Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This inust be noted in all reprints. 5 VV14- . -- i i'Y may.. ''" ' .,v s- - _ z-. <, " TODAY AND TOMORROW Opposition to UN: Vague Uneasiness -- x I _ - ' n . ®f/ h. I A '_ = THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAM, HARRAH Government Research: Is the Profit Worth the Cost? I i , THE UNIVERSITY MAY LOSE $400,000 next year because of a hasty decision in Washington yesterday. The House defeated an amendment by Rep. Elford Cederberg (R-Mich) that would have restored $4 million for back costs of overhead on research and development and removed a 15 per cent limitation on the indirect costs of research grants awarded to non-profit in- stitutions. Indirect costs in research are those incurred in addition to salaries of research personnel and the cost of supplies. These include costs of libraries, research space and maintainence. It has been estimated that the actual in- direct costs total between 25 and 30 per cent of the funds allotted to a research program for direct costs. The Bureau of the Budget has carefully calculated this percentage, and has instructed all federal agencies to pay this percentage. Yet certain departments have refused to do so. The most important of these is the De- partment of Health, Education ,and Welfare which gives the University $5 million annually. But no punitive action has been taken against them, and this latest move by the House is evidence of a desire to further violate the Bureau's orders. W HAT THIS MOVE means to a university depends primarily upon the size of the federal grants it receives. If a school gets little of its support from Washington, the effects of indirect costs on research are negligible. But if it gets a lot of federal money, the burdens of indirect research costs can make a school poorer rather than richer for par- ticipating in federal research programs. Research contracts received by the Univer- sity are overwhelmingly sponsored by the fed- eral government. The Institute of Science and Technology reports that no more than four per cent of its annual contract moneys is brought in from private industry. At the same time approximately 75 per cent of the research done at Willow Run is for the defense de- partment. The University keeps separate its funds for research and general operation. As a result, it lost at least $400,000 last year and may lose even more in the future as the federal gov- ernment places more and more of its orders for research here. The University, however, is by no means unique in its predicament. The University of Illinois lost $700,000 on indirect costs last year. Harvard University reported a loss of $687,000, and more than one faculty at Harvard has found it necessary to limit its participation in desirable programs because of the burden of indirect costs. The University encouraged other schools to protest the limitation, but Congressmen were oblivious to their arguments. The House was apparently equally disdainful of advice from military witnesses to strike out the limitation. Luckily House action in this case may not be final. The amendment must next be con- sidered by a conference committee and finally by the Senate. Perhaps enough opposition will be marshaled against it to defeat the limitation. THIS IS a matter of grave importance to the University and to other schools tied to governmental research. Economy drives to cut federal expenses should be viewed in terms of total costs-total monetary costs incurred by institutions such as the University and the damaging price the national research effort may have to pay. -JUDITH BLEIER rt b a - "WE SU mS T RR'rE iP THE STUDENT MOVEMENT: The Internal Challeng~e By WALTER LIPPMANN THE UN financial plan had a rough passage and the situation is curious. There is in the country an overwhelmingly large majority in favor of the general purposes of the UN. Comparatively speaking, the money involved in the bond pro- posal is a very small amount. What is more, articulate criticism of the merits of the proposal has been unimpressive, and indeed so weak both in fact and in argu- ment that it was easily disposed of by a face-saving compromise. I have now come to realize, which at first I did not, that the real question is not the money, the bonds, loans versus bonds, or the preservation of the United Nations. The real question is the UN as it now is composed and as it now operates. The efforts which began with Sen. Aiken to amend the bond proposal are rather like a motion in the House of Com- mons to reduce a particular esti- mate and force a debate on a vote of confidence in the government. Such Senators as Aiken, Hicken- looper, Jackson and Mansfield do not, we may be sure, mean to wreck the UN. But they do not like the way it is now going, and they are not willing to give the UN as it is today an unqualified vote of confidence. THERE ARE the best reasons why the UN should be re-examined publicly and debated by the Con- gress. But the responsible way to go about this is to get a bi-parti- san agreement for the re-examina- tion after the emergency measures have been taken to tide the UN over the current financial crisis The UN operations in Palestine and the Congo are critically im- portant to the peace of the world. And they must not "be brought to a standstill just because there are deep questions about the con- stitution of the UN which need to be examined. The friends of the UN Thould welcome, indeed they should in- sist upon, a re-examination. For the UN in 1962 is a wholly dif- ferent organization than the UN which the Senate in 1946 voted to Join with only two dissenting rotes. If the UN is indispensable to the orderly transition from the old colonial order, it cannot do its work effectively unless Congress gives a new vote of confidence in the United Nations. * * * THE ORIGINAL UN of 1946 placed in the Security Council the power to enforce peace, as it has done in Korea, Palestine, the Con- go, Kashmir and in other places. In the Security Council the United States and the Soviet Union, Brit- ain, France and Nationalist China are permanent members and each has a veto. Except in the wholly unexplain- ed and unique case of Korea, wien the Soviet representative stayed away from the Security Council, the Soviet Union used its veto fre- quently to thwart the Western powers, who were a large majority of the Security Council. This led the United States to lose patience with these vetoes and to promote what was a most revolutionary amendement to the Charter. This was the so-called "Uniting for Peace" program which was adopted by the General Assembly on Nov. 3, 1950. It pro- vided that if the Security Coun- cil was not able to act because of a (Soviet) veto, the General Assembly could enforce peace .ty a two-thirds (veto-free) vote. At the time, this was regarded as an American diplomatic triumph. We could count on a good steady two-thirds majority in the Gen- eral Assembly. For a few years after that the Soviet was de- prived of its veto while we, with our majority, still had a veto. THEN CAME the explosion of the late 'fifties when the old European empires were liquidated and some forty new members were admitted to full and equal voting rights in the General Assembly. Our old majority was swamped by the new nations, and now we find ourselves, we and our European allies, without a sure and lasting power of veto. Thus far we have been able to win satisfactory ma- jorities on most questions. But we are afloat in the turbulent sea of the new UN parliamentary di- plomacy. Here is the root of the opposi- tion in this country. But it is not yet clearly expressed or construc- tive or responsible. For the present it merely shrinks from giving an unqualified vote of confidence to the UN. There exists a vague ur.- easiness that in the UN parlia- mentary diplomacy we are getsing into trouble with our European allies who have not yet managed to liquidate the remains of their empires. There is also a vague un- easiness that in the competition for influence, in the battle of pro- paganda, we mnight_ make some kind of pledge about disarmament that we ought not to make. * * * THE ! VAGUE uneasiness will persist and it will grow if the public air is not cleansed by a re- examination of the UN. I think that re-examination should have begun months ago when there was the uproar about the Congo. I have no doubt whatever that the more thoroughly the issues are investigated, the more our people know about the story of the Con- go, the more solid will be their support of the UN. (c) 1962, New York Herard Tribune, Inc. The Student Left Succumbs IT SEEMS that the leaders of the so-called. student movement have been getting pretty frantic lately as it becomes more and more evident that their movement is a failure. No one except members of the movement, we are told, sees the faults of society; no one else cares. When the student movement began in 1959, it was fortunately free from this type of thinking. The sit-ins in South Carolina, sub- sequent freedom rides and other efforts at aiding the Negro in the South brought out the highest level of courage and morality in the social radicals. When it branched out in 1960 into demon- strations against the House Un-American Ac- tivities Committee in San Francisco, however, the movement quietly lost a great deal of respect. In protesting against a stupid com- mittee, a rabble of equally obnoxious students milled around outside the meeting room, help- ing to cause the now-famous outbreak of violence. Later defenses of the students con- tained just as many untruths and misimplica- tions as did "Operation Abolition." A M THIS YEAR'S project of the movement picketing for peace-has completed the cycle from intelligent protest to ludicrous ac- tion. These demonstrations, by students who for some reason think they are experts on peace and nuclear warfare, have made the universities in general and the movement in particular look laughable with the ineffective marches and naive and unworkable plans for disarmament. At the University, student movement leader- ship has been just as inept. The much-heralded Voice Political Party has disappeared from sight. The Glick-Roberts motion was decisively snuffed out by SGC middle-of-the-roaders and conservatives. The leading liberal on campus, Robert Ross, was defeated for SGC president; the liberals couldn't even beat out the emi- nently unqualified Dick G'sell for executive vice-president. WITH THIS STRING of setbacks, the stu- dent movement members have been snarl- ing more and more at the world about them; the tirade against non-members has become more and more open. This attitude only high- lights the great weakness of the student move- ment: it is inherently intolerant and narrow. Its basic premise is that there are no es- tablished channels for social action. Therefore the movement is unavoidably narrow in scope; it cannot assimilate anything in the existing social system. It is willing to flaunt institutions, to subvert governing forces. In the end, it merely substitutes one ideology with another; it refuses to let both exist. Because it cannot succeed with a rational appeal-most students couldn't care less, and others refuse to acquiesce to an intolerant framework-the student movement has to de- pend on inspiring and charismatic leaders. But the Haydens and Seasonweins have gone from the campus movement, and the leaders left behind possess a fraction of their intensity. So the student movement is going to die a slow but natural death. We should not mourn its passing too heavily. -GERALD STORCH By RONALD WILTON Daily Staff Writer (Third in a Series) THE NATION clearly needs an active group of students work- ing to solve perennial problems which the older generation by and large has not been able to handle. But just how students should organize to achieve such goals is in doubt. In fact, this problem of approach explains many of the debates among student liberals today: Those focusing on a single issue oppose persons championing a general ideology. Activists debate with those who favor a more mod- erate, educational approach. Some want to concentrate on local is- sues, while others prefer affilia- A Teacher's Right To Strike DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be ~sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. THURSDAY, APRIL 19 General Notices Doctoral Candidates who expect to re- ceive degrees in June, 1962, must have at least three bound copies (the orig- inal in a "spring binder") of their dissertation in the office of the Grad- uate School by Fri., April 27. The re- port of the doctoral committee on the final oral examination must be filed with the Recorder of the Graduate School together with two copies of the thesis, which is ready in all respects for publication, not later than Mon., May 28. Convocation: Auspices School of Nat- ural Resources, S. G. Fontanna, Dean, speaker. 11 a.m., Rackham Amphithea- tre. Announcement: Peace Corps Exam- Sat., April 21, 8:30 a.m., Main Street Post Office (downtown), Civil Service Rm. Applications available at Bureau of Appoint's., 3200 SAB. Note: Those who wish to take this exam and have not already sent in an application to Washington, may fill in application this week and take it into the exam on Sat. a.m. Nursing 101: All students enrolled in Nursing 101 should sign up by May 1 for the Orientation to the Medical Li- brary. This is a requirement for the 1962 Summer Session course Nursing 195. Come to the Office of the School of Nursing to sign the Appointment Schedule. National Zeta Tau Alpha Scholarship: Eligibility: 1962 Senior, cumulative B average, evidence of need,independent or affiliate. Two to be recommended from this campus. Applications open through Thurs., April 26 at the Office of the Dean of Women. Establishment of the Continued Enroll- ment Deposit Governing Undergraduates at the University of Michigan for the Fail Semester of 1962 In order to manage its overall enroll- ment more efficiently and guarantee each bona fide undergraduate student a place in that enrollment, the Uni- versity has adopted the following regu- lations and procedures, effective im- mediately, which establish a continuing deposit for undergraduate students. I. Continuing Students A. Each residence-credit undergradu- ate student is required to establish and maintain a continuing deposit of $50 to hold his enrollment privilege at the University. This deposit may be return- ed to the enrollee when, unon nroper tion with national groups working on broader problems. * * * OF THESE, the problem of is- sue orientation is probably the biggest. Many leaders in the stu- dent movement focus on a single issue and throw the doors open for help from anyone. Thus, ideol- ogy, except as one develops through working with the issue, is scrapped in favor of activism. The relationship of the particular is- sue to other ones, or even to so- ciety, is played down. This has been the story of the student movement so far. Its at- tractiveness is evident. If you've been picketing a dime store for a while and the guy next to you remarks that there are only a handful of segregated lunch coun- ters left in the South, you feel pretty good. A goal is being achiev- ed. It doesn't matter that you are a pacifist, while your neighbor might be for pre-emptive war. It's all done in the best American bi- uartisan tradition. * -* * THIS IS SO attractive that it tends to obscure the deficiencies in this method. There are several of these deficiencies and when you come right down to it they are pretty large. First of all, the effort to correct the single situation by- passes the real problem because it tries to cure a deep-rooted disease by treating a single symptom. Furthermore, discussion of the single issue tends to be super- ficial because it does not encom- pass all socially relevant material. Also the single issue approach at- tracts participation by non- democratic elements and contains the potential for the setting up of "front groups." One of the reasons single issue orientation has gained a wide fol- lowing is student displeasure with ideology. They dislike guidelines. Because many of their parents became disillusioned with various ideologies during the '20's and '30's, and they themselves are familiar with the faults of Com- munism and Democracy, students tends to play up ideology's faults, not its advantages. * * * A SECOND major problem is the preference for direct action rather than for education. Picket Wool- worths or the White House rather than sit in a seminar of 10 or 15 other kids to explore the deeper issues of peace or civil rights? If the goal of our picketing is achieved, they feel themselves an integral part of whatever caused that change. If they don't cause change at least through demonstrating their ideas and concerns are gotten across to outsiders and cause them to think and if a demonstration causes one person to question his held values then it is successful. In our country today, where access to the public is through mass me- dia generally controlled by the forces of status-quo, demonstra- tions are probably the most effec- tive way to make student concern and ideas known to the general public. Direct action allows the studient tnoanser t h -ni.s ters or cessation of nuclear tests. Thus the relationship of issues within a greater social context is ignored. This is why education should not be neglected. It is through reading and discussion that you hammer out ideology, analyze the roots of society and come to understand relationships. It doesn't help the student po- sition any when a demonstrator, asked why the position he ad- vocates should be adopted, gives an emotional answer instead of a knowledgeable one. What is needed is a complementary educational program to go along with action projects. The ideal would be for students to be as enthusiastic about edu- cational programs as they are those involved in social action about direct action, but most don't have the degree of commit- ment or dedication necessary for this. NO MATTER what their stands are on these questions, those en- gaged in student social action have been branded as radicals by many people, most strongly by their enemies. This is because this country imagines the radical as a bearded nut making bombs in some dingy basement all ready to blow up the world. Most of the kids in the "stu- dent movement" are liberals, in- terested in ending evils like segre- gation. But they do not believe that basic change in our political, economic or social structure is necessary. They are the issue orientated people and those most ready to enter into direct action at the expense of education, The radical, on the other hand, puts himself outside social struc- tures and questions them com- pletely. He then constructs new ones which do not incorporate the faults of the old ones. He is the one who goes beyond issues to the roots of society in his search for causes. For the liberal, social action may just be part of a college fling. For a radical it may be his entire life. .* * , AT PRESENT student social ac- tion is moving slowly. The end of another school year is coming and with it will either come a new issue or an attempt to revitalize an old one; probably to its detri- ment.. Students with dedication and an integrated view of society are working for education and change, but it is hard to transfuse this to the majority of students engaged in the "movement." Yet the attempt must be made, because students should play an important part in any manifesta- tion of dissent in this country. Perhaps every student should himself if he would like to inherit a world going in its present direc- tion. If he would. not, then he should seriously begin to think about what he can do to bring about change. It is his responsi- bility as a student and a citizen. Marks WHEN the United Federation of Teachers in New York City struck against the Board of Education on April 11, it violated a state law. The Condon-Wadlin Act of 1947 prohibits public employes from striking and prescribes harsh punishment for those that do. Accord- ing to the law, the striking teachers can re- ceive no increase in wages for three years and they are put on probation for five years. One week later, there is a great deal of con- troversy in the city over whether the Condon- Wadlin Act should have been strictly enforced or whether the punishments in the bill should be reduced. Most of the newspapers in the city blame the Board, Wagner and Rockefeller for not insisting that the law be strictly enforced. The reason Condon-Wadlin has not worked, they argue, is because it has never been used. They neglect to mention the probable results of the law's execution: great bitterness and many resignations among the teachers, result- ing in a severely damaged school system. These journalists seem more interested in "getting even with the teachers" than with the educa- tion of New York's one million school children. THERE HAS BEEN one argument concerning Condon-Wadlin, however, that has not been raised. No one has questioned the principle on ...niu +1h a rb rta lk-. Ila o r crn~.n.--- determining whether or not a worker should be entitled to use this weapon, it should not be relied on too heavily. Supposedly, government employes are so important to the public welfare that their refusal to work would be disastrous. On the other hand, if a man works for a private corporation, his services are, by definition, less important to the public. This distinction is absurd. A steel worker is certainly more important to the nation's welfare than a man who drives a city-owned bus. Yet the driver cannot strike, although the steel worker can. Whether or not someone is paid by the government is an inadequate criterion. If a legislature prohibits a worker from striking, it must do so on the basis of the relative importance of his job to the public. THE NEXT QUESTION is whether public education is so important that strikes ought to be prohibited. Surely, there is nothing which can match the importance of education to both the individual and the public. However, the learning process is not greatly upset by a day, or even one month of interruption. The learning process is far more seriously damaged by an embittered, underpaid, overworked teach- er. If the police struck, it would cause chaos in the city. If the teachers strike, the worst it dn is tn hurden narents with their nwn LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: U' Student Affairs:' Stereotypes, Diapers To the Editor: DURING MY BRIEF tenure on campus, a few years back, freshmen were looked upon as mewling babes in arms, guzzling milk out of nippled. bottles, and requiring a diaper change every two hours. After the succeeding summer they returned to the campus, sud- denly matured, and full grown men and women. This overnight metamorphosis was not considered to be a biological freak but a perfectly natural development. By the time they reached the final stages of the senior year they were invariably pictured as dod- dering old men, stumbling over their long, white beards as they marched up to .the platform to receive their diplomas. The wo- men, in turn, were portrayed as grandmotheily types, with shawls over their shoulders, and usually with a tin hearing aid held at the ready. Having read the recent Reed- Lewis Report, as reported in full in The Daily, and in excerpted form in The Michigan Alumnus, I am forced to the conclusion that the University authorities have gradually reached the conclusion that all students, regardless of age, are to be henceforth con- sidered as immature juveniles who must be watched over and wet nursed day and night. THIS ATTITUDE does not square with my own observations through the years. During this time I have sponsored several hundred students, the large ma- jority of whom have made out- standing records, both on campus and in their careers. A few, but a very, very few have turned out to be sour apples. In a student community of some 25,000 carefully selected men and women, the vast majority will be a~in. r- 3--- -4- de chastete, with the keys being deposited in the custody of the Dean of Women. Or, perhaps we should adopt the European sys- temn of requiring all female stu- dents to be constantly accom- panied by a duenna. Just how juvenile and unrealis- tic can the University become? -Jay H. Schmidt, '16E Standing Room Only... To the Editor: THE UNIVERSITY is well known for absurd rules. The most re- cent one I would like to protest is the closing of the men's wash- room on the third floor of the UGLI after five o'clock. This action has caused much inconvenience to the men on the third floor by requiring them to use the second floor washroom, which is ,not able to handle the excess traffic. The inadequacy of this arrangement has been ob- vious. The closing of the washroom has also shown discrimination against the men of this Univer- sity, because. the women's wash- room has remained open. Must the men of this University be subju- gated to such senseless rules? --Charles Glaser, '64 Flattery .«. Dear Daily: AS STUDENTS at the University, we find that reading The Daily contributes greatly to our academic well-being. Your editorials are both inspiring and thought-pro- voking; the national and interna- tional news is also inspiring and thought-provoking; in addition, we enjoy your thought-provoking and inspiring Jules Feiffer car- toons. By the way, we keep expecting not to find a Daily in our mailbox. This contributes to The Daily's appeal. You see we . . . uh . . . haven't auite . . .uh ... naid for