Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. UNDAY, APRIL 1,1962 NIGHT EDITOR: CYNTHIA NEU A0 " . , , , ; SOUTHERN SCHOOLS: Negro Education: Separate, Unequal 4. K , Sigma Nu Receivership Move Doesn't Change Basic Issue y -. _, . 4y NATIONAL Sigma Nu surprised nearly every- one on campus earlier this week by slapping its University chapter into a receivership. The action startled administration officials, who cite no earlier precedent here; it surprised members of the Committee on Membership in Student Organizations, who had seen no evi- dence in previous conversations with the house president that the move would take place; and it undoubtedly upset some students on SGC, who thought they had a nice open-and-shut case on the fraternity's bias clause. According to the receivership plan, the Board of Receivership, on authority from the national High Council, will have the power: "To veto rush prospects, veto bids to pledge prospects, veto initiations, remove and/or ap- point any chapter officers, impose probation or suspension on any member or pledge, determine the budget and expenditures thereunder, ap- prove or disapprove activities of all types in- volving the chapter within the limitations established by the host institution,' and handle all other management responsbilities not speci- fically enumerated herein." W HEN A NATIONAL takes the drastic step of assuming direct authority over a chap- ter's operations, you know the local is not in the best of shape. Sigma Nu, says the statement, is having troubles with "scholastics, local fi- nances, poor morale, and lowered University reputation," as well as its conflict with bias clause regulations. The announcement could have added that the chapter has been in trouble with the police and University officials, and this spring suffered a. disastrous rush, garnering only three pledges. After several years of this sort of thing, the National finally stepped in to try to save the chapter. It probably would have intervened even without the current SGC airing of the. bias clause. B UT WITH its commendable efforts to help out, the national p'ut the local into an even more dangerous situation. A University regula- tion provides that a student organization's program and direction must be "in the hands of student members." On a strict interpretation of this rule, every fraternity and sorority is in violation. Pledge lists must go to the national for approval (almost always rubberstamping), and sororities must get two recommendations from hometown acquaintances of the prospective pledges. But these activities have never brought any warning in the past from SGC or the adminis- tration, although the membership committee will soon be investigating the implications of the sororities' recommendations system. Sigma Nu's action, on the other hand, moves from the traditional advisory nature into the actual supervision of the local's operations. Deducing from the facts of the case, it is possible that the national could' soften the receivership provisions, so that SGC would not be tempted to withdraw recognition on the "local control" issue. BESIDES the impending moral and financial shot in the arm, the Receivership Board, through its chairman, Dr. Sidney Smock, tried to help out the chapter in another way: by asking SGC not to set a time limit for the elimination of its bias clause, contained in the national constitution. )Norton Best Ase THIS WEEK independent women will be casting their votes for Assembly Association president, choosing between Marge Bower and Mary Beth Norton. In past years the president has been chosen by Assembly Dormitory Council representa- tives. But this, year each woman will have an Mindividual vote, by secret ballot. This year, more than ever, women must know who and what they are voting for. Assembly in the coming year will need to be an energetic body. It faces many prob- lems. Co-educational housing probably the most important. The work of Assembly is not finished with the statement that such housing will exist. It will probably be the job of Assembly to imple- ment these dormitories, transferring women from the converted houses in Alice Lloyd into Editorial Staff JOHN ROBERTS, Editor PHILIP SHERMAN FAITH WEINSTEIN City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN FARRELL...............Personnel Director PETER STUART.................Magazine Editor MICHAEL BURNS............ Sports Editor PAT GOLDEN .. ........Associate City Editor RICHARD OSTLING ......Associate Editorial Director DAVID ANDREWS ..........Associate Sports Editor CLIFF MARKS ................Associate Sports Editor Smock's statement, however, does nothing to prove Sigma Nu's case. For instance, he tried to explain away diffi- culties in getting rid of the clause by appealing to how "strongly embedded in the South" the national is. Great. Except that less than one- third of the chapters are in the South. Asked how he could reconcile the two statements; Smock had "'no comment." He then continues his sympathy appeal with a detailed account of how much the local has done "to correct the difficulty" with the clause. In 1950 the University Sigma Nu delegation brought up a motion at the national convention to eliminate the discriminatory provision. In every year since then, the chapter at the local level has voted in favor of removal, and did so unanimously last month. The Committee on Membership recommenda- tion reads a little differently. The local has attempted "to steer a middle course between the non-discriminatory policy of the University regulation and the discriminatory policy re- quired by national Sigma Nu ... it has not been identified strongly with efforts to amend the constitution." SMOCK'S STAW'EMENT promises the local is organizing its 90 alumni to back its plan to bring before the convention this summer a motion to delete the clause. Fine except it had never given any indication of its plan during its interviews with the membership committee. Smock comes through with some details about Sigma Nu's waiver policy-the local would have "complete autonomy." Yet up until this time the chapter has said it didn't know what the waiver provisions were nor what it had to do to get one. The misleading implications in Smock's state- ment, and facts the chapter either did not know or did not reveal before "magically" springing to light, simply do not create any basis for SGC not to withdraw recognition. If the local continues to be run by the Re- ceiving Board, and not by the members, SGC should withdraw recognition as soon as possible. But for the bias clause, it shouldn't do so-yet. SIGMANU probably deserves to be thrown off more than any other fraternity. But it shouldn't be penalized while other groups go scot free for some time. Why should Sigma Nu be barred when Lambda Chi or Trigon still openly violate Regents Bylaw 2.14? Before it kicks any house off campus, Council should act against all fraternities and sororities that discriminate. It should set the first day of classes in the fall as the deadline for elimina- tion by the groups of all written bias. The Com- mittee on Membership should work through this spring and summer to determine which of the fraternities and sororities conflict with the bylaw, instead of proceeding one by one. Then SOC would consider the cases as they are brought forth en masse by the committee. It would view the cases individually, but not take any action until all had been studied. After that, it should go into the issues of tangible but non-written bias, considering fac- tors such as the recommendations system in sororities and "gentlemen's clauses" in frater- nities, both of which are sometimes discrimina- torily applied. And then perhaps some time we can say, with some justice and honesty, the University has become a little cleaner, a little higher. -GERALD STORCH Dmby Candidate other houses and helping with the formulation of new rules to govern co-ed living units. Assembly will also help formulate policies regarding women's hours (in conjunction with Women's Judiciary Council) and the work to be done on the Oxford Project living units. These projects place before Assembly prob- lems which must be faced with an energetic attitude and full cognizance of exactly what independent women want. CONSIDERING these problems, it seems ob- vious that Mary Beth Norton is the can- didate most qualified to head Assembly. As an ADC representative this year she has shown a real interest in hard work. She has tried to give more women Assembly represen- tation through legislation and has instigated action which tried to establish the validity of personal evaluations used in the dormitories. Miss Bower, on the other hand, has little of this type positive action to her credit. She has organized her committee of big-little sister chairmen admirably. But she has not initiated or even made her views known on controversial issues throughout the year. In a random sample of ADC reps, not one remembered her ever saying anything at ADC meetings. Although she is on the executive committee and cannot voice her opinions by vote, she does have the right to express them in discussion. She has not exercised this right. Now she hopes to be president, with all of the power .and responsibility that goes along with ., UiTVvf r t + 4ts. C's3i4G,2 S toms os - it Eo F Pa G. ALtkVIMc-! D DNT Ru H ME!" UNDERSCORE: Peronists Surge in Argentina By BARBARA LAZARUS Daly Staff Writer FOR MANY YEARS the Southern states have successfully block- ed full scale integration with vague claims of "separate, but equal education." Southern legislators conveniently ignore the fact that Negro colleges and secondary schools are really more crowded, more inadequately endowed, and worse situated academically than white schools. The Southern states have con- sistently had less integration in their colleges and public schools than they have claimed. State in- stitutions, on the whole, realize the inevitability of integration, but have kept it merely at a token level. Only Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina have no integra- tion in their state universities; while Florida, Arkansas, Virginia and North Carolina have kept it to a mere two or three students per institution. ALL THESE STATES claim that the Negroes do not want integra- tion because they can get as good or better an education in their own schools. At the same time, these Negro institutions are fac- ing many problems in overcrowd- ing, discrimination in financial ap- propriations and limited course selection. With higher education appro- priations the Negro state college's first battle begins with the appro- priation of state and federal funds. White institutions receive some 62 per cent of federal appropriations, which are strictly allotted by the state on the basis of race. State legislatures cannot even assure that funds specified for Negro public school improvement are really spent for that purpose. With many rural white schools so substandard, there is a tempta- tion to siphon off the funds to these white schools.i A RECENT study by the Com- mission on Civil Rights recom- mended that the government give funds to Southern legislatures with the requirement that no discrimi- nation in distribution take place. Banning federal aid entirely to states which discriminate in fed- eral fund distribution would be a drastic measure to be taken only if all other methods of control fail. *. * THE NEGRO grammar and sec- ondary school meets a problem in the lack of qualified teachers throughout the South. Both Negro and white rural schools have dif- ficulty in attracting experienced and qualified teachers. Most teach- ers prefer the suburbs and upper middle class neighborhoods to ru- ral, backward communities. They want better facilities and higher pay offered in the progressive urban areas. A 1952 study revealed that in only three Southern states were Negro teachers paid more than white teachers if they merited it on the basis of training and back- ground. The rest of the states had varying gaps in salary equality, with Mississippi offering white teachers $1,991 and Negro teachers. $1,019. This gap is gradually nar- rowing some what in the rural areas while in most cities it is almost non-existent. *' * * THE COMMISSION also found that proportionally fewer Negroes had the educational foundation necessary for success at a "first- rate" college. Their backgrounds were inferior to those of white students, and this difference helps to perpetuate the problem of dis- crimination and segregation at higher levels of education. Until the overall Negro public school system is improved by forc- ed integration in newly constructed consolidated schools, there can be little chance for more Negroes to receive a top-quality education. * * * THE VERY existence of two separate systems impedes the progress of total improvement. The insistence that separate systems be maintained and that appropria- tions be divided prevents one solid system from developing. Without a strong financial base and a united system Negro and white schools cannot begin to enlarge to meet growing enrollments and to raise their academic achievement. In keeping schools segregated, states have often caused drastic overcrowding in Negro schools. Boundary linesbecome illogical and the Negro student is forced to travel miles to enroll in a crowded, understaffed Negro school. This overcrowding leads to a high ratio of students to teachers. An estimation of the level of education of many substitute Ne- gro teachers in public" schools compared unfavorably with white teachers. In the 1952 study, Mis- sissippi's white teachers had 37 years of college; while Negro teachers had only 1.9. In advanced states such as Florida, the level was almost equal, and in Virginia, Negro teachers were more qualified than white. This upgrading in teacher training is slowly taking place in the cities, but once agan, in the rural areas it is greatly deficient. THE NEGRO STUDENT also faces a problem when he tries to get a high quality graduate educa- tion in the South. Often public Negro colleges are land-grant ag- ricultural and mechanical institu- tions which are limited in graduate course offerings. The Negro can- not gain entrance to the white institutions, and if he is unable to goNorth or get into one of the private liberal arts colleges for Negroes, he' may not get his ad- vanced degree. This results in the small number of Negroes in professional levels of employment. Somehow, either through forced integration in state schools or through federal scholar- ships to Northern graduate schools, the Negro must be permitted to attain access to graduate educa- tion. * * * ON THE WHOLE, the gaps have been narrowing between white and Negro educational fa- cilities in the last 10 years. In some urban areas, the difference has all but been erased. However, for the more backward rural areas the distinction is obvious. The state government must ap- portion more for Negro schools and to change public school token in- tegration to a more substantial number. The federal government must enforce checks on pupil appropria- tions and funds for land-grant col- leges to make sure that the schools are equalized. The hollow cry of "separate, but equal education" is turning sour in the face of mounting facts and figures. The whole improvement of the Southern education system hinges on the realization that in- tegration is the key to improving intellectualeand social achievement for both Negroes and whites. I I By MARTHA MacNEAL Daily Staff Writer THE SIGNIFICANCE of Argen- tina's current political crisis seems to be just about anybody's guess. One thing is certain: the working masses of Argentina are no longer willing to support a gov- ernment based on the elaborate conciliatory maneuvering of Ar- turo Frondizi in an effort to main- tain a delicate balance between conservative millitary elements and Peronista demands. Ex-president Frondizi was very wrong in assuming that the for- mer dictator's ghost was gone for- ever when he decided to allow the names of Peron followers on the ballot in this month's elections. Thirty-five per cent of the vote in the provincial elections went to Peron supporters. Because of splitting in the other parties, the Peronistas won 44 of 86 congres- sional seats and 9 of 14 provincial governorships, including vitally important Buenos Aires province. * * * THE ELECTION was free and democratic. Before the election, Frondizi had promised that Peron- ist candidates would be allowed to take office if they were elected. After the returns came in, Frondizi promptly ordered military inter- vention to annul the Peronist vic- tories in five of the provinces, jus- tifying his move on the basis of a constitutional provision that such intervention is permissible if the republican form of government is threatened. The definition of "republic" has varied throughout history to in- clude everything from oligarchy to popular democracy. In any case, LETTERS to the EDITOR Theatre Program .. To the Editor: THE LAUNCHING of the Uni- versity's new Professional Thea- tre Program with Judith Ander- son's performance Thursday night has given great satisfaction to all of us connected with this project. We are especially grateful for the support given so promptly by the students of the University, since this program has been es- tablished first of all for their pleasure and benefit. It is a remarkable statistic that the audience which filled Hill Aud- itorium practically to capacity was 60 per cent students who had taken advantage of the special stu- dent discounts. It was a thrilling experience for the artists as well as for the management when those students responded to Dame Ju- dith's "Medea" with a standing ovation. ,All of us connected with the creation of the Professional Thea- tre Program are keenly aware of the support which The Daily has given to us in this formative per- iod, and we intend that the Pro- ;4 a "republican" government is based on the will of a certain designated electorate. In Argen- tina it was Frondizi himself who allowed the Peronistas to consti- tute part of the electorate. Thus, his excuse for intervention is du- bious at best. IN PROTEST, one million Pe- ronist workers left their Jobs in a general strike, whileias many refused to join them. Posters sup- portinng Andres Framini, head of the 146,000 member textile work- ers' union and Peronist governor- elect of Buenos Aires declared that the Argentine crisis demonstrated again that "force is the only method reactionaries can use to defend their privileges." Argentina's conservative military was, of course, scandalized. After a brief interval of confusion, ru- mor and uncertainty, the military leaders duly deposed Frondizi and seemed undecided about what to do next until former senate presi- dent Jose Maria Guido reversed his former position of loyalty to Frondizi and took over. The country is now under mar- tial law under the Comites plan which makes all persons regarded as extremists or subversives sub- ject to arrest. Yet the New York' Times cites an "air of public de- tachment from the political crisis" in Buenos Aires. * * * THE TWO MAJOR questions are these: first, should the election be respected? and secondly, what does "Peronism" mean in modern Ar- gentina? Frondizi's government, by per- mitting Peronist votes to be cast in the election, took upon itself the responsibility to abide by the decisions of the electorate. The people of Argentina were given a chance to voice their will freely. The invalidation of the election is likely to produce a dangerous disillusionment with democracy that could intensify, rather than discourage, a turn towards Peronist dictatorship. * * A IF THE PEOPLE discover that "democracy" will not permit them to exercise their will, why should they fear dictatorship? It is this bitterness towards democratic pro- cedure that is probably the great- est disaster resulting from the election aftermath. Even some anti-Peronist con- servative parties asked that the election results be respected-but those results were not respected, and democracy itself is not likely to be respected much longer. PERONISM in Argentina today is a curious phenomenon, if it is to be understood as literally con- nected with Peron himself. His re- gime from 1946 to 1955 was char- acterized by far-reaching economic gains for workers which eventually bankrupted the country and led to his! ouster by the military. Yet be wads completely inconsistent politi- cally. In his "election" he managed to split nearly all parties into fac- tions either strongly for or strongly against him-including socialists and Communists. He seemed to be a member of all parties and of none. Basically, he supported only self. When he saw bankruptcy ap- proaching, he courted foreign in- vestment as earnestly as he had opposed it before. The military and the working class, traditional po- litical enemies, both supported his rise. He modelled himself after Mussolini, but declared he would avoid the Italian dictator's mis- takes. His labor campaign was headed by Fritz Mandl, an ex- Austrian munitions magnate and a Fascist. Under his rule, the Communist vote was only 30,000 of ten million, while before the party was out- lawed by Frondizi, its vote rose to 800,000. He is probably more Fas- cist than anything else, and it is significant that he has spent his exile in Franco's Spain. Yet the rich hated him. * *' * THE NEW YORK Times reports that Peronistas in Argentina have asked that Peron be recalled from Spain for the presidency in 1964. Interviews quote Argentine work- ers as remembering "the good old days" of welfare under Peron, all undone by Frondizi. If the current Peronist move- ment does not represent, as it seems to, a movement of the left in Argentina, it is a betrayal of that left. Some Peron-type socio- economic legislation is a legitimate desire, but the confusion of Peron himself with the need for reform is tragic. Certain forms of the old "Peron- ism," introduced under sophisticat- ed and far-seeing leadership, could prove helpful in Argentina, but confused and headstrong neo- Fascism would be disastrous. PREVIEW:' Modern Band Music To Be Displayed A DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN A T 3:00 today in Hill Auditorium the University Symphony Band will present a program of music which has been composed within this generation. The music written for the sym- phonic band has tended to be of a conservative nature rather than reflecting the various new trends of contemporary composition. One reason is that this is a relatively young medium. The rise of in- strumental music in the public schools and colleges of this coun- "try has created a demand for a symphonic band literature. Since we do not have profes- sional 'bands as we do orchestras, publishers have schools as their best customers for band music. Publishers are wary of the market for fear that there will be no niarket for innovative music, and innovative composers are wary of entrusting their works to non- professional groups. This leaves an opening for the more conservative composers who are attracted to the symphonic band medium. The works on this afternoon's program are some of the best within this framework. home with this work. His music is structurally and dramatically sa- tisfying., Because Hindemith is European, this work does not have the same- ness of sound which characterizes so much of American symphonic band literature. Hindemith's Sym- phony in B Flat has the stamp of his own personal style. ,THE OTHER non-American composition on the program is the Toccata for Percussion by Mex- ico's prominent composer Carlos Chaves. In the relatively small literature which exists for per- cussion ensembles, this work' is firmly established. Percussion also figures prom-, inently in Vincent Persichetti's Symphony for Band, also to be featured. This native composer's works have become widely per- formed in the schools of America. Gunther Schuller's Symphony for Brass and Percussion demands virtuoso playing from the per- formers. Schuller is himself a French horn artist. He has also been heavily involv- ed in "third stream music," an ':4 The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SUNDAY, APRIL 1 General Notices Applications for German University exchange study are available at the Scholarship Office. 2011 SAB. Applica- Michigan's Stanley Quartet with Gil- bert Ross and Gustave Rosseels, violin- ists, Robert Courte, violist, and Jerome Jelinek, cellist, assisted by Clyde Thompson, double bass. Grace-Lynne Martin is guest soprano. Open to the public without charge. Nursing 101: April 2, 1962, "Prelude to Sophomore Year" with Barbara Horn, chairman. M5330 Medical Science Bldg. at 3:00 p.m. Lecture: John L. Ackrill, Brasenose" College. Oxford, England, will discuss "Aristotle's Distinction Between Activ- ity and Change" on Mon.. April 2 at