See Page 4
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Prep ares
Views Appointments,
Calendaring, Salary
To Place Summer Administration
Upon Individual Schools, Colleges
Administrative changes for the full calendar year are presently
under way, Prof. Stephen H. Spurr of the natural resources school
said yesterday.
Progress is being made in finding a solution for the question of
academic appointments and salary arrangements, and a final de-
Pefz Views
HRB Project
Donald Pelz, consultant to the
Life and Work Department of the
Council of Churches, last night
stressed that Project Welcome
"can be extremely significant."
This project, sponsored by the
Human Relations Board, entails
the circulation of petitions urg-
ing landlords to select tenants on
the basis of individual merit and
not on race, creed or national ori-
gin. The Board plans to send the
petitions to the landlords in Ann
Pelz thinks that the project has
great psychological advantages be-
cause the petitions contain a state-
ment assuring landlords that the
signers would welcome into their
apartments any responsible per-
sons, regardless of their race, color,
creed or nationality.
Combats Custom
The first advantage is that the
Statement of Welcome combats the
force of custom. "Everyone tries to
adjust to what is considered cor-
rect and the Statement of Wel-
come changes the notion of what
is expected," Pelz said.
The petitions reinforce the com-
mitment to integrated private
housing of those already favorably
inclined. "Once you put your name
on something, your actions must
become consistent with your ex-
pressed attitudes."
Finally, the individual must
make a decision when he is asked
to sign the Statement of Welcome.
"Usually we tend to avoid thinking
about prejudice and discrimina-
tion," Pelz said. "This makes us
think about it."
Positive Approach
Pelz considers this positive ap-
proach a more effective weapon
against discrimination than the
negative approach. Asking some-
one to help fight discrimination is
better than condemning them for
practicing it.'
To back this up, Pelz cited psy-
chological studies to determine the
"overwhelming power of the un-
animous group." It was found, he
says, that the individual had a
much greater tendency to dissent
from the group when he was not
the only one to do so.
Thus far, the project has been
endorsed by Student Government
Council, Assembly Association,
Voice Political Party and East
Q u a d r a n g 1 e. Interquadrangle
Council has recommended the cir-
culation of petitions in the quads.
Today through Friday the board
will have a booth in the Fishbowl.
Petitions will be available for sign-
ing and relevant material will be
distributed. A member of the board
will be on hand to discuss the
project and answer any questions.
The board will also contact var-
ious student organizations to
schedule speakers on the project.
Plans are also in being to workI
through various graduate student
Lewis Named
To New Post
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis was named
to the Michigan Civil Service Com-
mission yesterday by Gov. John B.
Lewis will succeed Stephen S.
Nisbet, constitutional convention
president. He will fill the Republi-
can vacancy on the bi-partisan
The commission is a four-mem-
bered non-salaried group appoint-
ed by the governor for eight-year
terms. It has the responsibility and
authority to fix all rates of com-
nensation. classify all positions.
'cision on calendaring for the 1963
academic year is near, he con-
Prof. Spurr addressed the Uni-
versity Senate on proposed solu-
tions for problems the faculty
must face when year-round opera-
tion becomes effective next year.
He was chairman of the Senate
sub-committee on year-round op-
eration last June and has explored
v a r io u s academic adjustments
which full-year operation necessi-
Transfer of Responsibility
The administrative changes in-
volve a transfer of responsibility
from the Summer Session office
to various individual schools and
The faculties will have the job
of planning their educational pro-
grams for year-round operation.
These programs are to be activated
by the deans of the colleges by the
1963 summer session.
Concerning salary and appoint-
ment changes, Prof. Spurr said
that "it seems that the basic nine-
month academic appointment is
not only well established, but also
highly meritorious in that it al-
lows time for each teaching mem-
ber of the faculty to arrange a
part of the year to meet his own
particular needs."
Nine-Month Appointment
This nine-month appointment
could be maintained during the
full-year calendar, since the aca-
demic year "would be defined as a
nine-month term for which the
faculty member is reimbursed in
12 payments."
Teaching during the third se-
mester would be optional - how-
ever, the salary for such work
would be at a higher rate than
the present salary offered instruc-
tors working at the University
during the summer session. Such
work was somewhat discouraged
by Prof. Spurr since it "seems to
involve a real overload with at-
tendant problems of overwork and
fatigue on the part of the teacher."'
Intensify Discussion
Prof. Spurr noted that discus-I
sions during the next few weeks
on the starting date for the 1963
academic year will be intensifiedi
since it is essential that the Re-i
gents determine this date as soon'
as possible to facilitate advance
planning. He said that it is likely
that the term will start the day1
followiig Labor Day, 1963. 1
Prof. Charles A. Sawyer of thei
history of art department asserted
that the final form of the propos-
als is several weeks away.
UGLI To Offer
Loan Library
Of Paperbacks
The Undergraduate Library yes-
terday installed an Honor Loan
Collection of nearly one thousand
paperback books, which may be
borrowed from the library without
The books arepart of an 1,800-
book collection donated by their
publishers last February for a dis-
play in conjunction with the Con-
ference on the Paperback in Edu-
cation. At the time, the UGLI
agreed with the publishers that
the books would be made into an
honor loan collection following the
However, during the course of
the exhibit, nearly half the books
were removed from the library and
not returned.
Mrs. Roberta Keniston, Head Li-
brarian of the UGLI, explained the
library's decision to establish the
Honor Loan Collection despite the:
disappearance of the books in the
"The publishers gave the books
to the library with the understand-
ing that we would use them in this
way. We want to live up to this
committment," she commented.
"This is a very fine collection of:
books, and we feel the students will
faulty brain
Spaces hip
To Moon
Ranger IV lunar vehicle speeding
through space today with a faulty
"brain" will probably impact 'on
the moon Thursday morning, the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration announced last
The space agency announced at
10:25 p.m. EST last night - more
than seven hours after launching
-that tracking data indicates the
gold and silver space craft will
probably hit the moon at 8:55 a.m.,
EST, on April 26.
An announcement said that the
Ranger IV on its present course
~will pass about 900 miles above the
top edge of the mooniand impact
on the back side - the part of the
moon never seen from the earth.
The space agency said that the
impact will occur at a lunar lati-
tude of six degrees south, and
longitude of 216 degrees east.
The announcement said that an
attempt to send signals to try to
correct a malfunction in the space
craft at 9:30 p.m. last night ap-
parently had failed, and the Ran-
ger IV would continue on a colli-
sion course with the moon.
This eliminated the possibility
that two other major goals of the
experiment could be accomplished.
These aims were the relay of tele-
vision pictures as the vehicle
neared the moon, and the separa-
tion and landing of an instrument
package which would have relayed
information on moon quakes and
meteor hits.
Nevertheless, officials reported
that attempts would continue to be
made to correct the space craft's
malfunction by sending radio com-
mand signals to the vehicle.
If the trouble is remedied, Ran-
ger IV could begin obeying com-
mands from the ground with the
possibility it could be guided to its
original destination on the bright
side. However, officials considered
this a very remote hope.
League Night
Speech Cites
Student Ills
A call to shake off apathy and
the lack of desire to be well in-
formed was issued by Bea Nem-
lana, '62, former president of the
Woman's League, last night.
Speaking at League Installation
Night, Miss Nemlaha said that "we
ought to all as individuals feel
some responsibility for what hap-
pens here at Michigan and take
our place in the world."
She called upon all students to
look at things and criticize them.
"People may not like this, because
it leads to conflicting ideas. It is
this clash of ideas which leads to
Made Way
"This year many names of or-
ganizations and events have made
their way to this campus: Sigma.
Nu, Student Government Council
election, a proposed Michigan Un-
ion-League merger, criticism of
Judiciaries and women's rules.
"How many students were aware
of these issues and could express
opinions about them? There is not
enough challenge on this campus
and all campuses across the coun-
tr y."
Miss Nemlaha said that this call
td responsibility is on a different
level than the appeal in high
school "to get into activities," and
it has more serious consequences
if it is ignored.
Korean War
Studies about Korean War pris-
oners show the sad state of morale
which exists when 600 American
prisoners are guarded by six Chi-
nese guards, she said.
"You can't call these men trai-
tors because they had no under-
standing of their weak points. All
these things are just symptoms of
greater problems."
The OSA Committee was one of
the most important things to hap-
pen in years, yet there was little
student reaction, Miss Nemlaha
said. The Committee met in closed
session, and it shouldn't have, be-
cause the important things didn't
get out.
Membership Selection
"The question of membership se-
lection - how many people in
chapter meetings have debated this
question? The principle involved
here is of social responsibility,"
she stressed.
Students must "keep their eyes
and ears open and be willing to
discuss questions which are im-
portant to them..
... "Sergeants"
... "Sunshine" . . . "The I
Drama Season Sets, Pro grt
SBoard Power
:} Confirmed
~A In Statement
Name Harrah Senior
Of Daily Activities
The Board in Control of Student
Publications has accepted the res-
ignations of The Daily senior edi-
tors and acknowledged the deci-
sion of seven of the eight editors
- {' to reject the positions to which
they were appointed on Friday.
The seven juniors' offer to re-
WANSON main in their positions as night
Inkwell" editors and continue to publish
the newspaper also met acceptance
b student-faculty-administrtde-
m tion board.
After a special meeting of the
board Sunday, Prof. Olin L. Brow-
der, Jr., of the Law School, the
n 1952 for best chairman, issued a statement of
s, will star in the board's reaction to the seniors'
"The Country resignations and outlined the fu-
e the final play ture operation of The Daily.
The seniors, whose terms of-
director of Ann ficially would have expired in
atre, and John June, quit their positions early
cers of the series Saturday morning because they
felt the Board was not justified
in overruling their recommendas-
tions for appointments.
eW ays I The editors said that theboard's
action contradicted the principle
D 111 that students are sufficiently re-
sponsible to run a newspaper,
called the action a vote of. no
le Council Judi- confidence in their staff.
decided to post- They contrasted their long ap-
y any action in pointments deliberation with the
e Strauss House Board's action, which they termed
"hasty and superficial."
le Judiciary, in Prof. Browder emphasized that
n, found Strauss the changes which the Board made
violating a quad in the appointment recommenda-
orbidding sn ^ tions of the seniors, were altered
same night as by the unanimous agreement of
all," held Dec. 9. the Board members. "(Such)
either uphold or changes are not without prece-
hision. dent," he noted.
ast night after "In order to establish a line
from represen- of communication with The Daily
rauss House and staff," the Board resolved that
cil, so that its Michael Harrah, '63BAd, who had
ave time to con- accepted the position of city edi-
e presented See BOARD, Page 2
Highlighting the twenty-eighth
consecutive Ann Arbor Drama
Season will be George Montgom-
ery, Charles Hohman, Gloria
Swanson, Marian Mercer and
Gloria Graham.
The five plays slated for per-
formance are "Toys in the Attic,"
"No Time for Sergeants," "The
Inkwell," "Little Mary Sunshine"
and "The Country Girl." Marc
Alan Zagoren, '62, special repre-
sentative, said yesterday.
Starting May 14 and running
through June 16, there will be six
performances a week with mat-
inees on Thursday and Saturday.
Each play will run one week.
Montgomery To Star
"Toys in the Attic", by Lillian
Hellman, will star George Mont-
gomery. The drama, winner of the
New York Drama Critics Award
two years ago and nominated for
a Pulitzer Prize, tells the story of
two spinsters who thrive on their
brother's weakness.
"No Time for Sergeants" ran for
two and one-half years in New
York and was made into a movie
by Josh Logan. Starring Charles
Hohman, who took over the lead
from Andy Griffith on Broadway,
it is a farce on army bureaucracy.
Gloria Swanson will star in the
pre-Broadway try-out of "The
Inkwell." The comedy, written by
Harold Kennedy, opened at Drury
Lane Playhouse near Chicago,
went to the Coconut Grove Play-
house in Florida, and is coming to
Ann Arbor before opening on
Broadway. It tells the story of an
actress coming back to her daugh-
ter and making an adjustment to
'Little Mary'
Marian Mercer, '58, will star in
"Little Mary Sunshine," now run-
ning off-Broadway in New York.
"Sunshine," by Rick Besoyan, is
a musical satire on operettas of
the Victor Herbert, Sigmund Rom-
berg variety. Miss Mercer had the
lead in the first production of
Musket, "Kiss Me Kate", in 1957.
Gloria Graham, winner of an
Academy Award h
supporting actres
Clifford Odets'
Girl." This will b
in the series. ;
Ted Heusel, ac
Arbor Civic Thea
Kokales are produ
of plays,
Judie D
ciary last nightd
pone until Sunda
the appeal of th
East Quadrang
the original decisio
House guilty of v
council ruling f
functions on the
the "Snowflake Ba
IQC Judic mayE
overturn this dec
It adjourned i
hearing testimony
tatives of both Str
East Quad Coun
members might ha
sider the evidence
Detroit Papers Remain Idle;
No Definite Negotiations Set
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-Detroit's two daily newspapers remain idle as con-
tradictory reports cloud potential labor negotiations and a National
Labor Relations Board trial examiner's decision questions the validity
of the Detroit publishers' "a strike against one is a strike against
all" pact.
Although a tentative negotiation session between International
Typographical Union local 18 and the Detroit Newspaper Publishers
' Association had been announced,
Harlow Banks, the local's president,
said he had no definite word of the
Name Skiles Head of League
Margaret Skiles, '63, was ap-
pointed the new president of the
Women's League by Bea Nemlaha,
'62, last year's president, last night
at League Installation Night.
The executive officers for next
year include: Susan Sprunk, '63,
executive vice-president in charge
of finances; Allyn Thompson, '63,
administrative vice-president in
charge of League standing com-
mittees; and Gretchen Groth, '64,
coordinating vice - president in
charge of class projects.
The new members of Woman's
Judiciary Council include: Helen
Berkowitz and Susan Taisch, soph-
omore members; Barbara Victor,
Edith Bassichis, Linda Beck, Cath-
erine Sipe and Esteh Mallon, jun-
ior members; and Penny Paton,
the senior member.
The new assistant chairman of
Without Paper
Detroit has been without a met-
ropolitan daily newspaper since
April 15 when the Detroit News
and Free Press published a joint
Sunday edition. After a settle-i
ment of a Teamster's strike against
the Free Press, members of the
ITU local and Local 10 of the
Plate and Paper Handlers Union
voted "to continue the lockout"
they claimed resulted from the
layoff of some 4000 News and I
Free Press employes during the
Teamster's strike.
In Washington, Charles W.'
Schneider, a NLRB trial examin-:
er, ruled that a New York news-
paper pact similar to the one in
Detroit is an illegal lockout agree-
ment and should be canceled.
New York Agreement
Although he noted the 10-paper
New York agreement was designed:
to, minimize wildcat strikes,!
Schneider said. "the voluntary and
A Statement..
PROF. OLIN L. BROWDER, JR., of the Law School, chairman
of the Board in Control of Student Publications, has issued
the following statement on The Michigan Daily:
The Board last Friday accepted four of seven recommenda-
tions of the Daily senior staff, including those for editor and
city editor. The changes included the shift of one person from
the edit desk to the city desk and one from the city desk to
the edit desk. The Board appointed a different person from the
one recommended for magazine editor. It named co-editorial
directors, one of whom was recommended by the Daily senior
These changes, not without precedent, were unanimous
actions of the entire Board.
At a special meeting Sunday, the Board accepted
the resignations of the senior editors and acknowledged the
decision of seven of the eight junior editors to reject the
positions to which they were appointed.
The Board also accepted the offer of the same Junior
editors to remain in their former positions as night editors
and continue publication of the newspaper.
IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH a line of communication with the
Daily staff, the Board resolved that Michael Harrah, who
had accepted the position of city editor, is senior editor in
charge of The Daily until such time as the position of editor
is filled. The Board asked the cooperation of every member
of The Daily staff in the interim period.
The Board set May 15 as the deadline for filing petitions
for the vacant editorial staff positions.
According to the senior editors of The Michigan Daily, it
now has become scandalous for the student publications board
to exercise its normal and lawful authority. The issue is not
whAther The nrd has acted renonnihIv or lawfully. but
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