Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MIC GAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD N CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLIC TIONS There Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. t ' , S 4. z . b r ,72 k ' , " [ ' J : waS 1 ; . i M t4 -. - ti / 't LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Facts Show Feasibility Of Co-Ed Housing MARCH 25, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SHERMAN How To Play Both Ends Of the OSA Report STHE LATEST CONFUSION over the Office of Student Affairs, solemn promises- by Uni- rsity President Harlan Hatcher and his Vice- esident for Student Affairs, James A. Lewis, ,ye been broken. For most of this academic year, the OSA idy Committee probe has been used as an cuse for not altering policies, practices or rsonnel 'in the OSA. In February,' both tcher and Lewis made the excuse official licy. In direct violation of this promise, ajor changes in extra-classroom policies and rsonnel have been announced throughout the 'r, with two important decisions coming with- the last week. On February 16, President Hatcher released a itement pledging that "the University does t plan- to make any change in either the, micture or the relationships of the OSA" un- the study committee report was explored Lewis and "other educational authorities" d final recommendations on it were made the Regents. On February 20, Lewis released the OSA dy report and in a covering letter backed Hatcher's promise. "The committee rec- mended a reorganization of the OSA and gested one possible structure," Lewis said. his and other possible structures will be rlsed before final recommendation is made the Regents. President Hatcher said, and I eat, Until such review is made, the Uni- .sity does not plan to make any changes. . XACTJLY ONE MONTH 'after President Hatcher's remarks were handed out to the ess, Lewis announced that senior women in od academic standing would be granted domaticdapartment permissions beginning gt fall. knd exactly one month after he echoed the sident's pledge to make no changes in the A, Lewis chaired a Residence Hall Board Governors meeting at which the board opted a policy recommending co-education- housng be instituted temporarily next semes- and on a permanent basis thereafter. OTH ACTIONS coming out of the OSA last week are important ones. Apartment per- sion for women has previously been grant- only to a limited number of students who played. financial need and an unblemished ral complexion. Co-ed housing, which was> apped when Mary Markley opened, repre- ts a determined attempt by the administra- i, to "break the separation" of men's and nen's resideices at opposite ends of the npus. ;ewis himself viewed the changes as im- tant first steps in improving student atti- .es toward the residence halls. W'ese two changes, commendable though y may be, violate the public promises of tcher and Lewis not to tinker with the OSA il they had filed recommendations on the ice with'the Regents. AWIS EXPLAINS that the pledges apply only to changes during the current semes- those that would affect people and prac- is from February to June, 1962. The co-ed ising proposal and the granting of apart- nt pers are seen, at least by Lewis, as plolicy ,nges for next year, presumably bearing no Ltion to the Reed report or the current opus situation. 'his explanation is obviously specious. The nge in policy has been made this year, ugh it may not go into effect for another months. Administrators occupying the OSA ces next year will be bound to follow se policies, whether they like them or not, at least a year. unior women will be making their campus dence plans now on the basis of the policy. Tyler and Prescott residents will be predicating their decisions on whether or not to renew quad contracts on likelihood of having female co-dwellers in East Quad next September. Alice Lloyd women face a similar problem. If President Hatcher and the Regents in- tended that no changes be made in the OSA until the Reed report and its modifications by Lewis reached the Regents table, why did they permit a whole host of changes before the -February meeting? Why didn't they announce in September- when the Reed Committee began its meetings- that the OSA would be in a state of suspended animation -for a year? Why did they accept the resignations of Deans Bacon, Fuller and Bergeon? Why did the residence hall board act on the women visitors in the quads motion instead of postponing consideration until the Reed report was completed? Why did the Faculty Subcommittee on Discipline, with the backing of a major OSA administrator, begin discussions on clarifying the definition of "con- duct unbecoming a student" in regards to raids, riots and demonstrations? OTHER PROPOSALS and recommendations were shelved, with the Reed committee considerations used as an excuse. The residence Shallsboard, to mention but the latest exam- ple, declined to discuss major portions of a reportnbynformer Inter-Quadrangle Council President Thomas Moch because the members felt that similar provisions in the OSA report outlined necessary action in these areas. No rationales were presented to Justify the . apartment permission regulation or the return to co-ed housing 'so one can only speculate about thehmotives behind them. The Reed committee-with the exception of Lewis-urg- ed that all non-freshmen be given the right to determine their own housing arrangements. Making the concession for senior women before the Reed report is considered may be an attempt to eliminate the committee's re- quest for broader freedom before its recom- mendations (modified by Lewis) come before the Regents. The co-ed housing muddle may never be ac- curately explained. The Shiel committee, set up in October, did not meet until March. Its one-paragraph report contained no recom- mendations on how to proceed in implementing the housing for next fall or any estimates of the necessary cost. At the October meeting, Shiel said it would be impossible to implement co-ed housing by September. The students who would be involved ip the co-ed housing were hardly contacted and their protest, plus the handy excuse of "administrative infeasibility," will undoubtedly put off action until September, 1963. ACTIONS BY THE OSA and higher admin- istrators before and after the Lewis-Hatch- er promise are confusing. Will there be more changes in OSA policy for next year announced before the Regents consider the Reed report in May? How many other OSA office holders have resigned or been fired, effective July 1 or Sept. 1? Will Joint Judiciary Council be allowed to institute its guarantees of 'due process' before the wave of spring pranks, panty raids and potted students hits campus? The Hatcher-Lewis pledge and the informal excuses that preceded it have been applied inconsistently. They have been used to justify certain policy changes and neglected when other policies were considered. The Reed com- mittee study-whatever benefits it may finally bring to the University student-has been kicked around as a political football so badly it may hardly be worth the effort of carrying it over the goal line. -MICHAEL OLINICK / I 1 AM WoRK 6 ThRbu6H. THE RANKS. TVA5ARTING WITH TH SENATE. UNDERSCORE: Negro--wSymnbol or Neigbr To the Editor: RUTH HETMANSKI'S editorial on co-ed housing in Thurs- day's Daily is interesting but not very factual. The feeling that it is unfair because we were not asked can be accepted in some ways. However, the consequences that Miss Hetmanski has created a a little hard to believe in the light of hard, cold facts. First, many of the ballots on co-ed housing were not returned because we were under the im- pression that they were only for our opinion rather than a vote of confidence. If the girls who are still holding their ballots were to torn them in now, the percentage would be conceivably higher Second, a study has been in progress for the past five years on this proposal and it was known to a good many Incoming fresh- men women last year that there was the possibility of co-ed hous- ing. Third, Miss Hetmansk has taken only a cursory glance at the architectural structure of Alice Lloyd. The basement of the Hall is constructed so that the doors to the furance room can be closed, thereby separating, completely Hinsdale and Kleinstueck from Palmer and Angell. The first and second floors can be separated by folding partition screens which could be locked after twelve o'clock. Vending machines could be installed in the men's area and this problem which has been brought up a great deal would be solved.-, Fourth, ask yourself if it sounds logical that they would pl e freshmen men in a residence hall where no freshmen women will be admitted? If you inquire, you will learn that there are "a number of upperclassmen who have re- mained in the quads, There has been no poll taken, but there are no doubt a good number who are in favor of co-ed residence halls. FIFTH, the women who move out of the Hall will do so on their own, as the Hall will be able to accommodate those girls dis- placed from the two houses con- cerned. If Miss Hetmanski had done a little addition or substrac- tion she would have realized that at least 200 girls, if not more, will be leaving this Hall at the end of this year. There will be nursing students, transfers, graduating seniors, seniors leaving for apart- nents, drop-outs and sorority girls. The number of rooms left will ac. commodate the girls and also give them priority as to singles or doubles. There is also the aforementioned factor of senior apartment per- mission. The number of seniors who will take advantage of this is estimated, at the least, at 200 girls. This element will make room for the Victor Vaughn and Geddes house girls and also for those who dislike co-ed living. It is one thing to. try, to stop something small within ahouse or dormitory but to stop some- thing that many people on the campus are for is a different thing. The restrictions that the women are afraid will be imposed are ac- tually non-existant. If, on week- ends, the girls don't wish to be dressy, separate eating facilities could be provided. Study '.reas would generally be the same for he women as the respective houses have their own facilities for study. This plan has not been as hap- hazard as Miss Hetmanski implies. The Committee members are in- telligent, rational people and have had many instances up for con- sideration. Co-ed housing has proven successful in many Univer-' sities such as UCLA, Purdue, Wis- consin and others. Thi'ough this housing men and women can meet under relaxed, casual conditions without the tenson and rush of dating. Their views on subjects can be exchanged over a dinner table rather than through the din of a jazz band. Co-ed living is an opportunity to meet people and become friends with them in an atmosphere much like home. It is an experience in living which will prepare us to face the future with maturity and understanding in our relation- ships with society and man. -Florence Jharmark, '65 Social Factors . .. To the Editor: AS AN ALUMNUS, I have fol- lowed with interest the con- troversy in The Daily regarding Co-Ed housing and visiting priv- ileges. Having been raised in Ann Ar- bor, in a faculty family, it has been interesting to watch the trend of student housing through the years. As a boy in high school, I recall watching the razing 'of blocks of houses in order that men's dormitories (East and West Quad) might be built. Prior to 'that, most of the then small uni- versity student body lived in room- ing houses. Women's dorms were likewise built, Stockwell, etc. In those days, the 30's and 40's, students came to the University to get an education. A dormitory was just a place to live while ac- quiring this education. If there were inconveniences, and rules to abide by, these were endured with the usual quota of gripes. No one really considered the University as a home-away-from-home. It was a place to get an education, and then to pass on to one's life work'. Following the war, large in- fluxes of veterans and married students changed, theatraditional pattern of the "typical"' student body. No longer were classes coin- posed of pink-cheeked youths and girls fresh from high school. The student body was becoming more adult. Increasingly, students are marrying in their Junior and sen- ior year, and are.applying for the appropriate housing. ONE WONDERS at the socio- logical forces motivating this cur- rent trend toward co-ed hausing and visiting privileges. WHY do students want to do this? Surely it has nothing to do with their academic education. Such an ar- rangement is purely temporar, lasting but a few years. I rather doubt that a student will be a better enginee, for example, for having had visiting privileges. Evidently, the "image" of the university has changed in the past few years in the minds of pros- pective students. I am guessing at this, because it is difficult for the older generation to "reach down' into the minds of 18 and 19-year- olds to see' what motivates them., Our motivations were formed by different circumstances, and we will never be able to appreciate those factors of intense import- ance to young people of this eia. Perhaps the trend to conserva- tism in various campuses co- bined with a desire to enter the adult married world as soon as possible has contributed to this desire to mingle with the opposite sex as soon as possible. In a time of political instability and uncer- tain future, students may feel that the family represents the only unit of social stability.<(Id hate to think that the desire of male students to associate with female students represents a de- sire to perpetuate their previous family relationship, and that "girls" represent a mother- image). Perhaps the mere factor of numberous married students be- ing present on campus has aroused a desire to emulate. * ybe the single students somehow feel they don't "belong," and that co-ed' housing is the first step toward "togetherness." -Jerome S. Miller, '47 ,,;I By MARTHA MacNEAL Daily Staff Writer AS RACISM DIES in the North, the Negro is saddled with an enormous problem. He has become an abstraction, sometimes even to himself. This pattern can be seen now in many cities and town where racial integration has been ac- camplished with a minimum of turmoil. In the deep South, the struggle against discrimination is still violent enough so that in- dividuals are caught up in ideol- ogy. But a much more subtle threat to the full acceptance of the Ne- gro in previously white society exists in those predominantly Northern areas where there are no longer any demonstrations, any sit-ins, or any speeches. Where conflict is no longer blatant, Ne- groes can no longer appeal to an ideology in order to become ac- cepted. A house in a white neighbor- hood has little real meaning for the Negro until both he and his white neighbors cn regard one another as individual persons, not as political or social symbols. * *~ * DISCRIMINATION in its broad- est sense will never be eradicated, nor should it be. Human beings will always discriminate for or against one another on the basis of personalities. Human commun- ities are full of non-racial dis- criminations. There are next-door neighbors who hardly speak to each other. There is no guarantee of acceptance for anyone. In this situation, the Negro who has moved into a newly integrated neighborhood has a decided dis- advantage. Residual resentment of the color of his skin will take form in the most subtle Focia cattiness, which slogans are powerless to overcome. The Negro can never be absolutely certain that his race is being held against him. Even if he suspects that it is, no form of political or social pres- sure will help him. Those pressures can get him his house, but in the deepest problems of integration, the Negro has to go it alone, just like anybody else. Otherwise he will never be treated just like anybody else. WHEN THE NEGRO moves into a previously white section, he can no longer say "I am a Negro, ac- cept me because I represent civil rights." His whole position has changed. He must know that being ac- cepted because he is a Negro and a symbol is just as wrong as being an outcast for the same reasons. He can only say "I am a human being, and whatever acceptance I gain must be only as a human being." Ingthe everyday world of Main Street and the A&P, social accept- ance is not based on political theory, but on the sensitivities of each persons. It is much more difficult for the Negro to accomp- lish the sudden transition from only cause more antagonism, and apology will violate the human dignity he has struggled to main- tain. His own personality is his only appeal against resentment that may have nothing whatever to do with his personality. He must take upon himself the burden of approaching his neigh,. bors with sincere, respect and un- derstanding, even though those neighbors may have little respect and understanding for him. The process has to begin somewhere, and it must begin with the Negro because in the minds of many whites, the-struggle is his. AN INCIDENT that occurred in a recently integrated section of a New Jersey community about Lwo years ago illustrates this point. A Negro family had just moved into a previously all-white area. The man was- out mowing his lawn one morning when a wh; ie man who lived down the street walked past the house and saw him. The white man was completely unaware that the house had changed hands, and, since it was common for Negroes to take jobs mowing lawns, he stopped and said to the Negro, "When you are finished, would you come land mow my lawn too?" UNDERSTANDING the situa- tion, and seeing a chance for prog- res rather than resentment, the Negro said that he would, and about an hour later he went to the white man's house and mowed the lawn. The white man came outside to pay him, and the Negro said simply, "I can't take pay. I'm your new neighbor and I'm glad to help out, and you can do the same for me sometime." Both parties immediately saw the humor of the incident, and respect, rather than antagonism was the result. THE NEGRO avoided both the defensiveness of.resenting that man's request in the first place and the apologetic submissiveness that would have resultedseifehe had asked nothing in return for his favor. This is the only kind of inte- gration that is meaningful. Schools and communities can be superfi- cially integrated with political 'and social slogans, but the integration of people can come only from in- dividuals, in the most subtle, and, often most difficult effort of all. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Women: The Wasted Resource A SOCIETY bemoaning gold-bricking and eather-bedding there is as more important te: the .college educations of 2.7 million nen between the ages of 25 and 30. While se women are presently occupied raising amily, their re-entrance into the labor force ns both inevitable and desirable within to ten years. - lut the increasing number of early mar- es has left an increasingly large group hese young women without a clear knowl- e of what their place in the labor market be. ) HELP college-trained women to re-enter he labor market and thereby reduce the of talents of highly educated women, nard College will establish a pilot program b October. he vocational workshops, consisting of it weekly two-hour sessions will assist wom- in finding occupations suitable for their kgrounds and interests, recommend train- or retraining, and finally, guide them positions in professional or business fields nto productive volunteer activities. arah Lawrence College, in a similar search ways to halt the loss of educated women's have been interrupted and who wish to re- sume study for careers requiring a degree. Extending beyond the campus of Sarah Lawrence, the program will seek to fit the academic requirements of other colleges in the New York area to the timetables and lives of women past college age.' Radcliffe now} operates an Institute for In- dependent Study, where women receive $3,000 a year while, they pursue their professional fields, and the University of Minnesota con- ducts a program that aids young mothers and mature women. THE UNIVERSITY possesses no such program nor is it likely that a school so reluctant to appoint women to places of responsibility will initiate one. As in most colleges and uni- versities, women receive only counseling. "Only counseling" does not seem to be enough for the problems peculiar to the modern woman who within her life will not only raise a family but will spend at least 25 years at vari- ous times as a member of the working force. If women do go to college for an education and if their talents can be put to use for the benefit of themselves and society, a program for closing the breach between housekeeping and outside employment seems extremely The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SUNDAY, MARCH 25 General Notices June Teacher's Certificate Candidates: All requirements for the teacher's cer- tificate must be completed by May 1. These requirements include the teach- er's oath, the health statement, and the Bureau of Appointments material. The oath should be taken as soonras possible in 1203 University High School. Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and Schools of Business Administration, Education, Music, and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for June graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Administration Bldg. Any c hanges therefrom should be requested of the Recorder, Office of Registration and Records, window Number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg. Effective Mon., Mar. 19, students with properly registered automobiles may park or store their automobiles at the Hockey rink on a 24-hour basis (no fee) from this date until Com- mencement, Office of the Dean of Men. Events Monday Lecture: Mon., March 26, Prof. Harry Caplan, Cornell University, on "The Classical Tradition: Rhetoric and Ora- tory," 4:10 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall. Nursing 101: Mon., March 26, at 3:00 p.m. in 5330 Medical Science Bldg. Top- ic: Medical-Surgical Nursing. Modera- tor: Miss Josephine M. Sana, Instruc- tor in Nursing, Medical-Surgical Spe- cialties. Engineering Mechanics, Aeronautical and Astroriautical Engineering and In- stitute of Science and Technology Sem- inar: Mon., March 26 at 4 p.m. in 311 West Eng~rg. Bldg. "fDr: .V. KoiWnter. Transitional Facilities for Mental Pa- tients." Second floor aud. (not True- blood Aud.), Frieze Bldg. on Mon., March 26 at 4:15.p.m. Doctoral Examination for Stanley Clifford Plagenhoef, Education; thesis: "An Analysis of the Kinematics and Kinetics of Selected Symmetrical Body Actions," Mon., March -26, 111 P.E.M. Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Co-Chairmen, W. T. Dempster and P. A. Hunsicker. Doctoral Examination for John Carl Leggett, Sociology; thesis: "Working Class Consciousness in an Industrial Community," Mon., March 26, 5609 Mason Hall, at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, G. E. Lenski. Placement PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS, Bureau of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- dents, please call General Div., Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 3544 for interview appts. with the following: MON., MARCH 26- General Motors Corp, All divisions - Feb., June & Aug. grads. men only. 1) Degree; any field for Cooperative Train- ing Prog. Any. div. of GM may sponsor this prog. 2) Buick Motor Div. will be here to interview for Cooperative Trng. Prog, for that div. Also for District Managers Sales Trng. Prog. 3) Fisher Body Div. (Public Relations Section) will interview Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. majors for positions as Field Rep, for" Fisher BodyeCraftsman's Guild. This assignment begins Aug. 27 & termin- ates Jan. 1. Definite possibility for further oppor. with Fisher Body or GM. Shillito's Dept. Store, Cincinnati, 0. -Opportunities in any one of 5 major divisions, Merchandising, Operations, Control, Sales Promotion, Personnel. Men & Women with any degree for Executive Training Prog. MARCH 27-29- U.S. Marines-Exhibit will be held in the "Fishbowl" bet. Angell & Haven Halls. Candidates intetasted in obtain- ing a Marine Corps commission may, talk with Capt. Patterson at the exhibit from 9:00-4:00. Vacancies exist for both ground & aviation. TUES., MARCH 27- Port of New York Authority, N.Y., N.Y.-Men & Women with degrees; Lib- eral Arts, Bus. Ad. Public Admin. for AMERICAN BALLET: Company'Excellent' THE AMERICAN BALLET Theatre is a beautiful company; the corps de ballet is excellent. It is a pleasure to see a group so disciplined that it dances together, rather than competing in unison. The quality of the dancers last night was matched with the exciting look of Hill Auditorium's new stage setting. Behind the sprakling grandeur, of a huge gold curtain, the audience, upon arriving, saw the dancers warming up. Les Sylphides, the 20th Century namesake of Marie Taglioni's ballet blanc, was the first production. A tableau moved into a soft, diaphanous Nocturne, and the audience was enchanted. The dancers were exquisite Dresden .figures moving and floating over the stage in an effortless, perfect pattern. There was a gay mazurka with repeated grand jetes. The waltz was a rising-and-falling, like thistle down. Brief solos broke the unison occasionally, and the number con- cluded with another tableau. The effect was{of a picture which came to life and then returned to the canvas. THE ZESTFUL Billy the Kid brought laughs, as it always does, when the cowboy in red pranced across the stage and back. Billy himself was. convincingly portrayed; and Ruth Ann Koesun was exceptional as Billy's sweetheart. The slow motion fight was very convincing; the. audience held its breath during the killing of Billy's mother and the revenge knifing which started Billy on his life of crime.