-N Ma I YEECUIA AT nRdT~f~Zv CAmrttfnair AIDIDTt Al Ilion . s lL Dl ll lll Vl 1R LAIL I' *SAT UKDAY, APRIL 21, 1962 10 Board Appoints New Editors NEW STAFF-The Board in Control of Student Publications appointed Sue Turner associate business manager; Sue Foote, finance manager; Ruth Stephenson, accounts manager; Fred Russell Kramer, associate city editor; Cynthia Neu, personnel director and Judith Bleier, magazine editor. Fine Former Security Agent A former employe of Sanford Security Agency was convicted and fined Thursday for "intentionally aiming a firearm without malice" at members of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. At the trial four students testi- fied before Municipal Court Judge Francis L. O'Brien that on the night of March 9, they found John N. Hedlesky of 809 Ohuchnour Rd. in the fraternity house. When they questioned his presence, he drew and aimed a gun at them. Hedlesky claimed that he had been sent to the house by the San- ford Security Agency to attempt to locate a $2,500 Chinese landscape scroll, stolen from a University building last February, and when confronted by the students he feared an assault. RECREATION-CONSERVATION: Asks Dual Use of Land Lab AllowsI More Real Observation By ELLEN SILVERMAN The "handbook man" or the average measurement of human activities in psychological labora- tories with controlled factors, does not compare to the "red-blooded" man, Prof. John L. Kennedy of Princeton University said Thurs- day. Consequently, at Princeton a new type of laboratory was con- structed so that observations tak- en can be more in line with real life. Scale-Model Market The laboratory at Princeton is a scale model of the stock market. Ten three man teams play the stock game for a semester in con- junction with a psychology class. Each group is given the same amount of cash and information aboutthe market.They are then able to invest in any way that the team feels will bring the most profit. The market throughout the period fluctuates from boom to bust conditions. "The model is one of supply and demand on the market," Prof. Kennedy said. Formulate Strategy In the course of the four years that this laboratory has been in operation five strategy factors have been formulated. "Loudest and clearest" is that of business sense or the team strategy. Also important are the cohesiveness of the team, the lead, ership factor of authoritarian as opposed to democratic tendencies, the motivation of the team and the risk factor or risk-taking op- posed to conservatism. Prof. Kennedy noted that when each member on a team did an evaluation of his own team he tended to stress the business sense factor. But when a member of an opposite team observed, he em- phasized the cohesiveness of the group. Team Composition Also considered, in some of the later experiments, were the factors of team competition. Based on test data, the members of the experi- ment are placed in teams with like personalities, ranging on a scale from those with the most au- thoritarian tendencies to those with the most cooperative ten- dencies. The latter group "clob- bered" the former, Prof. Kennedy noted. The ultimate result, however, was that this research had pre- sentedhpsychologyawithhcertain questions to continue research on, he said. Among them was the fact that pre-planned or unman- ned teams will work better than manned. "The question is how to get hu- man teams to work as well or bet- ter than the pre-programmed plans. Whereas the program has only one problem, how to win, the men have two, how to win and how to organize," Prof. Kennedy said. The Princeton laboratory will be moved in the near future, Prof. Kennedy added. He noted that with the additional space, experi- ments in the field could be ex- panded, allowing for larger groups and more observation. Chess Team Takes Second The four-man chess team which represented the University at the Midwest Open Tournament in Iowa City during the spring recess finished in second place, half a point between the University of Minnesota delegation. Captain Peter Wolf, '64, and Thomas Lucas, Grad., won tro- phies for high scores during indi- vidual competition. Robert Cohen, '65, and David Reynolds, Grad., were the other representatives from the ChessbClub. The trip was underwritten by the Michigan Union. College Roundup CHAMPAIGN - Campus con- servatives at the University of Il- linois have presented the Student Senate with petitions of 1000 names favoring withdrawal of the Senate from the National Student Association. The conservatives de- manded that the question of with- drawal be submitted to the stu- dent body in a general referendum. The Senate voted 30-15 against the referendum. Aruging against the referendum and discounting the value of the petitions, Senate President Larry Hanson said, "This is not an issue for the stu- dent body. The student body does not care." FT. WORTH-A poll conducted in connection with student elec- tions at Texas Christian Univer- sity indicated that students there approve of integrating the in- stitution. The poll, arranged by the Dis- ciples Student Fellowship with ad- ministration approval is only ad- visory, and in no way binding on the administration. * * * FLINT - Flint Community Jun- ior College Student Government instituted an anti-discrimination policy covering all campus or- ganizations. It states ."All recog- nized student organizations shall select membership and afford op- portunities to members on the basis of personality merit and not race, color, religion, creed, na- tional origin, or ancestry." The Student Government ex- plicitly asserted that it had the right to consider and discuss any issue, be it campus oriented, local, state; national, international, or any Issue which is relevant to students. 'Cites Ability Of Mozart By STEVEN HALLER Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ap- pears to have been a very capable teacher, although he felt his main job was not instruction but com- position, Prof. Erich Hertzmann of Columbia University said Wed- nesday. Hertzmann, speaking on "Mo- zart as a Teacher," noted that young Wolfgang Mozart had been taught by his father Leopold, who was a well-rounded musician in his own right. He was also self- taught to a large extent. Copied Works Mozart observed the work of his contemporaries and even cop- ied from it upon .occasion. But this was a rather common practice at that time, Prof. Hertzmann noted. In fact, many pieces Wolf- gang Mozart copied from other composers have since proved to be originally copied by those com- posers from Leopold Mozart. Among the methods employed by Mozart in teaching music com- position was that of writing down a few bars of music and leaving the roomon some pretext, telling the student to continue from where Mozart had left off. This practice generally produc- ed good results, except with those students who were untalented to begin with. Wrote Examples By THOMAS DRAPER "Conservation and recreation groups must compromise and unite in order to go forward," Laurence S. Rockefeller said last night at the natural resources school con- vocation. Rockefeller, .a brother of New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, served as chairman of the Presi- dent's Outdoor Recreation Re- sources Review Commission.4 "A price tag for a recreation program would be meaningless," Rockefeller explained. "Imagina- tion is more important than mon- ey." "The shrinking number of pros- pective recreation areas can be countered by the multiple use of lands now available. Lands used for conservation or private uses can also, by efficient manage- ment, be used for recreation. For- ests used for lumbering can pro- vide campsites, fishing and hunt- ing areas. Board Picks 'Ensian Heads -Daily-James Keson NEW HEADS-Appointed to the editorial staff of the Michiganensian ,last night were Susan Gold- man, '63, personnel director; Carole Junker, '63, copy editor; and Bonnie Ginsberg, '63, engravings editor. Appointments take effect today, the Board in Control of Student Publications announced last night. FRIENDSHIP CONFERENCE: IRS Seeks Delegates for Festi~val By MICHAEL ZWEIG Dennis Shaul, representative of the Independent Research Serv- ice, said that Americans at the World Youth Festival for Peace and Friendship should be articu- late and knowledgeable on the many political and social questions which arise. He stressed the political nature of the Festival. IRS is looking for interested and informed students to attend the Festival thissum-, mer, Shaul explained, "We are in- terested in sending people who have had experience abroad, who have been active in American pol- itics and understand the issues. Multi-lingual people are especial- ly desirable," he said. The group feels that the pre- dominantly Communist staffed International Preparatory Com- mittee, overall coordinator of the Festival, orients the seminars and discussion groups toward propoga- tion of the Communist viewpoint and not the free exchange they claim, Shaul said. Scroll Honors 17 Women For Service Scroll, senior affiliated women's honorary, tapped 17 University junior women yesterday. Those tapped were: Linda Burk- man, '63D; Susan Brockway, '63; Harriet Comstock, '63; Stacy Fein- gold, '63; Carole Feldman, '63; Betsy Holleb, '63Ed; Gretchen Jones, '63A&D; and Ann McMillan, '63. Margo Mensing, '63; Joan Nash, '63Ed; Nancy Nasset, '63; Jean Seinsheimer, '63; Margaret Shaw, '63Ed; Susan Watson, '63; Wanda Westrate, '63; and Gail Winski, '63 Ed, were also tapped. Miss Lois J. Ives of the League was tapped as an honorary mem- ber. "It is unfortunate that this Fes- tival is not organized around free intellectual exchange, but it is important to take advantage of whatever dialogue possible," Shaul pointed out. Since IRS is also interested in taking part in informal talks, it considers some degree of liberal- Petitioning Open For LSA Group Petitioning for the Literary Col- lege Steering Committee is open until April 27. Interviewing will be April 28. Petitions are available in the office of James H. Robertson, associate dean of the literary col- lege. ism imperative, Shaul explained. "How could a Young American for Freedom hope to discuss the needs of Africa when he is op- posed to foreign aid?" Countries from the Eastern Bloc are represented by well trained, articulate people, and if they are not met by their equals from the West, the entire Western perspec- tive and' concern are lost to the neutral nations, Shaul said. Answering the charge that Americans who attend the Festi- val are put on the government se- curity list, Shaul said that secur- ity clearance for government posts has been given to some Americans who attended the 1959 Festival in Vienna. DIAL NO 5-6290 1 mal+.!, From the men who gave you "Oklahoma," "South Pacific," "The King and I"' ECONOMIC GROWTH: Taira Notes Japanese Investment Progress Read Daily Classifieds By JEAN TENANDER "All countries should not be subjected to the same interpreta- tion of economic growth," Prof. Koji Taira of the University ofI DIAL NO 2-6264 Ends Tonight A new look at valor "WAR HUNT" Washington's economic depart- ment said Thursday in a discus- sion on investment development in1 Japan. Exploring the pattern of capi-I tal investment in Japan, Prof.I Taira said that it differed mark- edly from the expected direction it should have followed to comply ; with the Gerschenkon Model of development which until now has always been assumed to be applic- able to Japan. Gerschenkon Model The Gerschenkon Model makes a distinction between the autono- mous development in "leader" na- tions and the development in "fol- lower" nations. At present Great Britain is considered to be the "leader nation" Prof. Taira said. This is because she was industrial- ized before any other Western Eu- ropean nation and consequently almost all countries have been inl part influenced by her manner of growth. According to the Gerschenkon model, the visiting economist said, Japan, as a "follower" nation, should have derived her tremen- dous rate of growth through "cap- ital intensive investment." On the contrary, however, the country has had remarkably little capital in- vestment and has instead pros- pered in industrial development primarily as a result of intensive labor investment. Pattern Contradiction There is also another contra- diction to the normal pattern a "follower" country should take, said Prof. Taira. A disciplined la- bor force has been historically ab- sent in Japan since until recent- ly there has been virtually no skilled labor supply. This situation seems to make no sense, Taira re-i marked. Mozart also wrote examples of his own to explain to his pupil the point he was trying to get across. These examples are still to be seen in his students' note- books, some of which are in mu- seums today. Although Mozart wrote his own ruleshregardingr counterpoint (which were somewhat different from those used earlier in the eighteenth century), he did not allow his students to take the same license with the form. ? .:;;; .: ;s:: {'.Y :; s k YErB@O ' S U DIAL NO 8-6416 Continuous Today from 1 o'clock 5I Ii "Highly gratifying and memorable"--N.Y. Times MARIA SCHELL/STUART WHITMAN in "T " MARK" CQn*aScope adROD STEIGER .a Doc Mchtagy A Contsnentaf Dstrniting. Inc. Release EXTRA! Academy Award Winner "ERSATZ" JJ: ti~ i': .t t r J. Send in your order. for the .1962' 'Ensian and have your book reserved for you when it is published. # # s # Enclosed find $6.50 (check or money order only) for one (Payable to Michiganension, 420 Maynard St.) : 1962 'Ensign. Sorry, we cannot bill you at a later date. Your # receipt will be sent when your order comes in. # # # # Name A A #AA Address I I UI # * I fin I Announcing Petitioning for 1962 HOMECOMING GENERAL Y f t Mailing instructions: $1.00 additional charge if book is to be mailed. i U i 0 ,I I