STUDENT CONCERN- DOUBLY DAMNED See Page 4 C, r Sir igaux ii SPRING High-85 Low---6 Continued warm through tonight Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXII, No. 148 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1962 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES Banks To Establish Loans for Students Michigan Students May Receive $250,000 in Funds at Low Rate By MYRNA ALPERT It is very likely that loans totaling $250,000 will be made available next fall by local banks to college students living in Michigan. The Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority established by the Legislature in 1960 will guarantee 80 per cent of the loans which will be made by local banks at a low interest rate of five per cent per annum. nnThe authority which has not yet received any appropriations from the state is currently working on plans to initiate a college loan pro- gram by Sept. I applied to the Legislature for an $89,452 appropriation DEAN ELIZABETH DAVENPORT . .. views proposals Rules Status Still Unclear By BARBARA LAZARUS Acting. Dean of Women Eliza- beth M. Davenport said yesterday that the proposed changes in wo- men's rules submitted by the Wo- men's Judiciary Council are being given great consideration. "Their implementation requires much discussion with the people who will be putting them into op- eration. It is too early to say whether any, some or all can be implemented by next Sept.," she said. The report cannot be discussed in its entirety since some of the recommendations had to do with all campus regulations and some of them with internal mechanics of housing, Dean Davenport said. Not Controversial "The idea that many of these changes are controversial is not true. A number of them will help to straighten out communication between students and the admin- istration." Dean Davenport said that the report is well done and is very comprehensive. Any final recom- mendations will be discussed very thoroughly with Judic Council. "Students- get the feeling that the- administration panics every time it hears from them," Dean Davenport added. "This is not a bargaining table, and we must make sure there is full understanding all the way around," she explained. Deborah Cowles, '62, former chairman of Woman's Judiciary, said that discussion would con- tinue with the new Judic Council members. Work of 6,000 Women "Every woman was given a chance to voice her opinion, and this report is actually the work of 6,000 women, whether they took part or not. Several of the recom- mended changes came from the houses directly," she said. Miss Cowles stated that basical- ly these changes are good, and they must be implemented while still insuring necessary growth and maturity. "There was little apathy and the students showed marvelous re- sponsibility in helping us to for- mulate this report," she said. Jddic Council will be conducting discussions with Dean Davenport, Assistant Dean of Women Eliza- bth Leslie and vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis. Project Gets Enidorsement Project Welcome has gotten over 1,000 signatures during the last three days. Since Monday the project has been endorsed by campus leaders and South and West Quadrangle Othat it felt it would need for its guarantee fund. However, the State Budget division lowered the request to $15,000. Since the Au- thority would like to begin with at least $50,000, it has appealed to the public for contributions tol make up the difference. According to Dr. Lynn M. Bart- lett, chairman of the Authority, the response from the public to this request for contributions has been encouraging. Two $1,000 donations have already been re- ceived. If the appropriation is obtained by July 1, 'the program will be able to go into effect in Sept. In the meantime, the Authority is con- ducting planning operations and sending out a brochure to partici- pating colleges and' banks with funds obtained from other sources. Available to Residents Any student will be able to apply for the loan who has been a legal resident of Michigan for at least one year, who is attending or plan- ning to attend a qualified institu- tion of higher learning, who shows financial need for the loan, and who has indicated a sense of re- sponsibility to repay it. A schedule has been set up that defines the maximum amount of loan for which the student body may apply. The limits depend upon his class standing. Fresh- men may have a maximum of $500, sophomores may borrow up to $650, juniors up to $800, sen- iors up to $950, and graduates have a maximum of $1,100. Limitation on Loan No student can borrow more than the cumulative amount available to him. Thus, a graduate who has not yet received a loan can apply for $4,000 his first year and $1,100 each year after that. Each request will be granted for the expenses that the student will incur during a single school year. The Authority was set up in or- der to insure that no qualified stu- dent living in Michigan find it ne- cessary to forfeit college training because he lacks the necessary fi- nances to pay for it, and it gives local banks the opportunity to in- vest in the education of its citi- zens. At present 35 per cent of the graduates from Michigan's high schools who are, qualified do not attend a college or university. With the expected increase in col- lege expenses in the near future this number is bound to increase. At the same time the state's need for professionals and trained tech- nicians will be increasing at a rap- id date.' In a report entitled "Student Borrowers, Their Needs and Re- sources" the NDEA reports that slightly more than nine out of ten borrowers indicated that the availability of a student loan made it possible for them to start or continue in college on a full-time basis. Approximately half the bor- rowers were able to reduce the hours spent on part-time jobs in college. Supports Freedom Of Speech MINNEAPOLIS (') - President 0. Meredith Wilson of the Uni- versity of Minnesota yesterday re- fused to cancel a scheduled speech by Benjamin J. Davis, a leading United States Communist. "The University is .the product of a free society,, Wilson said. "It is neither afraid of freedom, nor can it serve society well if it casts doubt on the ability of our free institutions to meet the challenge of doctrines foreign to our own." Invited by Socialists Davis, of New York, was invited by the University Socialist Club to speak at Coffman Memorial Union next Wednesday, during a Freedom Week observance. An un- named committee, formed Monday night, protested it would be a "travesty of free speech to allow Davis or any other Communist to speak on our university campus." The group asked Wilson to bar Davis. In rejecting the pleas, Wilson said the university had a policy that approved student organiza- tions can sponsor speakers before their members and friends. Such organizations, he said, include the Socialist Club and the "more gen- erally supported Republican and Democratic clubs." Free Speech Wilson said it should be clear that Davis' appearance, or the ap- pearance of other persons in sim- ilar circumstances, would not im- ply university endorsement of the speaker's views. "It is rather," he said, "an ex- pression of the principles of free speech which is a very precious principle in a truly free society, and which, by the way, is a part of the American way of life ex- plicitly guaranteed by the Federal Constitution." Wilson added, "The objections advanced to Davis' appearance on our campus arise either from a lack of confidence in our students or from a lack of faith in our free institutions. We have confidence in both." Delta College Proposal Held In Committee The Delta College bill to make the community college a four-year institution is still in the House Ways and Means Committee. ] The bill, which unanimouslyI passed the Senate in March, is still "alive" according to Delta College president Samuel Marble. "We are still hopeful that it will get through the House," he said. Maurice Brown, a member of1 Delta's Board of Trustees, said "there are several education bills1 in the House Ways and Means Committee, including the Delta College four-year bill. "These bills are awaiting the1 solution of the state's tax prob-; lem," he continued. Brown said that the bill also provides for the college to become two separate institutions - one for the two years that now exists and one for the remaining two ,years that would make Delta a four-year. degree granting institu-] tion. "Right now, the tri-county area of Bay, Saginaw, Midland is un- dersupplied in higher education," Marble said.] Begin Consider Package of Suburbanites Plan Suits On City Levy Vigilence Group Hits Detroit Squeeze Play By PHILIP SUTIN Their constituents caught in a "squeeze play" betweencity and state income taxes, the mayors of 60 suburban Detroit area commu- nities plan to lash back at the De- troit city income tax. The Vigilance Tax Committee of Michigan, composed of 60 area mayors and 15 city attorneys, will meet tomorrow to plan legal stra- tegy against the one-per-cent-tax on Detroit residents and businesses and non-resident workers passed by the Detroit Common Council yesterday morning and signed by Mayor Jerome Cavanagh 21 min- utes later. "The committee plans a multi- plicity of suits to tie up any reve- nue for some time," Berkley May- cr George Kuhn, the head of the committee, said. A Detroit resi- dent's citizen's suit challenging the validity of the $35 million tax will be heard today in Wayne County Circuit Court. Not Enough Revenue James Trainor, Cavanagh's press secretary said Detroit was forced to pass the tax as the state had not provided enough revenue. "The proposed tax package left Detroit out completely this year. It would not get part of a one per cent split of sales tax receipts un- til July 1963. Then it goes to the county to be split up many differ- ent ways," he said. Cavanagh declared he was "pleased because this gives Detroit an opportunity to move off dead center and begin to extricate our- selves from the financial mess we found when we took office." De- troit has a debt of $8 million. Asks Signature In Lansing, Rep. John T. Bow- man (D-Roseville), author of a bill to prohibit cities from taxing non-resident income, asked Gov. John B. Swainson to sign the measure now on his desk. "In view of the fact that the legislature is presently considering an income tax package, it would have seemed advisable that De- troit delay its action in this mat- ter," a letter signed by Bowman and 11 other suburban Democrats said. Swainson said he had not seen the Detroit measure and was un- able to comment on it. "The Detroit Common Council members have obviously done what, in their view, is the best for the people of that city," he added. If the governor signs the Bow- man bill, Detroit would lose at least $5 million a year, it was es- timated. "If we are legally prohibited from taxing outside residents we will be able to colect taxes from Detroiters," Cavanagh declared. House Defeats Bill On Reapportionment LANSING (I:)-The House defeated yesterday a Senate approved Congressional reapportionment plan for Michigan. It was defeated 61-45, opposed mainly by Republicans and Upper Peninsula Representatives-four out of five of them Democrats. The plan would reduce Upper Peninsula representation. It generally was backed by Gov. John B. Swainson and Democrats. Proponents argued that although the bill left much to be desired it was a considerable improvement over present apportionment and Panel Views CMU Press , Role, Policy By HELENE SCHIFF A panel discussion was held at Central Michigan University Tues- day night among students, faculty and administrators to discuss the possibility of setting up an inde- pendent student newspaper on the campus. At present the Central Michigan Life, the campus paper, is an of- ficial university publication and CMU President Judson Foust has ultimate control. In addition to university stu- dents, the paper serves the admin- istration, the faculty and all of the departments. The President is responsible to the Board of Educa- tion for the paper because CMU is a state university. Issue Aroused in Fall The issue of an independent newspaper arose last fall when complaints were registered over the problem of leters-to-the-edi- tor. The administration asked that less space be given for these let- ters. A special committee set up by the Student Senate to study the problem and the Committee for Student Rights which has infor- mal recognition from the senate have recommended that an advi - ory board be established to replace the single advisor positicn under the present system. This new board would consist of five faculty, five students and the president and a vice-president of the university. They would have complete authority on all issues concerning the Life. Students To Meet Today Students are scheduled to meet with Foust agair today to work out more detailed plans for a new advisory board. The Committee for Student Rights has formulated a series of demands in other campus issues a few weeks ago based on the United States Naional Student Association Declaration of Student Rights. The Student Senate had endorsed the NSA declaration. The administration has agreed to hold open forums similar to the one held Tuesday right to discuss wkth students CMU policies and procedures regarding social proba- tion and expulsion. Senate Tax would avoid. the evils of electing Michigan's new 19th Congress- man-at-large. Reduced Population Spread The bill at least reduced the spread between populations in Congressional districts to a mini- mum of about 250,000 and a maxi- mum of about 540,000, Rep. Fred- erick D. Yates, (D-Det.) said. "We've been at this for two ses- sions now," Rep. George Mont- gomery, (D-Det) said. "It's impos- sible to please everybody. We're running out .of time even for the the candidates for Congress'to prepare for an election." Complains of Reduction Rep. Marie Hager, (R-Lansing) complained it reduced the Ingham District by a scant 100,000 in pop- ulation. The bill would have made a sin- gle district out of all of the Upper Peninsula except for Chippewa and Mackinac counties on the Eastern end. These, plus 22 coun- ties in the Northeastern Lower Peninsula would form another, consolidating all but Bay and Midland Counties in the present 10th District. The 19th district would be carved from Livingston and West- ern Oakland Counties and the Northeast corner of Wayne Coun- ty. Defeats Recommendation The House also defeated over- whelmingly a recommendation by the State Supreme Court that Probate Judge Henderson Graham of Tuscola County be removed from office. The 105-3 vote toppled a unani- mous Supreme Court decision. Graham was accused of trying to negotiate a $20,000 loan from an estate he was probating. Rep. Walter Nakkula (R-Glad- win), whose rules and Resolutions Committee conducted a three-day hearing in the matter, said he was convinced by committee findings that the judge had committed no crime. SEN. CARLTON H. MORRIS . ..income tax GROOM: Fill Post On Board By BUEL TRAPNELL The Michigan Union Board of Directors last night appointed Bruce Groom, '63, to fill the posi- tion left vacant when one of the elected student members was found to be ineligible to serve as a director. Edward Berger, '64, had been elected in the board election March 21 and 22, but was de- clared ineligible under provisions of the Union constitution requir- ing junior standing or two semes- ters of completed work at the University. The board also created a Union- League Merger Study Committee consisting of Prof. Richard E. Balzhiser of the chemical en- gineering department; John E. Tirrell, Alumni Association gen- eral secretary; Groom, and the three Union senior officers. Richard Rossman, '65L, and James Seff, '63, are new members of the long-range planning com- mittee. Prof. Robert L. Dixon of the accounting department of the business administration school, was appointed to fill a vacancy on the same committee caused by the inability of a member of the Office of Business Affairs to fill the position. Bill Income Tax Fate Hinges On Outcome Tax Rise on Alcohol, Tobacco, Telegrams, Telephone Service By DAVID MARCUS and RONALD WILTON Special To The Daily LANSING - The Senate began heated debate yesterday on a package of tax bills on which the future of a state income tax de- pends. The proposed measures inc'lude a rebate of one cent of the sales tax to local units, repeal of the Business Activities Tax, addition- al nuisance taxes on alcoholic bev- erages, cigarettes, telephone calls and telegrams and removal of the sales tax from prescription drugs. On a motion by Sen. Haskell L. Nichols (R-Jackson), one of the moderate Republicans, reconsider- ation of the flat rate income levy passed by the Senate Wednesday was put off from day to day until consideration of the total package is complete. The motion followed an unsuccessful attempt to delay reconsideration until Tuesday. Hope To Delay Talks According to one old guard Re- publican Senator, the conserva- tives hoped to delay discussion of the tax package until next week. The strategy, he said, was to ex- pose moderate Republicans to grass root criticism of their ac- tions by their own constituents. A motion by Sen. Harry Lito- wich (R-Benton Harbor), which would have adjourned the Senate yesterday until Tuesday was ruled incompatible with a Joint House Senate resolution limiting time out of session. In debate on the reconsideration motion, Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R -Kalamazoo) called the income tax a "monstrosity." Only Outline of Tax "This is nothing more than an outline of a theoretical income tax. It, in effect, gives the Reve- nue Department the authority to make law." The heat of the argument cli- maxed in a 45-minute running stream of comments, points of or- der, and insults between Lt. Gov. T. John Lesinsti. President of the Senate, and various members of the GOP anti-rcome tax group. Late in the day, after procedur- al problems had been overcome, lengthy discussion began on the various individual tax bills. How- ever, conservative speakers em- phasized that they would not vote for any part of a program tied to an income tax. Doubts Solving Powers Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings (R- Holland) said that "I want it un- derstood that as long as there are any tax bills on the general orders tied to the income tax, I will op- pose each and every one. I don't believe they would solve Michi- gan's fiscal or business problems." Morris emphasized that Michi- gan's fiscal problems are caused primarily by Wayne County and that it is not the responsibility of the out-state citizens to bail them out. Viewing the effect of the income tax on appropriations for the Uni- versity Litowich said that it would probably result in more money. This opinion was opposed by Sen.' Frederic Hilbert (R-Wayland) who said that if it stuck the new tax would result in little or no addi- tional money for the University. All was not well within the Democratic moderate camp. Two problems plaguing the overall plan are whether to reduce the corpor- ation income tax from five per cent to three or three and a half per cent and how to provide re- lief for business through lowering the personal property tax on ma- chinery and equipment. Court Decision Ends Du Pont Case Debate; ASSET TO THE UNIVERSITY: Panel Explains Role of Teach in~ SGC Leaves Seat, Unfilled .After Queryingy NominOees By EDWARD HERSTEIN Student Government Council decided late Wednesday night not to fill the Council's vacant seat. The Council had interviewed four nominees for the seat. These four-Gordon Elicker, '62; Mark Houser, '64; Herbert Heidenreich, Grad; and Robert Rhodes, '63-had been selected from eight original petitioners as best meeting the Council's criteria for membership. "The lack of information and knowledge of Council's operations displayed by the petitioners is the main determinant of Council's decision not to fill its vacancy," the statement released by the nCouncil after an hour long execu- tive session, explained. Council had listed adequate knowledge of its operations as the first of its criteria. The other criteria included "understanding vFelloW of student government, the ability to be analytical, and a clear un- derstanding of the problems of the University." ment said the department chooses Thomas Brown, '63, Howard from among the best of many qua- Abrams, '63, Robert Geary, '63, lified applicants. The problem. re- Robert Finke, '63, Richard Noel, mains not one of iecruitment but '62BAd., Ann McMillan, '63, Fred of choice. Training and supervi- Battle, '63A&D, Richard G'sell, sion remain a part of the depart- '63, and John Meyerholz, '63BAd., ment's responsibilities t o w a r d voted to leave the seat vacant, teaching fellows, he said. while Kenneth Miller, '64, Robert Departmental Study Ross,x'63, Mary Beth Norton, '64, According to a current study Katherine Ford, '64, Sharon Jef- conducted in 10 departments, most frey, '63, and Margaret Skiles, '63, teaching fellows view the experi- opposed the move. ence as an opportunity to obtain SGC member Robert Ross, '63, teaching experience, Prof. Allan O. said that he felt Council had Pfnister, visiting from the Carne- placed "undo stress on information gie Ceiter for the Study of Higher and not enough on intellectual Education, said. ability." He said it was "not a Prof. William R. Steinhoff of bad decision," but "there were the English department noted the one or two petitioners who were InnL int~raPt mafPaA t in +h qualified." By PATRICIA O'CONNOR The role and effectiveness of teaching fellows was discussed yesterday by a six member panel moderated by Prof. James H. Robertson, dean of the literary college. TheUniversity has always been in a defensive position concerning teaching fellows, Dean Robertson sa The easy generality that teachnig fellows exist as lower class citizens is belied, he feels, by the number of students who list junior staff members and teaching fellows as sources of inspiration. Teaching fellows bear one-third of the teaching load in all under- graduate courses and teach 45 per cent of the freshman and cnhn.- of a small liberal arts college, it must develop a teaching system best fitted to its particular needs. Speaking for the economics de- partment, Prof. Fusfeld cited the obligation to train professionals and to extend the frontiers of knowledge in the field of econ- omics. People dedicated to re- search and scholarship are essen- tial to meet these goals. For a spe- cialist to teach effectively in a lower generalized course, a com- promise of this ideal would be nec- essary, he said. 'Not Isolated' The best way to use the best people in the Univerrity remains the imnortant auestion. Teaching 1 1 1 a 1 { 3 .--.