Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Turning colder
with snow flurries.
See Page 4
rOL. LXXAU, No. 92
A; 4lkAAA -i L c '
Mercury Project Rests!
3n Morning Briefing
Ehi Mid-Ocean Storms
Election To Climax
Local Rights Dispute
A long-standing feud between Ann Arbor Negroes favoring
militant rights action and gradualists will reach a climax tonight
when the membership of the Ann Arbor Community Center meets
to elect two new directors:
The controversy stems from an 11 to three vote of the board of
directors to discharge the center's executive director Walter W. Hill
when his contract expires this June.
Opposed to the board's action is Ann Arbor chapter of the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People headed
by Mrs. Albert H. Wheeler. Mrs.
Phi Delts Face Discipin
-AP Wirephoto
SPACE MAN-John Glenn, scheduled to be America's first
spaceman, holds a model of his Mercury Capsule in which he will
orbit the Earth.
African States Ask U.S.
To Make Cuban Treaty
UNITED NATIONS P)-Guinea and Ghana added their voices
yesterday to those of other Asian-African nations urging the United
States and Cuba to negotiate a peaceful settlement of their dif-
Michel Collet, delegate from Guinea, told the General Assembly's
main political committee that the least the Assembly could do
As Marginal
Astronaut Completes
Preliminary Steps
For Manned Flight
flight of astronaut John H.
Glenn Jr., three times around
the world, was postponed
again early this morning until
Thursday by still boiling seas
in the Central Atlantic
naut John H. Glenn Jr., his sched-
uled round-the-world orbit flight
threatened by Atlantic storms, this
morning went through final hours
of preparation for the scheduled
blastoff at 7:30 a.m.
A decision will be made early
this morning ata weather brief-
ing whether to pick up the sec-
ond half of the split countdown,
the first half of which was com-
pleted yesterday.
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration announced
last night that weather conditions
were "marginal" in the Atlantic
recovery area east of Bermuda,
where Glenn's capsule would land
if the mission were terminated
after one orbit instead of the in-
tended three.
50-50 Possibility
Earlier, a spokesman said this
boiled down to 50-50 odds, with
the possibility the long-awaited
flight would have to be postponed
for an eighth time.
In hopes that the weather would
improve, Glenn and the countdown
proceeded on schedule.
The astronaut completed the
second half of an intense two-day
physical examination yesterday,
then got a haircut. Later, at his
special quarters four miles from
the launch pad, he was briefed
on flight safety procedures and re-
covery operations and again re-
viewed the flight plan.
Delay Trip
Lt. Col. John S. Powers, speak-
ing for NASA, said the man-in-
space project's operations direc-
tor, Walter C. Williams, didn't
feel Glenn would be launched on
his long delayed space trip if the
weather held as it was yesterday.
Conditions were reported satis-
factory in two other areas, where
Navy ships would attempt to re-
cover the 40-year-old Marine lieu-
tenant colonel and his spacecraft+
if they made two or three orbits.
These recovery areas are 500 miles
south of Bermuda and 800 miles1
southeast of this cape.
Wheeler noted last night that Hill
regards the community center as
"more than just a social or recrea-
tional agency."
"It expresses a desire for pro-
grams to help the young Negro
prepare himself educationally for
better employment, economically
for better housing and spiritually
to help create an Ann Arbor where
all citizens regardless of race or
religion can live and work together
in harmony."
John S. Dobson, president of the
center's board of directors, said
in a statement issued yesterday
that "It seems perfectly clear that
the request for the resignation of
Mr. Hill is only an excuse for the
NAACP to continue an attack
which was carried on over a
period of years against the policies
of our deceased Executive Director,
Douglas Williams."
Mrs. Wheeler said however that
the NAACP had not brought Wil-
liams into the controversy. She
added that although her organiza-
tion had been in conflict with Wil-
liams, relations between Williams
and the group had been "cordial."
"The Ann Arbor of 1962 is not
the Ann Arbor of the period from
1935-50 when Mr. Williams was
implementing his programs," she
Tonight, two candidates backed
by the NAACP will run for the
center board. Their names have
not yet been announced.
Federal Court
Rules Against
Bus Bias Law
AUGUSTA, Ga. (P)-A three-
judge Federal Court ruled yester-
day that statutes regulating seat-
ing on city buses in Georgia are
The 2-1 ruling resulted from an
attempt of five Negro students to
ride in the front instead of the
customary rear seats of a bus of
the Augusta Coach Co.
The three-judge ruling also
struck down city ordinances in
Augusta which require separate
seating of white persons and Ne-
State laws overturned in the
ruling, include a section authoriz-
ing the public service commission,
which regulates transportation and
other public utilities, to fix rules
for segregated seating.
An attorney for the successful
contestants of segregated seating
regulations said that whether the
ruling would have immediate ap-
plication over the state would de-
pend on local courts.
To consider
SGC Policy
nOn Clauses
The controversial questions of
adequacy of membership state-
ments, and SGC participation in
the National Student Association
will be considered today by Stu-
dent Government Council.
The Council will continue con-
sideration of a motion by Presi-
dent Richard Nohl, '62BAd, on the
procedure to insure adequacy of
statements, previously postponed
for clarification.
The motion-requires the council
president to inform fraternities or
sororities that they have inade-
quate statements by Feb. 23. The
affected groups would have 60 days
from the date of notification to
file a corrected statement with the
Office of the Vice-President for
Student Affairs. Those that fail to
file by that date are subject to
disciplinary action by the Council.
The president would also send
letters to all local fraternities and
sororities explaining the rationale
and procedures of Council action.a
Council will consider two mo-
tions concerning SGC's relation-
ship with the National Student
Association. One, presented under
committee reports by the Com-
mittee on Student Concerns, calls
for the creation of a standing
committee on NSA.
The other, postponed from the
last meeting, asks a student refer-
endum on "shall Student Govern-
ment Council retain affiliation
with the National Students Associ-
Committee on Student Concerns
Chairman Kenneth Miller, '64, said
he will ask Carder and Stockmeyer
to withdraw their motion to give
the new local NSA structure a
chance to operate. Stockmeyer in-
dicated he will refuse the request.
An amendment proposed by Ad-
ministrative Vice-President Robert
Ross, '63, would not make initiative
and referendum decisions binding
on student opinion, questions and
action taken under; sections of the
plan not covered by this procedure.
Council will hold interviews at
approximately 8 p.m. in prepara-
tion for filling vacant Council
seats. Fernando Batlle, '64A&D,
Robert Farrell, '63, outgoing IQC
President Thomas Moch, '62E, and
James Walter, Grad., will be inter-
viewed. Council will decide whether
to fill one of the seats, the seat
vacated by the resignation of Wil-
liam Gleason, '63, in December, or
in addition the seat vacated byl
John Vos, '63. ,
Phi Delta Theta is in trouble.
The fraternity faces possible
punitive action as a result of an
early morning raid on Zeta Psi,
According to Zeta Psi President
Robert Guenther, '64A&D, a num-
ber of Phi Delts, possibly ten, en-
tered the Zeta Psi house around 2,
a.m., January 27. "Most of them
were drunk," he claimed. They.
created a general disturbance
downstairs, and Guenther asked
them to leave.
Grabs Axe
One of the Phi Delts, Daniel F.
Clevenger, '63Ed, suddenly rushed
up to the second floor of the house
and grabbed an axe and some
ceremonial swords. There he en-
countered Paul Brownson, '63, a
Zeta Psi. Clevenger dropped his'
weapons and punched Brownson
in the jaw, Guenther said.
Meanwhile, the police were sum-
moned and arrived in time to col-
lect four Phi Delts remaining in
the house. A survey of the dam-
age showed -a small hole in the
living room ceiling and Brownson
lying unconscious upstairs.
Brownson was treated at Uni-
versity Hospital for "severe shock."
Ryan Elected
In Close Race
DETROIT (IP)-Democrat Har-
old M. Ryan was elected to Con-
gress from Michigan's 14th dis-
trict yesterday over Republican
Robert E. Waldron by a hair-
breadth margin.
The unofficial total vote tab-
ulat/on last night gave Ryan 30,-
366 and Waldron 29,602 in a
special election to fill the un-
expired term of the late Rep.
Louis, C. Rabaut,..a Democrat.
Waldron in a statement said
the unofficial tally, giving Ryan
a margin of only 764 votes, "does
not indicate election victory for
either state Sen. Ryan or myself."
He said he will await the official
tabulation Thursday and decide
then whether to ask a recount.
He was unable to finish his exams
and still cannot remember all that
happened that night.
Clevenger is now out on bond
pendingi Municipal Court action.
Concurrently, he and three of his
fraternity brothers are awaiting
University action.
The case is in the hands of As-
sistant Dean of Men John Bing-.
ley. His office will decide whether
the University, Inter-Fraternity
Council "Executive Committee, or
Joint Judiciary will handle the
case. Bingley will confer tomorrow
with Verlin Jenkins, an officer of
the Phi Delta Theta national be-
fore making a decision. Jenkinis is
flying in from Akron, Ohio.
Phi Delta Theta has been in-
GOP Slams
Urban Post'
publican members of the House
Government Operations Commit-
tee denounced President John F.
Kennedy's proposed Urban Affairs
Department yesterday as hasty,
unwise and unnecessary.
Among those Who signed the re-
port were George Meader from
Ann Arbor, Clare E. Hoffman and
Robert P. Griffin, both from Mich-
The seven signed a minority re-
port favoring a resolution of dis-
approval of the plan. Unless eith-
er House or Senate disapproves
the reorganization by adopting
such a resolution the plan goes
into effect 'within 60 days. The
Senate takes up the plan Mon-
day, and the House is expected to
Four Republican committee
members from industrial Eastern
states did not sign the minority
report. The Democratic majority
report may be issued today.
The House minority report said
an opinion has been fostered, and
"too-widely accepted by the un-
thinking part of the American
public" that an Urban Affairs De-
partment would solve pressing
metropolitan problems, that a vote
against it "is a vote to injure
metropolitan areas."]
is take notice of United States as
City Council
To Support
College Plan
The City Council voiced support
yesterday of a study of the need
for a community college and con-
sented to contribute to the cost
of publicizing the study.
The University is paying $9000
of the $12,000 cost for the study,
which is a project of the Wash-
tenaw County School Association.
Mayor Cecil 0. Creal also in-
formed the council of plans by the
Pederal Bureau of Internal Rev-
enue to locate a large automated
income tax-processing installa-
tion in southeastern Michigan. The
council approved his recommenda-
tion that the city work with the
University to locate the installa-'
tion in the Ann Arbor area.
;surances that it plans no military
-0aggression against Cuba. The 104-
nation committee is debating a
Cuban charge-repeatedly denied
by the United States-that the
United States is planning such ag-
gression in order to overthrow
the Fidel Castro regime.
Neither Collet nor ambassador
Alex Quaison-Sackey of Ghana
came out for a Communist resolu-
tion that would have the assembly
urge the United States to halt
alleged interference in Cuban af-
fairs, and request both sides to
seek a peaceful solution of their
differences through negotiations.
It appeared that the debate
would wind up at the end of the
week without any resolution be-
ing approved by the committee-
an outcome sought by the United
Collet said Guinea maintains
normal relations with both Cuba
and the United States and feels
it necessary to call on both sides
to "normalize their relations,
since this will rebound to the
cause of world peace."
volved in a number of incide
with other fraternities in the 'P
Last May the IFC handed theta
$400 fine and one year of so
probation for "conduct unbecc
ing a member fraternity.' ',1
probation period was suspended
the condition that Phi Delta T
ta stay out of trouble.
At that time, IFC recommen
a year's suspension of rush
privileges or withdrawal of chi
ter if the Phi Delts created a
more disturbances. IFC Presid
Robert Peterson, '62, said yest
day, "The IFC very definitely c
approves of any act of this t
and if given the opportunity
take strong action."
President Disappointed
Phi Delt President Bruce Boa
man, '62BAd, who was riot aro
at the time of the raid, was "s
prised and very disappointed" o
it. "This is the first trouble We
had this year. The chapter a,
whole has taken on a responsi
attitude since being fined 1
"It does not condone this
tion. Our boys were in the wro
They had no business being
Zeta Psi," he said.
Phi Delt is holding a cha
meeting tonight where it will
cide what to do to the raid
Boardman does not know If i
action will be taken.
Guenther says there have bi
incidents both before and ,51f
the raid. Members of his ho
have reported seeing Phi D
sneaking out of the, Zeta
kitchen, for instance.' Phi De
Theta has caused a lot of ha
and bad feeling, not only to us.1
to the whole fraternity syte
YR's Propose
Public Forum
On Enrolimer
Concerned about the possibil
of a limit imposed on the U:
versity's out-of-state enrollm
by the state legislature, the You
Republicans last night propose
public forum on the issue.
They unanimously passed
resolution to request the Stude
Government Council to sponi
such a forum.
They suggested that House n-
jority leader Allison Green (
Kingston) and Rep. William Ri
mano (D-Warren), who are see
ing an out-of-state enrollm
limit, and Rep. Gilbert Burs:
(R-Ann Arbor), who, they sa
opposes such action, be invited
the forum.
SGC member Steven Stoc
meyer, '63, told the Young s
publicans that he would cai
their request to the SGC at
meeting tonight. Stockmeyer s
that he would seek to have
points of view represented in t
proposed forum.
The YR's noted that a propo
by Romano to limit out-of-sti
enrollment: to 10 per cent of t
total failed last year in the st
house of representatives by, o
six votes. But a majority of t
YR's opposed a limitation of ti
The University has the highi
out-of-state enrollment amo
Michigan state-supported colleg
about 32 per cent. According
the University Record, the p
portion of out-of-state ctudez
in freshmen classes is limited
The percentage of out-of-s
enrollment has been declini
during the history of the Univ
sity. According to the Univers:
Record, the percentage was abc
50 per cent in 1860, 42 per ce
in 1939, and 37 per cent in 194
During the 1950's it has hover
around 32 per cent.
Many Ways ToFu
Service Requirement
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a two-part series outlining
military opportun'ities and obligations facing university graduates, not in-
cluding men enrolled in the Reserve Officer Training Commission. Informa-
tion in this article, which deals with non-officer aspects in the service, was
obtained from the recruiting offices in Ann Arbor.)
Each male citizen, with three exceptions, must fulfill a military,
The three categories which are exempt are men in 4-F physical
condition, conscientious objectors and men with a wife and many
children to support. All others are obligated to serve, either by
--enlistment or the draft. The Air
Fnrrp M Ha ..i d t .n A Tn..
Golden Rambles from Christianity to Conservatism
rorce, marnes ana Navy accepu
only enlisted men. They must
serve four years on active duty,
and another two years in the re-
"When I was down South, a man
came up and asked me, what I, a
Jew, was doing trying to change
the Southern way of life through
"I told him, I'm setting up a
Jewish Society for the Preservation
of Christian Ethics," Harry Golden,
editor and publisher of "The Caro-
lina Israelite" and author of "Only
in America," said yesterday after-
Speaking on "Some Observations
on the Current Scene: The Cold
War, Inter-Racial Issues,hNews-
paperdom. .." at Rackham Am-
phitheatre, Golden said that he
had gained respect for Christianity
by observing Negroes in the South.
Make Decision
"The Negroes decided to pull it
out and use it. They are only half-
literate, but they haven't made
a single serious mistake. When
one of their homes is bombed, they
go to church and pray for the per-
son who bombed it."
He cited the tragedy of Puerto
trap in liberal thinking, that of
"helping our little brown brothers,
a paternalism as wrong as the seg-
regationist attitude. Don't think of
Negroes as a group at all. We are
not doing a favor for the Negroes,
but for America."
In Vest Pocket
"According to William Buckley,
he has all students in his vest
pocket. If you really are all con-
servatives, you've got a lot of
courage inviting me here," he said,
discussing the conservative move-
ment. "But that's all right, if you
always follow what our country is
based on, the principle of unin-
terrupted dialogue."
"The issue is simple," he con-
tinued. "When I was a boy, our
world revolved around aldermen
and sheriffs and county commis-
sioners. They meant licenses to
peddle, getting a boy out of trou-
ble, coal in the winter, classes for
immigrants - everything. Today
all that is gone, but Buckley and
the conservatives won't admit it.
"Now, in Iraq and Africa,
strangers thousands of miles away
are clawing for two billion dollars
for airports and industry and all
sorts of subsidies. Sen. Strom
Thurmond (D-SC) didn't com-
plain when the federal government
built him an airport. They are
against federal control- only where
it involves the Negro. Would you
want your sister to marry Strom
Thurmond?" he added.
"You. must ask the Goldwaters
and Buckleys why it is that Com-
munism hasn't gained so much as
a toehold in any country in the
world that has a large program of
social legislation, such as Britain
and Sweden, but only where there
is hunger and poverty," Golden
urged. "Wherever they go, Com-
munists kill socialists, liberals, and
trade unionists before they attack
the right wing."
Political 'Re-Think'
"We have to re-think our world.
We are paying the price today for
the term 'banana republic.' There
are no domestic and foreign affairs
today, they are all one.
When you spit on a little Negro
girl in Tennessee, it is no longer a
Considering the press, Golden
cited today's editorial page as
"worthless, with no influence at
all, except for problems of zoning
and parking meters. It used to be
that editors would have to lock
themselves in their offices for fear
someone would be after them with
a gun. Now they belong to the
Kiwanis club. Collective editorial
opinion is meaningless. The reason
columns are becoming so im-
portant is that they are written by
individuals," he said.
"Journalists must learn that the
human story remains the same to-
day as it was two thousand years
ago, man and woman, food, sex,
and prayer. This is where the daily
press has failed. Today's journal-
ists are captives of the process of
news breaking rapidly all over the
world, but I received the most let-
ters at the Carolina Israelite for
writing a column saying I couldn't
stand eggplant."
"The journalist must know
Victor Hugo, Shakespeare, Emer-
The active duty starts off with
an eight-week training program
in which the men are introduced
to military order and discipline.
Then during active service, the
men are allowed to serve in the
specialized areas which they
choose and for which they are
After completion of active ser-
vice ,the men must enter into the
standby reserve, in which they
may not be recalled to active duty
except in case of war or national
emergency declared by Congress.
Men may both enlist into and
be drafted by the Army. The
Selective Service is initiated only
when there is an insufficient num-
ber of volunteers, and is d .ne
without regard to educational
status. Hence, a university grad-
uate faces the same odds of being
drafted as does a non-college man.
Recruiters aver that there is only
an extremely slim chance that
men will be able to avoid being
drafted and thus not fulfill their
tnilitarv nhliusntionr
Trainee meetings for p
pective Daily staff memi
will be held at 4:15 p.m. to
and tomorrow in the Stud
Publications Bldg. 420 M;
Editorial, business and sp
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