Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" MICHIGAN'S TAX PROBLEMS: The Continual Crisis NEW GENERATION: Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY, APRIL 3, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROLINE DOW Women's Judic or The Student Always Loses By FRED RUSSELL KRAMER Daily Staff Writer (First in a Series) T HERE IS NOTHING new about Michigan's present tax crisis. The whole structure of the state's tax system results from stopgap measures 'taken to meet a long string of similar crises. This is evident when you look at the confusing, inequitable mess that is known as the state's tax system. Many measures, called temporary when they were used to stem a growing deficit, have been retained as part of the per- manent tax structure. During periods of crisis, the ultimate "solutions" have been the result of political hassling without much attention to the needs of the public. This has led one wag to com- ment, "If Patrick Henry thought taxation without representation was bad, I wish to hell he could see what taxation with representa- tion is like!" * * BEFORE the Depression Michig- igan got along quite adequately on a personal property tax. In WOMEN'S JUDICIARIES are probably the greatest single tribute to the tyranny of the administrative forces on this campus. On the surface, nothing could be more demo- cratic than student bodies interpreting and im- plementing student-made regulations govern- ing students. On the surface, the judicial sys- tem functions speedily and harmoniously, and there is really no way to view the set-up but from the surface anyway. Below the surface there is nothing but a jumble of unwritten law, unestablished prece- dent, unrecognized authority and the incred- ible, invisible sleight of hand which insures that under the most kosher of appearances, the student always loses. A GOOD CASE in point is a recent event in Alice Lloyd Hall. A resident, making up "late minutes," was caught studying in the lounge with her boy friend rather than repent- ing in her boudoir. When confronted with her crime, she was told she would have to make the late minutes up the following week and was again caught studying in a public area instead of making up her debt to society in solitary. The culprit appeared before the Alice Lloyd judic Wednesday night to appeal the case in an attempt to avoid paying double penalty for the original late minutes. At this judic session Deborah Cowles, Presi- dent of all-campus Women's Judiciary Council, was present and took part in the discussion, al- though she left before it was concluded. (Miss Cowles said later that all house and dormitory judiciary meetings are open to members of women's judic and that she had attended this one because the case had interested her.) LLOYD JUDIC assigned the defendant one hour's worth of late minutes and admon- ished her for not checking on the rules gov- erning makeup of late minutes before she vio- lated them for the second time. The girl pro- tested that nowhere in either the Alice Lloyd handbook or in the all-campus Women's Roles; and Rules, is it specified that late minutes must be made up away from public areas of the building. Women's Roles and Rules discusses making up of "social probation" (which means that the student must be in her house in the evening by 8 p.m. and may not have callers or appear in a public area where there may be callers after that hour.) The book also says that lateness must be made up, but the, means of doing so is vaguely expressed and nowhere does the book state that late minutes must be made up in the same way as social probation, or that they are to be considered social pro. Houses on campus regularly interpret the late minute makeup to mean social pro, but the practice, however generally recognized, is not based on a written regulation. TUDIC MEMBERS, when blamed for prosecut- J ing infractions of non-existent laws have a standard line of protest: All regulations should not have to be spelled out. The girls know the rules and should abide by them even when they are only informally stated. It would be impossible to write down every enforceable rule, because this would make the women's regulation booklet impractically long. It would not be advantageous to write out every rule even if it were feasible to do so, be- cause this would make for stiffness and in- flexibility in interpretation of the regulations. What this rationale means in practice is that: When a girl appears before judic she often has no knowledge of what regulation she has supposedly violated. When informed of the nature of the infrac- tion, she is not immune to punishment even if she can prove the rule does not exist. Judic, since it believes the rule exists or ought to exist, assumes that everyone else has the same basic understanding. Therefore, even if judic cannot find a girl guilty of a stipulated, hard and fast law, it can punish her for a "hostile or uncooperative atti- tude," since she has violated a "tacit under- standing." THIS IS what happened to a girl in Alice Lloyd last week. The implication is clear. The only real rule-book is the mind of the dean of women. Her will is done through the judici- aries which interpret and punish according to rule, attitude or whatever else they wish. They enact the role of counselor without training. They enact the role of judge without written law to interpret. They enact the role of jury according to the dictates of their own inclina- tions And their boarding-school consciences. No recourse exists except the dean of women. She can make an equally arbitrary decision if the original judic ruling does not suit her. If she finds the outcome to her liking, she can protest helplessly, "What can we do? You have been tried by your own judiciary group for a violation of your own rules." Apparent democracy is a dangerous thing. Perhaps the best solution to the judic problem would be to stop the pretense that students rmake regulations and simply hand the job over officially to the dean of women who exercises it anyway. This could be done on the condition that all rules be written, all fines clearly enu- merated and all means of prosecution struc- tured and published in detail. IT IS TIME the hocus-pocus with women's rules is ended, and the responsibility fixed firmly with its source instead of juggled dex- trously from Judic to dean and back again over the head of the hapless student, who has no defense anywhere, since technical right is no defense in a "moral" violation and moral right is no defense in a technical violation. Perhaps open and recognized tyranny poses less of a threat to justice than the anarchy of sham democracy. -JUDITH OPPENHEIM LETTERS to they EDITOR 1 Hoffa. * To the Editor: AS CHAIRMAN of the University of Michigan Young Democratic Club, I feel it necessary to express my revulsion at the attempts that Mr. James Hoffa is currently mak- ing to influence the Michigan Democratic Party. While the Party in this state has always welcomed the honest support of democratic unions in its efforts to provide Michigan with clean, liberal government, the case of Mr. Hoffa is an en- tirely different matter. His un- ethical behavior in the past pre- cludes active political colaboration with him. I was very disappointed to note that the Lieutenant Governor, Mr. Lesinski, and a number of Demo- cratic members of the Legislature attended the DRIVE dinner in Detroit on Sunday. I can only hope that this is riot an indication of active cooperation with Mr. Hoffa. Considering these recent events, I shall urge the executive board of the University Young Demo- cratic Club to go on record as re- fusing to support any Democratic candidates who are in active co- laboration with Mr. Hoffa. If this action is found to be contrary to the constitution of the Young Democratic Clubs of Michigan, I shall urge the board and the mem- bership of the Club to consider withdrawing from the state organ- ization. I also intend to recommend to the State Central Committee of the Young Democratic Clubs of Michigan that it consider a similar policy regarding candidates at its meeting this weekend in Grand Rapids. While the University Young Democratic Club is not an excep- tionally powerful factor in Mich- igan Democratic politics, the grav- ity of this situation seems to de- mand immediate positive action. -Paul W. Heil, '63 Excused FROM the official proceedings of the state Legislature: "Absent without leave: Senators Brown, Prescott and Younger-3. "Mr. Francis moved that Messrs. Prescott and Younger be excused from today's session. "The motion prevailed. "Mr. Ryan moved that Mr. Brown be excused from today's session. "The motion prevailed." * * * To err is human, to excuse, divine. -R. Selwa, A. Weingarder November, 1932 incomes were fall- ing with the real estate values. To limit government expenditure and reduce the tax burden on property, a constitutional amendment limit- ing the property tax to 15-mills on the dollar was passed. In 1933, the state was faced with rising welfare and relief cost which could not constitutionally be met by an increase in the pro- perty tax. A 1930 taxation commis- sion had recommended that in such a situation the state should adopt a graduated personal in- come tax. But the state Legislature treat- ed the problem as a temporary situation which could be cleared up by the adoption of a temporary retain sales tax. It also adopted taxes on liquor, chain stores and horse racing. In 1937 the sales tax, which was becoming the chief source of state revenue, had its loopholes closed with a use tax which, in effect, recognized the sales tax as a permanent institution. * * * BUT INCREASES in state aid to local units, expansion in the state hospital construction pro- gram, increased expenditure for relief and old age assistance, and the decline in national income during the recession of 1938 pro- duced a deficit of $26 million by 1939. The deficit was finally reduced to $15 million in 1941 through the pasage of a tax on intangible properties. This was the result of a 1939 tax-study commission which recommended this tax as an income tax, since it felt an income tax to be of doubtful con- stitutionality. During the war years the coun- try grew prosperous. Michigan, at the center of the nation's de- fense industry, accumulated a gen- eral fund surplus of $16 million by 1945. * * * ' BUT THIS SURPLUS was not enjoyed by most local municipali- ties. Perhaps the most severe prob- lem existed in the so-called "15- mill cities" where city taxes, as well as school and county taxes, were all included within the pro- perty tax limitation. The local units eyed the state's large sur- plus with envy. Ignoring a 1945 tax commission's recommendation to allow local units to levy a sales tax, the Legislature approved a 10 per cent excise tax on the sale of alcholic beverages, earmarked it for local governments and also relinquished to local units one-third of the state's share of the intangibles tax receipts. However, pressure to give sales tax revenues to local governments continued. Teachers and school board officials joined in the fight which resulted in a sales tax amendment. The amendment, passed in November of 1946, di- verted 78 per cent of the sales tax receipts to school districts and other local units. In 1954 this was raised to 83 per cent. AGAIN THE STATE had effec- tively cut off its chief means of revenue, and again it entered a period of soaring expenditures. Between 1947 and 1952, each year's expenditures were greater than revenue., The legislature attempted to meet the, mounting defiit by pass- ing a series of nuisance taxes and by increasing the intangibles tax rate. But by 1952 the deficit had climbed to $65 million. Temporary measures, unable to meet increasing demands and not designed for continued use, had become permanent-and were tak- ing their toll. * * * IF THE STATE was to avoid deepening financial crises, re- vamping of the entire tax struc- ture was imperative. Following the pattern of earlier years, a tax study commission was established. Again the solution ad- vanced included a permanent cor- porate income tax. Due to an exceptionally strong lobby from the automobile in- dustry, which was naturally op- posed to a corporate income tax, the state Legislature failed to in- itiate the commission's proposals. Instead, it moved up the col- lection date on an existing cor- porate franchise tax and, in effect, made three yearly collections in two fiscal years. ** *4 THE LOBBYISTS then proposed and pushed through the Legislature a temporary business activities tax. This was a complex tax on the volume of sales a business main- tained, regardless of profit or loss. By f955, the tax had been so successful that its expiration date was removed. This made another temporary measure a permanent part of the Michigan tax struc- ture. - * * THE RECESSION of 1957-58 brought on another crisis. The Legislature was forced to cut back on appropriations. In 1959 the state was unable to meet its payroll and experienced the now famous "payless payday." By 1960 the deficit reached $70 mil- lion. Again the state employed a nuisance tax package, even though its own tax commission recom- mended an income tax. And the deficit continue to rise. The $50 million, nuisance tax package was allowed to expire and the Legislature, in desperation, in- creased the sales tax to four per cent. At the beginning of this year, with the increased sales tax in operation, the deficit was still $72 million. It is expected that by June 30 this figure will be driven to $96 million. * * * TODAY'S TAX crisis, therefore, is very similar to the many crises the state has faced since the pas- sage of the 15-mill limitation on the property tax in 1932. It is basically the outgrowth of a previous crisis-a crisis which was caused by a tax structure which was inadequate to meet the demands of a growing state, and the result of temporary measures created to meet earlier crises. SUCH A PATCHWORK affair can never be adequate. Yet, each time the tax structure comes back in the faces of the legislators in the form of a financial crisis, the legislators try to pin the blame on other causes and go right on amending the structure. It is in this sense that the cause of the Michigan financial crisis is the Michigan state Legis- lature. And it is in this sense that the present crisis is exactly the same crisis that began in the great depression. TODAY, two plans are before the Legislature. One would patch up the financial situation by again introducing a package of nuisance taxes, the other would completely revamp the tax structure. If Michigan is ever to get out of its continued "crisis" it must create an entirely new tax struc- ture. It is a sorry state of affairs when a lesson taught many times over in a few short years can not be learned by a state's leading legislative body. Let's hope the Michigan Legislature has finally learned its lesson. TOMORROW-How the Money is Spent DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form 'to Room 3564 Admnistration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. TUESDAY,; APRIL 3 General Notices Preliminary Examination in English: Applicants for the PhD in English who expect to take the preliminary exami- nations this summer are requested to leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1609 Haven Hall. The exanilnations will be given as follows: English Literature, (Continued on Page 8) Art, Music Bfetter Than Poetry, Prose THE NEW Generation will be on sale tomorrow, featuring the tra- ditional assortment of fiction, non-fiction prose, poetry, art and music. One can best begin with the most obvious elements: the art and the music. And, for this reviewer at least, the music can be succinctly dealt with. It is the score of Editor Roger Reynolds' "Wedge," a piece which was first presented at the recent "Once" festival. This kind of publication is to be commended, for it offers, at extremely reasonable rates, a score which might otherwise not be available; the encouragement to other young composers is obvious. * * * * THE "ART FOLIO" is the most distinctive and exciting thing about this issue of Generation. Patricia Nelson Watia's oil called "Nude Study" is a stunning piece. The black and white reproduction catches the essential linear power of the work and makes one yearn to see the original, where the color undoubtedly adds to the texture and depth. The other pieces which come out well are the drawings and graphics. Particularly eye-catching and - satisfying is the drawing, "Standing Figure" by Harriet Saunders; she has captured the pose with great skill and subtlety. The lithograph by Evelyn Behnan and the etchings of Jeff Kronsnoble and Stephanie Chrismann are first- rate. The photographs of the sculpture and the ceramics are clear, well designed studies, which bring out the best qualities of the works themselves. The clean, fresh lines of some of the pots, the rough textures of the others, the intricately wrought metal pieces are all displayed to their best advantage. Lisa, on the other hand, appears at her best on the cover, a striking photograph. I found the other views of her and the photographs themselves less satisfying, perhaps a bit too self-consicious, lacking wit. THE WRITING in this issue is outclassed by the other work One story and one poem seem to me to have quality. Following the current practice of reinterpreting classic times, Steve Friedman has composed a provocative retelling of the story of "Odysseus and the Sirens"; the piece is well written, with polish and a commendable style. The framework is neatly manipulated, There are two other stories. One, "Green Was the Night," reminds me of the contrived effects of Poe, and especially of Conrad Aiken's "Secret Snow, Silent Snow." But these resemblances only annoy, for John Herrick's story uses symbols that I am not sure of (the movies, TV) and the conclusion over sentimentalizes the whole piece and actually vitiates the effects. I find it difficult to cope with "Traces." I suspect both its author (Marni Hall) and I have read the same kinds of things. I guess I prefer to get the routines ("hoods" drinking beer in cemetries and the "weatherbeaten" mother) from the originals. * * * *, MAYBE I HAVE lost touch with the younger poets, but the work here seems to me to lack melody. I tried to read the pieces aloud. They don't sing. Then I tried simply for meanings. Frustration. I realize that all the proper poetic images are here (wild seas, nights in Manhattan, complete with the Weehawken Ferry, even a muse, stoic at that) ' and that we have the traditional themes (Odysseus again, Cain, Agamemnon again, etc.) but I experienced nothing. But a few of the images of Wendy Fischgrund's untitled poem do pierce the tired eyes, tingle a bit, catch the fancy. Finally, Stanley Radhuber's "The Sea Gull," is a good poem. It has a straight-forward presentation and neat, striking images. -Marvin Felheim English Department STANLEY QUARTET: Musical Value Erratic THE FOURTH CONCERT in the Second Festival of Contemporary Music was rather coolly received at Rackham last night. The first half of the program left even the most ardent Wagnerians in the audience passionately looking forward to the Webern Quartet which was to follow. The "String Quartet No. 3" of Ulysses Kay (b. 1917) which opened tie program, was commissioned by the University for the Stanley Quartet. The result was premiered February 20, 1962; that was a sad day for chamber music. This highly imitative and contrapuntal work lacked impact throughout. THE FIRST of "Three Songs of April" (1958-59) for soprano and string quartet by music faculty member Wallace Berry, kept the polite audience wondering for several more moments. The vocal line was so disturbingly disjunct that it destroyed much of the effect, the text, on poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay, leaving little room for the expressionistic, Bergian lines that predominated. The quartet ac- companiment was interestingly thought out, but at times Berry seemed to be striving for effects that defy this ensemble. Miss Grace- Lynne Martin has a very lovely voice and she gave a dynamic inter- pretation of this work, which most certainly deserves more hearings. THE NAME OF Anton Webern preconditions an audience; the man is dead, he has carved his niche in the history of Twentieth Century music, and the unfortunate question remains: Is this a masterpiece? The Quartet, Op. 28 (1938), is a great work; it has that pellucid texture, that airy pointilism that are inimitable to the Webern personality. This work comes as a direct relief from the closely knit, slushy harmonies, and the meandering contrapuntal lines that mark so much contemporary music. AFTER WHAT went before, Darius Milhaud's "Second String Quintet" (1952), seemed like an old friend. It was the least iconoclastic work heard, and for that reason perhaps the most enjoyable. Milhaud manages to produce a marvelous intensity of expression while retaining sweeping, lyrical lines that are swept along by the added rhythmic impulse of the string bass; the addition of the bass, with its subtle ostinatos, provides the dynamic drive that is sadly lacking in many chamber works. Needless to say, the Stanley Quartet, assisted by Clyde Thompson, double-bass, was superb in its interpretations and craftmanship. -Alan M. Gillmor A4 A I 4 1 ;. The 'Challenge' Challenge By PAT GOLDEN, Associate City Editor [HE CHALLENGE PROGRAM appears to be withering on the' vine once again. The roblem isn't bad programs or even bad pub- city. Challenge is getting squeezed out by the" ime dilemma that faces the automobile com-, inies, the television networks and modern 'ciety in general: too many bargains com- eting for the buyer's consumption. In a university, the fight is for time rather an money. Five great courses are scheduled ; 9 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. extbooks compete with books that are just s educational, but not assigned this semester. rd Challenge competes with two blue books nd a paper due Monday. IMITING THE FARE is no solution. One of J the goals of a university is to provide the ost diverse and complete educational selec- on possible. An organized acaqemic inquiry like Challenge rtainly enhances the University's program nd adds to general knowledge. Topics over ie past two years have been timely and varied. ast fall, Challenge's crystal ball gazers hit e jackpot with a program on War in the uclear Age, timed for the resumption' of omic testing by the Russians. This spring's Challenge of Higher Education as relevance for every student, although it ay not seem to carry the same urgency as uclear war. It would be unfair to call the student body pathetic because Challenge speakers talk to npty chairs. Few of the, 25,000 are staring t the walls during that time-they're alter- 5ItP 4Tti-hmit Ftilfit nately cramming and socializing at the Under- grad, or they're listening 'to the University band concert, or they're'. writing a paper or reading a book. They've made a decision to do something else. Some of the decisions are made out of dumb habit, or the chronic disease of clock- orientation. Most of Washtenaw Avenue treks to .the library at 2:15 Sunday-because it's the thing to do after Sunday dinner. It would take a Pied Piper or Gina Lollobrigida to lead them all into an auditorium instead., Next year's topic, on changing morality, may provide some of the enticement, but it cannot hope to woo the campus away from the Under- grad on a steady basis. That can only be done by building a core of Challenge supporters with a burning interest in the semester's topic, who automatically set aside time to consider it. IN A COMPLEX university interest can't be raised by mass publicity appeals alone. It can only be accomplished by arousing interest on a personal level-because the choice is going to be made on a personal level. But in this day and age even personal techniques have to be organized. Challenge needs a person in every housing units with an deep interest in the program and the ability to arouse interest in others. These leaders should then be specially trained as resource personnel, perhaps with incentives like free books on the subject. If the topic was good and the people were interested, it would not be difficult to get them to discuss the issue with their friends at dinner. And heated dinner table discussion leads to bigger attendance at Challenge pro- grams. i-- FEIFFER I1 VW IK l'. WONOCRFOVie THAT CV Kou ~A' (40oQPcff ARt 1216 1'HAf ONCE M6WWo~ OU~R gOUrH, bLYC Ake"' PICK6T 516?t lie CPU~r ORM~ ofF x Pooi.i 9~16? 36- k~ iwn P .. K) I4 h{ Il// LON/ W53u~J 1-01-L-K.tjJ I FAVOR FMU t?6A C fOU &099SO~A~ ' A6AIST CAF6 HARM MO5ELVES ReVIV1 o T9 645OF R65T F Vi O a? 000Tr 66'M6 WR THuAT LOU KItC ARC PRO CC 1106 RO-Ca W RAT 100OLP NAVE' 10) -f0 PAW OP tG tOJ o 1rLJ4CAP 0 OMIT) W OPT w~O4~