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March 24, 1962 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-24

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'M' Thinclads Invade Kalamazoo, Hamilton



Cincinnati Nips UCLA, 72-70;
Ohio State Rolls On, 84-68

The Michigan track team takes
on an international aspect today
as it spreads out to participate in
two meets, one in Kalamazoo and
the other in Hamilton, Ontario.
Coach Don Canham will lead a
representative squad into Kalama-
zoo for the Western Michigan Re-
lays as the thinclads draw the
curtain on their 1962 indoor
The Western Michigan meet is
an invitational one and some
twenty-odd teams, including Mich-
igan State and Notre Dame, will
be represented.
Best Men Out
The Michigan squad will be
lacking some of their better men,
though. "I regard this meet simply
as a warm-up meet for the squad,"
said Canham. "Their times will be
used in determining the group
that will be sent to Florida."
(The outdoor season for Michi-

gan starts with an exhibition trip
to Coral Gables, Florida during
the Spring Vacation.)
Among the notables missing
from the team are Bennie McCrae,
Ergas Leps, Dorr Casto and Dan
Leps, Casto and Hughes will be
at the Hamilton meet, which is
sponsored by the 91st Highlanders
and will be competing against
trackmen representing both Can-
ada and the United States.
Lineup Known
This small squad will be under
the tutelage of assistant coach
Elmer Swanson. The races the
men will compete in has been
decided. Leps will run the mile
and Casto the Open 600. Hughes
is the only question mark. He may
run the 880 unless an age limit
forces him out of the race. The
age for competitors in the 880
may have been set at 17. If this

is so, Hughes will run the Open
600 along with Casto.
At Kalamazoo, Dick Thelwell
and Cliff Nuttall will try to qual-
ify in both the high and low hurd-
les. In the lows, they will be joined
by Charles Peltz and Joe Mason,
who are also slated to run the
In the sprint medley, Carter
Reese and Bill Hornbeck will run
the 220 yd laps, John Davis will
do the 440 lap and Jay Sampson
the 880 lap.
Dave Romain, Dave Hayes, Ted
Kelly and Charles Aquino form the
team for the two mile relay.
Aquino is joined by Reese, Talt
Malone and Mac Hunter in the
mile relay.
Seeks Repeat
In the field events, Rod Den-
hart, winner at the Denison Re-
lays last weekend, will try 'for
another first in the pole vault. He
can expect a serious challenge

from teammate Steve Overton.
Dave Raimey will again be doing
the honors for Michigan in the
broad jump. Raimey will be sec-
onded by Doug Niles in this event.
Other field entries include Roger
Schmitt and Ernst Soudek throw-
ing the shot, and Steve Williams
and Al Ammerman assaulting the
high jump.
Hornbeck will be the only entry
in the Open 600 while Kent Ber-
nard will be the sole entry in the
Frosh 600. Des Ryan, running the
two mile, Angus MacDougald, par-
ticipating in the 1000, and Rick
Cunninghbm, halving Ryan's dis-
tance, are the other members of
the Frosh team who are slated to
put in an appearance at Kal-
Distance Hopes
The varsity entrants in the dis-
tance events of the meet incinde
Chris Murray and Fred Langille,
who will be battling in the gruel-
ing two mile run.
Canham had no plans for en-
tering anyone in the dash or in
the mile run.
The cindermen will, of course,
be looking forward to the Florida
games which will signal the start
of the outdoor season for them.
Seek Revenge
But they will be looking past
that with fond (?) memories of
the first week of March when
they were decisively beaten by a
strong Wisconsin squad. They will
be looking to the Western Con-
ference Meet on May 18-19 when
they will have a chance to avenge
their indoor loss with a repeat
of the outdoor championship
gained last year.

St. john's Duels with Dayton
For Crown in NIT Tourney

NEW YORK (P)-St. John's and
Dayton, two teams that have
everything and proved it the hard
way, tangle this afternoon for the
title in the National Invitation
Basketball Tournament at Madi-
son Square Garden.
The home town Redmen are
gunning for their fourth NIT title.
Dayton seeks its first in ten tries.
The Flyers have been frustrated
runners-up five times.
Ellis vs. 'Big Bill'
Two big men carry the key. Le-
roy Ellis, 6-foot-10 is the St.
John's scorer. Bill Chmielewski,
same size, is the pivot of the Day-
ton offense.
Both clubs also have fine out-
side shooting, defense, ball-han-
dling, desire and poise.
Duquesne, vanquished in a
squeaker by St. John's in a semi-
Pistons Play
L os Ang eles
LOS ANGELES (-Elgin Bay-
lor will be here tonight when the
Los Angeles Lakers, Western Divi-
sion champions of the National
Basketball Association, take on the
Detroit Pistons in the elimination'
The Pistons knocked out Cin-
cinnati for the right to challenge
the Lakers, and the winner of this
four-out-of-seven series will battlet
the winners of the Boston-Phila-
delphia playoffs.
The Lakers and the Pistons will'
play their second game here Sun-
day afternoon.
Los Angeles was 4-0 against De-
troit during the regular season in
games played at the Los Angeles'
Sport' Arena and 4-4 in the games
played at Detroit and elsewhere.
Baylor, the team captain who is
stationed at Madigan Army Hos-
pital in Tacoma, Wash., will be
here on a weekend pass for the
first two games and plans to get
leave for the Tuesday and Thurs-
day games in Detroit.
Coach Fred Schaus of the Lak-t
ers said he is pleased withthe
workouts the Lakers took earliert
this week with Baylor in Seattle.t
The workouts were arranged so
that Baylor would be familiar with3
special plays set up for the play-

final game that featured a fist-
swinging brawl, and Loyola of Chi-
cago, creamed by Dayton in an-
other torrid semifinal contest,
meet for third place, in the first
game of the doubleheader.
Finals Televised
The Duquesne-Loyola tilt starts
at 2 p.m. EST, the final at 4 p.m.
The title game will be nationally
televised (NBC).
Both coaches, Joe Laphick ol
St. John's and Tom Blackburn of
Dayton, say the other team should
On the Ellis-Chmielewski center
duel, Lapchick said:
"He's too strong for my boy."
And Blackburn said:
"Ellis is- too fast for mine."
The Thin Man
Ellis is slender, but swift. He
got 29 points for the Redmen in
their comeback win over spirited
and talented Duquesne.
Chmielewski, 235 pounds, is a
bruiser. He has 83 points in three
Flyer tournament victories over
Wichita, Houston and Loyola, but
even more valuable were his re-
bounding and feeding.
However, the big sophomore
isn't the whole show for Dayton.
His fellow soph, Gordie Hatton,
teams with big brother Tom in
the backcourt. Harold Schoen and
Garry Roggenburk, 6-foot-8 and
6-foot-6 respectively, are fine
scorers up front.
St. John's gives away height in
the forecourt, with Willie Hall, 6-
foot-4 and Kevin Loughery, 6-foot-
3, but not scoring ability. Donnie
Burks, central figure of the fist
fight in the Duquesne game, and'
Ivan Kovacs are sound and fast
Duquesne, which stomped Navy
and Bradley in early round games,
Dewitt Buys
Ball, Club,


will pit its ball control offense
and tight defense against the pell-
mell attack of fast-breaking Loy-
Loyola beat a good Temple
team and gave Dayton fits be-
fore bowing in the semis.

Colts Fall in 'A' Semi-Final;
Rouge Over Northville in'B'

By The Associated Press

High, continuing its win streak
with 21 in a row, won the right
to go into the Class A finals of
the state high school basketball
tournament today by whipping De-
troit Pershing 69-59 in the semi-
finals at Jennison Field House
here last night.
The Saginaw Valley champs
were led by Ernie Thompson, their
6-foot-3 center, who scored 26
points. Thompson picked up a doz-
en points in the first half and
added the rest in the second.
Colts Upset
Al Andrews and Alex McNutt
led Benton Harbor to a 53-48
Class A semifinal victory over De-
troit Northwestern last night in
the state high school basketball
tournament semifinals.
Benton Harbor, fourth-ranked
in the final Associated Press poll,
jumped off to a quick lead, but
saw Northwestern close to a 22-22
tie at the half. The two teams
fought a see-saw battle all during
the second half, but Andrews and
McNutt pulled Benton Harbor to
victory over third-ranked North-
Stan Washington led North-
western with 16 points, while Mc-
Nutt got 14 and Andrews 25.
Rouge Rolls
River Rouge, defending Class B
champion, slaughtered Northville
72-5 3 in the semifinals of the
Michigan High School Basketball
Tournament last night.
Mighty Rouge leaped ahead in
the first quarter and ran up a 22-
12 lead. Rouge never was threat-
ened thereafter.
Louis Hyatt and Ken Wilburn
scored 20 points each for the
Rouge Panthers. Craig Bell led
outclassed Northville with 13
River Rouge was top-ranked in
the final Class B poll of the Asso-
ciated Press and is a strong fav-
orite to take East Grand Rapids
today in the state finals.
East Grands Rapids Tops
East Grand Rapids walloped
Ludington 70-46 in the Class B
semifinal of the high school bask-
etball tournament last night.
East Grand Rapids was led by
a high-scoring trio of Mick Mc-
Carthy, with 21 points, George
Maentz with 25 and Bill Moser
with 19.
East Grand Rapids used a tight
zonesdefenseand led virtually all
the way for the victory over Lud-
Muskekon Christian Wins
Favored Muskegon Christian
hung on to a slim lead against
the Houghton Gremlins here last
night and won their semifinal
Class C game of the State High
School Basketball Tournament 56-
The Houghton team cut into
Muskegon Christian's 32-21 half-

time lead and at one time came
within three points of tying the
Grosse Pointe St. Paul Falls
Kalamazoo Christian upset fav-
ored Grosse Pointe St. Paul 47-42
in Class C high school semifinal
competition last night.
Leading the Kalamazoo team
was Ronald Zuiderveen with 12
points. Brian Schick paced the
Grosse Pointe team with 19.
Lawrence Downed
Flint St. Matthew used a bal-
anced attack to defeat Lawrence
59-52 in the Class D semifinals
of the Michigan High School
Basketball Tournament last night..
St. Matthew ran away with the
game in the third period, when it
outscored Lawrence 21-12.
Brimley Victorious
Brimley came from behind and
whipped Suttons Bay 47-43 in the
Class D semifinals of the Mich-
igan High School Basketball Tour-'
nament last night.
Suttons Bay led 23 to 21 at the
half and held the upper hand un-
til late in the final quarter until
George Logan tied it for Brimley
with a jump shot.
Cotton Bowl
PaysOf f
DALLAS, Tex. (P)-Texas and
Mississippi each got a check for
$177,175.99 for playing in the Cot-
ton Bowl Jan. 1 - the second
largest payoff in the 26-year his-
tory of the football classic.
Only the $177,403.19 paid to
Texas Christian and Air Force
Academy in the 1959 game was
Each school must give, part of
its proceeds to its respectivecon-
ference, Texas with the Souxthwest;
Conference, Mississippi with the
Southeastern Conference.

There will be only two meets
held at Michigan this season. The
Michigan Open will be held on
April 28 and then a triple meet
with Indiana and the Chicago
Track Club on May 5.
Maris Feuds
With Ex-Star
couldn't carry my bat." With those
stinging words, Rogers Hornsby,
Hall of Fame hitter, turned up
the heat yesterday on a newly-
spawned feud with Roger Mar-
is, the 61-homer hitter of the New
York Yankees.
Hornsby, now a coach with the
New York Mets, called Maris a
"little punk ball player," "a swell-
ed up guy" and a "bush leaguer"
-the latter perhaps the sharpest
of the printable things one ma-
jor leaguer can call another.
It was the latest incident in a
turbulent spring for Mars-known
as "Rude Roger" to at least one
New York newspaper-that has
included a running fight with the
press, and a report he signed au-
tographs with an "X."
Pose Starts It
The Hornsby-Mais spat started
yesterday at an exhibition game
between the Mets and the Yan-
kees. A photographer asked Horns-
by, one of the game's greatest
hitters, to grab a bat and pose
for a picture with Maris, who hit
more home runs last year than
any other man in a season.
Hornsby obliged, but Maris turn-
ed his back on the Mets coach.
"I've posed with some real ma-
jor leaguers, but not bush leaguers
like he is," Hornsby exploded.
Still Burning
The Rajah still was fuming
many hours after the incident.
He said that Maris muttered
something when he turned his
back on him.
"Something about.'that guy has
been knocking me in the papers',"
Hornsby said. "I know what he
meant. Last season I told a writer
that there was only one thing
Maris could do better than the
Babe-that was, run.
"I also said that Mickey Man-
tle has all types of ability Maris
doesn't have. I said I'd like to see
Mantle lead in home runs. He hits
over .300 and is a much better all-
around player."
Maris hit only .269 last season,
while blasting 61 homers, and has
a lifetime mark of .261. Horns-
by's lifetime mark was .358, and
he topped .400 three times, reach-
ing .424 in 1924.
Police Rap
Sonny Liston
SUNBURY, Pa. (P)-A central
Pennsylvania policemen's organi-
zation formally protested yester-
day against the planned heavy-
weight b o x i n g championship
match between Floyd Patterson
and Sonny Liston.
A resolution adopted by Susque-
henna Valley Lodge 52 of the Fra-
ternal Order of Police, objected
to Liston, the challenger for the
title held by Patterson
Now Available


LOUISVILLE, Ky. (M)-"It was
just our turn to die," said Coach
Horace (Bones) McKinney last
night after Wake Forest lost to
Ohio State, 84-68, in the semifinals
of the NCAA Basketball Tourna-
In losing, McKinney also learn-
ed one thing: "Ohio State dispelled
any doubt in my mind that- they
are the nation's No. 1 basketball
He said Jerry Lucas was "sen-
sational but (John) Havlicek was
just as great." Havlicek led the
Buckeye scoring with 25 points
while Lucas collected 19 points be-
fore going out with a sprained
The 6-8, 223-pound Lucas, Play-
er of the Year the last two seasons
and playing his next to last college
game, fell heavily to the floor
with 6 minutes and 19 seconds left
and the mighty Buckeyes leading
by 19 points.
He lay on his side a few sec-
onds, pain showing on his face,
then slowly regained his feet. As-
sisted to the bench, he was exam-
fied for about 30 seconds, then
was helped to the dressing room.
In the dressing room, Lucas
said, "I don't think it's really bad.
It really hurt at first but it eased
up in a few minutes."
Lucas said, "I jumped for a re-
bound and started to turn, some-
body bumped me, and I came down
on my heel. My knee twisted un-
der me."
The knee was packed in ice and
Big Luke said as he sipped a soda,
"I think I'll be able to play to-
Asked what brought about Ohio
State's victory, Coach Fred Tay-
lor gave much of the credit to his
All-America Lucas, who had the
job of defending Bob Woollard.
"It was Woollard's rebounding,"
Taylor said, "that carried Wake
Forest. through its regional tour-
nament play. Last night, Lucas
fairly well shut him down."
Woollard was able to shoot only
three times from the field, con-

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (P) - Fred
Taylor, coach of Ohio State's top-
ranked Buckeyes, was named to-
day as Coach of the Year by the
United States Basketball Writers
Association for the second straight
Taylor was presented with a
plaque by Hack Miller of Salt Lake
City, President of the Association,
at the annual luncheon of the
National Association of Basket-
ball Coaches.
Taylor was selected in a poll
of 700 USBWA members. As is
customary, the names of- other
coaches high in the voting were
not disclosed.
Ed Hickey of Marquette was the
first recipient of the award- in
1959. Pete Newell of California
won in 1960.

Jimmy Phelan of Mt. Saint
Mary's (Md.), winner of the NCAA
college division championship at
Evansville, Ind., last weekendi, was
honored as small college "Coach of
the Year" by the NABC.
Other awards went to Ed Hickox,
former coach at Springfield
(Mass.) College and longtime rules
authority, for distinguished ser-
vice: The New York Metropolitan
Intercollegiate Basketball Associa-
tion Award, to Tony Hinkle of
Butler University, for outstanding
contributions to basketball; and
the Newton S. Hillyard award, to
Wilbur (Sparky) Stalcup of Mis-
souri, retiring president of the
coaches association.
Harold (Andy) Anderson of
Bowling Green was elected yester-
day as Stalcup's successor.


necting once. He was held to three
Taylor said he was keeping his
fingers crossed that Lucas will be
able to perform in tonight's
championship battle. The Ohio
State trainer, Dr. Robert Murphy,
said the 6-8, 223-pound star suf-
fered a mild sprain and should be
able to play.
* * * .
The Ohio State victory was a
relatively simple one but Cincin-
nati-second ranked behind the
Buckeyes in the final Associated
Press poll-had the scare of its
life after starting out as if it
would demoralize UCLA before the
game was half over.
The Bearcats, if they can un-
jumble their nerves in time, and
the Buckeyes will play in a re-
match for the title tonight at 9
p.m., EST.
These two teams played in last
year's championship with Cincin-
nati beating Ohio State, 70-65, in

overtime while dethroning the
1960 champions and snapping the
32-game winning streak of Lucas
and company.
It will take something like that
spectacular game to match the
tension and thrills that the semi-
finals had for a roaring sellout
crowd of 18,274 at Freedom Hall
last night.
With four seconds remaining,
Cincinnati's Tom Thacker hit a,
.one-handed jump shot from about
15 feet away to down surprising-
ly strong UCLA.
It dropped through the 'net
without touching the rim.
UCLA, which had "watched"
Cincinnati storm to the game's
first 10 points and an 18-4 lead
after five minutes of play before
starting its unbelievable come-
back, had one chance remaining.
Johnny Wooden's Bruins called
time out with one second show-
ing. But they weren't able to get
off a shot when time resumed.

OSU's Fred Taylor Named
Coach of Year by USBWA

e & e
1209 South University
Come in and see why we have
A Valuable FREE ift*
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S rAJ4, E '.U n
Saginaw 69, Detroit Pershing 59
Benton Harbor 53, Detroit N'western 48
East Grand Rapids 70, Ludington 46
River Rouge 72, Northville 53
Muskegon Christian 56, Houghton 51
Kalamazoo Christian 47, Grosse Pointe
St. Paul 42

Brimley 47, Suttons Bay 43
Flint St. Matthew 59, Lawrence 52
Ohio State 84, Wake Forest 68
Cincinnati 72, UCLA 70
St. Louis (N) 4, Philadelphia 3
Milwaukee 3, New York (A) 2 (10 inn.)
Cleveland 4, Los Angeles (A) 1 ;
San ;Francisco 3,. Chicago (N) 2
New York (N) 4, Los Angeles (N) 3
Minnesota 6, Chicago (A) 1
Houston 8, Boston 5 (10 inn.)
Kansas City-Washington, rain
Pittsburgh-Cincinnati, rain
Detroit-Baltimore, rain



whose trades and front-office
string-pulling helped the 1961 Cin-
cinnati Reds to their first Na-
tional League flag in 21 years,
won an agreement to buy the club
yesterday for $4,625,000.
DeWitt had said last Tuesday
he had been negotiating for the
team for several months. He said
then, however, the talks were still
in the early stage.
DeWitt announced at a hastily-
called news conference that "this
agreement was approved by the
Board' of Directors' of the club at
a special meeting yesterday.
"This agreement will be submit-
ted to the stockholders for their
approval at a special meeting call-
ed for April 5."
DeWitt had come up to Cincin-
nati from spring training at Tam-
pa, Fla., Thursday night for yes-
terday's directors' meeting.
He said the transfer must also
be ratified by three-quarters of
the nine other National League'
President Warren Gibes of the
National League was reported in
Florida yesterday.
However, Giles has said Tuesday
he knew of DeWitt's negotiations
for the club and said he approved.
Giles added:
"I feel a foundation is not the
proper organization to run a ma-
jor league ball club."'

The Lawrence Radiation Lab-
oratory is wor^.ng in the areas
of Nuclear Propulsion, Con-
trolled Thermonuclear Reac-
tions, Nuclear Explosives for
Industry and Defense, Space
Physics, and other advanced
problems in Nuclear Physics
and Engineering.
ON MARCH 26 & 27
Laboratory staff members will
be on Campus to interview out-
standing studentsin the Phys-
ical Sciences and Engineering.

- - , Ilf




of The Michigan Union



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