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April 17, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-17

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A new state taxation structure, keyed to a flat-rate personal
income tax, will be passed in the Senate today.
This is the prediction of Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R=Ann Arbor),
leader of a coalition of Democrats and moderate Republicans who
last night introduced amendments to Gov. John B. Swainson's tax
program that represent a compromise between the governor's pro-
gram and one introduced into the House by Rep. Rollo G. Conlin
The compromise includes a three per cent personal income tax,
a five per cent corporate income tax and a seven per cent tax on
financial institutions.
Leave Sales Tax
The intangibles and business activities taxes would be repealed.
The sales tax would be left at four per cent.







After July 1, 1963, however, one per cent of the sales tax will
revert to local units of government.
Thayer explained that this extra time will allow the next
session of the Legislature to deal with the biggest problem the
coalition has encountered-what method to use to allocate the extra
funds to the various forms of local government. Detroit, conse-
quently, will still probably have to pass a city income tax, Thayer
Exempt Drugs
In addition, prescription drugs will be exempted from the sales
tax and as part of the compromise, Swainson will drop his demand
that groceries also be exempted.
The coalition will also introduce a temporary $43 million nui-
sance tax package in order to bring in revenue until the income tax
will be operable. Contrary to previous reports, the nuisance tax
program will be legislated in the Senate, Thayer added.

The compromise plan was introduced by Sen. Frank D. Beadle
(R-St. Clair), the majority floor leader.
The vote to amend was 20-13. Eighteen votes are necessary to
pass a Senate motion. The coalition actually gained strength last
night as one more senator joined the group.
Thayer said once past the Senate, the taxation package will
have no trouble passing the House, as most of the 54 Democrats
will support the plan and many of the 54 Republicans will follow
the lead of Conlin, who is chairman of the House Taxation Com-
Earlier in last night's session, the conservative bloc, headed by
Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-Kalamazoo), attempted to discharge the
coalition-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee in order to be able
to consider a November referendum to determine if the people will
allow legislation of an income tax of up to eight per cent.
The motion failed 14-6.

The conservatives unsuccessful strategy is exactly the same
one the coalition used 10 days ago when it discharged the Senate
Taxation Committee from consideration of the governors tax pro-
Action to discharge a Senate committee has not been successful
for 50 years and is a serious move which represents a form of
The defeat of the old conservative monopoly appears even more
conclusive therefore after consideration of the action employed by
the coalition.
Extra Money
The extra money which the new tax plan will net should clear
the way for a larger appropriation for the University, including
substantial increases in capital outlay allocations, Thayer said.
It appears that the Senate will be forced to work past its plan-
ned adjournment next week in order to draw up a state budget
keyed to the new taxation structure.

See Page 4

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Slight temperature increase,
continued cloudiness.



Regents Deny Governor

Issued Tuition Demand

Tech Reveals Boost
In Out-of-State Fees
Murphy, Sorenson Scuttle Report
That Swainson Asked No Increase
Regents Irene E. Murphy of Birmingham and Allan B. Sorenson
of Midland yesterday denied that Gov. John ,B. Swainson has at-
tempted to influence members of the governing boards for the state-
supported colleges and universities on the matter of tuition.
Their denial negates an earlier story that the governor had told
the Democratic members of the boards last week to hold the line
on tuition this year. The story was magnified somewhat when Michi-
gan College of Mining and Technology at Houghton last week an-
nounced a $20 hike in tuition for out-of-state students. Regent










To Relocate


W omen

ICMU Group
Meets Foust
After Protest
Special To The Daily
MT. PLEASANT-Meetings with
protest leaders, members of the
student government and Judson
Foust, Central Michigan Univer-
sity president, continued yester-
day in the wake of last Monday's
demonstration at the institution.
Approximately 800 st u d e n ts
marched to the president's house
that night to protest "a lack of
freedom" on the campus. The
leaders of the demonstration com-
plained of a "dictatorial approach
to student affairs," plan to estab-
lish an "independent, censor-free
student press" and "uncontrolled
student senate."
A meeting with Foust was held
Friday and a second one held yes-
terday dealt with student-adminis-
tration communication, Foust said.
Shift Channels
The meetings will continue, but
are not on a definitely scheduled
basis but discussions will shift
soon to student government chan-
nels, he added.
"There is no reason why stu-
dents cannot work through stu-
dent government. They cannot by-
pass student government when
they say they want a strengthened
student government," he declared.
One of the main areas of con-
troversy were charges of press cen-
sorship of the Central Michigan
Life, the student newspaper. Stu-
dents charged that the adminis-
tration had suppressed reports of
a student "sit-in" protest against
shortened library hours, criticism
of the administration and had re-
duced letters to the editors space
Denies Censorship
Foust denied that any press
censorship had been imposed by
Central Michigan University. He
said that the current press policy
had been in effect with slight mod-
ification since 1950, but that stu-
dents were not aware of it.
Hie said that the editor of the
Life, Mary Erdman, had asked his
advice on publishing a story of a
library "sit-in" by 15 CMU stu-
dents and that the story had not
been suppressed.
"I told her it was not a suffi-
ciently important story and that
the paper does not print about
everyone who is put on probation.
It was my opinion, but she could

Murphy said that "the Regents
would have resented such an in-
trusion and I am sure the Gover-
nor has the good judgment not to
so interfere."
University Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss said that
the University's position on tuition
has not changed since the Regent's
last official statement in October,
when the Board asserted that it
would make no decision relating to
fees until after the appropriation
had passed the state Legislature.
Both Regents explained that
they would respect the Governor's
opinion in the matter, but that
they would not take their cue
from him. They denied that he
had taken any position on tuition
which would cause a change in
plans at the University at the
present time.
Michigan State University Board
of Trustees chairman Connor D.
Smith, whose group held their
regular meeting last Friday, re-
ported that "tuition was not even
discussed," and he "foresees no
tuition boost at all."
State Board of Education chair-
man C. M. Magnuson, whose group
governs Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity at Ypsilanti, Central Michigan
University at Mt. Pleasant, Western
Michigan University at Kalama-
zoo and Northern Michigan Col-
lege at Marquette, confirmed,
however, that those four schools
may ,follow Tech's lead and raise
out-of-state fees.
"We're dead set against a tui-
tion raise," he said. "But if the
Legislature does not live up to ts
responsibilities we may be forced

From Co-op
Acting Dean of Women Eliza-
beth Davenport yesterday in-
formed the 25 residents of Geddes
Co-op that they will have to va-
cate the building within two weeks.
On April 29, the women and all
their possessions will be moved, by
the University, to the fourth floor
of Victor Vaughan, "which is
something of a prestige location
among the women's residence
halls," Dean Davenport said.
The decision to evict the women
was made after the contractor for
the Oxford Road Project (Geddes
is located on part of the land for
the project) announced that he
would have to commence work ear-
ly -in May. The women had been
led to believe that construction
would begin late in June, allow-
ing them to remain in Geddes
through the day following Com-
"By having the women move
now, the University will probably
save as much as $10,000 on the
Oxford Project," Service Enter-
prises Manager Frances Shiel
said. "There will be no expense to
them, either in moving or in ad-
ditional charges on room and
Normally, as members of a co-
op, the women do a certain
amount of labor around the build-
ing, including their cooking and
maid service, and for this their
room and board rates are reduced
about 50 per cent. They will be re-
quired to do no work at Vaughan
and will receive all the benefits
of dormitory living, he said.
The Geddes house government
will be abolished and Vaughan
officers will oversee the women.
The Geddes government will prob-
ably be re-established in Sept.,
1963, Dean Davenport said.
Many of the women living in
Geddes were quite angered over
the decision, reached without con-
sulting either them or Assembly
"None of us are happy to tell
you to move out, but it must be
done. Economically, you'll come
off a lot better, and of course you
must realize that we are not for-
getting you as individuals," Dean
Davenport said.





Symposia To View Teaching

Under the sponsorship of the
Senate Subcommittee on Improve-
ment of Instruction, the University
will revive a series of symposia
dealing with teaching during the
next three weeks.
The symposia will include three
panel discussions, covering pro-
grammed learning, the introduc-
Board Sets
Meals Plan.
Students living in residence halls
soon will have a limited oppor-
tunity to eat meals in another
quadrangle or dormitory.
A plan approved yesterday by
the Residence Halls Board of Gov-
ernors provides that two meals,
one the Sunday dinner, will be
made available for such a choice.
The program will take effect as
soon as Inter-Quadrangle Coun-
cil and Assembly Dormitory Coun-
cil agree on which other meal to
A number of "visitors" not ex-
ceeding three per cent of the resi-
dents in any one unit will be al-
lowed to eat there. The students
must obtain a guest ticket at the
hall's main desk between two and
five days previous to the meal.
In other action, Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lew-
is told the board that he and Act-
ing Dean of Women Elizabeth
Davenport have been "evaluating"
the 11 proposals made recently by
Women's Judiciary Council



tory course, and vitalizing class
presentation, Prof. William Pal-
mer of the economics department,
chairman of the subcommittee, has
Faculty, students and all inter-
ested persons are invited to at-
tend the discussions, scheduled at
4 p.m. on successive Thursdays -
April 19 and 26 and May 3 in
Aud. C.
Programmed Learning
The first program, on pro-
grammed learning, will deal with
such topics as immediate response
techniques for instruction in phy-
sics, and the application, effective-
ness and cost of programmed in-
It will be- an attempt to bring
together the many projects on
campus heretofore uncorrelated
that deal in this field.
Panel members will include Pro-
fessors H. R. Crane of the physics
department, Harlan L. Lane and
John E. Milholland of the psychol-
ogy department, and F. Rand
Morton of the romance languages

The second program will deal
with the selection, training and
supervision of the teaching fellow,
and his place in the academicI
Prof. Palmer said that many*
student complaints are directed at
the introductory course, which is,
in many cases, taught at least in'
part by teaching fellows.
This panel will include Profes-
sors Daniel R. Fusfield of the'
economics department, Robert L.
Isaacson of the psychology depart-
men, James C. O'Neill of the ro-
mance languages department, Al-
lan O. Pfnister, (professor) of
higher education, William R.
Steinhoff of the English depart-
ment and Robert C. Taylor of the
chemistry department.
The final symposium will be a
discussion of visual methods
Panel members will be Profes-
sors H. Harlan Bloomer and Edgar
E. Willis of the speech department,
Richard D. Judge of the medical
school and Ford L. Lemler of the
Audio-Visual Center.a

.. . delighted

U' Chosen To Conduct
Space Science Research

The University is one of 10 uni-
versities and colleges in the coun-
try w-' _ have been chosen by the
Nationai Aeronautics and Space
Administration to participate in

Upper Peninsula May Host Space Center

Location of a "Cape Canaveral
of the north" on the Keweenaw
Peninsula to give Michigan's econ-
omy a multi-million-dollar trans-
fusion "and put this area in the
space game'' has been proposed by
a University professor and six leg-
A resolution introduced in the

House last week would create a
seven-member interim committee
"to study the possibility of a ma-
jor launching site and range for
North Polar orbital and high alti-
tude investigations," on the Lake
Superior peninsula.
The resolution was introduced
by Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann Ar-

bor), and co-sponsored by five
other representatives.
Bursley said the committee
would compile the facts on the Ke-
weenaw site "and then it would be
a question of trying to interest the
federal government."
Such a base could utilize space
research facilities at the Univer-

_.:.N...T...... : .....O
{ .

sity and engineering facilities at
Michigan College of Mining and
Technology, Bursley said.
Prof. Richard B. Morrison of the
aeronautical engineering depart-
ment, said the University ranks.
second in the country in terms of
federal grants for space research,
but other states, notably Cal-
ifornia, have grabbed the space
industrial contracts.
He said that to his knowledge
the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration is not now
considering a site -for launching
North Polar orbits.
"But looking way ahead, such a
thing would have an excellent
chance of happening," he predict-
"Technically, it is a very good
idea," Prof. Morrison said. "With
a 'ater corridan a arselmygg

a new $2 billion space science re-
search program.
The program, which will provide
$2,400 a year plus expense allow-
ances for 10 students at the Uni-
versity, and an equal number at
nine other institutions, is sched-
uled to begin in the fall, James
Lesch, assistant director- of the of-
fice of Research Administration,
said yesterday.
Pre-doctoral students in the
areas of science and engineering
who have shown a special aptitude
and interest in space science will
be selected to share in the funds.
Fellowship Grant
The $177 million fellowship
grant, which has not yet been of-
ficially accepted by the University,
may possibly be the first of three
such grants from NASA which may
be given to the University annual-
ly through 1964, Lesch noted.
NASA has projected that $30
billion may be spent on space in
the next 10 years, "and it looks as
if it's going to be spent," he said.
"The fellowship program is evi-
dence that NASA is planning, and
is beginning to exercise, a wide
variety of types of research pro-
Ideas There
The University's program on
space science research is not fully

MSU, Sul
Units Apply
Sigma Nu chapters at Michigan
State University and the State
University of Iowa have applied
for waivers from their constitu-
tion's bias clause.
No action has been taken by the
national on either request.
James Stifler, president of the
MSU local, said the application
was sent March 28, but so far the
national has 'only "acknowledged"
receipt. He expects, however, that
the waiver will be granted this
summer. MSU fraternities must
eliminate bias clauses by next
September or face withdrawal of
The Sigma Nu's at SUI applied
for the release last week after the
Interfraternity Council there had
approved on April 6 an Oct. 1,
1965, deadline for removal of ra-
cial discrimination clauses.
Chapter president S t e p h e n
Avery said last night that no word
has come back yet from the na-
Officials of the second SUI fra-
ternity which will be affected by
the ruling-Alpha Tau Omega-
said the house would take no ac-
tion until the August national con-
Non-compliance with the dead-
line will mean withdrawal of so-
cial and rushing privileges, IFC
President Jeffrey Lamson said.
Lamson said the reason for not
including religious discrimination
in the ruling was to protect "the
three houses here whose basic pur-
poses are religiously-oriented":
Phi Epsilon Pi and Alpha Epsilon
Pi, two predominantly Jewish
houses, and Phi Kappa Theta, a
Catholic fraternity.
KIA-) l7? t pNd) I'I C

N0 Strings,
Letter from National
Shuffles Provisions
In Constitution, Rites
The High Council of Sigma Nu
national fraternity has granted its
University chapter a waiver which
may eliminate any need for Stu-
dent Government Council to con-
sider whether or not the chapter is
in violation of Regents Bylaw 2.14
and SGC regulations against dis-
Commander Stewart Loud, '62
BAd, of the local chapter, who
was notified during spring vaca-
tion, expressed both "surprise and
delight" over the High Council ac-
Loud has received an official
letter from the national which con-
stitutes the waiver. The letter ef-
fects three changes in the local's
constitution and ritual which will
eliminate "membership qualifica-
tions based on race, creed, color or
national origin," National Execu-
tive Secretary Richard R. Fletcher
said in a press release. Fletcher
emphasized that there are abso-
lutely "no strings attached" to the
Sigma Nu's membership quali-
fications normally say, "members
must be men, free born of free
ancestry, and without Negro blood
and have the character and bear-
ing of gentlemen." For the local
they now say, "members must be
men, and have the character and
bearing of gentlemen."
Loud said the waiver also elim-
inates "a more recent bylaw which
excludes Chinese, Japanese and
others of Oriental descent." Fin-
ally, it eliminates all discrimina-
tory phrases in the fraternity's
initiation ritual.
Loud explained that on April 5
the chapter was visited by Fletch-
er, and the national Regent of the
fraternity, Rev. George L. Evans
of Evansville, Id.
60 People
He estimates that "60 actives,
pledges, and alumni were at a
meeting that night. We discussed
the low state of the chapter.
- "After Fletcher and Rev. Evans
left about a third of us thought
there was any chance for a waiver.
Our application wasn't complete.
We didn't even have a deadline
yet. We are the only chapter ever
to get the waiver without a dead-
SGC President Steven Stock-
meyer, '63, said that the council

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