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February 13, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-13

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Sir iau
Seventy-One. Years of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy
with snow flurries.



... new post

mittee said in a statement of the -g
Council's purpose. rod P i
State's Purpose.
"It is the purpose of the Michi-
gan Coordinating Council for Pub-H
lic Higher education to consider e
and evaluate the total resources
of the State of Michigan availableF
for the development of new pro- For Co liege
grams at the various institutions
in order that the state may be pro.
vided the best educational system Prof. James H. Zumberge of the
with the funds available," Power geology department will be the
said. first president of Grand Valley
The Council was formed out of a State .College, the GVSC Board of
concern of the Michigan Council Control announced Friday.
of State College Presidents for The board announced its ap-
more voluntary coordination. pointment after a six month
The President's Council after search for the man to head Mich-
the announcement of the tentative igan's newest state supported
formation of the Coordinating four-year liberal arts college.
Council came out strongly against Prof. Zumberge, a noted Ant-
any statewide coordinating Board arctic explorer, will begin part-
in the state constitution being time duties immediately and full
drawn up in Lansing. time duties as soon as he is re-
Officers Remain lieved of his teaching obligations
The Coordinating Council de- at the University.
cided to continue with temporary Grand Valley will open its doors
officers until the new constitution this fall at its newly developed
has been formally .ratified. M. M. campus at the M-'50 crossing of
Chambers, executive director of the Grand River west of Grand
the Presidents' Council, will con- Rapids.
tinue as temporary secretary. Review Founding
Power announced that a part of The college, founded by en-
each future meeting of the coor- abling legislation in 1960, plans to
dinating council will be open to serve commuter students from a
the press. The next meeting is surrounding area of eight coun-
scheduled for March 8, at the Kel- ties.
logg Center following a morning "Our search to find a president
meeting of the Presidents' Council. of the highest academic stature
Representatives of the Univer- and with the vigor and leadership
sity, Michigan State University, to recruit and organize an out-
Wayne. State University, Eastern, standing faculty has reached a
Western and Central Michigan highly successful conclusion," Wil-
Universities, Northern Michigan liam Seidman, GVSC Board Chair-
and Grand Valley State Colleges, man said.
the Michigan College of Mining "The one single factor that sold
and Technology, the State Board me, is the community backing of
of Education and Lynn Bartlett, this institution," Prof. Zumberge
state superintendent of public in- said. "I've been told that some
struction, were present, youngsters already are investigat-
ing the timing of their high school
"S . . graduation to see whether Grand.
Sligh tviolence Valley will be open," he said.
Leads Projects
A member of the faculty since
M arks Boycott 1950, Prof. Zumberge gained fame
mnhis geological work on the Ant-
MACON, Ga. (M)-A minor out- arctic continent. He organized and
break of violence was reported accompanied two Antarctic expe-
last night as Negro leaders' claim- ditions, the first in, 1957-58 and
ed the citybus boycott by members the second in 1959.
of their race was 90, per tent During the International Geo-
effective. physical Year he served as chief
Linton D. Baggs, president of glaciologist for Ross- Ice Shelf
the Bibb Transit Co., reported studies in Antarctica., and found-
that one brick was thrown into edCamp Michigan on that contin-
tah onetw bricswsthr onewnast ent as a base for research.
each of two buses, No one was A mountain on the Antarctic
injured.continent has been named "Mt.
Baggs said he immediately or- Zumberge" in his honor.
dered all buses on both routes into Prof. Zumberge first joined the
the garage faculty in 1950 as an instructor in
Earlier Baggs indicated strongly geology. He was promoted to as-
the boycott might kill the service sistant professor in 1951, asso-
as a similar movement did in ciate professor in 1955, and full
Albany, Ga., two weeks ago. professor in 1960.

views Policy
On Loyalty
A bill requiring all employes of
tax-supported Michigan institu-
tions to sign loyalty oaths would
apparently not affect University
faculty members.
Vice-President and Dean of Fac-
ulties Marvin L. Niehuss said Uni-
versity employes already sign an
oath similar to that taken by legis-
lators and other state officials
when taking office.
"The oath has been in effect
since the 1930's," he said, "and
although there was some debate
when it was first introduced, I
cannot recall any recent objections
to it by faculty members."
New Bill
The new bill, introduced last
week by Rep. Lester J. Allen (R-
Ithaca) and Rep. Frederic J. Mar-
shall (R-Allen), has received sharp
criticism from Gov. John B.
Swainson who objected to the "in-
dignities it places on individuals"
and called it "a shopworn tactic
that started in the education field
-where it is particularly offen-
Backing Swainson's stand, Rep.
Joseph A. Gillis, Jr. (D-Detroit)
said, "the universities are provid-
ed for in the State's constitution
and it's unconstitutional for the
Legislature to try to require loyal-
ty oaths of their staffs."
Prof. John Reed of the law school
and chairman of the University
Committee on Freedom and Re-
sponsibility said his group has not
studied the history of loyalty oaths
at the University.
'Many faculty members are will-
ing to aver loyalty to the govern-
ment," he said. "Many, however,
find it distasteful to be compelled
to sign an oath not required of
the general public."
Nothing New
Basically, lie emphasized, such
legislative proposals are nothing
new, but arise from time to time.
Niehuss says. he does not con-
sider signature of an. oath an in.:
sult to faculty members. 'State
employees, congressmen and the
President do not consider it an
insult," he said. "I do not believe
most faculty members would object
to taking the same oath of loyalty
to the constitution and the coun-
try." He knows of no individuals
who have refused a University
appointment because of the re-
quired oath.
He does not, however, believe
that such measures are effective
for locating subversives or pre-
venting such individuals from ac-
cepting University posts.



To Hold Summit Meetini



Outline Officer Opportunities

(EDITOR'S INOTE: This is the
first in a two-part series dealing
with military obligationsand op-
portunities for college graduates,
not including students in the mili-
tar yacademies or the Reserve Of-
ficer Commission. The information
was obtained from the military rep-
resentatives currently visiting the
University. Tomorrow's article will
explain non-officer aspects of the
Representatives from the five
mnilitary services will be at the
University for the next three days
to explain to any interested stu-
dents the opportunities available
for graduates to become officers.
Since during the Berlin crisis
the number of officers was in-
creased by 400 per cent, the serv-
ices must attract one out of every
10 graduating students into off i-
cer training programs.
On Campus
Representatives from the , Air
Force, Army, Navy, Marines
and Coast Guard will be on
hand from 9 am. to 5 p.m. today
throughTuesday at the Bureau of
Appointments for consultation.
In all five branches, graduates
with a Bachelor's degree or high-
er may apply for an officer train-
must pass an examination testing
general intelligence and knowledge
needed for the particular field of
military specialization.
After completing this schooling,
with "boot-camp" activities at a
minimum) the person then must

fulfill six years of military duty,
with terms of active duty varying
from two to five years among the
Direct Program
All five services also offer a di-
rect commission program, in
which college graduates in fields
such as law, medicine, and dentis-
try may apply for an immediate
commission in active duty, thus
bypassing the training school.
The Army, Navy and Air Force
also offer special programs for wo-
men. One of them involves a pro-
gram for women nurses, dieticians
and therapists for their junior and.
senior years, during which the
service will pay tuition and fees.
During the last six months of this
program, the women are commis-
sioned second lieutenants.
The representatives also point
out that salaries and mobility are
virtually the same among college
graduates in comparison between
military and non-military careers.
The starting base pay for an en-
sign or second lieutenant is $338
a month, with fliers or navigators
getting an extra $100 per month.
Take Tests
Underclassmen are allowed to
take the Navy, Coast Guard and
Marine qualifying examinations if
they wish, although the Army's
test is restricted to juniors or
seniors and the Air Force's to
seniors. The student may take the
test without committing himself in
any way..

Specific opportunities in the
branches are as follows:
AIR FORCE - College gradu-
ates may apply either for a direct
commission or the three-month of-
ficer training school.
They then are apopinted sec-
ond lieutenants, and may enter
into either flying or non-flying
careers. Women must enter non-
flying, while men can go into eith-
er area.
The non-flying fields include
administration, personnel, finance,
intelligence and research. Women
may enter these fields as well as
nursing, therapy and dietetics.
The term of active duty is four
Other Fields
In the flying fields, the men take
a year of training to become a pilot'
or navigator. Preference for ap-
plicants for the flying field is giv-
en to men with engineering,
mathematics, physics and other
technical degrees.
Active service is required for
four years.
ARMY - For men, the Army
has the direct commission pro-
gram similar to that of the Air
Force, and an officer candidate
school which lasts for 23 weeks.
In both areas, the tour of active
duty lasts for two years.
For women, there are two pro-
grams. The first applies to women
who take a four-week training
program between their junior and
See BERLIN, Page 9

Left Opening
For ession
At Later Dat
Sees Powers' Release
As Not Significant
In East-West Dispute
By The Asstciated Press
WASHINGTON - Secretary
State Dean Rusk rejected la
night Soviet Premier Niki
Khrushchev's bid to open til
forthcoming disarmament confe
ence with an 18-nation sumn
But he left the way open to
top-level gathering later.
Rusk said also he does not thin
the Soviet release of American U
pilot Francis Gary Powers "mov
us very far in the great issues th
divide the Communist and the fr
No Limit
The White House disclosed es
tier yesterday that President Jol
F. Kennedy and British Prir
Minister Harold Macmillan pr
posed last week to Khrushch
that the three chiefs keep the
representatives at the Geneva di
armament negotiations "until co:
crete results have been obtained
however long this may take."
This 18-nation session ope
March 14 and is to report i
recommendations to the Unit
Nations by June 1. It was hint(
a summit meeting might come b
fore that date.
Informants in London sa
Khrushchev's plan had two a
parent flaws, in Western eyes.
List Objections
1) An 18-nation summit wou
develop into a sort of diplomat
tower of Babel. Opening speech7
alone would consume days. Su(
a forum would be ideal for chur:
ing out propaganda but wou
represent an imperfect arrang
ment for serious negotiation.
2) Such a summit in all likes
hood would not limit itself to tl
technicalities of disarmament b
would plunge into such tricl
political questions as disengag
ment, European security and tl
controversial Rapacki plan for a
atom-free zone in central Euro;



OSU overcomes M' Threat

The Michigan basketball team
made a game of it for 32 min-
utes last night before a Yost Field
House record crowd of 9,610, but
Ohio State finally poured it on
to win its 19th straight game to-
ing away, 72-57.
The win was the Buckeyes' 24th
consecutive in the Big Ten to
break the record of 23 set by the
1913 Wisconsin team. The old at-
tendance mark for Yost Field
House was 9,500, at a 1957 Michi-

May Festival To Feature
International Programs
The six programs of the May Festival, including all-British,
all-French and all-Russian music programs, were announced yester-
The Philadelphia Orchestra will appear in all six concerts in
Hill Aud.
The first concert, May 3, in the four day festival features Eugene
Ormandy conducting an all-Beethoven program. Soloist Byron Janis
"*il nln10nnf nZ"A


w y CJ u oncertio No. ana
C+- orchestrial workings include the
"Overture to 'Coriolanus', and the
Sixth Symphony, the Pastorale.
British Music
U es tro tPolicThe May 4 concert presents all-
British music. Under guest con-
ductor Thor Johnson, the Phila-
By ROBERT SELWA delphia Orchestra will play Wil-
Calling for the courage to carry out commitments, Wilber Brucker liam Walton's "Toccata" and ex-
warned last night America should back up her strong words. erpts from his opera "Troilus and
The former secretary of the army (1955-61) and governor of Cressida" featuring Richard Lewis,
Michigan (1932-33) cited The Wall in Berlin and the near "farce" in tenor, and Phylis Curtin, so-
Laos as examples of weakness in action. prano, as solists
After the Communists erected The Wall in Berlin, "the confi- The all-French concer will be
dence of every ally in the free world was rudely shaken by the amaz- Munroe and John de Lancie will
ing discovery that the United - States would talk strong and act be performing Lalo's "Cello Con-
weak," he said. certo" and Francaix's "Suite for
"In Laos we did the same thing. I hope this doesn't happen now Oboe," respectively.
in Vietnam." Russian Works
Addresses GOP Jerome Hines will be the soloist
Brucker, speaking to 400 Washtenaw County Republicans at their in the all-Russian concert that
Lincoln day dinner in the Michigan Union, asserted that the only way night, singing excerpts from Mous-
to deal with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchlev is to say "you shall sorgsky's "Boris Godonov." Other
not" and stand by it. !works presented are Stravinsky's
"Anything less is to falter," said Brucker. "Fire Works," Prokofiev's "Clas-
A June, 1916, law school graduate of the University, he com- sical Symphony," and Tchaikov-
mended the . Kennedy Administration for standing "foursquare" sky's Symphony No. 6, the Pathe-
against the admittance of Red China to the United Nations. But he tique.
criticized the Administration in other matters. At 2:30 p.m. May 4 The Choral
Plays Politics Union, Miss Curtin, Miss Lili
He said that it has been "playing politics" in racial- and local Chookasian, contralto, Lewis and
Gramm, will perform the Requmm
city government affairs and that it has been vexatiously silent on the G rna f un w k fnr the first ti .

gan-Michigan State basketball
The aggressive Wolverines de-
lighted the record crowd by com-
ing within five points of the Buck-,
eyes, 52-47, with 8:20 left in the
game. But Michigan had missed
four chances to decrease the mar-
gin and when Dick Taylor and
John Havlicek each hit a jump
shot, the Buckeyes started to pull
Need Shot
"We had a chance when we got
within five points, but we couldn't
get the shot in when we needed
it," Coach Dave Strack said after
the, game.
Michigan drew up to the five-
point margin when Buckeye Coach
Fred Taylor pulled three of his
starters, leaving only Havlicek and
Doug McDonald in the game. Ohio
State was leading by eight at the
time and seemed like it might fal-
ter, but the Buckeyes of next
year, with the exception of Hav-
licek, finally took charge.
The Wolverines outrebounded
the Buckeyes and not even Tay-
lor could remember the last time
that happened. Jerry Lucas led
both teams with 18, but Michigan
led in total, 43-42.
Cole Hits
Top scorer for Michigan was
6'7" Tom Cole with 17 points, hit-
ting six for 11 from the field.
Strack singled out Cole after the
game for his fine performance.
Bob Cantrell added 12 to the.
'U' Enrollment
Sets Record
Spring enrollment at the Uni-
versity reached a new record this
semester with 24,567 registered,
the Office of Registration and
Recordsreported yesterday.
This total includes 23,707 stu-
dents in residence credit courses
at Ann Arbor and 860 at Flint
and Dearborn, Edward G. Groes-
beck, director of the Office of
Registration and Records, said.
The high spring enrollment fol-
lows from the record breaking fall
enrollment this year, he added. It
is an increase of 1,289 students
over last spring when 23,278 stu-
dents were enrolled with 694 of
them enrnlled at the Flint and

Pryor Returns Home
From German Prison
Returning to his Ann Arbor home after spending five-and-on
half months in an East German prison, Frederic L. Pryor says th
he plans to rest for a while and then seek a job as an economist.
Noting that the East Germans "didn't have very much c
me," he describes himself as a "bonus" in the. U.S.-Soviet exchan
of Francis Gary Powers for Rudolph Abel.
Pryor a Yale graduate student and onetime summer sta
member of The Daily, offered thanks "the very great number
people who wrote to the East .Germans on my behalf" includi
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss.
Describes Letter
"I wrote, perhaps several weeks ago, to the State Attorney
East Germany that Prof. Fred Black of the School of Busine
Administration had read his thesis and that it was genuine
scholarly work," Niehuss said yesterday.
Pryor had been studying at the East European institute
Berlin's Free University. Writing his thesis-which was complet
last July and has since been accepted at Yale- on the econon
integration of East Europe, Pryor's research called for frequent tri
into East Berlin, and interviews with East European officials.
After finishing his thesis, he remained in Berlin to write so.
articles for journals and, on August 25, was arrested.
No Brutality
Pryor says he met no physical brutality from his East Germ
captors. Nor did he ever know what charges were going to
brought against him.
f "The legal system there is different. First you are interrogat
then after the interrogation charges are drawn up and you a
allowed to have a lawyer," he explained.
Pryor's case never reached the stage of charges.
Last Friday night he was told that he might be released. T
next morning he crossed over into West Berlin and flew hor
Describes Jail
During his imprisonment, Pryor occupied a cell two and a hE
by three and a half yards, sharing it with another prisoner. I
changed cellmates once.
The cell contained two beds, a table and a flush toilet. Awaken
every morning at 5, he then made his bed. After breakfast t

cause, while Havlicek led the
Buckeyes with 15.
By using a shifting defense,
Michigan managed to keep the
awesome Ohio State fast break un-
der control. The Buckeyes also ran
into foul trouble when Mel Nowell-
and Dick Reasbeck each picked up
their fourth foul early in the sec-
ond half.
Even though Michigan played
the .Buckeyes more than even on
See FAST, Page 10

Upj. U'.J bluSA sflpAta ~a SSIII bite. .-"



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