that the po-
sition of Dean of Womlen be re-
tained when the recommendations
of the' Office of Student Affairs
Study Committee are implemented.
In a resolution passed with two
dissenting votes, the council
asked that the Dean of Women be
given "authority and responsibili-
ty appropriate to the office."
The resolution asks that there
be coordination of a1 student serv-
ices under the Vice-President for
Student Affairs, "except that the
Dean of Women should have pri.
mary authority over the housing,
discipline and non-academic coun-
seling of women."
It states that, while students
should take part in rule-making,
the final word should be up to the
administration, and added that
rules should be based on "such
conduct as is acceptable in adult
Final Authority
The alumnae resolution touched
on many other aspects of the OSA
It takes issue with the OSA
Study's proposal that undergrad-
uates be permitted to live in apart-
ments, and says, "we believe that
as a general rule unmarried, un-
dergraduate students should live
in dormitories, fraternities, sorori-
ties or housing supervised by the
It proposes fewer levels of ap-
peal in the judiciary system than
the OSA report asks; and adds
that while the student's role in
deciding discipline should be
maintained and clarified, serious
cases should be handled quickly
and privately "so that the, student
can return to his studies."
Some Agreement
In addition to these objections
to the OSA Study's recommenda-
tions, the Alumnae Council's reso-
lution cites specific areas in which
it concurs.
it voices "wholehearted approv-
al" of the report's philosophy of
purpose, which outlines the goal
of developing the intellect, charac-
ter and abilities of the student "to
make maximum ebntribution to
his society."
It lauds the suggested Regents
Bylaw change which would define
more clearly the status of the
Vice-President for Student Affairs.
Student Duty
The statement agrees that "the
student has an obligation to abide
by the laws of the community and
the duly promulgated rules of the
It concurs with the Report's
suggestion of more varied Uni-
versity student housing, and asks
for more "imagination and plan-
ning" to make present facilities
more attractive.
The Alumnae Council is seeking
an opportunity to present its views
on the OSA reorganization direct-
ly to the Regents before that body
makes the final decision regarding
the nature of the new OSA.

Kennedy, 1Macmillan








CMU 'Life'
To Receive
Own Board
"Central Michigan Life," the
weekly newspaper at Central
Michigan University, will have its
own publications board, independ-
ent of the university's Publications
Board, within a month.
CMU President Judson Foust
met with students from the Stu-
dent Senate and the Student
Rights Committee Friday and
agreed to set up a publications
board to direct the operations of
the "Life."
The board will function in an
advisory capacity in addition to
selecting the new editors each
year, Paul Rawley, liaison officer
between the Students Rights Com-
mittee and the Student Senat'e,
said. Also, it will draw up its own
policy on all matters concerning
the newspaper.
Board Membership
Serving on this board will be
two members of the administra-
tion, two faculty members ap-
pointed by the Faculty Senate and
four students chosen by the Stu-
dent Senate.
The editor of the "Life" and a
consulting Michigan journalist
will serve as advisors to the board,
without voting power.
The editor will be accountably
to the board but the Board will
not supervise the editor except in
extreme cases, Rawley explained.
Paper's Readership
At present the "Life" is under
the University Publications Board.
It serves the administration, the
faculty and all the departments in
addition to the students.

Rusk, NATO Allies To'Confer

WASHINGTON (A')-Secretaryv
of State Dean Rusk is expedted
to offer the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization allies next week de-
tailed information on the num-
bers, types, general capability and
potential use of weapons in the
United States nuclear arsenal.
Administration leaders are re-C
ported to hope that such informa-
tion will be reassuring to allied
governments in Europe and thus
help to ease the pressure from
.some countries-particularly West
Germany-for quick creation of
NATO's own nuclear weapons
Rusk, after leaving last night
on a globe circling trip, will at-
Urges No Aid
To Segregated
CHICAGO ) - The American
Association of University Prof es-
sors yesterday overwhelmingly
recommended termination of all
federal aid to colleges and univer-
sities maintaining segregation.
It also passed resolutions against
tighter regulations on "Communist
propaganda" sent through the
mails, against abuse of discipline
power, against faculty members
and students taking part in peace-
ful demonstrations, against "so-
cial injustices" and for faculty
control of college and university
athletic policies.
The association also added two
colleges to its list of institutions
whose administrations it claims
stifle academic freedom

tend a meeting of the North
Atlantic Council in Athens be-
ginning late next week.
The availability of United States
nuclear power for the defense of
Western Europe will be one of the
major issues before the council.
Rusk does not expect that the
issue will be resolved at the forth-
coming session as the other 14
allied governments in NATO are

divided on what they thing should
be done.
The United States has offered
to help them create a nuclear
force under control of the alliance,
whose chief military commander is
an American general. But the com-
plex problems of how decisions on
the use ofrnuclear weapons would
be made are not yet close to solu-


Michigras Madness

At All Levels
Seen Useful
Support Berlin Talks;
Discussion Ranges
Over Many Issues
WASHINGTON (A) - President
John F. Kennedy and British
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
agreed yesterday that they are
ready to consider holding East-
West summit conferences if as-
sured of useful results.
But they said conditions are not
ripe for summit diplomacy now.
British and United States in-
formants said following day-long
talks at the White House that the
two leaders generally agreed there
should be East-West diplomatic
contacts at many levels including,
if necessary, the summit.
They snecifically agreed that
United States-Soviet discussions
on the possibility of a German
settlement could be continued.
More Summits?
Kennedy and Macmillan were
reported to be thinking of the
possibility of more than one sum-
mit conference provided condi-
tions were suitable.
However, informants declined
to say that what they had in mind
was a series of top level meetings
although the report opened that
In the course of discussions, the
leaders ranged over Berlin prob-
lems, disarmament, sum-nit pros-
pects and policy, the European
Common Market. Laos and nu-
clear weapons testing.
Other Results
These other results were report-

Code Lists
The Code also has- a list of operating principles to be used as a
guide to implementing the code. It specifies, among other things, that
no editorials shall embrace personal attack on the characters of indi-
viduals, or take sides in elections to The Regents.
The committee also asked the petitioners why they had petitioned
for certain positions and tried to determine their willingness to accept
other offices.
Juniors who seek senior staff positions must fill out an applica-
tion to The Board, outlining their academic position, experience on
The Daily, membership in other student organizations, and stating
any other relevant training they have had.
Petitioners Attach
They must also attach essays (maximum of 250 words) on what is
their philosophy of the role The Daily should play in the campus
community and what the hope to accomplish in the positions applied
(A week before the scheduled appointments interviews with The
Board, the petitioners must submit a scrapbook containing clippings
of their articles published in The Daily.)
After the interviews were concluded, the committee discussed the
petitioners for two hours and adjourned around midnight. Roberts
was not- called in during this time, though he asked the committee in
his earlier statement, to call him back if they were considering changes
in his recommendations.
On Friday afternoon, the full Board reconvened. Kramer was
called back early in the evening to discuss his petition to be a co-editor
of The Summer Daily.
About 10:30 that evening, Roberts was asked to come into The
Board meeting where he was told that The Board had decided to
appoint the following staff:
City Editor-Harrah
Co-Editorial Directors-Misses Oppenheim and Dow
Personnel Director-Miss Neu
Magazine Director-Judith Bleier, '63
Associate City Editor-Kramer
Roberts Argues
The Board asked Roberts to respond to these appointments but to
keep his remarks brief. He argued against the Board's dec).'ons, point-
ing out that the coeditorial directorship was unworkable, that the com
bination of Kramer and Harrah on the city desk posed great difficul-
ties, and that his staff's recommendations made better use of the
talents and abilities of the petitioners than The Board's.
After he made his comments, Roberts requested the Board also
hear the reactions of City Editor Philip Sherman, '62, and Editorial
Director Faith L. Weinstein, '62. While the Board was considering his
request, Roberts told the seniors what had happened.
Miss Weinstein and her associate Richard Ostling, '62, were called
in to speak separately to The Board on why they thought its decision
was not a good one. The Board did not ask to hear Sherman's remarks.
Board Consults
The Board consulted for about 10 minutes and announced that
its decision had not changed. Prof. Browder asked Roberts to announce
the appointments to the juniors. Roberts refused, asserting that "these
are not our appointments; I can'tannounce them."
Roberts then told the seniors that The Board had not, reversed
its decision.
The seniors, who had anticipated that The Board might make
changes in their recommendations, had begun discussion several weeks
before as to what their reaction to such a move should be. Both public
statements by Board members and less formal indications of "unrest"
led to the initial wariness about such action, the seniors said.
Seniors Decide
They decided to protest The Board's action and resign their posi-
tions in the hopes that they might prompt a reconsideration of The,
Board's decision. Roberts announced the decision to a City Room
crowded with staff members and several dozen other interested stu-
In a front page editorial in Saturday's paper, the seniors charged
that The Board was unjustified in overturning the recommendations.
They contrasted their long appointments deliberations with The
Board's, which they called "hasty and superficial."
The editorial put the decision in the context of what the seniors
felt was a basic principle underlying The Daily: "That students, given
proper training and guidance can be trusted to manage a great news-
paper with maturity, responsibility and good taste."
Seniors Describe
They described their resignations as not being motivated "by petu-
lance or emotion. We are not asserting a right to'be irresponsible. But
by its action, The Board in Control has handed down a vote of no
nnt mfi nnn t ni mr aoff.. hoe -e - :-r2e A . - -n -~~n-a ..ah +

-Daily Michael Myers
MICHIGRAS-1962 - The Ferris Wheel towers over fun and
festivity as carnival time again hits the campus. Judges had a
hard time choosing the "best" of floats and booths, but they
finally decided on: Best float-Geddes Cooperative and Phi Sigma
Kappa, 'The Committee Invents the Bottle Opener"; Most original
float-Gamma Phi Beta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, "Newton's
Dilemma-If Up Were Down"; Best Skill Booth-Angell House
and Pi Lambda Phi, "Save the Villian"; Best Show Booth-
Kappa Gamma and Zeta Beta Tau, "Michi-Ganders"; and Best
Refreshment Booth-Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha Sigma Phi,
"Evolution in Solution." (See pictures page 8.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .

.tt~ ? .................:"::Yr:.":}:"v ::C l a r e n c e C o i
j (EDiTOR'S NOTE: This is the who was running the
seventh in a series of eight bio- St fMiea i
graphical profiles of University sity of Maine as a si
presidents. When Marion LeRoy With eager dete
Burton died in 1925, Dean of the thcomtestou
Graduate School Alfred Henry the oommittee set ou
Lloyd assumed the duties of act- no to see Clarence Cc
ing president until Clarence
Cook Little was appointed six* * *
months later.) BUT THE MAINE
By MICHAEL HARRAH whose friends called h"
Acting City Editor was far more intereste
THE DEATH of Marion LeRoy
Burton left the Regents in
something of a quandry: Pres-
ident Burton had only been in
office six years, and none of
them had expected to be hunt-
ing a replacement quite so soon.
Alfred Henry Lloyd, dean of
the graduate school, a calm
and capable administrator, was

ok Little, 19251-1929

e Univer-
for Oro-
ook Little.
im 'Pete,'
ed in can-

cer research than the pres -
dency of a big University - a
job which would take him away
from his laboratory. He made
it clear that, should he take
the post in Ann Arbor, it world
only be for the purpose of test-
ing some of his theories on ed-
The committee backed off a
bit at that. Henry Philip Tap-
pan and his theories on educa-
tion were still more than mist
a dim memory. But the Regents
were determined, and in Sep-
tember they issued a formal call
to the New Englander. He a-
cepted and came at once.
President Little was a tall,
aristocratic man, with a small
moustache. Te was very hand-

versity's curricula and cata-
logues-with or without nelp.
THAT DID IT; battle lines
were drawn. The faculty de-
scended on Dean John R. Ef-
finger of the literary college
and protested. Dean Effinger
cajoled and pleaded and fin-
ally persuaded the faculty to
let him handle President Little.
The New Englander planned
to institute a free-lance period
during the first two years of
undergraduate work, during
which the student could sam-
ple various courses of liarring.
He felt that the University's
path to graduation looked too
much like Henry Ford's assem-
blv line It didn't adaut itself

Both men exoressed regret that
Russia had not agreed with the
zWestern powers to an enforce.eble
treaty ban on nuclear testing so
that the new round of atmospher-
ic tests could have been avoided
On Laos, long torn by civil
strife, they expressed hope that
East-West negotiations to estab-
lish an independent and neutral
country may yet be achieved.
Common Market
Macmillan told Kennedy many
difficulties must be overcome be-
fore Britain can enter the Euro-
pean common market, on which
negotiations are under way.
They will continue their talks
today, with a joint statement
scheduled to be issued this after-
Coast Hearing
LOS ANGELES (,)-Members of
the' House Committee on Un-
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