PRIL 17,1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY GOP By MICHAEL HARRAH Special To The Daily LANSING - With sentiments favor of a statewide income t waning throughout the Legisl ture, some House Republioans l week unveiled a $97.6 milli package of luxury taxes to "bre the fiscal log jam." Gov. John B. Swainson has ready promised to veto the bill it stands, but Majority Floor Lea er Allison Green (R-Kingsto and Speaker Pro-Tem Wilfred Bassett (R-Jackson) claim tb wrote the proposal for "talki and trading purposes." Specifically the proposal n Hears calls for a $10 increase per barrel on the beer tax, renewal of the one in cent a pack cigarette tax which ax expired last year, a five per cent la- amusement tax on sporting events ast tickets, renewal of the four per on cent extra liquor tax, the tele- ak phone-telegraph tax and the one mill corporate franchise tax, all al- of which expired last year. as County Option d- The plan would also allow a n) county option stamp tax of up to G. ten mills on real estate transfer iey documents. ' ng House Minority Floor Leader Jo- seph J. Kowalski (D-Detroit) ow called the proposal "ridiculous," Luxury Tax bills until tax matters I but Rep. James F. Warner (R- Ypsilanti) said that the reception among the majority Republicans was "encouraging." Green said that he hoped the proposal would get the legislators started on settling the tax issue. The Legislature is set to adjourn on Friday, and as yet no appro- priations have even been reported out of committee. Refuse To Adopt Senate Appropriations Commit- tee Chairman Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield) and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Arnell E. Engstrom (R-Traverse City) have refused to report out any money are settled. So Bassett feels that the luxury taxes will act as a catalyst, since the moderate Republicans in the Senate are having trouble getting the income tax off the ground. Not all Republicans concurred wholeheartedly with the Green- Bassett plan. "Can you imagine what an amusement tax would do to the tourist industry?" Rep. Walter G. Nakkula (R-Gladwin) laughed. And Rep. Charles A. Boyer (R-Manistee) described the reception of the plan at the GOP caucus as somewhat less than en- thusiastic. Plant Meanwhile Rep. Rollo G. Con- lin's (R-Tipton) income tax- profits plan is still lodged in the House Taxation Committee "until the situation jells." In the Senate, one conservative Republican laughed at the moder- ates, saying, "they've got a bear by the tail and they don't know how to let go. It's one thing to dis- charge a committee and it's anoth- er to pass an income tax." He was referring to a Senate maneuver ten days ago which wrenched the governor's income tax proposal loose from Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings' (R-Holland) Taxa- tion Committee. I RuskDobrynin Bein t " o U.S.-Sovilet Discussions On Problems of 'Berlin BRAZIL, INDIA: Russians See E ight Nations Propose First Talks Nuclear Wapons Ban As 'Fruitful' GENEVA (M) - Eight middle group nations headed by Brazil, of what Washington and London Troop Rumor Denied Sweden and India proposed yes- consider necessary.S terday conclusion of a nuclear The United States and Britain By Sae Depament weapons test ban based on con- have doubts about the scientific WASHINGTON (AP) - Secre- trol arrangements falling far short 'soundness of this compromise pro- posal - submitted in the form of tary of State Dean Rusk and So- memorandum to the 17-nation viet ambassador Anatoly S. Dobry- hinese Adm it general disarmament conference- hin met for an hour yesterday to which leans toward ideas backed inaugurate a new round of United ie 11S by the Soviet'Union. States-Soviet discussions on the Econom ic is Basically, the eight hope their Berlin issue. program will head off a new nu- Neither side reported any prog- TOKYO (P) - Red China pub- clear testing race and break the ress afterward, except to say they licly acknowledged last night it diplomatic stalemate which for so would meet again soon. Dobrynin has suffered another year of great long has prevented. the United did describe the talks as "fruitful" economic difficulties and an- States, Britain and the Soviet Un- but would not say in what way. nounced a 10-point program to ion from concluding a treaty ban- This first in a new series of dis- deal with its woes. ning all atomic and hydrogen wea- cussions came a few hours after Premier Chou En-Lai, in a re- pons tests. the State Department had em- port to the National People's Con- The compromise calls for utili- phatically knocked down reports gress declared Communist China zation of existing national instru- that the United States has of- has suffered serious natural ca- ment systems to detect nuclear ex- fered to reduce its troop strength lamities for three -consecutive plosions. To this arrangement in Communist-surrounded West years and has run into formidable would be added an international Berlin. difficulties. comission of scientists. Dealt With Procedure Rusk aides said the talks dealt mostly with procedure - how and when to get negotiations going -- and very little with the substance SV!of the German question. 60% on your dr eleanin bills Plans for the two leaders next fU talk remain to be arranged after the Soviet ambassador reports to Moscow. Rusk, meanwhile, will re- FRANK"S KLEEN KING port to President John F. Kennedy, 1226 PACKARD and to interested allies. Dobrynin, questioned by report- ers when he emerged from the SAFE - ODORLESS - WRINKLE-FREE hour-long session in Rusk's office, said "We had a fruitful discussion over many subjects . .. it was a Any combination of clothing businesslike discussion. (any colors) up to 10 lbs. for $2.00 s trsie neduOut 20-MINUTE CYCLE Straightened Out 20MINUTE CYAt the same time, the West Ger- man government's press chief said ty A ieeverything has been straightened Packard Laundry - Packard Drugs Adjoining out" between Washington and Bonn in their latest flurry over Berlin. The press chief, Felix Von Eck- ardt, said Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's administration has no objection to the reported four T points circulated to the Allies by Rusk last week in preparation for h -the new round of talks. Michigan Senators Approve Act To Extend 'Blue Laws' Special To The Daily LANSING - Senators Joseph P. Smeekens (R-Coldwater) and Harry R. Litowich (R-Benton Harbor) locked horns last week over the state's complicated and ignored 'Blue Laws' and, temporarily at least, they have both won. The Senate voted to extend the Smeekens-backed Saturday- Sunday closing proposal to include all 83 Michigan counties, instead of just the 13 largest as originally " proposed. It require certai busi- ness to close on either Sunday orSu yrchbishop Litowch proposed the amend- mioihpooe h mn=E ent covering all counties inA s T i hopes that it would help defeat xpels rio the bill in the House. He and Sen. Carleton H. Morris (R-Kalama- N zoo) termed the bill "simply an at- .NEW ORLEANS () - The Ro- tempt to protect major outlets man Catholic Archbishop of New against the competition of the dis- Orleans excommunicate ree count houses." segregationrleaders yesterday, in- countdhouses." s ylloking a rare spiritual penalty Granddaughter's Doll only he can lift. Litowich added, "there's no rea- The order from Archbishop Jo- son why I should be able to buy seph Francis Rummer expelled beer and wine seven days a week long-time Louisiana political boss, but not a doll for granddaughter." Leander H. Perez, Sr.; Jackson G. Smeekens termed the proposal Ricau, a former real estate dealer; "legislation to cut down unneces- and Mrs. B. J. Gaillot Jr. sary commercialization seven days Perez was district attorney of a week," and he denounced later two parishes (counties), which ad- Senate action which also amended join New Orleans, for 20 years and the bill to allow local boards of has been the strongest voice for supervisors to overturn the sales segregatio nin Louisiana. restrictions in their counties by a Ricau is now executive secretary two-thirds vote, of the pro-segregation Citizens Later, a bi-partisan Senate co- Council of South Louisiana. Mrs. alition repeatedly struck down a Gaillot heads a small segregation proposal to appropriate an addi- group known as "Save Our Na- tional $125,000 for the constitu- tion." tional convention, which has over- The statement did not define spent its budget. which type of excommunication T _) T, is f i r y s i e Democrats Push Bill Against Steel WASHINGTON () - Legisla-t tion designed to curb general price increases was introduced in thes Senate yesterday as Democratic1 leaders pressed ahead with mop- ping-up operations after their battle with big steel. Senate Republican leader Ever-r ett M. Dirksen (R-Il.) spoke out against the "punitive spirit" which he said President John F. Kenne- dy displayed in crushing out at price-rise movement.1 Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-t Minnesota) assistant Democratice leader of the Senate, called for theE appointment of a Presidential commission to make a broadscale study of all phases of the steel in-4 dustry. Three bills inspired by the dra- matic three-day struggle between the Kennedy administration and big steel were introduced by Sen.I Albert D. Gore (D-Tenn.). TheyI would: 1. Give the President power to halt any general price increase in steel orother basic commodities for an 80-day study period. 2. Set up a national consumers advisory board to examine and re- port on the facts in proposed price increases. 3. Make it easier for the govern- ment to use the antimonopoly lawsJ to break up big business concen- trations. No specific company or industry was named in Gore's third bill. But Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy said last week that one of the questions being studied by the Justice Department was whether .one company so dominates the industry that it controls prices and should be broken up. The attorney general went ahead with a New York federal grand jury investigation of the iteel industry, despite Friday's cancel- lation of the price increase. Detroit Papers Halt Printing Detroit was without the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News again yesterday after an an- nouncement was made that there would be no Monday publications. The newspapers indicated that there would be no presses rolling until settlement of a contract dis- pute with the Teamsters Union. Both the Detroit News and the Free Press announced Sunday that they were laying off employees in several departments. Teamsters Local 372 members struck onlythe Free Press. The News has not published because there is an agreement between the newspapers that a strike against one newspaper is considered to be a strike against both. volved.. The appeal, rejected by a 6-1 margin, was by a real estate firm, which said its $842 city taxes would have been about $30 less without the exemptions. In addi- tion to tax exemptions for church properties, the company objected World News Roundup also to similar treatment for vet- WASHINGTON (A) - The Navy erans organizations, gold star par- and Air Force announced yester- ents, cemeteries and some univer- day that nearly 20,000'officers and sity professors. men whose service was extended Rhode Island exempts from tax- during the Berlin crisis will be re- ation the estates, persons and leased from active duty before families of the president and pro- July 1. fessors of Brown University for not more than $10,000 apiece. Vet- SANTIAGO (UP) -- The Bolivian erans organizations' property is ambassador yesterday announced exempted up to $100,000. Veterans suspension of diplomatic relations and their unmarried widows get a with Chile in a dispute over Lauca $1,000 exemption. Gold star par- River waters. ents get a $1,500 exemption. The exemption for churches, the WASHINGTON (A) - President company contended, violates the John F. Kennedy yesterday nom- constitution's first amendment by inated former Virginia Gov. J. constituting "establishment of re- Lindsay Almond Jr., to a judge- ligion. " ship. The firm said the exemptions * * * for veterans and others deprived WASHINGTON (A') - Byron R. it of property in violation of the White was sworn in yesterday as federal constitution. an associate justice of the Su- The Rhode Island court said preme Court.* purpose and do not violate the ORAN- Police smashed a se- constitutional principle of separa- cret army attempt to seize an tion of church and state. armory in a suburb yesterday, Justice Hugo L. Black dissented. then ranged through the streets Justice Felix Frankmurter, who in half-tracks, blazipg away at has been in a hospital since April terrorist positions with heavy 5, took no part. weapons. Court Turns Down - - Exemption Hearing WASHINGTON (A) - The Supreme Court refused yesterday to consider whether it is constitutional for states to grant tax exemptions to church and other properties. The court let stand a Rhode Island Supreme Court ruling that such exemptions are within the exclusive authority of the state legis- lature. The high tribunal, apparently agreeing, said no "substan- tial federal question" is in-_ __ II I Notice to all Catholic Students Republican Candidate Democrats denounced the GOP- controlled con-con for "not pro- ducing anything but a Republican candidate for governor." Some GOP senators also opposed the ap- propriation on the grounds that "the con-con will just have to live within its means like the rest of us." Con-con spokesmen pointed out that the money was sorely needed to meet expenses between now and the May 15 adjournment date, and they hoped the appropriation could be revived in the House. In other action, both houses fi- nally passed the slightly amended Uniform Commercial Code, which would standardize laws governing commercial transactions with those in other states. Anti-Communist Bills And as several anti-Communist bills went down to defeat in the Senate, Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) and others have introduced a resolution in the House urging patriotic and vet- erans organizations to intensify programs exposing activities and objectives of international com- munism. Members on both sides of the aisle indicated support for the- resolution as a substitute for the specific legislation, and passage seems virtually assured. had been imposed. One form de- nies the sacraments and- other graces while the other adds the additional penalty of forbidding Catholics to associate with per- sons under such a ban. Archbishop Rummel reserved' any appeal to himself. His state- ment said "this spiritual penalty may be remitted only by the Or- dinary (Archbishop Rumiel) or by his delegate." Staebler Seeks Congress Seat Neil Staebler of Ann Arbor yes- terday announced at a news con- ference in the Michigan Union that he would seek the Democratic nomination for the congressman- at-large position in this fall's elec- tion. Staebler, former 'Democratic state chairman, said he is running because the Legislature has failed to draw up a suitable plan to re- district the state to include the additional Congressional seat awarded Michigan in the 1960 census. "I will cheerfully withdraw if the Legislature can develop an equitable redistricting plan," he added. ST. MARY'S STUDENT CHAPEL HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Wednesday, April 18 Confessions- :30-5:00 Devotions--7:30 P.M. Confession-8:00-9:00 P.M. Holy Thursday, April 19 (No morning Masses) Confessions-3 :00-4:30 HOLY THURSDAY MASS-4:30 P.M. Confessions-7:30-9:00 P.M. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 5:30-11 P.M. Good Friday, April 20 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament-- 8:00 A.M. to 12 noon Confessions-10:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. TRE ORE-12 to 3 Prayers in honor of the Blessed Sacrament 12:qO noon to 12:30 Stations of the Cross-12:30 P.M. Meditations and Prayers on the Seven Last Words -1:00 P.M. Solemn Liturgical Service and Holy Communion-1:45 Adoration of the Cross-3:00 P.M. Evening Stations-7:30 P.M. Confessions-8:00 P.M. Holy Saturday, April 21 Confessions-3:30 to 5:30 P.M.; 7:30 to 9:30 P.M. Blessing of Pascal Candle, Baptismat Water, etc. 11:00 P.M. Easter Vigil Mass-12:00 midnight Easter Sunday, April 22 Masses at 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:00, 12:30 i OUR MISTAKE It's.Dylan* as in Thomas not Dillon As in MATT. * Columbia Recording Artist appearing this Sunday, 2 P.M. at Michigan Union 90c O CORVETTES MONZAS and on all CHEVROLET models including the new CHEVY II contact II EAR BOOKS U-M FOLK FESTIVAL This Weekend FRIDAY 8 P.M. JESSE FULLER Union Ballroom 90c SATURDAY HOOTENANNY Trueblood Aud. 8:30 P.M. "The Best from the Midwest! SUNDAY 2 P.M. BOB DYLAN Send in your order for the 1962 'Ensian and have your book reserved for you when it is published. LES HARBER "salesrepresentative .': the University s of Michigan NO 5-0267 f " ;Enclosed find $6.50 (check or money order only) for one! 1962 'En sian. Sorry, we cannot bill you at a l9ter date. Your, :receipt will be sent when your order comes in " I Nam AA Adrs * U * r " Maln intutosI10 diinlchrei oki ob ald