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March 29, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-29

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Seventy-Second Year
tere Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ANN ARBOR MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
:ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This inst be noted in all reprints.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Y, MARCH 29, 1962


City--State Confli ct.et
Hinders Michigan's Progress


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JGP Serves Up
Musical Feast
EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE there appears a theatrical experience so
profoundly moving that real life pales into trivia beside it. In the
canons of the American theatre, one can hardly find plays which ap-
proach Still At It, let alone name its equal.
The play is all the rarer for its music; not since Wagner have
libretto and score been so integral in each other. Certainly never before
has Ann Arbor been regaled to such a banquet of musical comedy
as the Junior Girls' Play presented last night.
THE PLOT EXISTS PRIMARILY on four leyels, but there is verti-
cal tension as well as the fourfold horizontal conflict(s). Creaky Rock,
which even in name is a symbol for that paradoxical unsound-sound-
ness of today's America, is a small town whose major problem is liquor.
Combating the liquor problem (its symbolic counterparts are too ob-
vious to even mention) is a committee of proper townswomen, headed
by Kay Pearse.
Spearheading the moonshine movement are Ellen O'Brien, (Jenny)
and her mother (Maw), Gail Winsky. Miss Winsky's roommate, Judy
Berne, plays a hillbilly.
* * * *
TO MENTION any more of the plot would do no justice to its
infinite delicacy. For instance, consider the following motif from the
second act, innocent-looking enough, on the surfacer



EGARDLESS of the final result of the Con-
stitutional Convention, it seems clear that
:-e will be no significant rearrangement, of.
slative districts. The Republican out-state
:rests will probably continue to overpower
Democratic Detroit-area interests in the
islature regardless of the vast difference
he population they represent.
he death-struggle between Detroit andthe
Dl areas has never been so intense as it is
and unless some means is provided for
ng the metropolitan concerns an equitable
aber of spokesmen, the r'ural' Republicans
continue unchecked in their attempts to
z the city; even if this involves ruining
nselves in the process.
ural warfare on the interests of the city
fully in evidence last week as the Legis-
.re passed a bill forbidding cities to levy,
es on the incomes of anyone not residing
the city proper. The, action was a direct
at, of the plan of Detroit Mayor Jerome
anagh to tax the incomes of Detroit resi-'
ts and residents of nearby communities
work within the city limits of Detroit.
epresentatives whose constituents would be
uded in such a levy pleaded with great
>tion and elequence the injustice of "taxa-
i without representation" for those who
outside Detroit. "We pay taxes in our
1 commhunities," the arguments ran. "We pay
roit for our water and our sewage disposal.
en we go to the city to use its recreational
lities we pay for them and we pay for
king our cars. Why should we pay taxes
;upport a city we don't live in?"
ESIGNED TO APPEAL to the motives which
once led to the Revolutionary War, these
uments are irrefutable, except by the facts.
y are these: Detroit has a debt of $41 mil-
Detroit has no way of clearing up the
t except by money raised through an in-
e tax. With its richer residents moving out
he city in ever-increasing number, Detroit
longer has a big enough tax base.
That then is supposed to happen to Detroit?
rural legislators would undoubtedly like
;ee it disappear from the map of Michigan
ig with the mysterious "threat" it seems to
e to them and their constituents.
o one seems willing to recognize the fact
t without Detroit there would be no jobs'
commuters. There would be no recreational
lities for visitors. There would be no shop-
g center for millions of people and there
LId be no market for the produce of the
al constituents of the Republican legis-

ETROIT within the last few years has made
progress which would have seemed un-
believable to its own citizens a decade ago. With
the demolition of waterfront slums, new hous-
ing and new public buildings are going up.
With the construction of Cobo Hall, important
conventions and conferences are making their
headquarters in Detroit.
It is absurd for the rural interests to pre-
tend that no one but the Detroit residents
benefit from the progress made in the city.
It is equally wrong for Detroit to pretend that
it is not dependent to a considerable extent
upon the support and products of the rural dis-
tricts, and it is foolish for either the* metro-
politan or the rural interests to forget that
to most of the country Detroit represents Mich-
igan and it is only because of the existence of
Detroit that Michigan is able to maintain its
image as a sophisticated, progressive state.
A WARto the death between the city and the
country is self-defeating for both sides.
Factionalism within the state is the greatest
hindrance to its progress, just as it is within
the nation. Citizens of Detroit and citizens of
rural communities must feel that they are
residents of the State of Michigan before they,
are residents of their own localities, just as they
must feel they are citizens of the United States
before they are citizens of Michigan.
The only way to achieve the greatest bene-
fits of all factions is to recognize a mutal
interdependence and a mutual interest. There
is no more justification for citizens of Detroit
and the Upper Peninsula to be natural enemies
than there is for citizens of Lansing and
Ann Arbor to be enemies.
Any reorganization of existing legislative
structures which would require greater coopera-
tion between the various factional interests, are
therefore desirable both practically and theo-
retically. A good beginning would be fair
representation for the Detroit voters which
would force a great deal of mutual com-
promise and problem solving in the Legislature.
It might end the allegiance of all out-state
interests rallying to defeat any proposal which
seems designed to benefit the city.
Cavangh's tax plan is probably not the
answer to Detroit's fiscal problems. A state-
wide income tax, distributed according to the
needs of the various localities would benefit not
only Detroit, but other needy areas as well.
Such a plan or any like it will get nowhere
as long as the Republicans are solidly for them
and the Democratic governor solidly for them.
If the Detroit area were adequately represented,
the plan would at least get a fair debate and
chance for compromise.


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This brief excursion into the minor mode cannot but forewarn of the
cosmic doom which impends-and has been impending since a poster
in the first scene proclaimed: "LIQUOR LOSES."
Linda Herid, as a newspaperwoman, of course symbolizes the
pathetic tendency of a corrupt society to flagellate itself secretly. But
there are bright moments, too; consider these lyrics: Men are late for
dinner,/Then the main course begins.
As you may well imagine, there were fully 17 curtain calls last night
and then pandemonium broke loose.
-Victor Calcaterra
joint Judic, SGC
Violate Election Trust


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A iken-Jackson Vs.

RECENTLY, the UN has come
under sharp criticism from
some of its old supporters, notably
Sen. Aiken and Sen. Jackson.
Their criticism comes at a time
when the UN itself may be said
to be successful but insolvents~ to
be achieving a great purpose but
bankrupting itself in the process.
The UN is on the way to being
successful in, its most difficult ex-
periment, which has been to pac-
ify the Congo, and prevent a con-
frontation of the great powers. It
is insolvent because a group of
nations, and particularly the So-
viet Union and France, are re-
fusing to pay their share of the
cost of the experiment.
In this condition of affairs the
Senate is about to debate and vote
on the proposal to fund the defi-
cite and provide working capital to
keep the UN afloat during.the next
year or so.
*. * *
WITH SEN. AIKEN, who is the
chief critic of the bond plan, there
can be no dispute when he says
that "the sickness of the UN is'
not financial sickness alone . .. it
can be cured only by drastic action
at an early date-action which will
continue the UN as a truly multi-
lateral organization and not per-
mit it to become constantly de-
pendent upon the beneficence of
the United States."
This is the precise reason why
the bond plan was put forth by
our officials and it is the crucial
reason why so many of us favor
the plan. For there is no other
plan before us which deals direct-
ly with the problem of making all
the members of the UN pay their
share of operations like Congo
and Palestine, and ending the
grossly corrupting fact that we

now pay nearly 50 per cent of
the cost of these operations. For.
although we would loan one-half
of the money, we will bear only
one-third of the cost of bond re-
* * *
"THE SICKNESS of the UN" is
that some members are refusing
to pay their assessments, other
members cannot pay them, and
others are a mixed bag of coun-
tries who want to pay, cannot
pay, and are waiting to see. As of
Feb. 28, 1962, the UN was owed
$77 million on assessments for
Palestine and the: Congo.
The chief countries refusing to
pay were the Soviet Union and
the East European satellites,
France, Belgium and Cuba. Their
total delinquency was $56 million,
of which $44 million were owed
by the Communist bloc, about $10
million by France and Belgium,
and about one-half million by
Cuba. Besides this, nearly $8 mil-
lion were in default by Nationalist
China, not because it refuses to
pay but because it cannot.
This accounts for over 80 per
cent of the deficit. The problem
of curing the sickness of the UN
is to find ways of compelling, in-
ducing and enabling all members
to pay their share. The more I
have studied this problem with its
massive documentation, the more
I am convinced that if there is
any solution, the bond plan will
meet the problem.
* * *
HOW WILL it solve the prob-
lem? The bond plan is based on
the assumption that during the
summer the World Court will de-
clare in an advisory opinion
(which has been requested by a
two-thirds vote of the General
Assembly) that assessments to pay
for operations like Palestine and

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Seholle and the Supreme Court'
HISTORIC 6-2 decision, the Supreme ministration, the state supreme court, and the
t has decided it has the power to inter- House of Representatives. They lack only con-
the apportionment of state legislative trol of 'the state senate, and they want that
s. too, for a complete monopoly.
case is Osborn et' al vs. the State of
ee. The issue is that the last apportion- SINCE SCHOLLE is an intelligent man, he
f state assembly districts in Tennessee cannot honestly believe that there is any-
1901. The population has shifted since thing legally wrong with the way the senate
ut the districts have not. The Court districts are apportioned. Forty-eight other
that the state must reapportion ftself states do it that way too. Therefore Scholle's
y to keep up with the times. objection must be that his fellow city dwellers
dwellers all over the country have ex- don't control the Senate, along *ith the other
jubilant optimism, but perhaps they three bodies.'
hemselves, especially in Michigan. This is a somewhat selfish motive, but more
than that it is unrealistic. Almost one-half
ING BEFORE the high court is the case (47 per cent) of Michigan's population is con-
cholle vs. the State of Michigan, now centrated in three counties-Wayne, Oakland
al from a split decision in Michigan's and Macomb, which make up the Detroit
preme Court. The state jurists turned metropolitan complex. These are the city dwel-
AFL-CIO President August Scholle's lers on whose behalf Scholle objects. Would
at the state Senate, composed largely it be fair to give full control of Michigan to
1 senators since it is selected on an 47 per cent of its people, concentrated in three
sis, was illegal. ' of its 80 counties, in a very small corner of the
ver, the two cases are not the same, , state? Decidedly not. The other 53 per cent
holle must realize that. The court's de- of he people, far-flung and divergent as they
.n'the Tennessee case was far from a might be, deserve some voice too.
e to apportion all legislatures in favor It is for just these people that 49 states
s. Rather it was an isolated decision and the federal congress have a house not
hen a state refused to reapportion its based on population-the Senate. And in the
ion-based districts, the federal courts 200 years this country has existed, the right
e right to step in. of the country dwellers to representation has
le's case is different. He is not protest- been respected.
apportionment of Michigan's House of Now Scholle would ask the nation to cast
ntatives-the population-based chamber this representation aside. His request can only
'h oddly enough it is not apportioned sound selfish.
according to population. He is protest-
apportionment of the Senate, the BUT LET US analyze the relatiois between
r traditionally selected on the basis of Scholle and his labor unions and the Sen-
ith a minimum population factor. ate. Scholle's own appointment as chairma&
ourt probably will not consider Scholle's of the State Conservation Commission has been'
the same light as the Tennessee case, pending before the Senate for years, awaiting
Tennessee the issue was improper ap- approval. The Senate consistently strikes down
ment. In Michigan, the issue is political legislation to increase the power of organized
labor. The Senate is predominantly Republican.
Scholle is an outspoken Democrat.
UGHOUT HISTORY in our 50 states, There is more to the story, because it is a
t of them have had a two-house or feud which has been dragging out for years.
al legislature. The lower chamber, the Thus it is not inconceivable that Scholle should
is apportioned on the basis of popula- want to change the Senate. It hasn't been at
ne representative for every, so many all helpful to Scholle.
The upper chamber, the Senate, was But personal vendetta should not be an issue
oned by area: one senator for every in apportionment. And just because Scholle
na. .nimin nn., does not like the Senate does not make it

The UN
the Congo are-within Article 17
of the Charter-"expenses of the
organization" which "shall be
borne by the members as appor-
tioned by the General Assembly."
Sen. Aiken, I might say at once,
is one of those who confidently
jbelieve that this will be the ruling
of the World Court. If it .is not
the ruling, then all bets are off
and there is no way now in sight
by which the special operations
of the UN can be financed.
If, however, it" is the ruling,
then Article 19, of the Charter
begins to bite: A member "shall
have no vote in the General As-
sembly if the anount of its ar-
rears equals or exceeds the amount
of the contributions due from it
for the preceding two full years."
Unless the UN figures are wrong,
this will mean, we believe, that
if the Soviet Union continues to
refuse to pay, it will in 1964 be
disqualified to vote in the General
understandings in the Senate on
this crucial point. For example,
Sen. Keating of New York asked,
"If the Soviet Union . . , should
decide that it will not pay its
assessed portion of these opera-
tions, would (it) not lose its right
to vote until the period of many,
many years had passed," perhaps,
said Sen. Keating, "ten or twenty
or thirty years."
Sen. Aiken's answer that this
was indeed the case was not cor-
rect-unless he assumed an un-
favorable Court decision. In 1963
the sum of the Soviet Union's past
two year's assessments will be
nearly $50 million and if it rejects
the expected ruling of the World
Court, it will be $46 million in
arrears. Its margin of safety will
be down to $3.6 million.
In the following year, 1964, the
Soviet Union's assessments for the
past two years will be down to
$37 million But its delinquency
will be $46 million and it will be
$9 million to the bad, even if it
pays its full regular budget assess-
ment. Under the Charter the So-
viet Union will lose its vote in
the General Assembly.
* *.*
THIS IS the compulsion behind
the UN bond plan..There is also
a moral compulsion. Some of the
deliberate delinquents, for example
France, argue that the General
Assembly has no legal power to
raise money for operations like
the Congo. Presumably, if the
World Court decides against the
French contention, France as a
law-abiding country will pay up.
What the Soviet Union will do
is anybody's guess.
bond plan makes it easy for every
member to participate. It does this
by keeping the interest low and
making the bonds payable over a
long time. This is the way, if there
is a way, to make the UN that
"truly multi-lateral organization,"
which Sen. Aiken wants it to be.
Finally, it has been said, that
we ought not to lend money to
the UN at 2 per cent when the

To the Editor:
declared the election of literary
college class officers invalid. We
wish to state our position on the
action taken on this matter by
Joint Judic and SGC.
The Senior Board entrusted the
administration of the election of
class officers for four (4) colleges
to SGC. The senior board paid
for this service. SGC violated this'
trust through the following ir-
responsible acts:
1) Poll workers were neither
responsible nor trained in man-
ning polling places. (There was no
meeting of poll workers prior to
election day.) Consequently, voters
signed voting lists for an election
other than the one in which they
voted; persons voted without sign-
ing lists; ineligible persons were
allowed to vote;, ballot boxes were
2) SGC election officials were
negligent in omitting a candidate's
name from the ballot. The ballot
either was not proofread, or elec-
tion officials failed to send the
candidate's name to the printer.
WE FEEL that Joint Judic is
subject to reproach for its im-
prudent handling of the situa-
1) Senior class officers-those
who originally authorized the elec-
tion-were at no time consulted
in the course of the procedings.
Surprisingly accurate rumors were
"leaked" through various sources.
2) Joint Judic ruled on the en-
tire election on Sunday, March
25, yet only the Sharon McCue
decision was released immediately.
For some occult reason, character-
istic of Joint Judic procedings,
the decision to invalidate the en-
tire election was not announced
until Tuesday night.
3) Having personally checked
the election lists on edunt night,
we doubt the accuracy of the
statistics released by Joint Judi.
As we have observed, many stu-
dents in the literary college signed
lists for other elections. This mis-
take is an unimportant one for
which Judic could easily have
compensated by checking the lists
of the other schools.
4) We question the standards
by which the validity of the elec-
tion was judged. The' percentage
of "bad" votes required to 'in-
validate the election was not stat-
ed before the election.
If the election deserves to be
invalidated, the blame, rests on
SGC for poorly administering it,
and on Joint Judic for establish-
ing standards in the course of
the procedings. It is unfortunate
that a senior class can't find any-
one to run an honest election.
-Roger Pascal, '62
President, LAS Senior Class
-Paul Lurie, '62
Buses, Integration,,
To the Editor:
how feasible do you think this
obscure transportation plan is? It's
more than a question of "minor

The parents of these Negro
children won't pay the extra
money for the bus fee, mainly
because they haven't got it. The
taxpayer, white and Negro, won't
be willing to pay the fee, especially
when schools are available and
specifically allocated to accommo-
date each school district. In ad-
dition, most of the schools in De-
troit are horribly over-crowded
and just how do you propose to
alleviate the already cramped con-
ditions once extra children are
transported to these schools all
over the city?
Will you bus white children to
Negro schools? Just try to make
such an impractical plan work!
The first problem to work out is
getting enough funds through mi-
lage and taxes to alleviate the
crowded conditions in the schools
-first things first, Mr. Kraut!
troit, as was quoted in the article,
is segregated on a housing basis;
in other words it's not a matter
of social injustice at all, but social
preference on the. part of both
whites and Negroes-and don't
think it's any other way in De-
troit! Negroes can move into any
area in Detroit,. with the same
freedom, as for example Jewish
people-and they do; all areas of
Detroit have a growing and ex-
panding Negro population and in
due time integration will evolve by
a natural process.
So hold your horses, Mr. Kraut
-and be practical. Considered on
monetary and realistic grounds
your plan is ridiculous and would
cause more harm than "a minor
traffic problem!" By the way, just
as an object lesson (and you could
use one) why don't you go to
Detroit and take a look at the
schools and their respective resi-
dential districts; there's no such
thing as unequal educational op-
portunities in Detroit as far as
facilities go; facilities are as equal
as possible, taking the financial
condition of Detroit, its residents
rand the school board into consid-
eration; no public school in De-
troit is perfect, but all are equally
It's evident from this article
that you're merely repeating what
you've read or heard and have
never had any contact with De-
troit. If you have been in Detroit
or are a resident of the city, its
about time to open your eyes and
get off your idealistic high horse!
-Johanna Silver, '63
Small Town Mind ...
To the Editor:
MICHAEL HARRAH in his edi-
torial about Romney shows he
lacks the integrity that he criti-
cizes Romney for having. I do
not believe a man should be -,on-
demned because he sticks by the
basic issues he believes in even
if they appear to an ignorant
minority as being ridiculous.
Harrah criticizes Romney on his
stand on the important issues of
the John Birch Society, state wide
income tax, and reapportionment,
because they are unpopular to the
Victorian out-state voters. Harrah



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
' sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
June Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
All requirements for the teacher's cer-
tificate must be completed by May ist.
These requirements include the teach-
er's oath, the health statement, and
the Bureau of Appointments material.
The oath should be taken as soon as
possible in 1203 University High School.
Sports and Dance-Women: Women
students who have completed the physi-
cal education requirement who wish to
register electively may do so in Barbour
Gym (Main Floor) on Thurs. and Fri.,
March 29 and 30. Registration hours are
8 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Events Thursday
Great Star Series: Dame Judith An-
derson appears tonight at Hill Aud.,
8:30 p.m., in her two most famous
roles: Medea and Lady MacBeth. The

Events Friday
Contemporary Music Festival: Begin-
ning Fri., March 30, and continuing
through Tues., April 3, the School of
Music will sponsor the Second Annual,
Contemporary Music Festival. The first
program scheduled for 8:30 p.m., Hill
Aud., will be the University of Michi-
gan Symphony Orchestra and members
of the University Choir under the di-
rection of Josef Blatt, with Louis Kras-
ner, guest violinist. Compositions they
will perform are by Honegger, Finney,
and Schoenberg. All programs open to
the public without charge.
Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., March
30, 4:00 p.m., The Observatory. Dr.
Donat G. Wentzel will speak on "Ac-
celeration of Electrons Near Solar
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. Donald
Pelz, Survey Research Center, will dis-
cuss "A Study of Scientific Personnel"
on Fri., March 30 at 4:15 p.m. In Aud.
B. Coffee hour in 3417 Mason Hall at
3:45 p.m.
Teaching Interviews for the week of
Mon., Apr. 2-5.
Believue, Mich-Band, Home Ec., SS/
Engl., Jr. HS Math, Shop/Sci.
Allen Park, Mich.-K-6, Sp. Ed., Ment.
Handi., Visit. Teach., HS Engl., Math,

se, i

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