__ _ _ _ _ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ THURSDAY, APRLi8 1960
Cards, Bues Extend Streaks;
Cubs End Streak with Win
Larose Elected New Captain
By The Associated Press
It was a long time in coming,
but the struggling Chicago Cubs
finally got around to winning a
Ernie Banks had the hero's role,
contributing a triple and his 300th
career home run, as the Cubs won
their first of the season, a 3-2,
10-inning affair over the Houston
Colts yesterday.
Chicago's first victory in eight
starts, combined with St. Louis'
Major League
W L Pct.
Chicago 5 2 .714
New York 3 2 .600
x-Los Angeles 3 2 .600
Cleveland 3 2 .600
Detroit 3 2 .600
Baltimore 3 3 .500
x-Kansas City 3 4 .429
Washington 2 3 .400
Boston 2 4 .333
Minnesota 2 5 .286
x-Playing on coast.
Baltimore 1, New York 0
Detroit 5, Washington 1
Chicago 3, Minnesota 2
Kansas City at Los Angeles (inc.)
Only games scheduled
Detroit at Boston
Chicago at Minnesota
Kansas City at Los Angeles
New York at Baltimore
W L Pct.
Pittsburgh 7 0 1.000
St. Louis 5 0 1.000
San Francisco 6 3 .667
Houston 4 3 .571
Los Angeles 5 4 .556
Philadelphia 3 3 .500
Cincinnati 4 5 .444
Milwaukee 2 6 .250
Chicago 1 7 .125
New York 0 6 .000
15-5 rout of the New York Mets,
pulled the Cubs out of the Na-
tional League cellar and left the
bottom rung exclusively in the
hands of Casey Stengel's Mets,
who have yet to win.
Spahn Wins
Milwaukee's Braves and ageless
Warren Spahn beat San Francisco
6-4 in the only other National
League day game while the Chi-
cago White Sox edged Minnesota
3-2 and Detroit took Washington
5-1 in the American League.
Three night games were sched-
uled. They included the Los An-
geles Dodgers, who played the
Cincinnati Redlegs at Cincinnati
and lost 14-0, the Pittsburgh
Pirates, playing in Philadelphia
and defeating the Phillies 4-3, and
the New York Yankees, who were
defeated by the Baltimore Orioles
1-0 at Baltimore. Kansas City
played at Los Angeles.
Banks Wins It
Banks' homer in the bottom of
the 10th won it for the Cubs, who
had lost three previous games to
the new Colts. The blow tied him
for ninth on the all-time list- of
National League home run hitters
with Chuck Klein of the Cubs and
The cards, who have yet to lose
in five starts, pounded out 18 hits,
including four homers, in the rout
of the Mets. Kenny Boyer had two
homers, each a wrong-field blow
down the right field foul line, and
Julian Javier and Carl Warwick
one each as every Cardinal starter
hit safely. Stan Musial, off to a
blistering start this season, had
two hits and drove in two runs.
Pirates Cop 7th
The undefeated Pittsburgh Pi-
rates extended their National
League winning streak to seven
games in a row last night by de-
feating the Philadelphia Phillies
Spahn- was credited with his
310th career victory, his first of
the season after two losses, after
he started Milwaukee's winning
rally in the eighth with a walk.
The Braves trailed 3-2 when Spahn
walked, but Eddie Mathews dou-
bled in two runs and Frank Boll-
ing singled in two more before
the inning was over and Milwau-
kee was home safe.
Mossi Stops Nats
Don Mossi stopped Washington
on five hits and struck out five in
leading the Tigers to their victory.
Al Kaline produced the punch with
a first inning homer and a 400-
foot double. Joe McClain was the
Pitcher Ray Herbert and Al+
Smith hit homers for the White
Sox, but a single by Floyd Robin-
son drove in the winner in the
sixth as Minnesota lost its fourth
straight. Bob Allison had a home;
run for the losers.
Pappas Homers1
Milt Pappas pitched the first
six innings of a 1-0 victory over
the New York Yankees tonight
and hit the game-winning homerI
for the Baltimore Orioles.
Jim O'Toole gave up only four
hits tonight and Vada Pinson1
drove in five runs as the Cincin-9
nati Reds clobbered the Los An-I
geles Dodgers, 14-0.1
The Michigan gymnastic team
held its election for next year's
captain and this year's most val-
uable player yesterday and award-
ed both honors to Gil Larose.
"He made a fine contribution to
the team this year and will be a
valuable asset to next year's
squad," said coach Newt Loken,
commenting on Larose's election.
"He will make an excellent re-
placement for retiring captain
Tom Oosterland."
Do My Best
"I'm glad I was elected," said
Larose, "and I'll do my best to
lead the squad as well as Tom has
this year; it'll be tough following
his example."
Larose cites the competion of his
high bar routine in the Big Ten
Meet as his biggest thrill *in the
past season. It was a personal
triumph for Larose.
Earlier he had been in excellent
shape, then he jammed his finger
in a meet with Michigan State.
Black Hawks
Need Victor
In Toronto
St. Louis 15, New York 5
Chicago 3, Houston 2 (10 inn,)
Milwaukee 6, San Francisco 4
Cincinnati 14, Los Angeles 0
Pittsburgh 4, Philadelphia 3
St. Louis at New York
Houston at Chicago
San Francisco at Milwaukee
Pittsburgh at Philadelphia
Los Angeles at Cincinnati
Sign up now
The painful injury prevented him
from working out prior to the Big
Ten and thus losing the fine edge
which he had acquired earlier.
At the time of the meet, his
finger was still very painful but
he competed and did quite well.
Wait'll Next Year
Looking toward next year, La-
rose saw nothing but roses for
the squad. "We have some fine
freshman Trampolinists coming up
plus our hold-overs from this
year's above-average team."
Larose has planned an exhaust-
ing schedule for himself to get
into shape for next year's com-
In a couple of weeks, he will go
to Seattle, Wash. to compete in;
an international meet to be held
there. Then, he will compete in
the Canadian National meets in
Montreal, his hometown.
The six top finishers in the
Canadian meet will go to Prague
for a international meet. Larose,
considered one of the best Cana-
dian gymnasts, is almost a sure
bet to make the trip.
If Larose does make the trip,
he wil have to compete from July
3 to July 8. Then he will spend
about a month touring Europe and
appearing in exhibition meets. By
September, Larose plans to be in
the best physical and mental con-
dition he has ever been in, and
ready to lead Michigan's quest for
a third straight Big Ten title.
TORONTO () --- The rough,
tough Chicago Black Hawks hope
to land at least a partial haymaker
against Toronto tonight with a
victory away from home and then
roll to their second straight Stan-
ley Cup championship.
With the momentum of two vic-
tories in Chicago after losing their
first two games in Toronto, the
Hawks aim to duplicate their semi-
final triumph over Montreal by
sweeping the final four games.
The Hawks know they must win
one game away from home to de-
fend the Cup successfully, since
four games will be played in Tor-
onto if the series goes seven games.
And Toronto Coach Punch Im-
lach called both clubs a couple of
homers adding that it's perfectly
okay with him if the series con-
tinues on the current win-at-
home, lose-on-the-road basis.
Toronto Goalie Johnny Bower,
injured in Tuesday night's loss,
was to leave Swedish Covenant
Hospital yesterday and return to
Toronto by plane.
It was reported at the hospital
that Bower, who injured his groin
while blocking a shot, was in good
condition but it was uncertain
whether he would be available for
tonight's fifth Cup game in Toron-
"I don't know if Bower will be
able to play tonight," said Pilous,
"But if he doesn't, the Leafs may
be more inspired and just that
much tougher."
Imlach wasn't worried either
way. If Bower is fit, so much the
better. If not, Imlach feels Sim-
mons is an adequate replacement.
"He's a good goalie and has a great
playoff record," said Imlach, "and
if we have to use him, he'll at least
know ahead of time that he's going.
to play."
--Daily-Bruce Taylor
WINNING FORM-Gil Larose, captain-elect of the gymnastics
team, demonstrates the form which led him to third place in
the all-around in the Big Ten meet and earned for him the Most
Valuable Player award from his teammates.
M' Freshman Seeks
College Handball, Title
LEI 13
CINCINNATI(W--Bill Yambrick
of Minnesota will be on hand to-
day to defend his singles cham-
pionship as the National Inter-
collegiate Handball Tournament'
opens at Cincinnati.,
The tournament will run through
Another top-rated contender will
be Steve August, an 18-year-old
freshman from Michigan. He is
the current U.S. Handball Asso-
ciation national junior champion.
Michigan State is the defending
team champion and its entries will
be headed by Terry Brenner. Oth-
er schools entered include Rutgers,
Indiana, Northwestern, Miami of
Ohio, Muskingum (Ohio), Nebras-
ka, Loras and host Cincinnati.
** *
MELBOURNE, Australia W) -
Herb Elliott, former mile record
holder, already is considering a
comeback according to a letter his
coach Percy Cerutty received yes-
He wrote: "When I have finish-
ed at Cambridge, if it suits you, I
will be down at Protsea (the Cer-
utty training camp) and with
some real hard work will do this
chap, Snell.
"This I am fully convinced we
can do if I get sufficient training
in time."
If Elliott passes his exams he
will finish at Cambridge next year.
Cerutty said yesterday he was
confident he can get Elliott to run
in the Commonwealth Games at
Perth, where he would meet New
Zealander Peter Snell, who holds
the mile record of 3:54.4.
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