Fairbank Notes Relations
Between Asian Powers
The Chinese Communists are
in a different phase of develop-
ment and do not want to sub-
scribe to the policies of the Soviet,
Union, Prof. John K. Fairbank,
director of the East Asian Re-
search Center at Harvard, said re-
Prof. Fairbank spoke at the in-
Win Awards
Three University scientists have
been awarded basic research
grants by the Sloan Foundation of
New York.
The recipients of the funds are
Professors Robert E. Ireland and
R. Martin Stiles of the chemistry
department and Donat G. Went-
zel, of the astronomy department.
"'Creative thinking cannot be
forecast or put on a production
schedule,". Alfred P. Sloan said
last week as his foundation award-
ed $1.3 million in basic research
grants to 83 outstanding young
university scientists in the United
States and Canada.
Supports People
The Sloan Foundation Basic Re-
search Program supports "people
rather than projects." Recipients
may pursue pure research of their
own choice and may publish their
results as they choose.
"It is essential that scientists
who have the potential for crea-
tivity also have the freedom, the
time, and the funds to explore
their own ideas. in the search for
new knowledge," Sloan noted.
The advantage of this program
is that the funds are not restrict-
ed, Prof. Leigh Anderson, chair-
man of the chemistry department,
said. "The Sloan Foundation is
giving funds to persons who are
known to be qualified and there-
fore allows the holder to work on
anything which he judges satis-
Prof. Ireland. will use his grant
to do further research in organic
chemistry. He is working on the
total synthesis of natural produc-
tions, or terpenes.
Continues Research
Prof. Stiles is continuing re-
search which he began under a
Prof. Wentzel, an astrophysicist,
will use his funds for the pay-
ment of a research assistant, for
a summer salary for himself which
will allow him to do full-time re-
search, and for travel.
He said the program is especially
useful because the scientists can
do basic research without the leel-
ing that a paper must be produced.
augeration of the University Cen-
ter for Chinese Studies. The Cen-
ter was one of four non-Western.
Centers established at the Uni-
versity under a Ford Foundation
Grant. Prof. Albert Feuerwerker
of the history department will
head the Center.
Prof. Fairbank explained in his
speech that the recent dessention
in the monolithic Communist bloc
was a serious backward step. The
Chinese blame the Russians and
call them deviationists which is
"something you would not wish
on a dog."
The Chinese Communists will
get a nuclear bomb and give the
United States the shivers. For the
Chinese skill in politics will make
the threats and propaganda from
their atomic weapons go twice as
far as any American government
could. China could rule the world
if they had our arms, Prof. Fair-
bank said.
The Chinese are bound to make
progress in international politics,
particularly in Asia, he
explained. They want buffer states
to give some protection. Already
they have buffers'in North Korea,
North Vietnam,, Tibet, and per-
haps soon in Northern Laos. They
are also attempting to create an
un-economical arms buildup in
India which could increase ten-
sion and cause political insta-
Commenting on the famine in
Communist China, Prof. Fairbank
said perhaps the shortage was due
more to disorganization and dis-
incentive than to natural causes.
They are growing on marginal
lands, but the overloading of the
transportation facilities and the
unfulfillment of the export quota
also contributed.
NSA Offers
Soviet Trip
Applications are now available
for qualified students who would
like to travel through Russia rep-
resenting the National Student As-
All expenses will be paid by the
Young Adult Council (of which
NSA is a member) and its Soviet
counterpart, the Committee of
Youth Organization.
Application forms. may be ob-
tained from John Martin, '62, Stu-
dent Government Council Execu-
tive Vice-President.
Fluency in the Russian language
and familiarity with world affairs
are important factors in the se-
lection committee's decision. How-
ever, students who lack either of
these will still be considered.
Knowledge of YAC and NSA is
also a criteria used by the com-
mittee in its decision. Selection
will be influenced by a desire to
have the members of the trip come
from different regions of the coun-
Monday is the last day appli-
cations will be considered.
Faculty Sign Letter Protesting Shelters
A letter to President John F.
Kennedy protesting the fallout gerous since it engenders a false able to function well in the
sense of security and encourages situations "because aid coid
shelter program drew signatures the country to go "to the brink" brought from outside the lisast(
from 168 members of the Univer- teadofnseykingom'nto ebrn"area by undamaged means
sity faculty and staff. steansion se chi vng a las n transportation, unhurt person
The letter, circulated by Prof. ingen using uncontaminated 3uppli
Ernest Masur of the engineering An amendment to the letter was and foodstuffs."
college, Prof. J. David Singer of signed by 19 members of the pub- No such "outside areas" can
the Mental Health Research In- lic health school faculty. It ex- supposed to exist in the wake
stitute and Thomas Lough of the pressed agreement with the body a nuclear war, the amendme
Institute of Science and Tech- of the letter but called attention states.
nology, is the same as one cir-to the fact that the Civil Defense The letter and amendment we
culated by university and college organization has repeatedly dem- mailed January 29 to the Pres
professors i the Boston area. onstrated its value in coping with dent, several Congressmen an
It says that any Civil Defense natural disasters. However, the Secretary of Defense Robert M
program is inadequate in view of amendment points out, the Civil Namara. No reply has been r
the power of the nuclear weapons Defense organization has been ceived yet.
now being manufactured by both
:c.+ 2 b""a<.';L~:$ i. .". +'t'+ . ' ": LC:.x : 2':':....::^+,. x. h .... . . . ..'. . . .
the United States and the Soviet .
"The nation has not yet faced
up to the real dangers of ther-
monuclear war. We believe that
most of our people do not under- Beat theRush
stand what the world would look
like the day after an attack or
what problems would be involved T
in recovering from a war which
killed, injured, poisoned and de-
stroyed on such a large scale," the Get Al I Your
letter said.
It calls the shelter program dan- "{5":k UT7 W IT IJ 113 1 11 f{..
. backward step
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