THE MICHIGAN DAILY High Court Gives Ver dict In Reapportionment Suit Y- Professors View Effect On Michigan Sees No Changes Immediate for State By PHILIP SUTIN Although yesterday's Supreme Court decision allowing Tennessee voters to seek legislative re-ap- portionment through the local dis- trict courts is important, no sig- nificant changes in Michigan will occur immediately, two University professors noted., "It is an exciting decision," Prof. Karl Lamb of the political science department said. "It is the first time the court has ruled on this area." Prof. Paul Kauper of the Law School noted that previously the Court had refused to rule on re- apportionment as the issue was deemed political, but now found it a judicial question. Case Merits "The ruling, however, had noth- ing to do with the merits of the case," it dealt with jurisdiction, Prof. Kauper noted. Both professors said that the Tennessee decision would have little 'effect on Michigan's Legis- lature. In the Tennessee case there was a clear violation of even Tennes- see's own constitution. In Michi- gan, they current apportionment was approved by the voters," Prof. Kauper said. No Recourse "The people in Tennessee had no recourse, but in Michigan the voters have initiative and refer- endum to change apportionment," Prof. Lamb said. In Lansig, August Scholle, Mich- igan AFL-CIO president, express- ed elation at the decision. Scholle Who Unsuccessfully asked the Michigan Supreme Court in 1959 to force reapportionment, declar- ed, "If what I understand about the decision is true, I can see no reason why the same decision should not apply for us in Michi- gan. John Hannah (R-East Lansing), chairman of Con-Con reappor- tionment committee, said attor- neys had advised him that the rul- ing was aimed at states in which the legislature has failed or re- fused to comply with its own con- stitutional edicts to re-apportion the state. Romney Hits Intervention By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - George Rom- ney said Sunday that the admin- istration should not attempt to direct the steel industry contract negotiations because it "will ul- timately lead to government deter- mination of wages and prices." In a taped television interview, he said the president and Secre- tary of Labor Arthur Goldberg have no authority to interpret for themselves what is in the public interest. -AP Wirephoto ALGERIAN BATTLEGROUND-Fighting yesterday between the European secret army and French government forces resulted in these wrecked and burning cars on the streets of Oran. In Algiers 15 people were killed in clashes and bombings during the day. Settlers Rally in Al1giers; French Seize OSA Chief By The Associated Press ALGIERS-European settlers rallied to the call of the Secret Army yesterday with a defiant march that ended in a bloodbath in the center of Algiers. A government spokesman said 15 persons were killed and 130 wounded; other sources put the death toll at 31. Lower Body- May Decide On Districts Frankfurter, Harlan Register Dissentions By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Urban voters won a first-round victory yester- day in their long fight against rural domination of state legis- latures., By a 6-2 vote, the Supreme Court ruled lower federal courts may determine whether city voters are unconstitutionally discriminat- ed against in the apportionment of legislative seats. Speaking for the majority in de- ciding a case from Tennessee, Jus-' tice William J. Brennan said, "We have no cause at this stage to doubt the district court will be able to fashion relief if violations of constitutional rights are found." Dissenting Opinions Justices Felix Frankfurter and John M. Harlan wrote dissenting opinions, with Frankfurter's rn- ning 64 pages. Brennan disagreed with Frank- furter and Harlan in their con- tention that the court action con- stitutes an unwarranted intrusion into the political affairs of a state. His position is that it was not a political matter, but one involv- ing 'constitutional rights. On Merits In his concurring opinion, Clark, said the high court should have decided the case on its merits in- stead of sending it back to the lower courts for determination. The case now goes back to a special three-judge district court in Nashville. In December 1959 that court dismissed the case on the ground it had no jurisdiction. The litigation was originnated by a group of voters living in larger Tennessee cities. They were supported by the Department of Justice and several Tennessee cities, including Nashville, Chat- tanooga, Knoxville and Memphis. Justices Potter, Stewart, Clark and William . Douglas wrote separate, concurring opinions. "An unbroken line of precedence sustains the federal court's juris- diction of the subject matter as federal constitutional claims of this nature," Brennan wrote for the majority. Ministers End Geneva Talks GENEVA (I)-Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko end- ed their Geneva talks on the Ber- lin dispute last night without re- solving any East-West differences. They agreed, however, to con- tinue discussing the problem by other means. Rusk will fly to Washington late today to report to President John F. Kennedy on his delicate Geneva diplomatic missions. Impasse Develops In Dispute By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-United States- sponsored secret talks between the Netherlands and Indonesia over disputed New Guinea have broken down, informed diplomatic sources said yesterday. The stumbling block is the key issue of administering the Dutch- held territory. The Dutch Cabinet held a spe- cial meeting last night on the im- passe that has developed with In- donesia in the United States- sponsored talks over disputed New Guinea. After the meeting a spokesman said only that the situation will be taken up today with a parliamen- tary committee on foreign affairs. While the United States re- mained hopeful that the informal talks which recessed last Thurs- day would be resumed, diplomatic informants did not share this optimism. Deputy ,Undersecretary of State George Moghee was informed last Friday that the chief Indonesian envoy, Ambassador Adam Malik who represents his country in the Soviet Union, would not return to the secret meeting place near Washington because of disappoint- ment over the Dutch attitude in the Va'ee days of talks last week. By the second day of the talks, the informant said, it became clear that the Dutch envoy, Am- bassador J. H. Van Roijen, would not agree to Indonesian adinims- tration of New Guinea. Defies Order Of Miltary BUENOS AIRES ()- Defying new demands by military chiefs that he resign, President Arturo Frondizi swore in a new cabinet yesterday. He prepared to press on with the austerity program that brought a Peronist upheaval at the polls and provoked the nation's worst crisis in seven years. The president, survivor of 35 crises since his 1958 election, faced yet another obstacle in his fight to hang on to office-a split in top military ranks between command- ers backing a temporary truce in the tug-of-war and those insisting Frondizi quit now. Present at the swearing-in was Gen. Rosendo Fraga, secretary of the army, who has called on his generals to give mediators a chance to settle the current crisis, now in its ninth day. But less than 24 hours after Fraga made his appeal, the army commander-in-chief, Gen. Raul Poggi, urged his boss to drop such a truce and poll all top command- ers to find out quickly whether most of them want Frondizi oust- ed. In southern Buenos Aires prov- ince, Gen. Franklin Rawson is- sued a communique pledging his third cavalry division to support those insisting on Frondizi's re- moval. I WASHINGTON (M) - Govern- ment officials said yesterday the United States now is well ahead' of the Soviet Union in nuclear capability and can stay there al- though it will be expensive and, in some cases, politically difficult The missile gap-if it ever exist- ed-does not mean much In terms of over-all military strength be- cause the United States has other military advantages which in sum total give it superior strength, these officials said. The missile-gap issue, much dis- cussed during the 1960 political campaign, came into the news over the weekend with publication of Senate testimony to the effect that the alleged Russian missile lead was a product of United States es- timates which, since, have been revised to downgrade Russian missile strength. Briefings The question came up yester- day in the~ course of briefings at the State Department for approx- imately 800 newsmen from around the country. Official sources, who could not be quoted by name, said America is considered stronger than Rus- sia in atomic weapons capability. It is true that, on the basis of previous intelligence estimates, some people in Washington had concluded that the Russians had a lead in ato ic warhead missiles. They added, however, that oth- er "gaps" did and still do exist in which America is ahead, such as in bomber strength, submar- ines carrying Polaris missiles, and United States forces deployed over- seas. Nike-Zeus The newsmen were also told that supporters of the Army's Nike-Zeus anti-missile missile pro- gram believe their weapon will show up well in the forthcoming United States nuclear tests in the atmosphere, to be held in the Pa- cific. Nike-Zeus proponents contend that it is difficult for the Russians to develop a decoy missile that would fool the Nike-Zeus system, that the United States, itself, has not been able to build an effec- tive decoy yet, and that it would be tough for the Soviets to pierce a Nike-Zeus defense through mas- Propose New Public Works ,job Program WASHINGTON ( - President John F. Kennedy proposed yester- day an immediate $600 million public works program to pump job-making projects into nearly 1,000 American communities still suffering from heavy unemploy- ment. Kennedy asked the House and Senate public works committees to okay the new plan as part of a $2-billion standby capital improve- ments program he had asked ear- lier to ease the impact of future recessions. The President said that despite strong recovery from the latest re- cession the economy still has "con- siderable distance to go before full employment is restored" in many communities and rural areas. i Officials View Foreign Policy The Secret Army had just learn in its underground war to keep1 World News Roundup By The Associated Press JERUSALEM-Attorney Gener- al Gideon Hausner used Adolf Eichmann's own words yesterday in an effort to persuade Israel's highest court to uphold his death sentence. * . EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. - A series of X-15 rocket plane flights preparatory to an attempt to reach an altitude of 250,000 feet next month was an- nounced yesterday by the Nation- al Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration. HOUSTON-Col. John Powers, the voice of Cape Canaveral, said here yesterday that the next flight into space is scheduled in 5 or 6 weeks. WASHINGTON - The Army is making "considerable progress" in developing a nerve gas which could rob the inhabitants of a large city of any defense effectiveness for several hours. * * * MOSCOW-East Germany pro- posed yesterday in a note to North Atlantic T r e a t y Organization members establishment of a con- sular relationship to facilitate movement in and out of East Ger- many and Berlin. * * BERLIN-The Russians have advised the United States Army they are investigating the shoot- ing up of an American staff car by East German police, an Army spokesman said yesterday. UNITED NATIONS-The Soviet Union yesterday turned over to the United Nations a detailed Ireport of its outer space operations dur- ing the period 1957-1962 for enter- ing in a United Nations register. *. * * LONDON-Britain and France last night announced agreement on. the principles of a joint pro- gram to develop a supersonic air- liner capable of carrying more than 100 passengers at speeds of over 1,500 m.p.h. NEW YORK-Trading was mod- erately active yesterday on the stock exchange but a weakness in some leading issues accompanied a steep loss. The Dow-Jones aver- ages showed 30 industrials down 5.79. ned it had been dealt a severe blow Algeria French. Ex-Gen. Edmond OJouhaud, once high in French- military .circles, had been seized in Oran. He was hustled off to a prison in Paris, where he is un- der death sentence. In Paris, President Charles de Gaulle urged France last night to approve the Algerian peace accords and at the same time sternly warned the terrorist secret army that it could look forward only to punishment. Asks Support De Gaulle, in a nationally tele- vised and broadcast speech, called for support in the April 8 referen- dum, when Frenchmen will vote approval or disapproval of last week's peace accords ending the seven-year Algerian nationalist re- bellion. He cautioned that the alterna- tives are "development or chaos" for Algeria. As night fell over the city of Algiers, French officials described the situation as "tragically alarm- ing." They expressed fears that general rioting and fratricidal war may lie ahead, with the European colons stoutly supporting the ter- ror of the Secret Army. The French government also announced yesterday that the length of service for French draft- ees will be cut back to 24 months by the end of this year and to 18 months in the first half of 1963. Conscripts now are held in serv- ice about 27 months. The end of fighting against the Algerian Nationalist rebels was given as the reason for the reduc- tion in length of service. .. .. ,, ::... r... .... T:? 4'd:Cv ii'2n it47?nS". 4 '2": s:vn.. Jig' Tomorrow atr 8 B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation presents DR. RICHARD L. CUTLER Assoc. 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