_ Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - uNDER AUTHORITY oFBOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Trut W111ons reaFree STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLG.e" ANN ARBOR, Maic. Phone NO 2-3241 UNION-LEAGUE: Merged Facilities, Operations Ahead Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ESDAY, APRIL 25, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HARRAH HUAC*and Free dom- Mutually Exclusive PODAY'S demonstrations against the House 'Un-American Activities Committee once rain recall the need for the abolition of the ommittee and what it stands 'for. The commaittee, through its investigation of ivate individual opinions, has put fear and spicion into political, social and economic ,bate. There can be no free'exchange of ideas a society where people hesitate to speak for ar of investigation leading to public embar- ssment and misrepresentation; To undermine e inquiry and exchange is to undermine the sis of a democratic society and the traditions ibodied in the First Amendment to the iited States Constitution. The site of the committee hearings has varied rough the years but the methods and results ve remained constant throughout the coun- y, People are abused and misrepresented for eaking freely. The courage to voice an un- pular opinion becomes rare, especially when small committee arbitrarily defines "unpopu- '" as "un-American." HUAC has misused its constitutional power investigation for legislative suggestion and tended that power to subpoena people from most all liberal and reform groups in the untry. Time and again it has called and dgered the same group of witnesses. It has subpoenaed these people on the hunch" at something in their beliefs, or in their ganization, is "un-American', meaning not agreement with the committee. The commit- then treats these witnesses as if they were deed "un-American", here meaning some- ing undefined and terrible, and translates contempt for .liberal ideas to the public rough open and public persecution. The committee misrepresents its witnesses in der to defame liberal ideas and people, to st doubt upon their character and to dis- dit the associations. to which they belong. e intimidation of free expression is disas- us to democratic traditions and cannot be lowed to continue., The unsubstantiated red-baiting which is de- ned expressly to silence all liberal demo- cratic ideals in this country has no place in the American tradition of freedom. It is a' clear violation of the First Amendment. It is especially disgraceful when such repressive in- timidation of free speech is undertaken by a .Congressional committee. If HUAC is truly interested in gaining in-' formation for legislation, why has it so often insisted upon calling before it the same people, each of whom it knows from previous experi- ence to be unresponsive? The committee is ob- viously using its legislative authority to em- barrass a portion of the nation's thought. Much misrepresentation of witnesses stems from their refusal to answer any question put to them by the Committee. Such refusal is equated withe intent to hide some "un-Ameri- can activity." Such a blanket charge is absurd. It neglects an important means of protest, the refusal to cooperate, which is a type of passive resistance to the, actions of a disagreeable committee. The people who refuse to cooperate often do so because they feel the committee has no right to pillory a witness for thinking and speaking. Their refusal has nothing to do with hiding. In fact, the witness has been subpoenaed be- cause he was an outspoken liberal. The fact that the committee indulges in such underhanded methods of discrediting people is made still worse by public approval and ex- tension of the condemnation. As long as the public continues to support the committee by not registering active dis- approval it can expect HUAC to continue its waves of intimidation until no liberal voice will hope to speak effectively in defense of free- dom. Only through strong action for the aboli- tion of the .committee will Americans ever achieve safety and integrity of free thought. The danger presented by such a committee threatens every person regardless of his politi- cal outlook. The committee exercises the power to define "un-American". Today that term is applied to liberals, pacifists and many groups left of political center. There is no reason to believe that tomorrow it will not be "un-Ameri- can" to be a rightist. If anything is "un-American' it is exactly this silencing of any segment of thought. It is "un-American" because it abrogates immedi- ately, not potentially, the guarantees of the First Amendment. The committee claims to be protecting the United States from Communist domination. Presumably it feels 'that Communist control of the nation would lead to the downfall of Amer- ican freedom. It wants to ferret out the Com- munist agents and "sympathizers" in the false hope that the fall of this country will thereby, be postponed. 'In fact the committee has violated the very freedoms which it suspects will be overturned in the distant future Communist America. Those who support the committee to preserve freedom actually bring about the very imme- diate loss of it. HUAC is in fact the subverter 'of American freedom and civil liberties. There is no room in democratic tradition for such a committee. It must be abolished immediately, and public pressure on the Congress to effect that abolition must be relentless until it is vic- torious. -MICHAEL ZWEIG By GERALD STORCH Daily Staff Writer SOME DAY the Michigan Union and the Michigan League will merge into one organization, in one building, thus ending a long and unfortunate tradition in which the University ha been the only campus in the United States to maintain separate student centers for men and women. All the evidence seems to point strongly towards this new develop- ment:, Both the Union and the League are undergoing financial difficul- ties. The Union's Facilities Com- mittee report announced last Jan- uary that that "today's operation is so close to the break-even point that rising costs of labor and ma- terials can upset the balance . ." * * * WHAT PROVOKED this com- ment was the Union's declining food and lodging facilities. The dining services last year rang up a loss, while the Union's hotel business, its chief source of rev- enue, has been sloughing off in the face of private competition. The League's position is not ideal either. It does not have enough hotel rooms to provide a large income, and its dining facilities also are being hurt from compe- tition. Although both buildings have been modernized somewhat in past years, and even with the Union about to engage in an extensive updating of its plant, it is still very likely that a consolidation into one building would improve the fiscal situation of a student center. Private competition could be bet- ter met as efforts at economic improvement are coordinated and focused centrally. Another impetus for a merger is the new philosophy for the.Of- fice of Student Affairs which in all probability will be adopted by the Regents. The OSA Study Com- mittee Report, asking for an end to "artificial" differentiation on a man-woman basis in an educa- tional community, specifically' cit- ed the Union-League separation as one example of the sexual dif- ferentiation. BUT MOST IMPORTANT of all, some people in positions of in- fluence are finally urging such a junction. At least three of the Regents are known to favor the move. Student officials in the League have no basic objections. The'Union seniorofficers, revers- ing a 58-year tradition, are lending cautious support to preliminary steps toward merger. So the wheels start to turn. About five years ago, Dean of Men Walter B. Rea recalls, the student activities wings of the two groups established a joint com- mittee to look into the possibili- ties and complications of a junc- ture. But little except the changing of the all-male Union Opera into MUSKET and the assimilation of men into Soph Show came out of this committee. "Neither cede could compromise or agree; the meetings soon broke up and the Union and the League continued on their separate ways." * * , LAST FEBRUARY the case was reopened when the Union Board of Directors under some prodding decided to "establish a committee to investigate possibilities of such integration." No appointments were made to the committee, though, as the mo- tion first had to be sent to the League for parallel action. But when the proposal got there, it was relayed only to the League Council, and not also to the Board of Governors. The next two months saw efforts to resolve this situation, plus other delays, compromises and letters back and'forth. But it appears that at long last the mandate and com- position of the committee have been settled, with only an ad- ministrative or faculty man yet to be found to chair the joint group. WHEN THE COMMITTEE fin- ally gets going, it will be con- fronted at the start with several major obstacles that will have to be overcome before a merger can be attained. One involves the two groups' student activities wings, which in the past have been somewhat an- tagonistic toward each other, The Union committeemen being nurtured in the concept of learn- ing to act like businessmen, take their projects seriously. They tend to see little value in expending their energies on joint programs with the League workers, who are much less concerned with the necessarily business-like aspects of the projects. The cool feeling is usually mu- tual. But it will have to be con- quered if a merger is going to succeed, because the first steps toward such a joining will prob- ably involve greater coordination and contact between the student committees. ANOTHER stumbling block to merger is the incredibly compli- cated series of financial and legal transactions which must take place. Regents ,Bylaws will have to be amended. Mandatory smdent fees will have to be revised, as at present he League gets $15 and the Union $12 from a year's tui- tion. The League is saddled with a student-powered League Council to supervise the activities corn- mittees and a faculty-administra- tor-alumnae-dominated Board of Governors to run the building as a whole. The most serious obstacle, how- ever, lies in determining what to do with each building. Dean Rea says it is financially impossible to keep both buildings under a merger. Hence one of the units will become the central student union, and the other will have to be converted into something else. Present indications point strong- ly to the Union's becoming the student center, with the League changed over into a faculty cen- ter. There is ample land around it for expansion. Thisconsideration was highlighted two years ago, when the University accepted an offer by the Kellogg Foundation to construct a conference center on the property currently weighted down by the Sigma Chi house. BUT FOR REASONS still un- known, the foundation withdrew its offer, and left the University still searching plaintively for an- other conference center possibility. The offer for expansion would never have been made for the League. The city owns almost all of the land surrounding the build- ing. The League does not have the hotelor dining facilities to handle the increased number of student customers to be -derived from a merger. Meeting rooms in the League cannot be rebuilt without pro- hibitive, cost. They are large and expansive, much better suited for faculty office space than for the more compact student meeting areas. * *.* BUT WITH the steadily increas- ing base of student, administra- tive and Regental support, they are not insurmountable by any means. And there is hardly any philo- sophical objection to a Union- League tieup. The old, tradition- minded alumni are dwindling away and losing their influence. No one argues any more that the maintenance of an irrational, edu- cationally harmful differentiation in academic role between men and women students is a good thing. Therefore, the need now is for much better communication be- tween the basic parties concerned. The need is for a sounder commit- ment and firmer dedication 'to the goals and ideals of a Union- League merger. / '4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Urge Protest Against HUA dLdb...e Michigras time is probably the biggest gala mt on the University Campus. The bells ring and signs, hammers, and stu- its swing. For the worthy cause of charity, tdents are distracted into frivolity for relief-. d in the meantime engage in teamwork and ativity. However, even lichigras with all benefits, cannot ignore the ground rules of onmunity. It did so yesterday. The Michigras Central Committee played k 'n roll on a loudspeaker on the Diag oughout the lunch hour. This seems trivial less it is recalled that classes meet during ich. At least one class, probably more, had adjourn because the lecturer could not be ard above the din. Spring study breaks are e, but it should not be forgotten that a Uni- 'sity is dedicated to communicating knowl- ge, not noise., T'he theme of Michigras 1962 is "ad lib", to- Dw floats to carry famous sayings. I suggest e Golden Rule for the Michigras Central mmittee display. It might float. -C.D. To the Editor: YESTERDAY the House Un- American Activities Committee began a four day hearing in Los Angeles, California. Those hearings, the first out- side of Washington since the 1960 hearings in San Francisco, em- phasize once more the anti- democratic nature of the com- mittee's activities ,and the danger of such an organization in a demo- cracy. The list of organizations which the witnesses belong to makes it clear that the Committee uses its powers of investigation for the purpose of discrediting legitimate labor, civil rights, civil liberties and peace activity. The fact that many of these groups are critical of the committee's purposes and tactics obviously makes the com- mittee anxious to smear these or- ganizations. ** THE INVESTIGATIONS, which emphasize sensational publicity, allegations, information about previous political activity that is of questionable. relevance to an individual'scurrent beliefs and similar pressure tactics, all make criticism of the Committee a risky undertaking., This is the atmosphere the com- mittee must create in order to continue its existence. The image of an internal Communist menace must be continued. Naturally the Communists are - enemies of the committee. Therefore all those who oppose the committee are Com- munists, fellow travelers or Com- munist dupes. We are writin'g this letter as individual students and not as spokesman for the organizations to which we belong. Our exper- ience in student organizations,. however, has enabled us to ob- serve the political apathy of the University community. Anyone who has ever circulated a petition is aware of the fear, the indiffer- ence and the uneasy cynicism which greets such activity. The work of this committee, and other forces in our society, has made such activity seem "con- troversial, dangerous and radical," and hence activity that must be avoided at all costs. The student body, therefore, becomes an in- tegral and a well-adjusted part of the national climate of political AS STUDENTS in a community that is ideally based upon free- dom of thought, we urge opposi- tion to a committee that limits such freedom. We protest the Committee's Los Angeles hearings. We urge al members of the University com- munity to join us in this protest. We urge all members of the Uni- versity community to support the Voice Party-Young Democrats rally, scheduled for the Diag on 3 o'clock today. -Robert Ross, '63, Voice Party Chairman -=Paul Heil, '63, Young Democrats Chairman --Bea Nemlaha '62, Women's League President, '61-62 --Mary Beth Norton, '64 Assembly Association President -Kenneth Miller, '64 Student Government Council Administrative Vice- President -Michael Olinick, '63, Michigan Union Board of Directors -Ralph Kaplan, '63 Challenge Spokesman THERE IS PROBABLY no sub- ject more constantly . being analyzed by foreign observers in Moscow than the tendency of So- viet society to move from the haremlike security and harassed conditions of the late Stalin days to a rather breezy and freewheel- ing atmosphere of the Khrushchev regime. So far, the main results of the process seem to be psychological. Russians feel more at ease with themselves and with foreigners and their conversations have be- gun to acquire the normal varia- tions and contradictions which are found in any healthy social system. But so far nothing has happen- ed to the basic elements of the, system. The government is still a dictatorship albeit a far less harsh one than 'Stalin's. -Harrison Salisbury in The New York Times 14 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WATCH ON THE POTOMAC:-*, Kennedy and Civ*I Rights i (Continued from Page 2) be withheld until the approval has he- come effective. May 10-voice, Lecture, Kenneth Boulding, Multipurpose Rm., UGLI, 7:30 p.m. k May 18-Union, Little. Club, Outdoor Dance. Ad Bldg. Parking Lot, 8:30 p.m. April 28-Michigras, Social Weekend, Yost Field House, 7 p.m.-1 a.m. April 27 and 28-Michigras, Kiddie Carnival, around Yost Field House, 10 a.m.- p.-m. Events Thursday Sigma Xi Lecture: Prof. A. Geoffrey Norman, Director, Botanical Gardens, will discuss "The Uniqueness of Plants" on Thurs., April 26 at 8 p.m. in' the Rackham Amphitheater. The public is invited. Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof. C. L. Dolph will speak on "The Extant Non-linear Mathematical Theory" of Plasma Oscillations" Thurs., April 26, in 2084 East Engineering at 4:00 pan. This is a preview of a talk to be given on Mon., April 30, at the Non-linear Mathematics Conference, Army Re-' search Center, Madison, Wis. Refresh- ments in 274 west Engineering at 3:30 p.m. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics will meet Thurs., April 26, at 4 p.m. in 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. L. J. Savage will continue his discussion of "Half rsolved Problems in Bayesian Statistics."' Automatic Programming and Numer- ical Analysis Seminar: Data P'rocessing in the U.S.S.R." by Prof. Michail Karo- lev, Moscow Institute of Economics & Statistics, Thurs., April 26 at 4 p.m. in 3209 Angell Hall. -5 By ROBERT G. SPIVACK EN. SAM J. ERVIN Jr. of North Carolina and chairman of the Senate Subcommittee Constitutional Rights personifies Southern ractiveness of manner and personality. But is more than just a Southern gentleman, he a member of the Senate's inner circle, a werful man on Capitol Hill. Sen. Ervin articulates the views of the Old uth and sometimes rationalizes its inade- acies. He is one of the small band of highly elligent but essentially conservative law- kers with whom the John F. Kennedy ad- nistration has made accommodations at the ne time the President is moving forward in realm of civil rights. Vashington, therefore, observed with some onishment the recent exchange between bert Kennedy, the Attorney General, and the ierated North Carolinian. In the course of Justice Dept. campaign to get more Ne- es the vote in the South, young Kennedy ssed Ervin harder than was expected. 'n fact the feeling here is that Kennedy not y handled himself well in their debate over racy tests, but that he actually came off ter than the Senator, himself no mean par- mentarian, about the issues involved in the il rights debate. HERE IS, however, a less obvious develop- ment in the administration's approach to il rights that was also reflected by the dia- ue between the Senator and the Attorney neral. What is not generally realized is that there such discontent among Negro leaders? There are several reasons. When the Kennedy administration took of- fice the top strategists decided not to press for any new civil rights legislation. The theory was that more could be accomplished by "executive order" than by long and bitter fights in Con- gress. THERE IS NO doubt that much has been accomplished by executive order and several prominent Negroes have been named to im- portant federal posts. But the fact is that a great deal more remains to be accomplished. Aside from housing, the area of greatest dis- appointemnt is in the work of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and its so-called "Plan for Progress." There are some 21 firms, which now discriminate, that are said to be planning for progress. Negro leaders say they would be impressed with more progress and less "planning." A few years ago many of these leaders were convinced that the only hope of securing equal treatment was to pass new laws. Now many of these same people, partly because of the per- suasive Kennedys, have come to feel that real hope lies in the "executive order." They are bewildered to find a reluctance by the admin- istration to use executive orders and instead unexpectedly to resume the fight on Capitol Hill. Sterling Tucker, a spokesman for the Urban League of Washington, a moderate group, has given expression to the way many Negroes feel about recent developments. He finds an absence - vy. 41V I .Js11 Cl4L...n.aa.ll4cc te. Doctoral Examination for K1ang Ohao, Economics; thesis: "Indexes 'of Indus- trial Production of Communist China, 1949-1959", Thurs.. April 26, 205 Econ- omics Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, Morris Bornstein. Placement Announcements: Foreign Service Meeting -- 4:00 p.m. (today), Angell Hall, Aud. C. Represen- tative from U.S. State Dept. will .talk to all students interested in Foreign (Continued on Page 5) xI 1" - _______________------__________________ FEIFFEII I Mgt NJAM-E j 6 CRARP Mt t+ .- VItER ANN? qOL. POT 1JOW ME60fU A. MUITUAL. FRIJt' 5W669 THAT I CMt1.q00~ APO'- WHAT 00 qOU NEAAM O? HE- WHAT p~o cooc I-4AM) 4 00k LOk? lNE 005 t tV A. RUY,! 4 DOESN''T LOOK WORt NO, HE NmieC..kI' At' AArrW WVI AAlG",NA N'OT THAT impvRTA~1N7AIqNot41i WA' UIMKIOJ& - l if WAMY flcpq- I b)AS' THiiJKt HKt 170u,, I- iq PROP OME? AOO2 NkO, [T WA'SYf 1466-t., o zc i 'HAVCE R5 4ek. 4V2, I KNIOW K H~ A P ff~11. 't5- If4tl-6, WHY OO PI GIVE 11f to YOU?' CR, OrnEicm qov t~)wow- SE Mr'. 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