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April 06, 1962 - Image 1

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Hdigh ea-58
Cloudy, little temperature
change, showers tonight.

via . r vvrr v_ .....


VOJL. LXXHI, No., 136i





Senate Compromise
On UN Bonds Passes
Bi-Partisan Coalition Turns Back
Akttempt To Dilute Executive Power
WASHINGTON (P)-Senate Democrats and Republicans friendly
to the United Nations combined last night to grant President John
F. Kennedy authority to lend the world organization $100 million on
easy terms.
Approved 70-22 was a bipartisan compromise proposal that would
allow the President to make the United Nations loan for 25 years
and at 2 per cent interest, if he wishes.
Again and again through a long legislative day, the coalition beat
back efforts to weaken the President's discretionary authority and to

Bi- Partis an







. new president

Set Officers
For Panhel
Ann McMillan, '63, has been
named new Panhellenic Associa-
tion President, succeeding SusanT
Stillerman, '62A&D
Affiliated women also elected
Wenda Westrate, '63 executive
vice-president; Judith Hurst, '64,
associate -vice-president; Patricia
Eklin, '64, secretary; and Susan
Smith, '63, treasurer.
Miss McMillan sees as one of
the most important concerns for
the organization during the com-
ing year helping the Student Gov-
ernment Council committee on
membership fulfill its "education
role." She thinks that in certain
cases sorority presidents had eith-
er been misinformed, or had mis-
interpreted the intentions and
desires of the membership com-
Comes To Council
"I would like to have member-
ship committee members come to
the Panhel Presidents' Council and
talk to affiliated women. Miss
Stillerman thought it was the re-
sponsibility of individualpresi-
dents and °houses to learn for
themselves what the committee
was esttablished for-I feel it's
the responsibility of Panhellenic
as an association, not as indi-
viduals," Miss McMillan said.
She'said that being an ex-officio
on SGC would be one of (her)
prime duties this semester.
"I believe there should be vot-
ing ex-officios, but they must take
their responsibilities seriously and
be informed and open-minded
about the various motions before
Council. They must be at all times
aware that they represent a wide
range of feelings within their or-
ganizations," she said.
Three Study Committees
Miss McMillan hopes for the es-
tablishment of study committees
to look into women's rush, the ef-
feet of the tri-niester plan on Pan-
hel, and to study the recent Pan-
hellenic elections.
The committee on women's rush
would investigate the merits of
fall, as opposed to spring, rush.
"They would have to see which
would be most desirable. If fall
rush would be better, we would
have it by 1963, and would prob-
ably permit first-semester fresh-
men women to go through rush,"
she commented.
Group Rejects
College Plan
LANSING (A)-A plan to make
Delta Community College at Sagi-
naw a four year institution by
providing state support for the last
two years was rejected by the
House Education Committee Wed-
The committee declined the Sen-
ate-approved bill and came up
with a substitute provision without
the two-year provision. It was
then referred to the House Ways
and Means Committee for a check
n- nca onA nI,+r fatnrr,

limit executive powers to cooper-
ate with UN peacemaking efforts.
House To Act
The House has yet to act on the
proposal, aimed at helping the
United Nations out of a financial
jam created by refusal of several
members to pay special assess-
ments for emergency operations in
The Congo and Middle East.
The substitute was offered by
Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper (R-
Iowa), chairman of the Senate
GOP Policy Committee.
Just before its rejection, Sen.'
Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill), co-
sponsor of the compromise, de-
fended the United Nations and the
administration - backed compro-
mise in an emotional speech.
Dirksen, the GOP floor leader,
closed the debate against the Hick-
enlooper substitute and Democrats
willingly deferred to him.
Hard To Take
The Illinois senator said he had
found some things hard to take
in the debate. For. one thing, he
said a Republican senator had
called the compromise "specious"
and roared: "that's an affront to
the senator from Illinois."
"Who would raise questions here
about $100 million?" he demand-
ed., "Why we spend more than
that on lipstick in this country in
a year. And we are asking this for
an organization that is trying to
isolate the forces that bring the
scourge of war to the world.",
HR'B Prepares
Off-Cam pus
House, Petition
Student Government Council's
Human Relations Board is working
on a Statement of Welcome pro-
gram to substantially increase the
number of off-campus apartments
and rooms available on a non-
discriminatory basis.
The statement reads as follows:
"We would like to reassure our
fellow students, our neighbors and
our landlords that we would wel-
come into our neighborhood,
apartment or rooming house any
responsible persons who meet the
usual requirements, without re-
gard to their race, the color of
their skin, the manner in which
they worship or the part of the
world from which they come."
The statement will be printed
on a petition to be circulated
among students now living in non-
University housing and those who
may live in it in the near future.
The purpose of the project is
to present landlords and realtors
with an indication of student
opinion on discrimination in non-
University housing.

Speech Ask
On Finances
Governor Addresses
Special Joint Session
Governor John B. Swainson
called for a bi-partisan solution
to the state's fiscal problems yes-
terday without regard to "person-
al, sectional or any other special
Speaking before a special point
session of the House and Senate,
the -governor asked for a revenue
program based on ability to pay.
He made it clear he was willing
to compromise. "It need not be my
consensus program. It need not
have a -Democratic party label."
However, the governor depart-
ed from his prepared speech to
congratulate a coalition of Senate
Democrats and moderate Republi-
cans on wresting his taxation pro-
gram from the conservative con-
trolled Senate Taxation Commit-
Later he said "the winners are
not Republicans or Democrats but
the people of Michigan."
In his address, Swainson ex-
plained the inadequacies in the
present state finance provisions.
Emphasizing that the state "has
a huge backlog of unmet needs,"
the state's chief executive turned
to education.
Turn Away Students
"Our state colleges and uni-
versities have been forced to turn
away qualified students because
of inadequate appropriations. It
may already be too late to prepare
adequate facilities to accommodate
all the young men and women who
will be seeking higher education
in the immediate years ahead."
In his address, Swainson warned
the legislators that the state faces
a repeat of "the payless payday
fiasco which disgraced us all" if
they failed to act on fiscal re-
Swainson also took a kinder ap-
proach to the tax plan of Rep.
Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tipton) which'
he had earlier repudiated.
Conlin said the governor's speech
was "quite conciliatory" and
would help restore support for'
tax reform--including an income
Sen. Lynn O. Francis (R-Tip-
ton) termed the governor's mes-
sage "a well-timed publicity stunt
and later presented to the mem-
bers of the Senate his own fiscal
proposals which would solve the
state's problems by cutting, $130
million from the general fund ap-
One of the senator's suggestions
was to increase University tuition
by 10 per cent.

The University has no present
plans for using the three quarters
of a million dollars that will pour
into the enrollment deposit fund
in the next two months.
And, if future bookkeepihg costs
follow present trends, the interest
earned by the fund may be only
large enough to cover the expenses
of operating it, Director of Admis-
sions Clyde C. Vroman, chairman
of the Enrollment Deposit Com-
mittee, predicted yesterday.
Vroman said that there had
been no discussion about possible
uses for the fund when his com-
mittee drafted the policy of re-
quiring every undergraduate plan-
ning to return to campus in the
fall to pay a $50 deposit this
spring. "It didn't occur to anyone
in the planning stages that we
would have much money to spend
since we all saw that so much
administrative work would be re-
quired in collecting and tabulating
the deposits."
Earn Interest
A $50 deposit from each student
would probably earn about $2 in
interest each year, Vroman said,
and the bookkeeping expenses
Fight Arises
Over Office
tina's military watchdogs were re-
ported last night wrangling among
themselves over the appointment
of a minister of economy, one of
the nation's most important gov-
ernment posts.
Earlier, President Jose Maria
Guido swore in two anti-Peronists
to cabinet posts-Jose Mariano
Drago as foreign minister and
Ernesto Lanusse, defense minister.
jam, created by refusal of several
Guido had been reported ready
to announce the appointment of
Frederico Pinedo, a believer in
"free trade" as minister of econ-
omy ,but informed sources said
there was a disagreement among
the three military chiefs in the
cabinet about the selection.
Met with Army
The sources said the disagree-
ment came as Guido met with Ar-
my Secretary Gen. Marino Barto-
lome Carrera, Air Secretary Brig.
Jorge Rojas Silveyra and Navy
Secretary Rear Adm., Gaston C.
Guido, who succeeded ousted
President Arturo Frondizi a week
ago, stood on the sidelines while
the military wrangled, informed
sources said.
Two hours after the meeting the
presidential office said Guido
would meet several former minis-
ters o feconomy and top banking
officials today.
Further Delay
The reported disagreement ap-
peared to delay even further Gui-
do's job of filling a cabinet that
would please the military leaders
who removed Frondizi because of
suprrising election victories scored
by followers of former dictator
Juan D. Peron March 18.
Drago and Lanusse were the
sixth and seventh members to gain
military approval.

"could easily run to more than
half that amount."
Collection of the enrollment de-
posit, which is set to begin on
April 19, will mean that the 4,000
undergraduates who continue
their residence in University-
owned dormitories, will pay the
$50 to enrollment officials rather
than residence hall personnel as
they do now, he explained. "So we
get no extra interest from these
Vroman also pointed to the
staggered tuition payment plan
initiated this year which allows
students to pay their fees in in-
stallments. "In the past they had
to pay the full tuition at the be-
ginning of the semester. Under the
new operation, the University gets
less interest on these funds since
some of them are earning interest
for a shorter time. Yet we do not
charge the students extra to make
up the lost interest."
Efficiency, Quality
The belief that "efficiency and
quality go hand in hand" prompt-
ed the initiation of the enrollment
deposits, Vroman explained. "If we
have an accurate picture early
enough of how many students are
coming back in the fall, we can
schedule sections and hire extra
Each year, the admissions office
admits far more students than the
University actually has room for
because it knows that 30 or 40 per
cent of them will not some. "If we
don't know how many are really
coming until registration week in
September, the results could be
disastrous." ;
The enrollment deposit required
of incoming freshmen has given
the admission office an estimate
of new students that is "within a
fraction of one per cent" of the
actual number.
Fall Confusion
The success of the experiment
with the freshman deposit and
the confusion caused last fall when
700 literary college upperclassmen
unexpectedly returned to campus
led to extending the deposit to all

Vroman Views Deposit Fund

undergraduates this spring, As-
sistant to the Vice-President for
Student Affairs Peter A. Ostafin
Non-interest loans payable in
September will be available to stu-
dents who can not pay the deposit
in the spring, Ostafin said, and
discretion to adjust individual
cases "within the spirit" of the
regulation will be given to the
'U'Off icials
View Judie
Hours Plan
Earlier this week a 17-page pa-
per containing suggested changes
in rules governing women living
in University residence units was
sent by Women's Judiciary Coun-
cil to several administrators and
to leaders of student organizations
for their consideration.
The opinions of the administra-
tors-Acting Dean of Women Eli-
zabeth Davenport and Vice-Pres-
ident for Student Affairs James
A. Lewis-seemed to indicate a
certain .amount of concern over
the difficulty which implementa-
tion of various of the proposals
Administrators Conment
"I would like to meet with the
Women's ,Judic group and with
other people who are in the Office
of Student Affairs to discuss some
of the difficulties we may foresee.
I would also like to relate the
Judiciary recommendations to
those of the Reed Committee.
Whatever changes we then decide
upon will come for fall, 1962,"
Lewis said.
He added that if any, or all, of
the motions were to fail, it would
be primarily because (it) would be
unadministerable in the residence
halls at the present time.
Dean Davenport said that "the
recommendations w e r e rather
sweeping changes, and whenever
such recommendations are made,
they require a good deal of time
for consideration. Regardless of
the merits of a proposal, it must
ont- contain too great a number of
staffing and bulget problems, or it
cannot be implemented."
Students Express Satisfaction
However, the organization heads
seemed quite satisfied with the
recommended changes, and hoped
for their passage, since it would
aid sororities and dormitories who
fear many seniors will leave for
Women's Judic Chairman Deb-
orah Cowles, '62, said that council
had proposed the changes after
analyzing fully the difficulties of
implementation. She said that
every undergraduate woman on
campus had the opportunity to
voice her opinions on the proposed
changes and to offer changes be-
fore the report was compiled.
"In view of Mrs. Davenport's
initial expression of favorable in-
clination towards many of the pro-
posals, we are quite confident that
due consideration will be given all
the proposals," Miss Cowles said.


Thwarts Opposition
B Conservative B1o(
Swainson Tax Package Brought Ou
For Senate Debate by 18-13 Vote
LANSING-A coalition of Democrats and moderate Ri
publicans crushed conservative opposition in the Senate ye.
terday and cleared the path for a new state tax structui
based on a personal income tax.
The coalition mustered the 18 necessary votes to di>
charge the Senate Taxation Committee, forcing it to repo
out Gov. John B. Swainson's 11-bill tax reform package. Men
bers of the committee had vowed to keep the tax bill bottle
up indefinitely. The 18-3 vote was taken with one of the to
Senate Democrats absent from

the chambers. Half of the co-
alition's votes came from Re-
Stick Together
Consensus among the coalition
members is that all those who
voted to discharge the taxation
committee will stick together in
actionto legislate a tax program
which includes an income tax.
A key factor in the moderates'
success was the fact that the mo-
tion to discharge was introduced
by Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St.
Clair), majority caucus leader.
Also bolting the regular Repub-
lican bloc was Sen. Frederick H.
Hilbert (R-Wayland). Sen. Thom-
as F. Schweigert (R-Petoskey),
who .was thought to be wavering
last week, voted with the coalition.
Compromise Form
Coalition leader Sen. Stanley
G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) expects
early passage of a compromise
form of the governor's tax pro-
gram along with a temporary re-
duced nuisance tax package to car-
ry over the state's finances until
the income tax produces revenue,
which wouldn't be until 1963.
Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings (R-Hol-
land), head of the discharged tax-
ation committee, was skeptical of
the coalition's unity. He expects
party line dissension to arise,
which would result in a stalemate.
If this happens, Geerlings may
introduce some form of increased
sales tax and a wholesale tax as
a compromise measure.
Sen. Haskell L. Nichols (R-
Jackson) who jumped the gun on
the moderate strategy by intro-
ducing a motion to discharge the
taxation committee last Monday,
said, "as a moderate, I will vote
for an income tax package which
is based on the governor's program,
and which will probably be modi-
fied in order to return a percent-
age of the personal income tax
back to local units of govern-
Likely To Bolt
Nichols and Schweigert had been
viewed as the most likely to bolt
the coalition.
It is expected that the coalition's
final tax program will have no
difficulty passing the House.
Thayer says he has been working
closely with Rep. Rollo G. Con-
lin (R-Tipton), head of the House
Taxation Committee. Conlin in-
troduced a broad tax program
into the House yesterday. It in-
cludes an income tax, but differs
from the Governor's.
The added revenue from an in-
come tax would mean increased
appropriations for education.
Austerity Budget
Yesterday, the Senate appro-
priations committee, headed by
Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss-
field), submitted its austerity bud-
get proposal with recommenda-
tions that the University's appro-
priation remain the same at $35.4
Porter explained that this figure
means nothing, as the actual ap-
propriation will be hammered out
on the floor of the Legislature.
However, he said he would only
work to push the figure down-
This was the first time in 50
years that a Senate committee has
been forced to let loose a bill
against its wishes.
The day's very bitter debate cul-
minated in a motion by Sen.
Carlton H. Morris (R-Kalamazoo),

Vote Backs
At Con-Co
Special To The Daily
LANSING-After four days
intense debate, Michigap's .
stitutional convention yesteri
gave first-round approval to
Legislative Organization Comn
tee's Proposal dealing with
apportionment of the Legislati
Section A, dealing with the S
ate, was approved 82-39. Under
each senator would be' elec
from a single member district
four-year terms. Each dist
must be constructed so as to
determined on the basis of 80
cent population and 20 per c
Melvin Nord (D-Detroit) s
mitted an amendment under wl
each senator would have the nt
ber of votes in the Senate prol
tionately equal to those he k
received in his election. In eff'
he says, this would correct sc
of the imbalance now present
tween the rural and urban are
Back Door Entrance
Blaque Knirk (R-Quincy) s
"this is a back-door entrance
the minority report." The ame:
ment failed, 89-39.
Lee Boothby's (R-Niles) atter
to include the present consti
tional language dealing with
portionment in the new docum
failed, 111-20.
Prof. James Pollock (R-
Arbor) submitted an amendm
that would rectify some of
urban under-representation.
gained convention approval W
nesday, but yesterday caused c
siderable political maneuvering
the floor and an uproar in
Republican caucus.
Amendment Stricken
The problem apparently
solved; in yesterday's afterni
session the undisclosed amenda
was stricken.
Section B of the majority p
posal, concerning the House
Representatives, passed, 85-39.1
der it, the House would have
members, selected from 40 lei
lative districts. Each district we
be allotted one representa
when it had attained a populat
of at least seven-tenths of
.per cent of the total state popt
The remaining representat
would be distributed among
districts on the basis of a comp
mathematical formula cal
"equal proportions."
Unicameral Legislature
Harold Norris (D-Detrot)'s
mitted an amendment to in
the Legislature unicameral. "Mi
igan will change more in the z
five years than it did in the
fifty," he said.
It -failed, 84-34.
Other Democratic efforts
strike parts of the majority :
posal were ineffective. The cc
mittee's proposal emerged from
debate in much the same s1
that it had when it entered.
As tentatively approved the
portionment plan contains
original committee proposal
tha rHnnca. Tita.lnnywll a

Women's Units To Separate
Freshmen, -Upperclassmen
The office of the dean of women has announced that, beginning
next semester, there are to be no first-semester freshmen women
placed in Mosher Hall and there is to be an increase in the number
of underclass women in Mary Markley Hall.
'This represents no change in policy in the residence halls," Acting
Dean of Women Elizabeth Davenport said yesterday. "'Upperclass
women may still live in Markley and second-semester freshmen and
sophomore women may still choose-
to live in Mosher." WORLD.YOUTHI
The decision to increase the

Glenn T. Seaborg, chairman of
the Atomic Energy Commission,
will address the University's an-
nual honors convocation May
11 in Hill Auditorium. Seaborg
has not yet announced the topic
of his talk.



number of upperclass women in
Mosher came after the Assembly
Association Housing Committee
recommended the change to Dean
Davenport. The committee first
considered the plan when a num-
ber of residents at Mosher asked if
it might be feasible to create an
upperclass (or nearly upperclass)
house at the present time, Marylou
Seldon, '62, former Assembly firstI
vice-president and chairman of!
the housing committee said.
"Assembly surveyed the women
in Mosher and the upperclass
women in Markley to learn theiri
feelings. Out of the 200 women
polled at Mosher, 164 were in favor
of the chanae." Miss Seldon said.

Meyerson Seeks Student Participation

By RONALD WILTON ed that "a few of the top mem- the planning, leadership and nar-
The Helsinki World Youth Fes- bers of the National Student As- ticipation phases of the festival."
tfor Peace and Friendship has sociation go and meet with a few He said that another. NSA ar-
tival Michaeanderndseps top students of other countries. gument against Americans going to
less nights recently. for average students." the festival is that they want to
s caisrmant oftheUnit Commenting on National Stu- show sympathy with the SYL, the
As chairman of the United dent Association's opposition to Finnish Student Union, which, it
States Festival Committee, which the festival, he remarked that the has been claimed, is opposed to
is accredited by the planning or- United States government u k.the festival being held in Finland.
ganization of the festival as its "very definately involved in t',- "Actually the SYL hasn't shown
official liason organization in this cold war and has a fundamental opposition but has taken a neutral
country, Meyerson has been on position of anti-Communism. NSA stand. Their constitution says they
15 campuses in the last 14 days also is involved in this cold war can't take an active role on con-

::Aq "ARM

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